Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 22 Aug 1885, p. 4

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~ ,..._,. -,- ....._._.._ TEE FARM. team We“: pipes she plover o‘er the meeds. Away to hml h“. Iowscsewsrupatheweeds, 'nlllheesalsell'uld by." "No wanncosm'sorussthsmw, Wewoskthflwithewfil; “Inn worksnotrupsnog'lsalew Humanism-still. it!» share picked up hisaxé, whiehwaslying . inelog. Theold Indianwasbythhtime __ *relcedinz his'gun; but hicIvor seized the gun with one hand, and with the other wielding‘his are, brought it down upon the lndian‘s head with suchforeeasto dash out some of his brains. Ks then returned to is but, shoved it off, lay down and floated down the river until Mr. Tims' men picked him up on Friday, about 2ljhours after he had been wounded, during which time he hedprobably floated thirty or forty miles. When found his clothes were full of blood, though he had stunnehed thewoundaswell as he could with his handkerchief. He saw three Indians and heard a fourth. Want of ammunition is thought to be theresson why the others did not fire. McIvor has since died. Women‘s Work. It heslong been proved, to woman's satis- faction, at least, that she is mentally man's equal. and with this knowledge, in many cases, hascomsthedeeiretoproveihsequal- ity by persistently puhlng herself into his funofions. Such persistency goes a great way, in my mind towards proving her ignor- ance and inferiority. Man and women were created with dis~ tinctive individual characteristics, but it is only when each recognizes this fact and acts in sympathy with it, that a perfect harmony is produced. ' There work ises distinct as there mental and physical peculiarities; but the nobler, grander work falls tothe lot of women. What can be more divine than the form- ing and training of the human intellect. What privilege greater than that of making a refined and beautiful home, which might and should be a little centre of loveliness and joy 2 : Is it any wonder we are surprised and dis- gusted to hear woman clamoring for more rights and higher privileges? But what is Scopes dawn and faraway The soil tollzttly turn, for there is never time for play, Walk Jose's bright sunbeam burn. Like rLLbons shinning in the light, The leaves weave many a mass, Offset and isncy,derk or bright. About the busy days. Armed Izldlsrs marching down the line, With pom! cutt’rlnz free, [make these ranks, where greenblsdu shine A might, best for me. . And they shall win from sun set shower, 0! wealth a goodly store: Shall bring me laser-Pond“, Power; l'oasesdom vast ;â€" eye more, Beioche Sufferers. All reports from Batoohe and the country generally that was the centre of the trouble in the spring agree that the deluded men who took upsrmsiu rebellion at the instiga- tion of Riel end his associates have com- pletely changed their views since the date of the fight. Up to that time they firmly be A homeâ€"where love shall e'er snide lie mine or soon or late. lav weal with those bright blades betlde to» mum Amiseilyfrthfer fifekeseprodigelson. Intremng' theshadeweshellfind outthe sun. isalgoubt indulged soon becomes doubt real- A man must stand erect, end-not be kept erect by others. br elsewent elsewheri anus; their debds. They heard a lion rdei', andtho‘ight they mgoingtohaveavisiiffcmthe king of beasts ; butthe roergredualiy becsms faint- erandfainter,es he evidentlymedeofi in an opposite direction.‘ At lasts gentle rustling was heard inthe grass, end I. dlk-dik; the smallest of the antelope tribe, end not much bigger than a hero, made its appearance, looking timidly about it for a hidden ensiny,“ before daring todrink, end atthssemetimenttering the peculiar cry from which it has obtained its name. They did not disturb it, but let it quench its thirst inpcace; end then, having had suficient excitement for one night, end the_moom:having gone downâ€" it being then three o'clock in the morningâ€"they returned to their tents. lance, like forbidden lovers. Argument, however sxoellnt, will never cure the evil of the age. There is no art whereby to find the mind's construction in the There are truths which are to be proved only by faith end feeling. A picture is an intermediate something be- tweena thought end a thing. Wrong none by doing injuries, or omitting the benefits that are your duty. Desperation will often sufiico to fill the post end do the work of courage. There is but one Creator ; ell we can do is to collect and combine his creations. A friend is a being that is willing to bear with usin all our faults end failings. Teach your child to obey, and you will give him the most precious letter that can HUNG FROM THE YARD-ABM- ‘lhe Execution ef'l’hree Alleged flutlneers on shipboard. “I was a boy in the United States Na , on the brig ‘ Somers,’ in 1842, when those three men where hung that were referred to some time ago," said John W. Davis. "The sight of those three young men hang- hiind end night will meet, though in si- '. daysare caused by ‘ son contamin' up are end lnicetionsumdlgettcr.p which for anrrcrrox. the Toronto Soap Co. Pussmnavnsmnsmm .» 5“. AlfiND.stA7E'REQIJ at'p'MPs i‘ro‘R IALL P l .1. cums“: IREPUMFS. FEE '. URPOSE S. .'~.|:\il £\;LA~..~ ‘3u.\.V. Prevention Better Than Cure. FOR PLEASANT SEWING Many of the dismqu prevalent in these Avoid by using Psnrsclrcs Laundry Soap, rs abso u tely pure. Ask your Manufactured only by Very ncbbyâ€"A boarding-house bed. A. P. 24‘). anus ran sens. entail-In (can... "Ail-.293...)- ..°““Dh~ , . ass YOUR canons rou IMPERIAL FRENCH suos smcmxu {Sooner " two yearlinr heifers end one bull. Write for deserl I prise audpedkree too. V. Basin. 'l‘refalrer. miles east of the clty of St Thomas, PM â€"â€"-U“ ONLIâ€" . .fi Glapperton's Spool (lotion | Warrentedl'U‘LL “uterus-eons.“ a machine See that Lannan name Is on y, an a, group-Va. .llMOoeds More ATER .m a... In Per Der W E L I. B 0 R l N (l h . ‘ufl. N .3333 wru- m: mud-s: oresng ses and diolomas. ngood for Le IA Y STREET. HAMILTON A u‘ Tl .ofiN’l EACH PLUG OF THE VsLuIsrlsâ€"i‘frfn’roa sansâ€"mo acres, a} perflo be givento a child. Obedience is the grand- ost thing in the world to begin with. #â€" Lif‘c in the Paris Sewers. is possible, for a short time to the robust, the majority of refined persons Would prefer butlmmedisto death toexistcnce in theirreek- ing atmosphere. How much more revolting to be in one's self a. firing sewer. But this is actually the use with those in whom the in ulars, eddies .l. J. Lewis, New Serum, Ont. NTARIO YE'l'l-lelh‘ml' COLLEGEâ€"Timpa- enoe st. Toronto. Patrons, Gov. Gen. of Canada. Lieut-Gov. of Ontario. The most success- ful Veterinary Institution in America. Over live. hundred raduetes in successful practice. All a», rienc teachers. Session begins Oct tlst. Fees I u the cause of ell this restlessness and foolish striving! “'0 are convinced that the an- swer may befound in the ignorance of the significance of her work, as designed by God and nature. To appreciate this correctly she must posses a knowledge of the laws of Physiology and Psychology. Ilow many a lovlng, devoted mother has failed in her home work simply through ignorance of 1° h‘ll' “u °°“"“" "m ing at the yardarm, and their burial at sea at night, has haunted me all my life. It often comes up before me when I'm walking along the street. I can never forget it. I know; Spencer, the midshipman, well. He was '_a wild, dare-devil sort of a. fellow, about 19 years of ago, but good natured and not maliciously inclined. I think the ex- ecutionlof all the men was a grave mistake, find that Riel was divinely inspired, end that all the benefits he promised would surely follow their obeying his commends. The result of the conflictâ€"the knowledge thet‘troops were messed on every side of them â€"the abject terror that Riel displayed when he found power slipping from his handsâ€"the helpless condition in which they found themselves when driven out of their men over all the warm sun shines, ‘l'ns breue stirs on the bill; In softly undulating lines, The but goes wev‘rlsg still. The breeze comes sofily mur’mring by, The long leav- whicperfree, "Work cn ," "l’rultlon linger nigh ," .‘luccees le walling thee." MYRTLE NAVY IS MARKED &;B. ty Dollars. Principal, PROFESSOR Slil'l'li, \’.S. “ CRIBOLINI l 1" THE ROYAL 3801.18}! HORSE AND CATTLE LlNA MEN! AND “’ABH TOR DOHIBTlOEANlhIAISJ justintroFuocd from In land where n has been in (a over 12 years. (him all s in diseases: hull cute. bruises new to Plow. rifle pits and put upon the move, combined the“ Wtials. She does not understand and hijacking back at it now believe that it :‘fltgitybgflthghlesrmdfiv?h$: ’fif‘tfi’fi‘fim fig’fimfifiml’sfiffi‘fifi $3 to for” upon them tho conviction um: they how largely her children partake of her mom wulfoul murder. breath, theypores, ki ncys and8 bladder. sucr'swupesahlllm. sigma inbscccbtgo airmail: skfiulgyg 1N BRONZE LETTERS, t . , . Many farmers do not take the interest in this Work they should, owing partiallyto ignorance, or they do not want t3 take the trouble to accomplish this work scien- tiiluslly, supposing there is nothing import: not about it. Yet a great difference is ob- served in good and bad plowing, and the crop is invariably the result ; hence a great- cr interest should be taken in this work, and should some farmers follow the example shown at some plowing matches, it would anyo free write lortbcm muses 00.. 759 On BI. Moni'eel. Ascot- wents everywhere flood in us - menu torood men. App at unco for Ierms and pan Deniers JAMES PARKâ€"8: sou. Pork Packers, Toronto. LO. Bacon Rolled Spice Bacon. 0. 0. Bacon, Glas w Beef llams, Sugar Cured llam, Dried Beef, Bros fest Bacon, Smoked Tongues, Mess l‘orlr. Pickl- chongues, Cheese, Family or Navy Pork, Lord in Tubs and Pails. The Best Brands of English l-‘ine Dairy Belt in Stock. that life remains in such a dwelling. Dr. Pierce's “Golden Medical Discovery" restores normal urity to the system and renews the whole eiug. A fond mother had been exhibiting the cleverness of her pretty little daughter of 4 years, who had learned a variety of histor- ical facts. Many questions had been prompt- ly and correctly answered, and the happy mother asked : “Who were Noah’s sons 1’" Immediately the wee child answered "Shem" ial as welles physical temporamont,nor fully appreciate her awful responsibility in their early training. She exerts herself to sup- ply their corporal needs, but gives no thought to their mental environment. How difi'orent this would be if each woman understood the proper du'olopment of the child mind, and cordd intelligently direct and guide its unfolding ; properly determining what powers should first be brought in act- “We sailed from New York on the 13th of September, 1812, for the coast of Africa, but:first began cruising in the West Indies. In2tho latter part of November, before we resohod§St. Thomas, Midshipman Spencer, whotwasfihs son of the Secretary of War, wasflsuddenly seized one day, put in double irons2xnd kept a. prisoner in close confine- ment. Two other men, the boatswain's mate. who was acting as boatswaiu, and had been deceived, and that in taking up in astonishing arms'they had forfeited their lives and pro. party without scouring anything in return. At. his bidding they had neglected their work during the most of the winter, relying on his assurance that the Government he was going to inaugurate on the Saskatchewan would supply all their wants, but when spring came, and with it a dispelling of the illusion that had kept them up, they found .NQNE .. 0.1353 ._- “Films”? GUT THIS OUTI The New (lo-Operative Sewfilllféfliiél l be a great benefit to them. themselves without the means of putting in ivity. Md Wis“? “‘1 lklmnu! Smiling “19m whose name was Cromwell, and s seamen, _md the“ w“ a Pause After some new â€""’“‘ " â€"“ ----â€"â€""â€"- it is usually the case that plowing is con» even such crop as the lateness of the season from one “‘80 0‘ deval‘lpfilelfit to mother- who was captain of the maintop, named 0nd. the mother luggeated “Ham .. and a Is THE menced at full depth by turning a full-fur- would yet permit of being planted with s NOW: “’6 tMolnar ll 81lpr f0 ‘10 3-11 this Small were arrested aday or two afterward, the little one said ,, Oh yea _ Shem’ Ham 5 I 0. BE ‘ row and thrown against the fence, more than reasonable hope of reaching maturity. The “lid W8, mother!» “1‘0 3° summed lib“ our followed Lby the arrest of four others. All and Corned Beef .'. ' ’ ’ ' la '5 81‘ IN THE MARKET. cgn be “Run from the fence, IAlgo when a, DESPERATE awn-3 angelic children are found fault With, innd WEI-07p," in double iron" we no Throw‘ Away Trusses :1 h- E :Htw STAND! I!" rmn‘mr field is plowcdlnlands, a full-furrow is turn- to which they were reduced set them think- wot conceive what kind 0f 8 Weber t i! marine! guard on board. The officers ap- d. i th d _ 93 2 cl up when beck-furrowlng, which makes a ing and their esteem and admiration for Riel ill“ 00mph!“ 0f “‘0” (“019211 misdzmefin‘ peered tube frightened to death snout scrno- :fiizfi‘fl°gef},fi$nfi;l1,5:th2:“;‘22:; ’4: g , id th hth fildh i th tom n. t't ho to kothmall ors- Surely she cannot nn erstan er thiur, and them to. b" t . dt lttc t fo e- :1â€" l r go roug o e , eavy or e a as 0 pa no w was ma 8 5 en 0 e s lp s compau of rup uro Sen we 6 l‘ s {I‘I'rgpiid’slbris‘ m forences, pamphlet and terms. _ psnsary Medical Association, 663 Mam Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Despise not any man, and do not spurn anything; for there is no man that hath not his hour, nor is there anything that hath not is place. ” Her face so fair. as flesh it seemed not, But heavenly portrait of bright angel's hue, Clear as the sky. without a blame or blot. Through goodly mixture of complexicus due, and in her checks the vermeil rod did show." This is the poet's description of a woman whose physical system was in a perfectly sound and healthy state, with every function acting properly, and is the enviable condition of its fair patrons produced by Dr. Pierco’s “ Favorite Prescription.” Any-druggist. Some admirable brass fire-gilt mantles, broad and lofty, and constituting imposing mineral decorations, are finding their place in modern mansions. ' Our readers will be glad to know that the British American Business College of Tor- onto ro-opens on Tuesday, Sept. hit. This institution under its present management ofi'ers to the business student facilities un- surpassed by any other educational estab- lishment in Canada. Never confide your secrets to paper; it is like throwing a stone in the air, and if you know who throws the stone, you do not know where it may fall. The extraordinary success which has every year characterized the Toronto Ex- business, and we feel it our immediate duty to inform the School Board of the mistake and have matters rlghted. Out of the 168 hours in a week, the child. rcn are under the teacher's direct influence only about 30, and there are generally from 30 to 50 little ones to call for her thought and attention. What opportunity has she for studying each individual child so as to wisely determine how to deal with it most intelligently? Almost none, compared with a mother's, and it is directly upon her that the responsibility rests. But many women will say: " We have no time to study our children or anything else, and we are not blamoworthy for our lack of knowledge. It requires all our strength to perform the necessary work of life; and or long as we are required to do this we must give the mental training of our children to others." True, the domestic work of life must be done, for proper food and clothirg are ab- solutely necessary for our comfort. But after all, every woman may acquire wisdom if she can't be learned. It is not so much what is read as what is thought of that makes the difference between intelligence and ignorance. With a proper system of management there are few women of to-day, who cannot find some time for reading and study. werezsfraid to be seen talking to each other. After Spencer's arrest it was noised about decks that he had formed a plot to seize the ship,falong with a few of the ship's crew, hd‘he communicated his plan to the purser's steward, who got a list of the conspirators and told the whole story to Lieut. McIntosh, the executive ofiicer. “Two or three days after the arrests a number of the officers met in the ward-room and called in a number of the ship's crew and examined them. The statement and even the opinions of each were taken do wu but the accused men were not allowed to face their accuscrs ; were not told what the charges were in detail, and were not granted any opportunity for explanation or denfonso. On the 1st of December, four days after Spencer’s arrest, be along with Cromwell and Small, were told to get ready to die; that they were going to swing at the yard- arm at once. Spencer and the captain of the top acknowledged their guilt, and were willing to die; but the acting boatswaiu pro- tested his innocence to the last, and Spencer declared, also, that ho, Cromwell, had no- thing to do with the plot.’ ‘Cell all hands to witness exocution,’ said the first lieuten- ant. The ship's company sullcnly ranged themselves on the quarter deck and at other points, while the officers of the ship stood around with drawn and sharpened swords to cut down any one who faltored in inflict- wealthy, was changed to hatred and condom- nation of the mountcbenk who had deluded them, accompanied by tho kecnest regret that they had given ear to his teachings. They can scarcely realise the idiocy that led them to believe in his mummories end absurd pre- tensions, and era'tc-day as eager to see him hanged as were the troops on the field of Batoche to see him shot. So high is this feeling amongst those who were his most devoted followers, that it would be safer to set Riel free amongst the men who fought against him than to send him back to his seat of government on the South Branch Amongst those 'whom be deceived. How far the expression of feeling is true, and how much prompted by the ever-prevalent desire to kick a man when he is down, we shall not attempt to decide. Instead of finding their condition battered they see whentoolato that in their madness they destroyed the very sources out of which they made their living. They paralysed trade, so that there isno freighting;they so impoverished, their country that none are able to give them employment. In their extremity they are Lsavnm run conxrnr, some going to Qu'Appolle and other districts in which they have friends, others crossing the line, in the hope that amidst new sur- roundings they may be able to make the t) draw, and often causes trouble afterward. Somatimes the mowing machine is running on the ridge, the guards making marks in iho dirt, the sections working lively among the small stones which sometimes crack and break them Another disadvantage is, in case of a dry season, when plowod on such back-furrow it is very difficult to keep the plow in the ground. Leaving a double dead-furrow is a poor idea, in my estimation ; it caubo avoid- cd in almost any shaped field, by working a strip down to an equal width from end to end, and then finish in a manner I shell for- thur allude to. The ridge can be avoided in turn ways : One way is to not the plow to draw only one-third deep the first round, the next two‘thirds, the third round the whole depth you intend to plow ; by taking this course you have a level back-fundw. Yet there is the usual strip of land covered under the first round not plowed by such baukvfurrowing, and a strip of woods is often seen in summer fellows or small grains. To avoid this, set the plow one-third deep; on returning turn the new dirt back into the furrow you made, and more with it; the next furrow out throw on top of, the other two, then set the plow at half depth on re: turning, the depth you intend to plow. Thus the plowing is commenced properly, and no ridged back-furrow or strip of land The lisxle Fies- ther is the "11' Washing hluzlnun- I vrnxui that a \\'( uk women or 'irll years old w thou ' the use of e w as! ‘ board, can with en wash 60 to loo pier» ‘ in uul‘hour. Agent wanted all over Ca ads. Sample senlfl Um- prlca only 825 eaoh. Before buying send or Item for our sl and sample of sewln D on“. Duo» "If Machines guaranteed‘for three years and sent on Any isdr wen u: a machine will do well towrits is The (lo-Operative Sewing lifeline Co. A MES Fl . H A MILTON GURNEY &Wllllll’8 W . -~ Au trial endtsrritnry given. Ladies main mi sgcnumc wear or n.“ ‘, clothes, and every lady will buy after lryin it; werranuu to wash callous in fhe minnu-aeolxi-n goods it so. bodelnlho 10. or no sale. Addrnu. “films a CU..l'atl-nt°ol and Hum lecturers. 10 Jervis Simt. rummrn f‘nnadn Allan Line Royal Mail Steamsmpa Bsili during wintorlfrom Portland ov Thursday and Be as every Baturdayto Liverpool an in summs from Quebec every Saturda to Idvorpool. n- lilo: at for. dondsrry to lend mails en person are for Be ilsni an Ireland. Also from Baltimoroala enter and Bthl-n': NJ" to Liverpool fortnightly during summer months The steamers of tho Gla- ow lines seli durln winie toandfrom Halifax. Po and. Boatou end hlledt-l chin; and during summer between Glucow and Maui trsel weekly; Glasgow andJlosion. weekly: and Glaro and i’hlledelphie, fortnightly. For freight. p c, or other luformstim appiytoA. Sohumso or k 00.. Baltimore: 8 Cunard as CO. Halifax: Shoe 8: Co.. St. John's N. In; Wm. Thomson a 00.. hi. John. N. 8 Allen a: 00.. Chic 0: Love a Aldon, Nov York:H..Bourller. oronto:Allaus Rack 09 Quebec: Wm. Brookle, Philadelphia; n. I Allan. Portland. Boston. Mon GI‘AjfiADAflDâ€"O‘M I I O 7 AND FORTIETH Provincial Exhibition A grit ultur: 1:: 2:;inzgtlgr: of Ontario 1'0 In lllLl) A‘l' LONDON PROM Till STANDARD SCALES Are, lhe nest. Af- lcsfed by the Fort that there are more of our males in use in the Dominion than of all other meku covered over. living they deprived themselves of at home. Home work is of such a nature that much '. ‘ Anothor 300d {autumn plowmgumkup They all bear testimony to the magnan- of itgcaube made mechanical. The hands ing the “Wm! Penalty. “nun “erythan hibitlo“ Promh" “be rePea-ted this “calmn- to sept.’ ggflwwfii (313'; ' . j the furrows straight, and this can be done, was ready Spencer and his two companions In fact, in point of attractions and in the Real", run..."- - ' 'stltnicfirs' “rain and Dairy Scales. Scalcu, Bener for Dorm-stir. line. lionsokocpors, (.‘onsuli Your Best lnfercsis By purchasing a scale, and in buying nus be sure tout the fuses. Our scales are fully warranted in every particular. All sizes Railroad, Warehouse and Mill Trucks. Alnrru Money Drawers. For salu by the Hardware Trade generally. ll- lustreted Catalogue and Price List forwarded upon application. GURNEY & IVARE HAMILTON. Wennousssâ€"chiresl and Winnipeg. may hold a broom while the mind absorbs or conceives a noble thought. Mothers are directly responsible for the proper development of their children's minds and no amount of work can excuse them from this, their highest, holiest duty. Ig- norance is not athlng to be lightly overlook- ed and excused. It is a sin. Our educational papers are full to over- flowing of assertions concerning the teach- er’s work, the teacher's-duty, but little or nothing is said to the thousands of mothers, who are carelessly leaving the mental train- ing of their children to others, while they pursue the more important employment of adorning their bodies. VVo would not have one word less written for the teacher. It is impossible too highly to estimate the imity and forbearance of the troops, who spared their lives when they might easlly have taken thorn. So long as they had arms in their bands they had to take the chances of war, but when they were beaten and forced to surroudor they looked upon it as a matter of course that they would be killed. Riel had told them so, and such had been the custom in all the wars on the plains in which they had previously been engaged. That it was not soâ€"that they were spared as soon as they laid down their arms, is some- thing they do not fully realize. They did not look for defeat, but when they met it they did look roxfihe annihilation of themselves and famlllo‘s.‘ But it was far otherwise. mu proved himself a false prophet; the white soldier was more morolfulthan they knew or hopedâ€"more merciful than the rebels would liberality with which the prize list has been $30»00° 1N PREMIUMS AN“ MEDALS prepared, the great Industrial Fair will this year be ahead of any annual exhibition on this continent, if we except, perhaps, the St. Louis Fair. The entries and applications for space already made far exceed those of any previous year, and the manogers are being put to their wits' end to know how t provide for them all. Cheap rates and excursions will be given on all railways, and our readers will not be disappointed if they make up their minds to pay Toronto a. visit at the time of the Fair. All entries' must be made on or before the 22nd of August, and intending exhibitors should not fail to make a note of this fact. Prize Lists and any other information can be, proourcd by dropping a post-card to Mr. Hill were allowed to bid their friends good-bye, then Capt. Mackenzie gsvo the signal, a gun was fired, the colors were hoisted, and at the same time three men, with caps over their faces, were swung out on the main yard-arm. It was a horrible sightto look at. All of the men died game. Capt. Mac- kon zio then made a speech to us about the necessity of disciplino‘snd the awful crime of mutiny. At night funeral services were read, by the aid of the battle lanterns, and the bodies were put on the ‘tilting board' and dropped into the sea. It was a solemn scene, I assure you, and it made an impres- sion on my youthful mind that can never be eradicated. In a day or two we ran into St. Thomas, and then set sail for New York, arriving there on tho 14th of December. and time is saved by so doing. You save short work. Where lands are struck out usually in long or square fields, it will then be equal at the finish. “'hen at two for- rows widc, set the plow at half depth across the piece, then set it the whole depth return‘ ing ; thou strike out another land one-third doop. lly so doing the plow is at the other end of the field. Then set the plow} half depth to bring back the half furrow loft on the other lend : thus you haves single dead- furrow. Then goto the other land one- thinl deep, turn the dirt back on the furrow, the next top of that, then half depth, next whole depth. \Vhen tholest land is to be made, no sthcr furrow to strlko out, you must go to tho otlv-r and of the field without plowing, in order to bring bask the last Owing to the Dominion grant of 910000, a supple. mentary edition of tho Prize List has been Issued, making an entirely new list for the first 40 pages. From p‘sgo 40,flrst rdlticn will in used. 15th its to come from the North-West and the maritime Provinces: ,On these exhllllts transport will be pald. Ono fare for passengers and freight on all principal roads in the Dominion. Entries to be made in all classes cf Live Stock and Farm Products by Aug. 22; Horticultural Products, bdlos' Work, etc, by Aug 20 Erhlliltlou to be opened by Ills Excellency tho Governor-General. l'rizo Lists, both editions, and lllank Fcrms can be bad by spplyingby post card or otherwise to tho Becrstsry. nlNllY WADE, Toronto. 0120. MOORE, Presidentgfllferloo. :e-ecflQW' ' ,V . w.»- e _ ... _, s- - “THEE?” SUNBEAM " .WRINGIIR l ONLY $3.00. ONLY $3.00. run CHEAPEST m CLOIHRSWPINHKIUI THE MARKET. 0' A” KIND” furrow. Should it be a three cornered bwo been Md the victory been on their “do. importance of hi] work : but we wonld have “There wasa deal of excitement when the the Secretary, at Toronto. The Fair will Warrantell first- . R l v or a bawmg bold, and you intend to finish It than" for an partied m“ it mould be n ma mama“ of our Ind {801 the tumult)“ news of tho mutiny and hanging got noised this year be held from tho ll to the mm of aim}: pr mqouefv rle: .“w .,0 3'; “In; a i ( . r. Bill ( l‘ ’ al," “ King," also Mangles, ’l‘wo ltuller and Three ltollor. Write for particulars. around and hundreds of people came down to the ship to see us. All of tho others ar sated were dlsmissod from custody. Capt. Mackenzie was court-martialod about almouth afterward, and the court sat for forty days, but acquitted him. It was com- posed: of his brother officers. Mackenzie was not liked by the men. lie was a brutal martinet, anyhow. Flogging was allowed in the navy in those days, and he was very fond of administering the ‘cet’ for trivial offenses. The friends of the executed men tried to have Mackenzie indicted in New York for murder, but the judge dcclded that the civil law was not applicable to his case." September, I The bashful man always holds a ” fiush.’ Joy in Every Drop. This may be truly said of Poison‘s Nervi- line, the greatest pain remedy of the ago. It brings comfort to the Weary sufferer when failure has attended the use of every known remedy. Nervlllno is an absolute cure for all kinds of pain, internal, external, or local. Purchase a 10 cent sample bottle and try this great remedy, Nervillne, nerve pain curs. Don't forget the name at any drug store. "Oh, you our laugh," exclaimed Fender- son, with a show of impatience, “ but I am not quite so much of a fool as you think I am." ” Tell you the truth," said Fogg, “ I didn't believe it could be possible." The Wheel of Fortune Moves incessantlyâ€"the most buoyant to- day may be loaded down by adversity to- morrow. Ono peculiarity of that famous elleviator of human sufi'erin â€"Putnnm’s Painless Corn Extractor, is the act that in spite of hundreds of imitations sud substi- tutes it has retained its place in the very front rank as a remedy for come. This must ever be the canoes every person who has used it testifies that it Is prompt, pain. less and certainâ€"three grand essentials which, when combined, as is the case with Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor, insure- a sure pop corn cure. Sold everywhere An exchange has this heading to a long article: “ Insanity and Divorce.” But the writer does not tell why marriage should be called insanity. The aim in the manufacture of him ms.“ & Sou s, “ Myrtle Navy " tobacco is to develop and retain the natural aroma a the tobacco. This requires great skill and a knowledge of very interesflng chemical laws bottheresuitl attaineders vastly superior to all forms of flavoring extracts. The presiding oflcer at a political meeting is probably called "the chair" on account ofthaepperentlyvsrygnnoreldesireto cit uponhim. Almelndlse‘Collese, 8t. Dumas, Ont, hasfnllstafi’endoompiete courses in Mt- mHmPlneAmendCommeflu Science. fbeâ€"opale September )0, 1885. hello Weddell, Princi- lpliA so. in the centre, and the work coming together at tho narrow part of the field, let the plow run out of the furrows at asbout two fur- rows wide, set in on tho other side, leaving a strip through the piece, the widest pert, worked down to two furrows wide. Should the wide part be in or near the centre, go to the end of the piece t) commence by setting the plow to finish, as l have before stated. Thus you have a single deed-furrow in most any shaped field. Time is saved by doing this way, rather than to do as some doâ€" make two or three extra rounds plowing in their back furrows, turningup sod, or what- ever the top might be doing more hurt than good. When making the single desddur- row it is nearly filled by the drill or drag- ging, and is better for the crop and machin- cry. root to manufac- turers, or procure from your “end were or House- Furnishirgdeslcr. it is; and had it not been that they instigated the Indian to his deviltry, their own crimes and folly would have been the more easily overlooked. â€"â€"â€"â€"-‘â€".O’â€"-â€"-â€"â€" CANADA ABROAD. The Prince of wuas'vlsm the c. l'. l- , uliblt. The Royal Agricultural Show of England, held at Preston, Lsnceshire, in the middle of July, passed off with more than usual oolet this year, owing to the visit on two of the principal days of the Prince of Wales, and other noble and distinguished visitors. His Royal niche». on entering the grounds, first visited the handsome stand of the Canadian Pacific Railway, organized by Mr. Alerander Begg, one of the Company’s chief representatives in Europe, the exhibit being specielh relied ed on the occasion for the convenience of the Royal party. First to attract the Prince's attention were the grains from the Canadian Pacific rallwa experi. mental farms west of Moose Jaw, which he examined minutely, the erect locality of growth being Indicated on the map. The mineral specimens and the varied and an age) was on his way from British Columbia, semplm of prairie grasses from the where his parents reside, to visit two of. Northwest next claimed attention, and this his brothers residing at Prince Albert. On'led the Earl of Lsthcm, who formed one of arriving at Calgary be contracted a beet, the party, to direct his Royal iiighnees‘ et- ln which he came to medicine list. After entice to the nutritious qualities of these remxlnlng there about a wrek he left on 13": suck subject on which h. Monday, 20th. When some thirty miles speaki with authority, being associated with west of Saskatchewan hadlng, one day Mr. Stevely Hill. Q. 0.. hi. P., in annual aboutmuhewuleenlngovnrhiscamp thefinutofthedibcrte ranches. Not lee. lire, he heerdebnlletwhlatlepesi. Itoenae surpdeingtotheltoyelpertywas the eerie. eoneerastuplerce hisvest endshirt. Es of views giving an exceilnt idea of the immediately reniohlsbcet, sevenoreight wealth efacsnsrya‘ougthelinsoitheCenaâ€" more shots being fired in the meantime. diaePsdfieraiiwey threngheottbe Nos-th- lle shove-i the bcetcntfrnm shunned po- westen'dRceky )dounteins, in examination oeedodeehortdistence, whenthebeet run of which his Royal Highness spent some mashing. 'l‘hewelerbsisgshelleu, time. am so gratification » the sushi lsdlenwededoutfefterhim, «GMT-smother.“ng bhmunleloulinggudaebhhddgand thupreoeededto ins-pest tbeother sights tired,me share as access hehed efthe show which has altogether proved done so. Mclvor followed and on reaching easel the Instance-hi eereoerd. ity in the matter of educxtion and arouse themselves to the sense of their most solemn of all duties, for the performance of which God will hold them directly accountable. _.___..â€"..-â€"â€"~._.. .â€" Wstching for a Shot. There is, probably, no country on the face of the globe that alIords a richer field for the hunter and sportsmen than Africa, “thegams” including allkinds of wild beasts, from the elephant down to the rabbit. The following extract from the joller of a recent explorer may give some idea of what a keen sportsman may expect to see in the Sonden: There being a moon. two of our party watched some hours by the water, perched more or less uncomfortably on the branches of trees, in hopes of getting a shot .et some animals coming to drink. Occasionally, after watching in vain for a long time, a noise, as of some large animal approaching, is heard. To reach the water, it must pass within a few feet of where you are sitting. From the noise it makes in the bushes, it must be large game. At last the unknown animal stands out in the moonlight ; end it is only a hyene, after all i Such was their fate that night, but soon afterwards they heard a tremen- dous crashing through the jungle,whlch set every nerve tingling. 'Ihey ;feit sure the noise could be ceased by nothing less than a herdufbufielees,and that wasindeed the case. Ths‘anirnels, however, got their wind, and went ed at a gallop, with their thirst unquenched. ‘ For some time longer they waited, in hopes eitherthat they would return, or some other herd make its appearance, or, per- chenoe, that a single bull-bnfi’aio might vldt thepondgforolten thalargestand fiercest bullsesparetethsmselvesfrosn thehsrd, and wander about since. None, however, er- thers, crocodiles, baboons, endecorenof Popinjeyeeysthethewisheshecculdin- ether beasts wereprowihgeround, bogus» does his wife totrytbe early-sleds; move- fortuaeteiy, were not thirsty that night, menton hermouth. Hamilton Industrial Works 00., Manufacturers, Hamilton. Can. ALBERT (COLLEGE, (I): Arnms'rms' wr'ru Vmonu ervxluurv, Conovno,) Berrxvnua, ()u-ruuo. 'l'hls College. foumhri in 13-14, has had in attendance over mm different sludrnfs. It (filers unsn ed isollltleqfor “ general culture" and for matriculation in Arts, Law, etc. at a manuals cost The Col late Course embraces boih " matriculation work" and selected sludch in Bf‘ltDN end l'hllosqby. 1hr Are tin of Music has awarded zodiplomes of graduation in thresyurs. it was never so popular as now. The [in ' noes bolls is under the direction of a practical mutant. Ornamental peumsnahlp aspoclailly The School of rt is in affiliation with the Ontario Bcbool of Art, and menu lie mum. (Q, A special (curse of lectures for conference studenu of tho Methodist (.lnmh. in which the Rev. Dre. Carmen, Jeffon. the Rev. J. ll. Clarkson, M.A , and cihrn take pert, will be then during ibe'winkl mooibs. :1 A reduction in fees of 10 r cent. (instead of e drflv ltr sum as formerly) is granted to studsnleteklng wo or more Departments. llof ladies and gentlemen summed. Fell terms begins September sin. FOR “ ANNUAL ANNOUNf‘EMl'JNT” AND CIRCULARS, ADDRESS REV. W. P. DYER, M.A., President. Highland Communities. In bygone times the majority of the clans- men were grouped in village communities. Their townships or farms consisted of arable land and hill pasture, and the arable land was cultivated in runrig; that is, it was per lodicelly redivided, the occupiers obtaining as nearly as possible an equal share of the solL Other clansmen lived as cotters on the townships of the tecksmen, who were generally immediate kinsmsu of the chief or Chieftain ; the chief being the head of the whole clan, the chleftein the head of a sub- ordinate iept. In return for their labor these cotters received a but and a little land, with permission to keep one or two can It is obvious that even if the people of the Highlands had always been quiet and indus- trious, the manual thunwooldnot have had much chance of improving their circumstan- ces under such conditions as these. And they were anything but quiet and industrious Against the Lowlanders ell Highlanders were united, but smug themselves they were constantly at feud, eeeh clan regarding its neighbors with Nanny and suspicion, andeomstimuwithbitterdnteehtim. w -. BASOALLY REDSXINB. SAMUEL ROGERS & 00., MANUFACTURERS OF PEERLESS AND OTHER MACHINE OILS. £32$fliii§fi§§fi Queen City Bil Works. T O R O N TO. George urlver Tells the story of the Indians Allan l-‘. Fraser Time, J. l’., of Swift Current, took the dept-idea of George hielvor, who was shot by Indians a short time ago. The substance of the deposition was as follows :- hlr. Nolvcr (who is a man about 30 years of ited. Reward for tho- Conviction ofnealorswho as m. McGOLL’S ‘°§2§..32.€..‘.9l3.°‘ §§LARDINEEE MACHINE] OIL. llnder Belt ll 2'”, '0“; | For sale by m was dealers. | “muggy: 0" Burekn. Outline

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