Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 17 Mar 1883, p. 3

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BIRTI‘IS. In Penelon Falls. on Friday, Batch the wife of Mr. Samuel Stanton of: too. i In the township of Panelon, on Fri-lay, March 16th, the wife of Mr. Walltl ll. chlon of: daughter. . EIAIR RI EI). At the residence of the bride's father, on - Wednesday, Ksrch Nth. by the tier. XeGregor, of Penelon Falls, )lr. It. b't Hi4;- ‘ nedy,0f8mtlh Vernlam. to ’lnIanelfltl the township of l'rnclon. W PENELON FALLS MARKETS. _. Reported by chllougall if Brandon. Pcnelon Falls Friday, March 16th, 1883. Wheat, fall, per bushel - - SH 90 0 9'.‘ Wheat, spring, “ - â€" - o 93 Barley, per bushel - - - 40 Cats, ‘- ” - - - - 35 Peace, " “ - - - - 6t) “ Rye, “ “ o - - - so roman, a - - - - 00 Cnbbsgu, per doz. - - - 40 Carrots, per bush. - - - 30 etc, u - - - ~ 30 Butter, per 1b., - - - - o 18 0 Dressed Ilogs, per 10 lbs , $7 50 53 Eggs, per dozen, - - - - 18 Hay, per ton, - - - - $10 00 to $12 ...,§FARMERS in want of good Harvesting . Implements Ste- i l )l r. l 13 a. $1 per hundrrdweight paid for scrap on cast iron.‘ New Advertisements. DEALER IN WATCHES Jewellery & Diamonds. Elegant Goods for CHRISTMAS] -â€"nnd-â€" WEDDING PRESENTS. Ladles' Gold Watches, 825 to 8100. Gents' (10.. do, 850 to 8115. Gold Gem ltlngs, 82 to 890, and a large stock of Ladies’ Gold Jewellery, Brooches, Earorings, Bracelets. Lockets and Chains. all new, of The Very Best Manufacture and warranted good. Allo’-â€"\Vcdding Itings. G. W. BEALL. rclle Brothers. Lindsay, Dec'r 8th, 1882 AUCTION SALE 1 I have received instructions from Mr. 'T’KTER Beam to sell by public auction .At the “ McArthur House,” Fenelon Falls, on Saturday, THE Slst DAY OF MARCH. 1883. that. building now occupied by the Mechan- ics’ Institute, A GOOD SIIOP & DWELLING, 20 x 3.0 feet, 1} stories high. 'TcrlnH.â€"Slon down on transfer of papers; balance in two equal instalments, with interesLut 7 per cent. This building is now drawing $75 per nn- nuni, witliniit taxes; subject to a ground ‘--nt of $30 per annual for 4 years train May 1st. 1883. The building can be remov- ‘d at. expiration of present lease. or it new , lease can be lulu-p. Insured f-Ir $600; pol-I E E a Q E g icy expires first day of May, 1883. i IQ" There will be a reserve bid. The lease can be seen at any time by ap- plying to J. J. POWER, Auctioneer. MONTREAL BASH smite! In J. J. Brandon’s Store, near the post-office, FOIIGICEL Falls. Amount of Slitâ€"l, $3,080 68. JOHN Sl. LAWRENCE Beg! to announce that he has purchased from George llacdonuld a stock of DRY GUI? amounting to the above sum, at a great dis count on the dollar. Thclstock consists of FIRST CLASS GOODSn and in good order. We will air. r the whole l For Two Monthsl at prices never heard at hctorc. The foLE lowing is a summary of the stock: fink" DR” 600d. kc" ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ‘ $699 45 l cuts out all work himself, and employs Prints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 50 experienced hands. he feels that he can Trimmings, Buttons to . . . . . . . . . . . 515 99: Ribbons. Flowers & Feathers . . . . . . 478 3') l to his cnunnwn. Felt lists & Cal‘s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334 SS 33' “Hut” “"1"”! “MIL ChWPl.‘ Shirts, Ties, Branch to . . . . . . . . . . 463 07 Cotton. Ditch, Jeans 1: Shining: 393 to Slot?!) 6:! . . . i l t i i , i 1 Penelon l’alls, Peb‘y 33rd, 1833. 1 1 l EDW’AJIDS’ ; OLD-ESTABLISHED Livery Stable, The subscriber returns his sincere tlmnks : for the liberal patronage bestowed on him L during the put nint- you". and begs to ill-2 torn: the public that they can obtain First Class llorscs and Rigs; any hour of the day or night. at his stable 3 On Francis Street. must. 3 at very moderate charges. ? fl" Connerc‘al travellers and their lug~ j a“ conveyed safely and exMitlouly to; any desired point. i The subscriber never had a flnbloful ofl hotter home than at [.1an Come and try them. ‘3. R. EDWARDS. recolo- I'slls, fob? an; 1032. .L__-..â€"_â€"._â€"_____ 55â€"63% BEALL, ! should call at the dest? daughter of Mr John Graham, of Blythe, in ; slit-re they will find a. stock of - â€"â€" r i Massey & Toronto Mowers, DIARI{E'1‘ III'JPOR'L‘S j . , Massey Harvester & Toronto Reaper, Toronto Cord Binders. Massey Low Down Binders, g: Sharp’s Horse Bakes, 40 l acknowledged by all who have used them 65 l to be the best in Canada. , _... $3 I C A. s T 1 N G S . of all kinds made to order, and :3 Repairs Executed 5,, at reasonable rates. ROBSON &: ALLAN. Penelon Falls, March ch, 1683. -‘L N D‘“ B00ts&Shoes ’ C E R CHEAP CASH BOGT&SHOE STORE. S. S. JDDNSON respectfully informs the residents of Pene- lon Falls and its vicinity that he has lately commenced business in Mr. S. Newman's Brick Store on the West Side if Culbntne Street, where he has opened out it will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH, o . . '(g'olihmi'th'r [14111, next doarto bandits J‘ Flu- “Dd “'IHCh Purelmsers Vf'l" find ‘0 be K000 value for their money. titans Ecaamrs in great tariety and all of the very best quality. 3.6? Being determined not. to be under- ' sold, he contidgntly invites an inspection of his goods, and will do his best to give satis- faction to all who favor him Willi a call. S. S. JOHNSON. Feuelon Falls, Aug. 23rd, 1882. NEW GOODS CHINA â€"â€"ron-â€"- stock of Very Choice Stock of fresh Family Groceries, and a large as- sortment of men's, women's and children's , ready-made Boots &: Shoes, all of which 27-ly. ciiiiisgiiiis. Mrs. KEELEY IIns just received and opened tip a large ofnll kinds and a variety of- FANCY GOODS suitable for Christmas & New Years' Gifts, all of which will be sold at LESS THAN LINiiSAY PRICES. A nice lot of CHRISTMAS CARDS of now and beautiful (It-signs, Japanese Glove boxes, Handkerchief Boxes, Brackets, ho, ho. Bins. IIEELEY. Fenclon Falls, Nov‘r 15th, 1882. REMQVAL. BOOTS & SHOES. ROBERT McGALLUM returns thanks for the liberal patronage he has received since be commenced business, and informs,liis customers and the public generally that. he has moved to the shop lately occupied by Mr. Fitzgerald NEXT DOOR TO THE POST-OFFICE. where he will be happy to receive a call from all who are willing to pay IT‘S. II}. I’RICES v for really good neatly-titling boots or shoes. As he uses nothing but and pruniJitly. Fcnelon Falls, Dcc'r 20th 1882. Chill) or THANKS. 8. Cornei], Esq, Agent London Home! In- rumare (‘17.. Lindsay. Dru Simâ€"Ila”. the goodness to convey ‘ to the Directors or the -- London Mutual " j our thanks for their pronipincss in paying : our claims in full, arising from losses by the recent bush fires: Alexander Clarke, James Mctiiahry, Edward Kerr. Joseph McConnell, Matthew Wilson, Thomas llcCabe. Edwin i‘roase. Thomas Kelly. )lnrtia Harrington, Guy Beau}. C. S. Tiers. lune Gostlin, Hugh Barley, Margaret Kerr, John Cheynonth, Edward “alone. P a. Nellhnrgey. John Wilson. James Hound, turn “their”. - John Eight. ' ' LL! f. ‘ Linda-,3 0c! L525, 1!“. (tin. Emily, W Ops, Marinon, Emily, n \‘ernlstn, ~ Lutoa, « Pout-10a, .3 FIRST RATE STOCK, ROBERT )lcCALLU M. 5586 900 GOO 590 9l5 598 902 4 5" 795 55‘) No u. 2| 5 50 350 531) 636 40 350 ‘0') - o - 359 ,' Apply on the passion to y i HELP YOURSELF BY DEALlll Son of green Bria. hard on for some bread, For yo tould meselt' to be helping-most", Made a call on the baker one day; and no, 5. “cu” m of sulin‘. Be me love of cold Ireland. ye are the knsvor I ‘ ,' E l l 1 Yr ought to be hung on the marrow, For taking advantage of Pat in his undo, , And filling his bunnut with sorrow. Can you help me, Said he, to a bit of: loaf, Furl have not i. penny to pay. Be off. said the baker, I've nothing to give, Be ofl‘in a hurry. or rue it, You're hearty and strong. and should help yourself, And indeed ’tis your duty to do it- --.W-...- W , .__.__.-.-__._.._ ' GREAT ARGAlN-S. not All sisters STATEMENT, when we claim that we are selling Lyons Black Gros Grain Silk from 20 to 2-5 per cent. under usual value. If this is not , strictly true, we know it will recoil on us; therefore we have no reason to exaggerate. The usual price for our 95 cent Silk is $1 20; our 31 10 Silk is usually sold for $1 40. - \Ve know what these geods are worth, but having bought a very large consignment of them under value, we are enabled to offer them at these prices. Dundee & Flevelle Bros. Lindsay, February 24th, 1883. THE BAREFOOTED “wwâ€" The Leading Dry Goods & Clothing House. [ Y0 of the Great Human Family are informed that an immense stock of FRESH ' ,_\ 7, NEW GOODS have just arrived at . “‘15:. > "" ' MAGUIRE’S Let him go. said the baker, then turning to Pat, You'll say nothing about this, said he; Come to my ston- when needing a loaf. Surely one to your liking“ you'll see Arrnh now then, said Pat. I‘ll not settle at that: For your neck I ought to have twisted; After telling inc to be helpin' int-self, The, bad scran to ye, have me arristedl Och, is it. said Pat. and he reached for it loaf, Placed it safely under his arm ; Then Started away with a grin of delight, Thinking neither of trouble or harm. Put went for the loaf, but the very first bite. Alas! it got stuck in his throat, For the hand 01 a man on his shoulder was laid, And this man had a. badge hit his coat. M-._.- I‘ve It head, said Pat, sticking out of in: hat,. And no leather to cover me toes; Truth. be me two eyes, I'll not compromise, Unless l be getting some clothes. - I'll give you an order, the bsker replied, On the City Store. Said Pat you may 'scspe,. I-‘or bedad I'm sure they’re friends to the poor, And the boys th ~t always sell chapo. To no place at all but this same City Store Will I go with this scrip in my hand ; Truth 1 know to my joy that. they are. the boys, For the cute ones from ircry land. SOOTHERAN, CATHRO a MARK, What on earth is the row ? Och, murder, said Pat, As he oti‘to the baker was led. Ilcre, says the policeman, is one to explain. For he says you've been stealing his bread. Och. honey, says Pat, you‘re a jolly ould soul ;. Yes, truth then indade, you’re a beauty. ‘ Faith, and didn't ye bid me be helpiu’ meself; Be jabers, ye said it was me duty. So lhelped meself to a loaf, do you see, And now, be me word, when: is yer failing; a complete stock of .v m \" I-IIPS. SNthS’. The place is Ll'l'ERALLY CRAMMED with The Finest Assortment of Really Good Goods 0 that has ever been Effered to the public in this town. :o:â€":o: ‘ Everything requisne for taste and comfort that a long experience in the trade could suggest has been provided, and particular attention has been given to goods that are neat and tasty in appearance, and at the same time are durable in quality. I have no hesitation in stating that. few city Stores can show such a fine and varied assortment, and certainly no town of equal or much larger; size than Lindsay can boast of such a Stock of Boots and Shoes. This season I have purchased in larger quantities than usual at what is known as ROCK-MOTTOM PRICES, and can give my friends the FINEST AND BEST OF GOODS AT STARTLING PRICES FOR CASH ON THE SPOT. “Trunks, W’alises and Satchels! .IL'SI' mm: .4 LOOK .47 man. THEY ARE 011.137). TERBIS. â€" â€" - - CASIâ€"I. . I, .7/" /:/'//' '1’“ JARV’IS & I BICDOUGAIJL FALL STOEKOCBMPLETE. :0:â€"â€"â€"- ~ New Goods. New Goods. Dress Goods, Cashmeres, Mantle Cloths, &c., &c. \Vhite and Grey Blankets, Over- Coats, Fall nnd'Wintcr Suits, Gents’ Underwear, &c., &c. 38“ A LARGER. AND_BETTER STOCK *mt than we ever had to offer before. Come‘early and place your orders for (all supplies. Special discounts to cats/z (layers. JARVIS dz MODOUGALL. - I’. S.â€"01ic of IIurprr's reliable Cut I’upcr Patterns given away with every purchase in dress goods nffour dollars and upwardsâ€"J. d': Mel). iiii run it Milan: 0. and Low Prices â€"â€"AT THEâ€" @01‘1161‘ Store, Scully’s 31001. an erect: r cement. measure BM @6955, GRQCEREES BOOTS AND SHOES, FANCY GOODS 850., is, as usual unrivalled. 12 lbs Good Sugar for $1. 10 lbs. Granulated Sugar for 81. u"[(tfli’mAII kinds of GRAIN bought and sold. 500 packages of good BUTTER wanted MCDOUGALL d: BRANDON. L. MAGUIRE. good work at moderate prices.. Lindsay, September 2811i, 1882. Fcuclon Falls, February 24th, 1882:. MONTREAL TEA HOUSE ANS} @HENA HEALL. 0â€".‘0 )EOPLE exprcsu their surprise upon viewing for the first time the extensive alterations made in our store, but a greater surprise awaits them upon cqnmining our new Tress conserve "mas, just arriving. For strength and flavour they cannot be excelled, and as they have been bought in the best market for cash, we are prepared to sell them cheaper than any other: ofl‘ercd iii this vicinity. Our display of AND GLASSWARE "0 equals anything seen in the larger towns and cities. and coniprises~a'numbcr of elegant Tea. Set: in French and English Clilnu nnd Coloured \Vurcs, and II. number of very hund- romc Chamber Sets of the latest patterns. An endless variety of LAMPS 8.: FURNISHINGS, and scrotal dozen of the only reliable Lanterns in the market. Also, a great variety of FANCY ARTICLES suitable for Christmas Presents. Call and see them and you will be amply repaid for your time. W 'A fil‘Sl. class assortment ol‘l’OCKET and TABLE Cutlery, very cheap. Mofi‘et &lâ€"1\fiFarIand commenced business int more as well as their own. well assorted. generally dealt in. A nice lot of ‘ *' Sh 1a B s F1g‘s, Grapes, Trusses and cu er race, Choice Confectionery, T0“il6t,FCZ%C?/&'RMOOGT Goods “ - ' PERFUMERY 850-, 860., A large and S, '1" O R 4‘. â€"_. o The undersigned is now. selling: always on hand. Oysters in bulk 01' can always in stock. COMPLETE STOCK OF DYE STUFFS Cross Cutsaws-u Henry J. Keighley, Kent St., Lindsay, near the Market. NEW TAILOR'S SIIOI’. A. LAEEERTE ()A' respectfully informs the gentlemen of Fen- ( b - elou Falls and its vicinity that he has com- v “touted the tailoring business 011 Colborne Street, over Mr. “‘illiam' Campbell's store. and lsolicits a share of public patronage. Cloth- ing will be made in the latest styles and 2% A Good Fit Guaranteed. -â€"â€"â€" v _FO,._ ,massive":{nearer , STDVES AND TINWARE. ,-iimblc in all cases. " , ' Feuclon Falls. May 17th. 1881. The subserbcr has received full lines of" ; , 0)- E D()LLARl .__,_,_ g A,” !R E M 0V A L ! lParIour and Cook Stoves E’- IIAW’ ' , ' Th.“3:‘.'..‘:f“’”lf:£.ll;'::.223.§:'2‘}“"’°" ‘“"°"‘°“ Cllll’lllllll Ki lllllllllll, “"“- “‘“PBELLS' LAMPS AND LAMP surnames, FENELON FALLS- ‘ i The advertiser in pa arrtl‘ to- oz of “up,” kmds and prices. ' all orders with which he tinny, be am:th ofthc best, quality and at low prices. Also, 3. WELL SELECTED STOCK OF STATIONERY, comprising a full assortment. of BLANK BOOKS and general stationery. Cow Ties. Cutlery. Skates, I NAOAJA HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES Physicians‘ prescriptions and Domestic Recipes carefully compounded. WE? Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. A full assortment of Patent and Proprietary Medicines always oti hand. A. gent l'or II. R. Stct'eus' Purely Vegetable chntz'rlxtt. S 0 E. FITZGERALD, Manage! v and all kinds ofIIatdwarr,. in the County. A Call Solicited. Geo. H. Bertram. Petition Falls, December 8th.1851. Fenclon Falls. May 27th, 1882. The subscriber has removed to his old stand, for “’8 fa" tradc' next door to the Mochaaics’ Institute, 1 i FENELON FALLS , , and iii now prepared to , i ’â€"'“m‘"“*tATTEND TO ALL WORK? . I . . . no... FARM FOR SALE was be wow i The “ Sliver Star ” Coal 011: lCUITRACIS F0 8‘ llllllllllfli “sizzles; i20?g?§:do:o;zgr;lon the ShorteSt Natice’ equal to the be at American. all of which I sin ! L n ' ‘ x- . at Snmer'ille. containing coo acres. sham and at = ,ln 1 it: mm on _ ’ jobs at car 1 fig, ¢ iii? ilrlmfii.fi.”.§i"."ii‘3.‘l..§"§2“l. SZIPt-iccs Which Cannot Be Beat SELLING AT BARE LIVING PRICES: "'" ""” "“ "“"" “’ K‘Km‘mttofiw , every cm- i house. 35 x 2-3 feet. with kitchen. two frame! ‘0 enable me w do ‘ N “Ire “whims” hu’inw. v i , DOORS & WIS DOW SASII : barns, each 5-) x 30 feet. a stable for eightl v , _ 3 Mm , mm, mm,“ .5”; mi . "mmothes Lune,- Made 0;- Cut, , Raga, Bones and Scrap Iron taken 1n tradoaammal. ,mm m We ‘ h N. B.â€"To farmers and the public generally in want of Stoves, 8a., Try my 5 ,"M. I" f I s mt anti 1.,“ poultry house: also, a never-ailing: . . ‘ , v . . n , g ,1 i will do well to no hint callbeforo oia ‘ . . '[tnng creel. and IL”: '9 t a a vim-l K S E : priws 5m, “(1 if )ou canaat do better I solictt you: patronage. B. JACKSOI. i ‘ acre orchard containing tto boride apple ,elscyrbcn. . - - v -. Tailor.‘ If ilRlFTOI‘llER TELL!- Fenclon l'nlll. February 2(th,1562, in Penelon Falls. Persons wishing er, of good ms- d at reasonable prices. fl?” Work-shop on Francis St JOSEPH HEARD. l"""“’°‘ """" "m- l . I out But; trees. about half of which are bearing. react.» Falls, September 2011., isms. x i Praelon Pulls, Ocl'r lath. 18M. 33. Hanlan 8: Lance Tooth, Axes. Logging Chains it as In Ulhei lllllllfl I’ll)er Ill) HAW. AT THE cut sroiiia. City Drapers & Clothiers, No. 2 DobSOu's Block, 2nd door West of the Post-oflice, Lindsay. U G'WILL FlND' . I . gHARisEss. ‘ lCurrycombs, Brushes, TRUN KS, VALISES, Shawl Straps, Harness Oil Jr Axle Grease,. HORSE BLANKETS, and other articles, Cheap for Cash, call an Joseph Nevisun’s Harness Shan one door south of Newman's Grocery Store; COLLARS WARRANTED.. . Repairs promptly and neatly cxeouted.. lie begs to return his sincere thanks for' the liberal patronage with which he has so far been favored, and is dterminod to- merit a continuance of it" by turning. out: Removal and Bhahgei‘n: flatness. Return their sincere thanks for. the liberall patronage bestowed on them since the ' Feiielon Falls”, and beg to inform the public that they lanO‘ inst moved into the premises lately occuw pied by Mr. “'m. Marshall, where they will”: he happy to receive a call from his custoâ€" Having: lensedi the bakery and secured the service-cor Mr.. David Barrett, they are prepared to. furnish. FIRST CLASS BREAD. Cakes, Runs, the. 1%., nt‘ reasonable- prl‘cut and no effort will be spared to sustain the high reputation which the Fonolon Falls- bnkci'y has deservedly borne. 'l‘lioirstoek on FAMILY G110 c ERIE'S willbe found, as usual, fresh, good Andi ’ Hour, Feed, Eggs, Bullet, tic... (ill be kept on llll'id, and farm produce- " ‘ - l " Cracker * & Glassware I‘tnelou 1.111., Dcceinhtr H b, 188... _ v pizzas Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods. ,, (m ,h, ,,,,.1,.3,,,,,, w," he mm M amp i ‘ _ "litlulnywiin town,” yi'sit :d‘lndpcclloll from. CH g W L Fcnelon Falls, August 22nd, 1882. 1,,,,'§,‘ limp,,;;r':;,,;?,:,;:;r ""° "‘ “W” __.__.___ I “ ‘_ Mortar t- it P , g . P _.__ MEDICAL HALL, FENELON FALLS, i... ..;....‘”"“”‘ Raisins, Dates. , ' ' mfmw Gurrants Nuts Where can be fduud an excellent assortment of ’ i I ’ ' I I n 1 Prunes, Oranges! Dru' s Medicines Chem' 1 S ' .03. S 011 GS . . . Plums, Lemons, __ g ’ t t P g s , cyst.

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