Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 10 Oct 1885, p. 3

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has a large stock of WAGGONS AND BUGGIESlW.W.BL0TT’S cAsH STORE. on hand, all guaranteed to be first class, which be will sell 1 CHEAPER THAN EVER.‘ ‘ PLOWS AND HARROWS. NEW LIST OI‘ CASH PRICES. , SUGAR/S- CANNED GOODS- Be sure and see his stock of 19 lbs. Refined Sugar for - - $1 00 ,British American Salmon, 1 lb. tins, 13c. l l3 “ Granulated Sugar for - l 00 .Lohstrrs, 1 lb. tins, - - - - - lat: l 17 u Bright Sugar for - - l on innckmt, 1 lb. tins. - - - - . 15c. ; :Sardines. (French),qu:\rters, â€" - 15c. - I do. do. halves - - 25¢. . . . . . . ,v p . , Farmers. requiring a harrow Will do well to inspect. his Sprm 3 mllousGulde- for - - - =1 1" ,‘intnog.lil:rl-nt:-s. - - - ~ - 2 - - o .ipes.. . , - - -- - . Tooth llarrows, which are Just the thing for rough land. He TEAS- ml, pench95_ 3 1b, “as, _ . , _ 25c, , also keeps the followin"r farm machines: Svec‘ml line'm Input-Just trrivvd. finestll‘inram-lvs. ‘2 1b.!ins. - â€" - - Inc. B . .. 5 value in Canada, equal to any 50 cent tea.l’ears.'.’ lh. tins, - - - - - - ch. l _ in the market, 30 cents per lb. 'Stmwberrirs. 2 lb. tins. - ~ - 17c. ; REAPERS, SELF BINDERS, MOWERS, NEW FRUIT gm, _ _ - _ - _ , ' lCorn.‘.’ lh. tins, - - - - - - 1203C.I SEEDERS. CULTIV ATORS, RAKESs PM, Cm“, ,9 m, m, - _ s, 0., , M, ._, u, m. - . - _ _ , ,2,“ AND THRESHING MACHINES “ I - - - - - - 1 Ernpomted Apples, l0 lbs. for - l on il’unipkins, '2 lb. tins - - - - - File. 1 - ' ( o b no lerm ( ' an ' 0 1e. “ Cherries. r" "1- - - 25 ‘ i and is bound n )l t e ( ll by ) I H CO", p“ m . - - l3 TOBACCOES_ , _ ' “ Ve etable‘,llb. nckn e 15 . . H .- t :6?- .‘lll kinds of l’l..\.\'t.\'o done at short notice. Various patterns of MoCLD- Dried Amt“, [85 1b,, {1, - p. _ g1 00 “"03 grfnlc“ gr li'fltrgllc‘mlg ' ; LVN kcpt on hand. and cold at the 1mm! prices. Hoasn-Suonxso and JOBBING Fig Jam per lb. - - â€" - - - to ,, c::f&‘,,‘t;'§;’ué"g_ i : : 2 ,h'l tins done in a first-class manner and on short. notice. Some Blueberry Jan per lh. - - - - 15 ' - ~ , a ~pccialty. All lllil' chcap H-conIl-haml Bl'tllill‘ig for mic. llu rrlurtl‘i sinct-rc thanks for the liberal patronage host-med on him during the and will spare no pains to merit a continuance of it in the future. Also a large and choice assortment of Also cut Smoking Toliaccos of the host Cnn- ‘ brands. and the finest brands of Cigars and Oranges. Lemons, Dates, Figs. Nuts, , Cigarettes. dies, Apples, Pineapples, llnnams kc. past l4 years. w A large assortment of Crockery, Glassware, Milk Pans, l’rcscrrc Jan: and 3 Butter Cracks, all of which will be sold at not-1c bum/m prim. ‘V’. ‘V. BIJOFPT. Fenelon Falls. April 2206, 1885. JOSEPH HEARD’S Hordwaro,Timm1‘o it Stoves. NEW FURNITURE FADTDRY. The nudorsiuncd respectfully informs the public that his new factory ON FRANCIS STREET, I'BNELON FALLS, it‘- now in full running order, and is ittcd up with all machinery necessary to turn out work at short notit'f‘. in the best possible manner and twrpdcrxte prices. l FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS lit-apt constantly on hand and sold as cheap as the cheapest. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. A large num'on-r of Collins to sch-ct from. and a handsome lleztrsc furnished when l‘rqull't'l'. (In/rm- soHrih-J mu] Lois/infirm gnnrzmm-d. Sash and Doors made to order on short. notice and of the bust. materials. WILLIAM MCKEOWN. = A Long-Felt Want Supplied. A. Clarkâ€"fit S011, MERCHANT TAILORS“ FICNEIJON. FrkLLS, lnu'e much pleasure in nnnouncing that' l'hcy have just put in an entirely New and \velhsclcctcd stock of Scotch, English and CANADIAN TWEEDS AND OTHER GOODS. which they arc proparcd to made up in the 'mostFashionable Styles. l’nrtics furnish- ing their own materinl, with or without trimming. can he accommodated. 4x11 ‘Vork Guaranteed. ('lrdvrs for Cutting pnnctunlly attended to. lSpccialtics of Seasonablc Goods. , Nickle and. Brass Electra Lamps. A thorough test proves this Lamp to he the best. It gives a pure steady light equal to sixty sperm candlesâ€"the strongest light ever produced by any burner using oil. Glass Lamps of all shades and colors. Ornamental Lamp at. rock bottom prices. SlLVERWAREâ€"A SPLENDID LOT direct from the numufacturcrs. All of those goods warranted and stamped. Stoves, 100 to choose from." Cock-Stoves with all the latest improvements for cooking and heating. Fancy ornamental wood and coal Parlour Stoves. THE MAPLE LEAF GRDSS-DUT SAWS, that have proved themselves, beyond dispute, far ahead of all other saws yet produced. AXES ]?OR CPIâ€"11S B‘AIJIJ. I have expressly hand-made Axes, the best in the Dominion. Cow Ties, Rope, 820. Head quarters for Machine Oils, Patent Oil and Putty, and a full line of general Hardware. Fenelon Falls, October lst, 1885. AUCTION SALE \'.»\.LU.-lBLE FARMS Sillllilll'lhliE All) lEllUlAll, , Thr‘rc will hr oll'--rctl lor sale lly Public Auction, at tho ' McAithur House,’ Penelon Falls, â€"-â€"()l|â€" TUESDAY, OCT. 20m, 1885, at one o'clock, p. m . by .T. J”. l’nxvt-r, [\uctiunnor, tln- following vulituhlc propcrtics: l'.\l:cm. l.â€"-Norlhâ€"cnsl purl. Lot 02. (‘un- rc-Jun ‘_'. Sonn-rrillc: ltm :tcrcs. W -'l Trial 5‘0/I‘I‘lll’4l- l'.\t:cr.t. '_' â€".\‘ortli lntll' Lot 4, (,‘onrvssion Font-Ion Falls, April 15th, 1885. 1', Snmcri'illv: l "l zu-rcs, j W..- l’auui;l.1l,.â€"â€">‘oulli hall" Lot 5, (‘nnccssion $9, Sonn-rrillc: In" acrcs. l‘ancni. l.~â€".\'nutli lmlf Lot .‘l, Conccssion 1:. Suntrrvillv; loo m-tcs i‘.\l:ci:t. .3 â€"â€" Lot 3. Iion-ccssion 1‘3. Somer- villc; 2”” :tcrvs. l'.\ltt‘l1l.|i.â€"â€"â€"-l.lll l“. (lollmhssion 13,9011“?- \‘illc: ’2')” :lcrt-s. l’Alll‘l‘l. 7 -~.\'nt‘lh-\\'t‘.¢t quarter of Lot ‘18, Concession T. \'u-rulnm; Tm ucrcs. 'l‘vl'ruH :-~-l-‘roni tcu to twenty-five git-r cent. cash: lnilancc in small annual pa) man at St'l‘t‘ll pcr ccnt. intcrcst. as may ln- arru'lgml :it limn- ol' <:tlc. l or turlhcr purticulars apply to thc Anc- 1ionccr, or 10 lloss. Falconhrldgc .L'. Darwlrk. 32-4. Toronto. ' HARDWARE BUSINESS â€"- .»\N I)â€" l‘ornwrly carried on by Mn. Ginnnn'r Asnnu- P R 0 ll l 0 N ‘2..:::r:2.::'2:'.t::::;..I.:,zn:;nm .l. llt‘l‘TRLAND lCOMPLETE STOCK Mitchell, keeping a let all kinds of llurdware, and selling at has now on hand a splcndid stock of, the very lowest W W l WHOLESALE PRICE, lwing determined to secure the trade of all ’ E who desire to buy wherever they can pur- Suuars, Syrups, 'l‘ohaccos, llice. Raisins dms" cllcnrcsl- L‘urrantx Starch, Soups and all other; & CO. groccrics. which he will cell ‘ th‘l‘m Pansy-“'3‘ ls? “335 fi"-’- I _.__,., Czlsli.‘ (mom) in and to which llt‘ invitt‘s the aumifiogl BARRETT BROTHERS of the puhlic. l (.‘l‘lOl‘KlCllY, GLASSlVAll i9 1': "'ll"‘”‘""r“~ ll"”"ll”- lv‘ll-‘R llvlll‘hlllbih E resmtlullyinform the residents of Fcnelon Blackiug-hrushm. Clothcs pins, .‘latchca Falls and its vicinity that. they have recoll- and otltct‘ articlvs in great variety. l)‘ llurcbasvd Mr. John Muff“! Banned Fish. lull ll VegetableslBAKE RY of the \‘cry bust brands and at. the low- -AND_ 0,, “noble prices. (“Sh Paul for Bauer & Eggslhusint-ss, and will continue to supply cus- and othcr farm produce. tomch with the ~ rx. .1 no kc s 1'! kn xur nu l in con um) on hand. .msnl'u .\lcl-‘.\lll..\Nll.l Fcnclun l’alls, May 223ml. 1535. l “YE-ii Will rind a complctc assortment of first-class CARRIAGE ll HEAVY HARNESS. Whips, Snaps, Currycomhs, Brushes, TRUNKS 81. VALlSES, and various other articles, at Jos. Nevison‘s Harness Shop, Colhornc Street, Fcnelon Falls. 36" Collnrs wnrrunted Repairing done with nentucss and dispatch. 3|-‘Iy. lBERkaM a co hog to announce tlmt they have purchased the R. M. BUTLER’S -â€"I‘0R-â€"â€" of all kinds, at Rock-Bottom Prices For Cash. for The Bazaar, FRANCIS STREET EAST. (at which the old shop bu always been noted; And that. having scrurcd the ser- riccs ofn first-class Parties in want- of 1-35'1‘1{.\ \' 12171414. lwr. lo: .13 in the 5rd con of \"crulnm, lit-Ir, , - the "4 0! April lut. a yculmg ltth The ,thcy willbe prepared to roll all the staple em," CM, in." i, 5,- pm',,,“ “mm”! “m ,nrtklu tn thou hues of the but quality. paying charges. The; I'Ill also keep a good stock of FRESH GRDGERIES, all of which Ii“ be cold at the very lowest living profit. The Finest Flour kept eonltutly on hand : also OATS, BRAN a; snonrs. Fm predom- tnku in “tinge for goods. and Cut paid (or Butter and But. should call and see the ‘BARGAINS offered at this cstahlislnncnt. ALFRED llOl‘RlSS.l \‘eruinrn Sept. .‘jrd, l585. 33-3. l EHoTSEnAPHs 0" ALL KISDS CHEAPER THAI AT THK EVER tin Under-clothing, Clouds. Shawls. Mitts, &c., ICE CREAM- goods in great demand at this season. llllllllll ll_l_l_l lilllllll. WM JOHN St. LAWRENCE. Cabinets, per dozen. $2 60. moon u hot weather sets in. , )IAN zLGEIi. Card size. per dozen. 1 00. , 3' A mm of public patronage is ru- 3 Coll and , poem": solicited. , D. a: J. BARBER. l Paulo: fills, April 33rd, lass. 9-H. , All finzshed 2: L5! {urn atyle. rum-.m- work; it 8. SYLVSSTSR 3 Fuck: Falls, Sept. lith, 2335. iii. ‘ i ” I'. SAND TORI)" iWar Againstfii‘ghrricag I You can save :30 per cen.. by buying at l l lslrachan Manlles in Saks and Newmarkets. Are the best. most durable and comfortable Garment a lady can provide herselt’u-ith. They are appropriate for any and all orchinnsLt-sidcs heinn the most economical and only fur coat that rain will not Seriouslv injure: and are ontin‘ly five from the attacks of moths. Notwithstanding thv great number aln‘ad)‘ sold in this locality. the present indications are that the demand will be- larger llmn ever this scamn. and as a moderately good Asmtchan Mantle will last a lady from eight to tun-Ive years ordinary we nr. every intending purclmser Should tnnkc it a point to buy early, as it is then and only then) 'hat you can get tirsl i chainâ€"and first choice mean: tho? best and lmndmmcâ€"‘t goods“. 1 The CITY STORE. in View of the lurgc dcnm'nl far tivst-clnss reliable goods, has taken the pn-caution to provide only lhc lit-s! all-hnud-made: every Scam \rcll taped and lined with <trnnf: lint-n throughout. And none but the best lilac-hacked skins of gcnlliue London Dyc used in the manufacture or lhcse garmcnts. By constant care and n thorough knowledge We have :ulllt'tl :rcputntinn for :\~‘lr.‘lt‘llf\n .\lnutlcs that We cannot atl‘oid to jcopnrtlisc ; and [how who want it good reliululc Fur tiunucntâ€" the lnrgcst stock in the Midland District to choose from. without tlit- rmssihilily oi purchasing a had oneâ€"should conic to the CITY STORE without any mun: ado. We have a most complete range of prim-3. "A POIEITER FOR THEPEOPLE. DRESS MATERIALS. lnrcstigatt- on.- nrw lino of Seasonal-lo Dress Fabrics heron! you buy. \\'c do not t‘n‘h you not to look at other stocks. but mcrcly ask as a liu‘our to us and as n duly you owe yoursrlf not to purchasi- until )nu :mw Sl'l‘" out lurgains. Scc what others oil‘v-r. lruru llu‘ prim-s on such :Irtirlcs as you nccd. but under no circumstances invest .\ dollar without tir~l swing our Seasonnhlc .\ttr.ictions. \\'c do not fear crI ‘issn or cotnpuisi'n. On the contrary wc invitr it. “‘r can l‘i'ill‘l :2: x‘m- putt understand the iuduccnn-nts “r \‘lTl'r :it‘tcr n ': ni' tl.c goo-ls and prices (it‘nthcr houscs in our liuc. This I\ u ‘:lli\-r\‘lllnfkflbl)‘ plain lull. : lui'. thc truth is wc huuu \\- c t .tli-r you tln- host induce- mt-nts in ncw and stylish g-wl» . .i the host inducement in prices. _\llr.tcliuns loo 'lll v rrn .s ' - n: 'lllv\'l ' priccs too low to hr l'catcn : goods stvli~h fl'lll q ‘ \‘ ‘) ~:'-~urpns~cd arc all anvil and sutlicit-nt rcnmns why y n h»: -‘. wc our stock at once. “'hih- we udvcrtisv lo induct- you to NH“? \rc do our mlvcrtising onlsidc the store. l‘thtomcrs or \'l~llI\Fi will not he talked into buying. With words we try to induct- you to come; with price and quality w» shall iudncc you to buy. 'l‘cn willing customers will in thc end bt' mort- prufiluhlc to us than twenty argued into making: purrnnscs. \l'c want you to be satisfied. We want you to romc again, and to this end we look to our putrons' interests. SOOTHERAN, CATHRO MARK, IT‘Y D12r\1’13125 :XNI) C‘IJO’I‘IIIICIIS, rNo. 2 Dobson’s Block, - - 2 Doors West of the Post Office. â€" - Kent Street. Lindsay. "GREAT BARGAle WHILE THE GOODS LAST lIN THE FOLLOWING LINE.-. Odd Lengths in Dress Goods. Remnants of Twccds. Remnants of Cotton & Woolen Shirtings. Renmants of Prints. ‘Brokcn Lots of Men‘s Readyâ€"Emile Clothing. Broken Lots of Boy’s llcmly-nmdc Olotlungl Black & Col’d Felt Hats from 4:00. to WORTH DOUBLE THE MONEY. WALL PAPERs reliable goods. 0 of Feuelon Falls, consisting of A fine nssfortmcnt of everything you want. in our line cheap. This is the best, chance this season to procure genuine Bargains 111 such ,mu,,0n,,u,,,_,,ny HUGH M’DOUGALL, The Palace Dry Goods 8; Clothing llousc. -_-._ _-..-___-_ J Interesting to Everybody. I harcjust received the largest. stock of Fancy Goods ever offered in the villagc BIUSICAIA IN'S'JTR.U)IICN'1‘S. such as Violins, Banjocs, Accordeons, Concertinas, Mouth-organs X: 'l‘amhourmos. ' Wall Papers and. Window Blinds, and a very large stock 01' Paint Brushes, Varnishcs, Japans, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS AND PUTTY, Mixed Paints of all shades of colours, ready for the brush, « MILLlllERY. , i l Mrs. KEELEY l “as just rcccit'rd and opcncd up a largo I stock of N ElV GOODS, in cluding lFANDY DRY GOODS, â€"andâ€" ,ALL KINDS OF WOOL. all of which will bc sold nt LESS TILL) LINDSAY PRICES, A nice lot of and \\'istv<l\\' lll.t.\'ns just opcncd out, Toys in prcut \‘uricty, 'l‘oilcl Scts, Vnscs, Funcy (‘llinu-wnrcuntl various otltt-r tll‘llt‘lt'rl, to which thc uttcmtion of intending purchasers is rcspcctl'ully im'itcd. MRS. KEELEY. 7th, lRtlfl. Pattol'ns l )attoms l A. full assortment of McCall‘s Bazaar glove- lil.l.ing l’allcrns always on hand, and will be sent by mail post paid on receipt. of price, by Pictures and 1’ict1u‘e It‘rzunos. and a fine stock of Trunks, Travelling Bugs, Valiscs and Ludics‘ Satchels; also, A Great Variety of Pipes, Cigars and Tobacco, Stationery, Perfumery and Toilet articles, and a very lino assortmcnt ol' Watches, Watch Chains, Rings, Brooches and Other Jewelry, Call and illspl‘lff lhc slur/r. STIGPIIICN NlGYIHON. ol-I'osi'rl: 'rnl: t-os'r-oi-‘rurlz. Toys, Vases and Fancy China-ware. Fenclon Falls, April 9th, 1887). Wm. Campbell. Fonclon Falls, April Illh, ISSS. ])uil_v J‘J'l’i ’ndt-i tryâ€"~â€" GHRISTMAS GOODS Boar-'svrom ANIM- lu the lnhabilants of lenelnn Falls and Surrounding Etunlty...\IUsic icilrtjmmi. Having purchased the stock, 1:10., of Mr. John A. Ellis, and madc. largo additions thereto, wo hcg.r to solicit a ('lllllltllltlllt‘t‘l, of the support extended to him, and Wt: will use our utmostl cndcavours at all times to nka priccs salisliiclorv to tune and, all who may favour us with their patronage. he found complclc lll GENERAL GRDDERIES AND PRDVISIONSH CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, 840. Try our TEAS, thcy will plcaso \‘llll both in priccs‘ Come Oncl Come All ll [and cxain‘mt: goo-ls lu-l'urc [Illl‘l‘llllnlllu clac- u‘ lll' rc. G. A. METHERELL, lll‘l'lmlTfl Till! Zhhldfill Ulllllltfll, 0,”. NOV}; WHH Iivnt-Ht“ Irintluuy. l 'lintlsny, tlrlolu-r 37th, lflfll 1‘3. ll A‘V. “- m H'Altl’l'IN'l‘lJJt tk lll'llllll‘lli FENELON FALLS. l and quality. In addition to tho :lllOVO We have also :1 largci 'rtw Hilwrtl M i- prcpnrltl m clown". and Wcll sclcctctl stock of Mens’ and Women’s Boots 3t Shoes, which will be sold as low as the lowest. l l Yours t‘cspcctl'ully. i mmme & Itonsox, Fcnclon Falls, Fchruary lSth, 1895. l """" NO ADMISSIoN PIE 1 l l To the Gr ‘at Control Show of l .......§Paslty-lonl and Confectionerl, GOOdSUGIOthillgpfiz311111110133 B O OTS AN D S HOES, which is: now on t-xhlhitton at {MACUIRE’S CHEAP CASH BOOT. ; AND SHOE STORE, t and crammed with a gcncral stock of thc nun-l t-nmplctc nalurt-l 2 cvor oll'crctl to the gum- ol'ttn admiring public. sSOME EXTRA CHEAP LIN :o,â€";u;__._ the wearer. , BRANDoN & Ronson. General excellence is the distinguishing l'rtllurl‘ which in notion] in um "wk of new gflntls, nothing thin:- fnr thc, tori»! w of cn'rlin: ll.“ 1-3”, on honest grinds at hoot-st prices. which if hoot-~tly Urrll will :iw hmn rl y-vlhlljn- it, Make a “tall while the stock in lrv-h and will auortul; tl..- wit-rs l arc ju-t mitt-d to tht: Huh". of my Cinnamon. CPI-lurks and "a.liso~ W'or.‘ l L. NIAGUlRE. Kent. 151., Lludu‘uyd * (/‘lrvn 1). ,:ill ortirrv l&:'ltllllr1'llll" may lu- l‘ni‘oliln-d, li'rhlll l'lly" I'rvtl'.’.‘tl is In ill" ‘llllllll'll jolt. l mug)“ 5:: 'll and door-4 ol'nll kind-1 mud» on -l.ort notit'r- nml 4! good nisitn-tinlr. \‘u'nrlqnliop on l’tnnr'h Hln-o-t "Ztlll‘,1rli- itlt‘lll‘l' on llunvl .‘lrI-I-t liltvl. , l:nw.u:n HAW. l'cnv-lnn l‘all-t. April lllth, 1ND. Li. I l )1 I'H. \VnJ-(l. ' 3 Dress & Mantle Maker, it l-rt‘pnrvul luvlv: n gf-iml clan; of work “1],”- L Residence on Bond St. West. lnru [num- to Mr 'l‘wvtnI-y'n. and will hit jun-pliwl Will; tln- lat-1t Hnulnl', l’arin and '5'“! York lll‘lll‘tll' l": turlnll l'nll-~. Jnn’y li’ntl. lit“. 4‘14‘ l , . . H i U llllt‘ ~‘ lrnclon Falls tittzctlc " id prinlrtl t-wry Saturday a! lhr linil'F' on tho- rorou of Na} d Franco: Miro-u. ésl'hht llll'l'lllh 81 l “MK I.\ Alll'ANl'lI, ‘:or out: not pt»! net-ll will luv nlhlml In long an it remains unpaid. A «l \‘l-l't [Hing lint 0H. l’rulrt-uonal or inninwn mull, .'.’l cent! [wt hm.- pr! nnoum Clrltal ntlw-rtm'mrnu, b.” gm“, x. 13-1: for film tin! mu “um. um! '..' rents pt: llLr lur v-vvty tubal-qm-ot lllAtr‘ hula. t‘ontrxrt- lvy llw )uir. half war or Ipmrrrr. in: a column or lcu npun'rcuwn- obi-z '.t nor. JOB PRIIV’I‘IZN'G nr ml m'uury 'ztmll lrxerutrd neatly, cor- ructl, and rueomble MRI. 3. D. llAh'l). I’rupn'olol l3.

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