Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 7 Mar 1885, p. 4

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. h lib trying to nail mm the ,- lam Watch-id oiaeompua. Tm», some people do churn, and hue glut!- ‘dop‘ajqkwi‘thont n‘thar‘nmmter. \mqgou inquiré'ngmge acids (Ahom Chanting. -4- talks in deep mud contlnunusly throfigh ‘ thqapgipg.‘ Theyards-should be proparly 1‘ Mined. and the floors of the ahéds and feeding-$01115 kept dry. Horeve have , A, hetflfwgrk it this aeahou, and need to he ‘ 'fed‘nnd arcdmed accox‘di’ngly.‘ Much de- pends upon thu driver; let him bu patient and gentle; Eiehliu 'hqrics 3w never doing theft best Mil h-coWa thrive when kept, clean and fed with gm abundancg 0t fwholuémp; find, «Let the , milking be 1 Hang by‘ctreful hands, otherwiée now ‘ oown will be spoiled. and ‘Qld one: dried ‘f' $81.? ”Mum, wmméibfldams, need .majrm-l uh. ’Amthd.davi«_'§’row warmer, the H ' get. more active. Dip the infect.- - ' ,odlhoop lions of the preparations sold V ‘for thb’ purpos‘b; Fbi' lice ‘On calves; pig: ind (owls, meaning in} boner than grease ijtgxfimwofimégfifmz bent ram'adv we hm §or gapea,d1p a will only cost you fifty cents. end use it manner end winter,y even 'flibllgfi your gnndmfther dlnkgog use one. _ " Wmfltauluxslugémm. - "my, not pafnd' ‘ e opus} ' .191: the ‘ alge’nf‘t’grn‘df {lafng-filghea' gm. old ‘ planter, lime, elm. are necessary for the ‘ fonnaplon of eg -ahellnL Cayenne pepper ‘35; 511151151 pagan, 2111'!er .fiith‘the'food "f‘obéaflonxll during the winter, firoxnotear ‘ -loying. A ~ v, ' 1ft): hens will. eat. and trample down i had!” much gran, if yarded upon it, u wlll keep eoow. Acoop of small chicks in the garden will destroy an enormous H'hflfllbfiLdLMugu and worms. Do not ‘ permityour poultry to forage upon your ‘ Knelghybor'e farm ; it; in a. menu, contempt- able trick, 81d often practised by‘ men} 1 who would keen mi; seemed, of 'petty‘ l thievery. uckf. ’ 'a Quefgre r to hove their nest: ”on : vgfogml ff some .thqumtakedin ngudw mwmm .Th.‘ whim“? w; wast-224.31%“? 2'53: ’ ‘ pm; 1. bf e a and hit): mg of} Mfm.Mâ€"%l1mnos be well to? thal6‘ lnving no warm lace for the young1 710mb. JO‘IWBIIIp lanolin before tho .lfit of Mtfih arthé first of in“. I’ulleu 'comlng but at this time lay in Octobu,‘ fi‘gégrgosiLwegg “WI" yntinue to lay “-wh on site area and high, Ind oookorall will bring more for boilers 1, .atufluws month“ old than when raised liter and kept much luv gar. Keep watch of your flockl, no that I5th.: dillcn-nce in theyir dilpo-ltlom an be noted. Use only name km for? lflfbn ma ml «imgt and ' “me how ’10 b6 nervnhfi fér fifoy will {humbly nuke nurer butchers, and ballet motllerh. A‘ hon that is uneasy uldwanu to be of? the nest frequently ‘5“ pounds 01 hum. tho mat-Mare of bone- M mmumm‘m um um hon-I. prawn: to grindlpg, ue_ heed k t llmplo miter. but withous I cher- Wnodegreo of lempentum will bow ,An‘o'thar fault I: toclmm too W. 4 Butter :6un timo, md the "Work limit not be done with too much of truth. It is done when-tho globules tppesr, mdinhlldrnoafbemofiodrtoq monk dwrgtgd,_ glthough i} should .130 himnls should bu kept from eprsure to 11146319113 991d~ ‘awvrma; We havraeen ‘ linpytfloq 'a and lieu-d3 that. ware obliged “‘3’, u; "'11" unluxurw WHO -‘d;;l;‘ entuxo durum w day-live tndflifllhdmothte will be lea-catn- phinrsboujaunlng of qflk. sad the width, of (ho hum coming. If the tem- puuuro limo!" Odd wnrm Inter to {the It: If too high, use cold water. I: -. he (.1ij in nogmnpproachiug In}: the ”k? rifty gathln‘ufgm ndfinghly, {Hub fowl: ipl'opeu'ly malpged, are good paying shock on the tum. to makp preparatiuug for the (c1060 at mum 1.30 an ’ rnny uuu {(qung. ~{1qerigan Agfidtllmrlbt. ~_.â€"â€"â€"2â€"'-'-â€"_3 fpii~ ~" ‘i’fiififii‘o no? the llyltchln; Seam much afterward, dthongh it lhould be well up”: t l3 311 mean- : tax, #11! will only cost you fifty cents, 9nd upq it Mi;afii§dy- vie hive. Foi- Eafied, flip a Alpsthe; i_n_turpeqtjne, age} lplsert _il: into 53 Bid, 53d: i Mumâ€"9 W55 do not inngino tba't it. unick and commence Itnffiug with drugs , simply remove it to :03)?ny floc‘: and let! ' 365%)! 3:11:37 iprovén to be very nick, chop of? ‘it» hfead and burn it. For cholera, a atron" solution of {km-owner Sp ask now for J nne pig 9 bfoddfu hen! cleati nears, with food gcloao at hung” Be an “eax_-ly_b1rd" 1n umgofmm‘fiswfxfi' ' “highland Mm.uya mam mom Ind-mun mwmoyhhiol milk, Wooden hindmlhopm d‘u‘ol mllk location. Dairy knuc- mmhbmmwfit. '3. I} \ mama? 9n wfiLgen- yfiflm 933012883317. e e‘FfiTsn‘o t‘wb' 6r three tunnel. Alifiuoaqlphu'r mixed with the (1:333:65. umed’by‘. over-Eating. and 1.119 constant preflchiOn ofrgggs. Gravel F111 not‘lny anywhere else: Placé their neg: in rows alpng oqe‘aéflgof phe 1191139. um; 50 titionw and they Wlll need extra qua (mm mm puwm‘firuduceamthonemherbage. All “fitntnlfihd;"h‘hcuuncu«go m “Nam nppfl. w no bad. M h pap-ad Ind told to: making many balm. "lumen 'M"‘npmo.km mm. mm! nkoouwhcnltgeu co m. mmo‘h‘tobflgmax: 3:“ Maui 5.?th gm»! tome #1353: d'IlfigixigZâ€"Lh'ou‘d fitsxi'bo' dorpa‘nded on. «Budd-Mn hfiuhi‘h’large. flattlah nub, sad plus whole com Ind fresh water and: dgy mgr thém. I}. in :mcnt um k' the nut», Andâ€"body of St“ W (2:; drum). Joé‘if they m 810%. that wmnot. nit quietly. and hbor 4nd egg-m 10“. It. cumuq be expected um mecca wfllfullow “mm :3 u hack- in md tubing chickens. an as the hon: ‘mo.m kept In I cloth Ind thrifty con- dition during the winter. ‘ Filth camel wakneu wd brood: dheue. and fho pfOu duh" if guy. 0! : doveuly kept flock of (owls. will drip be weak Ind unprofit- sblo in tho extrema. _ AGRICI'IJTRAL Imus. I A Lin-ymxld mum heifer, owned by Mt. Job}: Duqonn. )puialk Mm" u i831 ' 5.3355; a, gamma m' ma from ht)! Men: with imam. they no pudfigl {tom‘ipgrodleu‘u yhéch Into Live Stock Notes. This In a tfying Tnnnth for live stock. 1d they vwill need extra 0:31'0‘ until the (In - ( "1A A ,,.',u- ' A 1 2;“. . .Ah._4 All nuzrx" *eparo‘mvfthe Allg'ltéhifiu S'ezison. lithmv'wmttho cannon ’81} $30;ka in 4'? c0“ .u __ 1 t , J'A_‘_J_J a board par- e’fi'lfivm u mom of the gr.» pun. damn Jazmininganhcvanm [from I gape-infwtod dilute! the pp: ’ Mtomfoundtobeouflodupinth: [Wofthoanh-Iorn, Monica!â€" *3?“ mgdfich with lush unlined-wom- g: {dunno van 1: one: pmdn unang RN {#15053ny :- anicnn u: _uticle of e; Win 1- often carried“!!! an min mun: )n! 112er “ken out to Sew Zaap land. - It counted of I consignment of 1, hummus.” At pmom clover does no: J" teed " in dun country, though 3% gain readibgbeeune there are no 'Mmfijo‘beu to fertilize the flowers. The Hmpdnérhopeu flat the bumble-bees will ‘nvo him 85000 A year in clover med. For quality, the; Pulled Angus ; for only maturity and size, the Shorthorn ; (or grass beef, the Herefurd ; for general utility, the Devon; {or butter, the Jezse ; for milk, the Holeatein; for cheap, t a Ayrshire ; for cold, the Galloway ; for but. the Brahma, and for starvation. the Texas, Thin is the way is was put by an old dealer and breeder to the Texas Lire Stock Journal. Dr. Dip Lewis says that some years ago he’ flid'a thousand feet of paper pipe, two In“ In diuneter, to convey Water frown igpting to his house and bum in the "'co'un‘ry. ' It ht: never leaked. and‘ has ;Metimpuw1 any perceptible lute to ‘the water. This pipe is made of Ittong paper wound into pipe form and thoroughly nuaked in tar. It becomes cohardand strong that in will bear a. printing almost. equal to iron. _- m.‘ o n u r\ x, Mr. F. M Wilson. of Selma. 0., 15 fiu'éted by the Nalicmal Mock-holder as believing that the prevailing idea than Iheep (require more vaunilntinu than other week. is largely erroneous. Be eapeoiaUy citations against. such ventilation as will produce a. drwght. “They had better be out of doors than in a house' with a draught through in.” VAnd he believes that Iuch. (xpoaure is what produces “stiffness” in uheep that. are housed at night “..-.-p , The Aylesbury, England, dairy farmers have been sending milk made from cows fed (in enallnge, to a milk condensing factury. and the cumpany find so much trdublo with the milk the: when the tlme“'fer making new contracts comes round. milk Will be refused that. is made by cows fed on eueilago. The New York State condensing factories have had a. similar experience, yet. cnsilage milk is pronounced by the city milk peddlers as of the very best quality. From a summary of auction males of pedigree} cattle compiled by the Breeder’s .Gazdt¢,.it appears that 7500 pureed under the hammer in 1884, bringing a total of $1,880,000, or, any, $2503head for all ages. Shorthnms brought $200 each ; Herefords, $376; Pulled Angus, $376; Gallowaya, $312 ; Holsteins. $261: ; Jerseys, $314. With all the breeds, the prices, at private sale. were firm during the your, in spite of financial depression and the outbreak of contagious disease. 'l'lic llnnl l‘ortlun- nu Agml Flnhuidcr Found In This Country. About two sud a. half years ago Jncob Ksrnele, a young Finlander, arrived in California; and found employment with n vine-grown. He soon, huwevur, became insane, and word was sent to his father in Finland, nnd in duo time his isthcr arrived and started with his son for New York on their way back to Finland. 0n n the night they started, tho son, who did not racogniz: the father, disappeared. He‘ was found. however, and did not cs- 'bspe'sgnizi until their arrival in 'I’liilzv dolphin. A second time he was found, and the pair continued their journey to Jersey City, when they were to take ship. This was about n month ago. One evening after the old man had boon sit- ting wixh hisson in a saloon he got up and started to go to their hotel. , Ho wss fol- lowed by one of Jersey City's gangs of hoodlums, who knocked the old father senseless and robbed him of all the money he had onthis side of the Atlantic. At M10 first attack of the gang, the son. ut- ter-lug a scream of fright, broke from his father's grasp and fled. The police found the fatherlnter, und cared for him. When he had recovered consciousness it was evident to the police that he was almost frantic to lollthcm something, but thoy could not understand his lungnago, and could not even tell what language it was. Mord~ than twenty-four hours elapsed be- fore 51' man coulkl be found in Jersey City who could iu‘erprct his story. Then he was kindly cared for, and search wasmndo for his son. Ho could not be found. 'Engliah.‘-~-' . ’ "Toward ”the middle of last month a. htéry "was published that a mysterious‘ get-noun: frightening women in New} rlghton‘ Staten Island. Two women‘ xhowarepassing St. Mark's place one nightiwere pouncod upon and frightened Half to death. A family living in a lone. ly street wom sitting at supper one even- ing, when t tapping was heard at the window. A head oi shaggy Miranda grinning face was soon peering into the room. Thaw scrasmed and the face din- appmrod. The intruder could not. be found. It is also said that thiaia the tramp through whose hat Mrs. Gordon sent a bullet frnm her pistol. At all events, the frightens:- of women was lin- nlly arrested, and was sent to the Kings county penctentiaty for vngmncy and disorderly conduct. He muld speak mug -Eng‘liah. Although his Answers were ind, it was concluded that he was not fully insane. He would not tell his The ohl man aunt to Finiuud for more money, and in the meantime resumed the search for his son as bent he could with- out. money, friends, or a. knowledge of syn. Ha wu lent to Grow Hill pcuizexf- ditty in Kingu county. and thereho found ‘3.th his cunpicjong wglfe con-rcpt. .,,About > ten. .6953 3410 the old nun who had been robbed 1n Jersey City called upon Dish. Any. Gallagher, of Richmond county, Ind introduced himself as Jcoob Knruelo. By the aid of an Interpreter he minted his Mary, and said he believed the m why bad beep sentenced to prin- on for in‘hbcniug Ionian was his crazy In: week Justice Pratt ordemd young Kunelo m be telaased. A remittance had urivgd from Finlmd, and father and a m home on Saturduy. €150 Gorddn Type of llcrolsm. Gordon'n Englinh hunt or Each}: faith did no: nun-ow orc mtino him. 111: mwhood In of the univeml type. M9111 CW, in Abyuinik in the m or "lgnung Bush-h tough, this efiéfl‘o‘. ind time-t «flaming!»- looking nun beans 3 king in whom men muted. fl. in tho mt striking example 9! the univemliun of the hero chm-5cm: $1M“ was of hiagnphy: H. L n__., .A 1!_ ‘L.. ,AA, “.An: "a V .\ r... .. . -. , fish «to whim m: nu mull:- gfih er‘émhinz 05‘ End in it the M lingual. Inn. Tho vuld ml! unit long for manhu- such meet. and longer yet poring». {or another such cumpla at nimplicuy in chateau ad in nation. England hp m hue“ who In“! duty bump“ lift but neurone hr (on who‘.‘ Me in loved life mu. And waMitulflumufl. cond- od in d.- s nod nighu, in unpitying rig- or, with! euniuvhithmku itmou worth living. ’ FINDING IIIS INFANT SON‘ A Great m Industry. hating its own nation knives. Thoy look‘ (From Our Own Cmecpmdm! ) figmfl, but fig the pm.“ 2-! cutdng, Ih'ap- . Imam, Feb. 23, 1535. but» temmrms, Duh-Imus and Impenms A; it inoflo mink importance no me i awry «cuoqpsuea through the lands fuming game“, And nut-ugh them w of me expeneneed workmen, sad I can- cur: ache: basins inure“ of our ovum L swat-able mopinery Ipeciully Idnpted to try. to be well mpphed. wizh the but?!” putpoogu me . Them 31-9 my f 1.5“. - , momma] of «7 eiaborata and gxpengive iron workmg nu- .7‘31 m. :52“. m nun! m the m3 9 came: speciwv Me for these works. try, to be well supplied wizh thu'oost" {can labor-ring» whim! of evox‘yl clan. Iona notes in reply! to the Ingest 1 mmuhcturing uabfiahmens of the had in the Dominion will, no doubt, pr-n’a oi imam to your many renders. Wmle xixiling Toronw receudy I spent part at" a day gain; Lino-ugh Tue Ma‘acy Maniac-z taxing Company: Works, located at mu§ west. and at this city, uni was much ant-i prised at their extent Ind impxwureq It. in only aim: visiting some such eaub. ! Ilhhmenn fin: one gets an idea to whn' iextent labor-suing machinery has been? introduced in connection with Canadian agriculture, and to abs: 3 fine state of; perfection many of them labor-suing machines have been brought. Mr. Massey, the head of this prosper» on: and enterprising Com pany, has been for nearly forty years in this line of busi- ness, and the results prove that few men have been so auoceseful in it. He i1 a native Canadianâ€"n fumer's sonâ€"spend- ing ha eariy days on a farm where, no doubt, he often had reason to feel the importance of good harvesting machinery. Many years ago he began business in the village of Newcastle, where he became so successful that larger machine shops were. found necessary to men: the growmz de- _ , ,, , mantis of the buaincu. A Joint Stock Company was formed there, and :x few years ago six acres of ground were pur- chaaad adjoining the railway: at the “var. end of Toronto. wheve the present ex- tensive works were erected. THE. raxsnsr umuuxos. The premise: now occupied by the company sre certainly very complete and exbenaive. There looms up a van. build- ing, or series of buildings, of brick, with . ..-n , J (Ann a single frontage of 750 feet and four utoriesinhelght. Itwould requiretoomuch space to undertake to give here my de- tailed description of these fine buildings. As they were erected for this express pur‘ pose and planned by practical men with many years of business experience, they are models of convenlence and adaptation to the business. To give some idea of their extent it may be here stated that the floor space alone of these buildings amounts to nearly 200.000 square feet, or nearly four and a-half acres, and would be equal to one vast floor of one mile in length and thirty-seven feet in width. In these buildings the entire walk is canin on in all its departmentsâ€"foundry, black- smithing, iron-finishing, wood-working, painting and storage; ' ' q I ‘33, z 1"‘"""‘ ..____ o ,, ' "11" ~ The buildings are located alongside of the principal railway lines 'running through Teronto,end there are sidings di- rectly through the premises, so that car loads of raw material, such as iron, steel, lumber, paint stuffs, and the like. are de~ livered at the doors. and car leads of Com- pleted machines are loaded directly on the premises for the places of twnshipment. TH E LABOR. EMPLOYED. From 350 to 450 hands are constantly employed in these works. As a. large pro- portion of the men} are skilled artizuns, and nearly allof them strong able men, in their full prime, it will be at once seen that a. large number of :fsmilles,-t “ng11 to make a thriving village of themselwa, â€"are directly dependent on the success of this enterprise. The men are of 111er than ordinary intelligence,and of temper- ate habits, and the fact that, as a. whole, they tel-re such a deep interest in the blui- mass is one of the important factors. of success. I; may be here mentioned that. a. fine library and reading room was open- ed a few montlzs ago for the benefit of the employees. There is a large well. lighted well-furnished cheerful rn-im supplied with the leading represeutvlive papers and magazines in the various du- , partmenrs of literature, to which every l man has access without charge. The of- ticers feel encouraged to note the interest of the men in this fine hall. At noon and during certain evening linursn large nun'r her of the men may be ftund easemblell here, enjoying the rich intellectual repent so freely laid before them. .,.,. A line Hall has also been provided for meetings, concerts, lectures, and thelike. for the immediate benefit. of the men and their families, and also another large meeting hall, capable of holding from ezx to seven hundred people, for still larger gatherings. ll: in quite proh- able that: in this, regular religious eer- vices will soon be established by some of the city churchee,â€"the Company freely furnishing the room, lighted and heated for the purpoze. but. not desiring, as a‘ company. to take special control of the re- ‘ llgioua services. Probably no other in- dultrial firm in Toronto is giving better tangible evidence of its inter-eel. in the in- tellectual and social well being of the men enunciated with it. THE Ill I'LEMENTS MANUFACTURED. The entire attention of the establish- ment; is given. to the manufacture of her- venting implements. A few kinds of the beat machines have been singled out and i the best men and the best. machinery lhnve been provlded for making them in the very best. manner. Nearly everyxhing in connection with the machines is man- ufecturod directly in the works, care. bpâ€" ing taken that everything is the beat of its class, and in this way a high reputa- tion for reliability has been obtained. Every machlne la not. only put carefully together in the worka, but. is also submit- ted to several teats more severe than the ordinary field teeu, so that any defect is sure to be found out uul remedied before leajing the workshop at all. Two mowing machinesâ€"Tho “ Toronto Mower," fitted with the new and ech- brnted mechanical gear. and the ”Massey Mower" are made, and them have now an immense 3310, some thousands of them being made each year and sent to every Province in the Dmnlninn. 0! their peculiar excellence I cannot speak. The fact. however. that they have a well- eatablilhcd reputation for gmd work is gond evigepcg k} :helr ffvor. ‘,, a A good den! of attention in now boing‘ given to the munnfncture of the “ To‘ . ronto Light Binder," also equipped with ' a novel ahonf carrier. [5 is only‘ quite recently that the pmcxica- ‘ bility ofa Ielf~binding machine wu estab- i linked, wd in some Realities they have’ notyetboen introduced. There can be no ionger doubt. however. in ragnrd to; their success. A few yen-a tuner: and not Yum" will think to do binding by mums“, lath-.m- no more tbgn he now (Links '1' mowing orruping “by hand.“ Every: binder have made in put to I severe was before it is deduct! completed, :nd 1 nm E Informed tint the demlud {or them is be- i coming for! glut. About fifteen mh' y us being campieted and it in doubtful i! the donnnd 0! tbs coming; salon will)» ba_in m o! the supply. { '- The“‘lhnq Hun-nor. 1 self-Eni- ing unchlne LI “so bring exwmivrly mumnnd. And it ha enjoyed a Inge ml. to: may yam. Probably no other mporinnou extamivoly in use in the W fields 01 Cumin. and the Com- pnny hue Inna Inked their npuuu‘on cuiu ueeuuwo. ,, , 7 61.35:: in. pranks. 1: inchimcd tbs; thbthoonlyfimln Cumin mum:- 77h mybohmlmodkhudlthoknivu for tho vulca- muhinu m mmuho. Hons: runs. Probably no where elec- in Canada is there anything like as large a number 01 steel tomb hone rakes manufactured as hate. The " Sharp's Horse Rake " is the unly kind made. Everything in mum-c- ziuu with the rake is manufactured on rha pnâ€"misez. The machinea by which Lliu whens are mndc are such as would wcl! repay a lung jnuznvy of any carriage maker to nee. The process of making and tempering the steel teeth in also very ingenious and elaborate. How so many thousands of these rakes can find yearly min is a mat' r of wonder, and yet. the demand luv: man New year to year. F01: REPAIRS. The great drawback to many a valuable bamat machine in Its danger of breaking jun. when the hurry is greatest. 1 W hero machines are severely tested be-‘ fore being pronounced finished the danger is n..t so great but “ accident: will happen " even to the but tried machinery. Arrangenzems have been made to eupply any desired piece uf any machine with the least pmsxble delay. A large room in sznrcd with complained part». piled up in larga stalls and ruady for shipment at a nwmnnt‘a notice. Duringthe busy reason a man is 21‘ 558 ready for a call, and teln- grnp'n and ten-phone blli'Jc'J are on the premises, besides acveral expreaaaervlcea a éay, so that. nut a moment. is allowed to be mat. HOW 501.1). Comparsti: cly few machines, I am told. are evcr add a: Lhamwks. A show room is titted up wiLh {Lezlitiea to show every ma.- chine in actual mntiml, l uc its demand Is not very great. Thcagmta of the comp my me neutered abroad in every one of the Provinces, and through these the salts 9m being made. There in A branch houne in Winnipeg and 11m sales in Manitoba Are Very large. At one film: last year a special train of twenty mm can: loads was shipped direct to Winnipeg, and almost. every day durirg the season some car leads are,being abut. Shipment; by the car lagd‘from April till the end of the season are of daily occur- rence. Though nothing 13 (11 no in the way of ‘ newspaper advertisilw. yet some thou- 1 ‘annds ut dollara are being expended each ye. r in reaching the public. A very newly pri'ntu-l paper of sixteen pages,â€" " Llama: y a Illustrated,” is ineued 111 im- vmensa rdit-iI-m- and sent, to every available farmer in 11w Dominion. Any man drop- 1'ng n pust- card with his name and address to E,rhe company “ill Lu) wraiultously sup- pl.erl with 11. cupy._ _ ‘ 1 tun informed than an rgent is 9.150 employed purchasing lumber expressly for the compmy, and, beinu an experi- enced 111-"11 at such busingnw, they are always fortunate 111 getting a good quality y. The samples of paints, 0113, and the like, are also put._ to aesere practical tests before quantities are ozdored and then they .111: mixed and ground by machmery on the 13101111213 , There um many (H110).- featuros of im- rtance in cgnmotiuu with this largb establishmenfiof vghirh I- \i‘ould like to wriw, but. I fear 1 have already tres- passed [voinuch on your ipucs.v ‘r. . Qldowfur'm vill rcmove paint, stains from ciobhes when nothing elue will. Few w-Juen realize as they night that with Gnu Saw and attention and if taken in hand wmuptly, most men may be {mined to habits of order rat. Id nenlneaa in the huusclmkl. Try it. Always ’be careful to use earthenware dishes tor putting away glnvies, soups, etc. anions have been poisoned by caro- lesslhws in us: 3 for such purposesmetul \‘uasvis which contained verdigriu caused by the action upon the nu ml of vegetable “CRIB. Ruub may be temowd from steel by covering the rustul part with oil or fnt, .rltum it rem: in metal hours, mzd then sining ( H w ’Et xu soft cloth. Then rub with a mixture (f two druchma caustic soda. and four ouncva opodcldnc. Leave ihis on ten minutes and nub ufl' dry. When roasting a chicken or small fowl them is danger of tho ltgd browning or becoming too hm‘d tuba eaten. To avoid this, take ships nf cloth, dip them into a little melted lard, or even just rub them over with lard. and wind them urnuud the legs. Remove them in time wallow tlm chicken to brown delicately. The “Boston Housekeeper" mentions as a cum far nervous headache a. mixture made of one quart of cider. three table- apunmful of white mustard seed, three of burdock seed, and :1 small horseradish root, wall steeped together. To be he! m inn wo‘l cox-kcd battle and taken three times a. day. one wincgmss full for a dose. The fultnwing formula i1 taken from the b'nirntirfc Amcrimu for the benefit. of those who wish f0 make their own bak- illg-prnu‘mr: “Puwder and dly acpnr :1:er by gentle hum one- Judi p5und tar- uric acid, three fourths of a pound of pure bicarbonate of soda, and three- .‘onrtha of a pound of potato farina. Mix dry, pat-:5 thrnLgh a move, and pre- acrvo from air and moisture! -_..-‘.o<..-p ”â€"â€"_â€"â€"_ Western Men on the Nile. It in said that a number of western and northwestern steambr-at men are prepar- ing to submit. to Minister Week. the representative of Great Britain at Warh- lr.gt0n, a propositn n in furnish steamers and manage them for the t‘ansportarinn of the proposed English relief expedition to the Soudnn. The men who are willing to embark in ihia enterprise have had years of experience in navimting some of the roughest Of the weatcrn and north- western rinrs. They contend that the Nile, Wlllx bic‘flmcrfl properly built, can be more easily navigated than mine of tho rivers « f this c »untry which are regularly navigated. The p33" of [hue men is, in the event lhly gut. a contract with thus Briliub gov- tâ€"nnm-nt, to take a larga number of skilled "ml-Lumen to some point. on the Nile when) Lb» material can be most easily mammalâ€"and which would but nuiz th- 'Mzizll tflicus and communion nuiz Lin- [Mann 1 (fleas and communion ~and limo build light. linughl. steamer. adapted to tha uiviglliun of that. tint. Thu proj‘ct, in all iu dc'n'lx, will. it. is hid. be :uhmitted tn Minister Welt, backed by umu of mum and experience. who win pledge thermal?” tn hue the shaman ready in I Tory nholtlime, And to lnmport we British troop. and munitions «.f war to web point-dong the Nile :- it deemed newt-u}. The discovery of the action of the white giohulu of tha blood in inflmms- cozy comp u have been utfibnted by 31 A. How (not to gtothim)_l_>m m Dntmchzt, 'hu, :5 {u back a 1824, se- cur-Edy ductibed :he mgr-Lion of the sanguine globulu mdthci: pang. into the organic than. ll OYSESHDLD HINTS. ru4.db¢>ao A szrron. “ What furniture can give such finish tn 3 room. n e tende: tom's hue," uh George Bin-L. No: my, we as heppy to enter. prcvidcd the glow of hedxh tempers the tender expreuion. The p910, anxious, blcodleesiue of the. consumptive, or the endan: auxin-mg; cf the dyspeptic, iuiuce fading: d «new and grief uu our part. end cumpei us to tell dam of Dr. meme 5 " G‘ men Mechsl Dumtery." the suvareign remedy for oomumpti-Jn and char dis-amen of the reapintory 53:12:11 as well u dyspepsia and other digestive troubles. Suld everywhcra. “Ah, yes." said an old fellow. “when I wusyoung man like you I admired n pruuy girl as much as anyone; and. if 1 do say it, was very popular with the yuuug ladies. Bu: accumulating years and a wife and family have Inught ma~" Here he hesitated. “Well. what have auumulatiug yearn and a Wife and family 'nughn you '3" " Caution my boy, cau~ tion." Best Goods are put in Smalltsi I’m-vols. The old proverb I! certainly true in the case of Dr. Pieica'a “ Plenum Purgnlive Pclleta," which am little sugar-wrapped parcels. tcmcely larger ‘thun mustuxd seeds, containing as much cathartic power M 15 done up in the biggest. most rrpul- sive ~lookinzlill. Unlike the big pills however, they are mild 3rd plemaut in their (Iprlallxuâ€"dn not pmvucu wiping puns, usmg. Mr. Minks : “My dear, you should not put. cuiua in your mouth, fur diseases are often caug‘un that way." “Wm-l, 1 am sure I'm in no (buyer from tlm money you gim me." replied Mrs. Minka. “And why not, pmy?‘ “Because you always aqucez: «quarter hard enough to ctuuh ad animal lift! ua’. uf it. befoxe you part with h." 1*. may surprise the; good people. of Canada to learn that the corn crop has been immensely increnmd in Canada No doubt; the N. P. people will claim this as a product of protection, but I’L‘T- Nni's PAISLESS Cons Exrmcmu Llono is entitled to all the credit It. raise: more com to the acre, than anything else in the world can supply. Smfe, sure, and painless. Take no substitute. Only 25 cents Try your hand. A good crop guaranteed. Hui-lire of flesh-eating sub- etitutflfl. N. C. l’uison .8: U0., proprio- tera, Kingston. ' 0 here before the boudolr dresser, with an uiiimn'o-I fnl‘O Holding qu'. u sponge andbottle. In her tz'nlish g no and giant. ' Shficxclnims: "uh I um Phihtl)’. For '3 not. the proverb hung, “'m'dcu must. so very quanly, You. Ilia trul) gocd uic 3m1ug."' Buotuan Gnotsn. â€" Use only the breasts, or fillets nu they are called. Rub with butter, broil carefully, season with pepper and é’nlt, and serve on toast. with a bit. of cuxrant jelly on each fillet. Quack Atb‘értiscments Aro rapidly Incoming a' nuisance, and we thirfk‘ in behooi‘ea. publishers .to ex- amine into Elm merits of many articles puffed up in their columns. ~ We do not dcnyflsa: many meritorious remedies are properly to bo cinsscd under this heading. Ttko the hundrpda MAL thonennda reliev- nd from severe sunning by the use of Pulhon'a’NeniIin-P,'wnnld it not; be un- reasonable to expcct them to cvndumn that fnr‘famed remedy. Now “(5 know for a fetch {that l-‘olsun’a Nervillnu in with- out oxuvpzion the most. powurful, plums- ant and rcrtxfin xemedy m tho world for pain. It cannot fail, for in goes light to the b‘t'mn of pain, penetratns to Hm nut-veg, soothes than into quietncca, and gfl‘udn prompt mu]. permuncnt .rolief. Nerviline is cold by all dx‘uggiatp'. Samplé (My 10 cents. Tryib. 3' "I would rather yuu did not go to skate. Edward; 1 don't think tho i‘ce is safe," said a. fond mother. “You needn’t be afraid of my getting drowned : I can swim.” Fond Mother: "It’s not that: 1 am afraid of your getting drowned : but if you were to get in, just think what an _awful cold yuu would have." It i4 now pretty well understood to he a dangerous pructice tu attempt to puhu olf worthless imitations of the “Myrtle Navy" tobaccn fur the genuine article. In former yours that practice mm the came oi much annoyance. and Messrs. Tuckett 8; Son were compelled to resort to the law courts to put a aton to it. Though they have not met \vitlumy cases of the kind lutvly, it is alwayn a safe precaution for the pun-hater to see that the trade mark '1‘. & B. in bronze. letters is stnmpml upon cmh plug, no plug ever loxwea the factory without it, and tn appropriate the trade mark is a punishable offence. Uncle: “WJL Ehc}, you've been looking at the tire. a hung whale, What do you aw. flu m ?" li'hu] (dreamy limi- deal); “ h, :IHMJ‘HS of things. uncleâ€"â€" faces and peuplo.’ Johnny ,(prnct.ical, witlmu eye (0 “Kiwi"): “Do you we the face of uuyb: dy tln-ru who'd give you half a (lunar 'l" . Gama-r. Now Treatment. Perhaps aha mm: vxnnnummy mecca mu has bum whlnvul In nnxlenwoiunco hashes attained by the Dlxon Treatment 0! omnrrh (In! at 2.000 putiunw "outed durinu the run: aix month". tuhy ninety per cent. hu'm bow cured of this ntubbnrn mnlndy. Thin ls rent the low 51:”:le when it I» remmnbernd um not flve re:- cenl. 0t um mumm- nrenentinu Lhamsehca w the rnguhu' practitioner arc bonnfllwd. while the patent medicines and other Min-nimd emu; new: record a cure nl an. Starting with the chum now "(menus believed y um mom. uclentuin m"! than. the dh-ussu 16 due to the row-“I living parasites In 1.1;: tlaaum, LI . an at once Adapted iulw cum to 1m . exmrminnilon : lhit- mompunhm Ihn c-nnn'r In pruvncnlly nun-d. and the permuuuxmy in un qucsfiotud. a: cum» cfi‘ucled by mm {our yam: ago are cums at”). No one also has uvnr u:- temptod Locum cumrrh 1n mls manner. and no bthar treatment has over cured camrrh. The npplioumm of the mun-fly ha eimplu and can be done at home. and tho Erma: swan o: Lhc yam la the moat. tavern 13 lot a sound, nnd pcrnumom cum thh mMorh of name but!“ aura] a: one treatmnnt Eu! men should om- reupond with Maura. IL“. ”130)! 6: SUN. 31‘ King-cum: Went. Toronto. Human. 1nd enclw 533mg for men trauma on c3mnh.â€".&lmlna: A paper tn peculiar modu of occur enoo at 1:011 in Brazil his been published by Mr Orville A. Derby. A upecimuu in tha Natit ml Museum, R") de .lmorio, taken from l’ume (hando, Minna Genes, ahows films of gold on limoui'o, which Mr. Darby think: can scarcely be sc- uu'xtL-d {ur on any other hypo :hcein than lhn‘. the guld had hem dop miter! in ms- mra from gum in a sum of nlmim. Thr-re mm- in the dimicta of Canlpmlm and S. (3 maa‘u) large ghld bearing do- pnsirl in drc my‘m-u wan In “an an al- nns'. (mhn‘ {Jud-r.- ‘ 2 "4le! and pf :hr “the: utusl mm.- ulna u -.1-,; '-_l Plflnn Million of "om! m. mm award In America. and um» um: n “mm-“Lye” wall In: mm m hetp up the pup Ir. '1 no mun“ lor- uouol um“ .19 um! !r'r r rv-mmml um: heavy drnfiyutpruo. um um!) I. u'u-l barn: Hum $375 in 12w cu l. 1|. Imam lq; usumlmo w Dru-d “5913111” were nut. x..r Ir." mnurumuns a! 1‘4 :- ent-run “an“. >500 uni an an um: ”nut“, Immwdkum lmm-amtu- Hutu-I but“; ‘11». tum-noun. "um u: y us Id to an unuou vul be beau uudd bro! mum t h kugvn um moan-Cows. o! ; g'crwqrm: William '2: a m» flnmfimlvlutmééilm mun-cub. 1mm: manta. Luuunvmnm n l‘crctwmn gamma. uo “mud tram um CY‘JM‘J Bum by Huma- ne Marian w tom" 1 69:3 french blond Io 1:31:11“:ng and an on: mm; I: la and .\_. . -..4 ab. .41.:- many patrol. and if: -tn we anmy‘n 1a and lemon wuuhvm nzluh n cw“) , neck In at but been Dre-101M. no Ion burly coo numb-n1 I'mluma mutton: mu Lon Ink! IoCuxmmuuu morn Iva your. by M4 W; Dunno ‘Onbs'n Wayno.nuaoh,lho ' Hm at an my ho nu WW [munc- Donny amt-“bat n. ma nun-u hundnd of an 812:: ha mgmmmfimvm .3“ v ‘ u ' £8 W300“! hum. '. . ‘- . hm- xeuder the towels costivo after Woman's face. Bone weeding, In America. (‘orn Raising. xlntendiquuchnwr of’hom (‘ioubt- fully): ““hn make- him by his an back like um i" Dale: (more in tom): mm in xugux): “Ix-r. sir. that IhOWO what. 3 samxbm hanimd he is. sir. He's listening K) all what we say: nbont him." £333”:qu “an m '19:: or 1“": New York Pith-u ‘ango Eryn-mun and rum.“ mm Ind snp a: um GRAND Union Hutu. ovvouh; ‘umud Cantu! berm. we a! Al“. room. him-.1 up n! a coat or ems mmou donut. 1 st and. mutant-I per day. ‘gqrovqap planar?- ex, however induced. ndicflly cured. Address, World's Diapuuu'y Medial AJ- nocintion. Bnfl'xl.) X. Y. ' Dali aw dines-u of either miur {alumna iup nonâ€"l with the but. Home can. a we nu dented to an dawn. mum an un ham to: leg “lund M Kim Grand Uulun Howl ma .1, aw N ha." I not-claps hom'iln 03- and “Muuma: who turn! Mr. Blwd‘n halt all out I' said little Mabel. “Hush child. you um: (11' t. a peak of such Lhul vs. Pun is bald mo, yuu know." “Ya, but 1 want. {U know who bore Mr. Blmd' I bur 311 out ; he isn't married." Young men PM This Tun You-Am But! (30.. o: Mar-MU. mun. .. cfi'cr :0 and their celebrated Euc- 1'1-0~VI.LTA10 Bum- zmd other Eucrmc Ar- rqucus on triad for :hi da) o, to man )goncg or old) afihctnd wi nervonn detaili- :y. 10:! of vitality, and all kindrcd houblu. Alto fer :heumnmm, neuralgia. paralynia. 1nd many other run-3mm. Complem rector mien in health. vmor md manhood gum: wed: N No tint} xéflirncurrod ta thin; dbys' trial in allowed. Writes than: 5: one. tor illaazrz ted unmade: (zen. I ‘ HE SEPT) Eli‘fi GUIDE ILAND LAWS OFT“): U B. ‘."vc b) unil. DAthL“'l'rtun_I)uu'ur.00L U u niuv. high um! ‘le pan or city. nine momma", huh and no!“ A cl name. Tenn: u my. Ayah-on um wfmigxo.9_r Addru- as Dual pnl Ruld. Turonkv. Uu‘. ‘ 5') 0 zuuxs'm- 600]) FARMING Lam FOR N uni». Wi'h 103 new: under cu‘tiann; good hnu-v. \nrn, :ml we‘l‘; lme young un mm ; um um" l-om good mula‘, mud on uuln tnvelilrx loud '0 «m9. “115(1) '1' n Hl'cly wwu. Fox w‘iculvu "a, wlloLDlN Hum. llucluny Ucum, ht. (JIM: 0n nah. runs: umxn Sm; Tm unioud Ire uouoduin 1 «at. \\'xl’i:|u' En- \\'.z.~v. a! emu Illdl'euu a! tan Eyu thm. m.- cumhlr. onn 0.1M lulldnuu. I'k mm m \uulcn luv i‘. “‘hulmlo l 3' Lynn- Euma 00.. Montnvvl. 5. m1 far cilcular to un- 1hr Inurvr‘ruc (max «11' Cid in Mnutuu) In GEN \HLLIAMH. 7W 8!. [mm-um strut. ur u u ”mun-u Dung Store. oor- nu Meji‘l 5rd Not'e Imuw “meta. Commimnnev. inunor. Trust”. 5 Hum clnl um. Ruomu c..Amde,Ym~L-v fl! .Tnn um. Mme to ma. Plank. Mun-zed, t x 1. :tn.‘ lhuhwgcd. Mu: £01m nu! ULiludh‘utu land». znlnu u; yam. pnyuumv. (or city prop- any METAL MUBBE no [SAT’FnsI's’ELF- Q INKEnS a; SAN NNKl G STAMPS. NOTARY SEALS, 6L0. AGENTS WANTED. KENYON.TINGLEY& STEWART MFGCOH 72K KIN SGT WES Property for Sale, Rent or Exchange. FH‘TY ACRES NEAR. TORONTO. $115 per new; nlm We“ hulf u! 2‘) on 5th , m 1| [0% 30 on the 10th crumm- rinn l f Amnmutn 'x wilt-n Way or 8) on un c ulnllon. II n s xchm‘xu. Twin! to null . m1\IIlkm'lVlk m‘ p-..“ n. .. ~_. , .. 7 ,, l-‘A FI‘Y TORONTO. r new. nl n 125' huur'ml mum of lot 011' on Hm Wm concav- hu'n of “ruck. otcnv and Wed. half I fit) an 8'!) Inn’- 30”: 1- th ounce-AI: {'11 ct Amurnulh. nix milen went cf 3hr; 1min»: Sznuon, £12 par axe; to! Hue. Rout. or Exchugu. ‘mv ml to Luh. Bm'u this m'vutim nn-m. J. I'. .IM‘ksux. Do“ nu luw. A T. LANE, Montreal. Bunuln-z lu oonumllou with the! Gnu-1 'I‘wnl 1hr? any of Uunda. sum.“ from Quebec (WM)! Bltunh) during the [mum at |Iu)|llhfl.lhll from Ponlnud «um Thumb; during the wintry nIUIILhI. flsillnz dam hm. mun-LAND. lmmlulun. M )It Illl'l'dl. liluul‘ly n. u Ram or Duballflu: Onbiu. Quuuoo m Lhmvoul “L 360. w. 589. llrmru, 800. 8104. $111. #141. according k 'Ihmmur um! bulb. lnbuxmudm: £56. Htmymc. . lowcut. mtoa. The ”loom: undutamuomnln Mums: mnrkud thus: ' In: nwiduhipa, wtlun:1lu$l|3fln mum» ten. um} no came or «hwy 1m: cnrnu! on them. Pr. mnlouluu hpply to any G and Truul: 1:51le local “(Lula g ‘ uuy. or to Star anion Line of Steamships R. W. PRIT‘I‘IE. Ileal listate Agggnt. {1119.1} lelhm dunnx winter from Portland may Thundu Ind Halifax every 5mm!” w Liv-nmol. Ind In lumm: hem Quubuc every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at. box, annvlurry u) hud :nnlln nu] pun-u mm for kuhnd nu Inland. Alan In In unlumuru Vin lulihx mu! m. John H. 1’" Lo hmrn 01 1mm hfly dxmux numum man}: The alumna" m the“); gov; Mum nu uvmu; wmu l 1: Emma! 1‘" 1 um" um muggy. and “mum I (lingo \lcruM - and dunn,’ aumuu-r \r- mu Q whm up Agguw‘m‘d your-n d ulugow y vlr‘ “my". ...... - . V" V ,, ,, For from . . . or ozhnr lnfum-ntln: apply to A. 5c mum net It 00.. Uulumurn; t Cunard :1: Lie, Hulilnx: shuns: (30.. St. John" N. b". : Wm. '1 human“ a 00., m. John. 1‘. 11 Allan 5., (1.1.. (Illicngo: have L: Axuun, Nu‘ York {11.1501 rliur. Tux-unto ;Ailr.nn. jtnu SLUv Qua?eo:h‘A.Amm l'onlsni Baum Mm [tbs Thu um-l cum l mu! for lumen in their In». unaou. Th.” 1: n no woiud um randy lot nu told by gnu . Juan .1: the Domininn Man In: ml» to W CLARK 1‘. (I. Lox GI] Manual- SMEE‘B SAUSAGES. E“ E- }_)A1X7(P_l\f_ _&____CU: r Gowncunmfihuvp And put The Ynnunn Urn”. Yuma 1: mod nudmmumndrd MIMI- nm-dan. um out). pmdnu n‘wm mm: ma 1:qu u hm m by (me-lulu”! It" musk than u 4 nm loci Prim 2: ant- u-d u"! w: hm. A doliu hm Gould! :00 Yeah. L0 Kin; ran-n. but. lorunu. Lug: duublu unvmg 1mm 3 ayamuq. 8n or l'rix‘P 1mm and “lacnumu mama Belting ! RYEF‘I‘ IMPORTED TO AMERICA. b'l'0('K ON ”AND: I 5() "win. He Rum: 1. «mm: In 7mm ufiuuu’s-rl n mums 0171'qu 7 ~ mu" w... u.-. ’4! aw”, in nu u a 3.43:": m nu ma“ cm In an (Inn "my IV“ in "had, at] 3: Ma, l vfll all 1 [AW M 1! Glue PM I 1 an“ lam-A __..~_A. 74.;- lâ€" A- .4...“ ETATIH‘J) SOLllI "BK K HOUSE. , HOOD 81 I‘ 75 PER GENT or ALL Hons‘zs HAS IMéon'rEdAs-‘Rouflmaucz Perch ron Ho ’ [wan mum; 00.. Aunmzucnu Cnnun. in ma; in In". Toronto for oh by Dmitri-u flenvhcn. :Ififié ilfiyal Mai! §t83m_fihifl?- unlfilcfifi-fi 9175i»: paves W'- DUN HAM Wnyne. Du Iago Co. .. llllnou. . LANE, Montreal. “'85:“! g §;o.,_ arm-u ‘ Int-d M whh'h ucludtn I’REIIER. “HUGH. RHYAI. PANJDIAN. 1' X PE 111‘. KAMHHOO SAFETY. {0 ‘lud-hmud Bin) clcs and Tnoy‘l‘h‘n. tN‘Svn-‘l for list. 631mm! MTnié. Mmfhu 'l'urnnlu. .Vlunl nl. ”page 83.000.000. .1 "I'll 9 OLD To FARMEK...~£.:3‘L;2 um um! procucm .- rmcuu kroun 0! “Grain . Tun-limo"): o M “0 humus petiC‘el~'FOI"- s 5.x p unfla nSmplfl or two 01.15 Cuflb. JA: Hora. Colu- Onto. 03L. Ca- :9! F1 RE 2‘! FIRE": : Bgnt 0mm an unnwmkh that ”8“» u that sauna-1 Via». For rum-mun ma Pru LN 01 Slnvbcu uni Raw"! Pun. m“ l‘ LUCIA. mm“. 6:: we O‘x. Mich FOR PLEESAN T wSEWVIR G War-Mod FULL Length. And town menthol: nay nevi whine. See an: Cumnm'u nun. u a the h I “FD! uh by Hi [mum Duh". Clapperton's Spool Cotton I mo Gray 36m: 31.. Manual. Amy-nan M m?! Pullman “one-t. I“? (hand.- (hm-«11L Vuu Halal. Wnu Luau. fine (may. V m , I‘ll. Buh‘n. How! ul Pub. [in I'. Bang 30mm Outta». M W "Anni-um" o! Boa-emot- 5mm 3033. Cash- and a Svnux W. a t“. P. Curried: to Files N on! w .\l. KWIBU I L‘U . ll, lob-nu. mumm BL, Mm. hen. w‘ll h-rwu-l Run 1, u-- u-ntd 8.1-4 (‘anhuur In t.- nll Amman“: \\‘- um- um tin! Mleutlml Ru Sax-d Urdu um Han Evan's. uur mu Yul] Soo'ch Beards! “hm. u Hm Hull-u uni Hunk-I crowing u-K-Iy of skull); “but yd lnlw‘ nucul. Con-unadrrow inulu. bll‘ll. IDEA? IN ABIlNliAh'lflL If my ucodu am not m‘d In your man. sand for my “murmwn and In mmplivo (‘utalvgun Mnn'ed tr-zu'lo llIl npunv mu. \\ n. M AAS, Seedsunm, Montreal. W hvnrln ' :1 ml [in (nu , Hm! Ioflllnnl'n R mw menfflnu cul: (hm. Luriunrd‘l Nut! Clippings. mm mm lnrnlnnl‘u Suuflhunm the luvs! mu! chunln-M. uuuuu' L‘UHR‘dUM‘ r CAUTION! MYRTLE NAVY NONE OTHER GENUINE. mo l‘mm st. 1;. Tumnln. Acumu wnnlnd SEWING MACHINE Our new murrhlms In now rrmly. and In as good as nny sold by Aucn n M $63.00. BEE Tl-BKTIIIIDAIALI L0\vnnvu.x.x, 1m: 17m. mu. Mnehlnr‘, urrlvcd all right. mu! it in conninly well worlfi Hm money )uu Auk fur H. with 1L5 prqucnt _}|11]_I_vp\'rxx)(-yln. l w_1-I'(.-r il_ lu_ [in WILLIAM EVANS’ SEEDS lE-Imbliuho‘d 13%.] )rcucnt im now-monm. l pn-I‘cr it to Hm ‘c-ingcr," “ human" or any mhurmuku at 80) each. Youra u my. New Attachments. Now Furniture. New Stand. Send stump for numplm or mmlng and our alt-mm: um rimhw- lhutuxruphn ul‘ um umchmu lu-urn buvmu .mm AKIHIIH. BONUS zuFrom now umil Marl-h 3141. mm. wo wlll give 10 uny pvrunn nmullng un $111.01 runh In udvunm: Iur mwofuur n-nulzml-n. u hnndmmu: rmnhlmuinn mm nnd brunknl lump oomph-11:. Thu-m lunnm urn mun-[hum new nn-l Ilm nvnkvr Wunm IIu-Iu in “Mum-d. _ lf_)'qu_orupy nr )qur {rinlxdnwuui mum-hum If you orunyrbr )Vnur lrinndnwuu don'cdulay. but mcud lo Go-flperative Sewing Machma 00., 0Stock Farm oncssn 1111.: xx: 11'. 1.111111111111- P1111111. anon “1111:1113. A” ‘lmk srlcrlul I ("11111111 1;“ ml My” 1nd 11.11111 11! r-lall- ‘ 1M1“. Iv, ' 1114111111 and “ "Lint-n1! in H1: Irrxull 91111! A1111111..11 2111! l'.‘ IL. W:- 111111- :1 vuy large «in L 111 1111.1111111-1 lullmm 11111! bunt] Hurry 1,11 hand. l‘riuu l".l\’il|1'.l". ( nut-spunâ€" drnc': 5111vncd15rn-l fur 1..-11n1tn1 1.1111111, .11: {111: b) 111.1”. A112”. .1 5.17/11.» 8 human, I): no. 1, .‘1X11rh. EVERY EARMER, ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS, & MANITOBA W. (or than 11nd- In um wlvhln «hm! dhtvnw “track. Only Lava-uh par acre dawn: the Nine Million amass has Uovummou: had In lhn thoutd had me pom-tonal. with MM 10‘ chlhmsl mum “alumni“: of the npcctal a!" m o by Iho JOHNSTUH'S FLUID BEE Turtle Mountain and Devil's __ lake Ulstricts, Adda".â€" v. u. wumm:._h «y! tun mullinlcmlmu )nrchluu‘rl. UNO, A. BEUQEW 7007:. Hamilton, QM, for (ht Farm. Vegetable and Flower Garden. “no bran med by the l‘nnmllnu Public (or nnnn-ml'n vmnn.md we clnim that. lhry u. unrh‘nllwl [or purity, vitality & general unl- Ience. Our Drm-ripum l‘nrnl (.‘umlngur. boun- tilnHy llluntntwl, mmniniug much nan-ml 1n» furnmthmJ x mm pnhlikhrd and will he mulled run to ul Iinlcmflng purchuu-rl. .. A .lnmcn m. Soulh, "Munro", (lnl. AND Especially Those Living on Rented Farms, SEEDS MACHINES SENT 0N 'HH Bed HRiver Valley, but '12]. Swan; ‘m' I m :15ch run; NEW COOPERATIVE North Dalton. Pmlculm'rru BRUCE’S IN BRONZE LETTERS. I”) 1’" ‘1‘ RU n E I“ EACH PLUG OF THE PRICE $25 (‘Ah ll. â€"l'~SS 0N LYâ€" Lorillarfi's Climax Pint l'fll’lhll AND URN UINB Is'and Home IS MARKED R. U. AWARE 7 6L] unlJl’llnu. , or II. I. MuVAIJJ, 2d Frunt 81.. but. 'l'urm lo. 0M. THE [INTARIO FILE Bl] Dox'r “'ASTI Tuxu. SHIP on Bmsu r0 RBCUTI THAT Anu'm “awning. ,\l..

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