Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 30 Jun 1883, p. 2

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y street, Lindsay. Surgeon and Accouchcr. .atreet, Echelon l-‘nlls. â€"~r. «wakes; "‘- 11W. hall - â€" Announcement. Vinita" to LINDSAY are invited to call and impact my large New Stock, just pur- ’ ' chucd, of gold and silver WATCHES, 4ndâ€" FINE GOLD JEWELLERY; I invite particular attention to my FINE GOLD OHAIHS and LOCKETS, nearest patterns and styles. In Diamond Rings, Wedding Rings and En- l gngcmcnt Binge I chow the best in town. I also show a very line new assortment of gold 11nd silver Waltham Watches, And the new duet-proof and water-proof cuesâ€"all styles. class. gunranlred a: good a: rtprrxrnlwl, rand will be dispored ot’at as low prices as reli- able goods can be rold anywhere. 3' If you are 11 stranger in Lindsay, inquire for my place; anybody can tell you where it is. a G. W- BEALL. The Practical ll'ulchmaker .I' .Inreller 07 LINDSAY. “"““nn:._’o ‘ ' .H “7 JOHN A. BARRON, BARRISTER-AT-LAW, Lindsay. Office on Kent Street, next door west of Keith's Agricultural and Implemo'it Store. MARTIN Sc HOPKINS, ARRISTERS, SI)LICI’1‘URI~T,&c. Mo- ney to Loan at 6 per cent. Ollicc, Kcntstreet, Lindsay, Ont. P. S. Manrm. 0.11.1101-xiss. F, I). MOORE, BARRISTER, ATTORNEY, k SOLICITR and Notary Public. Money to Loan. Olllcc, Kent street, Lindsay. IIUDSI’ETI‘I & JACKSON, ARRIS’I‘ERS, SOLIUI’I‘ORS, kc. Of- fice, William street, Lindsay. A. IIUDSPETH. A. JACKSON. (.l'Ll'lARY & O'LEARY, BARRISTERS, ATTORNEYF-AT-LAW, Solicitors in Chancery, kc. Ollicc, Doheny Block, Kent street, Lindsay. Ann-nun ()‘Lnnur. Ilcuu O‘Lmnv. MCINTYRI‘} A: STEWART, Amhvsrgns, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, I Solici.‘or3 in Chancery, 6:15., Lindsay. 10mm, our Ontario Hunk, Kent street. Mo- ,neyno LO“, 11.1.8 per cent. on real estate vecurities. 'D. J, denmn. T1103. Srnwau'r. ALEX A. MCDONAL D, A“ ’. ‘SOIICIIOI' in Chan- cery, Conveyaneer, in 'c" M." Slr'cml' tenlion given to nppb’catic \"f‘ If“ Pawn” of Lands from Crown ILand’a gcpflrltnfcm‘ Money to Loan on Mortgage 1 "0"" 5 0" Colborno terms to suit borrowers. Olllcc, street, Fenelon Falls. MEDICAL. -~â€"â€"â€"--___ W“ r__‘r _________:-_;-_: "h, ___,...:_ ‘ A. W. J. Dt-zGRASSI, M. D., . t ’ .I . S k 1., the. x . Ihyqlcu‘n, urgcom 9 were disgusted. worse than the rest, and having “ put. [,imscflf outside ” enough whisky to make him p crfectly indifferent to public Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington WM. KEMPT, M. 17., C. M., These goods are all first i wwgzgmmgw ,2, v. ‘ war. . . .WWI. Elchcuclou falls Eugene Saturday, June 30th, 1883. The Village Progressing. ' Villages, towns and cities reach their full growth by two difl'crcnt processes, some increasing steadily but by such slow degrees that their progress is scarcely perceptible, while others more by leaps and bounds, with intervals of something like stagnation between. Of the latter class is Fcneloa Fails, which took a surprising spurt a few years ago l l I linking; another under the stimulating i influence of the canal and the pulp mill. lAt the former period real eatnte rose rapidly in price, if not in value, enthu- siasm prevailed extensively. and the en- thusiasts were almost ready to smite 1 l of their prediction that the village would ‘ become a town in a very few years. But the predictions were not verified ; the boom decreased in intcmity; real estate went down again, and after a time stag- , nation superveued and increased in ma- ligoity until the majority of our carpen- ters and a good many members of other industrial classes left the place in dis- gust. Now another boom has set. in; i hopeful anticipations for the future are nn)’ skeptic who doubted the fulfilment township 0f Vanda") i" the matter 0‘ lbua, clerk of Verulam, about :school l matters. Moved by Mr. Pcrdue, seconded by 3 Mr. Suddaby. That in conchueuce of z the trensurenliip being vacant, and as 1 Wm. S. Dawson has applied for the of- : fice and odors as his sun-ties Mr. Chris- ftophcr Fell and Mr. Ralph Dawson. 2 this council approve of the appointment of him provided the securities are satisâ€" factory on investigationâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Perdue, seconded by ; Mr. Suddaby, That the rceve investi- gate the financial position of William S. l Dowson and the securities offered by him for the proper performance of his l l . . when the railway was built and is now i dm'cs "3 "035m"! and “31’0" to “"3 l l council at the next meetingâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Romney, Seconded by Mr. Suddaby, That Thomas Howie, = E.~q., be appointed to act in conjunction with the Inspector of Schools and the person appointed by the Council of the detaching from Union School Section No 10, Somerville, lot 15 in con. 1, Somcrville, and attaching it to School Section No. 7, township of Verulam, thereby forming :1 Union School Sec- damâ€"Curried. Mode by Mr. Rumuey, seconded by Mr. Suddaby, That the following up propriations to improve roads be grant» ed :â€"On the side line between lots 15 and 16 across the 5th concession, $20, I expressed ;scvcral new buildings are in l general road “Ork' M“ Heury sumo" l course of erection and others are talked . . . lol, and all our mechanics are as busy as bees, and 51an or whistle at their work with a chcerfulncss indicative of high There is not so much talk as formerly ofthe rapid transmogrification of the village into a town; but, while a few with a natural turn for despondeney are afraid that. stagnation will shortly rc- sume its sway, the great majority, in- cluding the Gazelle, are of the opinion that Fenclon Falls is destined to be- come a place of much greater import- ance than it is at present. The great obstacle to its progress is that dismal Babcock lawsuit at present. presenting one of its numerous phases to thejudi- cial eye, and which, as it has been wea- rily dragging along during a period of live or six years, ought by this time to be near its termination. With that once settled; with an enlarng grist; mill in full operation ; with the surrounding farmers grrdually increasing in purchas- ing ability ; and with a considerable in- flux of pulp-millch into the village itâ€" self, Fenclon Falls will inevitably pros- pcr and grow at a rate unprecedented in the boomingcfi period of its exist- cucc. Served rRighi. Last Monday morning a wedding par- ty from somewhere out inorth arrived at Feliclon Falls in a double bugg' and two single ones. Both before and after the 111:11‘1-iagc ceremony they put up at the Simpson House, where the males of the partyâ€"or, at any rate, some of tl10u1~-couductcd themselves in so rough and uncivillzud a manner and talked so coarsely that the landlord was forced to cxpostulate with them, and the boarders One in particular was RADUA'I‘E of McGill University, Mon" opinion, cominjcuccd kicking inanimate I trcnl, and Provincial Licentiate, Physi- OIIice and rcside.11ce,in the house streets, Du. A. WILSON, B.U.\'IVERSITY of Trinity College. M. B.Univeraity of Toronto. Mcmb. l. Ph 3. and Sur ., ()nt. Physician, 00 y g OIIicc, lolbornc Du. J. II. LOWE, IIYSICIANV k SURGEON. Coroner for the Provisional (‘ounty of Ilnlihurtnn. Ollicc next door to the McArthur House. Ilevidcucc, the house latcly occu- pied by Dr. llryson, on May street, l’cnclon nFnlls. SURVEYORS. ....__-....,...,.._.... ...-.. .- --..-_._...._._. JAMES DICKSON, It. Surveyor. Com uiayinucr in the 0.11., , Convcyni1ccr,&c. llcsidcnce,1111dnd- dreu. Fenclou l’alls. ' WMISCELLANEOUSI .1. HEELANDS, DEN'J’IS'X‘, LIN 1) FLAX'. ._ One ofthe firm will be at the McAu‘ntt‘tt lions». Fawnms 11.11.15. on the third Monday ofcnch month. Tooth ' . , l objocis and swearing at no one in par- gnp' S‘Lrgf,""gf,:‘ndd“el’siffifgfi‘fi”'Cglfijrfg ticular in :1 manner that. showed 111111 to 0 even 0 1c. , _ , . . cut Mutual, and Equitable insurance Com- aniea. Tatclv occupied by Rev. Father Stall‘ord, at the corncrol' Lindsay and Bus Lindsay. be afflicted with the foot and mouth disease in its worst mrm. ly set. up fora hero, or u bully, and that his claim .to that. distinction wns admit- Ilc evident- tcd by his companions wa.‘ to be infer- red from u remark made by One'of them as he (the hero) was leaving the house, that. H.811111cb0dyl1ad better look after that. follow, or he'd clean out- tllc vil- lage,"1ncaning, it. is to be presumed. that. he would assault and put to flight I the. whole male population. But. before commencing the cleaning out proccssâ€" l if such were his intanionâ€"hc went. to the stable, and there he encountered Mr. W. ll. Simpson, the landlord. Now Mr.Si111psm1 being a little under the. middle height and fair spoken (as the :ayiug i.~) and nl>o fair haired, is the re- verse of terrible citlu‘r to contemplate or li>tcu to, and the hero or) doubttho't he could make him tremble in his shoes and perhaps nlfcr propitiutory drinks. But W. 11. weighs a good deal more than many a many has thought. until he has tried to “ heft " him, and hav- ing considerable muscle secreted in his clothes and plenty of grit inside him, net'croucc thought of such a thing as either trembling or propitiatiug, :md when the hero (having a guilty con-l rcicncc) said : "I hear you have. scntl for two c-untablcs to arrest me," W. I]. I cxprc~scd the conviction that there was not the least necessity to get (in) for the extracted bv laughing go: without pain or l PUIDOSK‘. “5 0'18 Cl‘nrmblCâ€"Or say one Injury, or no charge will he made. fifteen years. AT MET II ER E LL' S. nuvnnninn Willi AT "ETHERELL’S. If You want School Books. Iluy them at usrttERELL'S. 11' You want Stationery. Buy it at umuunnnus. it You want Christmas Cards. Buy them at unrtlnnELL‘s. It You want to lake time. Buy .1 accountants. The Cheapest Stationery Store. REST 878m, LINDSAY. hind“! November 30:21, 1883. INSU 139N013. GEORGE GUINIIBHAI, General, Insurance and Inn Agent. WK FAILS. ONT" represent: the following In! class oomph niu, with which basin“ on be "enacted upon the marshal-3.01;: tome. The Canada Permanent Lona k Suing: 00 The I-perial Insurance Company. at Lon don, England. ‘ The (‘ltluu‘ Insurance Company, of Lane. do. Pin and Ami-1rd. "“~o Imamnin Insurance Go, of England. fl: Ont-Month; Lite Animation. um “I l and fl' (mice establivhed in Lindsay nearly 1 a halfâ€"would probably be quite willing to take the contract at a low fig. are. The hero no doubt considered tins and to imply disparagcmcut of hi.» hero- ism and personal prowcu, and he at! once got “fighting mad." The large- ncss of our type and the smallness of our space make it necessary to jump to l the conclusion of hostilities, which was , reached when W. 11., thinking that fur- ‘ l l ,l reply to partake ol'thc nature of chaff, l to be commissioner; on the side line across the sixth concession, 820, general road work, John Windrim to be com- missioner ; on the side line between lots . . . . 0 or) . - ' wages and correspondmgjy mg], 5pm”. 1 ..l and .. across the 0th concessmn on the hill near D. Fountain's, $10, Gen. McFarland to be commissioner to ex- pend the sameâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Perduc, seconded by Mr. Rumney, That the following ratc- paycrs be allowed as statute labor for shovelling snow :â€"John Schell, Sr., 5 days, John Schell,S1-., 5 days, James Armstrong, 6 duys.â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Perduc, seconded by Mr. Romney, That the council now ad- jou1‘11,to meet. at. the same place on Fri- day, 22nd Juneâ€"«Curried. o North Teriflam. (Correspondence aft/1c Gazellr.) STORMS.â€"Vcry heavy rain storms have been raging round here. Last week a heavy rain storm accompanied by hail passed over us; twelve. hours afterwards hail stones the size of licus' eggs could be gathered. Picx1c.-â€"-1\1r. W. M. Payne’s picnic on the 30th June bids fair to be a suc- cess. A large programme has been pre- pared. All are invited to attend. A TERRIBLE Arminâ€"A terrible battle was fought. one night last week. The odds were two to one. The parties assuming the defence were Wm. Dob- son and John Ncwhousc, the former armed with two dogs, the latter with a gun. The enemy slowly advanced. The gleaming of his armour plainly told his adversaries that he was armed. New- house loaded his gun, aimed, fired ; but with no clfcct. The dogs charged, but were utterly routed, and Dobson vainly attempted to rally them. The enemy steadily advanced, and William was forced to retreatto a. pile of bricks for reinforcements ; but again John was ready, again another shot, and the enn- my was prostratedâ€"dcad. It was a 25 pound porcupine. IIousr-zs.â€"--].ast Wednesday morning Mr. John Simpson, of this village, left for Montreal with a car-load of horses which he bought during.r the past few days. The animals, thirteen in num- ber. were line ones, and averaged over 8150 each in price. ’1‘111: DREDGE.â€"Early this (Friday) morning the little steamer Water Witch appeared in the Fcnelon river towing the dredge that is to be employed in cleaning out the approaches to the ca- nal. Mr. McDonald, the contractor, in- forms us that the dredge will commence operations next Tuesday. Gmso AND COMING.-â€"â€"Tlle Rev. T. J. Edmison, B. D.. for nearly two years the Methodist minister in this village, will leave 011 Monday next for his' new appointment at Milford. I'lis successor is the Rev. Wesley Casson, from Owen Sound, who will reside in Mr. R. C. Calhouu's house, south of the river. S. S. Excunsrov.â€"The Mcthodisc Sunday school excursion to and picnit at Bobcaygcou came off 011 Thursday as advertised, but the morning was so wet that only about 150 persons were pres- ent, and the receipts did not quite cover the expenses. But as there was no rain except one or two trifling showers after the Ontario 1ch the wharf, the trip was a very pleasant one, and all on. board the boat enjoyed themselves exceedingly. 51101151: DuowxED.â€"-Last Tuesday evening a span of valuable horses owned by Messrs. McArthur 8; Thomson were sent. across Cameron Lake to warp a tow of logs to the mill. They were turned loose on Grape Island, near the mouth of Burnt River, for the night, and next morning it was discovered that one of them had Swum half a mile or more to the main land, and that the other, in attempting to do so, had got drowned. ther eloquence was useless and that the , THROW-‘5 FROM A BCGGT.â€"On Tues- urgumcalum laaculiaunt ought to be ‘ll‘yv “‘6 19‘" '05", “5 50"” “I‘ll”! H1901. tried, calmlv gave the hero a couple ol'I be” “I M"; Slm‘m‘l Campbell 8 family. facets which ished his blood and sent 0r 8“" Pomlv Penelf‘".f‘“¢ “WWW-5 him sprawling at full length. When l "0'" "‘0 GI???“ Ell-“me 3‘ Cal"me he picked himself up he bad a most un- 9‘“ horse-K “I‘m? mill" ill an unusual- hctoio appearance, and when he soon ly loud clap of tl1under,‘mado such a afterwards left. for home, mopping first , wade“ Wu": “11l- llle hind 50’" 0f the one check and then the other with his 5111123 “33 broken completely all and handkerchief as {he buggy he rode in full backwards Into the road. The 00- mm driven off, all who had seen orlcqpfllfls. "‘0 501m: 2Irl5.0l'conrse went heard of his previous conduct declared “"11 "v ‘3‘“ formula! we“! "Pf- much be by] 80: jun uh“ he descncd. hurt. which is somewhat snrprtstnfl. .___,__-__Hw.w__~__.. Tun Gum M ILLâ€"oThe stoppage of - - the rist mill in this village causes great somemne council. 3 annfyance to tho fermersiin this vicini- Rettic's Smion,Juue 1111.. 1883.1 u. who am: impatient to .know then. It At the close of the Court of Revision “m be "1. OWWIWD '2310- “6 wish the Council convened for general bushl "c could 10‘0"” "mm; bf“ '"3 '30le m Member; .1] pm“ um mm in ‘ u we can get no definite 1nformatton on the chair. Minutes of last meeting read I “W “black It “as some Shall} conso- lnd approved. The following pcxilionsl 1'90“. ho'm'fl'. 'hen I’e Visited the were laid before the council: Fromi m‘ll 1‘“ ‘Vcdnfid‘F- {0 find ("Gad 5'0 Robert Graham. Eli [Niger and four-l “WI? {"2'1’9‘1 man”): “0088: but men “be”, asking the repair of u», ' when 1115 lxbnur was liker topmduce emit": at ltilver‘s between lap. 2i : fruitâ€"we should say. flourâ€"neither be and 27.3.ch con: :2 ; from John \l‘in- i 00" lu)‘ 000 else could tell us. drim and Staintnn asking aid to makeE Ya? Axornznâ€" Having occasion to l their roads on: ;,'deolro1n Mr. J. llnn- visit Mr. Sandford's establishment south ' ,.\ ,fi. of the river a day or two ago, we found to our surprise that he had got in an- other engiue and boiler-the third with- in afevf months. The engine just. re- ceived. which he will set up next week. ‘ is of 23 horse power and the boiler 26 horse power; and. as " the third time’s the charm," Mr. Sandford hopes that now he has got something strong enough to run his multitudinous machines with- out getting out of breath and baulking, as the other two have been in the habit of doing. Tnz “ GRIP-SACK " FOR 1883.â€" Grip's summer book of “ lafter " is on its way to the bookstores. The advance pages shed their light upon our sanctum this week, and we have felt the weary weight of years lifted from our shoul- ders since reading them over. The pen of “ Swiz,” and the pencils of J. W. Bengougb, Wm. Bengougb and J. Kel- ly, have combined to make a literary and artistic rcpast fitted to charm away the mosquitoes in the hot season. Ice cream is well enough in its way, but for pleasure combined with instruction give us the Gri'pSaclc. It will be out early in July. Price as usual, 25 cents. Tun Lon Nuns.1scc.-â€"-The annual descent of saw-logs commenced last week, and as usual, hundreds of them are allowed to accumulate in the river and below it, to the great annoyance of all tho-c who wish to go down to the lake in boats or return from it. During one of the brief and deceptive fine spells this Week a villager, accompanied by three children, went trolling in a birch- bark canoe, and when a sudden and heavy shower of rain came on and he attempted a hurried rbturn, he found his way barred by a drive of logs near Greene d: Ellis's mill, and he was forced to land and carry his canoe around the obstructiOn. As snows laden with stone for the locks will soon be coming from Bobcaygcon, the channel will of course be kept open for them, as it ought to be for the smallest skiff 01- punt. afloat. A HARD KNOCK.â€"â€"Last Wednesday Mr. Johnston Full, eldest son of Mr. Christopher Fcll, of Somcrvillc. while working in the woods near his father's house, received a very severe blow on the left side ofhis face from the butt cud ofa small hemlock tree which he had chopped down and which was (1i varied from its course by colliding with another tree. Mr. Fell was knocked senseless, and when he came to thought that. he was badly hurt, but found to his great relief that such was not the case. No bone was broken nor was his face cut, but, there was a large bruise near his eye, which was soon completely clOScd by a mass of black and swollen flesh ; and when he came in next morn- ing to see Dr. Wilson the left. side of his countenance looked as if it belonged to a pugilist who had just: come out of a. desperate encounter. T111: COBOCONK.â€"At the great Good- crham 8.: Worts’ sale at the Victoria Road last week the steamer C'obocon/c, now lying at this village, was bought. by some parties in lVoodvillc {or the extra- ordinarily low sum of $105, which is probably less tlmn the 111achincry and iron in her would be worth if sold as old metal. The 0:)boc0nk was built. seven or eight years ago at, a cost of over $2,000, but, as we feared at. the time, (lid not prove a profitable specula- tion, and all hope of making her pay even running expenses was destroyed when the Toronto & Nipissing Railway was amalgamated with the Midland, and the railway company refused to al- low freight from Toronto to Fcnclon Falls to come by way of Coboconk. It is rumoured that the Pulp Mill Co. are negociating for the purchase of the stea- mer, which would be of more use to them than to any one else; and the probability is that they will buy her, if they have not done so already. T111: Snasomâ€"Not feeling certain who is the " oldest inhabitant ” in this village. we havo not interviewed him for the purpose of ascertaining how many seasons similar to the pro-cut; one he remembers during his earthly career; but all whom we have heard express an opinion 011 the subject are confident that they never saw as much rain crowd- cd into as little space in all their lives. On low and heavy lands an immense amount of harm has been done to grain crops, which on many farms are almost ruined, and although there is 11 great growth of grass and a tremendous yield of clover, some of it is half rotten from standing in water and some so coarse that. it is more fit to be felled with an axe than cut with ordinary implements. And still the rain comes down. It rain- ed thrce or four days last week, and this week every day has been wet ; with occasional intermissions and glcmns of sunshine. just Ion: enough to raise false hopes that a change in the weather is about to set in. The harvest time is approaching, and if; the frequent heavy rains to which we have become acous‘ tomed last much longer, the consequenc- cs will be disastrous in the extreme. Protectionists’ Paradise. The Philadelphia Record says zâ€"Thc Canadians have been trying their ’prcn- ticc hands in the game of protection for the sake of protection. For a while the increased price of manufactured articles made the busines: of manufacturing a charmng pursuit. are already over and the season of col- lapse in at hand. They can refine more sugar, make more boots and 8h009,] weave more woollen and cotton cloths than they ever could before; but they can no longer sell their product in Can- ada, and they cannot afford to sell it elsewhere. into which the devotees of protection amber or later enter. Mushroom io- dustries are nourished into existence by government premiums only to find them- selves hemmed in by a restricted market and compelled to prey upon one anoth- er. In the end there is. of course, a survival of the fittest, but the survivors would have been better off without pro- tection, taking their chances in the mar- ket: of the world. A number of Jews are on trial at Hungary upon the terrible charm: of *having murdered a Protestant girl in order to use her blow to mix with their Passover breed. Greet. excitement pre- nils among the population. But the flush times ' 1 The Ontario Ban . The annual statement of the Ontario Bank for the year ending 315: May has been is<ncd. In reviewing it theTo- ‘routo Mail says 2 “ We are glad to be able to say that it. indicates a most satisfactory condi- tion of affairs. The net earnings, after providing for charges of management, interest on deposits, and for bad and doubtful debts, are equivalent to about thirteen per cent. on the capital. ,Two halfyearly dividends of three per cent. have been paid, one hundred and ten thousand dollars carried to the rest ac- count, and over five thousand dollars to profit and loss. Mr. Holland, the new general manager, has amply fulfilled the hopes of the stockholders. He has dis- charged his duties with great skill and ability. When he took charge of the institution he found it in a most unsat- isfactory condition, and in a. compara- tively short time, by zeal and steadiness of purpose, be has succeeded in making' the stock of the Ontario Bank one of the meet valued Securities on the mark- et." The following is an extract from the statement : Balance of profit and loss car- ried forward from 315t, 1882 Profit for the your endingr Slst May, 1883, after deducting charges of management, in- terest accrued upon deposits, making full provision for all bad and doubtful debts. ... $1,458 93 203,711 76 $205,171 69 Dividend No. 50, 3 per cent., paid lst December, 188?... $45,000 00 Dividend No. 51, 3 per ce11t., payable lstJune, 18153. . . 45,000 00 Added to rest.... 110,000 00 200,000 00 Balance of profits carried forward .. .. 8 5,171 69 Indians with Tails. ...... .... R10 JANEIRO, May 26.â€"Tl1c exist- ence of a tribe of Indians in Paraguay with tails is asserted 011 the apparently good authority of the Argentine who has the Ycrba establishment in thc'Par- aguayan missions in the district of Tocâ€" 111'u. Tuyu was collecting yerbu when his mules were attacked by the Guaya- yes Indians, who fled after killing scvv cral mules. The mulclccrs pursued, living on the Indians, one of whom, a boy of eight years, was wounded and captured. The boy was brought to l’os- mics and excited much wonder, and some Germans photographed him, be having a tail six to eight. inches long. The boylis very ugly, but his body is not covered with hair. A brother in the possession of Col. Roca has also a tail, and it is said all the tribe are sim- ilarly adorned. -â€"â€"â€"â€"O‘ A collision occurred on the morning of the 24th on the Havana & Matauzas ’tailway. Eight persons were killed and Many injured. An unfortunate alfray occurred be- tween men of the North Mayo and Dub- liu militia rcgiiiiwts, now undergoing their annual training at. the Currugh camp. Stones and firearms were used, and five men, including asergcant, were killed. Huulau and Lee won the double scull racc easily. In the consolation race John ’l‘ecmcr, of Mackccsport, a com paratively young and unknown oarsman, covered the three miles in twenty min- utes fourteen seconds, thus loweringr the best record of twenty minutes fourteen and a half seconds by Courtney. While a performance was being ,givcn in the Puppet. Theatre at. Derioro, on the shore oi Lake Como, on June 25th, destroyed. Forty-seven persons were killed and twelve injured. A large por Lion of the (lead bodies are those of wo- men and children. The wounded were hurt by leaping through the windows. A child was flung out of the window by its mother and fell upon a pile ofytraw. This is the only one of the spectators present in the hall that was not hurt. BI IiTI-IS. 1n Feuclon, 011 Friduy,Junc 8111, the wife of Mr. William Burton ofa daughter. ’ 1:1 Fenelcn Falls, on Sunday, June 10th, the wife of Mr. Thomas Lane ofo. daughter. In Fcnelon Falls, on Monday, June 11111, the wife of Mr. Marshall Ilurley ofn son. In Fenclnn Falls, on “’cdncsdny, June 13th, the wife of Mr. Thomas Johnston of a daughter. In l-‘cnclon Falls, on Friday, June 1511). the wife of Mr. Livingston Galligan ofn 5011. In Feuelon Falls, on Thursday, June 2151. the wife of Mr. John McGee of a daughter. In Fenclon Falls, on Sunday, June 24th, the wife of Mr. Frank Pigeon afu daughter. New Advertisements. 130 1} SA 141‘), Lot :‘1 cast of Colbornc and south of Pran- cis streets, in the village of Fenclon Falls. Terms easy. For further particulars apply to R. A. DICKSON, Lindsay, Ont. Lindsay, June 28th, 1883. ln-t. f. .â€"or_ FARM' PROPERTY â€"1.\' Tillâ€" TOWNSHIP OF DALTON AND COUNTY 07 VICTORIA. Under and by virtue ofthe power of sale . contained in a certain mortgage, which will 5 be produced at the time of sale. and in pay- ment of the moneys let‘uretl by which mort- gage default has been made. there Will he offered for sale by public auction Th" ‘5 ""3 ‘°°'S' PM“! At the ‘01‘111111 llousc’ 110161, in the Town of Orillia, at 2 o'clock p. 121.. by Fan's KBLV. auction- eer. the following property. namely :â€" Lot number thirty (30) in the fourth con- cession of the towmbip of Dalton and conn. 1 ty of Victoria, containing 96 earn. more or 2 less, of which a part is cleared. The property ix within shoot a mile of the Monck Hold. Terms; :â€"Ten (10) per cent. at time of sale. fifteen (15) per cent. within one month thereafter, and the balance in five i (5) equal yearly instalmcnu, with interest lycarly at seven per cent. For further particulars Apply to Hon, Falconbridge ‘7 hutch, , Vendor’s swam . Toronto, June 12th, 1883. 13.2. Al. the Pullman regatta on Saturday Plaster. Joint Nugent, Wholesale and Ile- thc structure took fire and was entirely R 1 l ifnofi“, Dealer in all kinds of FARM IMPLEMENTS. . . _â€"â€"_____. PLoUGHSi PLOUGHS! A large stock of John Wbyte & Co): No. 3 DIAMOND STEEL PLOUGIIS, guaranteed to clean, or no sale. Also, two kinds of GANG PLOL‘GIIS. Points and Soles 0! 1113'“. cut makes always on hand. Agent for The New Brantford Reaper 8: Mower, the best in the market, and guaranteed to do first class work. or no sale. Also, nilar . . EV 51°“ 0f R’W‘".’°" M? A‘H‘y RNP‘“ RAKES. RAKESlâ€"Agcnl fhr the Maxwell and the “'isuer Rakes, which have no equals. Muss luraovvn Gram, Plaster, 53", md Grass Seed Sower will be given on trin . SPRING-TOOTH HAIRROWS and other kinds of Ilarrows. Agent for Combined seeders, WHITEFIELD’S STUMP MACHINE, the best in the market. A large stock of WAGGONS, CARRIAG-ES AND BUG GIES on hand, all made of well seasoned first class material. HerselShoeing & Jobbing a. Specialty. 39" A goodbccorid-linndfieaper for salt Price, $20. Ilas only cut 25 acres. 14‘. SA N DIVORJ), Fenalon Falls- L. O’Connor, Carriage Maker, Kent Street, Lindsay, has now prepared, ready for Spring Trade, a splendid new stock of BUGGIES. PHIETONS. DEMOCRATS 850.. in every variety, adaptgd to the forthcoming season. Also WAGGONS WITH ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS- Every article leaving his shop is warranted of the best materials and workmanship and (In mi on] by I1 iluxrl/I , Baby Carriages, Permuhulators, Express ~Waggous, &c., just to hand in all/rsliians. Sole agent for the celebrated Montreal lluggy Top, the beat, cheapest and mos! Jumble m (ln- Donniuiou. 365‘ I§cpairing done quickly, neatly and (3]!(‘:l])l)'. L. O’C., having had 31 yca1s' experience in his trade, reliance may be placed in l1lm.. We have a speedy and positive cure for Calarrh. Diphtheria, Canker Mouth and Head Ache,in SIllLOll‘S CA’I‘A [11111 RE“- 3331“ Uéc Lardinc Machine Oil for your machinery. BUY. A nasal Injector free with each hot- ~râ€"»~v-â€" ~--~-~~â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"_ -...N...._._.__ the. Use it if you desire health and sweet New Advertisements. breath. John Nugcnt, \Vliolcsulc and Re- tnil Agent. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. Is it not worth the small price of 71'- cls to free yourself ofevery symptom of these distressing complaints '2 11 you think 811 call at our store and get a bottle ofShiloh's Vitalizcr. Every bottle has a printed guar- antee on it, use accordingly and ifit does you no good it will cost you nothing. John Nugcnt, Wholesale and Retail Agent. 011. What a Cough 1 Will you hch the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask'your- selves if you can iill‘ord for the sake of sav- ing 50 cents to r1111 the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shi- loli's Cure will cure your Cough. It. never fails. This expluips why more than a mil- lion boulcs were sold the past. year. It. rc- 1ievcs Group and Whooping Cough at once. Mothers, do not be without it. For Lume Back, Side. or Chest, use Shiloh’s Porous JIAUSI IN, GEN l-IIlA I. An ENT ilill ll llii lllSlllllllEi. Money to Loan iii Low Rates. llnnrannpnrnI/Inwersllllakes, the best. in the market. Samples on hand. W See them. "W Wanzer Sewing Machines, warranted for five years. Made in Canada --â€"nu duty to pay. Awarded the Gold Medal 1y machine that will do all kinds of family sewing. The lightest running, no noise, 111'» cogs,>no springs. Inspection is all that In; required to be convinced. l-‘cnelou Falls, May 23rd, 18811. tail Agent. DIALIEKET IRICI’OII'L‘S FISHELOX FALLS MARKETS. Reported by .IIcle/g/nll tl' Brandon. Fem-Ion Falls, Friday, June 29th, 1883. I‘l-ly" THE NEW “Fill Watch Maker. Wheat, fall. per bushel - _ - $0 00 0 :11! Wheat, spring, “ - â€" - 0 it". 0 :13 Barley, per bushel - - - 45 5:1 ( t l. u , _ - _ ,1!) ,1: . 132“: .1 .. . _ _ _ 60 Gr: I Would rospectlnlly mform you that. ye, ’ u 1: _ . _ - no on I have opened our one of the finest. Jew- l’otntocs, “ - - - - 52 :m 0111-1-31 Sum-s in the County of Victoria. inner. 1’0r “L, - ‘ ' ' 'M 1'3 _‘ 13 My Slock is nmv complete, and com- ?”ESCSLIrhAKSLILOF “’0 lbs-1 1?“ 53 prises a full line of Swim and American 9g rs, ' 1'.- , - - - - . 1 (inld and Silver Watches, I‘illgllrll and American iiold Sr-tfi, Lndics' and Gents‘ line (11.111 Rings. Diamond Rings, ch- ding iinpv, Gold Chains and Necklctn, a large stock of Bracelets, &c., &c. All kinds of Clocks, and a beautiful. collection of SILVEItWAItB in Butter- !Coolcrs, Calm liar-kale, Casters, Silver I llay, per ton, - - - - $120010 $14 ‘0‘ Thousand; nnrxniiv â€"JLNDâ€" Tea Sets, Napkin Rings, Card Receiv- crxâ€"viu fact a full assortment. of every- thing usually kept in a first-class estab- lisluneut of this kind. llepniling done to all kinds of W . GRQQERY. , W: -l',(}l1k. dd "ll' . JOHN MOFFAT iiifiig {Smifih-cciiio Lyifcawrc 01 hch to inform his customch and the pnih-l‘mllli-I ‘I3'°“_ fwd “hmllm'ci 3'0“ my "I" lie that, while carrying 011 the Ilziki11ghusi-‘ 11191150 hl‘K‘lh . ness as usual, and turning out daily I am, yours faithfully, J. CAMERON. Ch I B d Watch-maker. I ' F “01°” Falls. My man, 1883. 12?; Cakes, lluns kc, he has jun opened out “l ' Him" â€"' ~ ~ ,_ “m‘______ nice stock of FRESH GROOERIES, all of which will be sold at the very lowest llving profit. The Finest Flour kept constantly on hand ; also violin NEW nous. â€"â€".~â€"- MORTGAGE SALE OATS, BRAN & 3110mm; 'l- MCFARLAND :returns his Hint:ch thnnlu to the ICIIdCB“ of P A R M P R o D u c E f Feat-Inn Fall: and its vicinity for their hip- . ‘eral patronage during the putt seven yearn, taken no exchange for Howls, and sand inform them that (the parlneuhlp be- . 1 I: - 11 11 tr. 1 1' u l 1 - ,l 3 ’ . , , , , WM 11 r. o. :1 an: male an of ex CIISII Idld fur Luutl 8" ng’l' ,1 pin-o) be 111111 commenced hualncu two W The "udenizmd “.3” m, “n in 1,3, I doom north orlhe polil’oflicc. where he bu power to merit a continuance of the I'alrun- , "W'M‘ll ‘1 “Mm”? "19"“! "Wk 0' age so liberally bestowed on him during,"i the put five years. , G R O C E E 8 Joan maven-.3 , l Fonelon Falls. June 12111, 1883. 17-1}. Crockery and Stoneware and ' llliiifiiiilllnl. l :23. 131131.“: NOTICE l andvillbcmld 0“ “‘13” "m 6““ °f my’1883’li‘.l§:’lۤi§l.?.‘2?lili313271121fit"::i§§VII" EHEBP Iflll [ASH t' .1 b. i 11 'n tie villa of Ilene-- m“ mg a '. l;g‘lelon it“; p l'fbe old stock will be dlcposed of It greatly :reduced pricu, in order to make room [of 30th DAY new goodl. pas... SELL“... glash Paid Inn Butter and Eggs to close the present travelled road running,7 and other hm produce. acrou loll eleven and twelve in the firm 1 ‘ , «r 1 Concertina ot the said township. and to: 1‘ CXV open. in lieu thereof, a road running along, the base of the hill on Mid lou eleven eudglnd you will won be convinced that you twelve in. the first contusion. { unnot buy cheaper or better groceries any- 11 J. LYTLE. ,wbere in the rillcge. Oink, V JOSEPH McVABLASD. Cembuy, June 9111, 13113. 21-4. I Penelon Fells, thy 15th, 1883. {347, O l A. . - , 7 . ( over all others at Toronto in 1882. The 011-- h

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