Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 16 Feb 1884, p. 2

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~..-. Arriving Every Week -AY WIF- IIEW lillllG STI'IIIE, Pru' Drugs and PAM-'3! ‘I'Vl'rffl'fl. ifrnthev, Combo, cusps. Per! L'iftf act Far/3“ (iv: 2&1. ' Full and Reliable Bye Stills, new enrolment. of the DIAMOND DYES, also ultra}: on hand. a Full Stock of School Backs. Including Campbell I; (lag-'5 .\'vw fleaderg, Copy Books. Sale Papt r. l’ItlYl'Oli'Z'E, Pen.- lulu, Pencil: it? n: ling l‘attr, Pan lsuulu. Account Bookl. Time lym's's. kc. 3' Agent for the leading Hampers. , 11111383115. Music. 0x. Farmrrs will do well to rail and get n1 supply OI the famous. old Tllorlcy Ilorsc S: Cattle Food. It Is the only genuine Fun-d, and will p.13- , well to me it. VI. l’.. ELLIS. Font-Ion Folli,.\'ot"t€th,183-3. LEGAL &c. '- h‘l I'. Ill-2V II.\ , " 4 ARRISTHR. .\tturllry Law, ) in Chancery, Kl llt Str- ;, Lia-hay. *W ' n2: \.\ .‘Ll .sl gin-i“ )AIIIIIST Lil-‘5, SULICI'I'IJII5', C('l.\'VI3't'-' (,IIIII'I' ill .\lt'. Jordan's lltW ' ) aucrri. .kc. block, Cullmruc 5L, II II Dms. .\' ll Money to loan at lowest rates. rotaminiun charged. l'cnclull lâ€"‘alls. C. H. Sraltr. .\'u .\IAII'I'IX A: ”Ol'KIXS. ).\RIII.‘I'I'HII5', SUIJUI'I'UIH, kc ) any to Loan at l; per cent. Kelli 1lr-flfl.l.lllll.§:t'\, ()tlt. l’.S. .\IAltTtN. .\ln- Ollice, (i. ll. llorxlss. l" I). .\Itlt‘llll'), )ARRISTl-Jl. AT'I'Illt) l-‘IY )tlll'l Notary Public. .\Iulley Olllut', Kctlldllm'l. Lindsav. lll I5l I 'III A“ I_‘\( l\5‘(l.\' IBARIH‘ l2ll5'. 5llI.Illl'lll15 kc. lice. William Street, Lindsay A. Ilesth‘ll. A. Jacasos. 0fâ€" (lll..\l\.\()ll .l',\l .\ltlllS'l‘lth5, .‘\'I"FIIII.\ 'l2'l5'-.'\l‘â€" l..\\\' Solicitors la L‘hallu-ry, .\'c Otlic,e Dohcay Iilock. holltslrcct, l.l ldslly. Aaraua U‘lagaav. IIL'litl U'LEAHY. \It‘l\l\ltl. & 5'II'} “' \.Ill' [ARLIS’I' Eln', .\'l"lllll.\'l'.\5-.-\T-I..r\“', Solicitors Ill (Tlvavleerv. Etc.r (Illit-e ovct (Illlltl‘ltt llank. lx'cllt sir-ct. mgr tu Loan at rl per Ctlll. on real estate ccurlla s. I). J. .\lL‘lsrvlltt. )K()l‘\' l'.\" 'l () 141'}- '1) on security ot math-ag- Fttlllll I’ropeliy ll:.d l‘rolllissuly .\'ules, at tilt-louahlc l'atcs ot interest. Apply to THIN S'll-zwaltv. JOHN A. moans. Balaasitzlt, Lindsay. .â€" MEDICAL. A. \V. J. “LIMA“I ‘I. D., 0R0.\'l'.ll. Physician, 5 llgeon, .kl‘, .kt'. Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington strut-l. Lindsay. \\'.\l l\I'l 'lll’l' .\I I) '.I., IRAIHTATI‘IM' \lcllill University, Man I ”cal, and l't'oiilleial Licentiate, I’Lysi-i .\Icllit'nl ‘ ciao, Sargon aorl llly-‘tt-ll'icill'l. Ill‘l‘t't‘“? to the Standard, l’: mllix, (:tltllll‘t‘Il-' cut .\Illtllul. ’ll‘ll liq IlIlllllC Illsltrauec L‘otll- patties. “(lice and I‘"5'Itlt'll('t'. ill tlll- lluus'c lately occupied by Rev l-‘ather Stnlhvrll, at the corner of Lindsay and Rust streets, Lindsay. on. a. wtl.so.\', A II UNIVERSITY of l . .\I. II. U'livcrsity of Toronto. Col. l’hys. and Sllrg.‘ (Int. Surgeon and \crollcllvr. Itreet, l"t‘llclUll l"'llls' Illt J. II I()\\ l‘., )IH'SICIAN .k SL'ltlil-JIN. (‘oroncr for the Provisional County of lluliburlolt. w llllit‘t: next lllltlt‘ Ill III“ ,\'l'.\rlllllr llousn. Residence. the house lately occu- pirll by Dr. Bz3‘sull, on May sltcct, l“k‘llt:lUlt Fltlls. I'hvsltlall, SURVEYORS. .I.\ \l I'I5‘ llll‘ l\5'().\, ‘) [.5 . 'tl'\".'\t)t‘. Coal lliss‘ioat‘riu the Q ll, . (""llll\l_\ilnllr. kc. ltesidcltccmnd ad- dress. FI‘IH‘I 2n Falls. MISCELLANEOUS. (I III" l'I'I'Y Ill" HINIHL‘J Will-I l.\'5'l'*'l- .t\r.'t; t‘o l‘llpilal .22“ "AH" sterling. I) positcl “illl tllt: Dominion (lovcrlllllvlll. slllt'l llllll, 'l'lll.‘ Rout. IViITHNCt‘. l‘o. or I‘ixlilJXttsâ€"u Capital. 5‘! ."<|~.u'l“. leposilud nilh I)»- Iuitllon tiltvl-rllnlv-tlt tild Ulllt‘f\\'I-t‘ Vra‘tt'd ill l'nllada. all “R "l" 'l'lli: \\l..srl:;:\' I\slltts t: l‘.) Capital and Asst-:5, :1, or (‘.tsaua. ti.ll..,l-t J n .s'ulrn. aw... Ft‘tlelon Falls .I l‘()l{.$‘i-\l1l‘3. .\tl'y ‘.‘Jm . IN“. 1-3. Lot' . mm at t Inlllvtt’lltlultl south of Frau? vis streets in the \allag- I t‘ l'e'lelolt r'alls 'l'trals i is). For larmtzr partiu III in llppl_to Mr. Jas. Dickson, Prov! ”I 'a.l:. or In R. A. [hl K5tl.\'. Luv-isu, not. lit-l. l‘. I.indu(..luao 23th, ”*3. J. flEELAflIS DEN‘I‘I air. 1.15.1).sAY. 'Une ol’the tint: will be at the MC.\ttTttl’tt llot'stz. l"2;\l;l.us FALLS on the tnird Monday ot’each alonlh. Trrth extracted by laughing gts wtti...2;: pan; of Injury. "’ no \‘It ttgr \\ ill the :1 hit. W Odin.- utabliillrd m Lindsay nearly fifteen years. tasvtgacu. GEORGE Gdflfilfiaflfil, General Insurance and Loan Agent.. FENBLON FALLS. om. represents the full win: first clue cumu- alrs, wzlllw winch Mun: s; no be In. lucid-d mount?“ to m nt 1 '\ 2 ll :grxmv trrlm . The Cant-h Penna 2- nt Loam .I “Sum” Co The Imperial lartraucr Gauguin. ct Lon don. Kttglnut. Tho Cltitc'h’ [Mar-melt Company, ofcaug. - do, Pit: and .‘fb‘l flat. The Laueuhire Insuranc- Co.,n! England. ’30 Uuflled"‘ 'Ivu Lila A nuthllunvfl Cull- Ada Solicitor - .k SOLICITR1 to Loan. 7 Lindsay. ' .\lu- ’ on Ill'fll and l’cr-. 'l'rinity ('olll-L'l‘. E .\ll-lnh. , Uilit10,CUIllUrlie ' Percmptory N otlce. 3 â€"â€"â€"â€" i All plum, l.-.l late 2! to the cadet-geri- at: Luv 4 coined that an on their ac- taunt! are paid on or before ti: l . FIRST DAY OF MARCH XEX’I‘: the lure lam be plum! in ml‘t‘.’ goth-g that Tlgig itI-It‘f“ I! In earliest. and Hill I pr llt‘. lly acted upon wimuut tea- [Act '.a pot.» as I )ZcT/ULGALL & BPASDO) BROS. ' Pension Fall: Frh'y 73b. 18: t. :w. int 2 who 1' llla 6: all: Saturday, Feb’y 16th. 1884. A Sensible ___Bis'nop. The Bishop oI‘Nzugarn is a sensible l I man a. 2d lher- I'orc inerlt. lbl3 ho. ds tha- I l ulm' View as [I e Unzellr on fl|l\' L‘IVL’M ’ rill); ct In our is: c oI' ”II 2nd inst , wt: urcw attention tr. and approved ul - ti e remarks u!' the Ninth Anlt‘l'l'l‘llll [t’r ; III‘IL’ and the Toronto (Nob.- on the pres- I «It! education-ll System ; and III the (Ho/u- ol the 7th. the bishop has a lo : h-tler In the wry same vein. lwat‘lil} :.-tl-Iorsll.g the utterances of both Ho- '2 publications almtiooed. IIc “all. he says. a superintendent of common ; schools lor the township of ,morc than tllilt3 \eals ago and can ' toutid' that ‘ the pupils in the eulnm n at lumls at those days could spel. read write, cipher and u: ld' r.statld geography ' beltl l' tl-an they do now." \Vc haven't tllt: ll ast 'It-llltl that. the bisllap is right. 1and as spclitlg. l'.-ailing, \t‘t'itI-Ig and '. cipht-rillg arc the most useful ace-ult- E plishmetlts the melage boy can learn. ,Il‘ is a grave mistake to force Illtll to i spend the lime tl at ought In b:- devoted l to tllcln in studies that will never be of the least alllautagc to him- to say no. thing of wasting public mom 3 on profit - less pursuits. Wt.- hare alw .35 tll Ill- ; Itlillt’d that the rib-ct ol' the present pet'- llicious system is to make the rlsiltg :cut-rali It too ".stll k-llp" to pursue any llsvl'ul occupation that is not what they consider gcutl-cl, and that this is true, at h-astitl the United States. is prmcd by an article quoted by the hillop Iron: a .\Iassac'usctts llmntlll3 I entit'cd (fund ('I“-er. which says: " 'I'llc lit-ad of a great Itlfillul'llttllll'ln‘.’ house in New York has just given t‘X xp|-.-.ssit2ll to his views of the common 5 school system as at present atltllmister- .5 ed in this country. Our employees as , you know are trained ll'om boyhood. in order to bt'CIltIlO expert in our business But il' the sons of our old taco. from I whom we expect constantly to recruit our ranks. attend the Public Schools. they got all Itl-‘Il that manual labour of all kinds is d«bl.siug ; tllat they toast . either all" til the Presidency, or. at ' least, a Collgrcssul'tll's position in order ll“ l'llniu :s'tcial respectability. So nt- t.-rl3' opposed to lollowiug a _-ood trade 1 did such ol' our boys Ill-coma as “'1'!” to l the Public Schools. tllat we decided ill 1 .s'ltcr scll'pl'l-tl'miou to open a school ltl connection with our own cslab ishlllcnts, where the sons of out workmen might llctlllilc a lair education vet (‘50llpi‘ the pt- loiciells influences which lulc the Public Schools ill regard to the status of lab uling melt " ‘ Alter remarking that all the. proIt-s lsimls are mersluckcd. and calling at- l [cation to the astounding yet. lllt‘llllll" - l verlildc tact, proved by the stalislicr ol 7 tuclcllandise in tllis comm-3'. that ol ev- lt-l'y one hundred tllt-t'cllauts ninety-five ll'lil bell-re. thc3 retire on l'ol'tullcs or dll'. ll 0 his shop says: } S. I u: d no. then losler a system at an canton-us expense to the Cult try. w .ich not "all does not impart the edu- ‘ cation which the country wants. but. at:- tually uulits the sons of the artisans ol llllll‘ towns and cities, and the .solls' llI'llll‘ l I'al'lllers. too. as I hopc.to show ill all .' utllcr Icttcr. l'urn'alkitl;1l llt their I'a'ht-r's llollourablc steps. bllt lills theta will- the idea at living easy lives by bvcom- ing proli-ssinual llll‘ll, or, ii they cannot b-comc such. by b"CHltlIlIL' metcllallts with the prt-tty ccltailt prosp ct ot' l'..|. l llmillg (hr 93 out of every lllll of their ; pl'cdvel-ssors by guiltg into bankruptc. and pulling their parents down into want it d lllisttl'y too? I have tlllltel‘ial-l. Coll .sistiag of public documents. articles hour the fll).t*5’t authorities in the Ullitl'd 5't ttcs, showing what have been the fruits ol‘ the system III that country, alld shall be glad to I'ollow tlp this letter ' wltll one or more on the saute subject." The Tea (Inc. at L lmbs’. The. residents, and particularly the jllvt-ltile residents, ul' 5'uulll Vt'rulam. will not soon hurt the tea and enters talultlcllt. in Lamb's .sclluul house last Tuesday evening. liven a tea meeting l -llllll", being almost the only treat prac lIl‘JlJIL‘ in rural sections. is long looked I' ward to and thoroughly eoj-yt-d; but in this instance there was added a , (I‘lamatic t-lllt-t'taiumelll that the specta- ' tots our and all udmltled Iar exceeded _ their tllust sanguine t‘xptctaliulls 'l‘lll‘ plays p--l'l'--lnn-d \vvrc ' Ciudcrllla " ; and “ .\latrilllnlly." :II'UI all been lhmougllly burned and 3 the costumes wore as gorgeous as it was possible to make them out of iIIL‘XPL‘tl“ ilc Mllllllltl5. the pcl'h-rmancc was ill the II: llet tleglce ssttislaclory. The I". Ht loo l'alls Dram-tic (.‘o. is of very l'lceut I'nrm. aim. and has only lu ulc ' tllvc- "Il"' ar Hut" in public bill. mam. impallial cr tic.- (tilde; l “l' cannot pre- tend to be) \ILL'lal‘t.‘ that their acting ' wuui-I be no discredit. to pl‘l'lt‘5slttlltlli. The residents t!" till: neighbourhood dc- '.s't-r\c L-l'rzlt w ill! for the pains taken to make the atTair a success. bers of the Dialnatic Cu. and of' the brass. band. a.- tn-il as many other vil- lagers. were driven out and home again. and any quantity of [1'1 and choice cat- ablvs \u'nr pxuudcd. Notwithstanding t. c wcallu r, which was rlttlply ext-era 1 Me. the soot-t house was an crowded ; that chat the passage» between the M‘AI‘ € Irh: fillcd. upon their feet nearly all the trolling. Quite a number ut'yluug children \wn: pit-sent. but showed no biguh ut aha-pi- nes! or trct‘ishutrss. fur ll»: Klludt'rs HI the ‘18": and the music "I the band which pla3ed H'L‘rll chi-inc «Iv-cutout. ~ kvpt all their I'acuillrn on the alcrt. Du- ring tllc talc mission biticcn the [In plays all nlkclllul cake In: put up. the candidates brill: .‘Ilss Jam: 5' ll: Il Lamb and .‘liss I'Z-iublttll Uubeuu. i r handy for ' l , 'l'lltlrnt- " l I and as the parts, .. I no IMQHI' ‘ ' ins and chipmunks have already btca and llll'l)‘ had to remain; log a. at an brizkly Inr about hair In 'Still. the Cold was not .scvet'c. hour, and at the eats-3 of the poll tilt: Rev Mr. I.‘ man. who lad tficitted I~ did: that] d; ring llm evming dreamt that the cortical had resulted In it tie. Ind the Full-.2 was atteruards ptr-Dlth‘d ; tn the lm-mbcrs at the Dramatic Cum l poly. It Ia- about 11 u'cilt-k when all was ovl: r. and as the storm or ““14 I a-d .‘I'tl h1tlb_\ tl at rim.- litarl3 era-ed ; the drive be me was much mote pleas-f Eaal than the drive out had been. The} -mw-unt rln'ized from the crcuitlg': cut I t- ttaiumelil War” 848 65. Northfl Vernlam. (Caneapovldeace oftflc Cantu.) BAD Ittulls â€"0aiug to the recent thaw the roads are in bad condition lor those who have thd to deliver. CATTI.E.-â€"-S-'vl-r:ll farmers oftbc town- ships ol Cavall and .\laot‘et‘s ltl‘e scutlr. lag the country in this vicinity I'ur wo-kiug-catlle. Some lat cattle are ulsn ill-sired by the Milne burl-rs. \thTtt szPan.â€"â€"â€"Ilaviag been ask‘ I cd .scvt-ral times of late bv farmers for a rule to (lad the sleight of lat cutth- by measuulllcal I now give it. and trust they will take advantage at It. by cattill.‘ out the lollowing and retaining (lit: same. It. may .suvl' [Ill'lll50l\'l'§ some loss and the sender of it some trouble The rule is this: Multiply the girth ill l'cct by the distance from the bout.- ol the tail illluledialcly over the binder bullock to the hue part ot' the should 2t bialc, and this product bv 31 when tllt animal mtasures more than 7 and less than 9 I'ecl. in girth ; b\ 23 when I than 7 and more than 5 feet ; by Hi. when less than 5 and more. than 3 ; and by 11 when less than 3 feet. This rule will hold true in thoroughly-fat. Cuttlt', or other animals; but should they be out thoroughly fat, or, in 0158 Id :1 Cow that has had calves, then a dedultioo of 1 pound in every 20 must be made One point must be borne in mind. as \\'l'l'_'ll-.~Clllc.~' very olteu dill r. so also this may differ, and at b-sl it must b- relied upon us an approximate ol'weigllt olll3'. ' II‘S5 DENT.-\L.â€"I’ct'solls wisl ing to see .‘I r. NUi‘IllllliS. du-tltist, of Lindsay, will please call at the )IcAl'tllur lluascon Monday or Tuesday next, the 17th and 18th lust. THANKSâ€"The llutbnrities of St. tel-'.s Church, Vcrulatll. desire to convol their thanks to the Amateur Dramatic Club and the Band for their very ls'uc t-t-Ssl'ul .scrviees on the evening of the 12th illSt. BAND Commaâ€"A concert in aid of the It‘encloo Falls brass- band will bl‘ given in logl'am's hall on Mom] :3. the 2:"):h lust.. and the Dramatic Co. will pcl'l'ltl'ltl the amusing Ial'ce entitled "Boots at the Swan.” Programmes will be issued ill due. course. 'l'llE JL’BILEE Stsoults.â€"â€"The con- C(‘l'l b3 the original Canadian Jlllllltlt‘ Singers. under the lIUS,tlct'S of the Full- cl-ul Falls MccllauiCs' Institute. was given ill logralll's hall last Friday evcll- illg. according to allltotlncalllcnt, and was fairly amended, the proceeds at- nlollutiug to SIG 55. A Nona. Sanaâ€"Sumo days nun 31l- IIJlll'y Stewart, ol'Verulaal, was nth-red $70 for a .\tlllllg mare by a man from Toronto 'l'nc bid was rcluscll. and alter some talk. the stranger asked what he would take lol' lll'" per pouml. and Mr. Stewart .said, " l'} glut Cents 'I'Ilis being agreed to the .mlmd “as iiac-d on the SPILC and found to \\'t'l_'ll a .iltle llollcr 9h” pounds. and the pl'lc paid “as $71 25 We Ilt‘VL‘I' llL-l‘ol'c l I I I l I I l l l l I I knew a horse to be sold by weight. 830” \le'l‘tt ~â€"Tlle Directors of the Ft'ltcloll Falls .\IvcllttuICs' Institute haVe btcl bltsS‘ several cveuillgs this week makillLr selections of tlhw books and pe- l'iodiclls lrom catalogues obtained I'rulll dill'crcnt publishers. '1 he amount to be expended is $300. which will makc :l very material addition to the alread3 large llbral'y ol' the Institute. Those who are. not already "numbers should join at oucl- ; lor Ill no other way Call as choice and varied all assurtlttcnt ol' interesting and instructive be obtained Iol' as little money. N. V. REFORM Assocta’rlos â€"-'l‘llc atlllltal Incl-Lug ol' the Relol‘ul ;\.~slcia timl for [ac .\'o.t|l Riding ol' the Couzltv ol Victoria is to be held in Illgl'alu's hall, lit-ltL-loll Falls. at noon on Friday the 22nd lost. and circulars to that- cl- l'ecl Italic been issued. rt-tple ting the recipients to lull-rm all friends ol the cause. in nrtl-vr that the meeting may be well attt'lldctl and a proper organiza tiull tllaiutaiacd l’l'cpll'atiolls l'ur \var ought always to be made ill time of pcucc. for it is rather laluto do so when the enemy it- at our gates ; and the same rule should be observed in politics, ul' which the aide-awake president of our association is well awarLl nod " governs himself accordingly." 'l'ltt»: \\'E.\Tltt-:R.â€"Dllring the past few days the weather has been rather variable. and no mild at times that a general thaw was expected. Sunday on "log “as out; ol‘ the loveliest we have ever seen ; Int! :1 .'t‘l'.‘tl ring around lla- moon prcsrlgt-d a storm. which enm- lllCllL‘t'lItIlI1‘flt'5tlfl\ al'lt'rumul and bi:- \‘lulL'llL b'li n: I” reading o'calck bill lill‘ high wind and the driving will and sleet made the night all cxc-cdingly unpleasant one to those who had to be. on the roads. \\'t-dlll‘.sdav was mild. but to-day t'l‘htlrsdly) is Colder. alld_ snow is falling heavily. As the winter has been so steady and unbroken, one will be surprised sllollln I it break up enrier than usual. and will ducks. rubs: \‘vllltll \‘l’l'}' siren. \\'tto‘l.t. TAKE If -â€"\\'t- have receiv. ed a letter and circular from an old lticttd whom we l21\‘t.‘ not seen for 3‘.- ms and who is now enameled uith [In On tarin .\Iilk Bucket. Manufacturing Cm. at Toronto. Last year a patent was obtained lor so ingenious combined milk bucket and stool; and the com- pau3 litt-ly formed to luatmIacture it want a gmwl gvncral age-It in this Inc-l- ily. who will appoint sub-agents and push the sale of the article .IIII‘ILIJ“ the faint-1i. I'm-r ‘Il|‘«."c benefit the intention it» chit-fly intend-d. \Vllu'll Italic the! agency here ? Thu-re ought to be mnfls l aim! has merit: which call; need to be E pearl to to upthvlclnted The colt-p "3‘3- nfllce and factory he I .\'n 159 Qtt on urn-t cast Ttm- mo. and particular: can be obtained "pt in application to the manager, .‘.Ir R. W. Sutherland. Trent Valley Canal Depntatiou. From t’t: Ottawa Fm Prat. Feb. 625. At eleven o'clock today the detent- 'tina which is ill the cit3 to interview the government in ..2garli to the Trt‘lll , Valley Canal. waited tlpml Sir Charles! 'l‘upper lo the railway Committee room I ol the Hotlse of Commons. The ll~llow- log are those who comprised the delega- Illm .â€" Jultn Lang. warden ; \I Sanderson. rrcvc. township OI Smith; Jl'lll! .\lal- me3‘. rceve. township ol Douro ; R G Strickland. l'reve, Lalo-field, Frank EIUIIIUISI. recvc. Butleigh; (ltpllt3- reevc ,Geo Slenntt, Otoll-lbet'; chrv Cllllltis .\looaglrau; Jim. Brown Bcl- lanllt . John Flfllt‘r. .\orw;nnd Geoma- Ulivtr Hal'3ve ; A R Kidd, Duullner; .\Iau. field Gal'wuy , Stevenson. Aspllo- tlt'l', John Bciclicr. cuuarv engineer; I’alick Clougll, rt-eve. Eunismereâ€" Ulvumy oI Putt lborougll. Dr \\ Illuugltb3, warden , Mr. Brew- e'r , .\Ir. \\'a sells. rt-eve township .\Iu- oar; ‘lr Crews. deputy. rel-v9. town- ship .\lullar; .\Ir. Fouclls Ed 0- ch lane )1 l’., Uillot .\l l’.â€"Cuuut3 Noltllumbcrlmd and Durham. l‘li‘Ssrs. Jltltll I‘t‘ll. .\l P. P,JI1IIII Daniel. L‘. It'airbairo, John Bailey. W Calm-loo. E ”up hills. J L Reed, Jo- seph McAtthurâ€"L‘eunt3 oI' Vi '.‘lllllll. Dtlid llunll. warden; Reevesâ€"J. Fraser. Toy; John Hullcll. \Iidlltud: .'\lcll. 'I'lmtllpsoll, Ulillia and Matcher dash , .\lr. \Villlcko. .\lorlisouâ€"Cuullty oi Simone, “John “bile, .\l. l’.. Alex. Rnbc‘t‘llml. .l", I). J. Willmtltt [I G Blacker. .\l Bird (‘lt-mcut .\tmstruug. \\lll. Ilia h-y. Rulifi' Glass, Sidllc3â€"Couat3 of II: lFlIll gs. Jus. 1". Way, F,uwell A. McRacâ€"ol B llevillc. James IlicltalHdson mavor; council- lors l’. J Rl'lllkt‘. James A. Orr, O H Barbi-r. Cl-atles llliodall. G. W Osteu. I). R. \Illrpllv T. .\IcCahr. F. (.‘ollrs soll, \V. 'l' Baker, W. ll. .\uslill. Wel- liuL-tuu \Iilcr. H. G. Cunningham. Geo Grab: llll. editor C-‘omlelâ€"T lemon. Geo. -\ L‘ox. mayor; coutleillora A. Rutla-tnl'ord J J. Ibis th-y John Doug- ltlss. R. S. Dalid oll. Thoulls Callill. 'l‘lto.s Kt-llv. Jas. S: evcnson. R .\. .\Ia soll,J La l’lallle,J -llu Gatvey. Il' Pha- lL-ll. Wm. llatniltonâ€"Pe ttlbolollgll. J. \V \Vallace mayor: L‘ol. Deacon, 'l'. Fee. G. ‘laudeIlâ€"Liudsay. Jollll chkiosou, John Ol'l'J Burtonâ€"Harrie. G J. Booth, mayor; James Quinn. lctve; J. B. 'lllolupsotl, councillorâ€" Ulillia. J. l. Ileid,reeve; Hirkitller,cnuucil- lor; John McDonald. (member OI the I l: l l l I James L. )1 Bowl & Co.) Jasper Bolton, Hal- llcy, OIIVPIâ€"B I)C:l\‘..'c.()lt \V (‘1 Satlduls,Juiln Mel’iliiamsâ€" Ililh R ‘.ld llev \Vm Logan, Geo. Clluuillglltm. .Iolm I'llnttlsuu and Vt illiatll Jordanâ€" l'ellclolt l'alls. Ill lldtllllllll to the. above there were also present several tilt-labels ol pal-lla- me it. mole paltictll: lll3' those replcsclllâ€" illg tllc CtlllSllluultL‘le llll'ollg ll which this proposed iligllnai is colltctllpltltvd b iag built. and who also .\'[lllkc {1‘ lo tlw lcas sibilily and de: inability ol' eon .stl' acting the \v'otk. "lhe Inlltthll . gentlemen ad llessed the Minis tel-oi llailua. .s in the order given :â€"\It2s.srs. I). R \lurpll3. Clllll'- m-la oi llte cotumillcwhi It “as ap- pointed to lramc the petition for plcs- entail. it to 5'il Cllallcs 'l'ntll -.pt-r Dr l'illougoby, Dullu, Gel I. .\. Cox G \V () sltalll. Rev .\Il. Logan, Cook .\l lIIIliard, .\I. P, Collier-Ill, .\l l’. (V'ic- tori t), \\ lllll‘. .\l l’. (Cold ‘t‘I) (‘ou _'l|lIlI, Bill-,nhalll White .\I l’, (E tst Ila tings). Robertson (\Iiddlc- .scx). and Armstrong Quite a number of the deputation forcibly pniotcd out to Sir Charles that as this pubic Work was ma Ic to do ser- vice bv them in political elections it was llcccssaly lur him to give thll appro- priation. or the people would tell them when they l't'tul'llcd home that tilt-l whole thing was a political dodge. Rev Mr. Logan put this matte r ill a pinion- Early happy way to Sit Challcs. The tenor of all the speeches was to the of It ct that it was ex relllcly desil'. lblc to plocct- al at once with the u ulslluclion ol the wotk ant. mL-lely' III the] light that it was a l'ocal \vork bit a nation ll lligit- any. in .so far as it shout-m d the di - lance ol c llveiillg the .\'ol "-\\ I' st when to lllt 2(2llb- ald by about 5”" miles A goodly .sttm has ahead) been expended. and when it was taken into eultsilh-la lion that only all It“ till alilesoat ol leU l “m.”- n.ct-s.sal3 to be bui.t. the import l .mc- oi the \Vol . Could not well be over ' t-5IIIIHIIA d. The! I'nlluuiog petition was then read and Ilulld\ d to Sit l.‘ llatlcs Tapper: “e the nmlelsi glued petitioners rep- re. en in; twL-llt- counties alultL . the lion ol' the Trvut- llama \' tvigatton, l.e-_ lutlsl r0 pL‘CIlllIly I” I'l pl'lh't‘lll that lllt' policy ol' the prt-st-llt G- .\'-ulnmL-nt in o- p. Ititlg up the g all I rv II! V alll \' \\ att'r l liolttc lrolll G: r; iul lil3 to Trenton: llasour Iudest cudnlseulcut and appro l Yul. and ll)‘ our prl'sv-llcu ill person Itcttel poll. .3 wish to impress upon you thcl -rL-.lt importance which \\t' allach tl-I this (3.21 mil mul- us a uatiollll hi ghwayl and lncd outlet. and we urgentl3 bu ; titlnl3' n-q-lcd. 1k: .t you all place .suco E our line! would {all on t'te route in' land. Ila trusted at limit-tam. day to Wholesale Poisoning. seethe canal built.“ It was much more a worm ucltmlas an atom enti. than of local Impllflauce. The dclcgzt tiou thanked Sir Charles and withdrew. The; were aftérwarda entertained by D333 TO 58008] THE!!! PROPSRIY. .- 'Bzat.tx. Feb. minâ€"A murder trial the memb- rs nI parliament those coll-l which has aroused much interest Iul slituencies lie along the propel-ed route but Plussit I‘ll: just ended at Inster- ul the canal, in the Commons restaurant. The T: 7. GI As ll fresh pront‘nt‘ the interest tak an by the preselit Dominion Government l to our amicable waters and as a good nu gnrv for the steady prnchutinn 0. the work! fill the opening of the 'I'l'ent Val- ley \'.lvl tgatlntl, we welcome the Invita- tion for tenders for the construction ol new dam at Lulu-field. It is well known to our readers how necessary such a step is for the tllaiutetlauce ol' the local navigation above Laktllumld and the L't‘t'at inconvenience caused bx plst neglect bet'orc tllc dam' in question was happily assumed by the Ottawa authorities. And besidesy thit- Inc..l belt. fit. the construction of a satislilctory dam at Lnkcficld ill combination with that now under contract at Yomlg's Point, and the works ill procreat- at Btlrlcigh. Bllckhoro and Fellclun Fall.s will have the advantage of making and lieepita; mt 'igablc a long stletch ol' tht 'I'lcat \ alie3 Canal. w ith the opening ol the Section between Petcrbornugll and Lakefied for which we hope all appro. prialion “ill be made this session there would be ltniuterluptcd aavi; atioa Irnm bl low I]: lstiugs on the 'I‘leot up to Bal sxm Lake and its couflucuts. "â€"1 eâ€"trr borough Review. 0“ More Useless Immigrants. About thirty ittltlligranls. mainly mi- lit-rs, clerks tladcrsand labourers. from the stealltship Caspian, alt-ived‘ ill this city on Saturday llllt‘l‘llltlln. All had been advised by tlltferellt. agents in the Old Coautrv that there “as a grcat de- llland lul' .silcl. classes here. and t at they could not arrive at a better time lllrgeltiag elllploylllcllt. It “'llllltl be interesting to learn who is respou ible to the enuutr3 I'or advis slug these people to come out, cspecl ially at this season ol the yeul. Aheady static 1.20 or 160 families tlf‘iltluligrallts who have at r ivcd hcle during the past summer are being kept at the expo use of the various chal- ities Ill :his cit3 bccauw they can get no walk to do. The immigrlnts who .utlvcd on Satulday, like the Cornish miners who came out three Wt'cltfl ago are all bronght oltt on assistcd passa- gas, so that the Government evidently ltlakcs no objection to their coming dut- ing the winter.â€" Toronto Acws. .0. Montreal Carnival. MONTREAL, Feb. 8tll.â€"'I'he winter carnival practicllly cad-d with the -_'-latld ball' Itl tllc Windsor this evening. Evt-lything has been carlied out ac- cording to the letter ol the pluglamlllt- and nothing Ielt wanting to satislt those who came otl the strength oi the pl'tlllllM‘S held out. 'I' today the \veathcl was not all that could he desired Int outdoor .spolts. as a continuous I'all ol sllow pr-wvailed , still, it did not deter people llom sleigh ll'rivillg and taking in the spoils like the. calling. uhicl were under covet. 'l'lle ('iov'cluul- Gt‘ll- xtal visited the High School umlel the I lotcstaot Beard ol High Commission \llcr hearing a tlt'5'ClI'. aim. of the system ol iostluctioll adopted truth the speech of Ru v Canon \'ortuall. the ehailman ul' the Culllmiss'ioncls his luxcellellcv plid a high compliment to public cdtlcltioll in Canada by Ha_\ill§_ it was superior to that Ill Etlgl. lad. I"ls. _â€"_-_.. +- Goillg at Last. Major-Gumral R G. A. Ilnarl com rounding the militia ol the Dominion of C walla. is to be pertained to leave the couotty \l ith his setlpoll.”||le(1eucr- al is a good sample at the old school ol .llrogaat. ovulhealing and iasolcot lltltll- bugs who ate pitchl'olked into colonial plsitiolls where they lmlgillc tilt-'3 call .s\\'lt'.';_'t‘l' and swlcur to their hearts' coll- tent But. the da3 for that sell ol thing has gone bl, alld this man who has openly insulted our voltmtcels upon mole than one occasion will be sent home where llec can engage with other cranks ill cunsitlg a Cllllllll) which would have none at his rlbtld behavior .\Iillis tcr (Irma has had hial removed. l'or lvlllch \liai ter Caron merits the thanks of every " d colonial " in Canada. -â€" Toronto .Vttt's. __.-. ...._-__ Resignation of Father Lynch. 'I‘hc Lilldsay I’m! avs that. alter miss on Sunday. I"- b 3ld. the Rct. l‘uthl-r Il3ucll aunt-uncut to the cou- 'rlgatiotl nl' 5t. .\Iar3 s that he had ' pl. lCt‘lI in Bishop Jam'its hauds his rt-s' igllatioa ol the charge of the parish. Ft'lllll'l lunch is well advanced tll 3cals and has l'ound the Care of so large and populous a parish more than he could. all ly undertake. lle will. it is under stood sen-k rcs t and lccrelliun lol' some time. While lather L3'lncl has had ch: trgo ol the parish Illrdly a year Ilt‘ . has been very big! l3 respected, and the announcement. will oceasiou much rc- gl'et. â€"â€"..â€"â€" a- The Oldest Woman Dead. On Sunday morning. Feb. 3rd. the oldest Wilma!) in (tn-an. and. for aught tu- know. in the Province. pcacclully ”I“ "' toc “Nil““i‘” i" ‘I”-5 "~""‘l“-' 3“ I passed awav. at the residence of her will assure the dvpala ton and cuulltn l m“. 3],. J ,,,,,.. Gilm'". ol'the. 2",] c”... «.I' the earl} comp. eliuu at this nation. tll : work, and as in dul3 bound will L-vL-rl pray. (Signed ) D B. Murphy, chairman of Trent Valley Canal Cumltlitlce, solicitor. 'I'rvns and and all the llu‘luln‘l’l of the delcgatiun. Ottawa. I’Lb'v 6th. 1344. Sir Charles 'I'upprr. in "compiling the petition. said that he had already lip- p-iatved an engineer. .\lr. Rubrilge. to rxamiue into the survey and other mal- trni and rep-tn to him at all clrly day. This report was out yet run I), but when it was he would lay the Ilmlu matter in a I'mulrabh: lulu belore his col-l leagues. In the invitation: he bad at hm. Tint Vvl- l c3 in it, a: the newbiued bucket and ranged for doing what work the eagiv;c j k l l cessiull ol' Cavaa. .\Irs' .\gaes Gibson cattle to l'aualla in ISIZ;b1ru ill Bally James-Ila”. county Cal-all, Ireland. in [778 ; .sllt- with her children settltdi (Tav «a. where she has resided ever sine-'0' (In Sundry twirl-lug last, at 4 o'clock with little warning. she rptit-lly passed into eternit3'.â€"«.Ilt'llltrmlv .Ilemngrr. _.-.,.._. -0 Placlrds have been primed through. : nut I’ari-l hunting the starving Working- ' tut-u In arms. Three. appr viscera have been apoliowd to 5. core lauds lot the proposed Inter- national Park at .\'ilgara l'ails. Elissa l-ILi that within f-ur vents electricity will have ctlltrr'ly ill-placed .u and cvm kerosene as illumtnants. burg in the comirtlnn and N‘lttcttt‘c to death of the widow Bake lot murdering uiuc persons of her Family. The crime as shown by the evidence was a hunt atrocious one, Thinking to obtain the legacies left by her hit band's will to eight children, amounting to 4 $00 marks. she. adttliaistcrt-d poison to their land. causing the death of all, as well as nl'a young man who was betrothed In one of the daughters and who lived with the family. An Arkansas Butchary. Two .\lt-zs KILLED ant) mam: FATALIA' IsJUttKD. ...... llot' Spatxcs. Aviva. Feb. 9.â€"â€"Wllilo llll'L't‘blUlIltrS Frank. Jack and Wm I‘lllln were proceeding home to a back this morning sl-vcn men, armed with double-barrel shotguns a'nd “'itlcllls- tcrs, stepped out of a saloon and opened file. The l'linlls were aimed but the attack was unexpected. J..ck Fliau was .shot through the forehead and died ' a low minutely. \Vm Flinn was shot through llle breast. plobably Iatally. Frank ll‘ilun was shot through the hand Fl .mk Hall. dtiver of the back. was shot through the neck and died. Rob-' ert llargrt-ave, a b3st:r.mdc was shot through the bieast and will ptohabl3 die. J. H Ural-1,8 prominent llllltllt‘l- mall received a charge of buck.s but through the buck and his condition is precarious. 'I'hc dillicultv originated ill an attempt of Frank FlIllll to lie vent Duran hom opening a gambling house. At the time Dunn tried to as- .sas-sillatc Flinn and fled the city. He returned a lcw nights ago but I'liull \Vls uualvarc at his plcucllce until the valley was fired. .- 0â€"...” A Defence of the House Sparrow. The \Vashiugtott Republic-tn plillls the lt-potts of an interview “II-ll \\ m R. Smith .sllpcl'iutcnllellt oI the Gov- ernment Botanical G. melt and prt-si dent ol the District I’atkiug Commie- sioll. and “I'm ls said to be all aullluril3 on ”(‘0‘ in which he makes a sitting plea ill lawn of the sparrow, claiming that. to its presence in \\'ashingtou. is due the continued existence of some of the fittest IIt'l‘S Ill Wasllillglotl which wit. out it would have. been d-str'oyetl bv \v'olnls and other insects. He also denies that the sparrow is llspouslhl. for the disappcalatlcu oI some of Illl ll:tIl\C‘ bilds Some of these latter, hc :lssellls‘ are l'uml bilds who haw- in. stillclivcly sought the colttltly as the city ha gtown. and others, likt' llu- lltlllllllillgbil'd. llavc bet-n sacrificed boatur sis and collectors I'll ‘ lllllllllt'l'k cslalllislllla'ats. llu .s'a3stllc sparrow the II- bill the h! lle- bird and yellow l-ild all liu- pl-ac-ab'v tnglllltr ill the l)“- tanical Gardens. which tact llc thi- -.k.s settles the charge that the sparrow drivers oll' all other birds. Q-.â€">â€"â€"â€"â€". A .\lol'lllou prophet is working )Il‘a lord. The pr- jtil'l to make a sea II) the Iles cl't ol‘ Sahara is I'UYIVt'tI. John I: Sullivan the )'pli242 Ii; lltI-l boasts that he Ls makiuL ~ 32.3, (ml) a \l at. A lalld tllortgagtl bank to assist occu- piers Ill lllu'llol'th ul ll'clzllld L't Itt‘l‘llllll‘ owners ul'tllcil' farms with ll Govern meat guarantee. is [)l“l_l ctcd 'I'lliltt- five sheet) helull-liug to .I. II \V- aver a I’ctt-ls bilrg ""lllo3, Elliot-'.l lllt sllll'i- -ring with what the pl. -'.s3 icialls' pro- oouoc d to be hydrophobia. l'hc Sllt‘t‘ll were bitten by a dog. Some were men-- ly scratched across the nose. A llllllt' her knocked their llltl‘llS ull'aud bruised their heads. and one has dlcd. 323‘ llsc Lardiuc Machine Oil for l 3out nlacllillL-ly. 9-...._.__ A Cure For Cuts. Sores, Etc. The Finest healing eomponud under the I sun is .\chn gor & I’lltkr 's (.‘arholic Comte. The-e is no sore bill will succumb to its healing properties. It is an invaluable dressing for st-alda, testers, t-tc l’rit-t- twvnty-Iivc cents at Wm. B Ellls‘a drug store. James lira) ley, Hamilton. says :â€"‘~’ I read the testimonials for .\Ictiregor'n Speedy llll’t‘ and found that I had not to go to New York, Philadelphia, Louisiana or Texas to find living witnesses of its' value, We had plenty of persons right here to prove its merits. I got a bottle and it helped me right away-,1 was as had with linious Fever nod Indigestion nsl think any one could be, I have taken three bottles and am lll‘tlr- ly WP“ and can eat any killd l Ifooll with out it halting me. I may say that I am better than I evt-rextwcled o be,” Free trial bottles at Wm. B. I'lllis's drug; store, - Fem-lull Falls. The Q'Jickost Thing on Record Is Kram‘s Fluid Lightning. for Neurltlgla, Ill'alllzlt'hc. Toothache. 1-4:. It does not hlifi- ter our tlisColor tllc .skl'n ; rrq'lirt-s hot one application to hamnh all pain magically JI’XIK IKII'JI). In Pent-Ion Falls I-n “'t'llltt'filllly, Febru- ary l3tll. at the rr-t'll'ttm' ol .\Irs (faulting- lluln, great-aunt of the bride, by the. Rev. \\'m. Ip'gau, Mr. Tom Ruins. I) I. 5.. to Alice Marion. iotlngesl daughter of tilt: lutc llcnr3 CuddyF, .aq. ., ol I'cte thorough. rax'tz'Lox rams MARKETS. Report»! by .IIrI/uugulld' Ilmu Ion. Pent-loll Pulls, Friday, Feby Hath, l8”. WW M ”New Advertisements. INTERESTIlG TO ALL. The undersigned In hut received a good I assortment of warms. rlcvvmt mom I And Moulding-s. which are well worthy 0! Inspection and ln‘h’ be adj t‘flpt‘ FRAMES MADE TO ORDER l I (I n any style at the shortest possible notice. a” Painting, Kalsnmiming and Paper Hanging done as usual. A good clock of PAINTS, OILS, GLASS AND PUTTY i kept constant; on hand. S. NEVISON. Fenelon Falls, Feb‘y ith, 1884. 004 f. NEW urging STABLE. The undersigned begs to Inform the real- detlts of this village and its vicinity that It. has just comment-ed the Liven ltllgihl‘SS on Frauds St. East, With sound fast horses ind stylish new rzgs and resptlclfillly so- licita n Ilmre ot‘ public patronage. Charges Vary Reasonable. 33$" Commercial Travellers will find It decidedly to their inhumane to give him ll call, as they will be liberally dealt with. JOSEPH WELCH. Four-Ion Falls, I‘cb’y 6th, 1884. hushf. ahppreutloe \V fluted. ~â€" Wantt d immediatclv, a smart ateadv boy I as an apprentice to the carriage milking business. I". SANDFORD. Fem-loo Falls, Jan'y lclll, 1884. 47. w. A. Goonwxiv, g Hilll'llllllllllll E â€"- It'll llâ€" lluum Paper It Picture Frames. Bix‘t ltduy Card's, Oil Paintings, Clu'onlofi. lilng't'u \‘illg‘fi. AT IESS THAN CITY PRICES. Albums. Plaques, Oil-Pa.’ltted Window Shades, Mirror Plates. Sewing-Machine Needles. Artists’ Mate ria ls. llaktr Block. Kl-Snt Qt. West. Lindsay, Ont. ltespt-ctl'ulh, -I‘_’--llll. W. A. G1 ODWIN. Gilbert Anderson takes this opportunity of thanking his nitâ€" mt-rolls customers and the l" lslie Ill general for I'll' liberal plltlonage llll') have lll‘RIOW- ed no hint timing the last two mouths, and begs to announce that llel as ntldt-d to his lollllcr stock a lim- l.l Plllllllll ll Ellfllll SlflVES, ’I“: .\ \V.\ I: l'.. .‘k-n. not to he surpassed, and lll llr‘c s that will compute tavoarnhly wi II llmse of other Attention is callvd to Tw'r't T112. " BERTJFlA'l ” AXE, “’llll‘ It has g vml entire sail-faction to par- chasers for the pll-t “Iihtck unsurpassed by Disrtoll, dealt-rs. three years. Prince" and olhvr axes. any, either ill price or quali‘y. Maple l.t-ttl'atltl other Cross-(Tutu Fir-13v ". I one-mall Saws, IInll(l Saws. Files, kc, all by the best lllanulat-lurers. Linseed Oil, Lubricating and Coal Oil. Rubber A‘ Asbestos; Engine I’ltt'ltillg. Italian llemp, Belling and Brass Fittings, I’llintl, (Jill; and Patty. Am. CLASSES or HARDWARE lit the tonal rrttsonahlr prim-ll. I-‘cnololl Falls. Dec'r l'.!th, ill-4.1. lloilcd and raw _..__. , Wanner Sewing Machines again lllllelll. fWilli lllE GRIND GOLD MEDAL at the great Central Exhibition at Hamilton ill llslHll lay an other llt‘I-Il't‘ you are tho Wanzer, the Cheapest and lletlt. For S‘alc by I. Austin, agent for the best makes of Organs, and sold ('Ilulltfor null or on the instalment plan. See Mv Sample Organ before you buy any. I can unit you in lt3'lc, quality and price. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE in first rate. emnpaoles at lovmtu. 365' Money to loan on easy lent". . I . 41 III-I’EIN, l’ellt-Ion Falls, .\'ov'r '.‘led, ”363. ],)ni 1y A t-t'ivuls â€".__(3 7â€"â€" GHRISTMAS GOODS at G. A. llt-lherell’l BOOK STORE -â€"_‘31,â€"â€"_ MUSIC EMPORIUM. Come One! Come Allll “'Ilcat, fall. It” bushel - . 5., 9., (,5 = and exaltline “out“ before parrhulog elup Wheat. spring. " - - - ll?- 1 oo ' “INN-‘- l’atrley, per ba‘s‘hvl - - ‘ "5 {'25 i G, A. METHERELL, """' H ' ' " ' "0 " ohms“. Till: mutual ClllIlCI. I’kdbe, “ “ - - . - 51 of; : Itve, it u - - . . 5" (,3, 1‘01] laHLq I,‘ll.‘l~uy, t’btaloes, " - - - - 53a 6': l '.itldlay, (lumber 23th, lulu llutlcr, per la, - - .w - - 16 Ill 3 .-.... ~~~“_______W«m. -1” Dru-ed Hugs. per ”:0 lhll , $7 on $8 0') , Brita. per dozen, - - - - I". In To IN ham It May Concern, May, per tua. - - - - $5 Oil to it) u') lfiuu'tty H tccr. Game on to the premises of the Illlflcfilr‘ fr, Lot .\'n. I1 in “he L’tld t'lmcwuiutl UI‘ Vcrllllm. about the beginning of Deer mher a lied Steer coming 21m y. an ohl. The u'lff can have it upon ptur at" properly and [mjlh‘g charges. THOMAS JUNKIX.‘ VoruI-m. Jan'y 33th. '32“. tat’l. l Thiu it to certify that W. W. LOGA'V. of 2 Lindsay, it our only nutlmliud Agent for I the Counttrn of Vlct no and I’etenmrouxh fur 1hr pile of our ilmramrutn and any oth- er [1' rnua quoting ptirrn in II-fl'c taunt-d Cuuxltien but no ti"I|1 or ulllhotlly to do w. NIIMM WC.“ 1 Ill.“ (0. l ll .Imanvilie, In” 29th. lain. ' .\’. It It will lie [ml from the above that agent; {or other immanent: altering or pretending to sell tho: Dominion Ills-ml or Punt», ate oul3 than; to to dual" Ibo may. ‘ public

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