Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 29 Aug 1885, p. 3

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t1 CLXRPETS AND OIL-CLOTHS, X0. 9 KEEXAN’S BLOCK, KENT STREET, LINDSAY, s. _ . - ‘ F. SANDI‘ORD " I‘War agamst'm‘fgh Prices; has a large stock of You can save :30 per cen.. by buying at ; WAGGONS AND BUGGIESSw.w.BLnTT’s BASH STORE? on hand, all guaranteed to he first class, which he will sell I i N‘n‘w LIST or CASH mucus. I CHEAPER THAN EVER. _ __.____ I SUGARS- I CANNED GOODS. I ’ . t . ‘ ‘- - 1‘.‘ lbs. Refined Sugar for - - $1 00 British American Salmon, 1 lb. tins l5c. - u” sure and SLL his atmk _ l3 “ Granulated Sugar for - l on ILohstcrs. 1 lb. tins. - - - - o ’ lfic. , 1) \‘T 1 T‘ H R I l? -‘ Bright Sugar {or - . l 00 Illackerel, l lb. tilns. - - - - - l5c. I ‘ ._ i ' ' ” .Sardines. (Freiic i), quarters, - - lz'm. IJ() is TX) D A l . SYRUPS I do do Mm v ,. - _ . - - -.ic. Farmers reipiirine a harrow will do well to inspect his Sprin 3 3““0“ “we” ‘0' ' ' ’ 5‘ 1" l1fi$°§~éf§~£°n ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ "“ - - - . _ s. . , - - - - - . ' Tooth Ilarrows, which are Just the thing for rough land. He TEA-S- ipie panda-5,1; lb, tins, . - . . 25c, also keeps the Iblluwin‘, fan” "lachilms: Special line in Jupun,just arrived. finest Pint-apples. ‘1 lb. tins. - - - . mic, 5 value in Canada, equal to any 50 cent tea Pears. 2 lb. tins. - - - - - - ch. ‘il- kt,30-t l'. St'b '.:lt.i's. - - - 7, REAPERS, SELF-BEIDERS, MOWERS, "‘ 5"” “F “m l,,§;;,‘,‘,f._f§;fflins,'_ "1A, , , _ I7: I Z: I,“ ' l l Finest Currants, 18 lbs. for - â€" SI 00 fill]: : : : : : 2 “ \‘tl ‘ l{:"' s, olb~. ' l H l ; . ' s. â€" - - - - - 2.1-, AND Eraporuti-deriliiiileiiali‘) “is. to; 1-“ l liiilTliklIISPQ‘lg. tins - ~ - - - Cherries. per lb. - - 2;» I . I - ~' (l)' (-‘r‘i l"l' '. and i. hound not ti c tin lLl )ld )y .u 5 one I .. com 1..., 11,. - - . i:: I TOBACCOES. , . _ ‘- Vegetables llb.pae'age li'i .. - H - ~, ,. , .o l 3623“ All kinds of l’i..\.\'i.\'u done at short. notice. Various patterns of Mono» Dried Apples, 1.: lbs. fol! - - - 1 on lime“ gLLigiililiLiL-C-im‘mg - ISIH kept. on hand, and sold at the [Wm prim. lloitsiL-Snoizisu and Joanna; , Fig Jinn per lb. . . . . . . io 01'; éhcwm , ‘i’i _ i - 335' H‘ i liBlueberryJaniperlh. - â€" - - lG 1’ - ' J i” i' a a ceialt . All llizi'Ains done in a lint-class manner and on short notice. Some i . I cheap ficcgndjnnd Brunn‘w for “‘8 h i Also a large and choice assortment of' Also cut Smoking Tohaccos of the hestI ' , _ _ i Oranges, Lemons, Dates, Figs. Nuts, Cnn- brands. and the lines! brands ofk‘igiirs and I llo returns sincere thanks for the liberal I'iatronage bestowed on him during the f dies, Apples, pineapples, Bananas kc, lingumucs. . . . . . . - . l past 14 years, and Will spare no pains to merit a continuance of it in the luture. I W, A lame assortment of Crockery. Glasmnro’ Milk pans, Preserve Jars and i Butter Crocks, all of which will be sold at rue/c bullom prices. Wl V r I B ii Fcnelon Falls, April ‘22nd, 1885. 1“): ‘V. B];J() ET. ___I N___ FENELON FALLS_ SIGN OF THE RED FLAG. THE WHOLE SlflEK ill Bl Slllll lllll ll tilllllllllllfi‘llll [ll fillSS-li'llli lllll EHflEKllll. :‘I. A. JR '1‘} (1}‘ART, ‘ . , having decided to retire from l)U:lllCS.‘l, will sell the whole of the stock of now China) Tea: sets for 75. and fashionable DRY GOODS at cost. in (ll'tll‘l‘ to t-lTi-ct a quick sale. The stock Bed_R001n Sets for cents, is all new, and Consists of Dress Goods, Prints, 'l‘wueds, Shit-tings, Shootings, Toweliiigs, CUPS (SE SILIICCI'S, cents per dOZt Table Linens, Flzinnels. (Jretonncs, Quilts, Tahle Covers, Glass Goblets cents p01. dOzelL Grass Linens. Din-ks. Cottoimdcs, )Iiislins, and a q ‘ r 1 ’ H r- , ' ass lnnibleis, 00 cents pei t ozen. Glass Pitchers, l0 cents each. large and well-selected stock of Ladies" F. GEORGE. llosiery and Gloves. Sign of the Red Flag, Men’s Overalls, Shirts 8: Under-shirts to he sold out at cost. Grey and White Cottons at Less than Mill Prices. “iiiii‘iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii‘iiiiii iiiiiiiif” WAR IN THE NORTHWEST M‘ The whole Stock must be sold out in a short timeâ€"no reserve. and War at the M. A. REG-AN, ., I .37- .I, .. ,5 r- lt'enclonFalls,)l:iy20th,1885. JURMNVHEWBLOCK 1885 SPRING. 1885, iffikstliilil JOSEPH HEARD, which we intend to sell DEALER IN HARWQQE mp STWES iiALL EARLY AND MAKE A SELEGTIDN oâ€"â€"â€"â€"- Cheap for Cash. Cash is our Motto, and for cash we will not he undcrsold by any person in the county. . . . . We 4 i also showiiw a l am now in a position to oller m 5 ° SPE OIAL lleiUGEMENTS L A R E A S! FINE 191319811 1412111111. Y G18 0 012731118, CR 0 CIiigllasgldlgt RE. Cull early, and we will do our best to send you away happy. 395’” Remember the placeâ€"Sign of Tilt: LITTLE MAN. 1{. DI. BUTLER. and good hargiiiiis. (int and \Vrought Nails, Hinges, Latches, Tarred Felting and Dry Lining Felt, Manure and Hay Forks Spades and Shovels. and a very full line of general Hardware A great and long-felt want supplied! BABY CARRIAGES, Fenelon Fills, \ ril Silt, 1885'). A large stock of l l p NEW FURNITURE FAGTDRY. 0 The undersigned respectfully informs the public/that his new factory ION FRANCIS STREET, 1' ’ ELON FALLS, OIIJS) ‘ is now in full running order, and is fitted up ith all machinery necessary to1 I turn out work at short notice, in the best possibl manner and at moderate prices. FURNITURE OF/ALL KIN DSl kept constantly on hand and sold as cheap as the cheapest. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. l A large nuinhcr of Collins to select from. and a handsome llearsc furnished when I required. Orders soliri'lwl out] Juti'syiirlt'nii gllfll'llllfl’ttl. 3:1in and Doors made to , 5 order on short notice and of the best materials. i WILLIAM MCKEOWN. 1‘ EA-Srr' l .lA Long-Felt \l’aiit Supplied“ ‘ iTo the FarmersI __ i I 4L.Cla1-k ¢\* Son, I IMERCHANT TAILORS.’ L‘ENI‘IILON I‘UXILLS, ilmvc min-h pleasure in announcing that! lilu-y have just put in an entirely New nail County of Victoria. 5 well-selected stock of Scotch, English and Dry G00dS,Cl0llllll§&MllllllCl'l “masses”, . . , t 5 , gcAiiiAniAu TWEEDS; liin laundry and Machine Shop, ‘ V i which they are prepared to made tip in the i : begs to call the attention of the larmcrs to! most Futiliitinnhle Styli-t l’iirties furnish- B R G I I S 3 his Ctlt‘l-rltcd ling their own material. with or without. at city prices, lll various styles. DDDKING-STOVES AT GUST l’resstd Milk-Pans. manufactured from steel plate, at give-away prices. llcail-iIiiarters for 'l'iirps and Vai'iiislics. 153338 The " Daisy" (lil Stove! Have you seen it '.‘ Font-lint Falls, April loth, 1557i. -â€"0}' THEâ€" l’arties in want of should call and see the l trimming. can he accommodated. ; .kll \Vork (hitu'untccd. i , ,_ _ , iliils' C 'n'niit: ‘. ~ _ that is ginng so much satisfaction. Parmw H' r h” "m i’ l m in“) “mud”! w oll'cred at this establishment. er: in want of good SOME EXTRA CHEAP LINES H A R R o w s; m m, m, (Tc... ;;;:l,dl‘,i:r:):l:f?rzn;lԤ::'::’l‘:$ :‘T‘LZZCOJ: I complete assortment of lint-clan (l’ d" . (Y ‘ t 1 i z ‘ , .n as . “tannins” at " poo s in area i tni 1nd at this bL‘l on PRICES To MEET Tm, JOHN St. LAWRENCE. Agent for the Must-y “anoint-hiring Co‘s &I i ” Toronto Bums. the "nosey Haiti can. the i b i I 3 ‘3‘ . celebrated Tomato Horn: and Suur's in“, [find "i on: 0‘ n I" c e" at - «nan-L mu mama mm: iJos. \ci'ison s Harness Shop, THOMAS RUBSUN Colhornc Street. Fenelnn Falls. reflw" 1“" I‘m-“7%: [8‘ Coll-rs ‘umnied Repairing done i l‘caelou folio, Match 22m, 1:335. 3.1} tith nealn¢;: and dizfillch. Jt-iy. . W .l Trial Sufirun I. l'enclcn Falls, April 15th, 188.5. l Kg? Suhseribe for the Fenclon Falls " Gazette." Only $1 a year it' paid in advance. l : and crammed with a general stock of the most minplcte nature ON T. Demands careful consideration and economical management in every household. It therefore behooves the merchant who is abreast of the times to keep his optics open. his hrain in constant. action, and his wits sharpened as keen as it razor. to entihle him to supply his customers with Dry Goods and Clothing at prices compatible with the exigont‘y of the times: and hargaiiis that will take the plaster off the ceiling are the only kind of bargains calculated to overcome the stringency of the money market. These are. exactly the kind of bargains we have to oill-r our customers during the month of August. The plaster is nearly oiie-linlt‘ oil the ceiling al- ready, and the barefooted bargains we have left are intended to remch the haliiiii'c without further delay. New goods are arriving daily, and room must he made for their reception. 0 Baro'aiins in all kinds of Staple and Fancy Dry D . Goods, Carpets, Mflllnery, Mantlcs and. Clothing. 0â€".__â€"_ Our Merchant Tailoring Department Is the fashionable tailoring emporium in the Midland Counties. SOUTHERAN, CATHRO & MARK, CITY DRAPERS AND CLOTILIERS, No. 2 Dobson’s Block, - - 2 Doors West of the Post Ofiice, - - Kent Street. Lindsay. 1885.)’"Min‘SUMM‘nii. (1885. L I N Em! _ THE PlllEl Dill lillllllS lND EllllHIllli llllllil. stuck oi‘ NEW GOODS, including 0 FANGY DRYTGDUDS, -â€"iinilâ€"â€"- ALL KINDS OF WOOL. all nfirhieh will he sold at LESS TIL-Ll LINDSAY l‘llll‘ES, Great Clearing Midsummer (65 @i ll! @0017 e) The following lines to clear out : DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, TWEEDS AND CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS. nit-o lot of WALL PAPERS iind Wixnow Burns just opened out, Toys in great variety, Toilet Sets, Vast-s, [hurry ('hiiiit-wui'e and various other lll'lll‘lt's, to which the attention of intending,r piiii-liiisi-t's is respectfully invited. MRS. KEELEY. Fcnelon Falls May 7th, lilttfi. Positive Bargains in good honest Goods. €511} No Trashy Cheap Bankrupt Stock, but every article guaranteed to he as represented. W A Call Solicitth HUGH McDOUGALL. Pall/01118! .oFenelon Falls, July 9th, 1885. I Interesting to Everybody. ‘ ‘ ’ (J ’ - I have just received the largest stock of Fancy Goods ever offered in the village of Fenclon Falls, consisting of l‘IUSICAL INS'fRUDIEer‘Sa such as Violins, Banjoes, Accordcons, Concertintts, Mouth-organs & Tainbotirines. Wall Papers and Window Blinds, and a very large stock 01' Paint. Brushes, Varnishcs, Japans, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS AND PUTTY, Mixed Paints of all shades of colours, ready for the brush, A. full assortment, ol McCall‘s Bazaar gloveâ€" litliiig Patterns always on hand, and will his sent by llltlll I/ms‘l yin/W on receipt of price, l)\' 'W'm. Campbell. li‘eiiclon Falls, April -ltli, l5.R l. Pictures and 1)i(3tlll'(3 14‘ 11111024, and a fine stock of Trunks, Travelling Bugs, Valiscs and Ladies’ Satchels; also A Great Variety of Pipes, Cigars and Tobacco, Stationery, Perfumery and Toilet articles, and a very fine assortment of Watches. Watch Chains, Rings, Brooches and Other Jewelry, y“ flirt-i xi =I.l>~‘ Toys, Vases and Fancy China-ware. Call and inspect the thick. STEPIIEN NIGVISON, OPPOSITE rm; rosT-ori'it'i: ’â€"‘ll}'â€"-â€"â€" llHlllSTMAS 600 ‘3. at H. A. .‘lv-ihi-i'i'll's BRANDON a: ROBSON: BOOK srouia ---â€"-.\.\'h iii the Inhabitants of Finelin Falls and Sunnunding Country. MUSIC I‘IMIV’timlllii. Fenclon Falls, April 91h, 1885. .â€" l own: a 1 Having purchast the stock, etc., of Mr. John A. Ellis. and I 5,!“ made large additions thereto, we beg to solicit a continuance win-ru- ‘ of the support extended to hint, and We will use our utmost G-A-METHERELL. endeavours at all times to make prices satisfactory to one and, “""" '“1 '1'”: t'wils-H'HIW w. . . . 1‘ . -H N A . all who may favour us With their patronage. Our stock \vill' “up”, W: frag," If, "mm" ° . . I . .. .. ,. _ N be found complete in , Ii]. .1 l A \V, GENERALGRDGERIES AND PROVISIONS,I,._,,,,,,,N.,.,,,, , ,,,.,,,,,,.;,,, CROCKER'Y, GLASSWARE, &c.' I , FENELQN FALLS. fi® Try our TEAS, they will please you hoth iii lll'lt'l‘fi‘l “'“""“ and quality. In addition to the above we have also a Ian-gel,“ ,,,.,,'V‘,,‘“',,‘,I21,3,““I.'Infum ,WHM and Well selected stock of ‘ ' ! l lr'llll large i-iiitiirh in tin :r, t.l- '1. |., l W“ Sf'll llllll llviliin irl .iii l. 'i»:. i.;.-iI-v in; Mens’ and Women’s Boots 8: Shoes, I ‘"tilt:i‘.:'.';,:':::.' .. . . il- .:.: li‘iilfi ' which “'1” he sold as low as the lowest. “m '” ” "Ml ‘ I Feiicloii Falls, February 18th, 1885. - . ’ maxim; ll.\\'.' hours respcctliilly, l I’vm-Im- 1’th April 1w. 2w. l l. lllt lNIXJN & ROBSOXJ ’ i I .‘I rs. V‘Vzti'tl. % Dress & Mantle Maker, 1], lift-pilli'll toiln a good rim» of Aurii .ii hi r Residence on Bond St. West. Noamvnssx‘on PEI: _ To the Great Central Show of I, I IsiiiiI-lmil '.\llll the lm. at l-.,,.rf,_.,_ I'd“, “ml New York lnrliiuii. BOOTS A N n s H 0 ES; Wlllt'll is now on exhibition at ‘ Illic -‘ l‘citcloii Falls tiuzcltc " MAGUIRE’S CHEAP CASH BOOT: " i:;::.‘::s.:.::~2.2a":-;:,:,:.::~;sat: Inllfihll‘ll'TlU.‘ 8| lllllll l.\ Hill.“ K, . ’ or out: ro-nt pr! or: l. will lie Hilifrd a. in“; no i'. H luau” niipni-l. ever offered to the gum: of an admiring public. A“"""“"‘"” “mm” l'tnfi-Hiutml or hmleiru ranlg. 5H amt! Iu-r lim- Iv: tumult: ".iniial min-tint tin-ii", r rent. I r! i,:i-- {or t‘u- tint ile‘I'nHi, and J :o;-â€"»;o; l General excellence is the distinguishing feature which in noticed in thin stock of new goods; nothing there for the purpose of czitcl-iti: the eye only, but amid ,,..,” ,M pm. My Hm .i;i...-p.ri.i t'ierr- honest goods at. honest. prices, which if honestly UFC‘l will give hotter-t i-crrim- M i..,.-., Lamina. i‘. o... 3m”, Lu” ,,.,, M the wearer. .‘lake n with while the stock is {full and Well assorted; the prices wan“. lor n r'ulnmti u: .r... .4...” 1. mm. aldr' 1‘ 111.1. JOB PRIN’I‘IITC‘l- of all uivliiiiry Linda unwind iii-ally, my. truly and inhumane mi”, 5.. I). Harm, 1’! [41:17! are just suited to the (late: of my customers. 'I‘runlcs and W'ulii-soi-i ‘Vory (1110111). L. MAGUIRE. Kent. ’51., Llndbuy.i

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