Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 27 Oct 1883, p. 2

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~Siepl.eus for the porch Emilia” A-“Jlililililliilllillileilhl The" Event of 1883. pm... .. .... K...- -. _ a-ing of some-l gthioz suitable to i ulali on his departu ‘ the employees to the num ~ _ .iifty, assembled in front of the'mill, i when Mr. Stephens, on behalf of him- ; ___0._.anâ€" l GRAND ‘01 Yirftor‘x to LIKDSAY are invited to call and inspect my large New Stock, just pur- chased, of gold and silver WATCHES, .ma_ PINE GOLD EWELLERY, i invite particular atlcnlion to my FINE IOLD Billllllfii and LOCKETS, newest patterns and styles. in Diamond Rings. Wedding Rings and Itin- ‘ full”!!! Ring! 1 pho' in». m: in town. W $25 “00% I .. no show a very fine new assortment of woa'rii or .. DRY GOODS. manner, not only for this token of es - teem but for their many kindnessesi l showrrhirn while amongst them, and as atâ€" wnnsr . i sured them tl l wishes for his future welfare expressed. Mr. Kendall left next day for his new home in Ottawa. A Successful Hunt. A little over a fortnight. ago five of our villagers, viz .' Richard Smith, Geo. Cunningham. E. R. Edwards, Thomas Waltham Watches, and the new dust-proof and waterâ€"proof‘ casesâ€"all styles. 'i'hcsc goods lire all't‘irst , rials, yuamntled :11 good at rtprel/nff'f, and i will be disposed of at a; low pricvs as reli- Ibl‘ limit?! can l?" w” flnf'llf’mi _ d CLOTHIIVG, Robson and W. H. Simpson, left for a . fi_ 3"" "'3 ‘ 9"“an 1" A" 53!. deer hunt in the vicinity of Whissile’s zigti‘igcig'q: my place; anybody can tell you BOOTS & SHOES shanty, about 20 miles froiu Kinmouut. ' G. W. BEALL. -â€"'m In}. Some of the party got home on Friday of last. week and the others returned next morning, bringing with them nine deer. Another was killed but it was eaten in camp by the huntersand their hounds. Mr. Simpson had the good luck to about three. Messrs. Robson, Cunningham and Edwards two each, ,and Mr. Smith one. The largest of the victims, which weighed nearly two hundred pounds, fell before Mr. Ed- wards’s rifle ; but. unfortunately the first of the two bullets fircd at it knock- ed 05 one of its horns. which were a handsome pair and of such a shape as to lead to the inference that tliepossess- or had moosc blood in his veins. An- l other buck, the nicest looking one of the lot, weighed 150 lbs., and was shot by_ Mr. Simpson. One of the nine, which had horns without. branches. and was mottled with white on its sides and legs, was declared to be. an “ antelope," l partly on account of its peculiarities, but chiefly because antelopcs are mighty scarce in our woods, and consequently it is a great deal more. meritorious to shoot. one than it is to shoot a common deer. The animals, upon their arrival in the village, were triumphantly curt- cd to Edwards’e driving shed, whereâ€" no admission fee being chargedâ€"they were seen and admired by scores of our villagers, many of whom registered vows on the spot that they would go north in pursuit ofgumc and glory at the earliest moment practicable. Austin Brothers bought thc'largcst of the deer, andthc others, after being on exhibition for two or three days, were skinned, cutup and distributed. A nice hind quarter from a medium sized doe was sent. to the Gazelle office in the joint names of all the members of the hunting party, who will please divide our thanks a- mongst them. It was the best venison we ever tasted; so good, infact, that if anybody will lend us a. rifle and buy us some ammunition and run the paper while we are away. we will spend a month with Smiff at Haliburton and (with his assistance) shoot enough deer to furnish the Gazelle and the Ilulcpcn- dent with flesh meat. until spring opens. The Practical Watchmnlrer .i‘ Jeweller [or urine". Sold at less than cost. LEGAE. as... A. l’. DEVMN, ' ARRISTBR, Attorney-likimty, Solicitor in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. ‘ Jouxa. BATIIION, ' ' .iRRiMRR-AT-LAW, Lindsay. Office on Kent Street, next door was: of Keith’s Agricultural and Implement Store. , __â€"â€" Glad Titlingâ€"slur the People. As I have fully decided on RETIIIING F110.“ BUSINESS. the public‘ will find this a rare chance to secure goods at less lhan wholesale riccs; and as by my system of buying I have. secured many lines below regu- lar prices, and intend giving the public the benefit of the same, buyers can Sill [FROM 30 in 50 PER BENT. F, D. MOORE, , . , ARRIS'I‘ER, ATTORNEY, l: SOLICITR' on goods bought at this sale. single visit. will convince Casn BUYERS that I and Notary Public. Money to Loan. mean business, and intend getting out Office, Kent street, Lindsay. of the business at any sacrifice. Don't ' neglect this RARE OPPORTUNITY, take time by the forelock nnd'comc at once, as no lines sold out can be re- placed, and lhc first comers will have their choice of the bargains. Remember, The Slaughter. has Begun, and will continue while the stock lasts. MARTIN 8; HOPKINS , ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ltc my to Loan at 6 per cent. Kent street, Lindsay,. Ont. i’. S. Manny. lio- Ofiice, G. ll. iiorxixs. iIUDSPET‘II & J‘AUKSON, ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, kc. fice, William street, Lindsay. A. iicnsrzru. A. Jacnsos. 0f- O‘LEARY 8t O'LEAIIY, ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS-AT-i.AW, Solicitors in Chancery, kc. Ofilcc, Doheny Block, Rentairecl, Lindsay. Anrncn O'LRMH‘. licoti O‘Lsinv. .‘ICINTYRE & STEWART, ARRISTBRS, ATTORNEYS-AT-I'.AW, Solicitors in Chancery. kc, Lindsay. Oflici- over Ontario flunk, Kent street. .\Io- ncy to Loan at 8 per cent. on real estate 'ccuritlt-s. I). .I. licixrvnz. Keep your eye on the place,â€" G. A. WeesC’s Bazaar, East End of Kent Street, Iaindsa'y, Ont. 'i'uos. Srnwanr. ALEX. A. .‘lUDONAiJl, T'I‘OIINEY-AT-LA W, Solicitor in Chun- ccry, Conveyanccr, kc. kc. Strictnt- tt-ntiun given to applications for Patents of Lands from Crown Land’s Dcpnrtinient._ , ...._â€" Elirfcitrluu £11115 find I “It Quraay, October 27th,1883. Money to Lory] 0" “(Elf-12c Sf‘ttllrily on "m" '" Zii‘it borrowers. all-mu, i-‘cnclon Falls. ()fiice, Coiborne Confirmatibu. On Sunday last. the Lord Bishop of Toronto administered the rite of confir- mation to twelve candidates at St. ‘ 'Jnmes's Church, Before the confirma- tion the Bishop addressed the candi- dates on the course of their future lives, and on .thc responsibilities they wore voluntarily assuming. Sunday lust hav- ing been the day appointed by the Arch- bishops of Canterbury and York for the preaching of sermons in the interests of Sunday Schools both in the mother country and the colonies, the Bishop in the evening preached an admirable ser- mon from Exodus II..and part of the 9th vcrsc : “ Take this child away and nurse it. for nic..'aud I will give ‘lhcc thy wages." llis Lordship dwelt chief- ly on the responsibility ofSunday School teachers in taking children and train- ing them up in the principles of the gospel for Christ; that they need not look for wages here, but to the faithful Sunday School teacher reward would be ccroiiu hereafter. The adult portion of the congregation having been invited to meet Ills Lordship at the Rectory on Saturday evening. hctwcen thirty and forty availed themselves of the opportu- nity, and spent a couple of hours very pleasantly. On Monday the. Rev. Mr. Logan‘ drove His Lordship to Head Lake, in the township of Bexlcy. .___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Farewell Supper and Presentation. Vocalists and Bell Players. The Allcglianians announced to ap- pear at Ingram‘s Ilall next Saturday evening have recently returned from a very successful tour of eleven years in Europe. The troupe comes to us with the highest. praise from the European press both before they left'and since they returned from Europe. As vocal- ists they delight their audience wherev- cr they appear; as hell players they have no superiors. Our exchanges speak of their concerts in most positive on- dorscment. as will be shown by the fol- lowing extracts and clippings :â€" "Thc genuine and hearty applause accorded the performers must have con- vinced them that their wonderful per-l [form-.ince was apprcciatcd.”â€"â€"-Liuerpool Mercury. “ In quarlclte they are marvellously effective. The ‘ Burning Ship ' was giv- en in a splendid munner.-”-â€"-Ncw York Herald. ' “ The delightful music of the Swiss Bclls charmed all, while the brilliant execution astonished the most critical." -â€"Etli'nburgh Foumnl. , “ The playing on the bells was mar- vellous."â€"0xjord (Eng.) Journal. “ I have so frequently expressed my opinion ofthc merits of these entertain- ers that I have only to add, as a word of advice, ‘ go and hear them.’ "â€"Rcv. .llr. Spiqurnn. Miss Iliil'ert's songs were highly up- preciated. This lady possesses a voice of much sweetness and power and is a charming actress."~Glusgma Herold. “ .‘lr. Field displays a quiet humour, ' and his style will make his songs popu. l l l ,ORI’INBR, i‘liysician,Surgeon,&c., kc. J Residence, llrick Cottage, Wellington alrcct. Lindsay. ._.__..._._-.._.,.~.... Wit. KENII’T, M. 0., C. M., IRADUATE of llcfiill University, lion- 1 trcnl, and Provincial Licentiate. Physi- cian. Surgeon and Obstetrician. Medical llcfl-rne to the Standard. Phinnix, Connecti- cut .\iutuu|. and Equitable Insurance Com- panics. Oiiicr and residence, in the house lately occupied by Rev. Father Stafford, at the corner ofl.indsuy and fins streets, Lindsay. ' Drt. A. WILSON, RI B.C.\'IVERSITY of Trinity College. . .‘l.il.llnivcrsily of Toronto. .‘lrmh. Col. i’hys. and Surg.. Ont. Physician, Surgeon and Arcuuchrr. Otlice,Cnlhorne street, Fcnelon l‘ulls. Du. J. ii. LOWE, IIYSlf‘iAN & SURGEON. Coroner for the Provisional County of lliilihurtou. DEB- Oilice next door to the licArlhur ilnnso. Residence, thr house lately occu: pied by Dr. llryson, on May street, Fencion Pulls. sunvnvoas. JAMES DICKSON. I.. Surveyor, Com uissionrr iii the Q. ll., . Conveyancer. &c. Residenccmud unl- dress. Penelon Falls. " mandamus: . On the evening of Friday, the 19th inst, the employees of II. C. Smith. leq, in the red mill, assembled to the number of about forty in Mr. Brooke's hotel, for the purpose of giving a fare- well supper to Mr. Kendall. foreman. who has been in charge of the mill for F E." E L o "‘_F A L L 3. the last twelve months, on the eve of Tickets u, all p01,,” w...“ “.1 yam” his departure for Ottawa, where he is West, and all local points on Predit Valley engaged to build an extensive saw mill. 8"“ ledfi_5*““h"“ RMIWM'S- About 9 o'clock lll(‘ employees, together Fwd“ hm" "“5 “h‘ ”"1" with a goodly number of citizens, sat " ”0.-.”. " . . down to a sumptuous supper. served in 1301?. Seat 14173., .‘ir. Brmks‘s usual style. The chair Lot :. mi ut‘l‘ulbnruc and southnfl’rnn- was occupied by the Rev. Mr. Jones. cit sirrris. in tho villagnt nf‘ Fcnclnn Falls. of Miudeu, who happened to be staying THIN “‘5.“ Ft" “I'll!" P-‘fllfl'l‘fi “PM." . at the hotel for the night. After the In _ ... . cloth was removed the usual lo al toasts , , R. A. DlChnOh. ) l E. Ellis‘s drug store, where seats can i Lindsay. 0“,, were given. The health of our guest, _ .- . 11..., {, came next, and was duly honoured by , bc 5‘9““! “mm“ “““SI‘MCC- ' fl ‘ , l the company singing “whirls he‘s a jolly . . .. .. . . good follow." .‘lr. Kpndull made a feel Village Coungil, i log response. in winch he gave great i credit to his men, one and all, for the Fenclon Falls. Oct. 22nd, .1883. , 0,". 0“,", 3m, '5“ be at the l kiu‘dly-Ejsiitaucc lpil‘y hSd ‘rcnde‘rcd him ”cilia Figural: mint pps‘rsyli‘qutrgpofigpgs- ‘, \. r: . ,, , In to isciarvco us uyas oremau . .I,,ess I'. ,. .'? glazr‘gzzuu‘l’xr.‘ Emit: 2:13;). F;:;: l to his emplnydis, The Rev. Dir. Jones ford and Smith; the rent-cl: the cits"; 1 = - «' - math-a pleasing and touching speech Moved by .Ir. Sandfo , secon e , "mum! 5" laugh-2.3M “mm" mm or on the unity that existed between Mr. by Mr. Thomson, That the followin injury, or no charge will be made. _ .. , . - - la" Ofiu established in Lindsay nearly hnndall and his men. Amongst the accounts he paid and the room give his -, 1 orders for the same 1â€"}chrthur & ; WW“ I’M“ other speakers were Mr. Alfred Ste- ? phcns, who now assumes charge of the Thomson. on account of plank. $1 00 ; l , mill. .‘ir Autism-mg, Mr. W. Dcyman l Wm. Mills, teaming, $8 00 ; Cnmclius‘ excellent vocal mu- l Warren. on streets, 61 25.-â€"Cutied. . l sic was rendered. Amongst the singers; Moved by Mr. Thomson, secondedl are must make honourable mention ofg by Mr. Sandfnrd. That John A. Bar- lbimusual happy style: after which alil Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by' ‘ diagram! for their bottles, well pleased 5 Mr. Thomson, That the clerk be auth- l wit the pleasant evening spent. Thel mind to look into the statement furv, GEO. EUNNINGHAM, Agent Built Valley Railway. lar."â€"Li'i:(rpool Courier. “ .‘lr. Boulurd is the basso, with a, voice of extraordinary compass. doop.‘ pure and thoroughly musical.â€";\’ew l York Daily Times. l The Alleghanians will favor our lov- l era of melody with one evening, when l the price will be placed at a most popu- l lar rate. Plan of reserved seats at W. l i2-t.f. Lindsay, June “.‘th. lsrlfl. .i. I‘lEELAiins, I) liIN’L‘l 51‘. L1 N DSAJI. .â€"â€"â€"- 1': -. INSURANCE. aeolian cunnmsuau, ' General Insurance and ‘Loan Agent. PENELOH FALLS. 0NT., rrprrseuu the following first class compa- niei, with which anti-cu can be transacted upo- Ibe lanai a.’\‘lnll.t:allt toms . The Canada Permanent Loan It: Sari-p .» The imperial Insurance Company, of Lon don. England. The Cilhuf Insurance Company,of0ana~ and Mr. J. J. l'owcr. allof whom spokel .‘chuIiffc, work on streets. 32 00 ; I". " Mr. Fred Charmin. Mr. John Barley, , ron, Esq, be paid the sum of thirty-tire; in feeling terms. After the speaking 5 Kelly. assistant constable, 55 00; Win . was over some very E Mr. W. lloutly and Mr. Richard Gray. dollars in lull of account rt pulp mill. , Col Ibo-sang a number of amusing mg: in , â€"-Camed. 5 da. fin and am l '. _ l . , ~ The Lunatic: Insurance- Co. of lelandl next d.“:" hm; the. k“ A”, of M L : nished by B McFarland, J' l .. and ‘ 1”! (.U.M.,,,,n. L,“ Absceutiot.uf(‘-au~f Kendall: stewardship. his employees . report to this council at next meeting. I . raised a purse, which was given to Sir. l ~-â€" Carried. 9 add 5 by .‘Ir. Thomson, That. Means. Jose by l McArthur.'36b'ii’Daiiiel, Jolie-Fell; ill. .at he would ever wear the l 1’. I). and the Rev. a ‘ purpose of establishing a site for a grist mill or other industries, and that. their expenses be paid by this municipality. â€"-Carricd. call oi the reeve. M r. R. Davies has received a prominent office on the C. P. Railway...i\lrs. Alex. Dunseath, we are informed, is under the care of a Fenclon Falls doctor. wish her a speedy recovery....\Ir.J. H. have a reputation of lliSVOWD a few Knight, I. P. S., has been on a tour of inspection. a valuable cow by its having quantity of lye. gun of J. Thompson’s is again set. you have any more sheep killing dogs send them along. Falls, he offers his whole stock of Dry Goods. Clothing. &c. at cost for cash. Great bargains will be given. and supp Monday, November 5th. teudance of the brethren is expected. ‘ DRESS Panamaâ€"Mr. Wm.l‘.uinpâ€" bell is agent in Ii‘enclon Falls for the sale of the celebrated New York Bazaar Patterns for ladies' and children‘s cloth- ing. and see them. barrister, &c., son of our popular coun- ty judge, will open an office in Mr. Jor- dan’s new block on Colborne street as soon as it is finished, and in the mean- time will be at the‘ l‘chi'thur House on 'l‘uesrlays Md Fridays where he may fires also seemed to have been set by be consulted by all in need of. his pro- fessional services. he happened to tread. cure of Dr. Lowe, who was sent. for im- mediately after the accident. ' Sandford, of this village, found the planing'machinc he purchased a short time ago so good ,an investment that he lius been induced to supply another want of the public, and has procured grain crusher from-the Sylvester works in Lindsay. . kind of course grain at. the rate of from thirty to forty bushels per hour, and farmers can now get their pig and cat- tle feed prepared without having to go to Coboconk or Lindsay. the black man: owned by McDougall & queer motions with her lips, but‘ no- .‘loved bv l byHr. Tho‘mm,‘ That the clerk be in- re. After six o'clock: stnctcd to notify Nfisrs. Manning 6: her of. about: McDonald to rcpairfjsti‘ee.‘ from they»: , ' ner» of the Mc‘Arthur [louse todihe regretted, . bridge across rhodium-(and to put '0 self and. fellow workmen, presented him-‘1 athree foot‘siddwalk of .two-inch plank. " ‘ j?)- i t with a.beaul:iful gold"watch claim Mr. 3 fortliwithgothcrwise action will be taken. ea ”D a e . Kendall thanked them in a very feeling , for damagesâ€"Carried. i .‘loved by Mr. Sandfnrd, seconded Wm. Logan be a 3 chain in remembrance of the happy , deputation to Ottawa to meet’tbe Mia- B A z A A R idays Spent at Fencinn Falls. Three, is!" Of Public “7971954"th l9}??? *- -" -‘ " ‘ “I hearty ch‘cers were then given, and ofhaving a mill race cut alongthé’can- I now in course of construction, for the Council adjourned, to meet at the . North Verulam. (Correspondence of the Gazette.) Parmesanâ€"We hear that our friend We Ban Loss â€"Mr. Joseph Davies lost drunk :1 SPRING Gumâ€"That notable spring 1f SELLING OPEâ€"AS llr. St. Lawrence 3 about to give ilp business in Fenelon BALI. & SUPPER.â€"â€"-An Orange ball. or will. be held in Ingrum's inll, Fcnclun Falls, on. the evening of A large at- Go He has a large assortment. Law Dramaâ€"Mr. H. B. Dean, Ssuious ACCIDENT.â€"-Lnst Thursday Cook, of Vcrulam, had his right ankle zenith put out of joint and the bone above it broken, in consequence of his foot. slip. ping sideways from a stone on which He is under the Iiirouraxr T0 Fatimaâ€"Mr. F. it It ,Will crush or chop any A Sons Monroâ€"One day last week Brandon Bros. was observed making thing was thought of it until it was no- ticed that size had difficulty in eating. Mr. Johnson Brandon then looked into her mouth and was astonished to find a large darning needle, over an iucli of which had penetrated the roof. The. needle having been extracted and salt applied to the wound, the more was soon all right again, but she must huvc had a sore moutlrfor two ,or three days. Accmaxrâ€"Last Saturday evening as M r. Mai-shall Burlcy, of this village, was assisting to turn over a massive stick of oak timber to he used in the canal locks, it. slipped in consequence of coming in contact with one of tho skids, and caught the first finger of his right hand, taking off about an inch of the tip, including the whole of the nail. My. Burlcy immediately went to, Dr. Wil- son, who sawed off the splintered bone, trimmed the rugged flesh and drew it. to a point, all of which the patient bore heroically, though he felt rather faint towards the conclusion of the operation. Coonnx’r Caren Triciaâ€"A few months ago twenty oxcn were turned loose on ilooey's island, which isrcntcd by Mr. II. C. Smith, and early last week some turn were sent to catch them. As the attempt was unsuccessful in party of six returned on Saturday and spent the whole day tearing backwards and for- wards across the island, which contains some twelve or fifteen hundred acres; but all in vain, for the oxen had be- come almost as wild as deer, and would not. allow any one to get near them. They will either have to be run down by dogs, caught with lacsocs, or induced to follow taiuc cattle into an inclosnrc. DISMISSED â€"â€"Tl.rce years ago. last. her brother was laid. March )1 r. chry Reduer, of this vii- lace, lost a number of traps and an axe, which were stolen out of his hunti Indgc on the shore of Balsam Lake. Week before last he found the axe in the possession of Mr. Frederick lloocy. of Roscdalc, whom he had arrested, in spite of the young man's protestation that. he and hi5 brother had picked up the axe in the bush, all covered with rust, a long while ago. an adjournment. was dispofed of last Monday, whcn‘it was dismissed, there being no evidence to throw discredit on .‘ir. Honey's statement. Upon the de- cision being given Mr. Redner fairly iboilcd over with indignation, some of -~'-â€"--â€"~"‘~~~~'~ ~ which he vented on Mr. Robert McFar- land, the presiding magistrate. Piusoxu. â€"â€"On Friday evening last a number of friends entertained Mr. A. A. McDonald, solicitor, at Ingram-'0 ho- tcl,oo the occasion of his departure from this village to the city of Belle- )Ir. Sandford. seconded g fession. and where \Mchuald'ié-de ‘c‘sargea ili'é 'dut'iés" arcing.“galleria,“ ‘ take a,publi_c part in the trial, but sim- g ‘ with a farewell address at Quebec on The case, after auowxox San}: . 0F ““41”“ Hum PROPERTY , The Marquis of Lausdnwnc, the new prewar-General, arrived at ‘Quebco 1’3: unnday evening. , “ I _"~‘ astria t a;-»are‘“mrcd for-ex» he hopes to have a the exercise of his abili- air: wider field f ties and professional experience. 9 flute." u; e. r“ ”all ' I . I ' ’ei‘mled porpit on to G tifBrituin, where they reside '~ fight vi 'pwa . ' of ibifit‘as much as $15 ass-20. bundled, . ~41 I I: . 01°80. new“ c or”. “"5 venison imbibing destroying Township of Somervrlle“ beéii prominently nnectcdswith all the g‘mts'end 0”," “he”, . ' ~. ’ public affairs of this part of the county, "‘ ”5‘0”" N’ Ymflfl: and has succeszuily filled several posi- tious of trust. Among others be disâ€" - a Cure For Cats. scream. " There will i» sold-0a. WTbelineat healing compound under the . a . sun is McGngor I: i‘arke‘s Carholic (lento. Friday, the and 0f Novembarrl888, There is no sure but will succumb to its , at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at Keys‘ hotel healing properties. It is an ‘invaluable ‘ . ‘ ’ dressing for scalds, festers. etc. Price In THE VILLAGE OF 9030 ORR" 'twcuty-‘tlre‘vccutx‘aPWm. E. 'Ellls’a drug by virtue of ii power or sale contained in a store. _ ccrtaln morigage. which will be produced yam“ Burleyfiflamilton. s,,,‘,‘._.. I "Id at the sale, ihe following‘pmperiy, under‘ the testimonials for Mctln‘gor's Sperdy mortgage “w“ Hamilton Bil-Y": Care and found lhatl had not to go to New Lots Mm 50 ,Q 5‘ In the Front Range York Philadelphia‘Louisiana or Texas to . , . find living witness.” of its value. we had all (lull llllt‘r meal-:u‘lzpwllshlp of Nun. 0 plenty of persons right here to prove its merits. i got a bottle and it helped me containing two hundred and thirty’thm right uwuy,l was as bad with Bilious Fever acres, mom 0.- 1.5:, rxcrlaling “mum,“ ten and indigestion asl think any one could acres my the “05, end of said Lot 50 here. be, i have taken three bottles and am ncnr- mp.“- 501,1 The following im,,,m.,.,,',,.,,,,, are said to he on tire prvinisrs: About forty . Iy well and can eat any kind of fund with- outit hurting me. 1 may SAL" lb!“ l “1" acres clean-d. having then-on n frumc burn and two sheds. ' better than! ever expected to be." Free ll'ml bottles I'- “ m. 3- EIIIS'S drug 3‘0”. 'I‘Orlnfi :â€"llne~ienih ofthc purchase money to he paid down on the day or stile. Feuelon Falls. For balance, terms will be made known at The Quickest Thing on Record Is Kmm‘s Fluid Lightning. for Neurnlgin, "m,“l‘“ . ‘ ‘ Inr rllirr particulars apply to Headache, Toothache, eic. it does not blis- . _‘} _, SSS BROS. k MACKENZIE. ter nor discolor the skin ; requires but. um- - application to banish all puiti magically %0 y} 3- Solicitors. Masonic Hull, Tomllfc, . l0 vi}? y‘earshlplnce. obtained the first of his without using any greasy iiniment or car- Lotsuo 5 from 0“!”- Arm3trongl of rying your head in a poulticc for weeks. 3 Ci: Ii .1: Cl‘ssixuiuu, l‘ciiclnn Falls. Tommi... p n 4th, lS‘lla. 33.3“. â€"â€"â€"â€". i railway local solicitor, bank solicitor and secretary of the iNnrth Victoria Briers! association. and is sensation. 3f the 'vo‘iu‘nteer company. stationed here. As a public speaker .‘ir. Md Donald is both fluent and pleasing. and whilst regretting his leaving all wish his family and himself cvery happiness and success. Gown 'EAST.-â€"-Last Thursday morn- ing Mr. Alexander MeAi-thur, of Fenc- lon. sent a pure bred Cotswold rum lamb to Mr. Alexander McLeod, of Alexandria, near Ottawa. The lamb had just turned six months old. weigh- ed 135 pounds and was sold for 812, about one~third of what would have to be paid for a similar animal to one of the great breeders with an established reputation. Mr. McArthur, who will East York," between three and four Try a twenty-five cent bottle from Wm. B. years ago, and has sent several of his ElliS, Druggist,Fenelon Falls. sheep to considerable distances, but. none so far as the one he shipped on Thursday. As an instance of the ad- QUICIa‘: 337%]? ”ANDâ€"â€" _â€"__.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"1 DIARIiET I} BIPOIETS '. . . . . ,_ ' , i , t. usability of raismg good stock, we may FENELON FALLS MARKETS. W ATER LIME CEMENT_ remark that a few months ago Mr. lllc- â€"- Arthur .snld 11 pair of aged ewes to a R’I’O’MI I’.'/ .IchougallJBrundon. fl‘llE NAI‘ANEH I'AI‘EII lltl'l' have now butcher for. $19, and when . farmers Fent-lou Foils, Friday, Oct. 26th, 1883. in opvroiiou hero ilu-ir paiom Limo-Kiln, who had not "ot'mucli more than half Wheat, full, per bushel ‘ -SO 9,, 0 92 which ls'turning opt large quantities of the h t, _ r n hi (I l1 b . l Wheat, spring, ,, _ _ _ 95 i 03 best Quick Liuic in the l'rorincr. \I'aler ‘ in“. 33?." dill“... i..’.‘.é‘..§l§’.fll‘.§°$.l “““vv 1‘" “"5““ ' ' ' 4" 6" “m" °°'“°"' *“p‘ ”Mm" "““"' ' . _ Oats ‘- H - . - - 30 3: . . . . ,. , - of those two ewesâ€"one 0,. which weigh- Pcnsb, u .. _ _ . _ 55 6,; ALI. Milli-Jib i’lllllll TLI .ITTLNIILII ’I‘O. ed 240 lbs.-â€"-thnn outof any three 0,. Rye, u u - , _ _ 50 55 bur prices apply at the utilcc ofthc Cum- four common sheep for which he had Potatoes, .“ - - - ’- 45 50 l‘""~"°“ L'°"’““.‘¢ “rm" aid the 9mm inunc » . vilnitcr, pcrlb., - - - - - ii 16 Till: .\'Ai‘.»\.\'liii PAPER ()0. l“ ‘ 3“ Dressed Iiogs, per 100 11.3., $5 54) so no Feucluu Fails, (let. 3rd, ISS'J. Il'J-Lf. . â€"*'“‘ 'â€""-‘ _ "“â€"‘â€"""â€" Eggs, per dozen, - - - 14 10 -__-..__~...._._-.. -â€"»«~-â€"â€"~~-~-â€"~â€"-- Forest Fires. Hny. rerton. - - - - $7 00 to $9 05 FARM 1001:. SALE. 'rnousasns'OF acnss Or BUSH amaze New Advertisements, The. “'lerrisnrd olfrrs fur rule the west 'IN NElViBRUNSWICK. half of lot 2’2 in the ~illl coucrssiuu of Ver- - _____ _ _ AU 0 TIWO N S ' 'â€" ----- uinm, containing two acres, mun, or p.53; . .- ‘ ' about 60 acres bring rli-nrrd lllitl over» so Passengers on the Fredericton .OX- . A I. E iicrcs covet-rd with good tlinlu-r, Including press Sptuyd‘h'y \clvcning, frolin the “pug 0‘" “WW“ soul»:- c‘figcllcnt pilnc. A comfortable liullsu “e tram c t. .i. CI‘PPIS.UDl-l it receie , , 4 r uni )lii ingsunl u never-failingspriuguro ' Rusugornish station, passed through ll FARBI PRO PER FY Oil the land. Apply lo { continuous gauntlet of fire. -At several .. " ’ -â€"â€"l.\' rim- Y i 0 t' 18 11“!”ch “ll/KIN. S“- . _ . 6 :l. :ii-i.t‘ . potuts near the track, especially alonL' WN VE UI "u'lm’ c r l" ' the Fredericton branch, lai‘gc fires were ‘ TO SHIP OF R AM' ‘fiM...--___... (”M i N ”WWIâ€"IT“ burning freely, .lighiingr up their sur. 1“ rm: consrr 0" ""0”“ ' CHANGE 111 BUSINESS roundings for miles. Innumcrablc small _ There will be sold 0,, Tuesday, .45; 1-“... the falling leaves, which, all on fire, The 20th day Of November) 1883! NEW DRUG STORE were carried longdislnnccs bytlie wind. atone o’clock in the afternoon at the Mc- V ’ Several milcs back ,of the track huge Arthur House in ”'8’ FENELO" (FALLS' . . ' V _ v v t - ~ . . .., ”â€" Pntricl. Look, youngest son of Mr. John fires inlthe woodls ugrgl reflep‘tedbm the Village oI'Fcnclon Filllh, [luring purchased the Drug Iluuini‘sii of . ‘l 9 t_‘0 ill‘l : 0W.0 [l utnzni- by virtue of 1; power of sale contained in n Mr. John Nllgi‘lll, I would ri‘i-‘llt’t‘lfllllj' FO' City. The air along the rail WIIS stifling certain mortgage, which will be. produced licit ii continuance. of the patronage so ill»- and some of thcpassengcrs suficred 0011- at the sale, the following property under "Ml." bt‘f‘mm‘d “"11““ i" ”I" WI“. and “'i” sidcrably. . Fredericton was enclosed in mortgage from Alfred Yardley Hopkins ;_ do my utmost to mcrit thr same by attendâ€" a dense pillar of cloud this. morning. The South part of the East half of Lot mg “(may t:1all:lyndiigl.iiliii .iwullmg oun- which utterly shut out the sky and rcn- No 32 in the 3rd Concessi . . . . . ‘ . - .on of the ., dared all objects anlSiblc at_a distance Township of Verulam, ,FRESI‘I AND FULL b'l‘UCI{ ofiiboui. one hundred yards.- Big fires containingfls acres more or less, according of everything “5mm." “1‘1 i" 1‘ fir“ (‘lflfil We” raging back 0f the City P9“ the to thenrcg‘istcrcd survey of the north rod of drug “01’“- l “'30 “WW" "I'll“!!! Inrlzvly race, track, seriously threatening the tlic'I-lrduconccssion of the Township of Vcr- to the present stock of "units, Sliilioni-ry city. 'Tlic effect of another wcck's‘ ulam, made by James Dickson, P, L, 8., mid Flint-y Continuum] to sell at. prices that drought is fearful to contemplate. Eur- 955"“‘b9’ 25‘1‘r‘876' m“ day coml'cmm" \; , , ‘ ~ ”I , ‘ ' . - ,_ Tea-Ins :â€"Onc-tentli of the purchase ' " '. ‘1. ill. .18. ' nest. pray era. ,for lain. were. Oil-Lied. to money to be paid down on the day of sale. ‘ , ' “10-“ 0f the City-,pulplta “the capital. For balance, terms will be made known at T0 Cl‘I'Il‘} 1’17 IBIJIC). â€"Sl. John, M B.,*News. ‘ the stile. “‘â€" I ‘ .'. In reference to the llllhl’f‘ sale, I hrg‘irnvo to return my sincere thanks to my niinIt-r- ous friends and customers who have so lili- crully dealt with mi: in tlic punt, and would ask a continuance of ”to some for my suc- F'or firther particulars apply to , ' [A osns. nnos. & MCKENZIE, - . AX , ‘ L/ll- Solicitors, Masonic ”all, Toronto, 0‘- g0 2’ ' 2 if; (,4: Gunner. Cuxvmqnan, Fcnclou I'lilla. n-. O’Donneli’s Defence; ___. LONDON, Oct. 20.-Gen. Pryor says ' he is satisfied that O‘Donnell killed Cu- T’oronto, October-19th, 1883. 35-4. “‘5‘"! “'3 ,W» E- I‘Jllis, us l can fully rc- . commend him to their trust and conf-loncv. ray in self-defence. It. can .bc proved - . JOIN Nl't‘l‘Vi‘ d s 70 ti at ’Donncll went to~ ' ' . - ' ’“ - beyon que tl n ‘ 0 I‘IA]2.I)‘V AIKIE. Fcuclon Fails, Aug't 215i, 1851!. 26-t.f. Africa with no design of killing Carey. According to Pryor's tlié'ory, Carey, finding himself discovered, provoked a quarrel in orilcr.to anticipate the blow he expected O‘Donnell as an - Irishman would strike. Manslaughter, in'l’ryor’s opinion, is the utmost that O'Donnell can be found guilty of. “ I believe," Gen. Pryor said, “ O'Donnell will have it fair trial. I find there is no preju- dice against Iiim. I do not expect. to EMS EXEELSIUR UHGINS. the most hrnuliiul «ll-signs and tho host or- guns in lhr- market for the stimilrul prim-s. an)" Sm: Illl' lu-fort' you buy. "W l have succeeded in gelling the agency for the I't‘lt‘llrlllllll Hoosier Combined Seed Drills. J. c. EDWARDS, LIN 1):: AY, SIGN OF THE ANVIL. â€".â€"-â€" LARGEST srocK i FINEST ,coons ! .. LOWEST PRICES i ‘piy. help the, other counsel by consultae. tion and suggestion. I shall remain, in. London until the trial is finished. I ' Fullslock of have seen O'Donnell. He impresses me ,Lnncc & Ilanlan Crouscut Saws. Axes, as being a simple minded, ingenuous Files, Chains, Cow Tics, Scoop Slinvtl", Irishman â€"anvthing but an assassin.. Rope Halters. Lana-run. Wrigh Beams, The trial will occur iti the‘ middle of Platform Scales, Apple Parcrs «kc. bovember, and last two or three diiys. Building Hardware «1! Sperm! Loin l'ri'rcl. - Pure White Lend, Oils, Colours, Vor- llliss Teresa Con'don, an Irish lady. nishes. Turpentine, Machine ()il. Leath- now of Eric, I’u.,.has taken formal pos er Belting, Curpcntcrs' Tools, .‘lill Supâ€" session ofa farm acquired by a verdict plies, Black~niiths' Supplies and Car- in the Common Pleas Court. A year riagc ilardwurc. ago she came from Ireland in obedience, as she claims, lo'thc commands. of her brother's ghost. which appeared to her and informed her that. he mm the bro- ther who left Ireland twenty years ago; that he had acquired wealth. had died. and could not rest in his Eric grave be- cause'fraud hail been practiscd,and his estates were being enjoyed by an impos- wr. Iler story came near securing her a home in an int-zinc asylum, but the old lady continued to investigate until she ferretvd out facts that Judge Gal- braith told the jury were incentroverti- ble. Upon these cold f'acts,‘ regardless of her strange story, the jury' gave a verdict in.hcr favour, and the ghost of l um’tiow nfl'vring lll'll' Wanzer Sewing Machines. tit prim-s varying from $12.3 to $80,1imi they have no equal. gin)" iv'irl- uml Lifw lumiiumrc. Loiiu on easy il-rtn-i. J. A I YH'I‘I‘N. Foncloli I“flllt‘,1‘ll“|l‘l 91h, HIS-fl. ii ii’I‘iiidltiiLiJS. 0“; _~â€"~_..__. A Useful Ghost. ”will" to J. G. EDWARDS. Lindsay, Oct'r 8th,,1883. 33-3.... The Old St BAKERY â€"ANI)â€" GRQQERY. JOI:II\T MOFFA 'I‘ brgii to Inform his customers and the put.- lie that, while carrying on the linking busi- ness as usual, and turning out daily Choice Bread, 5 kc, he has jun opened out a nice stock of FRESH GilflilElllES, THE BEST l.\' (.'xlx’\'.’ll'.‘l. all of which will be told at the very lowest 1 will Ft‘ll lo f~lriill‘f‘i for full sot-ding on t living profit. tlt‘xl yc'ir's forms. (In! M lltiil now, and The Finest Flour ' cusll ncxl. spring will lu- (‘tltiillllfl’l'fl the krpt constantly On land; alto from annu- as cash down. in prices i can t‘ulll- pclc with any, lllili warrant the machine in i-v-ry way. 0..., nm .. smsuiimius Hill BUILDINGS P A n, m P a o D u G B i to‘thc smallest job. of carpenter warts, and « will spam no palm to “in satisfaction in . taken in exchange for goods. and l H"! m", . Cash Paid for Buuer 5: Elâ€"ff-Zfl-lDOOlts a WINDOW sasu 3' The undersigned will do all in bit 1 made to or-lcr at rhort nutter, of good in» power to merit a eunlmuaocc of the ”truth lerial. and at (township pfiCrI. i age In liberally bestowed on him duringi W” Work-gimp on Francis Street But, A" . ____ Bill Willi lflll Willi AT METHEBELL'S. and. if You want school flocks. lily them at )lli'l‘liHllHi.L'H. if You want fitatloticry. Buy it at lill’i’IilZitiliJJH. if You want. Christmas l'artlu. iiny thi-m at lifl'fllliitl‘ildl'fl. if You want to Make mm. ‘ llny at llflTilthEiJ/S. The Clieapest-ilâ€"t‘ctioncry Store. KENT HTltltliT. LINDSAY. Lindiay Novctrilwr Ilfith, i382. .â€"-â€".â€"â€"-â€"a--.â€". The Marquis of Lorne was presented madw--. .7._......_....â€"...... 1‘]. II A ‘V, Ellll’illllll & Blilllllll, FENELON FALLS. Thr advrriltcr ia prrpatrd to execute. all order: with which he may be (around, Saturday. In his reply Ilia Excellency advised strongly against a policy of iso- Caitcl, Bun lation from the mat of the Provinces. It is said that the largest: grapevine in the. United Stntcsgrows on the prem- ises of Mr. Madden in Pike c'nunty, Ga. It is eighteen years old, is thirty. four inches in circumference at its base, ia'a‘ quarter of a mile long, and yields five waggon loads ofgrapcs. 8" Use Lardinc Machine Oil for your machinery. BIRTHS. ’ In the township of Var-slam, on Saturday, October 8th, the wife of Sir. Allan Gilli! of a son. . hIARRlED. Tumâ€"'Focflat'lr-Al FeaeIoa Falls, on Saturday. Oct‘r tame; the Rev. C. W. the put fin yearl. residerlce on flood Stu-ct Hut. . . Watch Mr. William Thibodou ofthc townâ€" , Ville, his former home, 'here he PM“ ship of 33311,, to Miss Inuit; Parietal-,0“ J03" HOFF‘T- , Hiwum HAW. f [mes continuing the practice ofl.is pro-3 rum... nu. l Pent-ion Fails June no. ices. i7â€"iy. . Petition Loom-r. mu luau. $14!.

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