Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 7 Mar 1885, p. 3

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-I. UN HUN‘i‘Iié.Tmat “A'i-‘GRE'AfWCLE'AiéING SALEléfiEAT I‘ l - . ' - . EGA) ’s l , r g A r 3I° ‘1 R 5 But when the tiger begins to hunt you the fun changes. unless you ore prepared for the change at ambit And to L WAGGONS AND BUGGIESQUM PM pm [50003 stung, minim Hus, j W “""ll‘fillfll‘fi‘ilfii‘flgf;..l.i.§‘::.°.§‘.l.f§f.i.$23,331:":$32.22;}:llhl‘fi??t.?:.ff.}l:.2‘;l:"°‘m‘ ‘7 r. sANnroitn llitr.’ :1 large stock of iTHE CITY STORE, I have decided to cicar out all my . C H A P E R T H A N E V E R. l with its usual foresight, is fully prepared for the emergency; and if you have my doubts tbotlt it, coll Ind line than __ l l on l'lftll‘l, :tll riiztruiitccd to he first class, which he will scll ‘ removed by viewing o'er the Inigo piles of SllPll lllll lllllll Dill lillllllS, ElllPllS, llllllll lllll SlllllllGS. Inquire the prices. examine the goods and quality. and it you titre it judge of vulue you will rendin ndmlt thlt In anticipated thb advance. as our very low piices nre n t‘onvinriiig proof. The Prints wo are showing, the price beginning nt 5 cents A up to 8, 3 while our Stcntiiluotns cup the climax {or good value. and thc Sliirtiugs we are selling 12* 31rd: for one dollnt‘ IN surprising "err E body. The prtct‘ ui‘ Ellllll‘oldt'rlt‘s beginning iii 2 t-t-nis n )‘iird. and Apron Linen H yards [or one doll-r; while the better grade: no I equnlly good mine and ruuiove all doubts Ilnii llic (‘iiy Store acted Wisely~ in heliullol‘ lht‘lr customers by [lying lit such on immenn l stock of handsome now gooil<. and, notwithstanding the prevailing dull tunes in all hmnclics_0f "Elder 0“? "0“ ll CNWdN} ‘0 "N i doors. For this senson‘s tmdc we eoiuim-uced Operations with renewed rncr‘gy Our stock will be more hurled tail extensive than l ci'cr. und our prior: will be much lower than usunl. The continued di-pmssion in trade lint compelled mnnufnctumn to accept lower prior-s tlnin llicy ever dreamed of. and our entire stock has been secured Ill '20 below zero. To our many custom“: throughout the i lb: Sim: :iiid rcc his stock of l to make room {or larzvc spring putt-hues to atrit‘c in u :hnrt time. i i wows AND HARROWS. v - - . .- . - , - . - ; Blankets, zit Cost. l'uruww it"ilill'lll'; :t horror. will do well to inspect his Spring; “. I <1 C . \V 1 Cl 1. t C . 'l‘iwiill ll.ti l'UWr. v. lllt'll :ti-c jll>t tlic thing for rotiin land. He i 0” " m“ 1" “t “it i U” “m " ‘1 “it zilm hot-pr? tlic following form muchiiics: Tweed-‘5 at CU-‘T- l“ 0”] “(l-“012V “5 CU-‘t- iVool Shirts at Cost. “'ool Dritwcrs :tt Cost. ' a . . ‘ ‘ KE Cotton bliirts zit Cost. Prints at Cont. Si wu- ‘ffia .‘lltllulltl Counties we would say: Mitth \‘t)tll‘ piiicliiisci us t‘:|l‘l_\' “5 l‘USSil’lcv “3 Emma "9 "‘l‘ldl!’ ‘dT‘mdngv ‘nd "1° “’89 qu‘mni" AND - ot mods sold cvcry day must soon clean out some of our cliciipest lines, which could not be replnced within 20 per cent. of pmflnl , - 1 Grey and White Cottous. Shirtiiigs, Tickiiius. Cotton Twccda'. “heetiugs, Ducks quotations. We would he glad to see nll our custotucrs and us many new ones as possible at as early I dny as pouihla. :iim i~ bound not to he: lllltlt.‘l‘.~lol(l bv any one. I V ‘ ' Our 4512. :Xll-‘\ oul T\\'ccds are c: outing- grout enthustncm. SOOTHERAN, CATHRO & MARK, CITY DPAPERS AND CLOTIIIERS, No. 2 Dobson’s Block, - - 2 Doors West of the Post Oflicé. - - Kent Streét. Lindsay. “BRANDON & WSW? "n‘ittmrn in he lnhabilanli [ll anBllln Falls and Surrounding lounliy. Dress Goods itt Cost. Mantle Cloths :it Cost. uud Dcnims, as the prices have been advanced by the mills. l Mr“ Ali l.f~.-l< of l’i._i\'i-<i. 'lntic Ill. *llrll'l notice. Various patterns of Monm- I Q in» ant on lmnl. :n-l .‘Ui‘l .it the [turnrlprl'r'IL llfllb'l’Zâ€"SIUJEINU and JUltBlNll ' COL-L u ~{w-:i.iit}’ .\.. lit l‘.\llt~ done in a lll'nbcluéa‘ manner and on abort notice. Some clw :p -r coiul~liuiul lil'tilill‘lb'~ for :ule. lln it‘lllf'l._~ ~inm n: thanks for tiiv liberal patronage bngtowed on him during the pvt l l yuan. :itul “1.! .~p:irc no [Hill]: to iiicrit (l. continuance of it in the future. C:lll “Vila. lglelllille the ()0(1S. 353“ No troublc to show them. )l. A. REGAN, Tll‘t‘ (‘lit-zip llry Goods Store. l to make room for our new Goods. Never in tho lii:tory of Fciielou l’ulls will goods be sold at) cheap. Fonclon Falls. January 27th. ‘ SIGN OF THE RED FLAG. Mrs. KEELEY 5Q . Has just received and opened up n larg gag l _________ 1 Having purchased the stock, etc., of Mr. John A. Ellis, and p _ "0“ 0f ‘ mode large additions thereto, wc bug to solicit. it continuance ES, Y l of the support extended to him, and we will use 0111‘ utmost ’ endeavours at all times to make prices satisfactory to one and including o o I a I ) I ’ r n I «'0 part,“ “1 want of Goa/my and Glassucw! liry thrills, Clolliiiigtt Millincry >lioiilil (":ill and see the all who may favour us with their patronage. Our stock will ’ be found complete in ~andâ€" GENERAL GROGERIES AND PROVISIONS, ALL KINDS OFWOOL. CROCKERY’ GLASSWARE, &c. all or which will his sold at $3? Try our TEAS, they will please you both in prices LESS THAN LINDSAY PRICES and quality. In addition to the above we have also a. large â€"“‘ rm) and well sclcctcd stock of ,3“ ’53 I . = t (q . . ta...» m... .... w G“ A- I N S Cottonades, Shirtmgs, Dunks & Denlms Mens, and Women.s Boots 3‘ Shoes, Holiday Presents; such its Dolls of all sorts and sites, Toys in grout variety, Toilet. Sets, Vases, Funcy Cliinit-wnre and various other articles, to which the attention of intending purchiuora is respectfully invited. HRS.2H.EELEY Fenclon Falls. Nov. 27th, 1884. Patterns! Patterns l I have just opcncd out it beautiful lot of Embroideries and. 1.333%, which are worthy of iiispcctioii licl'orc purchasing clscwlicrc- You Will lilttl my A nice lot of (illi‘l'i‘tl :tl lllls establishment. of fine quality and good value. ' ‘_". _., D“ 1. 1 1it fSc 1‘» ho“ h EXT {A C 171 BAP LINES less Goods 111 Gieat Vane yo lndes8zCo 013, and at very low prices. Grunt Vttlllc in which will be sold as low asptlic lowest. Yours respectfully, BRANDON & ROBSON. Fcnclon Falls, February 18th, 1885. lll‘lilllll’l'ujltlllllllg. Clouds, Shawls, Mitts, &c., CI€()CII1C.11X’ ck GrIJALS-SXVARE. (‘r()Uil$ in great demand at, this season. tIEEE’ Everybody says the Rcd Flog is the place where you can buy cheap. JOZIN Sl'. LAWRENCE, Ef- GEHPRGE. Fcnclon Falls, March 4th, 1884. “ iiEEvi FillifiTlolhE rttrrr. m” m “33 SALE A...“ The undersigned respectfully informs the public lllilt his new factory & .ON FRAMEIS swfignwflfiflxnok FALLS, Specialties For M Trade I - m I . . turn out work zit short llUllCC, in thc lit-st pu.~:.~iblc iiiuiiiicr tiiid tit llllHlCl’itlU prior-s. \l'clluiid \':ilc ()wu )luiiiiliicttircil FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS A. X El 8 ltcpt constantly on hand and sold as Cllt‘fll) its the cliczipcst. Muplc Loaf UNDERTAKliâ€"ilâ€"CEâ€"A SPEClALTY. i ' t. A" J Lin-J."I -» .r' .1 ‘ ’3 .’ (T r r Lf‘ililLE.‘ l Di)» H lbfl‘lil/éo A large numhur of Collins to sch-ct from. and a handsome, llt-ni-sc l'iirni.~licd “'llCll -\xo Handles, (.‘ow Tics, Cliniii, requircd. Urdu-s sold-{ml um] sir/1'5/‘IIt-li'liii guumuttul. 5:1in and Doors ninth: to ‘ ‘3 A I! ‘5».'r':"\“1 ‘i )U Y ' Encore u. Fa. GEEEAS AND E TT , ordcr on short notice and of the bust. iinitcrinls. and :i largo :iiid wcll :issortcd WILLIAM MCKEOW N. STOCK OF GENERAL HARDWARE. noon sonicROCERiEs BAKEEY "m" ‘ E’arfiomr £5 flocking Stoves, McCall’s Bazaar gloch General Dry Goods, Clothing, _. fitting Patterns ailirays Hats, Caps and Furs, ‘ on hand, and will be at cost prices. 011 I'OCGlpl} Of price, sent by mail post paid Feiiclon Falls, April 4th, 1884. Daily Arrivals ciiiiisriii? nouns at G. A. Lletherell'n BOOK STORE -â€"A N Dâ€" ._m,__ SHOES MUSIC EEORIUM. Come Onel Come Allll nnd examine good: before purchasing clu- Chmiiliws to Orior Lambs and Lamp Trimmings i T i MAGUIRE!S CHEAP CASH Boo-r ' - ll. 'l l l‘ it :l‘ll: - ‘iiiditlw‘iw in stocl’ 't l'll‘”t‘ 'twotit V 7 v G. A.METHERELL, m ll > L” l) “m Ill ‘ h i ‘ ‘ ‘ I ‘ \. ‘ t ‘â€" / “I z OPPOHin maximum ciiuucu, iri‘ ‘ . ‘ . ‘l ., _ '...' . lv." lllt'lll ul l iiiwui-n. Non-pipw :iiiil lullio“ n. Curli lot .‘l\lllt‘, t\t i . . :Kenufit" Linduuy‘ g and crammed with a general stock of the most coiiiplctc nature Lindsay. October 27th. 1884 . . " ant‘s, Buns kc. lic lllli just opcncd out :I‘ l"ciiv~luii l‘:lll>‘, (lctolwr Z'Jiid. 1551. l ' I i . . cvor ollcrcd to the gaze of :tii admiring public. W- General excellence is the distinguishing: l‘cuturc which is noticed in this stock -â€"â€" - ' tiicc stock of :ozâ€"zo: l of llt’W Hnods; nothing thcrc for thc purpmc of czitchiti: the eye only, but. good The undersigned has jolt received a good i (T110311) for Clash, 5 and to which he invitcs the nttcutionl unortment of . . ‘ honest goods zit litilltfa‘l. prices. which if lioiic>tly un-d will give lionan m'rvicc to J I I J l lllc \Vearcr. Make a rush while the stock is fi‘crli and Well assorted; the Price“ l'Iartln-nwnrv llrnnms Pails \\':i.~litiib~ l “r” just “lied m the [3‘10" “my cu’tolllur5' , ‘ i I, which are well worthy of inspection and r ' i i "V IN.) l S ..~l.\ l) (III-BIAS. lliiicltiiiz-lii‘thliiw, (,‘lniliiwpiiis. )lutclics} '1‘1-unks and x'alisos Vth'y Cheap. will be cold chap. El R R W l N R . :3: i ill L. NIA G ill RE, mums MADE To ORDER NO ADMISSION FEE To the Great Control Show of PfifllllglilSnBQorI-s J. MUFARLAND llias now on hand a splcndid stock of! liiic l'rcsli â€"â€";\N I)â€" conformity J OHN )l OFFA '1‘ Mg; to inform his ('usioiiiei-s itnd tlic pulv- lic tlutt. \\ liilc i-zirryiiig: on tho linking: liiisi- l't'l'll't‘<\‘llllllg tlio host iiiziiiiiliu-tiircs. which is now on exhibition at ’ Ftiuars. Syrups. 'l‘olmt-cos. llicc, llziisins ' L‘ul‘l‘ulib. Shirt-h, Soup and all other groccrim, which he will roll ' . L11.“ [x r (c: I ‘ lr 1.) all of which will he sold :it the very lowest1 _ of the public. “ring prolit. And hinuldlngn, livpt constantly on liiiiid : ulso livnt 51-. [Judi-toy. in any Itylc at the shortcut ponihlc nntim. ---_--~_ Painting. Knimmimlng Ind Pnprr llnnging done an usual. A good clock or PAINTS, OILS, GLASS AND I'UTTY kept conuuntly on hand. liliit‘ll iii i~\cli.iii;i- for glimls. and v - v r I v r v V V' V I ' l . - .\ lt\ Eras], Paid fl”. Buncl. & “l (lit \'t‘l‘}' biwt lii‘:i'i-i~ (lllil :it tho low- i'.~t Illlfrllllt.‘ lil'll‘l‘r. ' l . . . . . ‘ In)“ Tln- iinilwi'~;i_’:iiil will no :ill in ll'." I _ . . . . _ ‘ . potrcr to invrit .i t’tilllllillillu'i‘ oi tlu- lHHFHl- (‘tl5h Pill“ ll". lillll(‘l‘ \\ Egg. I Ni} PLACE LIKE CUES...- tlic past tire )‘cnrs. i At. Diiiidas & Flavcllc Bros? Fi‘lll'lun Folk. Jiiltf' lttli. l“~l. lT-ly. Jflslu,” “VFAIH‘ \VU B O 0 I i l 4. I 1 4X “ 9 v .1 Ultra! meet. our Mr. Buntiford'l Cur- §C-\1nii~:.\"i'i-:n .\ lll'll.lll-Ilt. You Will Find ringehctory. v.1... “0...... iii innit, an ill] EHllPlSi lSSflHlMEHl HEAVY A”- WWL WEEDS. iimefifiiimee? H. NEVIHHN., for all grades and styles of “~le Y-lll. Peb'y 7th, i864. 504 r, 1’. I)IHH]'I'I"I‘}Q, lUUPEK, Fencion PAH]. “'orluhop on .- you can buy for cash lfxtrv. ('lli‘l‘l.‘ luivt- llt't‘li made in my selection to have i..- .:. . .i'l riiuv. in. h l‘rinkd .ver, a."’rd-’ .t "m ome"! 0" ' ‘ ‘ the come! of “I, l l’nucil urceu. t‘\‘ol‘ M't'it iii l‘clicltlll I‘llllt‘. {er ‘ ‘7"“""“" l’““""" lsrsst'iiimox st A rim iii nmt'it, BLANKETS l or m we... .0... i usually hold 700. to $1, liil‘ 45C. to (3-36. ‘\.lli["‘. 5:14: ‘. W ‘ . . .3 MY GROCERY AND CROCKERY -‘”‘.¢‘,;;'._....,,;.;,. t... TRUNKS & VALISES. .. .. ........ up... deuce on lluud SUM-1 lint- :u..i \-.i:.. . “ much-g. :it Advertlulnk' Mien. EDWARD 31.x w as. heavy {137 ordinary $13 good»: for $3 75, Fcnel-m F331=,.\;':zi i ll:. l-rt. Li - J08. Nt‘lls‘llll‘fi lltll‘llt‘ss‘ ’ "bâ€""_ ‘ ' H H ('l‘l...‘ irz'.“ Pl, 5‘! “"l'dl l"Hl"‘. cw: us it CALL Ann mums oun srocK. 5‘i1.;;"w‘..*;:a.“ FLANNELS VERY LOW. i wuh llI‘Jl: tn. and 'lhzulit‘ii. Ji-l\. It i. no trouble to show goods. ' Dress & Mantle Halter, I- Kr?) l have litlt‘t‘littfit‘tl my stock in_the best markets in isrrvrfndwdaa3.....i.»:......5“..:;. art..- t‘.ui.ni:i. and l tit-{v unnpetitinn 101‘ Cash in the county. , Resrdence on Bond St. West. nu: house in ll: TRuUHyS and “iii h»; -. llt’l'ul‘iltli'lll is ul>o full, Grout Bargains will be given and >utl>liwtiuti gunrmflcctl. Profeuionnt or buulneu cards, 50 um. perline pct tannin. Cum Advert}...an 8 cent- per line for the Int-l automatic! cents per line {or every in not [nur- tion. Uoumcu by tho 7w. ball you or gutter, (or 3 column or tau, upon nuan- . tibia tutu; JOB PRINTING- DUNDAS 8:. FLAVELLE 3808., ;‘:!ct'}‘::t‘".:':.:::::.::::~d my. ‘ z. D. BAND, Propmtu « l li-iiuirihg Those goods have recently been purchased by us at, lest; than the cost of iiizinufucturc. in :till-‘ttlit‘i: will toy for thc "(hm-tie" from now until tlic Lt of January, 15v}. Try it" Kent Street, Lindsay “ R. )I- S.ll"llf~i“:1!22i.'fl.1hrl E,.,:'..:-l. ian ..:.‘; Fem-hut Pulls, September 18th, 1854. New York llr’l'mni Prado: lull: J4: y $-12; .:;~; 4:-"' Wm. Campbell. . p Awash i ahiu‘gg

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