Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 6 Jun 1885, p. 3

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t I r. SANDFORD . War Against High Prices; G N F I c n N T has a lame stock of l l c . ’ ‘ I WAGGONS AND BUGGIES w. w. man’s cASii smite? ‘ You can save 50 per 01-11.. by buying at I â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"_____ on hand, all guaranteed to be first clas<. which he will sell 1 i i l C H E E R T H A E V E SggjgsijgiigfémDS lYon can buy a 8TH;th HAT at the City Store for 5 cents. i " " £1011 can buy .8 yards of FACTOLX (OTTO) tot bl (ll . .. - . . .' = 3 1.:naw ..z s 1 1 .1; 5.3L'l5. - . . . . “c. 515? 31311135 'ihiciiailiiwiit‘ll}: Sliittgtli.i"&li?§i l‘iiit‘ilmflfil i“ : : : .: ‘53:: iron can bnv 11. Yards of APRON LINEN for 31 oo. the Milo-1w»: film ': : : ': as: l ” ‘ l in the market, 30 cents per lh. lStrawberric's. ‘.' lh, tins. REAP'ERS, SELF-BINDERS, MOWERS, ll’lizins. 3 lb. llllS. - You can buy 12 yards of SHIRTINGâ€" for 0’0. 17c. lTC. ‘ 12.31. IV N E W FRUIT- H.” .1 .. . ‘ y , . r11. .' .1). tin», - - . . . . L Fiat-st C‘urr.1nt,=, 1‘! lbs. 11»: 2 '- Sl 00 iX’rng' 3 m m”. _ . _ _ -_ _ 1.3.36 Valentin fl:1isins,lolh_.=.for l ""‘ lihi;]n§_ j l‘.._ tins. . . . . _ _ 135C. . . . I I - AND 9 ETSPOFMCG -\ltl'lf“- l” “"1 71” ' l ‘-"_l ‘I‘uin ikins. 2 lb. tins - - - - - 12.55:. -‘ "‘ , . . , . ' ' ' ‘l 7 " ‘l . . -. - . - 1. 1 H I .. . . 11.. - a 2:. . l - 11 011 can get bettei 1211110 111 (LOFth (x 1101 0 than elbow 1101 c. and is bound not to 1c llllt tho 1. 2.1 an} out. Com I.“ lb. . _ f I? I TOBACCOES- L , -- \‘egutiiblvs,l ll). package lo ‘. ~ . . . .1 H x . . 18‘ All kinds of‘ memo done at .41an notice. Various patterns of Morm- f rm'r-ii Apples. 1:: lbs. {or z - - 1 011 FT.“ E‘k'},'}“ffl""”"Â¥ ’ . - â€" v. - -â€" ~- » - - . V on r - .- .- - - - -: : : :-.:.;.:.: SOOTHER A N 0 H1130 & M A R k '21 specialty. All Rim-Hits done in a first-class manner and on :hort. notice. home ,1 l'lu'r‘llt‘”) JMH P01” “1- - - - - 1-1 ~ . 3 .y A. i 9 1 Also a large and choice assortment of“ Also out Smoking; Tohav'cos ot' the best ; “ranges, .ln-inons. Dates, l’izs, Nuts, Can- i brands. and the finest brands of Cigars and ’1 dies. Apples, l’iretliuilo~i, Bananas 1w. Cigarettes. I 3-9;?" A large assortment of‘ Crockery, Glassware, Millr Pans, Preserve Jars and l N0: 2 Dobson’s Block, - - ‘ ’ Butter Crooks. :ill of. which Will be sold at rot/1‘ bottom pri'i'is. V _ _ 7 r 7 _7 _ v V 7 7 '_ w, m 7 My” 7 _ p 4 - . , . ‘ "a XV. \V. J _:' ‘ ' 1 GIVING UP 13’ UiS’INESi BI OTT Interesting ,, (9 Everybody... M I L L m E Ry I have just received the largest stool: of'iFaney Goods ever ofl‘ered in the \‘illage . I N i n I n of Feuelon Falls, COllSlbtlng 01 F N E L O N F L S _ DIUSIUALL INC‘I‘IlITBIEN’FS. _ JUST As SOON As I CAN, suchasViolins,Banjoes,Aceordeons,Concertina: hloatli-organstfi"l‘::nihourines. 3 _( T 1 fl iii Wiiii SlflEK ii 31 Still} iii 11 Hill. 1.- wm 3m 97 m 37m Wall Papers and Window Blinds, 'NL“ .,.S..,.90Db’ an a ver large stock of Paint Brushes, Varnishes, Ja ians, ~ AND MAKE TRACKS. pAlN-ld-s’ y(“La GLASg AND liaU'rTy’ Mixed Paints of' all shades of'colonrs, ready for the brush, . ' ’I ‘ h V -J- ‘ 0 Vi I y “ Plctill es 311d 1 lctlll O 1‘ l a'l‘IOb’ all of which will he Sold at and a fine stock of“ Trunks, Travelling Bags Valises and Ladies’ Satchels; also - ‘LllSC'l‘lij ,j .‘A 'I A Great Variety of Pipes, Cigars and Tobaeeo, s I “ Hills“ “lluh A llli't‘ lot (if WALL PAPERS ‘cheap second-hand lil'llGIl‘IS for sale. I . ‘ He returns sincere thanks For the liberal patronage hertofied on. him during the past. 1-1 years, and will spare no pains to merit a continuance of it in the future. CITY DRAPERS AND CLOTIIIERS. 2 Dbors West of the Post Office, - - Kent Street. Lindsay‘- Fen‘elo'n falls, April 22nd, 1885. Going to Make Another Morel Mrs. KEELEY Hus just received and opt-nod up a luigu slurlt (if L‘I. 4A.. :1 {1'} (3}- A RV , having decided to retiro from business. will sell the whole of‘ the stock of new and fashionable DRY UNUDS at cost, in order to effect. a quick sale. The stock is all new, and Consists of‘ Dress Goods. Prints, 'l‘wceds. Sliirtings. Slicetings, Towclings, Table Linens, li‘lanncls, ()rotonncs, Quilts, Table Covers, Grass Linens. Ducks, Cottonadcs, Miislins, and a large and Well-selected stock 01' Ladies’ Hosiery and Gloves. Come for Bargains at Cost or Less. I’ve a. nice Cash Business. and will stall en bloc if I can get a reasonable offer. Stationery, Perfumery and Toilet articles, and a very fine aesortment of‘ Watches, Watch Chains, Rings. Brooches and Other Jewelry, ' . " '. . . . . - Toys Vases and Fancy China-ware. Cu]! and hisprt't the srorlr. Mill “'Ifnow that-pap: .1 opt-mi ... 'l‘oa - 1 Men’s overalls’ Shlrts 8‘ Under-Shlrts A Ra re Chance for SornebOdY' ’ STEPHEN NJCVISON', iiiiiiii._itii'.~ii311.1[lilith 5:1}. \. ..'.'-ii.ii'.i?.”iii . to b" Fold Out at 005“- . L _ ~ iii. Fenelon Falls, April 9th, m I I “OPPOSITE :l-ETSTJWFICE. i‘:l;‘::;'£:‘(‘1::::Silzlllil:;;:;"lll“H‘ll‘lfll"'l‘l'li":-H“ Grey and White Cottons at Less than M111 Prices. W‘s-m“ of the Red Flag. BRANBON g MRSWHELLW l‘i-iu-lon Fulh. Nov. 27th. 15:55. MQB§0N; ii the Inhabitants tll Penalti- Falls aid Surrounding Countryl )illllll‘llSl - and War at the Falls in Patterns l oors mo enoes. a “'e are just reteiving our Spring Stock. and when completed will show the largest and best assortment of Boots and Shoes e‘ver shown in Fenelon Falls, which we intend to sell Cheap for Cash. Cash is our Motto, GENERAL GRMERIES Ail PMVISWNS, Mean“ Bay‘flm'gmw' CROCKERY; GLASSW‘ARE, &c. fitting Patterns always Try our TEAS, they will please you both in 'p'riccs and quality. In addition to the. above we have also a large and Well ‘sclcctcd stock of l Mens’ and Women’s Boots 8: Shoes, which will be sold as low as the lowest. Yours respectfully. H BRANDON & ROBSON. Fenelon Falls, February 18th, 1895. :Now is the time to buy Dry Goods, when you can get them at wholesale prices HUME ALONG WITH YOUR MONEY, AND GET BARGAINS. The whole Stock must be SUltl out in a. short timeâ€"no reserve. M. A. REGAN, JORDAN’S NE\\' BLOCK. Having purchased the stock, etc., of" Mr. John A; Ellis, and made large additions thereto, we beg to solicit a (-ontinuaiu-e of the support extended to him, and we will use our utmost 'e'n' eavo'i'irs at'all times to make prices satisfactory to one and all who may t‘avour 'us with their patronage. Our stock will be found complete in Fenelon Falls, May 20th, 1883'). 1885. SPRING. 1885. JOSEPH HEARD, DEALER IN HARDWARE Ml am now in a position to offer SPEoiiL INDUOEMENTS LARGE sTGCK or TEAS, Call and see our large stock of Roots and Shoes, F1 4A7]; 191319191] IC-Ulll]; Y 013 0 6797311319, and a splendid lot of new patterns in 011 OCIKICI£Y+ & GIJASS‘VA.RE- Call early, and we will do our best 'to send you away happy. agar Remember the placeâ€"Sign of T111: Linn: Max. ‘ - IE. BI. I3UTLER. A fllll assortment of and for cash we will not he un‘dersold by any person in the county. GALL EARLY AND MAKE A SELEGTIDN before the stock is too much broken. . We are also showing it on hand, and will be sent by mail post paid l I l I 011 receipt of price, by Wm. Campbell. Fenolon Falls, April -ltli, lSHAl. Dfll BflflDS iii EltllHlNG HtlllSl. ~(il‘â€"~ GHRISTMAS GOODS at (l. A. Methcrcll‘a . 300K STORE -_A.\'D~_ MUSIC EMI’ORIUM. 11ml good bargains. Cut and \Vroug'ht Nails. Hinges. Latches Tarn-d Feltingr and l)l‘_\' Lining Felt, Manure and llay Forks’ Spades and Shovels. and a very full line of general Hardware A great and long-felt want suppliedâ€"l BABY CARRiAeEs,l M,, iii aiiii . Bill of Specialties This W colt. COOKING-STWES AT 0981'... NEW FURNlTURE FAGTUHY. lCaI‘PGtS @151 Hour-finishing G00d5a. ° Cottonades & Shlrtlngs, Prints, at city prices. in various styles. A large. stock of‘ Fond“) 1““ll-‘v‘AWllB'l‘51385- Proved )lilltâ€"l’ans.111:1iuititctured from steel plate, at give-:nvavl The undersigned respectfully informs the publi‘é that his new factory prices. llt‘ml-qllul'lOl'F 1:».- l v . come one Come ll L’Ulllln lll'fllrl: piii'rliaaiiig in... . . .. J . J. 14 . 7 . . 4‘ .a. , JV, . L.) ; is new in full running. O‘l‘flCl‘,.i'll)(l l5! fitted 11;: with all machinery necessary to _ G A Turw and \ounlifilh' ttzrn 111:, work at short notice. in the best possible manner and at moderate prices. 1 Ifil-nl-Ht” lJudh-uly. Lindsay, Uciolwr 1571b, lrul 11......) iFURMTURE on ALL KINDS kept constantly on hand and sold a:~' Cheap as the cheapest; ROIPCllllKH' ‘VC k0 (3].) ‘11 “Ill «'18- i ” "JG: 1 l M sortinan of I‘l‘CSll and beasonable hoods, and This?“ The " Daisy " ()il Slow-l Font-loll Falls. April l-iitli. H.971. l l , .. :1" ini’i‘V'i'i-‘it \- l'l'll [WP i UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. . .- ' . - r ' ' “ ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ " 1 . g ' ' l i (V. . . ' ' ‘S. 3 'i i A lar;m number of‘ Collin: to select from. and :1 handmme llearse furnished when h 1‘ c (1011C l‘vq" \‘ IUI Old 1.11110 1” H ( S ( U] 5 1 ntquirmp (NV/m. sumo-ml um? Nil/("ifihrf‘ipfl grlill'tlllh‘l'il. Sash and Doors made to sho‘v 3'01] YfllUC ill the ill)” VC (.1100th Th e B T)”. ;,,]._.‘.,,;.,,r H I," “W”, m “rpm” ' order on short notice and of the best materials. ‘ l 1 . t:iil ordv-H with whirb ll" mav lu- {41.nov,} 1 ‘l‘rlilll erL'v I‘d-HUM! ' I ‘1 ‘T”1"t ‘1 1") 1 1'7\"w"ir“ I 1* RA) C115 H.111 lulu . tAb l . I -â€"â€"~â€"-â€"â€"_â€"_._ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_.~_.__ to llm 'fll'lJl‘" : Job. “my a”), ..,,.1 dorm 1.1‘ all lzziiu'i nut-14- on WILLIAM MCKEOVVN.iill the county. Conic and sec for youi‘sclvcs.‘ _â€"___.~_ 7'.“ T_ , V v a ' l-‘lii-tl llllill'i‘ .1111! if "owl 1‘ 'i i , l .. - . . 1‘10 trouble to show Goods. ' v- u - 1- ’ i “"'-"‘ - I, ‘I V 1.7 V I. ‘ "I- . ‘ I ' L ‘ \.1.r,.-.~l.op vii ll.|f." :- .‘lzw-l Lin: 1 1-,]. l 1! ; 1 loll” l1 ‘ f'li of": Oil lioiul flu-H H.141. ! r I -â€" ' lilll'n'Alll) HAW. _“r T“H_ ‘ l'i :ivlnii f'nlln. April llilli, l-‘Ht. 1.1. Parties in want- of l 4&.C)lark 8: 5401”! 1 ~ * l HUGH M’DOUGALL . .. MERCHANT TAILORS'l Fenelon Falls. May 1a,, 1885. I in “g; Wm“- ress antic Maker, *No anmgsmarnn . .. ,. To the Great Central filiow of .‘..\i.nriir.nt.or11i>. ‘ : ......,.;..,i ...;,,_ 1;,.:,...:,.,.l 5;.,;;,,,1,,mwfl, which 1‘ W "i l'”"’"""‘5 m ""“l'” "P in the 3 NM» 1-..;. 1.1m...” tzms‘t F.‘ ...l.li- Fifi-l}; llflrtim furnilhw B o o A N D S H o ' P-Vltl‘flllvl l‘..l:._ ,1”. y 534,“! ‘W: 3”". mg the: fin-:1 ‘~T:}Alt':l:ii.‘:"llll “faililloul Y ‘ I v > NW N I. H “1.11.... -3 1. mmoda. i wltlvll is now on t-xiuianm. at .1110 -~ l'i-iirloii Filth (iiiIt-tte " . MACUIRE’S CHEAP CASH BOOT .. , , . . ’ AND SHOE STORE, .V . 1" PIN Ii} [4() N IPA. 1212!: , ha'r lll'lt‘ll plcih'iire in nnnounring that. thy-'1- haw juit put in an rn:irvl_v va nn-l‘ well~wlretml :Ur‘k of Smith. Hamil-h and i CANADIAN Twat-:03; ‘ K ‘ County of Victoria.._~ Dry Goods. t‘lotliiiigtt llllllllt‘l‘)’ .' mmafinmm a should call and 500 the lion Foundiy and Machine Shop? «3:3 to 1:..‘1! 22.11 #10111?an 1.? the farm-4r: to in; \vlrtJAZ-"l oll’ei'cd at this establishment. :Boss Plough,é SOME EXTRA CHEAP LINES 3 j: “More l1 lU’llI a yon! v ,.i w of 1.1. oil; :1‘. l.- r 3 Residence on Bond St. West. Ilit'll bun-v to Mr, Tauinii .111 \Vnrk ('1: utu'untoud. Univ-r: for limiting punciimlly attendr'l m, . $973" .f 731.] .\'n.'irilr f. Fen-4.3.". Fail-I April lilh, lit-ii. tin: i~ siting: .m murh catisfartion. Farm- er; in want if g mill ' 111113111, ~ .-. . .. ...___.___,._._.. _ . __ .l or mu: 01.! i« ' .5 ,7, t H A R R o w You Will Find I and crammed with a general .~tock' of the most i-oi'uplwte nature in I'lltlt‘l‘utfltflhing. Clouds. Shawls‘ 31in," ‘kcu lieu-4| in inner: ho law «wk- r. (at-4.1m.- assortment 1.! first-riots 6 ever offered to the gaze of' an admiring public. 11“" "‘ ' â€" 1:4 unru- 1 <‘. lru’: Mart-1W5 and Wider-:1 ilxtr’w“. Plllt‘ES T0 .llEET TllE 'l'lllBS, JOHN St. LAWRENCE, _.1..=.-».-=..-,â€"...-..TRUNKS & VALISES. "1‘. 'f‘~ V . " ' ' arm-1:5, in goods in great demand at this season. -|'- I V p I J 0 new (gm-(la nothin: tlu-ri: for 1hr- puiiwm- of catching ll." v)» oily. but gm“) N hon“: gun-l; at honest prion, which if lmnvstfy u~ril will ;i\‘-- liniiv-t u-nir'v- It; Make a mat: while the rim-k is {rub 1111*] will? annual; ‘- arr j=i~t rultml to the [labia of in; tuneup Ye. 'l‘runks and'\'::lisns'\'¢-1-y (.‘livup. .lnf'.’ Snaps. (‘urrg rotate. Ernshw. . â€"â€"..r;-__ /,__..__..~ ' l'.’ 3 “.)ii'«’.: 1»: .1.. I“ 5"! "'ll. gf General exrellrnce is the disiiiizuisliiii: t1: liar-:- “l3l4'lt i- llfill""'l in tbi- .vtudt er-h" l“ “’I'I‘H‘“ ‘3" “*l "4“ "HM-"'4’- . uâ€" .1; .'I..' ‘1.- 1'..'-. ."i I 11": ’ “ .i' - ‘ "f": t' u .'.'1 l!.‘l.' - '1 . .4 5,. im; -.: o the “Ruhr. tlw piici». , I ll}... .fi-wf‘ Iii..\t:.1';.::v BIANAG 131:. ii ‘ . and various other a: ‘:l£;.? - that -.. -_...._ _~_._.__~___.._._..__.. W ‘5’ r Jos. Maison's Harness Shop. _ A .4, i, . p _ m; -\ - - , . .. . . ~:..~ : 1’9; - .. - . . . i ' ' . .. 4, ' 1313;” éuhacrihe for the Fenelon Falls " lvuZoI-Hi- link-$1 "I. 1““ {1"‘"f"(;',‘\" . ‘13“”""‘ """- “5er “~35 '1. ll}. ' “ “i " -' ' ‘ - ~ ‘ "="’"‘ M" "‘~'~”~ » rug. , xiv“: -,.-:. ~£-1-.r‘ ‘ , h b Mfr-Ii B 3"“. ” [bud "l alumna . ’T-f'. x '21.:3; 5.111. 1553-. “1.1.7 .".".\'.'1th 1.2-"; $1316.. '5 2:1? ' I‘V'It 5"" I’judnu-V" "7 l “1'”

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