Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 8 Dec 1883, p. 3

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I.) " ' i F. EMDFGRD is now selling all articles in his: line of business ; CHEAPER TH AN EVER. Having put in all the machinery necessary to enable me to‘ do work in the most economical manner, I am Consequently in‘; a position to sell cheaper than formerly. Note these prices: ; CUTTERS, - - - $25. MARKET SLEIGHS,‘ - $30. WACGONS, - - - $60. BUCGlES, - ‘- - $75. Having purchased a ll!“t4'ltt.~‘.~‘ machine, can do 1 l l l l 1 l l 2 l 1 I All kinds of ll’lal'iing‘ & Moulding? at reasonable prices. _____â€" Grain Crushing Done on the Usual Terms. Horac-Shoeing and Jobbing Specialty. I am ugent for the iSylvester mat:lxincs,'mul also for the llrantlbrd machines. “1% A large stock of the best l’loughs made on hand, and lpointa for sale. L. o’oonnoaf‘“ Manufacturer of First-Clacs rm». 3.. ,1 ,2. 818111115, 13111111an (11111115, to. w.-. .._... - e.â€"â€" 1 Having now Completed all the imprm‘eml-nts rrtpzired in his new premise-1. formerly ‘ “ “awry“ Foundry," next to ljarr‘i huh-l, ('nru -r of William and lluisclls trccts, has fa- ‘cililiu for executing ull Work in the :llun’t.‘ line?! “hieh '.:.11|11ot be excelled. He respectfully solicits u call from those rvvquiriu: anything in his line, and will be "glad to elmw them over his new Carnage and Waggon Phops. 'L. O‘Connor, bell)"; the oldest praz-timl Man in this rt‘t‘lltlll of the country, is enabled l to gunrantee'u First-Class-Job in any department, and every article turned out will be 'fidrrantml as A. l. 'hml‘nl ie done by hand. and far superior. as is m:- Every pit‘CI: of work in thii t-S'nbli- ‘knowlmlged, to that done in factoritsâ€"u'ftrt [urn-veil at the South Victoria Exhibition, when: l reevived three lint prim-s, although I did not 11:-t up my work for prize rxhibi-, Ytmu. nnd they obtained {or me snlm and orders quite unexpected and unprecedented. ‘6' All Repairs'donc Cheaply aml‘l’rumptly. A few second-hand Buggies for sale. 14. (.)"C():V N ()1! . 'Lindsay, November lst, lflRfl. Efifilll'REtt can 3 -â€"-â€"â€" h.-. »- *- illuriug the ‘We Shall ol‘l'er the remainder of our summer {IillllllS Al“ grant Mitt. to make room {or our fall purchases. Ladies in want 01’ Diets Goods should tall andsee our prices in Silks, Prints, Milliuery and general goods. A lot of lREADY-MAiHD CLQTHING at Clearing prices. ; ‘~W hote the-address--â€"2 doors from the mostâ€"office. JOHN St. LAWRENCE, ‘ w . . il’l'()l)1‘i()ll01‘. altcuelou l‘tLllS, Aug t. 22111], 1883. .. 4» The greatest bargains‘in still continues at .lit‘igllley‘s. GR ()Clifllil'l ICS. 31{()( llx’lilkxv. (.31 I [IV .\ tk' ( ii Tox\§§\\vm\l{l§. ever given in ,l.indsay. HENRY .l . KEIG ll LEY’S. ___.â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"'â€"-â€"â€"- - -â€"â€"â€" NEW BUSINESS FIRM. I(\Zâ€"-'_II‘Z s. s. John§6n and-lâ€"Nm. Fielder lbeg lo iulittm the residents of Pent-ion Falls and its rieiuil)’ lhzlt tlu')‘ have enter- o _!-.uo partnership and eutnunenw d business in ‘KE-Ninmes BRICK STORES. on the west side of Collmrnu streetnbvnelnn l-‘alls, “Lore they have epeurd out a . fil‘l 'Ilrt‘s steel; of ; jBllllTS Allll suns, ERMERIES JXN l) J’II()\'I.§'I( )NS. 40 Ibicb-tdditious will constantly be made. all of which they will dispose of AT ‘l'lll‘. L0‘VL‘T l.l\‘l.“li l‘lllE'IZS F‘ltl Udell. l k? Their assortment of Boots and Shoes is. they lwlieve, the largest and most varied in the village. “135:1! __._â€" They resru-ctfully mlicit a call l'rmu :1. “tin need anything in their lines, and all! do their best to :ln‘ entire. satisfaction to their Girl-utters. a“ A Bakery will be. Matted as soon a: the cue. now btlu: built. is finished. , JOHNSON & FIELDER. faction Falls, .\pl’|l 4th, lF'-‘3. Shoes, Crockery and Glassware, all bought in the best markets: ' 25 Boxes London Layer Black Basket Raisins. 1 I 3 and a large ascorhncnt of Rubbers and Overâ€"shoes. , in connection with my other business, and as ever)r article is new and fresh, parties. wanting anything in that line will do Lamps & Lamp "Trimmings, .Cl-MlST Goons; ___.'_._._ l AF 1 0831 As usual. we have on hand for the holiday season the choic- est lines 01' Fruits, Confectionery. General Grocertes, Boot:- and for cash, and which we are prepared to sell At a. Very Small'Advance on Cost. 0:0” We have lately received a consignment of 100 Boxes Valentia. Raisins. 50 Half Boxes Selected Raisins. 10 Boxes Sultana Seedless Raisins, 5 Cases Vostaza Currants. 5 Barrels Eolian Currants. 10 Cases Selected Figs. 100 Boxes Eleme Figs, 20 Barrels Choice Cooking Apples. The above goods must. be disposed of at once. he not fail to call and examine before purchasing: elsewhere. Fifi? Positively the Best Value in the Market. 63:1} Our lines-d? Fancy Crockery and Glassware, suitable- for Christmas and New Year’s l’rcsems, cannot be excelled. Prices to suit Ific'lt'mcx. - .A. SPYJCIIXL LINE OF BICRLIN FI‘ILT BOOTS, . No‘lady should be without a pair ol“n!.".‘ high Felt-lined Boots. W A Car-load of Salt just received. Tiltll'l.‘l.‘(‘1)rl:£(5. MCDOUGALL 8'. BRANDON BROS. Fcoelon Falls, November 28th, 1883. New Hzntlware, Tinware and Store Shop. All kinds of Grain. bought at highest I beg to inform the people of Fenelon Falls, and the farmers of the surrounding country, that I have opened out in my new .store a complete stock of . well to give me a call. I have-a good assortment of PARLOUR AND COOK STOVES, of the latest and most approved patterns, in great variety, and Machine @113 and Goal @il ol‘ the best brands, all of which will besol'd At Rock Bottom Prices For (Each. {3:35 Oath paid Tor Skins and \Vool Pickings. I sincerely thank my numerous curitomers for their liberal patronage in the past. and solicit a coutinuance of the same in my new business in the future. JOSEPH HEARD. Fenelon Falls, November 20th, 1883, - .m -- _‘ _._._._.._ _ .._. __. Note! At Dundas 1t Flarelle Bros? you can buy for cash HEdW All. non TWEEBS, : Agricultural usually sold 70c. to $1, for 450. to 650. 1 .\'o. 2 llobson’s Block. that door west 1’. 0.. Kent-St. Lindsay. 0 Special Holiday and Christmas Announcement 1111101“ .. u... can SYNDICME ’ in to at "till ‘ 111111111 1111111111111 111 1111111 tLUTlâ€"llhfl BUYERS. Our nbllitv to fit All mirth. and Il tho um! time please 1h. tastes of on} customers is one of 1b:- thiups We an: pmdunnhly proud of. sinn “tin one we've worked hard and ll‘ldlt‘ll lander to accompli-h. Successful we‘ve also hero in lulnga-g our pure: to the verv lowest noun: and this. ion. for garnn Ole Ilsal ‘nh‘ to every ecns'e of the ward superior, nut and our: fitting, sit-Italic made, trimmed with the meet durable trimmings. and numbed with perfect into. 1‘! rec are out ppetinlliu.‘h1t‘h we R,“ er- err man “be but: his Clothing of the (“My Tailoring “out: of Lindsay. Our siuck or Rendrmndt‘ Clolhlng la the largest to hr found. in (lVEltCUATS particularly we hue caprr'mllx good Value. l’lsters. l'lsterrttcs. Double Breast, l-‘ly Front, Prlnrc Albert. and all the newest style: and Inn-st ruu. ‘ ln llcn‘n Fur (‘nats We have the largest stuck ever shown by us. Also la our. Talc. Raccoon, Wolf, Goat, Alsatian. etc. It you Want a Fur Coat come and see us. We will make the fur fly. and don‘t you forget to h‘cullrcl it. Men and buys, if you want a ltutl'alo Rube. Goat Robe. Wolf Robe. or a fancy [lobe of any kind, don't pass the Syndicate. Their prices are the hm’rrt and the quality the best, and in are anxious to sell you. bleu'l Fur (luvâ€"we have special value this sentiment! the nicest assortment you have ever seen with us. Come and patronize the Syndicate. We Want your trade. SOUTHERAN, CATHRO 8: MARK. City Drupers and Clothiorfil. No. ‘2 Dobson‘s Blockdnd door west P. 0.. Kent-Sh. Lindsay. illâ€"343i ILLfliERY. Mrs. KEELEY Has Just received and opened up a large stock of PALACE DRY GOBDS &GLOTHING STORE'NElV GOODS, â€"â€"â€"â€":o:â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" At the City Store. Eran at the risk of tiring you with repetiticm. we cannot help rcmiudingyou once more of the fact. the important fact. the most important fact, that there is one More in Lindeay where the stock from one end to the other, including Dry (lends, Font-y Goods, Milli-erg! nod Mantles, Cnrpete, House-furnishings, Lndies‘ Furs and For Mantlu. no, is absolutely nemabnolutely the latut, absolutely the largest relcctiun to choose. from. Think of this. Think of it carefully. and at the some time thin Mock is the hand- somest and the prim-5 the lowest anywhere. A good bargain. like a good joke, will make anybody laugh. Both are to be hall at the City Store. We study to please. In fat! the Shidit‘zlte is the spot for feminine adornment, and there must be some good reason why we have been so thoroughly well patronized. Which is it, the low prices, the handsome goods. or the polite treatment and courtesy to customers? We are inclined to tlnuk there is an attraction in each one.and when the three are combined they surely make a joyful greeting to all who come. 1%} Goods. Mil- linery, Carpets, Dress and Mantle linking, Ludics‘ Furs, and par- ticularly FL‘ R MANTLES. SOOTHERAN, CATHRO 8: MARK, City Drapers and Clothiers, “1M _ __.___._._.- a- _._ _ _. l884. lienlullnnin lhelliilunds hate. 0: â€"â€"â€" AT THE --â€"â€" A complete Change in Prices that will Astonish the C()llllllll-, Including nity. $20,000 worth of Dry Goods, Clothing, lFANcY DRY GOODS , ' l , Hats, Caps and Furs. -nndâ€"- It): ' ? , -- ' l . l hitl“ . l ' tereatiug to all All our prices marked don n and “t. an mm to ma 1 ”Blil‘ll‘os'slck is now fully ALL KlNDS OF WOOL, parties during the month ot December and the holiday season. all of which will he sold at , assorted, and we can guarantee our patrons a big choice of the NEWEST AND TA§TBEST GOQDS LESS um LINDSAY rniuas. A nice lot of in the market. The following facts are for the careful consideration of curetul buyers: tlly sold for $ll or $12. lor Si .30. A good suit of Gents’ [311- -â€"A No. l Overcoat, usu: ‘ ' I dcrweur, worth Sl, for 75 cents. A big stock of Plain and Fancy l’lunnels. trom 25 c ts HOIIday Presents, per yard upward. White Blankets from $2 50 upwards. llig Bargains in these Goods. A full stock of union and all-wool Grey Blankets. Noses, Fancy China-Ware and various other REAI)Xr-1\I A1) 173 CIJO'JJIIIN G articles, to which the attention of intruding we are bound to clear out. We lnwe .the goods you want, and they will be sold from 25 purchasers 13 respectfully invited. to 50 per cent. cheaper than regular prices. Our stock of MRS. KEELEY. Pure, in Seal, Persian Lamb & Astrac'han. J’°?'?'f:ff‘_‘f§:vu_27”n ‘9“3-' is complete in Gents‘ and Ladies' Wear. Now is the lime to (my. Come and 81’! our Goods. fl . ‘ ' - " TV ‘ Dress Goods, Ulstcrings, Coatingsâ€"we have something new in these goods that every 10 P It 1% (J { b l lady should see. Gloves, Hosiery, Knit Mitts, Kid Gloves, and everything in our line for O 13‘ 17‘ this season. 3273’ We have a few good llutl‘alo Robes lcl't. / â€" ~ . r ._ d") '* 1F «3),,1' a SPECIAL DISCOUNTS T0 LARGE BUYERS. \vE )niax BUSINESS. The subscriber begs most cor- such as Dolls of all sorts and sizes, Top: in great Variety, 'l‘oilet Sets, Christmas llarda, I" Ll Agents for Harper's Reliable 'lhtzaar‘l‘atterus. hr? JARVIS & MCDO‘UGALL, J” Palace Dry Goods it Clothlng llouse. ,Fenelon Falls, December 3rd, 1883. JUST REGEEVEB, a treslrsupply of dially to thank his custotnera for the liberal support hitherto accorded him ; and so as to give EQQTS AN E SH 0E3 cash buyers the benefit of do- ing a cash business, he is now .and seasonablc _ _ ' ‘ giving 11 discount ol ten per . ' O O . cent. toll regular prices. - 3 l ' ' M ' stocl' i well unsorted as 'Wlnch Wlll be sold i .l > n s , Ohea-perTln11 Ever For Cash. ' h I New Millinery received and G. G. KEITH. claims hilt renal. ' Farmers inhznii’onf' goo'd Implements NEW ,in charge of a. new hlilliizner. Agent. for the we'll 'knowu New York Bazaar Patterns. WM. CAMPBELL. Fenelon Falls, Oct. 1st, lSSEL $101111; ......‘ I should call a irgdctiiitiigi: 51‘ffjffiflyflgliiiiiiiiiid t illicit?" or comma N nil-w :60 0D 8 BLANKETS , Straw Gutters, Root Gutters, ~ t ' ' ' . as heavy as ordinary $0 goods 'f'0r83 75. FLANNELS VERY LOW. 'l‘hese-gotnl‘shax e recently‘bcen purchased by us at less than the, cost of nmnul‘aeture. DUNBAS .81. FLAVELLE 3303., Kent Street, Lindsay. _;-._" __..____â€"â€"-â€"â€"=â€"l mm or THANKS. | E I) \VAI-{D S” 7 / ”v" ‘ - w w . S. Cornei]. Esq.‘ .lurn‘n-i’mnrlou .lluluul In i ()I‘fi’LDTi\BJ‘I‘\-III'JD mrrnw ('11.. Lindsay, l o 1 . 1 limit Sunâ€"Have the gnodncsrsowonvey lee]_ y Stab e. to the Directors ol‘ the "London Nutunl' our thanks for their prmnptness in paying, . ._ . . . our claim: in full, arising from losses 1",! The subscriber return.- lns Sincere thanks ”n r11 “1 h” h fin, ‘ ' [for the liberal patronage bestowed on him * -~.- s ‘3: . . . ltlurmg the pain nun- years. and heirs to in- l .?\lr.‘(:ll11ll'r (Harlan, Ops. sfl'ili ._ _ _ . . inn”. “(WNW)“ Emily. 10ml 9 form tin publu, that tin) can obtain ‘ . 1 '. .. -. 1 ' . I . . ‘ ' W"? M"? 11'" «First tlass llorses and 1h... . Joseph Met otmell, 1- ago 1 .‘lullhv-W \Vilson. (I114, 111.3 1 any hour of the day or night.“ his stable lem” “Hub“ H . 3'1”; 'On I‘runcis Htrt-(‘t lint-1t. Edwin l‘ruuse. .‘lanposn, 1W: .; Tluunai Kelly. Emily, 4.211 at very tnmlrrnte charges. i “45‘3“ ll.~.rriagton, " 7"" 33"" Commercial lrnh'llch and their lug-i ”W" “Wilt"? l crulnm.:1’u1 ‘ cage connyed safely and expeditiously to l l‘. E ’l u-rs. “ 4‘73 :an'v tit-sired point. 1 . - ‘ .\ l' t ‘7 _' , iii“: ‘1'“ ‘ltln. Laroon. J"; , The SlllHl‘rllu‘l’ never haul a stublt-fitl ofi “"" "L "s“ M’ .br-tter horses than at present. Come and l .‘largwret ha-rr. 1- - .4 'trv them . .lohnl heyuouth. Fenclon, Sim ‘ ' .F R FD“'-\l‘l)§ 1 Edward .‘l.tlnllt‘. Ups, 'li’m , " ' ' ' "l l' p. \lcllhnrgey. Lindsay, 1,, Fem-loo Falls, Feby 24th, 185:. Sl-Lf. l John Wilson. Ups, 35‘) l iFARMERS, THRESHERS. AND .‘lllJ. OWSHRS, l.i'l-l5-t}', Oct. 13111.net. "Tarn“‘ra. SALE. l'- in the 2nd t‘ullct' n of the tuwush p of S-vtnernlle containing '2'”! acres. about i-N 4‘! which are clean-d and tenet-d. tln . 1 1h»: farm then- are a li :lut)‘ cedar lug [AHDIHE MACH‘NE “Il i h..?;n-. it". x 33 feet. with kitchcn. too frame‘ 5 lama uch I: ‘~ 1 ."l" fret. a stable for eight ' ’ ' guaranteed the best in the market. ‘ Lessee. a rootm' dririn; ,6.th and a. very ' l . ‘ . . ' l 'V' . urge peanut house. 3.3.0, o utter-amt”: -. "“1, I - ; - . fir t not am or c m machine . s;vr-:.g crrrk In?) three wells.and a mu- 9 J ’3 ; arr" I retard containing: ta‘u hundred Apple, ' trvu. clout halt‘ot' which are bearing. . .\,‘_!l_s u: the $114!.de to t; llRLSTOPHER FELL. Celebrated For sale by JOHN A. ELLIS, . Green. icsclon Fnilr. April lFtb, l9”. fi-ly. i .1 which took .First ’l’rizc at, the dndustrial Exhibition at Toronto against twelve ' can't do without Shoes and Boots: 131 1111111 11111. 11:13? .1. 111:1«nn.LnX1) returnvi his, sincere tlutuka to the residents in Feuelon Fullx and its vicinity for their lib eral patronage during the past seven yearn uml infornm them that (the purlner-thip be tween llr. Mollht and himself having «it- pit‘eu) he has rounnent-ed lot-ice” tuu doors: north of the lIUKl-tlllli‘l',‘Wlll‘rt' be but! opetled it carefully sclurtutl stock of GROCERIES, . 'Crockery mid-Stoneware anll -other?competitors. 'THE FARMER’S FRIEND. i PROVISIONS, . - V ' _ .' 3 : '2 ‘ " . . . l ' l _ , l . The Farmer 5?F“(‘nd Louiblllcd DH“ ‘\‘ llrtltdt. “1 SU‘dLr’ t ’0 be“ m C’Hl'tdtt wlnch were bought on ndvantngcouu ll'l’lll‘l, ' and will be null] Ilarrows, Iron and \Vood, as good an ever wereputinto a field; , CASTINGS a. Fonomos ML KINDS MADE TO onnnnlllill Elli“) lllll [tilt and Repairs citccutcd. and numerous other Implements of‘ home manufacture. ._-..-. _. GENERAL’F-‘UBPOSE PLOUGHS. The increasing demand for our general purpose l’louuhs is proof that they vcanit be beat. for all kinds of malt and all Linda of soil. GANG PLOUGHS. Our Gang l’longth'is-acknowledged by all to be the best in the-market. =EXGELSIOB FANNING MILL, $1 per hundrcdwcighl paid l’nr l-crup czll‘l “‘“n- l'l'ht-roltl lllvt'lt will he ulinpmml of-at greatly ROBSON & ALLAN. l nuluccd prim-a, I‘ll(.;:,ir::,r,d|;‘ make room for Flash Paid in 311111 and Eggs ED FACT? and other farm produce. ICall at the New Store, That in buving SHOES and'llb‘tl'l‘S it is desirable ‘to that “ml .""u will mm 1.0 ("I'H'im'wl ”W .V'm ‘ . . .. 7 Q ,. ' ’l’ulitihl lm) cheaper or lwtlt’r “maria-mm):- thetn Lhcnp. .‘wnt l‘ltttne and ..tllysl:tlll|~tl. . _ . _ “1w", 1,, ,1”. village. That in wearing; such Shoes and Boots it is imperative that 1115111?” mrmuaxu. they 1-hnuld prove Durable. \l'cll-lookin: and Shapely. . ; hurlvm lalln. Mm; lint». 155:1. .111-1; That in choosingfilIUL'S-mltl Boots. as albresznd, it. mnupcraâ€"l k at once, the largest and ”met: Fashipnable Tailoring liveâ€"to get bus-t choiceâ€"do pick from our Hot: The underliunrtl return: lint-err dimtlkl complete in all linei. . . That .even the. poorest people have unore or less unouev and 3 m ”w wullenwn "I W village “M .31: w “ll‘l ”ml "”‘l "“"“'l"1'i“"““" belong l" ”Cl‘ or utility fur tlu-ir liln-rnl pulmnuuc MIMIC he oer, farmer tit-mechanic, annot be “ swapped " for Tootâ€"gmr more roll-factor“) ‘ cllululmlm'tl 1.11.1"... in than at MAGl'l lll‘i'S. FEN'E‘LON FALlL 8' That MAGUIRE 2baa been ?in the ‘Shoc-and ’Boot ’buéiness-t, , lam] assures thrm that ,no «Mutt w.” 1,. i -~ '11 l rnisl 11' u uch value in lentb-- . . . . l, 011ch I u i 1" i ' wound to gm: at good .aamfncu-m m the 3 future in he llln HH'cI-ctltd in giviugduring the put .11: in not» located Fenclon Falls. August 22nd, 1883. AFULLY EONCE .__â€"â€";n',..â€";0’. for some yearsâ€"at lcarlâ€" and ii- the or for little money of Lindsay town. . _ The nbovetélauses.fornrone solid,'iuvulnerable and general-' .ly CONCEDEI) ’k‘ACl‘ which buyers of Shaun and Booln will clear caah by' ,At Mrs. .lleeley'u Old Stand, remembering. ' . ‘ F inn! :upcctlulljoullclta I tall from all who Lo l‘lAG IR .1 5 j v'nb w bum: their clothing nude up in u", ; latent Mile! and but puujble menu. . Shoe 81. Boot. Malian. A, ”no...” Lind-3y, June 14th,1533. , fer-clan suntan, 111:, mu. l

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