Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 16 May 1885, p. 2

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W FARMERSJHARAREI G. Anderson, now is the time to fe;d THE FAMOUS TIIORLTSX’ lllliil & iliill lllllli. The only genuine at Ellis’s' Drug Store, YES £1.05 FA LLB-l. LEGAL cc.“ A. l‘. ltl-ZVLIN. )AlilllSTllit, Attornl-y-.tt-l..:w, Solicitor, ) in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. MARTIN x- HOPKINS, BARRISTERS, SULlClTURS, kc ney to Loan at 6 per cent. Kcntntreet,Lind=‘ay, Ont. RS. Mums. Otllce, G. II.IIOPK1.\S. F, 1).)10tlilli, )ItftRlSTHR. ATTORNEY, Jr SOLIClTR: I) and Notary Public. Money to Lana. Other, Kent street, Lindsay. llUDSl’l'l'l‘ll x JACKSON, PARRISTHRS, SULIL‘l'l‘OltS, the. Of- ) lice, William street, Lindsay. A. llcosnru. A. Jacnsox ; O'Ll‘IA R Y 3; O'l.l~l.-\llY, .\l’.ltl.“'l‘r2 15, Solicitors in Chancery. (kc. Dobcuy llluck, I‘Leutritreet, Lindsay. AurtlL'll U'launr. llt‘ou U‘Lzsnv. Ollice, )lI-lX'l‘i'Illi a S'i‘l'IWAll’l‘. ) A ltltlst‘l-IRS, Ollicc over Ontario liaulr. Kent street. Mo- ney to Loan at 8 per cent. on real estate counties. D. J. Mclsrrnc. BAR {OX & SM l'l‘ll, )AltRlS'fEltS. Silhllil‘l‘Ol’w‘, kc. Lind I) say. Money to Loan on security of mort- gages, promissory notes, me. Join: A. Bauuos. J. B. Sumt. 35)“ (inc of the firm will b:- nt their Fen clon Falls oilice every 'l‘hurzliny. Li. A. JORDAN. .lltun'lyer, 'l‘uos. Srnwanr. MEDICAL."- . .7..- . ...__._... A. W. J. lH-‘Jil‘tASSl, M. 1)., DRONER, Physiciun, Surgeon, kc, kc. / itvsivleucc, llrick Cottage. Wellington utreet, Lindsay. llllS. WILSle & WILSON, )liYn‘lClANS, stuccoxs k ACCOU- ._ cin-rs. Ullit'c. l-‘r ' "is Street East, Fen- clon Fails. 1-}.S.\\‘1Lso.v,u H.,M.1L.C..\i., i1.C.1'..& s, Ont 1)r..-\. Witsos, .Vl. 3., it. c. r. a 5., Out. , .~ .lht. J. 11. LOWE, )llYSliilAN it Sl'llfllii’tN. 1 the Provisional ('ounty ofllaliburtou. 3gp“ lliliw- ncrt door to the .‘lc;\l'llllll' llousv'. ‘ Illt‘ii by Dr. llryson, on May street, l~cnelon Valli. hit". BliiillLHVS & GRAHAM, )llYSlf'lANS, Sl'llf‘ulithS. 3:0. > and rcshlcucv- directly opposite Carr's hotel. William St .l.ind.~ny. Calls from the country promptly attended to. 1“. Parana: llolumwt, M. tl., P. \t , \l. C. t'. .r C. it , la‘u- Soho llos- s. o, Graduate .\l'Gill pital. London. r. r. s. \‘ollcgc. Muut., 13.66. i it, .u. u. c..-a., England ) 1.. Surveyor. Com nissioncr in the Q. 1k, I , l‘uuvcynnc-‘r, kc. Residence,nnd ud- dr-ws, l“('lII‘lUll Falls. MISCELLANEOUS. .. .$ 1: . TV. '1‘] [( )Bl PH()N, Accountant. Commissioner. Real Estate and General Financial Agent. .\'o l Market lllm‘k. corner of George and Sinxoc Slrccts, iPETERBORO’- an)“ contnxroxnszsl i: souctrim, ‘w 3 {Al} (-5} A. IN l‘uc go-xl liuildin; liols for sale cheap in luau-ion Falls \Yt'sl. Apply to l't :zelo-i Falls. Junt- l‘Jth. le‘i. 17-! i. J. HEELAHDS, DICN’I‘IH'I‘, l.lNl)H.-&\'. One DIllLI.‘ firm will be at the Mc.\ururu llnl'ili. Fizsmox Furs. on tT.-~ t‘..::.l Monday ofcarl: month. 'l‘crtl: .tctmi l‘y laughing _'|~ without pain or ', u: no charge \\ ll‘; be uni-lo, " Utl‘re established :a Lindsayncarly ‘1: \z' 175. i ‘31}: wiry 0F HWDM‘ Fill}: l,\’ ‘l' .. :_ w tier u'r L‘o t‘ipx'ai 4' ~:‘v l w ltll tin: Dos: t» s, r "I v ‘ In: lkl‘AL l\-i:“‘.\\t'l: t‘1 or },,\.:t_u;l~ I‘\‘..‘\‘., 5b)” Dy" l! on"; 1).. I lIl-‘v ~-v n.) .,,‘ v: Government and otherwi-c Try-Vi. 5.x '. . mid: S's-t. .. . .. flu. Wmnu lsst‘nun: 1‘s 0, our“. t‘ag. :tai and Assets, SLUJIJA‘J. J. 1' S\ll'l'i1..l_:'c:. Friwlon Falls. Jan'y Null. lss; in; gimme. GEORGE CUNNINGHAM, General Insurance and Loan Agent... FENELON FALLS, can, s the folluning in: class r .-Y'.lV‘-\~ manor-.1 vrh cl: business can he tmfi-aclt‘d nit-r: the most « \vittlng'mu mm; F.‘ I‘x-u '! Pr"‘.tn:1ctili.n‘h'ts Sa‘l'3g( {‘n g(p_'v‘l‘!‘.'. I * i a! in than L‘tv:;;.\:.y. \! in” t'. ‘2 England. l‘:.r 1‘ '. mu it. . :Comparzy. .‘Yt‘us- Li .‘Jv 711' liaise! .. in.» menu L‘o _ England l..:v .hr-‘c anew; .‘ u ‘ r1. v.1c \\..llt‘ - ,..,* .~.-’.-‘-v on M "I- ’ ATTORN E YS-AT-L A W, ' ATTOliNEYS-AT-LAW, , ) Solicitors in Chancery. kc. l.ind.~:a_v.. i‘oroucr for ‘ Residence, the house lately ocl-n- ‘ ()llice ; 11. ll. Gil.\ll.\.\l..\1. n., 3, J.\uvl.~: .t- _\tt~nol'lf..\l.t..l on Hot cr:;::.cul.. FENELOI FALLS, now calls attention to his stock of gBulldlng Kt General Hardware. MILmex's st'PrLu-zs I of every description.’.\'ails and Spikes. wrought. and cut. different all s; ' IJINI'N Cir 1717} If]? â€"tarrcd, oiled and dry; llingcs, Locks, i Latchcs. Bulb, 53:. GARDEN TOOLS, Spades, Shovels, Rakes. Spading, Ma-. uure and Hay Fork: of the very best! description, 2 fund other boating ruprisites, Sledge, Chipping and Nail Hammers, Fork and Other Handles, 1 'pure as those children you love, and ! “'ick and llubber I’ackiug, Pure White and lied Lead, Paints. Oils, &c., 5Y0. Saturday, May 16 th, 1885. Batoche Taken. On Monday last, after a long desul- tory fight which commenced on Satur- day morning, lliel's position at Batochc . was. carried at the point of the bayonet. ,thc loyal Grenadiers charging in gal- lant style and not a man of them flinch- ing. The rebels, (lrivcn lrom their pits ; and entrenchmcnts, took to flight and ivorc pursued for some distance by the l victorious whites. The latest official report says there were only five killed and fifteen wounded on the government l side during the three days; the rebel loss is not known, but is believed to have been heavy. The steamer North- rule was at Batochc’s on Saturday, but hm] to go down the river for wood, and did not get back again, though she was frcrpicntly heard whistling around a l bend. Though a but live was kept up = on her by the rebels (or a distance ofl six miles, only three of her men were wounded, as her upper deck was aban- doned and she was steered from below. , Six or seven prisoners, all men, escaped from the rebels or were rescued. Neith- er llicl nor Dumont was killed or cup- llll'ctl, and it is believed that they crossed the river and went west. Til-(lay (Friday) about noon a tele- grain from lialtlcfurd was received at thc Falls stating that a train of thirty- onc waggons from Swift Current laden with Winchester rifles, ammunition and provisions, was surprised by Pound- , maker’s Indians ten miles from Battle- i'ord and twenty one of thc tcamstct‘s‘ , made prisoners, the other ten escaping. l 3 This is bad news. as the rebels were: hali'stnrved and badly armcd. and this opportune capture of the supplies they : stand so much in need of will be a great ; efforts put forth. V abstinence is . . thought. Maj: out, 1b85. l Elmfeutlunf- lie (Bugatti l linducement to them to Continue the, lstrugglc, which has already lasted far I too long. l Later news by mail says that th. j capture was made thirteen miles from Battle-ford, that all the tcamslcrs es- l cupcd, and that thch was a small cscmt gof mounted police, one of whom was killed and one wounded. A tclcgram has since been received to the effect that large numbers of half- brccds are coming in and surrendering to Gen. Middleton, and that an advance towards Prince Albert is to be made immediately. For 'The Volunteers. At a meeting held in Mr. Jordan's hall, Fenclon Falls. on the evening of Thursday, May 7th, a committee was’ ormcd for the purprlsc of devising means for sending aid to the volunteers in the North-West. The following la-i divs were elected oflicc bearers: Mvsfl Watch, president; Mrs. Aylmcr, secre- tary; and Mrs. Kains. treasurer. It; was resolved that Mrs. Dr. l'). S. Wilson . and the Misses Lot-head. McMurchy, S. Jordan, Meliiarmid, Logan and M. Jordan canvass the village on the follow- - ing day. .-\~' the result of the canvass, ‘ thc sum of 591 54') in cash and goods to 5 the value oi'S‘lS 45 were collected, mak- ing a total oi Slllil. ill the money, 53.3 95 was cxpcnded in gomls, which were packed with those. given by the, merchants and nut to Lindsay on Mon-Z day, together with S~iU in cash, leaving $1.3 till cents in tllt: hands of the treas- . uler, Mrs. Kaius. The Collections by the ladies above named were as fndlows: . Mi~s 5. Jordan and Miss Mcl’iarmid, Sill 5”; Mi“ Lochclll and Miss Mc- Murchy. 813‘) '35; Mb, Wilson and Miss ‘ Jordan, 513;; Miss Inn-an. 5.3 full. Illegal Sport. On scvl ml ni-d. - ts lately moving lights have low-n o: the water ll.‘lu'.\' iirccnc K I'l- .'>' mill. and on Tu: Hi ly ni_;i-.t a VllldJcl‘ saw tw-i men in a large punt. with jick light and spears. prowlâ€" in;_I about tllt‘ edges oi the “cell Ltd" on the look out lol' fish that might in- thcre for the purpose of tit-pulling tin-it l spawn. Mr. Fremont Crandcii was ful- ,umrly guardian of the waters around Fenclon Fails. but he docs not now fl" ; ‘sidc hero. and whether he still holds "the office or not we cannot say. .\s lights have been seen at. night on Cam- oron lake as well as at the mouth of the river. it is probable. that a good deal of illccal fishing is. indulged in. Ind it'- r»u;:ht to be put a Map to. We havef also been informed lint ducks are frc» q:le t'_\ tit-«l at as. tho-y arrive from the stilllt. l‘l 'I ' ' ‘ 7 t1.» Kym-H: t, n v, t' :i~3. .i..d gun-.1 are l--:--_: no-1. i ui! amt u;.i be it till 1 IS' Hindi-Jun Sift: \‘dua'lll. and tun-l: CI' lam-pit s of. !-'i ll -.~, .. K-L. .. \ rt: .rtpl, . Temperance Work. (C. unwanted) The Band of Hot-e in connection with the W. C. T. C. met on Saturday. the 9th in:t. at the ugpiiuted hour,‘ It is en- t with a very large attendance. ciurazing to see :0 mung; bright. eager. hopeful little ones. with their quick ideas and retentive memories. If only i x i l the: right .‘L‘tl'I can be sown, what a hurt, vest there will be. There is great scope .3 in this field for the workers in the tern-5 pummel: CJUNJ. People are often disâ€" posed to think lightly ofjuvenile work, as no llliltlcdialc result is seen frcm the But the importance of early implanting the principle of total recognich by all those who have tht interests of temperance at heart. Those who seek to train the yoqu aright in this matter cannot re- ceive too much commendation, for the importance of the work is not to be estimated. The ladies of the Union do most earnestly appeal to those in whose hands rc>ts the result of the present ‘ agitation to do their duty to the boys 9 and girls of our village. You, who have «gPitch, Tar, Rosin, Oakum,’ fair sons and daughters growing up around you, do you ever think when you See a wretched drunknrd reeling the streets or per-chance lying in the gutter that he was once as fair and yet step by step he has fallen, through the influence of strong drink. If we were to tell you that some day your boy, >0 brave and noble now, would be such as be, you would be indignant at the If we told you that your be a counterpart of the drunken, brawl- ing, shameless creature from whom you turn in disgust, how you would scorn such an assertion. The angels of hen- ven might well weep as they gaze on those wrecks of humanity, and what have you to assure you that those you hold so dear may not sink just as low ‘3 Are they likely to prove stronger than others when the fatal temptation is flaunted bciorc their eyes. Only one L'lass at a time, but the ruin of body and soul is none less sure and certain. What are you going to do ? Are you quite willing to run the risk ? If your son or daughter, your brother or sister is lost through strung drink’, when you stand at the tribunal of God, what will you say when their blood is required at your hand. I think I hear you, “ Lord, I voted for the saloon. I did not think my children would ever go down to ruin thereby; but it is not my fault. They ought to have known better than to give way to drink; I am sure I tried to give them a good training; I set them a good example. I always quit drinking before I was intoxicated, so I really am not to blame.” Do you think God will accept such excuses ? And if you don't care for their eternal welfare, what about their temporal welfare ? If you love your children, if you have their best interests at heart, vote for the Scott Act. The dangers of intent- peraucc have been sounded in your ears till the theme has become stalc to you. You take this step with your eyes wide open. You cannot plead ignorance, and ’if you vote against the act, following the inclination of appetite, or for love of gain, or because it may hurt your profession or business, and should your own eternal ruin be the penalty, tcm- perancc people canâ€"to quote the words of the salvation army captainâ€"say " :\mcu to your damnation." We would cntrcat our temperance men to come out boldly in this cause. So vast ‘ an i‘.'ll must be met with all our avaih below is shall go down in the Contest. it you art- uot doing your ut- most against the gigantic wrong, you are compromising with the evil by be- ing passive in the struggle. Ask your- selves are you doing :1” you can, and if you can conscientiously say " yes " We are satisfied. The Imagined WdITfiâ€"GWS. We have received the sixth number of the popular Illuslrufcll il'ur Nuns. The front page contains a picture which will be of intense, though mournful, in- terest to Canadians. It represents the l burial of the volunteers who fell at the battle of Fish Creek. A graphic sketch shows the attack of half-breeds on thc steamer carrying the first expedition for the relief of Battlcford. The com- mencement of the fight at Duck Lake is given from a sketch furnished by a North-West Mounted l’oliccmau. The advance guard of the lloyal Grctladicrs passing Humboldt, and the men of '- U " Company, (Infantry School) re- :turning from a rabbit hunt are from sketches froth the samc source. The entertainment of the 7th Fusiliers, of London, at Port Arthur, is shown on 1 page four, also the Ottawa Sharpshoot- ers (ii. iii. F. ii.) at Winnipcg. This number contains the usual two-page srquplement, which is a line one. and represents, in thch sketches, Toronto ‘ ladies receiving and packing contribu- tions for the soldiers at the front. The paper sells at 15 cents per copy, obtain- able either from locrl booksellers or ’ from the office of publication. School Board Meeting. Fem-ion Falls, .‘lav tith, 1‘35. , and corrupt. the >lll_'lt: fact that the pen meeting. and all the members were pres- : out except Messrs Swauton and Martin. ' The minutes of last met-ting were read and npprN-‘nll. Moved by Mr. Cunningham, second- cd by Mr. Modal, That the lollmving accounts be paid: S. lirokcnshire, fixing pump and cit-:lning Wells. 51 7.3; Mr. i sis of the franchise and cxoluding from Iluuham. one month‘s salary, (.Ipril,) S~i§.â€"â€"â€"-(‘.\rried. Moved bv Mr. Cunningham. second- ed by Mr. iirccnc. That a meeting of the School Board be held on the even- ing oi “Edam-day. the 27th inst.. ior the purpose of taking int-v consideration the advisability of establishing a high school in this villageâ€"Carried. DENTIsqu.â€"-Mr. J. Seeiands, den- . popular freedom and gOod government. ‘eujoym--nt of the privileges of citizen- list. Lindsay. or his rcprt'icnlullh’. will ~ , _ ‘hhtory, to which Sir John and his, be It ‘s.i~. the Mc.\rthur lluuva l’irnrioo on Monday and 'l‘ucrday next, the 1",.» .n l littl .i lit-L. 33.7" A gr-td » no to ling! t, v Tu? of Bab-u; never fall: 2;: The: ll..y \ count“: .«1 ric‘x â€"-»:-u_ ‘of the flour made at the North Star _ , upon it should be sufficient to condemn The Board held its regular monthly 1 was the day appointed by the Minister, of Education for the beautification of schotdgreunds and the planting of trees thereon ; butâ€"in Fenelou Falls. at any i rateâ€"the programme could not be car. ried out, the season being too backward and the Weather unfavourable. A half‘ holiday was, hotYever, given, and part. § of it was spent in cleaning up and rc- 1 moving stones from the play-grounds. 2'8" The best 10 cent But in town can be bought at {Icon McDot‘oxLL's. PENELOS FALLS FLOURâ€"The fame lolliug Mill in this village has already extended to Peterborough, for Mr. G. W. Hall, confectioner, of that town, in a letter to Messrs. McDougall. Brandon and Allan, says: “ I am delighted with your floor; it is equal, if not superior, to any I have ever used. Now, what ‘ can you put in a carload for ‘? Let me have your answer at once." W Beautiful all-wool Tweed Suitings, 6') cents a yard, at llL'C-ll McDot‘ostt's. : THE CANALâ€"The force on the canal l has lately been increased somewhat, and there are now about forty men at work here; but the contracmrs cannot get parties to commence towing stone from liobcaygeou, as the water is yet. too high. Operations were resumed at the quarry some time ago, and some twenty- iive men are busy there ; but. unless FCOWS laden with stone can be got to the Falls within a week, the mason work on the canal will have to stop until the water lowers. 3&3“ For a nobby Spring Hat go to the sign of the red, white and blue flagâ€"10. Conuncrtoxâ€"In reference to a par- agraph in our last. issue, Mr. Campbell says he only superintcndcd the cleaning of two crossings and that he was not out. of pocket by the transaction, as be levied two cents on each of his neigh- bors till he collected the sum of twenty- five cents. which he paid to John ’1‘. Thompson for doing the work. He also says that all who were called upon cheerfully paid, and some express the wish that he would do the same next time the crossings required like at. tention. Tun 01’s Mommaâ€"Tim name of the man shot in Ops was James Fun- ning instead of Wm. Fannon, as stated in last week’s Gazelle, and his father-in- law, who shot him, is Wm. Pogue and not. A. \I. I’oguc. Fannon was a neigh- bor and a witness at the inquest, but no relation to the victim. The mistake in names was made by the correspond- ent of the Globe, and We and others were thus misled. In Lindsay, on Mon- day, wc learnt that there \‘as no truth whatever in the statement that the body when found was covered with a quilt. 13$?” Just arrived at the Sign of the Red Flag, a fine assortment of chls’ Silk Neck ’l‘ics, Gents’ Striped Underwear, Gents” Fine Straw lluts, Gents’ Coloured Shirts, Lndies' Straw Huts, Ladies‘ Fancy l’urasols, Chil- dren’s Fancy Parnsols, Children's Straw llats, Ladies” Lace Ties, Ladies' Boots and Children’s Boots F. Gnouon. ’l‘ur: Queen’s BlitTllDAY.â€"-Thls year the 24th of May falls on Sunday, and the Queen's birthday will, therefore, be celebrated on the 25th. In runny places preparations for the usual sports and amusements are being made, but not a word is said on the subject in this vil- lage, except. that it is rumoured that the Salvation Army contemplates an excursion to Sturgeon Point on that day. As we have often remarked, the people of Fcuclou Falls appear to have a great objection to holidays; and, un- less immediate action be taken; it is probable that there will not only be no Celebration, but that all the stores will be open on the 25th. The Disfranchisement Bill. (From the Toronto Ncws.) Seldom has public opinion condemned any measure introduced into Parliament as decidedly and unequivocally as it now condemns Sir John Macdonald's ll‘uu- chisc bill. No one outside of the vcriest party hacks who are prepared to support the administration through thick and thin, has a single word to utter in its favor. The more closely its provisions are scrutinized the worse do they ap- pear, and the more evident is the sinis- ter motive influencing its promoters. It is a deliberate scheme to secure : Tory majority irrespective of popular senti- ment, and to prevent the expression of the will of the people at the ballot-box. The public have not asked for this measure. It was not made an issue at the polls at the last general election. It was not discussed in the press prior to its being sprung on the house and the country. There has been no opportunity for the people to pronounce upon the question. No public meetings have been held demanding such legislation. No petitions have been signed in its favor. It is wholly and solely an emanation. from the scheming brain of the leader l of thc got'crnlncnt in his own interest and that of his party, conceived in the spirit of an .‘lbwlllltl ruler rather than that oflhc servant of the people under represcutativc institutions. liven were the measure as liberal.just, and states- maulikc as it is rctrogn-ssivc, unfair, pic have llCVl'r demanded or pronounced it as superfluous and uncllled for. : lint there are pu‘itit‘c reasons. of the gravest character why the bill should be dctcrmim-dly opposed in the interests of lo the first place, so far :15 Ontario and some other provinces are concerned, it is a rcoctioncry step, narrowing the ba- thc ballot-box large classes now in the ship. It is considerably in» liberal in ; its [)I‘Ot‘l~lul)5 than Mr. Mowat's act ofé last session. which virtually establishesl manhood suffrage, and which. but for: the Conlempiutcd interference oi the lb ’ miniou government. would regulate elec- tions for the house of commons. It is a ’ sound maxim of legislation that no class should be deprived of any franchise 7 once gratin-<1. B.ili~h e-:n.~tiluti-.»n.ti lriends are so fond of appealing, may be searched in Vain for a pruCed-mt. The record shows many steps towards the full realization of D;mocntic libs:- 12 --net one backward. - Arthur. DALâ€"Friday of la-t vvcck : The pnqosed enfruuchiscment oi the} lndiansua dangerous and subversive scheme. There are no doubt individu- ‘ :15 among the Indians still retaining their tribal associations who are intelli- gent and independent enough to exer- cise the franchise. But they are the exceptions. The majority of these wards of the nations are ignorant, imâ€" provident and slothful. They have not the qualities necessary for citizenship. . They feel none of its responsibilities. undertake none of its duties, and ought uot to be endowed gratuitously with its rights. They are not identified with the progress of the white Communitiesl around them. As regards thusc whol are educated and fairly civilized, thei law already provides a means by which l they can divest tllcmsclvcs of their sta- l tus as Indians and take their place as ‘ l l citizens along with their fellow~Canadi- ans of other races. If the conditions , are too onerous, that may be good rea- son for relaxing them, but it is no reason at all for throwing open the polls . indiscriminately to ignorant and bru- l talized barbarians, who know and care nothng about our politics and will be ready amenable to the influences ol bribery and government courcion. l But all other objections are triflingl and insignificant as compared with the outrage on popular rights and free in-l stitutions by the creation of "‘ revising barristers " having not merely, as their title would indicate, the revision, butl the preparation of the voters’ list cn-i tircly in their hands. The designation is taken from English legislation, but the mode ofappointmcnt and powers of this new brood of officials differ widely from those of their British prototypes. The latter are appointed by the judges and removable by them. The creatures upon whose work Sir John depends to secure the triumphs of his parzy at the polls next election will be appointed by the government. That they will be ex- treme partizans and use their power unscrupulously for party ends is a mat- ter of course. The character and work of the men appointed as license commis- sioners sufficiently forcshadows the man- ner in which this new machinery will be worked. It need not be supposed that wholesale disfranchisement of Grit voters, or enormous additions of Tories to the li~t will be resorted to. That would be unnecessary us well as danger- ous. Where parties are so evenly bal- anced as they are in most constituen- cies, a few votes will suffice to turn the scale. It. will be the place of the re- vising barristers to create these few, by quietly dropping a Grit here and there from the list and putting on now and then a Tory having some colorable pro text to a vote. There are always doubt- ful casesâ€"men whose qualifications are just above orjust below the mark. The revising barristers, active politicians, knowing evcryone, and acquainted with their circumstances, can easily contrive so as to let the Tories qualify and strike off the Grits, and still maintain a show of fairness. The task will be all the easier. because the lists are not used for assessment purposes, but simply for voting, and if a few men in each divi- sion are rated at a high enough figure to give them a vote no one is interested in raising any objection. If those fairly entitled are dropped from the list, they alone are likely to complainâ€"the com- munity will be apatheticâ€"the omission costs them nothing. The bill must be defeated. The time for action is short, and it must, there- fore, be all the more decisive. Now or never let the people show, by even" means in their powerâ€"by agitation, petition, rcmonstrancc in every form available, that they regard this measure as corrupt, dangerous and demoralizing, and opposed to the spirit of free insti- tutious. The Scott Act Petition. Mr. J. It. McNeillic, general secre- tary of the county association, has com- pleted the petition for the submission of the act, and on Saturday of this week it will be deposited in the sheriff's oliicc for public examination. It is a formid- ablc document, by actual count there being 5,6181mmcs on the petition. This is 500 names more than the numbcl‘l required to secure the submission of the act. The cam'assers‘havc done their work intelligently and with great thor- I oughness, as is shown by the fact that out of so great a number of names not. l more than thirty have been struck off by Messrs. Smith and Dean, the solici~ tors ofthe as~ociation, who have com- pared cvcry name with the revised < voters' list. The list covers 120 sheets prepared for that purpose. In addition , there are about 250 declarations of wit‘ ncsses.-â€"â€"I’ost. , . .â€" oâ€".â€"â€"â€"__.._. It is understood that the Emperor of, Oerrnany will accept the position of, arbitrator in the Auglo-liussinn dispute. The rope which was used to hang a 1 North Carolina negro is being sold to nt-groes in the neighbourhood at the rate of 25 cents a strand. The pur- chascrs bullL‘VO the rope will cure fits. Seventy Sisters of Charity hare been ordered to lieu. Komarolfs army to aid l in caring for the wounded. 01' Illl> number thirty will go from St. Peter» l burg, twenty five lrom Mescow, and fifteen from Odessa. : Lightning struck Illinois hon bolls-.- last \chucsday night and killed 27 sitting hens. A large number of hens on the roost escaped, but have not : laid an egg sham. and not one of them i. will go back to that place to most. 1 The llussian must pay his taxes bc~ fore he p'nys the preacher, the doctor, or the undertaker. He must go with- out food, clothes. or provisions if necos» sarv. If it is still i'ni‘r‘osible to raise thc'cash he is soundly flogged and sent hr The ran of Count fileichcn (the I Queen of England's cousin), an office-rt in the Grenadier (lizards, was rendered ‘ insensible by n spent shut and laid anmng the dead ior bUIIJl lJlo-ly, but, reviving, struck his own name out of the list oi killed. , “ Mystery gold.” a composition of platinum. tin and copper, which etnndb no n ‘ ordinary acid te~ts and is said to wcizh - as much as pure gold, is in favour in England for articles of jewelry. and has t=~-n unlit-d of by C'luntcrfcitcts for the . t manufuture of serercgns. l :1 developed a new capacitv. ‘ did blush mightily. The Amerr has wnsented for a Brit- l ish agent to reside at Heart. . l The value oi arms. ammunition and nccoutrements lately received and bowl in store at Kingston is £96,000. "Great Britain has in her navy fifty vessels capable of steaming around the world at a speed of tvvelve knot: per hour without recoaling. y There is an immense rocking stone in i the woods about seven miles from Hull- fax, X. 8., which can be rocked almost - as easily as a cradle. A colored bootblack of Brmklyn has . He saw a thief running at full speed, tripped him up and sat on him untila policeman arrived. l’i-a-l’ot is about the only Indian Chief in the Territories whose name is . hard to explain in English. The name “ l’i-ad’ot " literally means “ prairie chicken Sioux," but this doesn't convey the meaning of the word as applied in the Indian language to this great war« rior. The Indian meaning is “ a terror to all tribes.” __.< _.___....‘. 0.....- MERIT PROVEN. Dollar upon dollar is frequentlyspont on the faith of recon)mcudutions for articles entirely worthless. Not so with Mt-(lrcgor's I Speedy Cure. You are not fit‘kt‘ll to pur- chase it until its merits are proven. Call at Wm. B. Ellis's Drug Store. Fcuelon Falls. and get n free bottle, and if not counnrcd that it will cure you of the worst form of Dyspepsia, Liver (.‘ompluiut, etc, no matter ofhow long standing. it costs you nothing. Sold in Site. and bottles. See testimo- nials from persons in your own town. FLUID LIGHTNING. There are but few who have never suffer. ed almost intolcrahly from Toothache, Neu- ralgia, or like acute pains. To them such an instant relief as Fluid Lightning is un untold blessing in time of trouble. No dis- gusting offensive medicine to he tnken for days. One application ofl’luid Lightning cures. Sold at Wm. E. Ellis's Drug Store, Fcnelou Falls. WHAT TO DO. 1f troubled with an unhealthy, slow-heal- ing sore, use Mcf‘urcgor ti; I’nrkc's Carbolic Ccrate. You will find it invaluable for heal- ing, cleansing, and completely removing your trouble. If the Blood is out of order, take with it a few doses of McGrcgor's Speedy Cure, from W. E.1‘Zliis’sl)rug Store. ,__â€"â€"'-â€"_-â€"â€"Iâ€"-â€"â€"....._-__ _ . coumntcafious.“ xx Dverun. While reading Bunynn's ” Holy War” and trying to pass away one of our late warm spring days in reading and meditation, the occupation and weather alike proved too much for me, and I fell asleep. And as I slept I dreamed that 1 was wandering in a land strange to me, and yet runny things were remarkably familiar. The place was very beautiful, and to the casual observer there seemed no hint upon the fuce of the land. The men were industrious and the women thrifty, the young men and maidens lair and beautiful and the children lmppv Yet as I gazed upon this beuuteous land-I became conscious that there was one thing in particular that greatly marred the peace and happiness of its people. While some ubhorrcd this, others tolerated, runny warm- ly upheld and thousands clasped to their bosoms the destroyer that frequently left them lower than the beasts of the field. And 08] thought ofull that this fair coun- try might be if freed from this ill-busing thing, my heart nclled within me, for 1 saw no deliverance. And as 1 sorrowcd, one came tome and said, “ Sister, why wcepest thou ? ” And I said, “ Sir, l grieve that so many of my fellow-mortals are going down to eternal destruction,” and I bowed mv head and wept again. And he said, “ Lift up thine eyes and tell me what thou scest,” and [obeyed him. “ I see,” said I, “ a vast. multitude of women, and they are going in Man open door.” “Raise thine eves," said he, “ and tell me what is written ribovc the door." Andl looked, and behold a pledge was written there, and all who passed lic- ncnth were pledged neither to touch, taste nor handle the uccursed thing. And I said, “ Sir, what menu these things '3” “ I will tell thee,” he replied. “ The women thou secst are those who hnvc handed themselves together to use their utmost endeavour to banish the evil from among them.” And 1 said, “ To what are they looking tor strength '3" And he said “ A slur has arisen in the cast, and the name thereof is ‘Seott Act.” And in: said, “ 'l‘uru thine cst in another direction and look towards the south," and I looked, and behold the men in vast numbers hall gone in together for the purpose of consulting upon this tnomcutous question. Then was my heart glad within me. And hr.- took me by the hand and he said, “ Let us go and son and hear whereof they are speaking And We entered in with the women first. "nil lll'lltllll they did talk together about nmny things, but I heard not the sound of that which had grieved me so. And they formed Commit- tees and gave an entertainment, where. an ungodly one from the outside dill sing. and he sang a soup; describing the fun a certain mun had when his “‘shkin ’ was full ol whis- ky," and the wicked who mun.- lu lu-ur wcrl- immensely tickled, but win-rent tin: women And they furthermore did get children together, and gave them tickt-ts, and they did talk ulmut an organ, . and lllt‘)’lll‘trl:lt‘cd that it mattered not what their enemies might say they would in- fnithful, all ofwhich sounded tvcll. And they said many things which 1 could not hour, for they did all talk at once and make a confused noise. llut thI-ir work fell to the ground, for the sinner.- \l't'rl‘ not re- Cltllllll‘ll and much valuable time was ,«pl-ut for nothing. And ht- snid, “‘ Why art thou sorrowful? "rind ln-plil-d, "Sir. thou know- cst." And ln- said, “ t'omc and I will sin-w thet- what the men an: laying." went out from the place When- tlw wmncn won- and came to the men And tin-y ulFu took CUUIHt'l together. and 1 Could ht'ur them, for they did not all clamor together; and theyalm formed f'fDIIIIIllill'f‘a and talked about the volt-rs. and cont-illI-n-d how untny would go again-t lhr- evil, and tin-y did talk of getting in lecturers from a far-rull' lo speak to the people lint none nun-nu tlwm to speak to the crying. plant: Scott Act people \vvn- afraid. Anti heart sank within inc. for 1 saw that unit-es hr-lp mutt: from afar olf none. hI-ro- (Width 5 deliver. And the wicked did so if and jv-vr . and did mot-k thou: women and tm-u. and said, “lltclmlll how lhv-y do talk, but WI- . care not: we will u-o nurown [r-Jit'l'r quiet- ly and surely: tvv will no: make fools of ourselves by pirating as. otln‘rs do, Men do not take much or the condemned thing, why need they make so mun-h tau 7 We fear them not.’ And the doctors and pro- fessional men and many tradesmen did My. " Them air is my sentiments tl-w." Ami illnr'f wicked mcu d:d put their tongues in their cheeks and did spit tubum-ojuim- upon the sidewalks, that the temperance worm-n sh'ml-‘l drag their nklfli tin-rein. And they treat in to a public home and tool; )1 drink to warm up their heart. and went on llltlf' way rejoicing. And many godly men of the plate did look on from alur, but thry , | And we ; lhrrv‘ u on: 1 l for tiny wrrc cunningr of speech, and the. mv . did not so much as lift up n linger to hallo: nod the tide ofsin rrc-irrd no rherk. And = 1 turned to my companion and mid, ~ .'~..’r. what .hali befall than aiothfol and waited servants ”” And he uni, " Toke thy Emir and read the thmi Chapter of Ill-"it'lullutts, C’JL'JUI’?"C:.')L’ at the lélb and rolling At tin.- 22nd Verse." And ul l”de awoke, and . behold i! was 1 dream. i txrntlcrz ; Fender. Fans, $117 iltb, teas. - oars, rxxntox FALLS usukx‘rsw liquor-ted by .Vrllououil .1" 8mm. Fem-ion Falls. Friday. May 15th, $89. Wheat, (all. per bushel - ~ 54' $5 0 90 Wheat, spring. " - - - 0 85 0 90‘ Farley, per bushel - - - 50 60 Oats, " " - - - - 33 W Peruse, “ " s - - ~ 55 60 3e. “ " o 4 a - 48 50 Potatoes. " I n t 4 20 :9 Roller. per 1b., ‘ 1 a 4 I 10 1‘1 Dressed Hops. per 100 1153.. “i 00 $5 73 licet‘. pcr lt‘t‘ lbs. - - 4 $1 50 $5 DU Eggs, per dorcn. a > - - 10 H Sheepskins, - - t o - 50 7-) Heel Hides. â€" - o -‘ $5 00 $6 00 Hardwood. dry, sawed, - $2 80 $3 00 Iltifiiwuud, green, sawed, $21 00 8‘3 30 llay, per ton, - 516 0010318 0° 53‘ Ready-Made Clothing at cost, at “can McDomALL'I. ‘ New Advéfiisements. Feuelou (‘ourl of Revision. The Court of Revision of the Assessment lloll of the Township of Fn-nelm. for the year 1385, will be held in Mrs. Gillies" llull, Gleuarm, â€"\)ll'â€"‘ Tuesday. 26th of May, 1885. All parties interested 11. J. LYTLE, Tbu'mAip Clerk. 104. at 10 o'clock a. m. will take due notice. Uambray. May 2nd, 1885. COURT OF‘ REVISION. The municipal council of the Township of Somarvlllu will meet as u Coiirt of'Revisio'n on Saturdav, the 30th of May, 1885. at to o‘clock in the forcnoon, in Hodgson’s House, llettie's Station, to hear and decide the appeals against the assessment and re- vision ol the assessment. roll of the town: ship tor the year 1885. All parties interested will please govern themselves accordingly. Wu. S. DOWSON, Township Clerk, Iiuddow I’. 0. 10-3. Somcrviile, May 5th, 1835. ___.o COURT OF REVISION. Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision for the corporation of The Village of Fenelun Falls will be held in the Council Chamber in Jordan's Block, in the said village, On Monday, the 25th of May inch, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. In. All parties interested will take notice and govern themselves accordingly. (1190. CUNNlNGHAM, Village Clerk. Fcnelon Falls, May 193, 1895. 10.3. Improve Your Stock. The undersigned has on his farm, south of the village, a handsome thorough-bred Durham llull, coming three years old, with rcgistcrcd pedigree. Tramsâ€"ch Dollar cash in ndvancv. JOHN A. ELLIS. 10-4. llllllllil IN BUSINESS- BARRETTâ€"EROTHERS respectfully inform the residents of “union Falls and its vicinity that they have recenk. ly purchased Mr. John Moifnt'l BAKERY GROCERY. business, and will continue to supply colâ€" tumors with tho CHOICE BREAD for which the old shop hnl niwayl been noted; uutl that, having accrued tin I". vices ofu first-clan Pastry-Bunk and infection, they will he prepared to sell all the mph articles in those lines of the belt quality. They will also keep a good stock of FRESH GROGEBIES, all of which will be sold at the very lower: living profit. The Finest Flour kept constantly on hand ; silo liltAN & SHORTS. Farm prmlllcc lulu-n in exchange for goods, and Cash paid for Butler and Eggs. ICE CREAM. ,~\n Ire Cream l'arluur will be opened at PM)” as hot weather sets in. my" A share of public patron-go ll ru- pcctfully solicited. D. & J. BARBER. Fcnclon Falls, April 23rd, 1885. 94.1. .1 Long-Felt Want Supplied. .18... (Mark 8: Son, MERCHANT TAILORS. It‘l'l N 1‘} LON FALLS, hnvt- much pleasure in announcing that lhl-y' have you put in an entirely New on. thl-nl-lvclt‘tl stock 0! Scotch, Engiilh and CANADIAN T'EEDI am» ornnn (mom, which they are prepared to made up in tho lll'nl F;l.-l.ionnble Stylel. Parties furnish- int; their own material, with or without trimming. csn be accommodated. 4k” ‘Vut'k (huu'unteod. mom for Culling punctulil} attended to. .4 Trial SaJiN'ttd. Penelon Full», April 1511:, 1885. Fem-ion, May 6th, 1885. ~-â€"â€"â€" You Will Find a complete anortmcnt o! Mikel!“ Eliilillfii 8i Hilll HARNESS, Wliipt, Slut-I, Catacombs, m3“- TRUNKS 8t. VALISES. and various other omelet, u .105. Sevison‘s Harness Shop, Colbornt Street, haelon folio. ’8‘ (Julian warranted. Repairing don v.25 centric“ and dispatch. 31-1]. W“;

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