Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 5 Jan 1884, p. 2

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tfalls 6. all: 6 ll. Baal! - - Announcement. 5"? ‘ 6 “cl-6 "ed to call a. Hjust .izr- Yi-ltnn to HYDRA? are lar and scene: no} lag-.- “W S:» Chat-WI orgtii'j and ‘: WATCHES, _3gu‘,._ FINE GOLD EWELLERY'J IBI'H'. !! p6“? (‘ 1. :tr 61' ":3 tian [0 mr FINE 80L!) GHAINS and LU" KP.T>. nr- writ patter" 6 and =ty.lva .‘ In Di .n. nt 61 ll. 7);.". 'IV vile"! n1; l’ing; and Int n-6 gammc- t Ilium: I éllUW tzic tv-t in town. l I Il62o show .I v6 ‘zae -.~-.6t. fla' «(meat I)! on! :ii'. Ar Waltham Watches, and the new duel- proof rad miter-3mm nut-wall styles. Their- ;z-n-ds .'H‘i‘ all fir-'7 t-.'.t<'l. ymrmrifer.’ I" qnmt’ 61: rrln 'flll ht- lIl‘ltuét'ti r t at 21-3 low pr XIiIIv: g-it-II‘. ran in- W If you Mt- a strung-r in The Deputy Corruptionists. It is not? a nutnl x-r or {.'.l'rt'lwli- ch tl'.IC'f‘l'~ have for some titan-.- tint bun tin.- chief .'ICU: 6 in many of tln’: victim-:6 in Ills l’rm‘tnnt'. . 'l‘ ...'-y are now let's. n6... [ll-'l‘}, doing. it is believed. the ditty '.V--l'l( of the, Federal (luycranicnt, or of those who are reaping tlac par.- onal benefit. cooler red upon them by the national policy at the national P-XII’I‘Iwe; \Hm has them \v‘ the amount. rapt-tidal in their mainte . ttuticc b6-en brought to “flu. The kind ol’ work they do i-. in part explained by the cV'idvnce obtained at tho .‘lurkoka rtlcrtion trial-6; but more need-, to be known. and the public should not be satislicd Until this political Salvation ...., ., .u it! 6 as ruli- .‘ullI nu'flt‘lzvrtt. Lindsay. Inquire fur my plilcc; anybody can tcll you l [‘ticllcl to tlltttigc the wllIo c oi its scheme "fl-"f0 l! 33- ! at 1-3-6 rations and wl i6- rt- it obtains th6- ‘ 6° W' BEALL. ltnnds 6o ltVi6hi_V oxpcndc-l in the fur T’l" Pm’m"! ””“l‘m’fl‘” ‘l"r'""“””‘ l thi- r.1IIc of it6 dobming aims. This; I6. ’l' “”l‘-“'- E inipcratch ly required in the interests ol l nior "IlitV. To [crmit the txistcncc of LEGAL &c. l l . - ' - - l a gang at turn “lt' i-c opoiatton6 arc on. pI'I-ssly dwigccd to dcnioralizc the elect .lll \ l l\. lurs and win coats l'l parliament by bri- AlllllFTMl. Atti.rtir-_V'-at-I.av.', Folicitorl bt-ry SliOlll-I but be tnlcratcd in this A In Linn-eel}, Knot fltrt‘t'v'. Lindsay. é prol'cr6c-lly moral country. Having oncc ’~ fiâ€"mIFlplliiâ€"‘kwilldl’.’ "~ l been convictvd. it is treason to tltc pub~ ' ~ -' - . glic to allow them to continue in their ).\lll:lS' I‘I-I‘ 'l‘-L .’,\\\ Lindsty. Dill-'6 lcV‘ll (.'ttlll‘~(". It may be a lit w thing to ) on Kr at film Lt. nI- xtdoor wt 6': of Kcitb 6 ' di-nouticc tucn for going from place to Agricultutnl .Ind lmpb me it Storo . place to aid their political friends; but . iII llii6 Cttrc. \t‘liI-rc tho object is nothing leis) than to gain victory by l'rau-l. ' Swag" would be wrong to allow them to pass ' without. challenge; InorcoV'cr. Il‘ they [I'anxyyg’ . are the paid agent 01' any party, the ' fact should be known. “of" [llillllllllC- ttii'crs. it is bad enough; but il ol' thi- li‘cilcral Government. it. will bc clearly M.\l’ "ll.\ .V; not Kl. !).\lllllSTlIli>. NlidCl THR“. .kt' I any to Ia’l'lll at p--r cent. it»... -tr.-et. Lindsay, Hut. I’.S. Mantis. 6; (I. l l", D. Mt‘lt‘llll'l, ).\lll:lf\?'l'lllt. ATTORNEY, k SOLICITR I and Notary Public. Money to Loan. l understood that they are paid from tho Hillttt‘, KentatrI-I-t, Lindsay. l public clic6t. In either Case they are ..._--,_..-..,_v_-._..-._.._...-. W-.. _.._-.- A..- Vf not {mm/Jilli- politicians but more party Ill-'I'ISI’I‘I'I‘II .k JACKSON, l hacks, l"!\l'|lll)f_’ their daily bread by tbc ).\I'tltl6‘Tl-IRS. Stitdtgl’l‘ttllfi. .t'c. .Of-l prostitution ol'thcir talents to the “In 6t I lit-r. William street, Lindsay. lot Vpuiposcs dtbasittg llILllh IlV't .6' while- "' ”"lsmflk ‘l' “”l‘-'l‘" l striiiiijr to coI I' apt, others. It. Is sci'ticii .-. _ ‘ ""‘"”‘ “ ,_--._., """““_ I ll. conchVablc that tho CottschztllV't‘ fl LIIAIU i\ O I E Al“. lpi'ittv, as a w halo, c. tti g' .vc their 6anc- ).\I.ltl.~"l‘lllt§, .-\T'l'ttll.‘-'EY> ‘-.-\'l‘- LAW l tion to tho employmt- tit ol .6116 h a gang. ) Snlil'iturs in C bitncct y ImlIt-uy liloI-l: liontstttut .\III'uL'II U'l.t:.\::v. .kc. llndanV. llt:6;tt t)'l.t:. .‘It‘l.\ \"I‘ \ l’ll X; 5| l: \\ .\ll'l‘ ).\lilll."l‘ lull. .-\'l 'I‘Ull KEY." -.--\'I‘ l'. .-\“'. l I Solicitnn in l‘ bani-"cry. .'V'c.. l.iu6l6'n Ullit'c ovct' (littario llattk, Kent sir-«ct, ll tit-y lo lmatt at d pt'r (7I‘lll. on real ostatt- t'tflll‘ilil'6'. i). .I. .\It"l.\"l‘\'l: H. The greater number must scarn the the of questionable nit-ans of ltirtbcring own views. 'I‘ht-y aitn at good stable government. not at tncan tricke- ry, and assuredly they cannot stoop to downright knavcry to keep tlioir l't'icnds in ['mwcr. Signs are not. wanting that this system vl'cttrrupting the electors is working injury to those who pt‘actisc it. 'l‘lici‘c is a turning of the tide iii an oppo6ito dii'I-ctioti. which is either be- t-au6c there is an objection to the policy oi the Gnverntiiout or to the means cm- ployod to keep it in Ollie ; and tio party can long remain iti power that rests for support upon such agencies as have been at work iti Untario l'or some past. not- tor far for the credit ol‘ Conservatives that they were rid of thc Shields and I’ringlc gang. which is doing them a ' great. deal ol' harm; and. should an iii- vostigation l‘astcn the odiuui of employ- ing them to win elections upon tho. l6‘cd- oral (hivorumont, it will as inevitably Inv. . tlicir Tnos. Si'izwatzr. )I()i\'l 1" 'l‘() IJCNI) on security 0! mortgage on llcal and Per-g sonal Property and l‘romi6'sory Nolcs, at n'asonablc rates of interest. Apply to JUIIN A. ll.\llllti.\'. llatuturun. Lindsay. MEDICAL. ..\ W (llitl‘ill It J. llellll AFQI M. 1)., I‘bysiciati, Surgeon. .l' r- ., kc. I IIt6l|lt‘lIt‘t'. llrick Cottage, Wellington . . . Mm, ”NHL load to their exptibtou lroni powct' as ,. . --.-_._-_ the Pacific scandal did. Wit. Kl'lMl” M. l')., C. M.. ._ Female Voter”. A correspondent. who ‘ “ A Slaid Man Who Hate. sends us the billowing :â€" ll‘ho motion carried iti the Vorulani lll.\lll'.\'l'l'3 nl‘ Mr tlill University, Mon 1 trcal. and Provincial Licentiate, Physi- t'hiu, .in6l Ulistt-tiician. Medical llv- for- 'l' to the .‘l: Ind: Ird .l’l It-tii\ (loituotti- r at Mutual. ttid lhpiiti tlilo lu6'IiI'- 'llllt‘ ('oni- l' tab 6. llllioo and rI-.-6'i lt‘lll‘t'. itt tho boast- lati'ly oct'ttpii d by Re v. l‘atliot'Stall‘oi‘Il. :ll .VtilgI-II‘J I: as himscll Novcltics' S illiilllillvrm l‘m'll '.‘ "”‘l “”5 “m'l’lt cottncil for placing; l'cntalos on an equal ,' '," ' ‘ , "____*___ _._ q footing with males as regards the elec- ) \ v tivc franchise, is rtiito. a novelty iti l‘ l.\.,\l,l:.\,\.,. ‘l‘ lining?! (‘ ”m" (.‘atrada and of doubtful utility. lar- ‘L 'fl 1: p. “ll-u‘.”? of III,::.,',I,,,’YL l;,,l,;,,:l ricd into operation, all the daughters 1‘ n]. l'liy. unit sifrg” In... [thy-4mm, above III. will liavc votes as well as tlic Stir :-‘ott and \(7t'tllll'lll‘r6 ()llll'0,Ct)IllllrIIC. l-‘nnclon l-‘alls. sons, but between that age and ill) the will not oXI-reise it, excl-pt at tho ur-J- cnt request of sonic \vould-bo llcncdict candidate. It is to be l'oarcd that. ii carried out, it would in many cases be fatal to the candidature of the married. and iti this way plac.) iii the councilsâ€"â€" l'or a limo. at leastâ€"a majority ol' bach- [‘11. .I. ll. LOWE. .6lt'6'6‘l. l)ll‘i'>‘l6'Vl.\.\' .‘c Sl‘lll’llft'lN. Coroner for Illl l't"oV iiional (‘ounty Id~ llaliburloii. l’. ”w (llill'v ”6-H door to the .Mt‘.\rlllttl‘ House. “L‘ltlt‘lll‘t'. the house lately occu- piv-l by Dr. lliyson, on May street. l6‘enelott "‘l'“ l olors or wi-lowrrs, irrosprctivc oi" tli6-it _-â€"â€"_â€"-â€"'â€"-_â€" ‘ qualification for olllco. Single VV'onii-n SURVEYORS° l ol‘ Ibo ruptirod ago will for the Vgt'I-atet‘ i N» .., ._.,__, W i" ‘ "“’-""‘-:?“"-‘: part. drclinc with contempt tho proll‘orI-Il .I.\.\ll'l.\' DICKSHN, boon. and only a small ttiitioi'ity will ) l...’\‘IIr\'I-ynr. (‘omnissiouorin that), it, have, tho manhood to then the. public . t'IIIIvt-V'uni'or. .ki'. Ilt'sidctit‘o,ati6l ad- 631116,: at tho polls. Ilow [Ilt‘ll' oxamplo ‘lr'lu' F‘I'lrlm “”9‘ I will :ill‘I-ct the rust of the sex V-I'I66e66ing the l‘iant-hiso. can as yet only be a mat- ter ol‘ conjecture; possibly it ttiay er.- loug induco the “hole to boo-«mo t-:I6i- MISCELLANEOUS. ‘ ? hardened pz'IlitiI-ians. a thin.- ol‘ 6lo'.'.b:- GEO‘ CUNNINGHAI'I lul public bout-lit and not to their own Agenl Credit Valley llalll‘lflli 3 ""“‘" “””‘” “"‘ b” ““l'" t‘otiscrvatiyo. cum ol' Cll'{‘§§_ ol' gout-6c) Saturday, January 5th.1884. in prIy is not pub Icly knot-In. nor has? (â€" u’.-l; known 1‘10! that n? with Mr. Hmr} . airm'n reports that " r ratendtd htty Iii. an; on the side .ze between lots. 15 and 16.3.6 directed. lepnrt air-o that the read iii nou- barely ' ppsnble and h-quires further improv- ments. Mr. John \‘V'intlriin ft‘p-sl‘t.‘ the expenditure 0! 82016.6 directed by cum- cil on tic ledge and cros6a16; b--tmen lit:- 1.) and III. cons ‘ Mr. ., (you. O and T. lumnot rI-port- that be has ext-v‘tttii‘tl I on Hog-tins road SIN. on Cnbot‘onk road Army is brougbt into Court and com-5 l but rrl‘ lll"'ll"[ lllllltlt‘llt"‘-â€"â€"fllll‘ til. [lit lI‘- F E N E L O H _F A L L 5' lswoetcst Clittl':lt;‘l6't'l6llt.‘6‘. 'I‘lio prop-nod Tait-6N to all m. “'06 t and North-l lllt‘Ihlll't‘. ttstt'ti6ibl'.’ itt tb6-ir layout. \\.--: IIlIII all lt't‘.|l.t'6tl:tl£ on t‘ rudit \'.\lley- 2 would. il'adi-ptnil by them. do lunch to at: l I‘ II: via 5 6:;tltrr-i ltailwaya. tom- -‘lI6 Ito. tli It dilli-l l‘t' '. \V‘iIlI-‘Ittt yii'lil- l-‘.-:I.-l-..-I l-‘ails. May ~llll. t6‘6.t. I:â€"t.t‘. lit): anything ., ,.. [,3 .,. ,. it,“ u,“ \\‘,. 6l.:tll bi- 6ni'p :I6.-l il tli'. l-ato tlic \\'ll'-l6’ thin; and t‘~'_"ird it :I6 a tin n- I[ rt‘prii- l‘()l€ 9-1-\! I“ The coma-ll mot this number, l‘fill. pursuant to a-ijwurum» at. .\ll tltt‘ tiiI‘iiib-rs pro-rut. tliu rI-I-vo in the chair. The minute: rif-Id and ll‘i6., ”no claim tirm mil hr- at the 0d. 1 ho C'Intnuv‘iii‘ -tI-in6 \lt' \"T'-Il‘tt “out: FYVEIIN Fu 1; 7“‘6"’c lat-l beinrc the eunuch: l'r-i-n thi- . l l I l L i i . .R'l '. ~, '6 \‘_6';-.1.-~. ,\‘-..ni Him“ and an 6-1 the third \lon-lar ofrarh month. Teethl “ ”n l" “I” ‘l. . l .. I ' swor lrom tlIIi .‘II'ltlllII Runny Lum- Ivv'nctoil by luigbin: was without pain or? _ . . . panv. 'l l.» rum! I-uinmi66t6-oe‘r6 r- poll“ ‘lll‘lff (V.- nu (linr'e .in i lIo m lo, l V . an)“ (HT-Ia cantata-Ii in Liadsayncarly I]... the rear 09' 16.66;; up“. tap] bur... the council. .‘Ir. 4 Sud-lib}: 1nd ll. 7, I..-.‘:.‘. .I. l_..: it~_-.t'.t t i ..[l. into and {nillll .. l l'm'l-l m. ”31'" ( l l H: Hull l“ lull l' riuhl r hm“ I 6 6fr6--?6. in 1'. r Ll? I '- 6t i'I- . . 'l . ..l,6 : to who lll'.“-l| tn ta.- 6'y6-6 nt tii6.6-- VV‘liow l'. “2:6. .._V. F.~r tartar: partirtilar. .ng !} i tavour i6- [hi'ir ng-ntmt bat-pine“. III I t \ ti'I‘l‘6IV“ ‘ .. . . . V. .V. . . l om... So Inl‘erII') Con. lGll. .6'7\\”..I!t‘.It.‘ 'l‘lii '~\‘I lit-LC ; ~-â€"~ l l J. NEELANDS, I)I-IN' I IS'I‘. I..l.\'l)hz\". (”lowing '3. If?" VE‘”. | . ..... l7. I'or lite r-p-‘Tt as foil-ms. 'l'bat th. V- ltbo 6ti'n -t sitty sovrax l- lat: for wl ,. GEORGE CUNNINGHAU, Wt zr law b- o 2:... . . , . ._ 1 I“. General Insurance I! loan Agent “"l‘ l' ' "'1 . an . . p-ndod. .‘ln)ll"l Mill-thy rcptrts sep- "li'r‘m; ll: :‘gl‘ll'l'l: 5’“ “'l‘“ “”l'“; . tiiIi-‘tvsi'v I iii." Ir6 . it tho 'itb mom. .'.‘6. '= z t ‘l‘ , _ - . 6 . .' - . n ‘l 'r t 2' hi can N "Infill“ yuan tn buil-lin; brizl: -6 1: l tit-Ia I‘m-k. 71.9 t finial! Penna-I. ut hm k Saving“? a ‘ , VV Iat- liuuri-Il Ins-mum.- Company at 1.03 ‘ pended. .\ fit-N‘Ill :rantnl I'- than bottom the 4th and .'ith e‘n’t"’.'i*l'>'l‘ 1';.et‘ tie-n6 lam mars Company, on) an» . ~ I I. . lb h i ll ' i u ‘ti‘n du .mr- i'i '“l‘xl'l ' :‘tro'Ii 366: “62‘ 7 r ‘ . _ . _ i3 'Sli‘rflâ€"fl trxpond l 36 -'.it’ .'.‘-l by lly 161' ’l.. ' Md»:- oa tlti-l llir‘l‘1\’l’tjl:‘linf-flui- F‘ENELON FALLS. 0NT., 33mm. 1. * ~. ..-_ Tim: I... “Sir-”1'36” anon the mo" A‘Iantapam tern“. .. .. baring a balance (It three. don-In aviat- .loa Pug lull. , m 1r lot l0 by l» ‘a it; tow-.l'l .1213 V6: "F..- lat-teamin- low ranci- Co rl’ Kr. ‘l‘m-l Tl" (‘onmhwoi‘m Lin Auochtion. cilan- ,1 "“l'? l-6 tut-nit Elm till) and a .'.la- c.1n.:.g.. r13 5 litmus. .‘Ir. 5. Mtditaby to o r'yamttmn . l7tbd1y ol‘ lll'w ‘ lull 6on6’v‘ oi Ilse p-altti or bV‘tnti. - what they ‘1‘.“ and l . money as lbllows: : $30,011 the haw: line 313 and on the Lotta-rw crib road Sill. being tho amount granted under the by- l:.Iw Mr. John \rgnc reports the expenditure MS -9. 95 by d. 1y ,6' work on the .‘Ionck road, it do- talli d statement of which has been laid bclore the council and approved. Mr. I". Tittiu reports that be expended the On concession lines ll) and II. blasting rock. 81” ; on main street. Kinmount. $10; on Monck road at station. 820 ; Ozglcstone road. 85 , repairing approach at south end of hrid '.3, 3;.” Mr. Paul Crcgo reports as tnilows: Un ch eon.. grading. 815.00 Mr. Martin lIyI'nc reports as- follows: On line botwuen cons. S and 0. $30, in grading. tkc. Mr. Thomas Watson re- ports as follows : I'lxpcndcd on Fcnolon Falls road, in grading. $40 50. Galc and Shit-rs report as follows: (In side line bent‘t't'n lots 21 and 22. cons. 1 and 2 and find concession line, iii grading. .\c.. SJ”. Mr. George McFarland I’v- purts that be expended on Sanguin's hill, in grading. Sill. John Fell rc- ports the expenditure on 2nd concession line from Iluglics'west. to Kinmount road. that Wm. [Iugbos cut it out for Sltl Pcr acre. 3 It) 100 acres, and that order for 829 has been given and paid. leaving a balance due W. Ilugbcs on completion til \\'.6it'k and aim the capcti- dituic olS lpaid to 1..) Steel. and $39 to Janie. Armstrong for work on bide litic bctwcou lots I13 and 13. .‘oncd by Mt L'lialiam seconded bV ..\lr Suddaby I'liat the lollowin;r acâ€" Counts against the corporation be paid; ll. I) [land printing notice-.6 $7 ; A. llunics, work on Unboconk hill. 91 ()0; (image Graham. repairing road tools S3 25' , John Full. commission fees, 32; George llumncy, do. do., $7 50 ; ll. 1’. F. Train, do., 83; lurks l'ccrs and mile: . $10 (if); lumnon. do. ., 823 ill; II. F. 6b)., 317 1')”; S. Surldabv do., 813 50; ll. Graham, doe. c‘..'_. all; George Rum- ncy and II. Giuliani, cxalnining SWalllp for one day, with a vinw to letting wa- tcr off \Ionck roid, SCI , John llod gins crossuay on 16‘ road $20; )Jllllltla‘ Arni- strong, work on road 8;.) '.I) Stet-l work on road. 34 ; ' $3 ; S. Suddaby, I’crduc, 610.. $4. it); John Fcll, council- George l’t'rd ttu, \\ . S. Dowson, liall year's salatv as cloik. $40; (10., tIcaS» urcr. 33‘” ")0 ; scliool rates, 81] ; ..... . po6t- ago, 8']. 50; Iohn l1odgson, root for room, Sillâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr l’crduc, seconded by Mr. Suddaby, That the clerk be iti- slt‘ttctcd to enquire till the township council ol‘Vcrulam how the statute la- botir along the north boundary of said townshipfil' Vurulatn was pcrl'oruicd the past season, as it. appears that no statute labour from the township ol Vct'ulani was pcrlortiicd on tho bound6 ary, and to notil'y the said Vcrulam council that this cottncll claims cont» pcnsation for the labor lost. to thc boun- dary lineâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by .‘lr. Iltttiincy, and resolved that. the time l'ot' the return of tlic collector's roll be cxtondcd to the first day of Februa- ESLâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. l’crduc, scConded by Mr. llumncy, That the council now adjourn.â€"Cari'icd. School Board Proceedings. Fonolon Falls, Jan’y 2nd. lSS-l. The Board uict, and Messrs. Greene and .‘Iitcltcil tna-lo dcclaration of nllicc. Members present Mcs6rs. Xaylot'. Mit- ohcll, (lrectio, Cunningbun and Mollat. Minutes of prcvlnus incl-ting road and approved. Movcl by .‘Il'. Cunningham. second- ly .‘lt. .‘Ioll‘hit 'Ihat Mi Nailor bc chairman lot this th-z Ir â€"â€"-(‘n1r'-uil. Moved by Mr Cunningham, second- by Mr. Grin-tic, ‘l‘bataVV we accept Mr Cuncannon's tender l'ot't ctity corils of .6awn two It"... wood as per :1th cube- ttit‘ttt "â€"(-"II'I‘l.t‘tl'. Moved by Mr. t’lrootm. Mr. Cunningham, accounts he paid ing. 51 ; SI 7."); Joseph llc:tr.l,puttiug iip_ .Q'“ .I-Illll .\'6ig6~ut'.6' account for ‘51, .53 1 33. $5 'IO.â€"'(/'IH'/'l-C(l. seconded by That the following l? I). Hand, print- 'l‘bom:t6 liitth-ton, repairing slii‘tl. stin‘t'S. 1.580, .\ NEW l".\6"rotti' â€"â€".\li'. .lnmph Mc- \I'thut' informs that he has lca66rd the silo oi. lllt‘ (llII .6"I.6lt Itiiil Ilont‘ lactnry Il.-6trnV'I-d by lite iii 15"”. to a Mr. Mr- lx'I-own, who will put up a largo build “1111" s-uon a6 manufacturing hold l’III'niian'. :h “'l‘ I‘Lt'l .6'a6b. doors and house- L'v't tliI-ui. Suntan. (‘t.\.66'67l.u6t 6'\'t'tilti'_: .Iltvtttl. lliil'ly tho I'm-6i ytI-i'ian 6 i.tll"'ll l'ltlls with a viiv.‘ «.2' l-rmin 2. il' p...~.i. bio :I 6iti_- in: .- 'I66‘ titIIl6-r tm- instrnc6 liotll ‘t to prc6I-nt .stmtl ll I'l‘l. . and ’__"l‘.'6‘ an I-xldl-itzo-I (.l' hi6 s't‘6ti'tn of tum-hi1.- 'lel r.-u«l.-ri-I; mu6io. l‘ral S Ilior i:16 a l Lily I-Iiltiv'ttwl role», and his styiu lIl‘ l't‘ll-lt'l‘llI'J lllll~ll‘ I< lllll’lil- aim bin; to lain: out. tit-- who was ,. gout; his pron-tit 6o.’--:-mI-vl to ho well pl- :I6.-.I with mud. .\ commit t.6.- wa6 appoint l to nuke the neoo66.trv :Il’r.t-i_'a'ttii.'-Il6 ("fl-"rilli": :t t‘l166.VV'lilf.‘it l “‘2 l. (“tit (WK-r16 Tun lftV' (Writing at 7 .Iclm-L' duri---' Ili- rptzrhr. 'liii. l.t.t6 rtm "lIIIVi.,â€"â€"-To save time and lrutluli: in tho North Victoria ol-«ction trial it was tr;in6l‘I.~rro-l to To rnnto al‘ti't‘ mute tlIler' witti6‘66'I-6‘ b'I-l h..- n examined. and thiir evidenc- i6. innit): r. view-d and argu l ”poi .1: (l6 :66 In ”all. ll i: i6 c.6626i Inf-l 6tttiii'i eat to V‘ltiatr.‘ the 6:l6'6'3i. it than! will be necessity {6 r tetatiii'il'i: the other 17!) win; (6666': .'.-ed»- it. on proof»? T.:.-6I'Vv next. Thom It.“ born 6ttt'Ii--i-*nt numb r ni‘riolnli-th muf’ {ha law to up66't lalt 'i. d- z -n t'lr'f- po66ihlv- and vomitii-IICI'. Further particulars a6 . - l \\ cluesday - lt-‘l‘st‘ll‘ a66I~IIinI-6l : I‘lt‘ll'd' n 5 All it‘ not the irlJl will be Vito-6. l wuh slim-all the t.- titinm' r Vi'tdi'; .lu l:tt.. at will pro l-qbly b..- ginn- 6 these case: is sometiuus rather Iiitficul. to establ isli Mr. H. 'l‘. and Mrs. V hatter cooler. .-\ Fxow Bmcmr-c -â€".\'.-w Year's? Day was exert-dimly fin» and pleasant. ' but on Wednesday a mum of wind and _snow set in from the west. gradually fincrca-od in violence. and rag-2d furi- oti6.'_v For over forty-eight hours. in ' on the roa- 6l6' so that travel was next to an itinUSsihidtV'. On Thursday the to make its regular trips. though with ccllcil, for it to get tlirou- -b' , but the on gino was prolribly employed clearing out some oi the cut6. which must liaVc been drifted nearly full. “'ith teams two miles an hour was the most that could be made. and to average it shovels had to be used in some of the worst places. when the horses would be fairly tip to their backs in snow. To-day (Smut-6 day) the train from the north arrived at Fenclon Falls about noon. Tim .\o.Vti.\.II'I'Io.\'s -â€"lu compliance with the rcquircttionts oi the law the nnttiitiatimis took place iii the Various municipalities no Monday but, the 3lst ult. In lt'llt‘lfil) lall6' the rcevc. Mr Joseph McArthur, was ro-elcctod by acclamation. un-l Messrs. J. J. Bran- don. I‘I Fitzgorald. ll. \V. Greene. G. G. Keith. C. M". Moore. J. J. Novison. Wm. L. Rnliwn, S Suantoa, I). (1. Smith. F. Fandlord and Iolin 'I‘bom- son tvcrc nominated as councillors ; but Messrs. Fitchraid. Keith, Moore and Robson resigns-d. and the contest next Monday will be botwccn the other sov- cti. ln I'lcnclon Messrs. John Daniel and J. D. Naylor wore nominated for rccvc. Messrs. I6aac Knight and ’l‘. Smithson i'or dcputy-rccvc and Messrs. ._._.__.-___..__-___._._..,.r_-_ ..--..._..__-_~...- . H... w... _ _. -... \V. I’. Ferguson, \V. lsaath‘. I. G. Moynos. J. P. Palmor and W. Hall l'nr councillors. lit VI-I'tilaiii Messrs. C. l“.tirb tint and \Vni. Thurston were imm- inatcd l'or t'.c6-vc Mc6srs. John Jtitikin and Robert Ixonnedy l'oi' deputy- r'och. atid L‘lC\Sl.\. Jas Lamb, John l\6-lly. .Ias. Litbgow. 'Ibos. Robertson. John Braden. Goo. Justice and John llvli l'or councillors. In Sotnorvillc )Ios6rs. .-\. II. Carl and John Fcll were nominated l'oi' rocvc. and Mrssrs. floor!” EMU. Joseph Hades. llcnry (irnllhllll ll 1“. I’crdue GI-o. liumnoy Benjamin Smith atid S. Suddaby for Councillors. In Bobcay goon .‘It‘SM'S. S. \\ . Ct'abtrco and .I. L. Ill-ad were nominated lor verve. and Messrs. H. W. Ilui't-httio, Alt-x. Orr, ‘l'. B. Road. John Kennedy. lr- vinc .Iunkin. 'I‘iios. Hick atid Chas. Bradficld for councillois. Fashionable W ddiiig. MISS MAY CALPCTT AND MR. C. J. LOGAN UNITED IN MATRIMOYY. (Front [7M Pelrrboroug/i It'ct't'l'u‘.) On Thursday altornooti there was a large assemblage iii St. Luke’s Church Ashburnhaiti. the occasion being tho marriage of Miss. May Calcutl, daught- er of Mr. ll. Calcutt, ol' As‘bburnbani. to Mr. Cbat‘lcs J. Logan. oldest son ol' the llcv Wm. Logan, ol' lilonolon lilalis. The ceremony was pri‘lormcd by the .’ llov. Win Logan, assisted by tho llov. i W C lrad. 'haw, lncumbcnt of Saint ' Lukas Cltutc.lt 'l‘bc bridI-6-maitl6' wort- Miss .‘laggic Caicutt. sister ol the bride. Miss Logan. .6‘i6'tot' of the bridegroom, and Miss l‘l. Maynard. ol' \l’nodstock. 'l'bc grootiistiien wot'c Mr. John IIHLUIII. brother of the groom. Mr. I’cI'I'y, ol' 'l’nrt Hope, and Mr. McDonald, of the. Kiln-“l‘”) Militaiy College. The bride wu6 charmingly united to a blue vclvct travcllitig dross elegantly trimmed with lur. '1 he bridesmaids wcic attiicd ve- ry much alike, the dresses: being ol'ccru ca6btii6u'c and silk. Mr. Logan, thc bridcgrootn, is one oil tho. best (:llClil‘lOl‘S of Canada, and is wcll known as such. After the conclu6iou ol' the corcinony the bridal party returned to tho rosi- dcncc ol'tbc bride's f'atlicr, where the bride held a reception. which was at- tended by a largo numbr-I'ol' the friends ol'tlic happy couplc.‘ 'The newly wed- dcd pair departed on their wedding tour on the 61.50 o‘clock traiti l'or the west. The best. wishes of a l:-tr go numv bcrol friends go with them and Vic unit.- with lllI‘M‘. in \\l.~l|lll': them a long “lb of unbroken happiao66'. In tbc I‘- t'cning there was a brilliant party at Mr. Caloutt's, which was largely at- tended. The bride was the rocipiontof‘ a large llllllllltl‘ ol'vrry handsome presents, the Following being a list of them :â€" Rov. \\ . Log iiiâ€"Kitchen apron. Mr. C. J. Logan's: Colleagues Halt Col- lt-gfato lustitttt6--â€"â€"l-‘lnwcr fitand in and silver sr-ttin'.P Mr. H .\ mni li, (tiltâ€"Si lver sol-u'.. \lt'. .\ .\li66vs l‘Iilln ttâ€" (26ml l_ 'Iynlitmptin. Miss \l ills, 'T'otonto â€" llr: Iidctl pillntt ‘:l6 atii6'. Mr. and Mrs. Ilarry lli'igorsâ€"~(Iliecec stand and cover. I Miss Sui-by {uracilâ€"Plush embroidered . tambourine. ’ Dr. and Mrs. George llurnliaimâ€"Silvor l a mi rt-ct-ivt-r. ,\li~.- Mag-gin Cale-Ittâ€"_lI:In-l.painte6l pin 6-u6hion and toilet bottles. and set (it-toilet "Lt-'6‘. Mrs. Loganâ€"Silver spoona with moans gta'll. M266 l} Itrnetrâ€"l’iash o'nbroldvredcat-:1. Mr6. ll 5: tplI-[onâ€"Sr'mp la .‘Ir‘. ll'Ilt‘r6â€"-.I,tfi.|'tI-6‘I- :lu', i Mi: '6' llilr'ttt. l'ti.(‘tg .â€" . l .\li66 Kattilom. l. gunâ€"Sufi t" :6lii..u. 1 .‘Ir. & \lt‘s‘. llrttlilI-uâ€"l’altitt-Ii Vt'ali peril-:64 M ("I lrbristâ€"t'irvl tabb- l Miss Kathleen sot .‘Ilrs. (ls-n. llarnhsimâ€"l'ard brat kc: .'c tidy. .‘IT. \h',( 1', I.I:‘:i'Iâ€"“'lti_6"r; lttiltlt'r. I. ‘.r6~:v6-.'Vv Employ uâ€"fiilyer lP‘C pitcher. .‘II6; Titi'lllâ€"lillll"r I‘6iulf'I'. “1;: Nut. n-SIIVI-r napkin ring. Mr J. MI-niswâ€"l'aintcd fruit dish with "l‘ limitllt" M 5 Win “or \V Il!‘.l 6-. Ifl-::t'l--l“if6‘ ‘l't‘lt‘tf‘l; lf'fl l..'\'_$" .‘.‘cr pirlfll- st-m-l. l.'I:i-Iâ€"it.:iner. ’ hr and Mr-. isoiicla-râ€"i .l. 1. silver fruit knife-s ift 6‘t6t'. Mr. a.d Mrs. J. “anthemâ€"Fall!) liard 6w Irk bitkrt Mr. and Mrs. l’eakâ€"Sitin lined work l.\6\‘6".. III-v. W. (7. and Mrs. itradthawâ€"d’lush work Mr. Mr ll ll Pm'hâ€"Jlrxmz- Mr. ll ("I’m . Mr. .I EIV..i,.- l6 . ii r' Il. Intâ€"5dr” Fairer. _. I \l-6ttrlâ€"6â€"6ti.z'6i. \lr rim ' “2'6 Tom ll Iyâ€"F.:: liol I»! I “is‘ 6‘ xtlifi k .\.".-'l " .‘tlt".liâ€"-l"t‘ifill~r - Mr. and Mrs, (' A. Wellerâ€"l d zen 6il- : 'rr-r spa/met in sun-l, and gold on! slli‘cr 1, trib- 6p'66-n :n ('16.- ‘ (built and 41.er rjlf‘lllâ€"I'fi‘ll‘fk' :ll‘fi gold - lvlock- ' train on the \ ictnria llail way managed . much difficulty. but next day was cam; as it was obviou6ly itiipossibio; r l VI . steam ‘to remove l’iniplcs, Misses 56hr Handâ€"Silver mn6 .ard pot. Mr. Pcrry.’l‘. C. S. l’urt Hopeâ€"60mm- mental elm-k. “r and Mrs R A. )lorrow..silrer creatn ewer and sugar basin. .‘lr6 H. Sootheranâ€" Qilt'ttt- syrup pitcher. M rs. Thompsonâ€"Toilet bottles. Mi6s Virto .\lar6 liâ€"‘v'a6rs .‘cil. Ct‘tlsz (I: 'Ileâ€"S; Iver syr t? 'V to . ‘l ibcl vion 4. hzna. Mr. T. Kollyâ€"Tablo core:- I' .& Mrs. ll. [5 Roth-rats: lrt‘riiracelots_ Miss Calcuttâ€"Cloth-s horse. Mr. Perry, T. C. 5. Port Hopeâ€"Break fast sot. .\lr. (‘. Winslow. llillhrookâ€"Glass pre- serve dish. silver smmi. Mrs. J. Z. llogorsâ€"Sealskin parse. Miss Loganâ€"2 fruit d:shes. Mr. and Mrs. jolim Eat-Rot. .Mi tan chair Mr. Miles cruot. Mr. ; . Mactlonnell, Kingstonâ€"Satin fan with pearl handle. and bouquet. ' Miss E MaynuuL-l’lash tidy. Mr. A. Winslow-Silver toilet stand. .‘lr. Adam Hanâ€"Table boll. Mrs. M. E. Loganâ€"Inkstand. Mr. Richard Smith, Fcnclon Fallsâ€"Silver pickle stand. Mr. Colemanâ€"Silver pickle stand. Miss Stark, Woodstockâ€"Worked bracket. .wr. q:ootl crauâ€"o-Ila: Lil use, DN§< llaniiltoIIâ€"6â€"Silvcr breakfast ;. Frightful Railway Accident. NEARLY THIRTY \VORKMEN KILLED AND AS MANY MORE \VOlTNIlEI). (From last Thursday's (flail/r.) An awl'ul accident opens the new year for Toronto. Yesterday morning at live minutes to 7 o‘clock the suburb- an train on the Great \VI-storn Division ol' the Grand 'l‘iunk Ilallway was run into by a spicial lI'ciV dit train the MM about 1610 yntds wt-6t of High I’ark station. The rot-'IVlt is not loss than twcntv- seven tiicn killed and from twenâ€" ty to lor,ty more or loss, badly man- glt'd. .6caldcd and burned. 'l‘hc subui'b6 an tiaiti. consi6ting ol the “dummy " engine and thtoc cars had its. usual load of about sixty mI-n bi- ung conVI V'I-d t0 th6'it‘ Work at ibc llolt l‘actoi'V’ jtt6 6t cast oi the lIlllllll"l. ""lhiough some error not yet. explained. the l‘t'cight train pascd Lll‘: last stoppingplace, blimico, atid catnc thundering down the grade. The onginccra on [be two trains saw that di~astcr was iuovi.:\blo. that no ltti man means could 16‘.th those to whom the crash came. [a a moment the worst bad conic. The heavy lllclzllll l6 trottin- tive. with its train ol‘ laden cat's bcliitttl it, drove the dummy eta-inc clean through the ear to which it was attach- t'tl. and mounted ltt‘ll). pllittg‘ lll‘l'lullt cat's still higher. What bad In lore been a car lull ol‘ strong, h am bt‘cmic III an iu6i‘.tnt a vir‘ki‘ning tItlell- trap lillcd with mangled, bh-cding hu- manity. A second later the boiler ol' the dummy engine exploded. and thi- and water sc'tldc-l and carried death (it more cawl'ul injuries to the "l‘!- jot'ity of the poor tioattircs. lint IIIi6 “as not. all. lire lollniVoIl and CHIH- ph-IVcIl tltt-calauiitv. The all was lllll‘ll \iitli slirit-l .I’6 and Those who Illl'll L'lhnlt". o6c-Ipc6l Injury and \l‘6-I‘o able to do :-in- V t-xlt'icato ‘ thing at Ulll't' set [0 Work in those whom it was pos6iblo to savo. .\-.-- oniI-s ol‘ sullen-rs ui-i'e indo6c'ziihtblo lninrr out in gt'oV Il: I“ u of cold “llllt'l‘ - morning poor l6-llows piteous l6V b.-6ou6-bt 1 those near tboni to pour it an r upon their sczttlled limbs and bodi6-6' to do anV'tlIin-v to t 2160 their iIIIoh-I: Ible piiii. 'ltio wounds inflicted and ini-iiit s done “(‘lc :Nllll boyond telling. I6l\'--'6IV\ pn6. sible phase. of' disligurotnont was to be seen. Unlo6s one. witnessed the sight it would be. impossible to believe that. the buman.lor6n could be. made to assutiic such droadl'ul shapes. Limbs: out, bruis- , ed. mangled, ball' (-atoii away by lire. swollen to enormous. sizes by the action of the steam and watt-r. No horror was lcl't. to tho, iniaginaiiou ; no nightniatc of the wildest could show anything more au'l'ul than this scene. ..â€".0 ... .,-. __._ Pim‘iles aiitl Blotches. Call at W. Ii. l-Illis's drug store, and got. a packagi- of Mollrt-gor .k l'arlto's (larbolic (.‘I-rate. it is compost-d of Vast-lino. l‘at‘6 bolic Acid and Ct-rato, and has never failed lllotr'hos, l'lt'vralt-d Sores, [tough Skin. ll cur-s when all oth- ers l‘ail. Try it. John ll. YI-t't. Hamilton, says: “ McCrog- or'6' Speedy l'iirc l’or Dyspepsia and [tidi- pro-lion is cheap at. lifty limos tlt»: prim- ask. cd for it. i ntu a (-onitnt-i't'ial man. and travel continually. and would no more think of leaving home without a bottle of Moâ€" (lrcgor's Spot-d3: ('Itro in my V'aliso than i would nt loavingtiiy team at homo and go- ing on foot." .l-‘rce. trial bottlI-s at. W. [-2. l'lllis‘s drug store. llegnlar size fifty cents and one dollar. Fluid Lightning»;- Cnrr-a Toothache and Neuralgia quick as tlasli. relieves any pain iII6'tantly. the cheap. 6*.6! and -|Itit;l;6'6'[ application known. Why sitlTI-r with Toothache. Neural-17a, Il6-ad- “LllL’ llhi-umati6ta. llutnl-agn. Sciatic-I. Forr- Thrall, or n6‘IIV6- pains of any kind when you can do to W. Ii. l'Illi6'6' drug .‘lt|r’.' and aft"! 1. pltl6rl ’ll‘l instantaneous. o-Ii'~'- tVV'6-nty llV‘t' r-‘nts. â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€" .'t‘toy I ...\ll.'\‘ .\l.\l' Kl TS. i3../:~."’/ ’«j: _|],-/I ..,.-,v.;,.’,’ .l' I} ‘III/ luv, l-‘enrlwn Fully l'riday. .Iaa'y ‘O‘l-l."i\!, full. t-t-r lI!.6li6-l â€" - So '6 I 1 i. “lint. .r.ttg. - - . {ft | t.6, ll‘lflt'l'. tr. lm-li-"l . - â€" .'.-"I I'6. Halt: ‘ . . . _ :1, '1, = l‘v I6I'. “ " - . - . 6.". l_'~'-I - - â€" - ”,I 6; . l l'6i‘.;t' om. . - - _ 6", :3, E ll-Il26-r. per ll... - - . . . 5-, IL, ml ll. 2-. Pfi'l’ ;.'.-. ‘il-6". SI 7'. E". .'t'. '. .por -l- zen, - - â€" . In. 1.- ll t_-. {er to'i. â€" - - - it 6 m 6 . in“, north Victoria E. 0. ll lllillllllllll Sill llil. T6 .. Ill V'. l ANNUAL M 112-2-sz Vat t’-r h.- 15a. ‘. .I It .hty li a t . "tit and: “M .‘.‘rzp‘bthIpfih “up, ”my “"""'“lll"l bl" ”l" “"l‘ "“l‘ll" ”"l‘” 1 Mr6 T- Q- (likittcmmin-â€":'ilrer rakev or his audition-l “I." ah. gal arm-.'.:y in - but”. - ofthl afirrctv Vv Ill.-- boll In the lawn Hall. VlClll la hail. Wednesday. Jati'y llilll. 1884 ';.'6'I l I..--l.:kp m l' Ir Sh! p63?- , Strickland-Silver ' .ts Ilciell. Maynard and Nollisâ€"Ratâ€"z Maynard. Woodstockâ€"Mu- ; lull“ Ark lor l'ltiitl Liglittti'Ig,‘ 'THE "BERTRAM " AXE. lth, l‘l‘tlm Iii- . prise It. ,nrt- r .6.; t' ! iiu-In fl 1' I'M..- Y'Vfllhs l .\-il tor? Ill'pnrts .‘II He 1 Ilffl'lrl 1"!“ IL'Y" .'l“."’l,1"\ll‘l"", and “lo-ctfi. ; 6 t".-'I.~ lu- (5"54 for :i c to; i. .g war. ' V6.27: t:\'.'1\'_\. .‘l/»;.- “'i. k'.- ': ria I’lf‘V-I Ia'. _.' Brit '~ .1. Im. .-_-.._ New Advertisements. Ill-IAN .V; START. ARRISTERS. sotioirons. coxrrr- ) moors. kc. Office in Mr. Jordan‘s new block. Culborne SL, Font-ton Falls. H. B. Dink. 0. E. Sum. .\‘. 8. Money to loan at lowest rates. commission charged. N O 'I‘ I C 114' is hereby given that R Court will he held, pursuant to tho Voters’ List. Act. of 1876. bv His Honor. the Judge of the County Court oftlit- County of iictoria. at the Mo- Arthur House, Echelon Falls, on Tttc6dn_\. The 8th dav ofJanuary, A. D. 1884, at the hour of cit-Von o‘clock. to hear and determine the several errors and omissions - in the voters' lists or the municipality ot Font-Ion Falls for the your 15.613. All persons having business at the Court are required to attend at the said time and place. GEORGE (‘l \.\'l.\‘(.ll.-\.\I ( .’./H: or mud III/titt‘tp6t.V.t!u Dated 96th of December, 188'... 6H-‘. . T0 CONTRACTORS. IC.\I-ED '1‘ I‘ll 'DER S will be recoiV‘t-d by the undersigned tip till noon on 'l‘t'rsiui‘. ”It. 'l‘lnd duy of.IIttItiIIr_V, 1:554. for the erection nt 4 Piers And a Wooden Bridge across the Gull River A! the Village of Goboconk. The plans and specifications can h.- sot-n ' at the nlliot- ol‘ \\‘m. and at tho residence of the undI-rsignI-d. Fat'h loader to IN‘ accompanied by the names oi‘two good and si.lli6'i6-ot sari-tics for the completion of the contract. The lowest or any lctI-lcr not necessarily acoopt‘ei‘f‘. I Dullis. I'I6q. Engineer, NICISUX lll'l.\Sl.ll‘. ('luu'rmitu 6./ l'nttimt'rhr‘. Victoria Road l‘. 0,1)cc. lath, 1.653. IE-kl€])\‘ xklg l6}. 3'. Cl. LMW‘AMDM IJNY)?‘ .-.,\\' SIGN OF THE ANVlL. LAB": ST S‘S'EDQK! FEEEES'S‘ 893E193 !_ WEST PREGES! Full stock of‘ Lat-co & llanlati (.‘rnss-(‘ut Kim's. .'kxvs‘ I‘lllt‘s. Chains, (,‘tlH' 'l‘lt's. .‘lt'mtp Sim“ l6. Ilnpo llaltI-rs. lilllllt'l‘lls. \Vrigh l‘l'attts. ’latl'orui (“cab-s. Apple l’ari-I's .\"I- Building I-Eardu'arc It! iQ/It’t'lllll Low I't'iws. Pure \Vhiio Load, (lil6. tiisltos. 6-I' lieltitig. (lat'pt-nII-rC 'llool6. Mill Sup- plies. Illat-l; mitbs' Supplies and Cat'- riagc IlardVV'ai'c. Var Colours. J (l Lindsay, (lol'r Rib, lRRZL l-‘DW \ll l)? W571}... GOOD-W IN, "if: llllll' lllllli Elli“ Hum Paper & Picluta llamas. (.‘In'i shuns-s Chiral-a. Noxv 3 v: u- ]!irthtl: t)’ Cards, Oil 1’. tinting-:6, L‘Ilt’thIoH. lilng‘l‘zlvingsl. .l’l‘ LESS Albums. Plaqucri. Oil-Painted Winaow Shades. Mirror Plates, Sewing-Machine Needles. Artists’ I‘Eatcrials. lakcr lib-ck. Kent St. West, Respectfully, d'l-ltn. W. .\. 1.00““ l‘\' Gilbert Anderoon takc: till-rolls t-tistomt'rs and the public in gvtieral this opportunity of thanking his nit- i'or the liberal patronagt- they have bestow- ed on him during: thr- Ill-l IVV'o months, and begs to :Illntt'tllf‘t.‘ that he has uddt-Il to his former stock ‘1 line «If PllllllUll Iii EUUKING SlUVES 'l‘IN \V.‘ I { 1'3. it“... tint to ho surpu6'66-6l. and at prim-6' that will~ eompart: fi'.'oiir..'t.l_'.‘ VVltlI lbw-6- ol' lith' dealer-z Attention is 6':Ill"6l M which has g \'--tt I-nlir6- sati Ll'll'tll to pur- rl.....ri: f..r tlIr- p'I-l Ebro-t: your:v 'lilaek l’tlnrv" .'ltr6l ti'b-r u‘.-Is. 'lltvlilltllvfl'tl In; any. cithv-r in wire or «prill'y. iii-616.”, Maplt' lu-zt.’ null otlIt-r ‘I(’.‘r0:â€"z~s-(Jut. Savvy-z- Ila-id \‘atV' l6j.‘ lll“ lot-6t tI.:tni.f l“l'll‘6 r._ Lin-era! “l. Lubricating and Coal Oil. l.'6'l.l.."-,v & ,\..l run-6 [Ittuim- Parking. Il'tllan lit-tap, Belting and Ilene. Fitting” I'.IinII, tltl-I and Pony. .\t.t. (‘Ltssizs or II.\ltli\‘I’.\llIZ .'I! ll.“ ti'ri=l t6'.‘V=6.!t’il.lo gr I'M-.1 Ian I' Ill- tamarind Flirt. :, l‘ilrw, kc . l16 ilr-l and raw .itrc’t I'llo WlionilItMay Concern. This. it lvr rliit that W. ll Harv-6166' [‘3 ..£. ,4 “or I i.!. urt'lit: lil"’l Agrai {lit tlit- (out: -~ 1 ‘i 6'1 I l't'l I'rtertiwrn'ughi {It 1i" I llr' . f or i'i-ltnttirtila .:|’|1"I'Ibl nth. i-_- ‘..»r-. ..I ,p_ mug 3'.“ t In at”: no.6 I curtain-a ‘. u .'..ur ,tt.".t.' .'I.!l.6I.-i V tutu“. ltttltVItiV titan I I'ttw Ia (Ir: r '.".6tli 56-6' l’*wm1nr..'- .‘6' ll fugrnll, fut- ”ll-‘l’ indium-u‘- Mirna: or :,,..y.-!“IIH): Iii .. ll Vim III Int'tl'iti "f;:-‘II‘ 'l.’ l’ :Isu-o. an: only d’rihz so to iI'W’lfli'l' the g. u 5., .I'I- ”It. I. .L'A .\'o 'l‘itt'putttiuc. .‘laebinotlil Ia-atb. . THAN CITY I’l HULL: Lindsay, Hut. . Hill It “all 51- 69" I f: 6m tho ml-I vo tbat‘ GRQQERY. JOHN MOFFAT beg: to inform his runtomersand the pub- lic that, “title curring on the Baking has?" M69! as usual. and turning out daily ‘Choice Bread VCukos, Buns kc. he has just opened out 3' nice flock of FRESH GROOEBIES‘ all of which will be sold at the very lowed living profit. he Finest Flour kept constantly on hand ; also' OATS, BRAN &. SHORTS. FARM PRODUCE taken' In exchange for goods, and Cash Paid for Butter & Eggs, W The undersigned will do all in his pow or to merit a continuance OI the patron- age so liberally bestowed on him during the mist five years. JOHN HOFFAT. Fonelon Falls, June 12th. 1883. 1%”. _.. Auction Room. I beg to int‘oim the public that [have rel opened my auction room in the old stand i on (olhornc Street. and ham opt-tied out A lit-av v stock of (Prone-i ul Goods.- which will be sold (VII-op for Park during the work, and bi' Auction Eiory Saturday Night at 7 o'clock. .â€" All who wish to ban- tlu-ir Clothing cut‘ and made up in the htttst stvlt-s Ian be no I' nmmodntod. 1.61:" l' artit-s indoblcd must pIiV tip III one 0, ot their not ~onnt6 \\ ill be placed iii llio' htVIId6 ofit colli- 6- Int- llcmcmbor the sign. l-‘orbei's Bazaar. 'l‘. X. [6‘0 ll [IRRV l'cncltin lulls, \o\' 't 1st lflh‘fl. Wanzer Sawino' Ma chines. a-gtin rtliI-ad. Wfill THE Glllllll Gilli] MEDAL“ at the grout Central Exhibition at Illtllllllflll' . tu lob“! l.u\' no other below you M0 lltn’ “nnx6- t, lllt‘ t' III Ith- at and lit-st. lll'Itll Rule by J. Austin, . .I6'6 tit lot the best ttinltcs ol‘ (hymns, and sald- -._’u./,. to. nix/iot- on the instalmtut plan. l See Mv Sample Organ bt-l'nri- you buy any. I ran suit you it! Styli“,- qitulity and pricr. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. itt first rule companies at low rates; 5‘33." Motley to loan on easy terms. .'I. A' Y 'H’ITI N.- .\'o\"t' 22nd. lHi-‘Il. hit-infig- mayoral “AT THE-â€" NEW [35le STORE... l-‘resh Drugs and Patent Medicines. llritsliesf, Combs, Soups, Perfumery ultd Font-y (ltititlii,. Pure and Reliable Dye Sl‘ullr; new assorltncnumTllitr‘ otnmono mics... III-Io alwnyq cit-hand, a Full Stock of School Books.. Including Campbell .k Gum-'5 New Ilemlcrs, V ({lipy l’nnlts. Nolc l’api-r, I-vat-lopt-s. Penn. Hills, Pencils, blotting I'Iiper, I’Itsit lluokr, A'et-ount Hooks, ’l'itni- Books, kc. rte-J“ Agent for the leading Newspapers. Magazines. Music. 6w. l-‘t-ut'loti Falls, l-‘arint-nt will do “'1'” to call and get a- stipply oi the famous old .'I‘lioi'ley blouse & Catllc Food- lt l6 the only genuine Foothnnd will pay- l wrll to use it]. IV \l'. l’t-Itelon Falls, Nm‘r filli, 1883: W 1.3," Ira-sit?“ Illlll’lllllll l. Blllllllll I'I. ELLIS. t' FENELON FALLS. , 'l'ht- n6lv6-rti6u-râ€"_ l'i prt-part-d to. extra": ' all orders with which but may be I'm-mired}. Irotn EEUNllllEiS lllll BUILDINGS; 3 to the smnllost joint 0! carpenter work, and Will -tpar66. no palm III gin: lulisfimllott in every t'arr. DOORS 8: WINDOW SASII III-id:- In order at tihort til-tire, of good inu- tI-Iiul. and at rt-nsotmblc prior-I. pg)“ “'Iirkutltnp mi Pram-iii Street Hort; residence on Ilond Stu-rt Hunt. 1 EDWARD HAW. Font-Ion I-‘nllii, (let'r Nth. H062. It'l-lf. l )ni 1y Git-rivalriâ€" â€"â€"(."-â€"- IBHRISTMAS GOODS at (I. A. MoIbt-n-Illi fiOOK STORE â€"unâ€"-â€"â€"-â€" MUSIC Intronttji I. Come One Home All ll and vztitnin': goods before pun-lining elu- VI line. (IH'OIIIYII Till! IMAM!“ (.‘IIL'IH'II, ; ICvut-Ht" I Iuduny. . '.lnalaar, ”ctr-her '.'7llt, M‘t‘L ; 35; Quint: r in Int liw l fiuxrur, only 8i :4 Ii'cnelnn Vang your in udvat cc.

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