Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 13 Sep 1884, p. 3

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‘ L. o’connos, F. SANBE'GRD has a large stock of WAGGONS AND BUG on hand, all guaranteed to In: first class. Which he will sell CHEAPERJflAN EVER. lie sure and NH: his ~tn13k oi. PLO\VS AND HAR {OW S. Farmer.q requirin Tooth llarrows. which are just the thingr for rotiin land. also keeps the followingr tiit'iii machines: REAPERS, SELF-BINDERS, MOWERS. SEEDERS. CULTIVATORS, RAKES. AND THRESHING MACHINES, and is bound not to he llll(ll‘l"“ltl by any one. v .-u’il,‘l.l 523'“ All kinds of I’t..\:<i.\'o don-.- at ~I.r.~rt notieu. Various patterns oi lMi-i kept on hand. and mid at the Innis! lu'i'nx. _ n -pr-cialty. All lintulns done in a Iirst-i'iar: manner and on short notice. Sour cheap Herald-hand Iiliiflill‘i.‘ for :ftlv'. Ic returns sincere thanks for the liberal patronage l~:~t-.wo-d on him rim-in: t], hast. 14 years, and will spare no pains to merit a continuance of it in the future. N0. 3, III’ARTIIIIR’S BLBIIK. NOTICE TO THE FARMERS AND GENERAL PUBLIC. liaring bought out the chI known firm oI' Molloiigull & lran if tlon and purchased )Ii‘. Geo. Manning‘s stock of boots & shoe at a reduced rate, I Mill in a position to give REALLY to all who favour me with their patronage. Call as soon as possible and see my stock of Boots it Shoes Eliltl thoooi'ios, which ‘will he found equal in quantity and quality to any ii town. and which J will sell UNUSEALLY CHEAP FOR CASH, ' - . ‘ , x _ ‘ - - ‘ . . liavnig made ‘np my mind not to he iiiidersold by any one, in itIie trade, either here or in Lindsay. Highest Market Prices Paid for Butter 85 Eggs.- fit‘éfiâ€"‘H {Call at MellougaII & _Ih'andoti’s olil stand, and let us get ‘va‘i‘iai nted . R. IVE. BUTLER. Feiielon Falls, May 'lst. ‘isSi. , sum Em"- The M06323 a- Ettore. New goods arriving every Week at this establislnnent. Parties in Want of Dry Goods should inspect our stock. and they will Iind our 15721;: mun} 1/010! {Iv/o7. (Ultimo/111‘ v/si'. A SPLENDID RANGE IIF NEW PRINTS at Very low prices. tDrt-ss Goods in FASIIMI‘iIlICS in all the new colours at .ectlt“, (“tau-tit li‘J cents. Also a range of NEWV F] (l U Ell i‘l-I) A ]‘Jil_)i\.(j(ji\S7 Hur stocl: .ot' Muslin Grenadines 1'18 cent goods worth 210 cents. :_;I)1ltl~§lllll.l :ii‘c Selllllf.“ else ,and Nuns” Yeiliiigs from It! cents: “Vllt‘l‘t‘ at 2-3 cents. ,I.n staples .t‘ou .wilI .liJid our :stock the host ito select from. _ Ki? Mitmxtzut’ (loops we are clearing out at 'Ilttll lil‘tl't‘,_tt\' we are giving up .llte branch. /;z,vfn/iou bur/rd. .XllTl‘l'TlIEAIIIlIIESS. ‘2 IllIIIIlS NtiIlTII III“ THE I'IIS'I' III’I‘II‘E. Fenclon Falls. Nay Tth, I581. NWHziiil Store Shop. corner” Ln Jones’ Spades, Shovels and Scoops ol'siipci'ioi' quality in all >l'.'.i'\. WELLAND VALE HOES, RAKES, Shading I“til‘i\~'. . Iaiiiii'c li'oi‘its. Kc. We are altering the at i iiiii itiiiiiiiii iii iiiiiiiiii' iiiis kcpt constantli~ on hand. Paints. Oils. Glass, White Lead and Turpentine. Builders Dar FELTKNH. “No oiic ~IlilliIIl Inc uizhout it. :is it keeps out euld better than brick. I.:II‘IlIllt‘. (ilicci‘iiic and \‘ii‘ ginia I.t i:i:ir.\’rt.\'t. l,lit.:. and A 1),&IS\' ()l" JXN ()II . S'l‘( ) \' 1‘). No more rim-stint: m'cr hot lircsf It cooks a dinner in thirty minutes. (lust of running all day. three cents. “53 Cash paid for shins and wool picks. JOSEPH HEARD- AA:- ‘ Afiflfi‘!‘ _ ooh. qvofls a -wbwhvv‘ .. a this Spring a. pri o I . fcnclon Full“. .‘laj. Nil. I“ GIESSIoighs, e a harrow will do well to inspect his Spriner Ile‘ limits}; Slit-Elsi; and Joliizlm. lilfihllS hair?'l‘iiiiuito ahiil: THAN EVER; i.,tit,ore:ior. l,~cl:l'1tli': oi to guarantne a First-013$ J warranted as A. l. Erv-rv t-i 1,... p. ob in any tirin. mid :lii-t- obtained for rim. 1‘3. Lindsay. November lit, to The undersigned respectfully info t} i FUR kept constantly on hand and ./ ‘ Fenclnn Falls. June 5th. 13314. I I I EIIS, llAlIlYMICX AND OTHERS. '1‘)“: Connhined i MILK BUCKET. I l This lucket (patented last Jane) has mn- ny advantages that make it acceptable to ‘ all who require to milk cows. The milk is Strainth while cult-ring; tlic pail through the funnel, and is ctl'cetliiilly protected froiii' contact with any foreign substance what- ever and trout the odor of the stalilc. {ti ‘ docs a-rag' with tire olti-flisliimied stool. asl tlit- inilkci’ sits on the bucket. Should ai .5 vicious 'cow kick over the bucket. no milk t is lost or injured. It needs only to he seen to be appreciated. Prot'cssnr 'i.. ll. Arnold l speaks rci'y highly of it. and Professor “2, Ilrowii says, ~‘- we use it at the finial-i0 ex- perimental farm," and “it is a'iIniiraIiI-v 1r- ria‘p'ted to secure 't:lean1itrcss,"Convenience. and safety of the operator.” Manufactured by tIit-_tl.\"I‘.\IllIl MILK III'CKI‘I'I‘ .\IA.\'I'- ‘ I".-\(l'l‘l Iti.\'G (30., Toronto, It. W. SU'l‘lI-‘ BRIAN), Manager. Sold ivy special agents only. .‘ih'iltll'UAlrll &: BRAND-(LY, agents, l“t'l!L‘I"ill Falls. 'fi-Ilm. Slain; J I The OM : BAKEEY GRQQERY. J OHN MOFFAT begs to inform his customers and the pub- lie that, while carrying on the linking husi-‘ ricss as usual, and turning out dain Choice Bread. (Takes, linus the, he has just opened out a niec, stock of , FRESH GREIGERIES,. all of which will Iic sol i :it the Vv'l‘t' Ioucsl living prelit. The Finest Flour '1 kcpt constantly on hand: I ' l also g0..\'_l‘.\i. llllAN .‘x' sinners, FARM PRODUCE? , tztitcu iiijunniaiiy.»-:‘o:' goo-is. and a] man in department, an NEW FIiHNIIIl Stflll‘l’l‘lilxtl NEW FOR FAIL“.- l tanned Fishtail it liege Manufacturer of First-Class Buggies. llizigons. tic. d ruis the public that. his new factory sold cheap as the cheapest. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. A large number of Collins to Select from. and a handsome Ilcarsc furnished when rcqutrcd. Order: solicited and sun's/lichen guarantor]. WILLIAM MCKEOWN. W LANDâ€" ,GRO J. ithItâ€"RLAND has now on hand a splendid stock of line fresh Teas, Coffees Spears, Syrups, Tobaccos, llicc, Raisins Lurrants, Starch, Soaps and all other groceries, which he will sell i I of the public. and other articles “in great variety. of-tlm veri' )i a-r ~~ ‘iccs. Cash Pa val. .9I lane a» . .l' new r1 W, .'£,7,'{{Zconst;ntl on hand. gag‘ gm" . ». 2‘. “I’ll M‘CFARL NI Feticlon Fall: May 22nd, 188-1 . W arise-1‘ “Sewing ‘Maclins again ahead. WON THE BRAND 'lilllll iiith at the great Central Exhibition it Iantlon iti 18.43. lliiy no other het‘nrc rot so 1110 \\';iii7.ei', the Ulicttpest ant list, For Sale by J. AllSill, agent for the host makes of ()gan ""11 sald rlawpfor mshor on the instahcnplllll- See MV Sample Organ before you buy any. I can suit your style, quality and price. FIRE AND LIFE INSURNGE in first rate companies at low 505-; 131:3)" Money to loan on easy tcrl- .‘r. AUJ‘IN. Fl‘lll‘ltlll FHIIS, Ntnil' U'liid, I83: 143 I) "V 13. l{ ) OLIi-liS'l‘ABLISIII) Livery_§table. 5-05“ The undersigned \'.ilI tio all ill'ilIS: power to iiicrit :i tllIlllIlllllIlt‘t.‘ of the patron- ltjzi‘ 5i) literally I)!‘5lu\\..‘li Qll Illlll during the past tire _\c.irs. JOHN mart-11:; li-iy. t I‘cni-ion I-‘alls. June l'ltli. 1M3. : ] )uily xxx-rivals I l i rigâ€"â€" .ciiiiierAsmiiuuiis - iioouis’i‘HOIiE' fiitfsi‘e inirruiitii. Came 0119?. Come All i! m. inani- iiz‘urc [inl’t‘lianflg t' .e-, G. A. METHERE : ‘t .. w, t .. . r o t l and. . \\I.c:‘i‘. 1!. I I I\vnt -.~‘t .. I;lll(l!§:l)'.i I . . mulls“. Hc: ‘11.. 1.~~.i n." in; w. . t.‘-\l‘.l’I-‘..\"l‘l~lll .\ lll'lldllillfi FENELON FALLS. 3’7» I l Ei‘i‘-'- Xifl' LL. T“ Form the public that they iii obtain it‘irst .t’lass llorsos .tid ltigs. any hour 0" the “any or ,' Sgh-n' his Sléllilc On I‘runcis Strut-1. E at Very lnnvlerllo caret-s. 114:3" Comim-rcial tra'cllc: and their lug:- iL'azc ru’iiiwyc-I saielymd 'xpt-ilitiously to i, ‘iiuy llcsircd point. ' The Ellliit‘l‘ilif'r “0“”? Ilf‘l a Slillilt‘flll o ttt-r horsvs then atpri.'.-.-n'.. ('oiiie and 1-... try them. Fem-ion Falls, Fri? '22 (NARI) OI" 'I‘ S. Corneil. Esq. 'l surru-‘r V... I. Ili‘U; Si? â€"II:ii- the IV'r ' ‘ ' ' .‘rl‘ ll”. I..\.\‘I\'>.'. ,_â€". - gaudncés it: pro): i '.z the rr‘ .l-itsli irv-s' Alexander ('lukc, (its. S -o‘.: Jain-'4 )Icfialt r, inliiil‘y. {vii Edward Krl’l' “ two Ji')~‘v~:\ll .‘It‘l'iiz.!il~il. “ {livt Matthew Witâ€"en. I';-< 14L. Tin-inn: Hi Value. " 1.1" ‘ ' .‘d..' an ,1) (‘11., lili ti . 4.24 . 7 ,r. ‘2'» F: uir. Vet .Z-m. - ' ' st: Lu ' :t '. ' U! .3 . Tr": on. . u; . ._ : . l. t. a} 4 : p; ; . .x: 3": r: s’ ' - . The subscriber return; It}; <L‘crc thanks I . 1 ‘ I ‘ .~ V. i 7 ‘ _ ‘ ‘ u , . : i l ttfill Pltltl Itll Jilltlt‘l ' tor thi- Ililt‘rlll patronage harm-d on II-illl . during: the past nine years. at IWL'F 10 1H- ilh‘l. Note! in (all. urging iron: It... , .. ('tluti ct" tlzt- country. is enabled crery article turned out will la- . _ u.- ot' work in this (‘s‘lnlilislzllient is done It; hand. and far superior. as is ac- l»;ti<,r;lt-d;wt. in that done in factoriesâ€"a act proved at the South Victoria Exhibition,‘ whore l rccvir'eii three tirst prizes. although I did not get up in)" Work for prize PXllllil- - _ Ics and orders quite unexpected and unprecedented. 5:13" All Iivpalrs done Cheaply and l'rouig-tly. A few second-hand Buggies for sale. L. O’CONNOR., iiE mfiifif ON FRANCIS STREET, PENELGN FALLS, is now in full running order, and is fitted up with all machinery necessary to turn out work at short notice. in the best possible manner and at moderate prices. NITURE OF ALL KINDS STRAINEE&STOOL., , Cheap for Cash, and to which he invites the attention iiiiilliiiiili, EIISSlilIii, I'lzirtliti‘nwftit‘e. Brooms, Pails, Washtubs, BIacking-bruslies, Clothes-pins, Matches rtlidlicap, and at the Inw- . (cl. E5359 tirr-to get best choiceâ€"to pick {rot For some yearsâ€"‘1, {Ms-t» cr for little money '3" Lindsey-mm. I remembering. l I l i I. It. r.nw.n:ns.§ :‘zi, l‘.‘~l. bl-tf. :va' Inn iu't J!i.,r.'-.'t In in l‘flhTI‘} V‘ERYBODY SHOULD SEE THEM. cmmdo without Shoes and Boots I’d”, l"tnc.l' or mechanic, cannot be than 'at ll.\'(;U1 “E's. THE REALITY SEEDS HER IMAGINATION. the Pit] i ' ‘ ' " Q l ‘ «- \rv (‘oods at ‘ ‘C tl'c TOfllltlt‘S T mtncsscd today in the low prius of all kinds of ttnpm and in y l _ - . . ..-. . liar n: tow (‘I’ZI‘TIE‘lPll all tl~~ itnnr r in rt it‘ his nm‘ 'ircmivs ) ‘- - - ‘ " 9 r ' ‘ ' ‘ ll - F‘“"”' i “W, _ ' ‘ “0‘1" LU ‘ duh}; ,‘ Fiend the bargains I had pictured in my imagination highcr'thnnduilro) .‘llull. It is trul)l \\\‘ll\llrl‘ll u Him“ ‘h i Liiil' *ul‘uVL‘ ‘ l “i H i 5 I)‘ I‘ understand uhv it ins that the hindsuv 1er Goods N ( IO‘llluf-i >.‘“‘l‘°“" “mi” "1‘ I a “mu J a . . . r u s . ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ‘- ~ _ .‘ , . . . . . m H , iii. a call tr n tires» rwpi fine. and will he we'd”. after [his day's experience my understanding is Ct‘llsltltl‘dbl) tiil.ir,t d. - ‘1 k } ‘r Si“ 1M" i' ' 'L' and “a s I ' . . ‘ \l)‘ alter llaVIll“ driven over tiiirtv 1m 0* ‘0 m“ ‘9 “ ” lei‘re the remarks of an elderly lath on Iitr RI’TH'JI hti L. n . “hm ,3 Clothing: at t on the head. her and all other customers. Ilt" City Store. and a goodly parch she purchased too, l'nlcss she had been a Visitor from the spiritual WOT-d she could With our new stock now nearly complete. we arc. on prices shall far exceed your illumination. {\et suddcnly on the and cents as will make you laugh without. being tickled. ‘Iain and Faucv lll‘es‘ (ioods‘ l-'uiic_\' and l‘Iaiu - d Fancv FILHIlIt‘IS‘, Bleached, llauiaslz. Raw Silk and Lace I semipu rchasc of Dry Goods and more lady struck the nail square not Est-en the bargains awaiting date” tar as possible that the reality of curl ‘ abontion. and you will reapsuch a return tor your dollars .VA Trtit‘clli'nq Hillier This ll'c'z‘lrâ€"Biacl: and Coloured >tlks,l ‘ I w _ ‘ l’riipll wear; Plain. Twilled and Fancy Winery, Scarlet. I‘aucy, lure). ‘IIHL l'nttand Fancy Tablings, Brussels, Tapestry, \\ col. 1 men and Ileuip Larpcts . Curt .\‘I.~' for (Indiana: Aln‘oJJ/ Ili'tlio‘r.â€"Xew Overcoa latest: oiduccd by loreigu and domestic manufacture. SOOTHERAN, CATIIRO & MARK, CITY 1)]?A.1‘l'1125 JLND CI..()1‘IIIE1{S, . ~‘s Coatings. Suitinzs. \‘estinus. the. in all the newest and tin V . )lr. L‘athro still presides at the head at this department. i mm». Kent Street. Lindsay. aha-V- k. 'Noabson’s 2 Doors West of the Post Office, CFIIE I’A IJAXC 13 D Goods it Clothing House. SLL BieoER‘BAReAinsmnW GOODS, _I i".â€" including 3’ FANGY DRY GOODS, MUSLIMS, $20., 8:0. __,. ...... iiiiLLihEiii. Mrs. KEELEY Hus just rcccircd and opened up u Iiirg stock of ’ ALL KINDS OF WOOL, all of which will he sold at LESS TIIAN LINDSAY PRICES. A nice lot of Holiday Presents, such as Dolls of all sorts and sites, 'l‘oys in i. great \‘ziricty. ’I'oiIct Sets, \‘uscs. Fancy i‘ Chinaâ€"ware and various other articles. to which the .~ittciitiou ol‘ intending purchasers is respectfully invited. will clear out our summer stock of the. above goods APrices That Will Astonish You. Finest Choice and Newest Goods in the country. MRS. KEELEY. Fciiclon Falls. Nov 27th, NHL! 1 Patterns 1 Patterns I ..._.__â€"â€". 1‘5 No trouble to show goods. JARVIS 86 M’DUUGALL. {clon Falls, July 3rd,1SS-l,.‘ WM that concern Fin: 101â€"201â€"â€" at in having SHOES and BOOTS it is desirable to get Neut- Fitting and Substantial. . . tiring such Shoes and Boots it is imperative that MCCaHaS Bazaar glove- 0, Well-lookingr and Sliapely. '- . I. _ Shoes and Boots, as aforesaid, it is nnpcra it our stock at once, the largest and most A full assortment of nil; in we tlicliopld prove Durahl hat in choosing I fitting Patterns always COminteiiu all lines. glint even the 'poorcst. p t coplc have more or less money and on 1mm], and will be and that said money, let it belong to rich or “swapped” for fotitvgcar more satislactorily sent by Ina” 1’”th jurhl loot business alttc in Leath- iTllilt MACUJRE has been in the Shoe and l -=and is the pioneer in furnishing tiiucli \' on receipt of price, by "Wm. Campbell. Fenelon Falls, April 4th, I 83-1. uliieral do and general - The :1I)0\‘0 Clauses form one soliiL, inv will elear cash by y CONUEDED FAC'l which 'bu‘ycrs 'of .Shoes and Boots L. MAG-UlRE. .Shoe 8453001. Maker. INTERESTING-ileum...“ iLindsay, June l-ltli, 1884. JUST RECEIVED, a lreSli supply of II'l/l [M ,'o/ I i‘luilll, SHOES‘FRAMESMADETOORDER |iii any style at the shortest pm-ihll- iiotire. It’ll" I’uiiitiiig. Ix'nlmiiiiiniutr and l'iuin-i' IIaiitfiutr done as ii-iiaI. A puod riul'l. of PAINTS, OILS. “LAFS ANI) I'I"l"I'Y The undersigned has just rct'eircd a good lissortiiicnl of I‘IC'I‘l'III‘IS, I’II‘TIIIII'} FILUIES [\ntl )loulding‘H. which Mr “1-” Worthy of inspection and and seasonable DRY GOODS; - - l-zi-pt «:mtsiazithv on hand, which Will be sold 5'. NICVIFIN. "lti. lid-t. {i’lst T. Chen ioi' Than EYGI‘ For Cash.i 1 (l. G. KEITH. Z-HEID-llllllllllls â€"-l'nil; - Ilium Paper 8i Pictue Frames 'I'Sirthdu)’ (Tux-IIH. ()i'l l’uinl ing'H. '( 'h l'lllntn-L. ling-raving)“ AT LESS Til.“ i'ITl' I’IIII'I-IS. Albums. Plaques. Oil-Painted Window Shades. Mirror Plat/cs. ScwingMuL-hine Needles. Artists’ Materials. in. it. At Dundas it; Flarollo Bros." \‘ou can buy for cash HEAVY ALL Will. TWEEIIS Usuallr sold 701:. to $1, for lSc. to the. 'u llt".l\'\' as ordiiiarv Si} good.- lur $1; 1'). FLANNELS VERY Low. recentlr been purchased lg: as at I~-.-~ i l l I it I. ll! .‘l Wit-l, Lind-n; t'iit. I ' I-VI( 1.. :1: . ‘-:|'I \'.' A hot ulit'. 15', i _ i , .Tlu- ~' l'cui-liui Falls IittZI'III' l . ~., ttr 'i'ri; Mir} l‘Lzltlf'iJ) :i' if." «flu-yon -!’\I.i'- A ltnmw Hurt. sl IA! ltll‘Tlll) H \Hillt IN “HAM II. H, :.,II lu mil}. --»i:o' "-' It? dd; Iony 'v 'v :i. .i..'.-, nuptirl These goods have Advc't'tinlng‘ Its-Inn. I I I than 11”. CUT-1 of inaiiiifiieture. l i. . m. M... i. ,, -‘a""'l i....~:,:., . It ' a" ‘. i.-iltw.'..nml‘,’ ‘ ‘ 3‘: n 1.: 'i ru 1 t’qmfil inert- : DUNDAS & FL , ‘ Kent Street, LllldSIly. ,. - 1- a r. i 1- "1 Lynn runwa- ’ _#_W__ “W ,W.- . MW- 30:3 PRJII‘JTIIiTC-lâ€" M’â€" ,_ . . ~ , ,, I - .2 ; "pin" “ill hf II: "i '.I!' in: '3‘ 'l"’ 4’1'l {tr-’11.}, iv!- >ulwppiln3 iii! llll‘ (1-3? It. ("lid i - I _ Ii . p.113 .52.). r-unmhw !.lI"‘. IILIlll" :J'i'wiizi‘ “3 <“-"r“-11‘~’l“"" "’ 5.11:. am», You can‘t ect rv 'in advance. other paper. this insulith tit l”l""“"

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