Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 5 Sep 1885, p. 4

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THE HOUSE HOLD . IOI'IIIOI.‘ m7!- Cbeeee, when exeeus'vely acid, is likely to produce alarming gastrointestinal irrita- tion. Cold tea should be saved for the vinegar barrel. it soon easily and gives color and flavor. Apoundofmgarhonepinganounce of any liquid is two tablespoonfulk, a pint of liquid weighs sixteen ounces. liot wood ashes applied to a stove when cold will remove grease. Cover the spot entir ly ; do not be sparing of the ashes. Silver s poms that have become discolored from (:mtact with cocked eggs, may be easily brightened by rubbing with common salt. Lemon juice will whiten frosting, cran- berry or strawberry juice will color It pink, and the grated rind of an orange strained through a cloth will color it yellow. Mosquitoes, files and other pests will no enter a room in which the cantor-oil plan is growing; or, If they should enter it, they are soon found dead beneath the leaves. A simple test for the detection of lead in drinking water is provided by tincture cf cochlneal, a few drops of which will color the water blue, if there be the remotest trace of lead present. One of the best and most convenith re- ceptacles for table cutlery is a canton flannel knife case tacked to the inside of a cup- board door -to be so constructed that there will be a separate compartment for each knife or fork. A lump of gum camphor in the closet where silver or plated ware ls kept will do much towards preventing tarnish. Coal gas, and the near presence of rubber in any form are two things that cause silver to tarn- ish quickly. Any one who doubts as to the best way to have clear jelly is assured on strong evi- dence and many p'oofs that to allow the juice to drain through a flannel bag without squeezing it, will render this matter easy and satisfactory. Better than an iron spoon for mixing sponge for bread, and for similar uses is n. “ muudle ” or a piece of oak shaped Into a round smooth handle at one end, and the other and flattened like a thick knife blade, then sand-papered smooth. In a damp closet or cupboard, which is liable to cause mildew, place a saucer full of quick lime, and it will not only absorb nil dampness, but sweeten and disinfect the place. Renew the lime once a fortnight, or as often as it becomes slacked. When a knob comes off a door-handle you can fasten it on again by filling the cav- ity of the knob with sulpher, then heat the iron end of the handle which goes in the knob just hot enough to melt the sulphur, put the knob in, and let it cool. It will be firmly fixed in place. The Scimfific .-l marital: states that plush goods and all articles dyed with aniline col- ors, faded from exposure to light, will look bright as ever after being sponged with chloroform. The commercial chloroform will answer the purpose very well, and is loss expensive than the purified. if children are hungry between meals give them bread or biscuit, as these will “stay the stomach" and not interfere with digestion. I know a family of children who have as much dry bread as they wish he- twecn meals, or an apple; never butter or jam or preserve, and they are as healthy and rosy as heart could wish. Wax beans make a delicious salad. Choose your beans, remove the strings, brook in inch long pieces and cook in salt and water. with a dressing of oil, \lnsgar, salt and pepper. salads the old saying. oil, a mlser for vinegar, a wise man for salt and a mad man for mixing." Use at least twice as much oil as vinegar. Free and Easy Manners. When girls assume a sWaggerIng manner upon the street, use coarse expressions, and greet each other with a rough "Hello," they cannot expect much deference from their male friends. A lady's manner always con~ trols that of a gentlemen; and If shs does not respect herself he will not rvspect her. When boys and girls, young men and maid- ens, are allowed to fall into the absurdities of low foolish, meaningless talk, it seems to du‘arf thom intellectually ; they can find nothing of interest or imp! rtance to say, and therefore make up for It use by filling every sentence with needless txclamatlons, exaggerations, or misused al’jectives. It requires much patienco to be compellcd to listen to hall-a dozen folks and hear the strange inappropriate use of language. They will assure each other that it is “awful” warm, or the concert "awful nice ; the ser- man “horrid” dull ; a young lady is "awful pretty," but her dress "horrid ugly ;" the teacher "horrid strict ;" such a young gon- tleman who called had an “ awful swell" team of fast horses. if young people could hear themselves as others hear them, it might result in their reformation. lrnnrmrnl la lame and Pedety. {elinement of feeling and preepticn has a much broader field In which to manifest it self in the narrow circles of home than in the wider sphere of society, where there is so comparatively little to cause friction. And she who Is not a lady in her deport- mcnt to father, mother, daughter, sou, sis- ter or brother, cannot be such when she enters the larger arena of society, no mat- tet what suavity of manner or polish of ex- terior she may bring to bear with which to charm and delight those about her. Nor is the inner refinement spoken of at all incon- sistent with decision of character. In fact, the one possessing It is the one best adapted, because of her cleanses of preception, to be firm for the right and against the wrong, in- slstlng upon the former in every case where, by virtue if her position in regard to it, she may in any measure be responsible for the wrong. Such a enemies herihome with a gentle grace which, while it records a tender deference to inherent right and wrong lnall their relations. Insists ups: the former. Halal-ulna“. “ ll lstroe," saidayoung lady. “fscarcs. kanowagirlwhowantste marry. They are learning something that will interest themunuusupponthntwo reiesln whlchhusbandsjustnowfall. Thetruthls weanelleearedawayfrom any (hints marrybysoeinghew wretched these who dossiers-yams. Wbsrewould we look in husbands! Amongthenlpesandsportsand cheungmeethatfillour draw- Isg~reoaulTheymlnsufierahls as more While still warm cover them Be sure and remember in mixing “A spendthlft for acquaintances or been: who could ionâ€" template them as husbands? l have always thoughtthatifleouldfindayoungman at all like my father 1 could love him and marryhhn, but that school of men has van- ished from the younger ranks. Wom- of the fills-e. The young men of the future have got to look sharp. In the semlnsries sad collegu whose doors have beencpened to girls it is: notable fact that the girls this year have got away with the honors, by a large ma- jority. As there is no institution thus open” ed which will close its doors against the girls, young men would do well to take their lesson in time. The girls have knock- ed the doors open to stay, and, what is more, they are there :0 make good use of their opportunities. A GIBL'B WONDERFUL ENDURANCE living For Three Weeks Without Feed. A remarkable instance of endurance and of the poesibitity of living without food for three weeks has, the Melbourne (Australia) Argus says, recently come to light. On the 12th of May a girl named Clara Crosby, twelve years (id, was lost in the bush in the Lilydale district, about twenty-five miles from Melbourne. The locality in which she disappeared was wild and mount- ainous, and after several search parties had unsuccessfully scoured it, it was concluded that she had perished in some inacessible spot It is probable, however, that she would have been found promptly had not erroneous information been given to the search parties that she had been seen proceeding in a oerIain direction. On the 2nd of June, just three weeks after she was lost, two men, who were looking for a stray- ed horse in some dense scrub in the locality, heard a faint " Coo-cc." The men searched, and soon saw the little girl tottering to- wards them ln an ulster, without shoes or stockings on, and in an emaciated condi- tion. She was, however, strange to say, quite sensible. When she lost herself she was proceeding from a house where she had been staying to her mother’s, in the neigh- borhood, and she subsequently gave the fol- lowing account of her adventures : “ I got out of the paddocks on to the road all right, and went on along way; but I did not see mother's house. I followed some sheep, and they ran away from me. Ilay down and had a little sleep by a path in some long grass, and then I went on again. I got to a house where there was a cart in a shed ; but there was nobody at home. I didn’t stop till I got into some rushes, which cut my legs, and came to a crack with a tree across it. I lay down in the rushes for the night, and in the morn- ing I crossed the creek on the log. Near the other side's. branch broke, and I fell in- to the water, but managed to cling to the bank. Close by I saw a hollow tree, and I was tired and wanted to sloop, so I went in there. When I woke up I could not look for my way. I went down to the creek five times for water at first. I used to sleep a lot, and as soon as it was night it was day, and when it was day it was night quick again. On moonlight nights I heard people firing guns, and I heard them knocking- maklng a fence; but when I coo-e-d they did not hear me. I used to sing Salvation Army hymns at first, and pray that some- one wonld come for me. The cows used to come and look at me, but I could not get any milk. I tried to chew a bit of bark, but spat it out, as I thought it would pols- on me, and I got weaker every day.” Australians are famillar with the agoniz- lng experience undergone by people lost in the bush, and know that in such cases adults, as a rule, do not maintain their men- tal balance, and that the difficulties of their position are consequently greatly enuhanced. This little girl, howeverâ€"who, by the by, was not accustomed to country lifeâ€"was actusz able to preserve s. mental record of the exact number of days during which she was “ out of humanity's reach." The Dead Sea- The Dead Sea is an old and decrepit salt lake in a very advanced stage of evaporation. It lies several hundred feet below the level of the Mediterranean, just as the Caspian lies several feet below the level of the Black Sea ; and as in both cases the surface must the water of either sheet must have dried up to a very considerable extent. But while the Caspian has shrunk only to 55 feet below the Black Sea the Dead Sea has shrunk to the enormous depth of 1,292 feet below the Mediterranean. Every now and then some enterprising De Lesseps or other proposes to build acanal from the Meditersnean to the Dead Sea, and so reestablish the old high level. The efl'ect of this very revolu- tionary proceeding would be to flood the en- tire Jordan Valley, «sheet the Sea of Gali- leo with the Dead Sea, and play the dickens generally with Scripture geography, to the infinite delight of Sunday school classes. Now, when the Dead See first began its in dependent careeras a separate sheet of water on its own account it no doubt occupied the whole bed of this imaginary engineer's lake â€"epreeding, if not from Dan to Beersheba, any rate from Dan to ldom, or, in other words, along the whole Jordan Valley, from the Sea of Galileo and even the Waters of Mel-om to the southern desert. (I will no insult the mder'sintelligeuoe and orthodoxy by suggesting that perhaps he may not be precisely :ertaln as to the exact position of the Waters of hierom; but I will merely re- commend him just to refresh his memory by turning to his atlas, as this is an op- portunity which may not again occur.) The modern Dead Sea is the last shrunken relic of such a considerable ancient lake. Its waters are now very concentrated and so very nasty that no fish or other self-repect- iug animal can consent ti live In them, and so buoyant that a men can't drown himself, evsulfhetriee.beeanse thesealssaturated with salts of various sorts till It has become akind ofsoup or porridge. lnwhlehthe swimmer heats, will he. nlll be. Persons In the neighborhood who wish to commit sn- iehie are therefore obliged to go elsewhere ; much as in Tasmania, the healthiest climate lathede wbowantto die are therefore obliged to run across fer a week to Sydney or )islbouns. -â€"â€"â€"-‘e.â€"-â€"-â€"â€" Aaeeriypufedskeletcuefthemo- once have been continuous, it is clear that THE FARM. liik 1 lllk! lllk! The question withmost farmers In a civil- Ilized community is, not how much milk can a cow be made to give, but how much will she give on ordinary feed. This sur» prisineg few farmers know much about. They think, perhaps, that they know, but their knowledge is based upon I. slender line of facts. A cow hare big, fieshy,showy She is set down as a big milker and as a profitable cow; perhaps, reckonv d as the most profimble oow Near her stands a little cow, with amoderstely sized udder, and giving a fair mess of mllk,wl.lch she keeps up in quantity all through the season, and which in quality and real value makes her yield fully (qual to the larger product of the big The farmer does not know this fact, and may never find It out, unless he takes pains to learn it by a system oI weighing, and testing the milk of different We have never known a herd to be carefully tested In this way, when the esti mates of the proprietor and his men, who do the milking and handling «fthe cows, have udder, and milks fairly. in the herd. showy cow. COWS. not been proved to be incorrectâ€"often great. ly to their surprise. occur. correct. enoughâ€" far from it. ways. accurate. from the calling. in barrel churns. I'se of Sawdust. not agreed. largely used in that manner. will absorb but little. ls so it is a matter of interest. with the manure. fertilizer. crops. poses. frown earth. ply of pure water. for the short seasom The system to be followed in testing is about as follows: The milk of each cow is drawn separately, and as soon as drawn, the milksr takes his pail (which should be of tin), to a good scale, and weighs it, put- ting dcwn both the gross weight and the net weight, after deducting the weight of the pail. The pail should, by the way,be weigh- ed twice a week, for variations constantly Pails are washed and in quently scoured, so after a few days a slight reduc- tion in weight will be almost always noticed. Aslate may be used for recording these weighings, and it is well to have every cow’s name written plainly, and scratched in or painted neatly on the slate, and lines ruled for the morning and evening milking. The slate is taken every 't vening to the office, and the net weights transferred to a book, care being exercised tones that they are If nothing more is done than to keep this record for a year, the information obtained will be invaluable ; but this is not The relative richness of the milk of different cows should be known. This may be ascertained in various The whole of one day's milk of one cow may be set, ripen: d, and churned whole evcry dayâ€"taking a different cow each day, and being sure to test each cow four or five days before or after she comes in heat. This is perhaps the best plan, but it takes a good deal of milk and considerable time, both of which cannot always be conveniently spur- ed. Besides, a single test for each cow has little valve, compared with several, for there will almost always be found variations in the amount of butter yielded by the same cow, even when the amount of milk is the same. A smaller quantity of milk carefully weighed, will give very accurate results. Thus, eight pounds of milk weighed when fresh, put into -. two-gallon bottle and left unstopped until sour, and then churned by shaking, will give very good results. Half the quantity of milk in a one-gallon bottle, will do very well, but the results are less The best way to manage this bottle churning is, to fasten a strap around the battle, by which, and a stout cord, it may be suspended at a convenient height The well stoppered neck is taken in one hand, and the churn swung actively back and forth. After a minute or two, the stopper must be carefully removed to allow liberated gases to escape, as is usual The amount of sawdust made by portable steam sawmills that have been travelling through the timber sections of our country has encouraged farmers toutlllze it for farm purposes, but the opinions of its value are It has been asserted by some that its absorptive powers were excel- lent, and that for bedding purposes it serv- ed an excellent purpose, and it has been But by some It is clairan that ordinary damp sawdust One who had tried the experiment claimed that sawdust that had not passed through any stage of decom- p0sition, when spread upon mowing land, had killed the grass, slthongh saturated with urine and juices of the manure. We had always supposed that if sawdust was used as an absorbent and was well mix- ed with manure it would become charged with the chemical change of the manure In its decomposition, and so become available It is a singular fact that sawdust is very slew of decomposition when left to itself, and this has been verified by one who placed a large quantity in his barn yard in the supposition that it would come out in a little time {suitable ‘for manurial purposes, but which, much to his surprise, after remaining there about one year, was found to be about as fresh as when first placed there, and of no possible use as a It would seem as though sew- dust wall dried would make an excellent dryer in the manufacture of domestic phos- phate, and that the acid would tend to re- duce it to such condition as would at least prevent any injurious sffsits upon growing It Is pleasant to use for many pur- Thrown under a shed in ' winter where hens are kept to get at the sun, it afi'ords a much warmer footing than the Attend to the Fall 3 eedluz. When the pastures begin to fall off, some extra food should be provided for all the stock, butespecially the cows. Horses are always well and for, but the cows are too often neglected, both as to food, and a sup- Those farmers who have provided some soiling crops, will find the benefit of the fresh green fodder; those who have not, will now-see the disadvantage of being short of food just at this season. It Is very easy to secure this supply of food Every farmer has a neglected piece of land, which is bringing in nothing, and which could be made to pro- duce a very profitable crop of green feed. Such anopporhinity should not be neglected. Where the supply has been provided, a lib sral feed should begivsu daily. taketosupposelhatitlsbettertossve the thewadfislayin Eukiel xvii. 10, into food forwlnter, and spare ltat tblsseaseu. film,sethatthephraserea's“ishesshae Whenanyanlusalhkeptahortof food, it standupcuit." Therewasalso what was Ithamis- relaunch; Distoboyesesvodluthe'csudftion.1'hislaupseiallytrueungarda Natural Historykluseum, Breasts. lswine; Iffithasearepesmlttedtolalloflnow themselvesbreeebss." If this URI nun AYmrusalatwesequu . h a‘rsluo vsrsrus‘am’ C amt-reap» for lack of food, they will consume muc QUEER WEDDINGS- l I “a m m '1“. mm s" T n M -. q .0“ u more than the present gun, in recovering â€" use. nrhs and admin“. 1. nun. Mk". pang». um. Gov. «3:1...3â€" t... sneer: tended for “must use Just roles-e: I.” is in 7 ALUABLB ranu roa SALE-1C0 “M”? M‘“ a I. ' 0'“ thelosa. Animalsthat are in n? ‘ u” M a m a“, a 3“ “,2 sneeme morsels! ' All ax- Whether! Sea-lonberinsm-I list has tyDollasu Principl. PROFl-‘SUR SIITII,Y.8. no basis sua- - man l I! . 3 women erp‘l‘r u as“ I set chiefs wash- fattening, should be kept on full food 110*. and those to be wintered over, should be kept in good condition. The old, and true adage, should not be forgotten, viz : “ an animal that is well summered, is half win- tered." Wfl "r. - J21; taxi-JEWELO“. I: Is concedui by all that the D( limos N A popular preacher was “ taking to us" with the hired man in running a lawn-mow- ercver his front lawn. Behadpsusedtc catch with s handkerchief a salty pearl of perspira- tion that threatened to drop from his nasal tip to the cavity beneath, and to remark about “ all flesh being grass," when a slouchy-looking man stopped at the gate and asked if the preacher lived there. “ I want to be married," he explained "and right away, too." The preacher proâ€" mised to get ready at once, and go to meet the bride with the groom. “ You needn't mind puttiu' on nothin' or goin' sowhere.’ said the man “ But where‘s the bride f " “ She’s right here. I left her in the al- ley till I could find you. She's a backward sort of gal, and there's no use trying to get her to no church or into no parlor. But the license is all right, and you wme along and tie the knot." By one of those fortuitous circumstances which so often are meted providentlally to the repertorial fraternity, a reporter hap- pened along, and we called as a witness. He followed the coatless preacher and the innocent bridegroom to the head of the al- lay, and the groom cheerlly called to “Cloris” to come out. The papers were ex- amined, the blanks filled out in full, and the wedding ceremony performed then and Bonuses (clues, Kingston. Isdesesv-d- ly the most popular lusioess training school In (hum tors-la. from thomusb-bred lmpart~ «I Stock. Rose and Slade Courts, Burn and White urbane. Plymouth Rocks and Wynnch W. Q 0. PETER, Angus. Ila ’ ' LEAFGEIINLSHD ro’fiuxsox‘cur. I ' BELL. Chslham. Unt . for circular. Put clean. rial ennui-nary awe. Lessee nak- fannan mills. But In Canada. Also warehouse tum. and evrry lkry will my um u: wraqu and ustlees separatua. :0 uses an.“ in s s wondrous- is so. was - s .Aumsr r. w: imam-arc. saunas-names“. muss-Ala» w,“ E w h laser-“n Jam sum. unsound“... a - 1 st . n,“ _______________7 _ -_ __ by an $3.13.. $5: «life'de u “2,: )uusrnnn summer-51's «nu-rs e sswenrurshle. u all been by In. undean WW “I 1‘5"". TIUF‘I. “Patches. eteâ€" cu-usoales. It unwed sup, 3 m sum. “Mugs hung They drive swnv and destroy Moths and other lnescb, 0. Patio: It be en ed me. o-cullst w nld not u, w, Impsm‘ng a sir-ll:th and delicate twrfume to the Alexander “and: 6 sears bike. lhal km on: I clothing, canlcd or were open the press they are no r. Bile Debut: Shun blind Ind my 1 see. J- h: by their powerful mnoentrated disinfectant gust: £13392; gfissh‘taggau. WeoleaJe-IJ- an, s pelwa malls of votectlen spines false E.__ it. w L. .4.. 3333.- :1. ., El 51‘! “WW ‘ of dim gnlng off at I 9 same line a nil-sidelist Rkl Full. SALEâ€"Whali‘llhd 0P NINEI'Y- Moder; made entirely cf satin In assorted m six acrea_ In 'he countycf hsex. the Garden of very pretty. unique. and nest Every one Csuaia, lot 2.. ith cones” on or lsldstooe. about '3 have them. Prlce 10.x each three for too. Thyme- mlles from lhafiiurlshlnr towncfh‘ssex Centre; over Oreeol Sea the great Enullsh disinfectant toilet 50 acres cleared and under cultivation. and the rest map. In ed the sold medal. Inndon. Sufi, )8“. bush: the quality If the soil Is excellent, being a lane cakes. price 15c . or 350. per hotel in amount ms clay loam: the‘outbulldln barns. etc, an postage paid to any ldllrv. upon mlptofpdoe. comparatively new, a so ill: dire lug house which I. address Thilo-Cmt Coins". 759 Clair St... len- a good stony wI I hall 10:: were}: on a splendid mu. Clrcularsand summons of our English m. orchard of ever 130 spple trees; puss “.500 on easy DWMI pnparatlons mailed Lee on spplleatloa. turns; cheapest Isrus yet (flared in th I loo-II“. Agents warned. Write for terms. Further particulars. apply to Jas. Curse, Essex ‘ lee-shoes. ts KILLED BY BIB 0W] BOX. 1 Qurrd In a hm louse Over a Clue of lemlnoes. The county of Morris, N. J. has another murder case, which, following so closely after the killing of James Lament by Sam- uel Wade, causesunnsualrxcitement. Thom- as Smith, about 45 years of age, was the farmer who managed “'hito Meadows, the country residence of County Collector Mah- lon Hoagland, about two miles from the village of Rockawsy. He is very excitable and hot tempered, although not addicted to liquor drinking. He has a son named Lodi, aged eighteen years. Late the other even- ing this boy came into the village and gave himself up to Constable Daniel Morgan, with the startling information that he had killed his father. The story of the franti- clde which the young man gave is as fol- lows: In the evening his father and mother, Bridget Nolan, the work girl, and himself sat down to play dominoes, the two former and. the two latter being partners. The man Lino loyal sail Steamship. Centre. 5 'r a n a u o u s ..‘i‘il‘:t.‘.“‘..“‘..,'h:§fm.m an...“ .” '0'. m m QNNO ".1 mm-sbummumuun WELL BORING onderrs toland malls and for Scotland and inland. Also from Baltimrrm and Mel-‘- has no so or:!)feel per hourzhandorhorse power: com ed basins and rook machine a. r.. to Liveran tennisde suns; summer months we msmmumnmsn on. d In : fl!“ Ind dis! Semi for (Jet phle: and during s er let Glasgow and Inn- “ es larvltroet. amnion. Canada. 'n's tau-sang: who). m l t u Sb! Irelx or 01‘ n nuns u AN WIN auulytoasohnm trance. Ballimenls. FOB PLEAB T Sn 0 Cunard sacs Halifax! can e' at Joan‘s. â€"â€"usn oerâ€" t. as». s. 3. AI weekly: Olasxowmdlostumeekly: and (MI N.l‘.;Wm. Thomson a: 0a.. 3 first game was won by the boy and gm, there. Clappepton's Cotton 1 iélfgéohgtgfiglrfidggfid fight; which so incensed the father that be swept the dominoes from the table. The second game was won by the father and mother, which put the former in a more happy mood, but in the third game the boy and girl won, and the fathers anger became uncon- trollable. He again swept the dominoes from the table, and struck his wife. He al- so caught up from her chair a little girl who was sitting at the table, and threw her to the floor. The son fled into another room. The father followed him with astick of wood, and declared with an oath too horrible to be repeated that he would kill him. The boy hen drew a 32-calibre revolver and fired at him. The father turned and made a move to come toward him. The boy fired and a second time. Still the father came on, then the boy fired a third shot. With this shot the father fell to the floor. He lived only a short time. He utterrd noth- ing but groans. One bullet had struck him in the left shoulder, another in the upper part of one eye, and the third Wont into the forehead. The boy then started for Rockaway at once to give himself up. He expressed re- gret at what had occurred, and said nothing but a fear of danger to his life would have induced him to do what he did. He had always been a quiet, well-behaved boy, and was much liked in the community. The father was a war veteran. Coroner J. P. Stickler next day commited young Smith to the county jail at Morristcwn and pro- ceeded to hold an inquest. During the pro- ceedings Smith made a volunt :ry statement to the jury. The other members of the family corroborated his account of the homicide. The proceedings were adjourned until next Tuesday fer further testimony. The son “ Do you have many calls of this kind 2" was asked of the preacher. “A great many more Ihan might be sup- posed. Very often these quiet parties come to my house, usually having first notified me, and are married in the presence of a few witnesses. I had a case of this kicd this week, and very reputable people they were. Not long ago I was stopped on the street and called up into a block to marry a con» pie. After pronouncing them husband and wife, in accordance with my custom, I said ‘Let us pray.’ The groom abandoned his bride left her standing in the middle of the floor, and walked across the room to a bed, where he knelt throughout prayer. I ad- mired 9. sentiment which prompted him to a return, no doubt to a boyhood custom, but in pity for the loneliness of the bride 1 made the prayer unorthodoxly short‘ “It hasn't been ten days since a bride and bridegroom drove up to my door in a delivery wagon. The groom Was the regu. lar driver, and upon his rounds he cillcd for his Duloinea and “thought he'd just fetch her right up to the parson's.‘ He was in his shirt sleeves and work clothes ; she was dressed in white, with a great cluster of red ribbons knotted at her side. She looked and acted the part of a bride, but he was more like a last year's groom." Warrntsd FULL and to run smooth on s Pm Boa m1 sewln mat-blue. Bee at. ourrnxon'saamsls ” nu" um.“ um I” _'._ be ls l, I in: sale 51 all “â€" Qonds Dealers. JAMES PARK 85 SON, Pork Packers, Toronto. L 0. Becomllnlled Bploe Bacon, 0. 0. Bacon Glasgow Beef Hams, n Cured Ham, Dried Beef Breakfast Bacon, Smc ed Tongues. Mess Pork, Pickled T ngues, Cheese, Famlly or Navy Pork, Lard In Tubs and Pails The Best Brands of Roy lsh Flue Dslrv Salt In Stock. uâ€"ONTARlOâ€" AGRICULTURAL GULLEGE WILL REOI‘EN ON FIRST OCTOBER. szslssrlsxs ros Announce an 2ND Ocrosss. Course of Instruction SPECIALLY ADAI’IED to wants of farmers'sons. i-‘or clrculsr glvf-wluformh use as to terms of admission, cost, ocur- .‘ study, ctc.. apply to JAMES MILIS, K3. 1'“:me Guelph. chiliâ€"TB}! I MYRTLE NAVY ! IS MARKED T.& B. In Bronze Letters. NONE 0TIlEll GENUINE. (:\'a me this paper ) EAST . GUENEY E WAEE’S STANDARD SCALES y MANUFACIUEIhG co 13 FEUNT 3T PURE Goon 0U The New (lo-Operative I-E Sun:an Brown's Little J okc. “ Why, Brown, how short your coat is," said Jones one day to his friend Brown, who wittly replisd : “ Yes ; but it will be long enough before I get another." Some men spend so much for medicines that neither heal our help them, that new clothes is with them like angels' visits - few and far be- tween. Internal fevers, weakness of the Cm Are the lit-st, Al- tcsfrd by the I‘m-t thsttncroare more of our scslre In use In the Dunlnlon than of all ohor makes â€"-â€"â€"IS THEâ€"â€" BEST IN THE MARKET. "W STAND! NEW FURNITURI th “,1 f m h d 1 th , lungs shortness of breath and lin erin °°m"'n°d' "u" “y. a a 5 er 8' on seven 0 eroc cough’s, soon yield to the magic infinegnce ogf Siglih.axllilriil‘::'i' ~5- '-‘- ' casions abused his family and had threaten- ed the lives of all. Some time ago they were compelled to flee from the house in the evening and they remained hid in a barn throughout the night. “rule and Dnlry Sonic-s. mmrs'mlutehers' Senles, scales for Donn-sue Ilse. Housekeeper-s, Consult Your Best lgentsprlcafor similar machine 88f our By purchasing a walftfririhslluylng one be sure torret thn best. Our scales are fully warranted In ever partlcular. All sis-es llnllsuarl, Warehouse an IIIII Trucks. that royal remedy, Dr. R. “ Golden Medical Discovery." The V shaped corssge is very popular in Paris. $500 Reward. The former proprietor of Dr. Sage's Ca.- tarrh Remedy, for years made a standing, V. Pierce's Btforc buylnu send us stamp for our class! phol gra h and sample: of sewing. Machines guaranteed for three years and sent 0 Alarm Money Drawers. BRH‘LIANTS' public ofler in all American newspa re of ma‘li lad wantlu - machine will so well to write to luiiilé’d‘bsiilogtfiz Elli flifitflm’aplt ‘ . "_ . $500 reward for a case of catarrh at be THE OO_OPERATm IPPUO'IWJB- hxpect nothing from him who promises a gould not 3?me Tit]; preAsiilnth proprietors . great deal, ave renew 0 er. t e drugglsts s ‘ 1 .911 m. Remedy to other with the n 4 T R A Pleulng Wantemm‘m 1‘ 1‘ 311°“ oom' “ Douche," and all dther agppllanoes advised , & E msndation. to be used in connection with It. No ca- H A M I L T O N - tarrh patient is longer able to In “I can- not be cured." You get 8500 case of failure. Belts to be fashionable must be very wide. ' ' ' ' Strioturs of the urethra in its worst forms, speede cured b our new and im- proved methods. l’amp let, references and terms, two three-cent stamps. World's Dispensary Medical Association, 063 Main Street, Buffalo, N. ‘1'. Green in various subdued shades will be a leading color in fall and early winter fashions. a Alma Ladles' College, St. Thomas, 0nt., has full staff and complete crursos In Literature, Music, Fine Arts, and Commer- cial Science. Ito-opens September 10, 1885. For 50pp. announcement, address Princi- pal Austin, B. D. ” JAMES 81" BOUTH‘ mm“ Wannoussaâ€"Hootreal and \Vlnnlpes'. SAMUEL ROGERS & CO. â€"â€"HANUFAUI'URER8 0Pâ€" PEERLEgs -â€"AND OTHER-â€" "MAOEINII OILS“ cow MEDALS AND nus-r PRIZESIWIIEIIEVER sxulsrrsn. Queen City Oil Works, Toronto. $10 Reward 101' the Conviction Of Dealers who of- ’ ferior Oil of Other ferand Sell In- Manufacture for LARDINESE MACHINE OIL. Eureka, CIvIndcr' Bolt . ‘ . . Cutting & Wool Oils. l F" “1° 1” “1””de “51°” l ncciihgggioiz 6' Have not the cloak to make when it be- gins to rain. The most manifest sign of wisdom is con- tinued ohesrfulness. Love is like honestyâ€"much talked about but little understood. No degree of knowledge attainable by man is able to set him above the want of hourly assistance. You may shrink from the far reaching solitudes of your heart, but no other foot than yours can tread them. One who is content with what he has done will never become famous for what he will do, he has lain down to dis. Plato will have dinlples, but Socrates will have adorers ; because if the one knew how to think, the other knew how to die. The Winter’s frost must rend the burr of the out before the nut is seen. So adversity tempers the human heart to discover the real worth. Those who, without knowing us, think or speak evil of us, do us no harm ; it is not us they attack, but the phantom of their own imagination. Politeness may prevent the want of wit and talents from being observed, but wit All gray gre-ns will be much worn. Prevention Better Than Cue. Many of the diseases so prevalent in these days are caused by using soap containin impure and infectious matter. Avoid al ris by usln Purse-nos Laundry Soap, which is abso ute y re. Ask our grocer for Psanc'los. anufacture only by the Toronto Soap Co. Bustles have probably reached their maxi- mum ln size for at least six months to come. THE ABOVE BEWARE TEE “ SUNBIIAJMI? AW, ‘ oxb" $3.00 The ,. . Tharaia not and there cannotbs, any smok- ing tobacco superior to the "Myrtle Navy" b d. h t l the‘ "' ' ONLY UL... and talents cannot prevent the discovery of “grinmgh: mefi"; ;§?;;?:fi $.32“ " H m w 1 Want 0f Wilhelm“. wrappers are very poor making tobacco, and Warnnl‘id ant' ere/00f all. “rid?! class, or money re- funded. Send di- rect to manufac- turers, or procure from your Iisrd- were or House. Furnishing dealer. Hamilton Itdustria' The beginning of hardships is like the first taste of bitter foodâ€"it seems for a moment unbearable; yet, if there is nothing else to satisfy our hunger, we take another bite and find it possible to go on. "Royal Canadian, lmperlai,’ 'King,’ also hiallglos. Two ltoller, and Three Roller. Write for particulars. Works 00., Manufacturers. Hamilton. Ballads. but a single leaf is wra round a lo . The stock used in the 1.3on the “Mlyrtie Navy" plug is the very best which money can purchase. The wers of the Virginia soil can produce not ing better, and no other soil in the world can produce as fine tobacco an that of Virginia. White frocks are worn to excess in Eng- land. Printeri' Errors in Bibles. The recent revision of the Bible has call. ed attendee to Bibles generally, and espe- cially those famous for their curious mis- prints. The earliest is the “ Place~mskers' Bible," printed at Geneva in l58l, in which the letter l was substituted for an e In the seventh beatitude. The “ Vinegar Bible " was published at Oxford in I717, the word vineyard being mlsprinted cinegar. In the “ Wicked Bible," only four copies of which are now in existence, the negative was left out of the seventh commandment, and the printer wes fined £3,000 by Archbishop Land, though it Is said to have been com- muted tc £300. The“ Penetrating Printers' Bible," In which the Psalmistis made to say Friner have persecuted me without a cause," dates from 1702. The ” Ears to-ear Bible" was printed at Oxford early in the pro-en century, the mistake securing in Matlh wall. 43, and unless than three edition , the lstestbelng $23, transformed The Blues. Despite all we can do, they occasionally, come and cast in dark shadow our aims, hopes and expectation. Avoid disappoint ment by not ex g too much ; avoid waste of money y never purchasing the worthless ; avo d sore spots in the heart, or where the heart should be, by always using Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor, the only sure, sale and painless remedy in the world for oorns. Beware of substitutes, counter- feIls and imitations. Sold by druggiste and dealers in medicine everywhere. Huge bridal bouquets are no longer in; vogue. Everybody no! not Read this carefully. if you or any friend are refining from any kind of pain, inter- nal, local, or external, try Pclson's Kenn. use, the sure pop cure. Nannies ul Examine Their Superior Merit fl.’ GURNEY’S one of the most ele t combinations ever offered to the publ ofor the relief of pain. Pleasant to take, powerful In efl'ect, are in reunite, and cheap because the strongest, purest, and most certain pain remedy In the world. Youcantestthisgreat remedyby going toadrug store and buying a lo cent sample bottle. Try it at once. Sashesarsafeaturolnfalltollets. Thole“ “crave, Gambia-shuns! Montcalm“ "solute! luv “a tee (alert-“schools. rustle lentil-u, stores and raven Isolde ems-rimmed, drivlhrmcvsbestwlthlms an: beast-[W amrusymrusam Ennis-sauna“stth h “HWY”. Correspondence-wales. TQWIMIWWM m“: mwwwbamgmum uu‘mm fisslmammwifilm’f: ..___. .um THE E, & a GURNEY 00 Belgium. Itbeesnexhesdiuarylngthof wouldbavskspttheanlmalhitsuermal ofthembothe were opened . . . . . . andthey m,fimwu'uun imam.) . and fimtm lam- W. and nude mm: HAMILTON. /’ mm FRENCH SHOE MING /‘ a at...

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