Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 28 Apr 1883, p. 2

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M...‘ LEGAL so. JOHN A. BA lllION, .tRBIBTZleT-LAW, Imam. Agricultural and lung-lemon! Store. .‘lA IITIN .k HOPKIXS, PARIUSTEHS, SOLICITORS, kc. Sic-I ) 015cc, , neyto Loan at 6 per cent. Kent street. Lindsay, Out. I’. Hurts. l", D. MOORE, ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, A: SOLICITR and Notary Public. Money to Loan. Office, Kent street, Lindsay. llL'IISl’lZTll .k JACKSON, ‘ l l ARIII‘THRS, SOLICITORS, ice. 0!- ) lice, William street,1.ind=ay. A. Hurst-nu. A. Jncuox. ()"LEA If Y 5.: O'LEARY, AIIIIISTBIIS, A'I'TORNEYSâ€"ATâ€"LAW, Solicitors In Chancery, kc. Office, Doheny Block, kentttrvct, Liudsny. Aurnt’a t)’I.I:.Iuv. "can ()‘Lnnr. .‘ltleTYlll‘i .k S'l'l'lll’AR'l‘. ARIIISTERS, ATTOI:.\'EYSâ€"AT-I.AW, ) Solicitors in Chancery. kc. Lindsay. Office over Ontario flank, Kent street. Mo- ney to Loan at 6 per cent. on real estate eruritirs. I). J. Moll-'Tt'ttt. Tnos. STEWART. ALEX. A. MCDONALD, TTf)ll.\'l-IY~AT-li.-\ W, Solicitor in Chan- ; cery, t‘onveyuzleer. .kc...§:c. Strict nt- Ir'nliutl given to applications for Patents of Lands from Crown Land's Department. Money to Loon on Mortgage Security on terms losuil borrowers. Office, Colbornc street, f‘enclon Falls. MEDICAL. A. \l’. J. llltfiliASSl. M. D., OROXER, Physician, Surgeon. kc... kc. .,' Residence, llrick Cottuge, Wellington street, Lindsay. ll ll WM. [{l'llll’T. M. D., C. M., ll'lADUA'l‘I-an Mellill University, Man I trenl, nnd Provincial Licentiate, Physi- t-inu, Surgeon und Obstetrician. Medical Referee to the Stundnrd. l’l'rnnix, Connecti- cut Mutual, fllttl Equitable Insnrnnce Cont- pnnies. (lilico nnd residence. in the house luter occupied by llev. Iv'nlhchtnfl‘ord. III the cornerot‘ Lindsny nud llus streets, Lindsny. Dlt. .\. WILSON, ll. UNIVERSITY of Trinity College. 1 . M. ii. University of Toronto. )lcmb. Col. Hip. and Surg., (Int. Phy=ician, Surgeon and Accoucilcr. UIlice,C-ilborne street, I’cnelou Falls. Du. J. ll. LOWE. I)llYSlCl.\.\' .k SURGEON. Coroner for the Provisional County of llnlihurtou. Kai)“ (mire next door to the lchrthnr Ilouso. it‘rltlt'lltf". the boost, lately occu- pit-(l by Dr. Ilryson, on May street, l’cnelon Fnlls. SURVEYORS. JAM CS ) L. Surveyor, Com nissioncr in the Q. ll, 7 . Conveyonrer,&c. Residence,nndnd- dress, l’cnelon I’nlls. “ niiscELLAionus. » “ECO-ND DIVISION COURT IN E) THE COUNTY or VICTORIA. The nextsittings of this Court will be held on Tuesday, May '22nd, 1883. CEO. CUNNINGHAM. Clerk. ,_.c ._t... , d. NEELANES, DENTIST, LINDSAY. One ot‘tlie firm will he at the McAururn llousn. III-mum: FALLS. 06cc on Kent Street, next door west of Keith's G. If. Ilorxxxl. 3 ,1...“ “A. ._. ,l ._ >7'mr-N. . :-'W'- 3 . r,-~ *-~hÂ¥e=‘“\, --:»:~~mrmmcwéwmwHome.ca “‘2” - b’ m. ’I’“-“ »~ .» - pl ‘ ' ' gPARRIERS in want of good Harvesting Implements should call at the CAMERON LAKE FOUNDRY, where they will find a stock of i Massey & Toronto Mowers, Massey Harvester 8: Toronto Reaper. Toronto Cord Binders. Massey Low Down Binders, Sharp’s Horse Bakes, to be the best in Canada. C A. S 'I‘ 1 N G S ot‘all kinds made to order, and Repairs Executed at rensonnhle rates. W“ Sl per hundredweight paid for scrap cast iron. IIOBSO.\Y dc ALLAN. Fenelon Falls, March 14th, 1883. vvnifibius, Jewellery & Diamonds. Elegan {Goods for CHRISTMAS -â€"nndâ€" Lndles' Gold Watches, 825 to $100. Gents’ do, do, 850 to 3175. Gold Gem ltlngs, 8 to $90, and a large stock of Ladies’ Gold Jewellery, l Brooches, Eur-rings, Bracelets, Lockets and l Chains, all new, of The Very Best Manufacture, and warranted good. xllso,--\Vedding Rings. G. W. BEALL. Goldsmith} Ilall, next doorto Dundas 4‘ Fla- ! relic Brothers. Lindsay, Dcc'r 8th, 1882 llfiiftlltltlll falls @ugcltc Saturday, Aoril 28th, 1883. ' Irish Afi‘airs. Brady and Curlcy. two of the men charged with the murder of Mr. Burke and Lord Frederick Cavendish, have been found guilty and sentenced to death. The third. Kelly, has been twice tried, but on both occasions the jury foiled to agree and were discharged. 'Thc prisoner’s chief defence was an at- tempt to prove an alibi, in which'thc judge evidently had no faith, as he summed up strongly against the evi- dencc in support of it. The trial of annn, another of the accused, begun on Wednesday. but, we have not yet lcnrncd the result. The Government. is gradually gaining possession of the secret}! of the conspirators, and a prison- er in Kilmuinllaln jail has given infor. motion as to the identity of the mur- derers of iufcrmers during the past year. The rapid passage, by general consent, of the Explosives Bill, which was passed through all its stages in an hour and 3 hall; has greatly dismayed acknowledged by all who have used them ‘ GEORGE BEALL,| WEDDING PRESENTS. ' i causes, land in Haliburtoo can be bad for a great deal less than its ml value, and now it the time for small apitalists to secure a few hundred acres and em- bark, with a certainty of at least fair 'succcss, in what is destined to be the lchief industry of that. part of Ontario. -..â€"=zâ€"â€"-â€" Cameron. l l ( Corrapondrnce of tie Gazette.) I New Bctunsos-M r. George Bates had a bee to raise a new barn recently. Mr. John J. Perrin was the Contractor. .and the work was done in first class style. Mr. Beggs is also preparing to build. THAT Pnornsr.-â€"-Some ot‘ the tories around here seem to feel the gravity of their situation, though they cannot see the propriety of Refurmcrs protesting a Conservative seat; but when it. is the other way it is all right. While speak- ing of politics. I may mention that the course pursued by the ” august person- age " of Somerville towards the township treasurer is condemned by all parties here as high handed and tyrannical. ITEMs.-â€"-Farmcrs are now busy sow- ing, and fall wheat and new meadows to looking excellent. The small streams were higher this year than they have been for a long time. WANTS “ l’Ixmo."â€"-The old part of the sidewalk on Francis street east is in u very bad condition and ought to be repaired at, Once. A great; many of the boards are loose, and, as the ends stick up two or three inches, pedestrians have to be very careful to avoid tripping. CATHOLIC M lSSlON.â€"- Rev. Father Beauderin, of Quebec, has preached ev- ery evening this week in the Roman Catholic Church, Fenelon Falls, and his series of sermons, each of which treats of some particular dogma of his creed, will not be finished until Satur- day or perhaps Sunday evening. THE Fouxnnv.â€"Work is booming at. the Cameron Lake foundry, and the proprietors as Well as all their men are kept as busy as bees from morning un- til night. Messrs. Robson & Allan de- serve succcss, and we are glad to hear they are attaining it; Their’ new ad- vertisement will appear in next week’s Gazette, if either of them can find time to give us the outlines of'it. which, ow- ing to the rush of orders, they may not be able to do. Tun QUEEN‘S Bromineâ€"The Lind- say programme for the Queen's birth- day is one of the most attractive ever tors in the usual sports, the county tmvo will no doubt be throngcd with visitors from the villages and country surround- ing. In Fcnelon Falls. us fur as we have yet heard, there is to be no cele- bration of any kind, and the Catholic picnic, which Father McEvuy had some intention of holding on that. day, has been postponed until about the middle of June. A NEW PAPERâ€"We have received two or three copies of the Evening Tri- bune, a new eight-page paper lately started in Hamilton by n " syndicate " who have plenty of capital, without which such an enterprise rarely suc- ceeds. The Tribune is independent in politics, strongly in favour of the sup- pression of the liquor traffic, and is un- der the editorial management of Mr. J. T. Huwke. ajnurnulist of marked a- hility and long experience. It is well written, full of news, and only one cent per copy. Its success may be looked upon as assured. NEEDED I‘IELPx-‘Fafllel' McEvay. of this village, whose parish is so large that. it is almost impossible for one cler- gyman to visit the more distant parts as frequently as is desirable, has been Dummso WATERâ€"A year or more ago the Gazelle, while commenting on mount of good water in the busioem portion of the village. suggested the ad- visability-of supplying it by means of an underground pfpe from the spring at the head of Colborne Street to some point where a fountain could be con- venieatly situated. An attempt to get up a private subscription for the pur- pose was so unsuccessful that the pro- ject was dropped for a time ; but last full some of the members of the council said they intended to carry it out. and as they still express the same intention we take it for granted that they mean what. they say. 1! the pipe is to be sunk this year it should be done before the grading and gravclling of the street are completed, as otherwise a good deal of labour will be wasted. Tm: Goosn Quusrios.-â€"We are in- formed that numerous residents of this villageâ€"the majority of them being of the softer sexâ€"are righteously enraged because all. or nearly all, of their hopes of a profitable goose crop have been (literally),blnsted by the constantly rc- curring explosious in the canal. It is well knownâ€"or,- nl. any rate, generally believedâ€"that. unhutched goslings, tho' perfectly regardless of lightning, are so susceptible to thunder that they die of what doctors cull *‘ shock " as soon as they hear it; and how, we should like to be informed, are the. inexperienced innocents to tell the difference between discharges of dynamite and those of ” heaven’s artillery 7" Of Course no one can give us the desired information, neither can any one teach the geslings discrimination:- and so the poor little creatures die from want of it, and their owners wax \vrathful and talk about suing Manning, McDonald 8:, 60., who are clearly liable if it can be proved to the satisfaction of a judge and jury that- the goslings would have lived if :10 ex- plosives had been used in excavating the canal. Doo vs. M mumsâ€"A few days ago Mr. R. Smith, of this village (for whom unusual occurrences appear to have n strong affinity), heard a terrific racket in the cellar beneath his hardware store, and from the nature ofthe noise at first thought that the cat that was stuck in his stovepipc some time ago had come back again and got into some fresh trou- ble. Descending the stairs as rapidly as possible he found that the out. had been unjustly suspected, and that an ucquaintauce's brown spaniel dog, which had been paying him a visit, and n gl- gantic muskrat had got into what South~ erners would call a “ difficulty," and were fighting like fiends on the cellar floor. Mr. Smith looked hurriedly a‘ round for some weapon with which to interpose‘ and stay the proceedings; but’ before he could lay his hands on any- tliing the combatants parted; the rat whisked through the hole by which he had entered and disappeared down the creek; and the dog, standing on his hind legs and giving a loud hurrah, proudly waved in his right paw the en- tire tail and about: an inch of the butt. end of the muskrnt, which he had clever- ly bitten off and retained as an emblem of victory. (P. S. The account of the dog’s conduct is: slightly imaginative, iu humble imitation of the florid style of our neighbour, the Bob. Ind.) A Dignified Mayor. The Port Hope News says that May- or Hugel not. only lends grace'to his position as Mayor, but he purposes sur~ rounding the position with dignity as well. His Worship appeared at the meeting last Monday attired in an of- ficial coat, made after the some pattern as the one worn by the Chief Magis- trate of Winnipeg. If Mayor Huch will only continue his good work, by . . . x . on the third Monday of each month. Teeth the gynam'u'r‘i but '"lerlml machines extracted by laughing gtts without pain or coutlnue to be manufactured, and two persuading the Councillors to follow his "d: " . l ' ‘ - - ‘ pm“ “1 “uh 1 cumm‘ Fuller 0 (“0" example, they In turn to be followed by injury, or no chnrgn will he made. g5;- Ollire established in Lindsay ncnrly fifteen yours. AT METIIEREIZL’S. III infill llll AT METHEHELL’S. If You want School Books. my them at METIIERELL‘S. If You want Stationery. Buy it at llI-ITIIERELL‘S. If You want ('hrlstmns (ants, Buy lltt‘m in. METIIERELL'S. If You mutt to Make talus. 1;in nt METIIERELL'S. The Cheapest Stationery Store. KENT s'l'lllili'l'. LINDSAY. . m. Lindsay Nut-umber 39th, In... insouauon. GEORGE CUNNINGHAM, General Insurance and Loan Agent. FENELON FALLS, 0NT., represents the follmtiug first class compa- tiles, with which lltfilit‘ul can be Iransncted upon llw most n.~'\.':IIngeoIis terms. The Cuumlzx l‘I-rmrmnnt Loan It Snvings Co The Imperial lnsurnurc Company. of Lon don. England. he (Titizvns' Insurance Company, of Caua~ «lit, I'm or. i .lrn lent. Lancashirv Insuruncr Co , of England. T Confederation Lilo Association,oICan- T ada 13. 11 4L ‘3’, lllll’lllllll & Blllllllll, FENELON FALLS. all orders with which he may be favoured, from lllllllllfill Hill BUlllllllGS to the smallest jobs at carpenter work. and will spare no patios to give satisfaction in every case. recently captured were made to rescui- blc lumps of cool, and were intended to enough to destroy. The following pnra~ graph will be satisfactory to all who are anxious to see justice overtake the arch- plottcr t5 whom it rule’s: I The ll'oi-Irls‘ London special says the [authorities anticipate confidently that disclosures yet to be made will justify them in preferring a formal request for ithc extradition of O‘Donovan Rossn. ' Very strong evidence it is declared will be forthcoming involving Rossn in the commission of overt acts such as will bring him under the. operation of the l reciiguized law of extradition. Nothing 'bcyond what is clearly warranted by the law as it now stands will be sought. 5 or expected by the British Government. Lynch is not the only informer whose i budget of information has been placed l at their Command. Before he appeared l there had been treachery in the camp l of the conspirators. Lynch's evidence I has reinforced that previously obtained, ‘ but thus far the real sources of informa. l tiou have not been revealed. Sheep Runs in Ontario. l Mr. Brown, of the Model Farm, hav- ing asked for information respecting a i 5.000 acre sheep run for which he has an i enquiry from Britain, Mr. D. D. Hay, i of liistowcl, in .1 letter under the above j heading to the Globe, expresses the con- viction that in tho .‘lusknka. Parry Harbour and Iialiburton Districts “ all Ethe conditions of adaptation for first- class sheep runs" are to be found. We knnw‘but little about the first two dis- 3 tricts mentioned; but as regards Hali- ihurtuo there can be no doubt that he lis correct, and we feel confident that 2 within a few years a very large number ' of sheep and of cattle also will be annu- i try. Everybody saysâ€"and what every- ; body says is true in this instanceâ€"that i though not adapted to wheat it is just i the country for stock-raising, the grass i being extraordinarily abundmt and nus anco of the cattle in the fall. lbe smuggled in amongst the fuel of _ . _ . stenmships, which they were powerful 000mm“ S‘mceml 1“ milking hlmself nell, who was ordained in Pcterborough on the 15th inst. Attending to the spiritual wants of the parish will keep both priests fairly busy; and if Father as popular as Father McEvny has done during his short residence here, the ut- most harmony will prevail between the pastors and their flock and the memo bers of all other denominations. Tun Psacnsaox.â€"-Lust Saturday Mr. Nathan Day was in the village with his recently purchased stallion. Instead of being on irrn gray, as we were informed, the animal is a silver gray, with mane and tail much the same colour, and the legs frqu the knees and backs much darker, becom- ing nearly black at the fellocks. The horse is in splendid condition and full of life and spirits, neighing and pawing vigorously. He attracted a great deal of attention and was deservedly admir- ed ; but. we should like to see the Per- cheron for which, Mr. Day says, the Messrs. Dunhum asked 38,000. THE Gulsr Munâ€"The old stone grist mill in this village continued in the condition described in our last issue until Wednesday night. during which a large portion of the soullmrest. corner fell out, leaving a gap. in some places six or eight feet wide, from foundation to roof, and large masses of the wall up- pcar inclined to follow. What will be done with it we cannot learn; but. the hop: of the public is that the old mill may be pulled down and the new one filled with first class machinery. Of course some decision will be promptly arrived at; but two or three months at least will unavoidably elapse before a grist can be ground in Fenclon Falls. Fnosr.â€"-Duriug this week the we:- l tller has been very cold, the frost at nights being sufficiently severe to form ice from a quarter to half an inch thick. Fortunately the ground, except on low I elaborated, and as unusually large and numerous prizes are to be given to vic- the representatives of the press. Then if the Council will enact that Chief Constable Douglas must shoulder a golden mace, and Assistant Constable Rankin shall Stand at the outer door with a drawn sword, the deliberations of the Port. Hope Council will be of an exceedingly dignified and noble charac- ter. _.__ _.‘. Modern Religion. Beyond question the root. of all the worst. evils that affect our modern sci cial system is to be found in its lack of religion. Under the widely diffused teaching of our current popular litera ture. our materialistic science. and our skeptical philosophy, along with the un- certain" and often semi-infidel leader- ship of many who call themselves Chris- tian teachers, while sowing broadcast more lures than they sow wheat, a whole generation has grown up virtually with- out God and without hope of immortal. ily. What it. has left of the old beliefs of the Bible may perhaps be still label- led religiou. But it. is a negative, half hearted religion of wordly convenience and wordly conformity, which has no strong faith in any saving doctrine, no firm convictions of truth or duty, no a- biding sense of accountability to a holy God, or belief in future retribution, and consequently a religion which makes no resistance against wrong in the hour of temptation, and no sacrifice of self in- dulgence in the narrow path of public and private dutyâ€"Chicago Interior. Parnell and the Explosives Bill. From statements made by Sir Wm. Harcourt it appears plain that cert-iii sections of the Explosive Act have been purposely introduced to prevent Parnell and his associates from leaving the country to co-operate with the dynamite fields, is so dry that the fall wheat will I or unlawful factions of Irish sympathiz- The “firm” is mum,“ ,0 new“ ally exported from that section ofcouo- l'oot be much injured; but vegetation lhas received a severe check. and the spring will be a late one, although the rapid melting of the snow and the ab g series of rain enabled farmers to com- lmeuee work fully as early as usual. era. The second section makes it fel- ony, punishable by life imprisonment, for any person to unlawfully and ma- liciously cause by any explosive sub stance an explosion of a nature likely to cause serious injury to property. i yCanadians bound for .‘laoimba. ! I l t i - r tritious. as is evidenced by the appear- 2 The purple martian. whose arrival and 1 whether the injury occurs or not. Scc- , Many of‘; departure aguin we noticed last week, 3 tion 3 makes conspiring lo any way in 2 the farmers are increasing the number‘ have not returned, and even the nut. i Her Majesty's dominions, or by a sub- aids or abets, or is “memory to the commission of any crime under this Act, shall be guilty of felony, and shall be liable to be tried and punished for that crime as if he had been guilty as principal." A Mississippi Tornado. TOWNS SWIFT AWAY IN A TERRIBLE WHIRLWISD. Wsssox, Miss, April 23.â€"A fright- ful tornado passed aver Weston and Beauregard, a mile above, yesterday af- ternoon. Its approach was made known by deep rumbling sounds. Some people supposed it. was an earthquake. The thunder roared and the lightning flash- ed with alraming force. Fences were torn down, trees uprooted and cast A hundred yards away. East of the rail- road in Wesson the damage was light, but in the western portion of the .town the destruction was awful. Iu Peach Orchard street, where there a large number of houses in which the opera- tives of the Mississippi mills live, the greatest destructiop occurred. People on all sides were sobbing, and the groans of the wounded beneath the ruins were appalling. Dwellings were torn to nt- oms. A pine forest. just beyond, was blown out. of existence, church bells were rung, and people flocked to the scene from all directions. When the storm had somewhat. abated the work of mov- ing the dead {and extricating the wound- ed began. Calvin Reid died from cr- citcmcnt. Doctors soon arrived and did all they could for the wounded. It is estimated that. twelve persons are killed. two or three children are missing, and from 150 to 200 houses blown from their foundations. Some. escapes were miraculous. The number of persons with broken limbs is estimated at 75. The wounded were removed us fast as possible to the houses which escaped in- jury. Severnl of the dead lay in n vio- lent raiu for more than an hour. It. is feared that. many of the wounded will die. Beauregard lay in the direct path of the tornado. The town is a mass of ruins. Twenty-three \‘I‘ere killed and ninety wounded. The. town of Tillman was destroyed, the town of Ln’wrcnce suffered terribly, and reports from other places show that the storm was widely spread and destructive. From five to ten lives were lost in the neighbourhood of Starkville, and at; the coloured church there a negro man was taken bodily up, and when last: seen was wildly beating the air scc‘lt‘ing something to stay his progress. 0‘ Drowned in 8. Mill Dam‘. FE’I‘ERBORO', April 21.â€" Mr. George C. Rogers; proprietor of the Otonabce Flouring Mills, Ashburnhu’m side of the river, yesterday entered a. punt u- - b'ov'c‘ the dam with two of his work-men who were removing the brackets at the crest of the dam. or three of the brackets caused a rush of water that. broke the rope holding the pool, which went. over the dam. two men clung to the boot, but Mr. Rogers Ivns caught in on eddy, where his struggles exhausted him so that though he was an excellent swimmer he had not, after escaping the eddy, strength enough to reach the shore, and sank ubout. u hundred yards below the dam. The body has not. yet been re- covered. Mr. Rogers was 28 years of age, and one of the most enterprising business Incn in the town. and was Imi- vet-sully respected in religious and social circles. The friends of the late George C. Rogers have, through Mr. John Buru- ham, offered a reward of SIOO for the recovery of his body on or before Satur- day, April 28th, and $50 for its recov- ery after that date. Suicide in Peterborough. Miss Florence Myles died this morn- ing from the affects of taking poison, which, it. appears, she had stVulIotved with the intention of taking her life. She had been employed at Mr. Wnllis's, in North Monughnu, about a mile and a. hnlffrom town, and on Mundny morn- ing she drank solution of corrosive sub- lilnate. When taken sick she was driv- en to l’cterborough. Dr. McCren was sent for, and called in with him Dr. Bioghmn, at about two o’clock. Rem- edies were given and the science of medicine was used in trying to prevent final results. but it. was seen from the first that all efforts to save her life would be unavniling, and she died this morning. Miss Myles, who is about 26 years of age, came to this country from England about. six months ago, and since arriving hero became depress- ed in spirits. No reason is known why she committed the act except that she had been melancholy. Before dying she made a deposition, witnessed by the physicians, in which she stated that she took the poison herself with the iotcnv tion of taking her “faâ€"Review. A younger brother of the late John Brown has been appointed to the post of confidential servant. to Queen Vic. toria. In Brcslnu, Germany, a chimney 50 feet high has been erected of paper pulp, chemically prepared to resist combus- tion. 'l'hos. Pcamn, of St. Mary's, has in- stitutcd a new industry. He ships cats to Manitoba. His first venture proved a failure. Of seventeen Marius and eight Toms only one of the latter ar~ rived, and he was much battered. They fought and killed each other to mule. The Michigan Central hauled ioto Chicago on Wednesday. inrtythrcc car- loada of emigrants, most of whom were The Lake Shore, four car-loads of European emigrants on Tuesday. The Chicago 8. Grand Trunk four car-loads of Eur- opexn emigrants on Tuesday. )8" Use Lardine Machine Oil for your machinery. m The rcmovn‘l of two ‘ The . a- rgsmunronmpc~ Dealer in a ll kinds of FARM IMPLEMENTS. PLOUGHsi PLOUGHS! A large stock of John Wbyte J: Co.‘a No. 3 DIAMOND STEEL PLOUGIIS, goat-ooth to clean, or no sale. Also, two kinds of GA. cut makes always 0 \‘G PLDUGIIS. Points and Solo: of dim-r; a hand. Agent for The New Brantford Reaper 8: Mower, the best in the market, stock of and guaranteed to do first claims work, or no sale. Repairlfor the Kerby Reaper. BAKES, LAKESIâ€"Ageut for the Maxwell and Also, a largo the Winner Rakes, which have no equals. )lxxx's turnout: Gram, rim, salt, “(I Gm Seed sewer will be given on trial. SPRING-TOOTH HARROWS and other kinds of Barrows. Agent for Combined Seeders. WHITEFIELD’S STUMP MACHINE, the best in the market. A large stock of WAGGQNS, CARRIAGES AND BiUGGIES- on hand, all mode of well seasoned first class material. Horse-Shoeing & '03 O ebbing a. Specialty. 38‘ A good second-baud Reaper for sale. Price, 520. Has only cut 25 acres. F. SANDFORI), Fenolon Falls; L'". O’Connor, Carriage Maker, Kent Stree t, Lindsay, has now prepared, ready for Spring Trude, a splendid new stock of BUGGIES. PHETONS, DEMOCRATS 856., in every variety, adapted to the forthcoming season. Also WAGGONS WITH ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. Every article leaving his shop is warranted of the best ninterials and workmanship and examined by hl‘ani Baby Carriages, Permnbulntors, Express Wuggons, &e., just to hand in allfrshi‘ons. Sole agent for the celebrated Montreal Buggy Top, the best, cheapest and most durable in the Dominion. :63“ Repairing- done quickly, neatly and cheaply. L. 0'0., having had 34 ycms' experience in his trade, reliance may be placed In him. Of the 716 persons who travel wit’h‘. Buruum's show, every one is pledged to totnl abstinence from all intoxicnnt: during the existence ol'liis engagement. On the third of April there was still it heavy coating of snow on the Welsh i mountains. The fitrmer's are terrible sufferers, conscr'fuei're upon the ntort'ality mnongst. lambs, and in the markets is. 4d. a pound is being paid for, mutton. Since the fine itcn't'hcr' set. in work' on’ the new Midland bridge over the Sun gog. nt Lindsay, has been pushed nlong rapidly. and the necessary listings for the lrcshet nnd the fiit‘r'mlutions of the 'structure are nmv about. completed. Every Grand Trunk brnltein'n'n is now furnished with a! stick for Coupling curs, made for that. express purpose. lore.- ntter every b‘rnltemnn who gets his hands disabled will be obliged to‘ pay ' all bills! incurred for n‘ surgeon’s service; A silver \Vctlrllllg‘filt’ of quite unique character took plnce‘iu Edinburgh lust Week. The “happy couple" on the some day celebrated their own wedding anniversary. the wedding of their eldest daughter, and the baptism of their youngest. child. After the wheat came up, on n Ken- tucky form. n sleet storm Covered the field with ice. Before this melted n flood swept over, and the ice. rising to the surface of the water, pulled every blade out of'thc ground and carried it away. ___...-- .4» - SIIlLOH'S CATARRII REMEDY. A mm- A ND .ll ILL OWNERS, USE M-clllll BBUS. if [303i Celebrated lllllllall llllllllllll llll.~ “ guaranteed the host in the markctl: 36“ Will no! gum. or'clog' ntaclu‘li'éry; For sale by . V . _ “ J‘Olli‘l' A‘. ELLIS, V Grocer.- 9-1 y. I'r‘encl’on rain, Alpl‘ll will, lass. . . __, . ‘ ‘ ‘ ' I, lilihlfuurim‘ Appeal lflllllllflllfli THE CONTROVERTED ELECTIONS ACT OF ONTARIO. Election for the Electoral District of' the. North Riding of the County‘ of Victoria, holder) on the Twenty-- seventh duy of Februury, ouo thou- sand eight. hundred and eighty-- three. The petition orJumi-I DICKRGN, or the vll-' velous cure for Cutarrh, Diphtherin. Canker ll‘flf 0f Fl‘mjlm] l“nlltlV in the county of Vic- Mouth und llend Ache. \\ ith each bottle "m"- 'l’|'0"|”°f"l lt'lll‘l S'II'VI'J'MH Who“ the“ is an inganinus mum] Injpclur’ {Jr the name Is subscribed, showth as follows :â€" more successful treatment of these com- plaints. without extra clmrge. .Iolln Nu- gont, Wholesale and Retuil Agent. Answer This Question. Why do so many people we see. around us prefvr to suffer and be made miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Coming up of the Food, Yellow Skin, when for 75 cls. we sell them Shiloh’s Vitulizcr, guaranteed to cure them. John Nugent, Wholesale and Retail Agent. Shiloh'a Consumption Cure. This is beyond question the most success- ful Cough Medininc we have ever sold, A few doses invariably cure the worst roses of Cough, Croup nod Bronchitis, while its. wonderful success in the cure of consump~ tion is without a parallel in the history of. medicine. Since its first discovery it lmsl been sold on n guarantee, a In! which nol other medicine cnn stood. If you have al Cough we earnestly nsk vou to try it. Price 10 etc. 50 cts. and 51. If your Lungs are sore, Chest or Back lame, use Shiloh‘s [’0- ran! Plaster. John Nugent, Wholesale and Retail Agent. m DIARIKET RICPORTS FENELOX FALLS MARKETS. Reported by McDongall .j‘ Brandon. Fenelon Falls, Friday, April 271b, t883. Wheat, fall, per bushel ~ - $0 90' 0 92 Wheat, spring, ' ” - - - O 90 93 Barley, per bushel - - - 40 6?. Outs, “ “ - - ~ - 40 42 Penn, u u - . . - 6!. “ 6‘ Rye, “ “ v - ’ - 50 56 Potatoes, “ - - - - 40 43 Cabbages, per doz. - - - 4f) 75 Carrots, per bush. ~ - - 3f) 40 ’ Beets, H - - - - 30 4o flutter, per Ih., - - - - - l8 20 Dressed Hogs, per 100 lb ., $7 50 $8 50 Eggs,pcr dosen, - - - l2 l3l Hay-,perton. - - - -$l2 OOIOSH ool llltlttttl’llltlllll.3 l The Annual General Meeting of the men»! bers of the Prnelon Polls llechnoien‘ lnali-l lute will be held in,the Reading Room i ON MONDAY. APRIL 30th- 1883. at 7:30 p. m.. for the purpose of receivingi the annual report, electing directors for the l ensuing year, he. i By order, 3 s. FITZGERALD. 5 Secretary. i Peoelon Falls, April. lath, l883. 1301‘ Sale. 9-2. gtry them. I. ’I‘lmtynur petitioner is n person who voted and had a right to vote at the above election. 2. Your petit'oner atntes that the said election was holden In the above Electoral District as follows: The nomination on the twentieth day of February, A. I). H183, and the election on tho lwcuty~scvcnth day of February, l883, at which election Samuel Stanley Peck and John l’cll were the can- didates, and the returning ofllcer has re- turned John l‘ell, the respondent hereto,“ being duly elected n member to represent. the said Electoral District In the Legisla- tive Assembly of the Province of Ontario. 3. And your petitioner says that the and John Fell. before, during, at and after the sold election, by himself, his agents, and by other persons on his behalf and in his interest, and with his knowledge and con- sent, was and were guilty of corrupt prac- tices lad defined by the Election Act of On- tnrio and by the Controverted Election Act. ofOnturlo; and the Mid parties were and each of them was guilty of other illegal acts and practices at mid election, contrary to the Statutes in that behalf. I 4. That such corrupt practices and other illegal nets and practices affected the re- sult of the said election ; and the sold elec- tion and return in in fact and in law a void election; and the Mid Juno Fell has by reason of the same become Incop'ihle of boo ing elected or returned at said election. ‘2'; Wherefore your petitioner pray- ,7,‘ that it may be determined that. the said John Fell, the respond- ' “3, ant, was not duly elected or re- y, turned. and that his uld electlom V , at was and is void. (Signed) JAMES DICKSON. Pelitlonen E I) ‘V A. R D S’ owrzsmmusuun Livery Stable. The subscriber relurnl Ills sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on him during the put nine years. and begs to lo- form the public that they can obtain First Class llorses and ltlgs, any hour of the day or night, at his sublo On Francis Street East. at very modernto charges. 3' Commere’al travellers and their lugv . gage conveyed safely and expeditiously to ' any desired point. "ml of The subscriber never bid a at better horses than at presentsw‘lomo "4 #4211. EDWARDS. Penelon l’alls, Pr’fiiim’ “82' 6’4'" produce suchl BIRTHng ~:- [view About 1 o'clock this explosions, a felony punishable by 20 i In Penelon Falls, on Friday, April 27th, (Thursday) afternoon rain commenced, % yeara‘ penal servitude. Senior: 5 reads: the wife of Mr. Geo. H. Litdeton orawo. .‘V' W W rh be !‘ ‘ St Saul “PM”! I'M-"I: in Value. and cod no and Is now fallmw. Should it continue â€"-“Any person who by the supply of: f mung. :3 Eufé’Lé‘gffi, “a i more to produce than when they wereE for a few hour; and be followed by l or solicitation for money, providing of Elm-Am, yum-.1 halt‘LhI-ir present price. Owing to the! warm weather, the heart. of the has. premises. supply of materials, or in any nil-loo Falls. mgr: ms. Inst. 3.1..If, emit-ration to the North-Wes: and other baudman will have cause to 'oioa. ? a '83 DOORS & “'INDOW’ SASH V of their live stock as fast as circumstam l lows are less numerous than they were i ject outside of them, to , cos permit, and will be. richly rewarded a fortnight ago. ‘° "‘l" n “w” "u?" or ‘M a“ for no doing, as beef and mutton Ire ‘ «not. and at reasonable prices. , I have a good three-spring DESIOCRA'I‘ w_ WAGGOX andtto BUGGDS, nea BUY. A null Injector free will: each lot. â€".._.. which I will sell cheap; the. Use it If on 49“ be ' WP" on m“. OWE“- may ACS‘I’IS. breath. John Sector, ril'hofliffiitdfi- L .- aui‘spotzm. 1333. IM. u" Agent. 1 ‘ pr . , Walnut lulu w Imam“. cw” 70 core for k A ch», in BIIILOII'S CA'TADfi‘llhRETI- o .‘c‘ DIED. i to Lindsay. on Sunday, April and. Katy, manner whatsoever pmcuru. counsels. vita of Hr. Wm, Marshall, aged 57 years. i , o t.

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