Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 5 Jan 1884, p. 3

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1r. ' 3.3:; 11111101111 4 5.: now selling all a11i1 has in his line 111 business CHEAPER THAN EVER. Having put in all the machinery necessary to enable me to1 1111 11'111k in the 11111-1 1.11111111111ical 111an111; r, I 11111 consequcnth in n posi i1i1111 to ecll the 11111 than formerl1. Vote these ptices: CUTTERS, - - - $25. MARKET SLEIC'HS, - $30. WAGCONS, - - - $60. BUCGIEfi, - - 1 $75. Having purchased :1 first-class 111ar-I1iuc. I can do All kinds of Planing & Mouldin at reasonable prices. ._- Grain Crushing Done on the Usual Terms. IIor.-~'c-Sl1o1-i11;:11ndJobbing.r Speci:_1l11. 111m agent for the S1I1'cster machine. ~I, and also t'or the Bruutford machines. 1K1}? A large stock 111' the best Ploughs made on hand, and’ points 1211 sale. 5... Q’QQNENQR Manufacturer of First-C lacs Sleighs,131154101011 ‘1‘1 {11.10118 1tc. .. .’. -_. -_-- ”:11"ng 1111\1' oomph-Md :1ll tlw- E111;.r--1'1'-1111-1111 r--1p:irI-Il in his 11c11'prcmis1s.Lumpy-11- “31.111'11' . [-'11111111r1'."111-1:11.1I'.1rr'sl1:1:-1I.1'111'u‘1' 11' William 111111 Iluszs'c Is' trt‘cts,l1.1s I'm ItiliIi--.1'11r1111-1»1.1'.1.1.:.'1ll11'1-1I1'in Il.1-:1l..1-.'1~ liI11~s\1'I1i'1-I1c11111111 I11-1-xc11II1-1L II1- r1~p--'1111I1’!1 ~11I I 1-11 (.11! 11'-1111 1l111:1» 111|=1ir:'n;-'.‘11111I1i111rin hisliuc.11udwillhc gin-I 11- sh 11' 'I.1111 111'rI1:~ 11111' I:111'11_1.:-11:.Il \\'11.';'1111>I1i111~‘ 1., 1111111111 I.1 1111; 1h.- 11 I 111111 in this sII- 111111 of tho couutrv. is, cn'1'o'1-d to g:1:1r.111II-1- :1 »"“1"...-ulu.‘33 Job 111 :111_\ III 11:11:1111 111, 111111 1-'-'111'. :1rIiclI‘ “11111 II out will I..- 11'.1rI'.11111'Ii .1« .\. l 'I'I1'I-r1' 1-i--1--111 11'111'I; in this k111111'I1»1lg11.!, 1.1 :.‘;n: d ‘Il" in 1111“ 111 01 fl I_f..111r- --1 1?..111- I._1'I111111I..'1111I t':1r :upI-rior. us i: 11c- II 11! lb: S11111I1\'i1‘ori:1I.'\'.iI-ition. I'XIIiIJI- down? is »----1II'I]11'11". 1'1'11'11'i '1'I1I'r1' I I--I‘- i1"1l 1 1w 1".th pI./.' -. I I.111._'I1 I 1.. II 11I1lg1-t I1pn1_'.'\1'I1:k II1I pr 2- [11111.11111I 11'.1. 1i111-Il Ior1111- ~.1I - .111l 111' .-1~ 111111- ItqupilIHl .1111I 1111;11'1-1--1Il11111»1i. La." \ll I:--':111'1‘1l11111‘ I,'|11».1pi~\' .11.:i I‘1'111111_1ll_\'. A I'vwschiIiII-I11uill Iiuggics for snlc. 1.4. ( )'C( PX'N ( 911?. I.'711I~"\ _\11'1-11-I11'r i-l3.lS"'-". WI“ 7.3 .~ 1 ‘ 3 3 171111 "5'3 '1 1'1": .1 11 1-1 ‘ ‘ in. 11.," l I 4 wail LJqu‘ILdJI-I‘uz.) duh-9‘1}! CO'liLI \I‘EON SIOCK. nasm'rmx‘zwmm Stocks in one. The Bankrupt Stocks of John St. .I11111'1'cnce, lf'cuelon Falls, and (gicorgc McDonald. ol' I_lshuwa. in the store lately occnuicd b1‘ .:1-“('5 HIP-m! lz-m-m prim-'9 m , 03H 1,;1" R's”- ”I, 1"! li"'l"'1i'."'lh thud-“2‘ ”\UB nan-.1." V. éflnflda‘ ”a II ':1 B- I reins 1'1 Dry 6300133, A as: CHRISTMAS Goons -â€"â€"-.A.Tâ€"â€"â€"- M'Dougall & Brandon Bros.’ 15 usual. we have on hand for the holidm' season the choic~ est lines of Fruits, Confectionery General Gioeerics, Boots and Shoes, Croeken and Glassw are. all bought 111 the best markets for cash, and which 11c are prepared to sell At a. Very Small Advance on Cost. “'1: have lately received 11 consiznmcnt of 25 Boxes London Layer Black Basket Raisins, 100 Boxes Valentin Raisins. 50 Half Boxes Selected Raisins. 10 Boxes Sultana. Seedless Raisins, 5 Cases Vostaza. Currants, 5 Barrels ZEolian Currants. 10 Cases Selected Figs. 100 Boxes Eleme Figs, 20 Barrels Choice Cooking Apples. I The above goods must. be disposed of :11 onc1-.Do n01 fail to call and examine I bct'orc purcImsinu elsewhere I 32% P05 11311er the last Value' 1n the Market.@ 0111 lines of Fancy Croelzcrv 11nd Glassware. suitable for Christmas and .\c1\' 1 1",".qu' Io smf I/Ic flmr‘s‘. I 1 l l l0 I' ”3’”! I . 1 car :1 I’t"cs1111s.e:11111ot he cX('i‘Il1-.1l ;\ EPI':(.‘IJ\_IA LIN}: ()F lgl‘llgLIN FICIJT BOOTS. and :1 large aI~SI1rtmout ot' Iluhhcrs and Overâ€"shoes. No lady should be without 11 pair oI our l1i- .111 I clt Iincul Boots. “711"" A I‘ :11 load oI Salt just received. ”Mir/11, [711C153 MCDOUGALL & BR;'1\ DON BROS IFSX. 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I All 71'1'11175 of (Troi'n 717111971! 11! [tight-.1'! Fonclon Falls. Nnrcmh-r 2311. N011 llauhmc Tinwaie {11181 store Shop. . 1 beef to inform the people of Fcuelon Falls. and the farmers of thesurrounding couutr _1' that I have opened out. in my new store 11 complete stock of HAMMBWARE. in connection with 1111 othc -1' business. and as e1er_1-' article is ’ 11c 11' :md Iicsh parties wantinu' :1111thin1.‘1 in t.:hit line \1ill do 11 ell to give me :1 call. I l1:11'c a. good assmtmcnt ot' NA'RLO'U R AND COOK STOW/"ES, of the latest. and most approved patterns, Lamps & Lamp Trim min gs,I in 511 at variety, and “13.111“ 13513311123. merit Gee-:12 @iil of the best brands, all of which \1 ill be sold I At 'F’ock Bottom Prices For Gash. 1 ‘3‘? "N Cash paid for. Skins and \Vool Piekines. I sincerelv 1111 111k 111v1111nierons customers for their libei' al= Ba rgoi .s in 311111111125 Berg ins in Niillinery. 1 .. Whole Stock must be sold at once. '1‘0,,1..(lles.1 of cost 'lhc Sale will not continuo'longcr than ('10 dm's. so come at once. llrtuct .1'11111' (lush to this Great Sale, and you will be .scnt :111':1_1' happy. JOHN LAWRENCE, V1111 nnv'or. T? J- S... I1'cuI-l11n I":1Ils, December $30111, 1883. I c”I ‘Irl To all my ] ricnds and ( usIomets. Christmas Bosses 8:. New Year’ 5 Gifts; for I‘1'L‘l‘_\'iuul\'. Don’t Fail to 0:151 and Get Them. 1' givenâ€"F and 111-ll 11111-111 having. 'l'hc1‘ :11'1' chccrl'ull HE: 11121.12 .:1". 31- it’ll-223.223” NEW B"'SZZ'T‘~....s £113.22. ._ ,1 S. 8. Johns on and Wm. Fielder ':Ii'1 Il1tt‘ll11"1"' :1'1‘1 ttttt‘râ€" [11‘-:111inI-1r111 K2111" ~1.1'.I~ 1! [51114111 I 1 ~.1I1Illts rt 1.! 111'11p1itz11isl"1::111l1 1111111111 1l11|11111~~ 1n KE\\'II l)\ S I1RI(‘i{ STORE, sth's't. 1'1111-1-11 l' .1 .1. 11:.--1-.- tin-1' hate 1 '11-111~1I 11111.1 Ill ‘1 1 BNT 13 N N ENE. 311-6151 .»\Nl) 1’l€()\ IL[()NS. on the “‘1‘.“ mic "r C c-IIN‘HH’ ,.\ Mm"... 111' 81:: (-71 which additions wiii unusumlr I111 undo. all 111' which 151111' will dispose of' .‘T Tu“ l."\\'}.‘l' IIVE‘H. ‘:{II'L‘ ’11}: CAP“. W35 'I'hcir assortment 111' l‘outs' and Shoes 1 . thcv liclievc. the largest and most 1:11'11- -:2 in the 1ill:1;1‘. " .‘.???) NW“ 41 “is ‘-::1"»'.:'.:e--_' i11thu‘ir'11111s ::.1i T -1‘V >.-~.:u\tlitti I. “11-‘1i‘\ 1‘31 111.? i111 W .\l11k71111111W~|Il'..-I1‘3111113‘“.1".11111|I1"I91'.I~5"‘I1 JOHNSON 81'. 1 '.~~-.1~ . . 11‘-1:1 " ~ .-: .--1. ..u. (”II FIELDER ,I"cnri11n 1".1221. .\5111 8121, 25:5.“ 2 usuall1 sold I 1 813943133 18:. FLAVELLE ”83.. patr:on 11.10 in the past, :ind solicit 11 continuance of thes same in my new business 111 the It'.1t1nc JOSEPH HEARD. Fenelon Falls, November 20th, 1883 Note I At Booties 1t; F1111 ollo I311 08. cash you can buy for EENEIW EIEE. ENS NNEEIS, 70c. to $1,1'1n'4 SC. to Goo. BLANKETS ,. as hea1'1' as ordin: 11'1' Sb goods for; 111. FLANENELE‘B VEKV I_Q 'I'hcsc goods l1111c'reccntl_1' been purchased by us at less than the cost ot'111:111111'111'1111'0. Kent Street. Lindsay. l)\‘1’1&l{])s.~‘1' 111.11111s1'.1.s\111'-:11111 Live (31'1“ Stable} Tl11»:1:h:cr.l.1'r 11 1:.1' 1s mhi- sinrc rc tl1:1:.‘r'.~ .I'or H.1- 2ii11-1'11l p:1'.rou:11_1'1- host-Iwwl on him past him 1111r~.11111l I11-_I~111i11-, I ”1” HI" 'I II \.\'l\'.'. I vol I 111 m- Ifhhm In I l" ‘ .Cornoil. Esq. I "1'1 . [171,711.11]. 311,211'. DEVI S1"..»-ll:11'-‘1I1n grrulucls: In convm IIIiI-1-II.r--1:nrs 1-I'II11‘ ' '.l -1111. 1111 .\II: 11.:‘1l' -".r1I.1-.l~‘ l‘ r 1- 1»1r runiplmss i11;1_\.11rv, 11.r12:1111~111 I ..lI. .‘l11r‘1111Il-"‘1tiz'-1.<t [rising tron: lossv-s I_1' 21lI.r211g1I1- ' """Jqq' I "'r""' (‘11.:_ $.20" t1ru1II11-p-1I1IiI'tI1.1til11-_1 1'11” III I Iill i .I 11 1: \I."l1l11~_\‘. I'll:i.l_1'. ‘.I'I" . ' V" -;"\,‘\',"~ ,, '; First (‘Iass Ilorsrs and Kiss. .._.1‘| ..1 1‘1111'1.‘ " ..31- . . \I “-1....“ \\ 31...... “11¢. 1.3 ‘ any hour 1 1‘ the 1i111' or night 111 his .- ':1ivic I'j' "'"“" 'I"""I"" ". 2'" ()n 111 nuvis Htr (-01 11; 11.1.. l‘.1:11-11I'r111s1-. “111.11%“. 1'": TI. 7,.“ Krupp. Emil-1'. 4.1-1 111 1'1»r1' 1111-.I-1::\tv- charm-F. .‘II :'1 II11':‘1:1~,1_‘I11II. " 7‘.“ fif‘ ("111111111 rc :11 1111'1- .'Iv r1 1111I1l1rir'1npo 1:111' It» 1‘11'. \‘1-1hiam. 71'1' c-._11-cou1-_11'11 ~'111-I_1::1111 ex'111I1111111~1 to I' I? IiI'rd. " .‘7'.’ 1111\1l1-sir1-l point. I‘ "" (..1.111n. Linton. 2." Th: s11'1.~cril.1» r ncrtr had 11 .:1 :1'I1l1- .ul of ”“3" I". It“ " ._.," NW 1' horns than 111 111111111 ('111111-111111 _\I 11:171-1 Iv". " - " try them. .I..l.nv'l1.-1111 I’vm'lou. 71'“ ' E I: FDWUIDS 1:11. .121 1111. .. 11.1:‘131' . .. ‘ if i 1' 1: 11.~1:'»»-1.-1.1'. I. .1.-11. :-1 I'"n"'cn Folli.‘f"rl1'1 2.1111 '1“: .1â€"1..I .1.-.1 .1. 111...»... "1 :. ~ ~â€"- â€"â€"~ ~~â€"â€"~â€"â€" -_...- .1...5 ~ 1w. 1:1- ‘ '-' ‘ FARMERS THRESHERS FARM FOR SALE'W . A.\'Il 1111.1. 11\\.\m:5. For :.1‘n 1 r. I:1<_1 in mm pr'r'c :1 ‘ ..._ I10!" I: kl I 1 "~ 1.1 'h '."ti I . nrc I11.111 11f the 11111 .'wh'p 11‘ > .7'1111 11' 221'. “.'.H 11:1,: .‘In‘: gums. 11.1.1 CClt‘bth-d -1{ 11' -§ 1 1" #3211111 :ln-I 117:1‘1'1‘. "r1 ‘. 5 ”I" (1191 'Ivr' ' :1 li ‘IHU (clot inc 3' ’ 1 - 1 .. lllllllui IIIIEIIIIII Ell I1: ~ 1 »' ' 1 ' ’ .1 â€".. .- .1 '1: 1.- ".‘iranti-c-I 'I1-'- lv'sl £1: t!:1-m.r1;x". gum or r/ -; 1:111' '11 new“ II I” 1111‘ r1»: -, .'.; and 11,1... :I'n'1-l1'3=.1.r-.'i1'11". . . mes.sb11111 half 111’ «1111-11 :1.':- N-anng. Apply on the [lining to It!I""TI'I‘iIEI‘ FEM ..1 I11' 'utc11;.-- 2'. 1 1. ' 7111171 .1. 111.15. I nunâ€".1, Frnr'xn Folk. Ap-II tam. 3:9 .1., if. I ' ordcrcd. .you back again. ' this season. 51111131111 19 1111211151511 ii: 1115 81111111233 111' The City Dry Goods 81-. Clothing Syndicate Of‘ 3411‘ I.)SAY . “-‘.â€"o * WHY? lama; 1- we were the first to read as11111.-.-r the o 'd rush'ont‘ll 11111.17 111111ch I1 :11 Bccnuse the (‘ity Store continuts 111 I»- 1..c Because We 11l11'1_1's min-r: sc ex .1c1l_1' 11':I111 111 111' .11-.ticc I‘er‘ausc our whole 11-111 11nd stu-h is to 11111 (I1pr and sell Flu-1111. Because we give hetur value I111 mom-1' than can he had elnnln 11‘ It the nhore is 11111 true, wly do so 11111115 1n1r1h1111s pretend to m to follow It the 1111111.- i:- 1101 truc \1'111' do we incur so much jI. .1I11usr‘,’ 11 1l11- ."-1I11111 is not true, how Could we I1 11'1- cstuI-Iis It‘ 1' 19 11111111 is not 1111». how could we hold our lmdc and increase it, “1110 must h1- sonw good 101151111 for our 311-1111 success. There 111115 t he soim- good reason 11'! 1 111l11rs 111' to ('opr our style of business. There must be $111110 good rcnson why our patronage is daily inch-11:11“! Kind rcndtr, it rests 11'lth van to l11._1';:11ods cheaper if 11111 will hut give us double our present businc 5.0111- ol1j1ct is to Inn cheap and se 11nd the c:-hcthr we can and “ill sell. I‘. ousidcr the “hove cur1l'ul11 1111 com:- and see us “e 11111 do our part to 111 |l\l' II when 1011 want DRY GOODS 11111r visit pleasant for 1'1 SQMETEEERA‘N EATER R0 CI'I‘X’ l)li.»\l’lul?1.3 xiND CLOTI ,\Ill.l IYERY 2 Doors West of the Post Office. pr cc! itguhuor of low pricd and lmdmg nuke :11 our wake. I11 11 so large a trade in so short a Iimc'.‘ 113 111- l1111-1- dune, eat-I1 succeeding month’ rour tmdc and influence and help us 111 ll cI1111p,11ud the larger our business the cheaper we no Inn' CLDTIII KG. Nady-111ml» or I \I‘PETS 1111 hmgnius tlmt will hring 111 and give 1' & NIARK, IIERS, Kent Street. Lindsay. I884 Ileioluliiininlhe 8118111181 Trade. 1884 -â€"-â€"â€"0. 0 Special Holiday and Christmas Announcement; MENQE ERNGWIS sown-111111 SHIRE. .o.______ A complete Chance in P11ccs that will Astonish the Commu- Sill ,OIIII worth of Dry (loods, Clothing, Hats. Caps and Furs. .II' 1111) . this salc interesting to oil “or stock is now tullré (‘Ilnicc 11i'Il11‘. All our pr: ccs maria-1! firm-.11 1'1111 11'1-11111 hound to make p:'\Itics (luriu;. r 1I11 1111111111111 ll1-1H'1111l11'111ud tl11- holidar s1 :Isou 11<s111'-.11d 11111] we can 11111111111119 our 111111111151 lug EST AND TASTEENT GOODS E1I‘3fl ’l‘he following111111511111 for tl11-1 ':1r1‘I'III c1111si1h-r11tiouot'c1‘1r1-tul hovers: in 1111- 1111-1111111. â€"-1.»\ .\'11. | 01'1-1"1I1111 11.:111111's11ldl'111SII11rSI’totS-I .'111. I 11 11 11111;. A by: stud: of l’l:\'1111uIll:11-.11_\' llannIls. I1'1111121'1ets \\'I1i1c lI111l1cts 1'111111$‘ .111 upw: .11'1ls' big 111111111115 in these Goods. A full stmk ot union and 1111- 1111111 (1101’ l1l:1ul11- '.~1 REEAIDSTâ€" '.lekl ) ES CIJ()7FIIING “0 burn the goods 1'ou want and tin-1 will be sold from- Itur stock of d1-r11'1-1'.11 11"11III1SI pI-r yard upward. we are bound to clear out. to .111 per cent. c‘h1.1111‘r than 1'c11111111'p1'i1ws. Furs, is IomplItc in Cents and Ladies. \\1-11'.."\1III 111/11.11%": I1; III/II. l)r1-ssI‘1oods l.' Is 11 tings. Co:1tiu:r<_w( I1111'1- somelhiug: 111-11 in House goods ludr should scc. (‘1"lo11s. IIosiI' 11', K1111 Mitts Kid (‘ Io1'-1 s, 111111 c1cr1 1111111; in our line I'm 2' 1e-5‘"\\c h: 111' 11 f1 11' Hood bull 11o Ilohcs lclt. Sl‘lit'l. \I. DISCOUNTS '1‘0 LARGE IlUYl'dlS. \\' Ii MEAN III'SINI'ISS. (Mine and 1, . our ”111111.11 tlmt c 1'11" Agents for II: Irper s Reliable 15:17: 1111' Patterns. JARVIS '& McDOI CALL. ’ttlatt'c Dry Goods .1 Clothlu: llousc. Fcnclon Falls,Dcccn1bcr 3rd I893. 333% ”ii“ REGNE EVEN, a trash supply of N®®T§ ANN SH®ES DRY GOGDfiE, Cheaper Than liver For Cash. (.1. 11.. 1111111111. NEINEENNEE ENE" NINEEIW .’.- l’armcrs 111 1111111 nt' good Agree; 1‘19": "1'.": Empiements should (all at, the (‘ micron I1: 'Ikc I‘mnuhv111.111.11.11... at tho cor-111 r of Colhornc. and Francis streets “here the 1' will find 11 .:1-wk 11I Straw Cult 1318., Root. butters, 11nd numerous other Implements of home manufacture. .-. GEEZE?AL "PUPPDSE PLOflGI’S. The increasing 111-11111111] for our 1.1111111111I purpose I’lI-u; I111 i-' proof that. they 1211111. [11.- 111.1tt11rull kinds of work and all kinds oI soil. GANG PLOUGHS. 0111' Can: l’longh is ilI'kIHIWII'IIL’I‘II by all to bc thI- bust in the market. EXCELSIOR FANMING MILL, which took First Prize 111. tl11- Industrial I'Ixhihitiou :11 'l'11r1111to:11_':1iu‘11 twelve other Pulitpclttors, THE FARMEB’S FRIEND. The. l'arnlI-r's l"1'i1111l ('11111l1i11I-d [hill 1\' Ilromlcist Sunder the heat. in Canada: Ilztrrows lion and Wood. :1s I_111111l11s11cr \111'c put into :1 III' 1 CA TINGS ('z FORGINGS OF ALL KINDS MADE TO ORDER, .:l 111 1' I1111.1lrc1l111-i_- -I1t 1.:1i1l 1111 -'I- r.1p c111 i111n. ROBSON 81. ALLAN. FEET. That in Inning: Sllf)l'...11nd IIIIII'I S. it is III-sir able to 111-1 1:1111l.‘IIII~I;111111i. them I‘ 111 .11. .\ :11 I";1:111- That in 111- .'11i111.r such Shot-s 11nd Imots it is i111pc'1nti1'I-thut llif‘\ slu-uiII 111’- \1 I)111II"1.\\1.111111I.111 ”111111 in Ihoosi: 1: Shoes and I111ots. 11's :1fo1'I-s11id. 1:11â€"11- pick 111111 our ~111' '1; :11, 111111'. the I711;1~t 111111 11111-1; 1|ll‘l Ii1' pull: 15xII'llI11I. .\11' .111- -'1 221111 19:33. I"1=111".1111 I'all. _...;;'r1_l).__â€"_ IIII1‘llIIpIH. .1 '71 ~11- 'Ims. ti11-â€"~in-_ ‘IVlitt --11111 “1.11 1‘1‘1 11 thc pooh-st pI-o} II- l1:111 111an- 111.1 tl111t~:1il 11.14.11: II! it I I111 ‘111111711' 1111112..11i-.;11.-1.r'1lj 1 "1111'.' II ”1'11"! .11; IIIHI (I‘I ’1'l’1'11-II ‘1'!» L1111II0'1 l;1|11;(.l_ I115 " 16.1.1?!» II p 1-r I11“. 11111111'it1111i1:. liI1IIa'..'."I\‘IIII‘.. 'II1111 31.2“ I II’I". has been in the Shoe and Loot hus ducks "1"! " lIU '.1'|r-â€"â€"-:1I_ 'I""1'III*I|11:. .rI1r1111'1- 11111-111 1! I111i-11' 111111. "Ihc :1I1111'1'-1'l:1u.â€"I‘~ 1111111 onc solid. i111‘ulnI-ral lc and "0111111 31'ITII.\I'1.IIIZII 1.11.1' 11111111011111»; 'I-l ii... MIA GENRE Shoe 61 Boot Maker. .'Iun-‘-II1'.I1. I343. I.in1I.-“I}‘. 11': in Seal. Persian Lamb 81. Astrachanw it i11 i1‘11p-‘-1'11-I‘ ' or II- -.~< mow-1' nud' [1i11111'i:1il1 furnishin; 11.111'i1 mine in In-aIl1-: 11'1.i1!. I1u1.1-rs11 SIM”. and ”111116 nil 111111 (.1.-‘1 by III'IILLLNERI. Mrs. KEELEY Hus just received 11nd opened up 11 large stock of 'NEVV GOODS includingI EFANBY DRY 65803. â€"1\ndâ€"- ' ALL KINDS OF WOOL 11]] of which will he sold 111. LESS TIL-IN LINDSAY I’IllCI-L‘. A 11ic1- lot of ,\ 11111111 suit 111‘G1-11Is l u-I II-lolicls 'ay Presents, Isuth us Dolls of all sorts 11nd sizes, Toys in 1'1'1‘111 1'. '11'i1- t1. 'I‘oilct Sets Christluus (I: 'IrdR, \-1s1.~1,l"1111c_1 (IIIIIHI-“ult 1111d1'11rious other urliclc -s, to 11 I111 h the attention of intending I purchasers is respectful” invited. MRS. KEELEY. Fenclon l-‘olls. Nov 27th, “19:1. '10 PE R CENT ()14‘1“ rJL)N2\ If fypflta The subscriber begs 1110st.cor- diullv to thank "his customers 2")" the libe :11 support, hitherto 11coidcd him, and so as to Give cash buyers the benefit ot' do- ing a cash business, he is now giving :1 discount. of ten pct' lcent. oIl' regular prices. all My stock is Well tussortcd, is ,usual. New Millincry received and in charge. of :1 new Millincr. Agent. t'or the. well known 'Ncw York 3117.11111‘ Patterns. ' WM. CAMPBELL. l'cuclou l'z Ills, (II-t. Ist ISS.1. 1111117 31701111. IIEI11 cools. J. MCFA I’1I1A\'I) I 111mm:111111111111111.11111111111111- rI-sIIII'oH 1'11 l-‘cnclou Polls and its vicinity for tl1cirl1l1 crnl pulronugu during 1111- 11.11111 nun-11 ,11-11111 I and i11t'111'21111 tin-111 Ihut (the pnrlm-rnbip I11- t111»1-11 .‘Ir. .‘Iulllll 11nd him-111” having I-x- iptrI-II) I11 hm (‘Ulllml'nl‘l'll I1111111I-1-1-2 111111 i‘I""I" north 1:! 1I11-po111--.11II'1c1 \1I1I-11'I11' burl ‘11]11- 111-1| 11 1111'1- I'I1ll1 -1l11111]111111k11t GROCERIES I I I i Crockery 11nd Stoncwurc and I ’ROVI "IONS, I . h . . l. 1.. .11I11cI1v1'I:.-r1 Imuglyton111I11111t11g1111111112111111 I111Il “III l1I cold IIIII EHEIP I88 EISII. 'IhI- 1.|1l slur-I1 11'1Il I111, IIillpou-II oI'ut 1111-. 1111 1111l111:1-Il l'r'I‘l’r-I. in onlI- r 111 lmt'lu: room {or 1.1' 1.1111111]. Bash Paid I11 Butler and Eggs and 1.1.11 1' form produce. .('.tll at the Vow Store 1111,.11'1'11'ill mun be convinced ”1111. You .111111111I11111I111pl r 111111-11: r Luna-111 1111:)- 11I11 1c in thc nllugc. JIIFITI'" llrl’AIllukN'Il. I’I-nelmi Talia ,‘1I111 l'III, “1193. IJ-ly. Fa ..hionable Tailoring. 1'111 1.111lI1r'- arm-d 11 two! liner" Ilmnko 1:. 11¢ 7111.11-11111111111- “111711.111 11111! 1111 vi- 1111113'10! thrir Ilmrnl putt-mugs lilum I111 rummruu-Il Iva-inm- m FENELON FALLS. nnl mum's them lhst no rfl’ort m” M award to gin.- nu good uliikmmn in 11.11 .'111111: III I11: In: Intel-Med In giving: during the pun III: in now located At Mrs. IIceley'n Old Stand, .11] rc-pecllotly 111111-1111 a. all from oil Who 11.11. 11. 111111.- lil'ir clothing made up In the 1.111111 111-In 3111111211. pomble manner. A. LALIBBIKTB i Prmlmt Falls. Shy 5111, IBKJ.

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