Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 27 Sep 1884, p. 4

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' ‘ . . ‘ . __ . a. . r â€" r r - 4 M 5061 m m h” 0'11 W- The PERSONAL. credited with more years than we can Curious Customs of the Capt. At an intended wedding, just as the. M E N W A ‘ T Y D Active tubing mar vain! to Ibt’ld air my famous Dutchman, nothing daunted, pointed to -â€" boast of. She though a ‘wise’ is scar- ‘ to ' th in 'd d _ _ . Th 00 ceremonies were begin. e n c an m ‘. 0 2 am “"3 Fr'Mh M’Mkv b‘“ W “de' I Am: a” mum rm” o! a" a]! "1 ‘Old ' "Omv being 3°: 5"“?in , me indpéanl?5:§:d§dl guilt-“15):: deniy called tiva the biidegrr cm (a sea- l 3:35:31: 90:33:; Lii'i": ceived when,'after removing the little world" “uncut. T'CREIGN NEWS The twin DQâ€"vmâ€"l Wealthy __ . _ . . . as stated in your article on ‘ The Health‘ - - - fariu man) in ab’ure ti bs‘co, on vain o _" __ _ "'Tm’i‘fi'fiffi $333., "' am“ 33°“ :32.“ °‘ “1° ..““1,l.§.’.‘ii‘p§.‘£m.n‘°‘m‘ am” “‘1 mung?“ group hug fifty-«ix inkifmi' oflifi‘fflflfiifi’ «f W's! We ‘ “in he 3 3504 '- 01 BAKING TIME man nrer sp . . - ' - . - , ‘___ _‘ , a k . ,h - “'u A Bush'lhmm - - h mm f The revivalistMrs. Van Cott has been fig-math: 03%;: this? Egghlnwd‘wlug. a or we! 3'!” mgn‘g" 2;}, hi... 3:112:31:fo £333.:- ' um wiwwsouéswiommuvu‘ttu . Aceprdin to an ofidal report on the “image b“ in I: -° active in her special work for nineteen neither of us has had a particularly casy'of the“ mugwn' for Arabic “ a“ cum: his gndewlidencs‘. \\‘hereiipon the ‘ Rm”" mm‘“ c”"‘“‘“" “1"” customs st hsi, published last year, end i. he he pm”; on the chug??? nul- life, she has always enj'yed perfectlhggmgxef swisua young women took out e hox' um: e posse“ wins-you‘re {lilihu'lnlb of a the number 01 film widen“ in a” ha ' wsntonly and maliciously killed a] _ woman’s beauty, Dr. Hammond says, halal. 3115 1. thqugh {lever V8}? atmng~ occur m 30 101,13 m fiensg 3;; mg chow,"aurili the applause of the spccts- L $361513; {:\§:liirrl:;;lfldtnlt’; hunts".an mm mm" "8"" “W "‘"m t: 5;": “Jam” {wears $3.3m?“ ‘° “‘° “9‘ “d 3:3; Ella? “Emil: $3.5m": res - people when m w my Li’:.t§:‘i.’§2§f§f§f urinal? % . n u...";=":‘."::;’:“-“llammlr About fifteen hundred convicts have Frsence, was nought 03: ;ears ago, at: The confirmation dreu of the Princess "Pm" 'hO “’8 our bmim' “Emu” fig:;ein8:§:1;;rmfi,§i?§m ‘0" 91° bride‘s'mnli “ho fled Elle will“ i .’ ‘1‘"; "' been employed for the last twenty years haustcd by a storm, on the doc nth “hill-s “null Haven 3 "10“ 0f “5 d0 ere, m “,0 a type. gm by me”. of the hunt); the sirl triumphant, with a piece 3 and can," 3; 1:3). I d . of s . [nurse‘ of Wales was of sim' ple white in- m on Ben” may In“, as H» ~ - h eh. \ l I“! ‘ had 00d yum ’ . . . . . i ‘ ru .‘1' 111011 ‘ .d w 20 i ‘r ‘1 ‘ or ‘ c? :' $33133 321'?” “To”. 5'3. 335 Emmi. £5.13”; it“. ‘8.."&..}’;°‘°sfm. g 01m“ M, W M s" trad» ‘ “1”” ‘ . finial“d31‘2.3..7§....3~‘ .3 outpost diamuslin' , without trrm' ming' . m . . . lo and healthy lives as any others; do“ and . . . _ , animal Lh t t . “ ', i ih lb be 9 ‘ , . .gra. ' o l v i s undertakings are now nearly completed. rlsire, manager of the garden. ltwas m ony 0 a Mo! ~‘ “ 9 you “mm " a l 'r l ““M “n k “l h M“ 9‘ “l “m” ‘ his thirty years' career in Psrisl - Per P! “WWW became “6 “Venmom - ' * ‘ " '. ' ' v : :‘ll. - it. u. r . hail-ll s.- u t:~. r A national Scotch memorial" to the late 3 h“Phang or snO'Y’Owi, known only in Am“ saw“ h“ found“ no 1e” m than others. a rdfuge from the inevitable MAXI“ ” the C‘thohm do to St" Pemr‘ mm “"1' “m l w Ac'm’f m" m h" m i :siiiil‘wuib‘. ahrlrs 31nd: lur fermnsmiit'l tori-hr- dukc of Buccleuch, consisting of s bronze “19 l“811ml: momma“ 0‘ laund- Three ten 'ournals,andhasfought nearl twen ' - . The Coptic church hasa pawn. rch, who 3'80 faugiicr‘ “You live no lda‘ howl :T; .u 3"“. _-‘ u no . _ M m be m , “mm deposed um may 3" Let-h due a. y ty :13“? :fifilglognsrsg 1E: :1 nznggfié illllfyletll1 chili: “patriarch of Alexandria,” tpn'y 01", thsl; ngstma‘wcllgtti‘scothiyou :ll SOEXt'haifge‘ girl‘s: ll‘u ldiiiK€.|§In(l‘i?|’OLm‘ my "Ame on ’ ' er “1 ' ' ' ' Mn. ‘7' ' ‘ n 3} 011g resi encehasbeen in Cairo. “° um“ .. -' . "3“" 1 ~ 1‘ L . _ . ~ prim em, Me“, n mnth on bridge poke his stick through the bars of PH]. 83,0211): 21:1:ng of“: fierglfir a: think about ourselves. Ludo, the pa, in l ’ and chosen by him. was this n p ) ofihfi littl‘tl‘slrigtl . ‘11:]? ugit i E E £33335“) a site which has been ted by the “18 afie‘n‘lbe‘lf the bl’dwdath- Th“ resemble Queen Viewfinlin h “mm W are twelve bishops. The patriarch, in '1“ “ til“? "P" ‘° “J ‘ “‘1- ” * , t " , hi Alilimh ux‘na‘r-riaw olmmucsmml mm“... ‘uthoflfie‘ 0' the mm‘ 8 name 'in H :1“ 8 denied 83 the er yo HIT-e 1 uon ‘ half what she as) I. «Furor l ll.|Ԥl'l\. M: lit) lam-l on all kinds 0' h-al estate at bethe work of Mr. Boehm. e ’ be med. an M. Saint lime turn. l3 elected the bishops, who find Shh-‘9‘ l luqu rust-ii; {pixies}. "Arizil‘nti 'll fur money from E "ed, asks for 1 000 francs damages and the The art of printing on wooden blocks “Balm”: 30‘ among themelvfl. but “mm” ““m " L "“ “"“""“ mm" "m" very common in Amsterdam 1 . ’ . has a government shop. at which deserv- p 8 0f the Judgmem m the 8“ den‘ ’ “ml-5-; New thon'. l and in rl-ati or wuuui. hi; wb‘rat cl nurtures in China seems to be due to the accident among the monks, “ho: ‘5 3 Ch”: be” ‘ The lamentstiona in the Russian press, ' on application. of some one desiring a facsimile of an in- me reputation 0f mell'i- T 11° bishops lug poor are ven .work in case of great Perhaps the ma t extraordinary success that i _, __. A d fie d Th L has been arhicvcd in modernsoienco has been 3 n. “~ll‘Ll “IS sari tion on a stone monumen in the “"3: “l 0 n 0. marry. e mon-s t ' p t’ takes the vow of chastity. The ecclesi- .- -- -...-‘......_- W'sâ€"n. has been appointed to diplomatic service Afrim this month. attained by the Dixon Treatment of Cstarrh. i fi‘m‘d‘t" lfiiwliféfo’fir‘h‘fflf $3.239 SLATE AND FELT ROOF'ER. necessity. T e price paid them is very which have been loud and frequent, at ! th I i . m f first instance, by the process of rubbi . gm“, md the We no used by the destruction of the forests have hither- In ong e no. minim me)": “I 0 with coloring matter over the paper, an astical order includes 8130 (18300113, sub. cured of 9 Bill lilt'nld)’. Tais isdn‘i‘i‘n‘e PM anulu tun r'uml llt‘rt't‘rlill the vernment instead of be' sold. to reduced little result. At last the “do” Vim flunk 90mg 0f "mg subse uentl b coverin" the stone with “What”? Clerk“, The docmn” 0‘ the mo 1°? alumni“ robin“ Semen) tint l “He’d M's-‘10:?“ m. ‘9‘“??th 8° mg . p twenty mile excursions are Mr. and - q y y ° church 13 in all paints like those of tlic fiénilivfflno°mui$w°§§ulmn If: I 4 Ailtfih‘il-‘s gr! lfis'rtuej‘f‘f _I rial-365m. Indian ink, lac the paper against it, M" 3mm BMW‘L and rubbing? 13in. A.D., the me of Th? Emperor 0f M91130”: mule? Ha" the Chinese classics was cut on tablets, 53111 n the 01?! “Mb” *0 a 119W"?3 ‘3? and of these impressions were taken, some {n the “PPM: .3 “11?” weekly Ara 1° of which are said to be still in existence. 10m P“med 1n Algiers. Printing from wooden blocks seems to be Patti travelled toWales recently in one no older than the end of the sixth cen- of the Prince of Wales’s salons. But tury. It was not until the tenth century Nilsson had the Queen's own drawing- that printing books became common. room car to go from Liverpool to London. The use of movable type was said to date in China from the eleventh century. Mrs. Browne left five hundred dollars Movable copper type was used in Korea for a memorial toher son, Artcmus Ward, at the beginning of the fifteenth century, “id 3.11;???“ “dig fififiypfifiu: and even earlier; indeed, one book so scriptions. When Marion Terry took her sister Ellen’s part as Viola, at. twenty-four hours' notice, all she knew of the part was as a spectator of Ellen’s acting on the benctitted, whie the patent medicines and cihor advertised cures never record a cure at all. Starting with the claim cow genurni'y believed b) the trust ~~icntitio men the times seems to have come when some- thing ls to be done. M. Ostrofi'ski, the minister of the interior, of whom the em- peror said the other day, “He says little, but he does much," is at present using his influence with the railways to per- suade them to use coal instead of wood for their engines. Several large compan- ies have already begun to use Russian coal (from the Don), but the railways of European Russia still consume annually 2,200,000,000 pounds of wood, while only 2,730,000,000 pounds of coal are used. M. Ostrofi'ski isalso endeavoring to in- troduce coal into government offices, and has offered a prize for the construction of the best heating apparatus. The system is said to work very satisfac- torily. 0n the west coast of Africa fourteen German firms from Hamburg are now represented by sixty factories. Several Bremen houses are also established along the coast. These trading settlements have been formed in Sierra bone, Li- beria Akkra, Angrs Pequeno, Gsboon, Lagos, Cameroon, Grand Pope, and else- where. A correspondent of the Glasgow Herald says that, though"the Thames is bad, it is real rose-water compared with the Clyde,”and that he “was nearly poisoned with the fr‘ghtful sewage smell of the river from ‘lasgow to Govan. Itwas not until we were well below Grenock that the sewage odors were lost. ' Roman church, with the exceptions allud~ ed to above. The ceremonies, however, are quite difl‘erent. A child is baptised by immersing one-third of the body at the name of the Father, and by another third at the name of the Son, and a com- plete immersion at the mention of the Holy Ghost. Thebaptism under no air cumstances cam be performed any where but at the church. Baptism is preceded by thirty-six nuointings. The child is immediately confirmed, and receives the wine at the euchsrist, the priest dipping his finger in the wine and putting it in the child’s mouth. The Copts have 150 churches and convents. Their cathedrals at Cairo, where they number ten thous- and, is described as a large and rather elegant structure of the florid style of W ,, w o, SHOKED SAUSAGES. “‘3 mile“ 1“ KM “um-‘8' N" Duo" “l The meetcouv-nloni treat for farmers in their busy 090° ‘dll’t‘d hm cu“? ‘0 lbelr 03(65‘ Won. ‘i‘h-w: mints arr Ckhlhl‘d anti wall for use. mination; this accomplished the catarrh Sold 1‘) grown llimimh lhI- lxxmmmn So for ones In moduli! cured- and the WWW! mu» questioned. as cureseifected 0 him four years ‘ v ' ago bm cures our. No onscss has ever at- B E k tempted to cure catsrrh in this manner. and no I s .1 l k ., Hauursrturrrs of “In! Rivet other treatment has ever cured caiarrli. The Leather Belting l application of the remedy is simple and can be 70 King turret. Bast, 'I‘onnio done at home. and the great“. season of the year rs the most favors lo for a Speedy and Large double Driving iiqu a specialty. Send r Price Lists and Discounts. permanent cure. the majority of cases being cured at one treatment. Sufirrers should Veer.- respond, with Iaesarr. A. hi. DiXON it SO) 30.) King-street West, Toronto. Canada. and enclose :gt‘aiup for their treatise on catsuitâ€"Montreal ar. Youthful rnsliness skips like a bare over the meshes of wood counsel. A Question. printed appeared to date from the year 1317 and 13%. And even if it were, alter all, not so old as it seemed to be, there were others dating unquestionably anterior to the invention of printing by movable type in Europe. The invention W- & F. 1’. CURRIE & 00- m) Grey N lllll‘ll 5:51:33! Montreal. Drain Pipes. Parituuil l‘r-mcni, WellingtOn’s Charger. ugtgdws‘ll Te ' mment'éiillmiohlaodrffi l was walkingin the Strsthfieldsaye °P°nln8 11181“- reached Japan from Korea, and there “Smut,” In Paul" 38"?in Whmhl.” How can we raise more corn to tho “ma-“:13.”ll“f‘““h$¢"€3§l1'...“‘”‘\%i‘llfif:.' ' Park with him one afternoon, when we Ah Shong, a Chinaman at Cape May, was a distinct mention of Korean types Pmtllracte 1!] each one en‘eFmg 1??” ‘h‘ acher’l‘ Why, of course, by using Pun hnnlégcxkflkomtltwhIsis-us. grill“. ' rec 5' tot ° Patrb’Ch 0" bmhop if ell-her san's Conn Exriucron. Putnam's 'Mailiifartiirrred‘fw‘. "' "’ orcign countries, to return home and serve their regular term in the army or navy, every male 21 years old bdng sub- ject to conscription, regardless of natural- ization abroad. Italy has repeatedly rc- fused to exempt her sons naturalized in the United States. A wealthy pauper. a woman, died last month in London from injuries received throu h an accidental fall. She had re- ceiv for years past 2 shillings a week, as well as bread, tea, and sugar, from the parish, and seemed to be very poor. in overhauling hot effects, it was found, however, that she had accumulated the snug sum of 83,500. According to a republican paper, crime is becoming more common every day in is a rich mandarin, tall and commanding, who wears the American dress, but whose the way," he said, do you know that the body-servant is all satin and embroidery famous "Up, Guards, and at them!" is and baggincss. not my father's at all, but Lord Saltoun's, Mm, Celia Thuher holds informal re- find the “8111*; word! 31'“, “UP: Gm': oeptlons at Clematis Cottage, Isles of and fire 10"? M! fat-1181‘ Bat 00136131188811 Shoals,where there are always bright talk. 14 hours at a. stretch at Waterloo. He good music, and sometimes the reading Will a horse not much to at, but of of one of her own poem belle]:- grest endurance and spirit. The duke got him in Spain, and rode him through .Gadei “1° 9°mP°S°1§ 1‘? 01d and WW: his spam Ompfigm; he was very fond With gray hair and a Jovial manner. He fhim. F d was greatly surprised lately to learn that 0 or years before he led he was Boston poumed a. Conservatory of kept here as a pet and the ladies were all . proud to ride him‘ up and down the tap Music which taught. more than fifteen hundred scholars. race, in order to boast of having sat on . With the object of completing the eth- his back. He was buried here very early ‘ in the morning. All the servants turned nolo cal infigirles which have engaged liburton, Q.C., of Canada, Stance. It is spreading "like 8 filling out, and to their surprise the'Duke, who Mr- - G- trdc whereof the waves are often red.” was then very old and failing, got», up and oldest son of “Sam Slick," he intends Twelve years ago the total number of appeared at the funeral. when the horse shortly to visit Borneo, Feejee, New Zea- (Elll'otgscguglfich mewflnger that; notlcetgg was brought out he immediately noticed 15115, and Autmllflo o rt amoun tw V8 111011 that one hoof was off. He was very MlssLouiseSldonicV ue swell-cun- w 20.000- T011 1081'! “termini-1111832 angry, but could not discover the robber. nected lady and Creoleeqbeiluty of the -ll40!¢60d9d1_3.000- The 13188815 0011- Some months afterward he thought he French quarter of New Orleans, has tingent of criminals was fumlahpd by the should like a hoof and had Copenhagen married a Chinsman, Sam Hing. a mer- metropolls. dug u , but his three remaining hoofs had chant in El Paso, Texas, and an educated The Russian ministry of mains has roll away. Afar-m laborer hearing of and polished gentleman. distributed among several loomed soci- thls asked to see my father, and toldhim Prin L m is k . cties a plan for despatching a Russian ex- that he knew the man who had done the be co f 335° hapo engmufhamg ltlon m the narth pole, starting from deed, for he had himself bought the hoof 8“; 8 2h '3“ Tat-k H “0M9 orthcastern Siberia or Jeannette island, for 3.. 6d. In this way the Duke recov- m2, “'1 “tint?” "Nd 11° gmy- 30ml“ discovered by the Jeannette expedition, cred Copenhagen's hoof, which he had sol; ‘1‘: cg“; hiyhusal’ “gale osg‘woo walk" and proceeding entirely on foot over the (i think the Duke said,) as on inkstand." 3'5 c. t}? min f “- Ir liar d°°tt brought ice in several parties, with large depots in â€"â€"The Contflnporafl Revieiv. away w} _ mm 8 an ' To his patients whose diseases are 00- produced by casting and moulding about . 1420 A.D. In Japan the earliest example i” Present) to greethirn. and then mingles in the crowd, which is walking about, of block printing dates from the middle , , _ _ of the eighth century. Before that stone 09mm}! and 80mg, 0! wnvemmgy “8 111- inscriptions and engraved seals were in clmation may suggest. _The women are use. The early Japanese prints were 1“ the 331191195: 01‘ behind 361168313: the chiefly reproductions of Chinese. The A??? usage “to female P11313713?"a Pre- first really national work printedin Japan "alllng “Enougfhe COPm- The LDCYClO- was the u Ni_hon_gi‘n at the end of the pedia Britannica speaks of the Copts as sixteenth cemmy printed Blips, app“. lovenly and unclean in house and person, ently printed from cast copper or bronzed 00mmng V917 unfaVOWblY With blocks, containing a Dharani out of the the“ Arab nelghbom- Mr. V1111"? SW- Budhist Scripture, were distributed to a”: “n the (Ether hand, W110 l5 film" 113 the number of one million in 794-770. 3006' auttht'yi I51mm“? 0f 121mm 65 0‘1“- The earliest Japanese printed books were catedi thnflyi and entorpflsmg- In UP‘ of a considerably later date. Of those Per Egypt there “'9 Perhaps 200.0“), known the oldest was printed about 1200. and on the ‘1?th 50,000, and All?! “‘9: Printing received a great impulse from in Mr- Stun-l7? lufigmenl’o 1113 BmeW 0‘ the expeditions of Hidcyoshl against the commnllltws 1“ When they dwell- Korea, when a number of books were Mr. McKenzre )‘Vallsce, another compet- brought back by the victors, and the cut authority, is of the same opinion, Japsuse learned what had been achieved and 335'”, ill“ the 11011598 Wthll attract by a peoph whom they had considered the tourists attention are found to be- vastly their inferior-s. Among these were 1mg ‘50 COPtB- Tlllfi small but venerable some books printed with movable type, sect were, says Villiers Stuart, in immi- ~ f d i duh nent danger of massacre durin the wmch seem to have oun lmme 1‘“: trouble with Arabi Pasha, and it; ill: en- erally believed, according to a New ork authority, that if; the victory of Tel-cl Kebir had been delayed a few days, dis- aster would certainly have fallen upon them. Thus it appears that in the midst of the convulsions of Egypt exists a peo- ple who are at the some time a sect and a race, embodying in themselves the most ancient traditions, both of a nation and a paused ata railed ofi' clump of trees. “Here,” said he “lies Copenhagen, By Bessemer-stool amazouali-at‘nud Springc Painless Corn Extractor has given uni- versal satisfaction, for it is sure, safe and painless. Like every article of real merit it has a hcst of imitators, and we would specially warn the public to guard against those dangerous substitutes oil‘erâ€" ed for the genuine Putnam's Extractor. N. 0. Poison & 00-, proprietors, King- stou. The judicious planting ’eucalvptus trees has been recommended by Biron V on Muller as a means of increasing and maintaining the water-supply of Australia. 'l‘hosc trues -â€"krown a‘so as the “ blue gum " treesâ€"are credited with remarkable power of collecting and absorbing water, and of condensing into water the militure in the air. important. When you visit or leave New York City. eui'e Baggage cxpreesage and Cari-latte Hire. and stop at tho GRAND UNION HOTEL. opposite Grand Cesimchpst 600 die ant roouisilliod up at acostofonc million do era. $1 and tip- wards per day. European plan. Elevator. Restaurant on plied with the best. liorsccare, stages and esvsted railroads to all depots. Families can live better for less money at. the Grand Union Hotel thrin at any other first- class hotel in the citv. Love is the most terrible and also the most generous of the passions ; it is the only one that includes in its dreams the happiness of some one else. Home Tostliiioiiy. Many hundred recommendations similar in character to the one given below have been received, and give proof of the great value of l’olron’s Ni:l'.\'ii.1.\'i-: as ii piiin l'ur salcl Westinghouse Trut‘ilnli Farm Ermine. l . .xlln'l‘riiiuipnilo. l (i. 0. Morrison do. IS in p, i'mznh'r Liigiue anti Boiler on Skull. 1 35 ii. p. liliruzuutrrl by North). 1 iiti. liy Wa- k‘rous “Ilil cut on min. and :0 engines ati ,builrrs til sriisllur alLll, all thoroughly iviittnl beforo leaving shop. L‘ 2I‘Iilcli l'larir-rs uni Mntciirrs. lNiucli l'tliIS i‘lancr. 1 iron Fume ’l‘tuuniu.’ machine. 1 mm n‘lni ’l‘ciimirr. limit-5y i'lzrim-rur Juitiirr. 2 hand saws. ii) fiaw'i‘ahlrs. l r'irwf’mul fiaii'. lJr-vrelur's ltoois Stu-L ltimik-liititlvr'v Hunt i‘n-u. l ell-inch I-‘rtvnoh liiirr l‘ortulilr- tin-i. Mill. in: nil-ii inuitwl'l‘usthhsw so..to. bond for new list, No. 9, Culliullllu‘ full do. scnpttuu of machinery in stock. Address, 11. W. PB'I‘IKIE. Brnutford. Ont. Allan Line Royal Mail Steamshipi. Sailing during winter from Portland c-irry Thursday and liitllilll every Saturday to lll'l‘i’lanl, and ilillllilul , from Quebec ui‘ri’)‘ Suiiinla)‘ to Liverpool, calling at inn durltlt-rry to laini mails and punch on: for Scotland and ln-lsriiL Also from italtiuiorc via ilnliiax and St. John‘s N. it, to Lm-rpoul fortnightly during summer iimiitlis. The stelitniirs of Llwillnssuwlim-a mil during Iillh‘l hour's-cu i'urtlniiii and Glasgow. and llusluii mnilllmmiw alwnintvly: and during minim-i llt‘l't’l'il Quebec and Glasgow Iliil Boston and Glasgow uu-ry wet-ll. For freight passage. or other liti’tiriiiutlon apply to A.Sc iuiiiscliur x (.20.. iluliiiiioru; :5. Cunard k (30., ii'liiftlx; Shes A Co. St. John's N. E; Win. 'l‘iiuiiisoii 5.; (.10.. St. .loliii. .\. ll. Allan at (30.. Chicago; imvu a: Aldon. New . i ork :ii. iloiirlicr.’l'urmito ; Allutis. Run A: 00.. favour With the Jupanse, for nearly 81 Quebec: u A.All.in. l’ortlnnd. liueuiu. Mon- the books of the next thirty or forty years "0!” were printed wrth movable type. Al- though illustrated books were extremely common in more recent Japanese litera- ature, the earliest known bore the date 1010. I’revtous to this there were wood- cuts on a large scale representing the popular gods, and to some of these a very great age was attributed. One was dated “D” i M.‘ . . ' . omimon Line of Steamshlps. ltur 11ng in mum-ctintr with the iirnml Trunk itsilway of Canada. fiuiiu 5’ (him Qilt tu i't-i'i-rp Sniurday during the lilllllllli'r riitiutlln, nml from Portland "try '1 hitrsduy during the “illh'r ruuuilis. hailing il.i:- s imm oi'rziiizi) 'm iii nun-uh. Brooklyn, Aug. in l .“Onll‘flli. Hopi, Ill Toronlo. Aug. 301’ 't'unr‘nui'rr, iii-iii. so 'Oi-rgiui Ant-t. 0i the rear. It is thou ht that there are .0 . . . .. . . many islands north ogf Jeannette island sunken T" m casioned or aggravated by poverty, Sir 1017, and anothcrwss engraved by Nichi- rehg‘m“ .I’mgmhc‘mt m numbeni "" rcrrredy. Tryit. ,“WM”"‘""‘""“3“““-'l""""“3"“""'W"""“~9“” which my be explored_ a” Erasmus Wilson used often to give this yen, Who died 1282. capable! . “7 would seem' 9f .dmum‘uoni Arom. Fol). 20,â€"Wo hereby certify 3:23:53"mlli'lluulii'n:w'i.ililiihdiiél.Elli! ‘33-‘31“? ii In the middle of the rformuncc of Then“ Of “mum 10“ m the 39“ prescription with marked success: “Some ' ‘ H and “5 "lealm’blo 0f “whalimn With “1‘” that we have used Nurviliire in our frimil- "’""“»""“". 1”” "“"’“”' “"“""“"7"”l"” "°.‘"”'" W , “G PG ” would. b0 310113 and melancholy the incloged pound, and for another ‘ v great Chnauan bOdiea 0f WhICh are i d h ' f (1 It ‘ t l" ltnlh:l‘lllllllli‘C-'l'illi‘ru‘;|:)il|(tl;li|l:l‘ll‘l‘lilifx 38110:“ Olmmmamfl all the one- instancin for exam Ie the Mada- ' " ’ Tattooed‘gl‘mo‘ms' th 1 h ' 68’ an mo oun- l 'L mos mm 0 7 ~~'~ -‘ x ' ‘ " ' court theatre at Munich recentl s ’ g m", -p ' do“ every week 1mm we - . fi . one’ 9y area most “a mac Smm‘cle as remedy for crumbs in the stomach also in” im‘il’l'l” mull? ii" “mm It'd“ I‘m”, entlcmati named Hnmmci’ an architect gammy from Au“ ’ Whom in the days In order-to be 1 {31)} f b h' The Mtiw‘hr’ '0 boa“ exmbited.the the 'T.°wmh people: Th" 09pm" Chur‘me“ for headache and externally for ’rhuu- "u or M “Rift”.o"i~;'i£‘;2'1Â¥<i’iz“.l rm. v, m dd 1 b ’ mad (1 0i the 801d fever themihfl‘nng 0“ board 1 th Rab 1 . ‘afgb :fimem 9" ‘1’ general charaq we oltlio Polynesisn- remains. Islamism, which destroyed matic pain, ’Ndhmme should I, with (irm-ral Ammmummi 1'0!!! 80 ,5“ on? Whine ) an the precious yellow dust in enormous n 8 em ‘1 0 “do”, “ma” Malays. Th: ‘Evelcnr of tattoo, everything, left this lnextlngulallnble out .11“, invhlufifle remedp LUKE: cow wire-“f-”â€" G Mâ€" -ddfl-fiâ€"TQOVBI’CI‘h ' '4 l ‘l l but, from urchin“ zdowmmrd over the remnant. Rome has sought to win them hips and thighs to the knees, they were into subjection to the Holy See, but in very closely tattooed. Unlike Maori vain. And the Anglican church, yearn- must have done one of two thingsâ€" hc must either have restabelais's works, or he must not have read them. Lord Houghton sometimes presides. Ellisni Com-z JP By holding :i very little misery quite close to our eyes We entirely luau sight l0“ “3 the “"15” 0‘ tho third “5 was com‘ quantity, was never heard of and left not "191me 1‘0 “W10 3 V1013!“ lika 01‘ 3 even the faintest clue to speculation as to My Who was “hung no” him- Baking her fate. And in later years the Thunder 1 AND T Washer he? by “10 throat the lumu" nearly steamer from Calcutta to China with ‘ ' ' ‘ y , tattoo which follows curved lines the mg after them its properly belonnmgtn . “HOLth her' When a“ 991k" [muffled some £300,000 worth 0‘ 511V", dimmed The weu'lmown hymn: marked “ Am Samodns puncture the color into the; skin its own fold, is at a loss how to aprr-oach 0f.“ 3”“ ‘19“ 0f 00mm“ -b“y0“‘l “men BLE AC1 I ER and With “Paldemble (“finally "Weed" never to reach the expectant consignecs, onymous” in most; books, “We’re travell- in aclosely dotted mm,tvith diagonallines them. "“Sht 1’0 “1‘9” . " edlriremoviughlmfrom the house. The was supposed to be lying abandoned ing home to heaven above," is said to of bare skin embellishing the design, . Astronomers tell us in their ruin rimple, “'r-iglisliutfipuiriilla. Osirliut‘avrii‘dliirrruia'li'allrti. incident caused immense excitement among the awful sandbanka at, the month have been written by the only colored which aha distance looks almost liken The Architect“ e of so 01 A l intelligible wirytlmt the gradual longtheu Strata-Alliga-.I:hm?“yiplailll‘u‘lhlupuma}“Simulation among the audience, and it was some of me Hoogmy, but, inspire of many “1. resident: of Athol, Massachusetts, Rev. pair of dark pants, The instruments r . a mu can “’8 0‘ Eh" dflyfl "4 due ‘0 “*0 “Ol-ll‘lmly 0‘ $1000.00 Ill.“ ~ltu r on its sUL'thlolt. Umcz’dboforo the performance could be re‘ more, never to be seen there. These are John Mars, who is at present very ill used are usually the spines of the shad- Inmnns‘ um ecl'pfic m the turfltrinl hrrimlhn “is pii‘rvI‘ll]“will‘13:-llimltlumllznlyiu all" {ii-’3? ia.'.‘“,';‘l",;‘ mm , . . . . ° . . . . - ought to so: at. rest the foolish ium that the ‘ ", " H “[3,, " m "(film ,‘ flu" ' .' Them ere fourteen when, of various Esfi?’ 0;; of mm?" gifirefifurg 181:” Nilsson says Patti’s votce holds out re- (look “8° 01‘ bone Ell-wen m “51th “man There ‘3 considerable “new in the days are longer liccsuse illu sun rises crrilcr rli‘fii'c. \A lull-iii “lull?” 33.: .ll.iii-lllililidg‘ii'idui‘lli “min in Low n Th t m 6 ea 0 . e wrec o e 0y . r- mkably for a woman of her age_ Pam mallets, The color-mg matter 15 burned shape and sppezirancc of the houses made and ",5 In,“ .lmtlionmoll. V g r p, d a, . OF' - 3 mgzad 9°!de ‘9' “Wm” £10m Au'tmllfli 103“ 1118 only hope. l,1“, may be able to gm 8,, candle nut. The women 'do not tattoo. by Swill American Indians, “en 0f the “33.33:?” 3.5 illilill'i'l'l';3273.13?thiiiil‘dl‘}:All; 9'30 um ' “mg on meat an frightful gale on the Anglesea coast in 00- n V“ h h - 1d . _ The process is begun with the 111911 at, the same lifle- In this village there were Youtm‘: Man,‘ Road Thu' . ‘ n-iuuilml. tit-7. Wil'li. lllr “('nlm'la i'h nlohnunfii' says all. inka D0 tford forel ‘ ' we as L 88011 w an 3 e 15 as o 9 er - ' - ' ~ The V0153": Bl‘lli 03-. 0f Alu'llllall L“(all-y about ltâ€"Tiir- Mlnit-l \\ I’lii‘i’ slut lili'si-mrnlncliulr. U. PO 17 t~ P 311 8 who 1859 0h £800 000 f 1d 1 d k t d u r’ ’ w-1 some ’ 0 80 fiber remembers the pleasure these age of twenty’ and 13 Slow and pnmeL twee lflerenb designs' Flrsb there W” offer to Bend {heir Lftlel1r4trd lc‘lcl-tro. \VJIrriirisuflt-rs to tllrpullliclias runny null vnlilhlilu mm. o ‘ 5" 3”“ cat 9 Whats, on b08111, W111 awhile“ “our to the ' As amon their civilized rofessionul tlico oil-sided shed whichrt cared to be ‘ . ‘ ' V l ' . “WIMin H l“ I""*" W“ '“""' "‘"W "‘“"'.""“i fifteen me in exme . mm“ to fish . . singersgcve her when she was nlittlc girl. 3 . P p PP _ Volatro Belt an] other Lllcmc Applrmua ,uhmmml w, “Mun”, m l, ,, m, WM, ,mm ' gags readers minds as It was mth “"911 Lu - brethern there 13 a code of honour 1‘0‘ used in conlmon by the "11010 Vluage {0! on firm] for thirty days to mu) (your): or trial in the household vaaIr tisllfy to its ll ri‘irllivuco. marten. mg moovain garden vegetable “ lamentable 1°“ 0‘ llfo- In “Ill 6850, 1:: gallant hand, Gfief’ly were tile cognized in the profession devoted to this cooking purposes ; then there were three 01.1) mined Wm, “0,1,0... . ability, loss of {"","""’;‘ “’3'” "3",“ g'fi’fl’f‘, 53".:'ff,;;jj;‘,2,‘.fi.fifi' m“ “i 3“ t0 85° market" “0 lm‘ happily, agreat part of the treasure was 5;)? ,Fhe figufimgb vgibgatfii A1323; art, and this code is chiefly appliedâ€"so rectangular building .with roofs sloping vitali'y and manhood, and all kindred "mugs :; "de L D ' ' true is human nature in all its aspects... nearly to the ground and sides made of to the maintenance of an adequate scale split palm-leaves woven in and out be- of fees. A tattoo will sometimes stop in tween 53181190195, Wthh were occupied the middle of his job, leaving the subject by the larger portion of the villagers ; and half done, until his pecuniary demands last .of all was a. large, round affair with a are satisfied, and no professionals brother comical 1‘00f 0f Palm thatch and With can be tempted to out in and finish the Plalted Bid“, WhiCll was occupied for business. A Samoan is no more able to Bleeping purposes, but, singularly enough walk aboutfortherestofliislife half tnttoo- aolely by the men. These last four houses ed than an Australasian masher with one were providecl with narrow entrances, but whisker, and he is therefore obliged to were nnlighted ln any other WRY- Their pay up to the utterinoat farthing. Al- 300“ Were 0f Mower earth, trampled though not so invariably as in Fiji, the smooth and hard by many naked feet, and Samoan men and women do dye their their roofs inside were shiny black from hair yellow with burnt coral, and paint, the soot and smoke wich had accumulatdd their faces red and black, They also there. Strung wherever space could be “tcr'm‘m‘t There are lots of people go‘riz around giiimlillng, and shave the head” 0f their Children, “Slug found were the Ema“ cotton hammocks Of half sick at the Stomach all the time; who “will lrr shark's teeth 8.3 razors, or the Indians, and beneath each during the well and happy. if they only used Dr. Carson's Sz-ixrmch Hitters occasionally. it is a splendid Blood l'uriilcr pressing noses, as with the Maaris, is the night burned 1‘ llttlo fire *0 W311“ tho Ml" All Drum-u I0 cent-l. form of national salute. They never eat 8d bOdy 0f the 8108 l'- In the 1‘3wa A. p. ,1 6 before ten or eleven o‘clock in the mom- overhead, Btret'v‘he from P010 to P910, - re ing, but afterward have no regular meal were the long straight bOWB and may Tnos.GIlr.r.cw}\rkCo,.Cottun. Woollen, who" . time eating almost continuously through yellow arrows of the warriors, and may be pet. sn.i_wo.-zmi simmo Mum. inrmiar, nu ‘ “ ~ the day.â€"Melboume Lea4er. among the lot the deadly blow-bipe, or van a!» ramps is trio-muss run as”. c.- - ' r ’ . My I 'r- r v 1 wt n- f 'V ‘ ' .___â€"â€"-oe<-.~>ooâ€"â€"-â€"â€"- hanging from a Pei-ii tho applicants. ‘2'. ghflvlizlit ‘lIOd ll'illllI'ifiitlc evil-:11 (r f , l I ‘ war club used by these people. Various 133393;. Mich. n _, , g _ ‘ - 1 ,' i bwnllows and Cholera. earthenware 1m,nt ley around, and the [)AETY wasrsu Tu i'lfltijlianic minnow. j. l. 1 iii 0 ' o ‘ - h 24) "(I In uh : I .2 Ingenious buket’work “maple: or cassava (If.lillghfli‘llnl'flxflhaile'x lirrlltu films. lli‘ui’lh’l‘fd : “0‘1 annually for 0°“Hamillâ€"1°“ in 103‘ recovered subsequentl , but there is still 520 about 800,000 bond 9f came. 4.000,- a fortune left at Moclers for the fortunate 000 sheep. calves. and p188 ; also 9.000.- being who canfind it. In old days Vigo 000 0‘ “WIS. 83310: “d rabbi“. 0V6? Bay had always an attractive sound to 100900300 0‘ oggl. 811d 3 mm numb“ 0f treasure seekers, from the reported wealth omngea and lemon:- About 320.000.000 on board the Spanish fleet destroyed 3f) $3313];va m comumod in Lon- ultimo big: G. Rocks 1702; but the in. - . . fin to mono , and sticncc extend- WY. While the health 0311mm“! ln ed ovlbr its recovyery hive been thrown I‘mdon 1‘ in “10 mu “‘19 0f “*5 Pmaper‘ away, the silver (even if it is there, which lty. arrangements have been completed is somewhat doubtful) obstinatclyrefusing for another great show next car. The ma Deena ' coming exhibition is to canals}; of invcn- k6 a reap co m the world. tions which have been brought forward Incc 1862, and musical instruments and gplianccs which have been in use since c bogiulng of this century. All appli- mtlons for space, for which no charge will be made, must be sent in before the he of October next. 31h“,in will he lmal. Nevertheless, bats are not depend- sup lined with motive power to work mgtfnl’gonbzhell' 39531;: forf‘hfimmb‘l’f m c . or machinery free of cost, but 8‘3 9 “3m 9 - 0y are“ 9 Dr, stem,“ of theAm ' “my “11 50 Mall“ to P” for my 8“ to fly mm t 3 “d “‘1 “wuw' to Athens and Rdmsey the 58333 fragility? fir water Wthh tle 1113? “80- “Old out“ .9” “n m we" 5m“ h°l°5 have isler made an, expedition in Ask; Henry Young, a farmer and small "hymn milling th°1°”t may“: E" Minor with rsferenccto the ruins of the trader at Glin, near Limerick, who had penancede m “h?” that “m “Ingmar cities of ancient Phrygis Pisldis and LIan on“, the women,“ a ram power 0 motion is due to a remarkable Lymnia’ including point; of image“ in troubles. Also in t‘nei.mntisrri, neuralgia, , . W... . paralysis, and many other discasrs. Corii- C D plot/i restoration to health. vigor and innu- ’ ' 1 nood guaranteed. No risk is incurred in 'r()l{i'i_\‘l‘() BARGAIN ililifb'lil. thirty days trial is allowed. Write thorn “alyumfih anEET‘ .lcnun-o. OAT at once for illustrated pamphlet free. . chdcnborg says, “Words are things.” . . They are more; they are spiritual forces ‘ ‘ ‘ 62 â€"migcls of blessing or cursing. l"‘.- V‘ I uttered, we control them ; uttered, in.) control us. , A growth foiin'nI a rrum ripen arond near Csmpluliton, New So..th Wales, has been noisosd to have a rich grout calo.‘ in the mornings, turning into Heep rerl iu the Shoals the other day, in fulfillment of a sort of vow he made in the polar re ions to thank Celia Thaxter for her ryst, which he used to read to his men. The fact of having pawned his watch when in need of funds, at the suggestion of Sophia Petrovska, hanged 'in 1881, caused Hartmann, the Nihilist to make an error in the time of firing the 'match at the mine which was intended to kill the Czar, who owed his life to this accident. On the ground that it was against African etiquette for a white hand to touch her, the coal-black sovereign of the Italian colony of Assb, at present the guest of Turin, refused the doctor's atten- dance during a recent illness. She is the mother of two princes, though but six- teen years old herself. “Blind as a Bat.” “Blind as a bat" is an old saying so much the reverse of fact that it is not easy to explain how it ever obtained cur- rency among people who had seen the au- fmm which th fl u l I” ~ I development of the sense of touch cspec- « . . _ ed for non 0 pm i:(’ f m t w” 0:0“ ially to be found in their great expanse connecuonmth theApo‘tle Pull 'lmveh' It 1188 been Stated again and again that o . .pamen 0 rent, w” y. . , and have brought back omenahom on u d a ‘ . . . . gtmrner, was never absent. lrum- bani. two armor lurid with «l-iulnzhoxlu rim- . R_‘ mum! h ‘he 10 of the mm p r 0f Wing. Further. these animals possess m . . . swa owe escrt ii district infected wrth ml- for two small fsrrrilrcz; m, mm"... an”, mi . THE 53'] RONGEU , y . . e - In 0 d . . 0 remains and position of more than cholera Th ch lam c d f w_cll,situated alihiss'lfnriirrs, m” minim“. muo- , ., h»! . will [11‘1ng 38! With were r8 on“ an .cunou' "Dawn! Some at ten Greek tom of which t has ,' o 0 ‘ “realm” ent’ Ville. on main parent-«l "wkgtml lncaliry wl.r-r-- a l I‘L i s Mum“! with dwm and Young Mme which are leaf-like formation. of the meet, given b other ex ‘ no 3000"“ the TUIVS says that. “ it is ~ ccrtnin Escaping From Brlgnnd‘ business from soon to 310.com w arrmlm a. .13.“... TM i __ ‘ - , extraorder dmdpuon. The akin y p orers. that there are none Just now in Mar- ‘. 5:33.121”mill?”{3:133:11“Allhflf'lo‘iilifiil‘ 1 i‘.,.- - ‘ :.-, l l m- - .r". H . l l i y i 1.1. so unpopular in too locality that. he went about armed. One afternoon a hunch- maker named Brandon met Young, and some altercation took place between them. seilles.” Biologists appear tohsvehither. The circumstances under which the son ._...7.._- 1... . .. ,, f ,, . I”, I , - .i i. .‘ ‘..'.:.‘ .: . to regarded the statement as a popular °f_00m“l Daub "3003“ captured by 1‘] m! :tdfmii‘ufii Addy,“ i‘xj'luzir all: 3 u 1 I. ‘1 V L *n â€" I fancy, but 1 think it, worthy of better bngnnds near Rodosto, ournella, was issues Uertlcal-e1from.l25wtii.ffll.parahlroh mu l HEY LXC‘J' "L'- GW'E‘m‘ rings, at following rates, Fur 830). or half cerium-nus l ' " ‘ " treatment. Tlieidcti that the bird hasn liberated Without Paying 8 “WW”: 8’0 34:qmmilyduninadvanccuWS'h, momma-ms .BAILBOAD, warn-3:35}: mm mm. growths are all supposed to have refer- A 91m} muting 1‘le tOOk P1800 ence to the skill with which the creatures at St Gwrg' 5' Ham“? s‘l‘mmi 13°11‘10"» wing their way in the duke” “ . on_the occasion of the marriage of Mr. M0,, 1,... feed 0., [We mug; Miller and Miss dn Msurier, the lady Young drew a revolver and fired at Bran- . . . . . . . mum on the “11.830310 of hhem a,“ in,“ with whose all the world is so pless- mysterious instinct by which it diviues mth “5 £0110“ 3 Th‘ bngfind” "076 “W "i “W‘T'l’ d“ "‘ “"‘W‘ "U" V’" ‘3‘.“ ' in? rs; '. 400- Who W“ Mimi-1‘0 mph- BMdonv had a few enjoy h had mum became the; antly familiar through the charming the evil and avoids it is, of course, ab- surrounded by a detachment of “OOPS ‘r’a‘fin"“(m“lféfo?ll§?13lflffi;’l32:31.34" will; i - :1 ‘r KG opden nut to “flack an." the nonnlywh payments Arm-smoeronrnununal on Alarm ‘A'llli‘j’ “i'rlli‘f‘i‘l‘i. . u ‘ 1- “Rd, but there may be other very good nae on each now I'm! yea" lluarirrl) sueuimrm an : [an "e the Iosallw “mph, hm, ,0. Punch. Ithas beensn o 11 secret for and practical reasons, from a swallow's young 11‘3" “Wild Ml" MfOlY- Mom- rompui vaul- ovum-m mrmtn-v-hw u mi «1 1m. ‘= - . V ' '. ’ udowrmsireuns account wdlsrcwutwllllwi. i-m . Hie-"1' “N'- 3 -" ALVIN) l‘kilils sun. . eequ 'hich it used to he said that many years_ that the grace ui woman who point of view, for leaving anyplace where “hue {he brillde had "l" Elm" 0’ PFO' .mumuufl hum...“ ,,,.;,,.,,,,,,,, “we “we , Dy fund their victim with the“. wing. figures in the drawing mm, of Du the rim, ehounde, we know the; ewe]. visions, especr ally of wine M. Duaai, um puodationinalounti financial pundit; So can. i .{7 , if" ., 'hue may hacked m llfeblood. but that h auricr on every occasion is the favorite lows feed chiefly on gusts, and also that the“ cal“le "lgeflw‘l ill“ he Bthd b0 {3:531:22 lili'liii‘illl‘r'rilrf.:r'2c"\lln ' ' l 9 {‘5 ARI”, pu-t of the me“ “together “halo”. daughter of the artist, and great will be mat me is allowed to write to his father to send 3.1MLACH. seen-m. loudon, «m. ' ’ ' g by far the longest period of g .._ _ _ the regret we never see her face spent in the water. The gust is a winged w T V in the familiar place. the world was few bottles, which was readily assentch 7*" A air-wanderin creature onl durin the m- M. Dam accordingly mm d“’l'rH w w E IE Iv. r “ ‘ m m w k represented in the church. Among those last brief bregding state of its existgnce. lem'l'u but: u "0’19 0‘ ‘ho band mum I it is» p on t as 0 wet men were re- mchud A_ Proctor says that the age present were Mr. Robert Browning, Mr. the other. and it was feared for a of me m is placed by some at 500,000, iillals. and, perks most interesting of Z‘ N ' . x M while that tho tismes, which rose to a 000 y”, we mu omen of 1.10: ume‘lali. Mrs. Perugini, echarmlng daughter i 1. great height, would I read to all the men“ men, the Duke 01A 11, 91.“. "inf Dickens, so well known as "Kate." crises around. An d man fell dead a 10.000500 ym Nonap it iower But there was one absence regretted by through min. and a market new rho than 10,000,000 you-s, knowing .1... pm. allâ€"Chang. the noble hound immortaliz- was so y burned died during the mhrobmgougmmugh. new ed in Punch. By more than the bride lit in the hospital to which he was mm he... beam, old. Newton .mhee' was his absence mourned, for probably an. Several firemen and other pcr- games], he could n no we (or it, there have been no figures more admired sons wag; severely fainted, and it is sup- ;h“ the an}, mm} .3, one lime become‘ by people of artistic tastes in this genera- mmoammmflmvfim dede‘g“ . mmwigmmuonthsnthmtwo. ‘ ‘ oun .swtouwsscorrect. Asthe Aletter'nstrcceivedfrornt no story at the wife of the hotting- earth keops coollngit willbecorne wmmlor John Allin, Gonuem,h:$£§: ham lace-maniactnrer who bought us endurestcsvitlss will be formed in the’the followin interesting comment on a costly Eprtsian specialty the lace which interior which will take in the water. it recently Pub ished paper on “The Health her husband had manufactured for a isestimatedthatthis process is now in of intellectual Women." It should be more in m is now sled so far that the water diminishes borne in mind, by-thoâ€"way that this bythat aDn who yboughtat' rateofthethichneasofashcetof paperrelatcdtothehoaltha’ndnotthe a kitchen store at Paris as an enormom writing papers year. At this rate in 9,- age ofthe ladies therein quoted, someof andJ’t‘Ewo’mi-s hat: to be mend- 0%),000 earllgb‘lgygater will have sunk aithem being very youthful dairies. whose samenm-yw nus *â€" ournsy Rotterdam. m s, in . .Oillyearseverytracefinchealthwasworthyofremark: “It mlWfimu‘u°flmlfl who appeared in a dying state, was re- moved to the work-house hospital. Young's now in custody. A u-plpc which was in course of construction in the Rue des Prechcurs, at the corner of the Rue St. Denis. Paris, burst the other events . An immense volume of water inim tel spurtcd up *"'”‘_‘“ and inundated the wholcl ty. A gas. A Great Drought, suck the blood ofothcr animals. 0fthe etchings by her father in the pages of lllfllifl "'i. DEBT Hugh Arm Maulliu: 2c in». yo Al‘_hl’i Dlii’in all its growing life i‘ ivan aquatic rcad‘ . he proposed that a strong narcotic am this ; the egg “mu on the mrfhce of should be mixed with the wine, and that a sum of 8:300 and a free pardon should be promised to the messenger if he assistcdl him to compo. The plan was carried out. the water; the pups iss twisting. jerking, Jointed, worm-like creature, livmg and feeding in the water, though breathing , , l air through a tube, which itthrusts above When "‘0 ""9 WV“! “1° brigandl the surfaw; the big headed, wriggling, We” Pawk of “w “d '9“ Will tufted larva lives in a like manner, and wipe ed_ by the effects of the narcotic. ‘ elaborates within it the winged creature 1‘ wnmmed' M- Dml “1d hi3 guide the mere], meme, e0 perform penned were thus enablede get away and to dutiesin air and die. As cholera is pro- "uh “’9 new“ “"389 mupied by "‘0 Mu“ hy polluted “he”. then i, no. gsudarmes. The bri ds were their thing unreasonablsinsupposing that such “my “k9” 9mm" 7 lb“ 1’00!“ an" pollution hmimia] togmme'wd if”, der the command of General Mehemot the disappearanm of the swallows is at PEI)?- Th" member 0‘ the W Who once explained. They nsuirslly desert WPMbu‘ed “3 M. Dim“ MP0 h“ "P the place from which their food supples “lived the 8500iiromised to him. ind will} are cut odeâ€"The Gentleman's Magicians. 60‘ in my '3! Mlewod by the au- nontrcaâ€"Englidi Paper. Sewing Machine of the Period. It In light and Eli-y to run. silent and stupid In move-rem Plain and simple to Lt int. it i- iticng, dors‘nlv, :i.l well lm. . of the v]: 3 lm'. .» 1.9 Lul t!" t “loin-y c . buy or drill “mum. it v..n swsr"n‘ five the-sz 'vlJl 2 no Chi. tr ru- attirei)oi'llr..'.ni‘11bi‘llâ€"l' l: ,t Until-'1. It is rapidly rupcmding ll 1 0 oil Lumen»: unites sways-inc. 15-" i , try it, be; it, and main: run.- t‘Lst you “A '. at. THE WILLIAMS’ MFG 00. themsnufsctursr whomintrusted with of water will have disappeared from the'will amnaem friend Mn. on but «am i mandamus rm ""5" M,W,,W’°‘ Y" i ' thouskdeelsrcdthestovewbeonsthst faceofthe obs. r' y p t‘” nu-wuniuammn “H mm” “'"°°‘”"°"’°'" % " " ' 1783 N“'°”“‘° 8‘- “Wmd I315 Kl it has amused ms, to find ourselves a... wmwlmw_m_mflw“mm 1' - ' . King Ht.,Wos’i,T0rocto.' 3

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