Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 29 Dec 1883, p. 2

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I”. 3 '. my, Maw-v4. â€"__._.â€"â€".._ 6 ll Beall - - Announcement. Victim to LINDSAY are invited to call Md iulrcct my large New Stv.cll:.ju1t pur- chased, of gold and zilter WATCHES, â€"andâ€" FINE GOLD JEWELLERY I invite particular attention to my FINE GOLD GRAINS and LOI' NETS, newest pattern! and shines. In Diamond Ring 5 Wedding Rings and Po- gognncnt Ringing! chow the but In town I lilo show a very fine now assortment of gold and iilver Waltham Watches, and the new dustoproof and water-proof" cases-Ill stylel. Then: good: are all lirst elm, guaranteed a good at "procure-,1 and will be din posed of at In low prlCL'II as relic ablo goodlspoI can be cold anywhere. fi" If you are a stranger in Lindsay. Inquiry: for my place; anybody can tell you when it in. G. W. BEALL. Tic Practical WathquIrer If Jzu'alhvr n7 I.l.\'II.-‘IA\'. mâ€"--_... LEGAL Inc. A. 1' unv L! N, BARRISTER, Attorney-uh Law, Solicitor In Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. JOHN A 333505; B. “IRRISTER-AT LAW, I indsn3. Office on KentStreet next door west of Keith' 5 Agricultural and Iniplcme‘ll Store MARTIN A: HOPKINS, ARRISTERS, SOLICITURS, cc _ uey to Loon at 6 per cent. Kent Itreet, Lindsay, Ont. P.S.Mnrm. Office, 1". D. MOORE, ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, A: SOLICI'I‘IZ and Notary Public. Money to Loan. Ofllco, Kent street, Lindsay. HUDSPETII dc JACKSON, ARRIS'I'l-IIIS, SOLIUITORS, kc. lice, William street, Lindsay. A. Huoururu. A. Jacxsox. Ofv O'LEARY .se O'LEARY, ARRISTERS, ATTOIlNl-ZYS-AT-luiw, Solicitors in Chancery, kc. Oilicc, Doheny Block, Rent street, Lindsay. Ann-nun O'Lnav. Ilcnn O'Lrnnr. McIN'l‘YRE «I: STE W A R’l‘, BA RRiS'I'ERS, A'I‘TORNEYS-AT-LAW, Solicitors in Chancery, .kc., Lindsay. Office over Ontario Brink, Kent street. .\lo- ne] to Loan at 8 per cent. on real estate 'ecuritlea. D. J’. Ilclxrvixn. Tuos. STEWART. MONEY ’L‘O LEND 'on security of mortgage on Real and Per- sonal Property and Promissory Notes, at reasonable rates of Interest Apply to JOHN A. BARRON, BARRHTIZH, Lindsay. MEDICAL. _ -â€"-â€"~â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"' -1... AA A. \V. J. DEGRAS SI, M D., ORONER, Physician, Surgeon, «kc, kc. Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington street, Lindsay. WM. KEMP'I‘, M. D., C. M., RADUATE of McGill University, Mon X trrnl, and Provincial LicentiI,I.te I’livsi- 1...:.. .4 com, Surgeon ‘L'WQIP,’ l‘llcénix, Connecti- HIM" and Equitable Insurance Coni- Ufllco and residence in the house Bat-nirvana ponies. lately occupied by Rev. I‘therStun‘ord, III - the cornerol’Lindsny IInIl Rus Lindsay. streets, DR. A. WILSON, h 3. UNIVERSITY of Trinity College . M B. U'Iirersit3 of Toronto. Meinb. Col. I’ll” and Surg.. but. Physician, Surgeon and Accoucher. Olllco,Colhorno atrcct, I-‘cnclon I-‘ulls. Du. J. lI. LOW ‘3 IIYSICIAN & SURGEON. Coroner for the Provisional County ofIIalihurion. fi’ Office next door to the .\lc.\rihur Ilouae. Residence, the house lately occu' pin: by Dr. Brysun, on May street, Fcnelon I‘ll l. SURVEYORS. JAMES DICKSON L. Surveyor, Com nissioarr in the Q. l. .Convoynncer, kc. Residence, and ad- drcu. Penelon I-‘olla. MISCELLANEOUS GEO. CUNNINGHAM Agent Credit Valley Railway FENELOI FALLS. Tickets to all point: W can and North- Wut, and all local points on (Indit Valley and Canada. Southern ltailwnys. Feuelon Polls. May 4th. 1883. I‘l-IJ'. 1:7‘0 It SA I. II}. Lot 5 out of Colborne and mud: ut‘ i-‘mn- clc “run, in the rill-go of Fern-ion Falls. ”Tor-I easy. For further particulars apply $0 R. A. DII‘KSUX. Lindsay. Ont. Lindsay, Jun 28th, i683. III-I. t‘. J. NEELAIIDS, ,DENTIST, LINDSAY. '6“ o! the firm In]! be at the BIcAaruua llouan. Postman I‘ \LI.S on the third Monday ofuch month. Trethl utnckd by laughing gnu without pain or injury. or no charge will be made. fl" Olin «tablinhed in Lindsay nearly l 6M. you". INSURANCE. IEOIIBE GUINIIBHAI, anon! 1mm and Loan Agent. MELON FALLS, OWL, remain tho following first clue. comm- uln, with which barium can be transacted upon Ibo nut a. ‘vnta turn The Canada Pom-ac“ Loan 8 Saving Co The Imperial Insurance (loamy, oi Lou: 3 “England. Th Cilia-8' locum“ Cmy, ofCana- . "ad is. fin “3 Actual. Th mm1mmm Co, of linked. the Coordcfl'lul Lite Ami-hon, ofCan- Jb M o- 6. II. Ilorxixs. ~th :1 t :lt’lJlt: 1".- die (‘50 Izctitl: A_. _..-‘._ -_ Saturday, Dec’r 29th,1883. -.... .. _-._____ I s The North Victoria. Protest. The Nurth \ :ctnria election trial crin- miIlCId la~t ulnar-"z 3 in LE bunny be- 5 lure Jud; 'I.“ O-h r and Lurtnn. and Ill: train on the lictrnia I’uiluay was sol lcrowded HI!II3:I~1-t-h’_'(:l.~ II at man3 of lthcm couid not find was and z-ome- ‘ were force-d to ridc (In the platforms of . the Cara, which allows the interest with l which the trial is rI-gtirdud. 'l'hcchnrg- ‘ cs are nearly II hundn-d in nuIan'r. sev- :eral Of them bring (If {N‘I'I-lillul bribery b3 the n gnu-(lent. [low m:In3' witnes lsea there are Ive lave been unable to; learn, but there mu=t be a great runny. [ ' and it is said that every (loom-native hotel keI-per in the riding has been sub- puznacd to prove that they violated the law by keeping their houses open while i the election was in progress. The trial i may be ovor before the Cozy/h: goes to 4.‘ I l l l press ; but it is not likely to be, 8.5 the .odds arc greatly in favour of its bcliigI l both long and interesting. It was imâ€" . possible for us to be present, and with l our limited space and small Huff we} could only have gin-n the brief-pt syn- l opsis of the evidence, which of course l will be printed in full from day to day 3 in the city papers, and will be read with .. interest by every person in the constit- uency who takes any luterust in politi- cal quttcrs. The Abject Poor. , I l i ll A profound sensation has lately been I caused in England by revolutions that have. been made regarding the appalling Condition of the object poor in tlIc:-_'rI_-:It l cities, and especially in London, where â€"-of'teu within a. short dist: fill": of the} dwellings of the we: IltlIyâ€"humnn belugs‘ urn: compelled to hold together III a state ' of squalid misery that wroull touch a boon of stone. Add to this the pniigs . l of starvation so severe that girls barcl3 l past childhood are driven to the streets. E and their still younger brothers forced ‘ to steal. to provide llerllf-ICIVU‘! and their * wretched parents with bread. and we have a picture no hideous that none cun- ltcmplatc it without feelings of horror {and a burning desire to do somethingl for tho i'cllcl'of the sufferers. But. their number is so great Philanthropy stands aghast as it contemplates the t'rcrncn. dons task before it; and thiliglI the question, how best. to attack the evil? is agitating all classes of people in Eng- lIIIId, there in II. great diversity of opin- ion ns to the most advisable course to pursue. A great obstacle in the way of instant adoption of remedial measures seems to lie in the fact that the “object poor" are of two classes, the honest and the criminal. and they are so en~ tangled that. there would be much dif ‘ficulty III extending charity to the one u ithout aiding and cncour aging the oth- er. \o doubt uiau3 of the criminals are ' such from choice and natural depravity, but as there is also little doubt. that many have been forced into evil ways by the pressure of want, perhaps it. would be both wise and christian-like not. to attempt too nice a discrimination at first. but to give help to all who need it without regard to their past records. Of course there are religious enthusi- asts who allege that. “ the Gospel ” is the best cure for tho fostciinu heaps of - l l hum Init3" ip‘tlic citfyuslucI lflnrllstti‘l! illri‘h‘ill. sinlulncss the evils that afflict the re t of the system will soon Ilimppeai. [I is to be hoped that. these gentry have I heard or read the old saying that “ the way to n man's heart is through his. , stomach," and will subject their patients . to the preliminary treatment of feeding and warming before dosing them with scriptural texts. The Toronto Globe, in an article on the above subject, bids Canada bownrc. and IlIii'kly intimates that, if the N. 1’. land other causes now in active opera- tion be not abolished, we shall ultimate- ly have as lIIIIIcntnl-lc a stain of affairs here as in England, which is prnb'rbly no Worse than many otlicr enuntrics of I the Old World. There can be no doubt that poverty is rapidly increasing in, M:' this Dominion ; bur. though the scan- l Ilnlous taxation to which tho working classes cspcclully :Irc subjuctcd may be to wnn: cxtcut nbponsiblu for the in- ‘ crease, it is mainly to be attributed ml thu spirit. of uvllisliucss which prompts 1 almost every human being to cx-Ict, . whench-r possible, II dollar's worth of goods or labour for uiucty fivc Cents :IIId . give ninctydivc ccuts' worth for a dol- l:.Ir \s the l'civ grow wc:'Ilth3 tho uIIIn3 lbIquio poor, and as tho pmsusion of" ’ IIIIIIII-3' n ldnm leswus the ("I‘.'l\litl__' for it -’ :III-l :Iliv:‘I3s humans the paw-Ir of ob- lmiuiug it. illlllltllldllci .IIId II'cudicInts an- geIn-rully to be found in chm- prox- imity In each other. What we want la more (iII-pclâ€"uut amongst tlic pour, l:IItâ€":IInIIII:.~t thc rich; for if its pro cvpts I'ulI-«l the hearts and actions of lhmc who possoss the power derived from the plmcssiou of great. wealth, there would soon ho a III'Irkcd diminu- tion of the poverty and no doubt also of“ the crime which at promo: IlisgraL'c all i the civilized nations of the earth. A Harmonious Prigect. l l One day lait wcck tho Ilcv. .‘Ir. InI'lIr-anl introduced u< to Prof. Fain r. 1 who lately moved from lirccubnnk In Lindsuv. whore lll‘ Ill." btl‘ll on 51- Jul .1.~‘ ‘ lcmlI r of the choir and cough; - :‘Ition Ii 1 :‘llij'tli‘; in Si. \ndrcw' :4 Cllqull as Wtil g . on in the ‘1beth xclimql and the I’m.“ . mys that “ a marked iuiprnienicut i.- 1 I already uotlccnbl-- in the Insulin-I» of 5 i this important part ul lhI‘ Ptfh'lL‘C. 'mld 5 lug tho I. " tho arruunemcut is on nah i cut one and the managers of the l 3 church are to Imeongniulnte-l." l l’rI-t SJ: tI-rsvisit to the Falls was l l for the no «.- ct ascertainin- v wthhr-rl l Ibo leadin ' members of the I’re«b3t~:r. sian coovrc'ation here are desirous of . scouring his rctVch' s, and his method . t It‘flhifi: ' I’lll be laid before a Inertia“. to be hold to the church at I oclock on ! Ithn «naming of \\ educaday, Januaryl III: has granny improved the singing in urcralchuvchn and I3 hi. -lI ly recommended as an upericmcd and ginorma'fnl teacher \f both vccal and no- i . will be found the professional card of ' will, we suppoae, take up his residence , (”its ita' Ul " me 'llillclS of tlI- ' lcnvlou l‘ :llli l’ rc~h3 * tI-riao Sunday School to their teachers. ' ; â€"-.\li~.~'. Annie anhrad. ' mats. ' blu ' STHICQ‘I'. ' your machinery. strumcntal musir. and the estimation in wl- let: be was held by the residents of i-reII bank and its vicinity is evidenced by the following testimonial Muted to him on the eve of hi» departure . anfi‘msx. .\'nv.19rh. 1883. To Pm]. SuUn’.â€"â€"DEAB. SIR,~â€"In be half of the members. and a lhcrcnts of. the I’resbvteriun church of Greenbzn: k ‘ we wish to tender mu our uratitudel for the big -h culture of our church choir l undlr 3rIur tuition, which has so much: imi rmt-d in congregational singing and i has conscquentl3 rendered this portionl ' of our religious service:‘ so much more appropriate and attractive. \\ bile will always afford us pleasure to hear of your personal advancement we Would l not I-cek to conceal from you our regret I :It the prosptcts of ln;~' ing 3our services. .______â€"â€"â€"â€" AGRICULTURAL .‘lERTlNG.â€"-The an- nual meeting of the Fenclon Branch \griculturnl Sncicty is advertised to be held at the Simpson House on Tuesday Jami: 11') 12th. Commencing at- 0 p. m 3%“ North Victoria. appealâ€"To call and I get II. supply of School Books. old and new kinds, at the Fenelon Falls Drug Store. Go AND SE}: iT.-â€"I)un't forget. that an Amateur Dramatic Erilei'taiuIIII-nt l is to be given in Ingram's hall on lllr evening of Friday next. January 4th. I We are I'cqucdud to state that " Boob at the Swan ” has been dropped for the present and another play substituted. I.r:r.I.-Ii..â€"In our advertising columns t l Messrs. Dean S: Start, barri>tcrs, who will open an office in Jondan's block, (.‘nlbrn'ne street, about the end of the first ii (‘le III JIIiIuar3, when Mr. Start in the village. CHANGED II.I.\'Ds.â€"'I‘he Cnnnington (:II‘UHCI' has clmugud hands. Mr. James (.‘urric, having sold out to Mr. III-rbert ll Luck, lute of tlic Lindsay ll’urllcr office. The (Herman- has always been ll well managed, admirably printed and readable paper, and the new propri-nor says that he intends to enlarge and im- prove it and make it still more credita- ble to the village. 355" Romemhcrâ€"Everything in the line of School Books, Pens, Inks, Papers, Slates .kc., at the li‘enclou Falls Drug Store. CIIURCII DECIIItA'l‘ION.â€"â€"-.-\cc0i'diii'_' to custom. St. Jame-5's church. Feiiclon Falls, was haiidsomcly decorated for Christmas Day. II dozen or more of the youthful members of the congregation, assisted by a few older ones, having spent many evenings in preparing wreaths, texts &c., for the purpose. The effect was very pleasing, and needs to be seen to be appreciated. Scuoor. ’l‘uusrnn EI.EC'I‘[0N.â€"Tlic election of school trustees, which took place last Wednesday, was, as usual, a tame affair, no opposition having been offered to the three persons nominated. Messrs. Swanton and Grccnu \Vt‘I‘u cloct- ed in place of Messrs. Ellis and Nie, whose term of office has expired, and Mr. Mitchell in place of Mr. Fitzger- ald. who had a year to serve. 35;“ To Parents k Childrenâ€"We make a specialty of keeping full lines of School Books, &c., so that anything you require for school purposes you can be supplied with cheap at the Drug Store.â€"\V. E. ELLIS. MUNICIPAL ELI:CTI0NS.-â€"'l‘he nomi- nations will take place on Monday next, the Blst inst., and the elections (ifnny) on Monday, January C'tlI. All that. up- penis to be IIII3 way certain regarding them is that Mr. Mo -\ithui', (tllui’ "if,“ (If this vtllnuo. fl ‘0 "u "PI""‘" 3' l W. Greene, and that MI. N13 lui \VLlll attempt to wrest tho rI-ch-ship of b‘cuclon from Mr. Duiicl. The present moves will, we venture to predict, bI- ro-elvctvd. We have since heard that Mr. Fulrhairu. the move of Verulam, is'to he opposed by Mr. Wm. Thurston, and Mr. John Junkiu, tho doputy-rccve, is to be opposed by Mr. Alex. Ellis. \xxivnus \ltY Sniiv [CI-IS. â€"'l‘he Moth- all): church anniversary sci". ices were held according to announcement. on Sunday last, when two excellent ser- mons were preached to large congrega- tinus by the Rev, S. I). Rico, 1.). I)., I‘m-ideal. of the General Conference. The annual festival came off on Christ- mas Day. and in the cvcnlng there was a public meeting at which addresses were IIII’liicicd by the resident minis- [as Iml calm-Is. 'l‘lic nlzinuut realized from collections, the festival. and II >0- __ AAMâ€"-AVâ€"_â€"â€"â€" 5 cial on 'l‘hnrsday ovI-niug was Slll 20, which will be added to the tru.~,t fund of the church. 'I‘Ili»: WHTMLâ€"Notwithstanding the general wildness .rl tho weather so lin- lllt‘l'c have been two or three terribly cold snupv. and the birds and bonus and prophets who so confidently pre- dicted an open winter are probably bc- l ginning to four that they IIII3' prove to‘ l l have been mistaken. Though there were two or three falls of snow during the present week, it was very soft, and a tlxnw seemed likely to .wt in ; but on Thursday evening a sudden change I took place. and the night was an uiI-l cIIiIiinI-iily anvcru one. lI‘hlfi (Friday) l morning the driver of the b' .bcuygenn l ~Lrgc, which loaves ht'l'orc dnvliglit, :tr- rived at the Falls with a badly t'I'I zen now; but the sun is now shining bright. ly niid the Cold is becoming less, severe. l’ItI‘..~'I‘..\"I‘.\'I‘II‘ISS â€"-â€"-'l‘l.e following pm: L‘lllztllilih III‘III: lL‘Lt‘nll)’ been made, as IIlfu-ctlnn Ind uz,~tII-m by the :i set. of china a china cup and mum-r and a Christmas card. .‘II-a H. J. Thump son. a fancy toilet. act and u pllhh Covâ€" t‘fI‘II photograph album. Mi»; Sarah Mc.\rtl.ur. a fancy tI-ilIt act and toilrt ; Miss lI. Cunningham ovnlua. ' pocket Biblu and china cup and Mr H 1}. Keith achina musâ€"‘ \' iM‘s‘, . L'ltflic cup and saucer and :I. luncy ink, ' bottle. Mr. John ll Mull." superio teudr,nt was proscntel by the whole; school with a very handsome illustrated; ftiuil3 Bible and two elegant Christmas l cards. For some no doubt com-l reason i lthe prosunrationr, instant of being all nude In the flame day were extended' ‘on‘r a period of nearly a month the {in t havia - been on the 25th ult. , and‘ tho last thru: on the 23rd In- I. fl- I'se Lardine Machine Oil for I-‘ rom Ice-an to ocean can now be made with but a ~inglc chau- 3:: of cars. rlauiniul food is taken The Vegetarians' Stumbling Block. There is one adherent weakness in l the creed of vegetarians and that isi that they cannot get on without animal : fundâ€"namely mill: and eggs. Ofcourse , tl e fact stares vegetarians iu the face 3 that nature has provided animal food? for all 3oung mammals and this is a ury awkward and untoward fact. Veg. } eturiuns however in the face of it have , thought it wi-e to include milk as an 3 article of vegetarian diet. But II Ilkl cannot be got without cows. and a< the consumption of milk may be expected to increase and is said as a matter of- fact to increase where little or no other the number of cows must be expected to increase un- l der a vegetarian reg lure, but then there must also be calves, and these calves, will grow up and become cows, and .- cvcn bulls and cover the whole surface1 of the globe in time if they are not kill-i ed ; but one of the great arguments of vegetarianism is the. cruelty of killing animals. . any animal shall be killed but with the ~ minimum of email" _., but it would seem that if the vegetarians 3ield no the sub- »ject of milk he must al~o yield on the muls must be killed it is difficult to see why they should not be eaten. seeing; there is no doubt they make excellent food. Milk, tlici'cfili‘c, seems to be the 3 subject ()I killing animals. and if ariioi l he throws milk overboard vegetarianism has little in it but a namesâ€"Saturday Harlow. .9. The Salvation Army’s Christmas1 Eve. Loxnox, Dec. turnâ€"The Salvation Army celebrated Christmas by a mid- night parade. in which FUIIIL‘ 15')” uIclii- burs took part, one-third of whom were women and girls. 'l‘hcy Started from the barracks on King-street at. twelve? o'clock and marched to the market I square with torches thinning and drums Drilling. Arrived at the square, they knelt in the snow and prayed, after which they sang hymns and related theirexpui'icnccs. 'l'lic buttnliou (III-II reformed and marched to the barracks, singing a hymn to the. tune " We won’t go home till IIIIIi'ning.” Their. oasis in Saxony. WASHINGTON, DI-c. 21.â€"Uuiu-.d States , consul Fox, at. Brunswick. Germany, reports concerning the outbreak of ti'i- _ chitiusis which occurred in Saxony in, Octubcr last, that the cause this the consumption in a raw state of the flesh * of hugs raised in the vicinity. Four hundred and thirty-live persons \\'(‘I‘C ' attacked with tho Ili>casc, and about 50 . died. Consul Fox. after an investiga- tion of the cause of the outbreak, eon- cludes that ;‘\I1l(lIICilll pork is owner- atcd fioui suspicion ol being the cause of this disaster, and its pIohibition up- on tlIc theory ’thnt. it is more harmful than other pork is IIIIII'IIr-I'antud. 0‘;â€" _ Reciprocity. The Philadelphia [fray-ll says :-â€"l’tc- cipiocity of trade with Canada and iicxico is veiy definable. III this way we may partially break down the tariff barrier that \vnlls us in and .lIaIIIpci's our IIIIIIqunctuIing giowth. For undo+ Dllipulnos rcoipruouy ls cquivzt-h'iit l0 lIiiIII-ing the adjoining countries into our politicnl s3stcm. They will not: vote for C(lllglcrslllcn, but they will buy : of us and 5e ll to us as we buy and sell among mIrsL-lves. "lhc adinulagc of such free trade is almost bc3IIIId coin- putc. Wee can never be bIouI-ht fully to appreciate it. unliss, in some calami- tous cmci'gouc3, the (“5th cred and un- tagunistic States should be induced to. >01 up custom houses along thcr cuter- IIIinous lines and make war upon inter- nal commerce. .-o A Miraculous Escape. A FARMER‘S IIOIISI'IS KILLED “UMBER BRIDGE. A farmer named Andrew Wilson, who lives in Mimico, lilil'ilClllOlblyCS- cup-III bring killcd on (lll! 21st inst. at the Grand Trunk railway bridge crossâ€" ing the [lumber river. It IIppI- ars that \Vllhllll had been diinking, and under- took to drive acmse the bridgc. notwith- standing the fact that. the bridge had not been constructed so as to allow horses Io Clthrl Strangcl3 enough the wheels of the vehicle kept. on the: tails. and the horses carefully picked their any from sleeper to sloepci, until the middle of tho structui'u Ivns rcnchcd, whom the dummy engine appeared a- rnuud the curve. Wilson. although drunk, saw at. once his danger, and crawling from the Waggon liu stowed hiuwrlf away between the sleepers and Under the rails. The engine struck tlII'. l waggon with great force, and bath :Iui- . III-.Ils. which won: i'uluud :It Slim. were killed Illslfllilallt'nlh'ly. Wihou himrcll u:c;rpcd without a scratch. AT TIIE A Woman’ 3 Dihbollcztl Plot Failed. me ILLS, Cnl. l).c. ismâ€"Lani Saturday Mary Knifnrd Called on IJr.‘ llosc, ll prumimriit dcnti-t, nII-l rcque>t~ . I'll hint to lurnish lnr with pni~on which Could unt bc d--tr~ctc-l by a" nu- .1 Inpay. Silo nil-cred 831d) an cnurpcnsad lion. reluctantly admitting that .~ho; wi~hud tu :vt rid of hI-r hu~band. ll3u< Knifuid, that III-r llll.‘l).lllll"a brother. ul whom shu was eIIaIIII‘IurcIl, and llt‘l’J'UlI. might tngvther enjoy the insurance of 85 5M) whish hor husbandc :.Irricd Al I: r making an appointment to meet , bI-th at his adieu ln~t owning, the duo l tor arrau «d with the police and "L‘Vt' rnl ' intern-ted III: uiaucc mun to be pro.- cull in concealment and hear the whole of" tho diabolical plan. As soon as the story was toll the piir were immediate- ! ly arrested and put in jail The par- ties are all Dani-h. The youngest bro- . thcr is 60 years of age and the woman ‘ 35. .____â€".~~â€"..-.0~â€"â€"â€"--â€"â€" ' How Protection Works. Manufactured are protected by a tor it? to: oi from 20 to 60 per cool. ., und- in some cases by unlimiwd diecrciiou' : Io fix their own price. and their profits l :f-r years have reached hundreds of ' have gone from lchargc are the alternatives offered by ' dos Inch Nobody of course dCSII‘ES that l x p . , , _ _ ;l\lld Ouray, who was duo last. Friday. vegetarian s stumbling block, and until ‘ . supposed that he has been lost in cross ' guiscd in the uniform of tars, spppnrtcd . Till'I‘YU, or ' 3'nuc1Iu go to W. E. ' lIIri lllll‘ lc'.’ . M. ' \vI..I-. 3 VI-rulam. z in“ llrnd‘hazv. of Pete thorough. New Advertisements. w‘ thousands and millions of dollars annu- ally. They barn lggd and flourished riuht royally on protection But how has it been with their employees? Shut downs. otcrproduciioo, suspeu sions. reduction of wanes and work half time is the record of the past fil- teeu years. During that some period! the great panic of 1873 occurred, andl while Jav Cooke recovered from thcl shock in the yearsr the wnrkingmcul had to worse uutil to. day the old cry of over production has gone lorth, and reduced Wages or a dis DEAN & ST ART ARRISTERS SOLICITORS. CONVEYv carers. kc. Oflice III III- Jordln' s new block. Colbarue 3L, Fenclon I-‘alls. H. B DIAS. C E. Sralf. V. 8. Money to loan at lowest rates. .\'0 commission charged BAKER! â€":\NDâ€"- GROCERY. JOHN MOFFAT beg s to inform his customers and the pub- l licg that while curving on the Baking bush ’ new as usual and turning out daIIv l Choice Bread, Cukvs. Buns kc. he has just opened out a nice stock of l FRESH GROBERIES I l , at the hour of eleven o “clock to bear and M of which Mildg‘liill the van ‘0‘“; determine the sch- ral errors and omissions - The Finest Flour in the voters' lists of the municipality of kept constantly on hand : also I‘cnelon I-‘olls for the year 1883. All perions having business at the Court OATS, BR AN & SHORTS. P A R M P R. O D U G E are required to attend at the said time and taken in exchange for goods, and place. Cash Paid for Butter 8'. Eggs. [6‘ The undersigned will do all in his“ powcrto merit II continuance (II the patron- age so liberally bestowed on him during the past five years. JOHN MOT-TAT: I-‘enelon Falls, June I2Ih, 1583.- l7- -l3'. Auction Room. I beg to inform ”In public that I hair Io" opened my auction room in Illt‘ old' slilllili‘ on (.‘olbornc Sin-ct. and have opened out to heavy stock of (I: 011011-11 (5}00(1:-:. which will he sold Firm}: for Cork during the work, and by Auction Every Saturday Night at 7 o'clock. . 1‘ O '1‘ l C E- is hereby given thato Court will be held, pursuant to the Voters’ List Act of 1876, by His Honor. the Judge of the County Court of lllt‘ l‘ ount3 of Victoria, at the Mr- Arthur Ilousc, I'cuelou Falls, on Tut-.sday the protected cmployer.â€"-Rcmling News. o..â€" A Fatal Snow-slide. KILLS mom ME.\' AT on: rent. swoop AND wuuxns TWO OTHERS. The 8th dun of January, A. D. 1884 Dec. 26.â€"-A Tellwide says a snow-slide come down .-larsinlll basin on Monday. carrying off the shaft-house of the Mondota mine, containing fourteen men, eight of whom wore killed outright and two wounded. Four dug themselves out. No particu- lars are at present obtainable. A large hody of men left for the scene of the disaster on Tuesday morning. The rnnil carrier from Sile-rton to Amos Drxvnn. Col, GEORGE CUNNINGHAM, Clerk afraid .Ilum'n‘pofity. Dated 26th of December, l883. 44-2. TO CONTRACTORS. l SEALED TENDERS l | has not yet been heard from, and it is . _ . . _ will be I‘l‘Ct‘th‘d by the undersigned up till noon on Tursmv, the 22nd day of January. lug the range. 1854, for the erection of 0 .AA Tarifi‘ Discussion in the U. S. 4 Piers And a Woollen Bridge across the Gull River At the Village of Goboconk. The plans and spI-clficatinns can be soon at the oflicc of Win. Dullis, E~q , Engineer, and at the residence of the undersigned. Each tender to be accompanied by the. names oftwo good and sufficient. surciivs for the completion of the contract. The lowest or any teudur not necessarily accepted. The primary purpose ofn turif’fshould be the equitable provision of thc rev- enue requisite foi the Gov.crnmcnt That punrosc is tliejustificntion of any tariff. 'llIe sum II-quired for that pu: pose is the limit. warrantnbly predicuhlc of any tariff. _\ tariff for nn3 other purpose and one cvcccding any such sum isa subject. f‘oI reform like any other not or ~3~.II III of fun-d legislation. This is the doctrine of the Democratic party. The doctrine that a tariff is not for revenue, but. for monopolies, that its purpusc is the protection of quuufactuIcIs :It the expense of the cuiiSllliiL'l' and producer clasecs of the land, is rcpublicnnism pole. and simple. There are persons and papers in that party that affect to be revenue rcfoi'niâ€" crsâ€"â€"-but they Show Illl'll‘ hypocrisy or cowardice by supporting invariably its protection platforms and its protection candidntcs.-â€"-.Illlnmg/ Argus. NELSON III'IASLII’, Chairman of ('ommi'llrr'. Dec Victoria Road P. 0., . llllll, l883. All who wish to have tIII-ir Clothing cut and made up in ”10 latest styles can he aI'cIIiIIiiIoIlIItI-Il. an?” I‘nrtiI-s iIIdI-litcd must pn3' up at Olll't', or their accounts will he pliit't'd in tlic' liIIiids ofu collI-ctnr. lI-IIII-mhcr the sign, FIIrIII-r's llaznur. 'I‘. X. FORIIEIL I’cuclun l’nlls, Nov‘r lst, Ill-iii. I'IA121)VV4A_1{ 19. J. G. EDWARDS, IAIN T) S [\X', SIGN OF Tlâ€"lE ANVlL. LARGEST svocn: Wanzer Sewing Illachines. ngniu IIlII-ud. w'RjT‘ F'l‘ifiils‘i-°2fiiézs. wnn THE ennnn Gilli] MEDAL That mad wag, William E. Robin- son, the Irish-American member of Congress from Brooklyn, has begun his jovial career by introducing a series of resolutions in the [louse designed to strike terror to the heart of the British lion. Mr. Robinson visited Manhattan Beach last summer and saw the parade of American sailors in the fireworks show of "The BomburduIcnt of Alex- andria," when clevcn table waiters, dis at tho grout Central Exhibition at Hamilton in Him. lluy no other holoru you bt't'. Ilm Wanner, Ihc UhI-IIpI-st and “CM, For Sale by J. Austin, ngout for the bust IImkI-a of Organs, and sold t‘hrtlpfor ran/I or on the instalment plnu. See Mv Sample Organ III-fore you buy any. I (‘iill suit you in style, quality and price. FIRE tiND LIFE INSURANCE in first. rule companies at low roles. Full stock of Lance Ik llanluu Cross- (‘ utF .I'Ius Aws, l‘ Ilc. , ()llitlllh, (hm III >, Scoop Show In: llupo llultcrs. Lanterns. \VI-igh Bt‘JIIIIS, Platform Scales, Apple l’an-I's Ike. Building Hardware at Special [.nw I'rI’ru. I’urc White Load, Oils, Colours, Var nislics, 'l‘urpeutine. Machine Oil. Loath- ('I‘ llclting. Cui'pcutcrs’ 'l‘ools, Mill Sup- plies, Illiick-niitlis' Supplies. and Car- riage Ilai'dwzu'c. in the alleged assault. Now he wants the State department to report why this was pcimitted. Mr Robinson also asks whether .I person named Lowell. I'Iccnt- ly Inudc ‘ Lord ltL‘cIOl " of u Brim-ll iIiIiveHity. In still in the employ of the United St tntcs (lIvcrnmcnt and “llt‘lll- er~ this " English lord ” is recognized as a public servant. Denis Kearney. when he fulniluntcd his odd explctives and epithets, used to laugh sqopcnly that even his auditors caught. the. joke and laughed with him. “ ’Iicliclieu " Rob- inson bottles up his mirth for the cloak- ‘room, and when, with great firmness and severity, he has twisted the tail of the British lion, he hurries out In his conn'ndcs and cries :â€"â€"" Didn't I make l the cll'em Monarchy shake in its shoes, though ? " â€"â€"__.-. .7. . .-.__. Pimples and Blotches. Cull at \I'. E. lillis’s drug store, and get u package of Ichrcgor k I’nrkc's Cnrholic Cerutc It is composed of Vaseline, Car- holic A old and Ccrntc, and has llt'\'t.'l‘ failed to remove I’irnplcs, lilolchcs, L'lccrntcd Sores, Rough Skin. It cures when Iill otli- , crs full. Try it. John R. VI-rt, Hamilton, says: “ Ierrog. or's Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia. and Indi- gestion is chcnp ut lifiy time-s the price nak- ed for it. I IIIII n commercial man, and travel continually, and would no more think of leaving home Ivithoutu boitlo of MC- (lrI-gnr's Spot-113' Cure in my vulisc than I would of leaving my tI-Iiin at home and go- ing on foot." Free trial bottles at W. E. Ellis's drug store. Ilegulnr size fifty ccntn' and one dollar. Fluid Lighfnlng. Cures Toothache and Nuurnlgia quick as flush, relieves un3' pain instantly, tho.- cheap. est and quickest application known. Why suffer with Toothache, NI-Iirulglu, III-ltd- ache, I'IIn-umaiism, Lumhngri, St'ifliicii, Sore acute, pain: of any kind II III II Ellie’s drug store and got a porter! and instantaneous cur” for twenty-live cents. Asl; for Fluid Lightning. DIDXTK IRI‘IGD. .-\l the Methodist pnrsnnnr'c, ilI'Ibcaygeon, thirteen train hands in British uniform { J. (l. EDWA II ”3. Lindsay, Oct'r 8th, 1883. {til-flirt, to AT'GOODWIN, nor W“ llll' lllllllll was 3a. Arrivingâ€"‘â€" Eveâ€"1y Week- NEW DRUG S'l'tlllE, l"l'(‘5ll Drugs and l’nlcnt Medicines, III'lISlIt‘P’, (.‘omhs, Soaps, l’I-rfIInII-ry and t‘lllllty (loads, Pure and Reliable [lye Stuffs, "(WV IISSOI‘IIIN'III of III!) DIAMOND DYES, IGng-ruvlng‘s, also nlivuyn on hand, II AT LESS THAN CITY PIIIC ES. Full Stock of School Books. Albums. Plaques. 1 . , _ . including Clinipln'll A: (lngv‘s NI-Iv licndI-ra, GuidmiedPyggldO‘V Shades' l'op3 l’uoks, Nola l’IIpI-r, Lou-IIIpI-M, l’I-uu, ll'l'OI‘ II. S _ ' . Inks, l’I mils, I lottin V VI: n- r, l‘na-I Hooks, Sewmg-Machme Needles. L l _ , _ Acwuut Ilooks, limo Hooks, kt. ArtlStS Mater 18.15. 1:85“ Agent for the lending Newspapers. linker llluck, Kent St. West, Ont. Magazines. Music. 6w. Respectfully, It‘iIrniI-rs will do “'0” to call and get It Il'lwlru supply of tin: l‘nrnoun old Gilbert Anderson 'I‘lmrlvy In... a Inna. um, takes this opportunit3 of thanking his nu- merous customers and tin public in gI neral 323)“ Money to loan on may terms. .I. [\1ZIHTL‘XN. l’cuclon Ifnlls, Nov'r 22nd, IBSH. â€"I-'0llâ€" Illnnm Paper 8: Pielure Frames. Cln-istnuls Cards. Ncyv X'IIIII' Can-(ls. Birl Inglgly Cards, Oil I’uintiug'si, Clu‘grgtos. Liliilsn3, \\ . A. GOOD“ [3". i It is thv- only genuine Food, and will pny \vrll to use it. IV. l5. ELLIS. for the liberal p: .lll'i)llll"c they have lIL'rlI‘HV- chln" F‘lll-‘lr N‘W'l’ Rth, l8“- Id on him during the Just two months, rind ”'“"' ' "" ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ _ ‘ begs to announce th: It be ling added to llln 1‘]. I I 1k ‘V, furmei stock ll. line of | l l l l l l l l l l l 2 l l l l l l l PllllllUll & EUUKING Slfllll V1‘IN“’J\.]€JY:. alto .. not to he surpns and, and at prch- 3 that will compare {z'IIquthl3 with thnso of other ElllPlllllll & Blllllllll, FENELON FALLS. ’l‘hr: ndvrrtiH-r i-I prrpnrcd to exec-nit. nll orders with which he may be favoured, from EUNIBAETS lllll BUlllllllllS tn the bmfllll'hl john (It carpenter work, and dc IlI4rn. AliIIiliuIi is culled III THE “ BERTRAM ” AXE, which ha: g i‘l‘,‘ n entire 5Iii~fnc|ion to pur- on 'rlll'ullly. Dort'llllvt'r III I, l,3- the filmy] : “my,” for ”m [m t thrI 3rurs, “Ill-Ick will span; nu pulpit pulpit-l, Mugfnmiu” h, T' P’ 5m." ’“r' Char!“ “r"ud’ of ”Win" l I’rincc " and other axe-.I. nnsnrparsul h) H. U N“. l~‘:III-, in June. elilrai dnnghicr of Air. An- I 'y -. . drI'IV Knox. of \'ornlnm, nny. either in price or (limlll3. Diaston, DOORS & WISDOW IS£\S[I At the Ilihlc (,‘hrisiinn parsonage, l-‘ene- Falls. on Monday, llI-m:'.IrIlIcr ’lth, h3 Ml‘llll‘ll‘ll. _\lr. _!:-flflL‘ .\'n3lI-r, :IIII of John I). \‘aylnr. I-.-q .. of l'I.-m: Inn, to Mia” .-\dv~lnidc HiiIillI. Hf l’I'riI lIIll l‘nlls. .\t the .\l. ”IE". on Tilt'nilit3', Bath lire-:niv lll'l, L3 ii. r Lev \l'm. Imchrud. Mr. Samuel In .‘llaa‘ llurgnrct Dykcs, both of M .p it'll Hindu Io 4tr‘l"r at short nIItit'c, of good mit- ll'lllll. and at rrniunnhlv priI'I-II, W Work-rho}: on Fromm-I Street East, rr-aidcncc on ”and Short Emit. l-ZIIWAIIH HAW. I'I-nrlon l-‘nlla, (tet'r Hih. MHZ. ,m af' and othc r C)- I’OHs-CJII t. oncomnn Saws, llnnd Snvra hy the bust manufacture”. Linseed (til, Lubricating and Coal 011. IZIIhlIer & AM.» “not Lngine I'nrking ll'lllnll llimp, llcliiirg unl llmw I’iitiugi, I’IIintI. Ulla and l’ulty ALI. CLASSES or ”lithium: at the most reasonable prices. l I-‘encluo I-ulls III-c r I'lih, Mm {To Whom It May Concern. . Saxvs. ,I'ilcn, dc , all ’olltll und raw 3:, -II. ])uily Arrivals At St Luke's, 0' . (If lilo lrl’Iill'KrUfIIll. l’ctcrhorough. on the 2711i lil‘v. \I‘. Logan, father of the assisted by tho III-V. W. I'. Ilr'ctor, Mr. l.'. J. Logan to Mny K.. thlr-l daughter of llenry Calcuit. 15- -q., GHRISTMAS GOODS at G. A. Ilrlhcrell'a BOOK STORE ~_‘;{,â€"~._ MUS ‘IC 1'] MI’OI’IU M. rnxrzr.o.\'r.ILI.s ILInKaTs. [‘r’/Incl by .Urllouyall 4‘ Brandon Fenrlon Falls Friday, Dec' r 28th, l893. W heat, 1‘ II or blash l - - I) ’J’I I (:3 . “1w“: [:Irfnlg. .. ‘_ _ .5 93 1 0.; l Thi s is to crtr lfy that W. W LOGAN, r! Harlev ,fl. bu: cl , - _ 5;, r1) Linda's), in our only unlimited Agent for ; Gnu,” I" “b . . - - 3:) “l the Unuutlu I ( VICKI-Ila and I'rtnoumugh i come one I come All I I I’eiue, “ " - - - - 55 83 f I" ll" “l’ "" "' "”"“'""‘“4 "“l “'I' “ll" ‘ and ”amine goo-Ila before purchuinx club. , n59, .. .I - _ _ , 5;; r3, l or furs-.3 quoting przru in about nlmrd 'l where. Potato”, .. - . - - 45 so Counties but no right or lulhullt, to do In l . izsnm he”: ll), - - - 15 la . MIHIM film“ I Pllw CI. 1, G' 11' METHERELL' - -, . . . . , ' . ’ , arm-am: 7m: noun: cocoon, “Rh“! “”“5 ptr to!) lb: ' 8‘ ” 5’ ‘hl I’-'wmaorille Uri r "5th iii-Ii I . , Eggl, per dozen, - - - - it; in " Ill ‘ ' b i l !(I-nt-H£.. I‘lxuluuy. , Ilav, ‘r‘, 14m. _ _ - _ $3 0,, £0 £9 ”a; .‘I'. If. It a. A: term from! c a mu- that; Lindiiay. Octobrr 27”" ”33' ‘ Ch. than, 1“, pm. - _ _ , 25 U -, agent! In: oti-rrI Spilvfimtnli uniting or _ .__..-..-.. _ _.. 7 ____fi ’ -- _ . . _ 33, 0 protruding in at) in: ummIon Urgant or . 31:21" .. Piano», are only drain" m In (It'l‘tlve Ilc ‘ w" Sublcnbt for tlw VAT-“DO" 1"“? . I W“ ' ' ' ' g 34.3... ,Turkcy~, -- - . . - . - Llpublic. (lazrtlr, or ly 81 a year in av‘lvuneg. The Dawn... "

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