Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 23 Dec 1882, p. 4

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Thy Kano. From the Baltimore Day. lifwug‘n m‘fi‘gmflm‘m'. ‘ 0 id December ' i. tum M - ; n a co 7 mg t some y I‘mu” 5"” mm“ k” m iyenrs ago, when the earth was bound ”“”‘““"°““""“‘”‘* “*de ""‘ :‘n a hie-i; fro-tend the bitter wind blew 1 me it when‘the mpg” strong and shrewdly, I was returning boniie “‘1‘!” mm“ m“! 9‘ °m from spending'the evening at n frien '3 l s . it in the ninth-the clown that rolled . - . - ‘ , . A t ‘ . ‘ i house, situate-Leonie three or four miles out imod spewedahertsn came one by one .0! “In. The 'ky “u '0 buck. the to“. Should any whicper’irwhcnyn invoice ytry label were so dark, that I In: truly The black earth beam-m sleeping underfiwkml “he” an “um-“fluhof m 1mm“ ,3, 1;,“ “ovum . m, 'outlying suburb began to twinkle in the And thsx my lip. would irern ie at ilu: wind. ; distance and it in. with a sigh of relief ' that [stopped underthe fintlsmp-postlcune And can“ gm. my a,“ “m m, “mm, . to and looked at on watch. It was no easy win, l task. for the lamp-v had a e broken 1 wink 1b“ then" 1 Ibfluld We "I! Mme ; and the strong wind blew the was in all di- The eternal doors would stir and. lei rue in. E rections and almost extinguished it. I read the time at lastathree minutes to ALICE curs ENGAGEMENT "PM “WW-I __ g to me. I had heard nothing of his approach. A Toronto league“, 3 We looked pt each other but for a moment. â€"-~â€" 1 yet it was time sufficient to imprint his feat- er rummur. iziiiimx, .i stir-x r-mosrol urea indeliby on my memory. A tall. sham “um... iby mo. in a threadbare, black frock cost _. and a seedy tall hat, his face lantern-jawcd CHqu .1; L and sallow, his eyes snakes and lustrelcse, fft'a'l' .icur ISTANL'EZ. Tammi-0mm A Dream‘s m And it before the gates of heaven I cause. his beard long and ill-trimmed. Ina tone of elaborate civility he asked ins tge time, It am Sunday e'uu'n , the second in “naked '3“ {0" my ,“3“'"i ‘3 3““8 December; the usual t row was surging into me 30“! ,mgm- PMS“l ""0 the NFC“ ,‘hrk’ 31.13 “.1 87‘1th of the huge 8mm, bunt ness, which seemed to engulf him like, a church at the corner of Chain Street and my“ Cruikshank Avenue. James! Field, re rt- 1 turned .‘07 " "‘qmeut to .think of his er for the Toronto Universe, the wen-1:53.... “may "31“ m “1“ "m °b3wrnyi and re‘ and only “one mm morning mmr'nm sumed my home“: way, laughing, at my- {onnd n im ible mg“ ‘ lace on the self forthe start he had given me, and re; reported 91mm. where, bail}, the “pm, fleeting that the strong Wind had blown soutntives of the Toronto THCTII and its “my “1° “and °i 1"" 31’9"”th I thought opposite, the evehing Teflon-«1m, every seat (if mm as I “t and smoked my pm" out my w“ crowded by the America“ pm” mo, fire,and felto'comfortalilesliudderpteal upon ciation, then on a visit to the city. and of me a” I "1“ ed mm hung the but" Nut course bound to hear one of Dr. ‘Mild’s inl‘i3imfi’Ciem clmhing' celebrated Sunday evening sermons. There I" the. 90”” °E a week °' “m we inci' was nothing for it but to take the first seat dent“t”flmg emugh heave" knowâ€"‘fi‘ded he could get at in the fast-filling edifice. imm my memory' and I thought “0 more 0‘ He found himself rather tightly wedged be- it' tween an elderly lady in crapo withs stron I“.th°‘” day” I w“ “dimly engaged i.“ “do, of peppermint lounges. and a you”; the timber trade, and the course of my busi- girl in 3 gm mantle and a hat of d“ ness took me a good deal about the country, crinmon with z drooping ostrich feather of and brought. me largely in contact With the the same color. The young lady made some agents of the different poblemen vand coun- limc effort, to make won, {or him’ by alighb try gentlemen of the district. With one of l, readjusting he; position; lit-the same these agents, who resided near the country time throwing off her mantle on the back town or L" I hf‘d numerous imam”: of the paw, a movement which Jame, mint. and I used often to run down to L., to meet ed b oueonhoseiufinjmimuygmuchnng“ him, for the town was only fifteen miles b . .h- h v away. and was onaline of railroad. It was 2‘ lime; Jnklcugrmzj :g’t‘ifgfitygfigigg a. dull little hole enough. that only warmed r up into life when the militia were out or the nssizes were on. One night I returned from L., having just made a large purchase from my friend the agent, whose master, a sporting nobleman, formal rccognitionnAs the ladies of the choi trooped into their places in the gallery, James ventured to look at his neighbor. She was a girl of any age from eighteen to twenty, with features mo lie and expressive rather than regular according to the “awards of was reduced to cutdown the family timber. , When I fell asleep that night I had a very simple yet vivid dream. I thoughthas standing on a lofty hill. By my side stood a veiled figure. who, with n. commanding astute, motioned me toward the town of .., which lay in the for distance. Then 1 conventional beauty, figure too slight to satisfy the popular craving for n dispose tissue astho sine ua non of feminine bounty. llut tlie youn lat y's figure, slight, nay slim us it was. ha a su plo grnco all suggestive of strength and hen tfi ; she was dressed in a wke '.f‘-bl..h. - .nv . . 1“qu xn‘y “e “ on do” m “Me Ofcoursc, Iexpluiiiod the thing to myself urprcssiou to every curve of her form. it . was made iquniit by drapery of czirdiii.‘ may ?“°"Kh- .1 had been 3 00d deal 611- rcd, the on s and collar of which set ofl‘ her gaged m the ne‘gbborhoo‘l 0‘ t ‘3 Place. and costly gloved hands, and pale face and fore- ' 'l 5' huge .Vmimm more or 1°“ remOtgly licnd fringed with bangs of thick dark-brown CQ'Pecicd “"‘h ‘t- 5““ Pl” (“tam W“ 3° Vivid that I could not dismiss it from my lai *. l l tliouglitsduring the whole of the day, rind “ She is not like any of our Toronto ro- . . . feasioual beauties," thought James as he lilbk- When I we.“ t9 .bed at mght I wondered ‘f 1“ would iigain Visit ma. ed at her. But there was somethiu al 0 t g ) u It did come again; precisely the some the face und' figure that interested liim : s. . . subtle refinement, D. latent power of emotion drew" m Precl‘idy the .‘m’l‘c “mth 0.1”" more I found a couvmcing explanation. and tenderness in tho features a romiso of . somughing.mom.m.be.mm alfoutpface and Doubtless I had been thinking too much about the first dream, and this had given figure which is the chief charm of n woman . . . . who interests us, as distinguished from the use to the second' But my explanatm“ d‘d common. [ace female of {mom L... . . - not convince mo in tho least; again I was is 1‘00..."th & glance. e 5 thing haunted by the thing‘ throughout the day, James was n barrister of some six moutlis’ “ml “the” I came lion” “'7 mg)“ my Preoc‘ standing, in process of undergoing the mph?" was so Willem that ‘t “finicmd the evolution by which a. pm cmcoduo is attention of my wrfc. She questioned me differentiated into the alligator, the lawyer “W” the cause’ and' only too thahkml to becomes also an attorney. He had a small “ubos‘m‘ myfleu Of What “a5 “ow ulmogt 0‘ independence of some eight hundred dollars “Why? I tom her about the dream “"d its a yum. which he managed to eke out by repetition. She had the tact not to laugh at occasional reporting and editorial writing me! bl“ “’35 "id‘thY "m" impressed by for the Universe; licuco his presence in Dr. the narrative' Alild's church that evening. The Doctor's The lhlrd night it mime again’ if anythyiPE' sermon was n regular institution in Toronto; more “lid and smrtllng than befom‘ “us it was,as usual, somewhat ccccntric,but had time I was utterly. unl‘inged' 'Ehe P310 face a real ring of eloquence ftllll earnestness. that “'03th me m we l°°klug'glus was The sulijec; was the Mm. of 316,”? or the hardly recognizabquor my own. I went Home“ image and King Nebuchadnéuar; it down to breakfast, filled With a foreboding aimed at proving that smith. Jones and of some misfortuneâ€"bud news in my letters Robinson were the names of the three llc- "I knc‘VPOt What' . brews iii the fiery furnncchniid that the Pro The maul filtered with the letter‘bnz' ilict Jeremiah ended his days in the county “119m!” “"1 my ‘V‘fe- Passmg'mo 9 18”" l'ippcrnr '. lint the subtle attraction which 0“ thh was the I" Poflt'mm‘" H That Jnmos felt for his fair neighbor‘s face and breaks your “PW”, J9hn' , presence effectually prevented him from I opened ‘t l‘urnedly‘ “7 "as from pa 'll) r nder unto attention to the Doctor’s the 3 cm! requesung me to meet hill} at L' I,“ Eihire‘Jmks' that ay at 1 o'clock, to arrange n difficulty,Y \ 1.0“ the hymn was given out the (mug that had nrisrn in the performance of his lady had shared llL‘l‘ liyinn book with unies, commut- , . , and once, for on instant. his fingers came in I W“ mwnsely rcllevf’d- Hem “'33 a“ U mm“: with 1..., “lender. delicately ghvcd opportunity to go to L.,mid perhnp‘stho very lump so the (’,,;,.,.,.‘,,, “f next morning fact of gomg would put meriuht. lliorcwero contained no report of thiit sermon, ii slaugy two. fa” twins to L" .i" the mowing? but I and maliciously misrepresented version of ‘ll’udml to 30b" the mat' regal-(“03° 0f tile which. howevcr’ adorned the 30:. of fact. that I should have somehours to wait. the 'I'rllurrum, much to tho (lcligfi: of the so I found myself .ShOrH-y m “ flut’clm servant girls and other members of the coanMllnent' “Feeding “way toward my "proletariat" who form the priiicipnl renders des‘lmat‘o": . of that respectable paper. As James left 1,1” carnage “’35 fun- P'P“ “halal the church the crowd scattered in every me" “much mw‘pape“ were fumed direction mniil‘u sudden odor of damp um. “9d fl‘ltened: “‘1 um” “I” “mt 13”“?qu brollasniid rubber water pumps. A heavy and km‘l 0‘ mom'.ng conversation that Prqvulls continuous ruin storm was pouriugdowu. A “POP incl} 00mg off by an. early gram to little in advance from him was the young PM" “W 3 work“ I soon dmco'qred that I 1nd). 0! a“, pew, “in” eudwmring w iimiiallenamopga party of_barri_sters, and screen her hat und fcallicr with an out-spread the“ Chi“ top": was a pc‘fui‘MIY mtemnmg pocket. handkerchief. Oftcnns James had we Wh‘cl‘ w“ to be humhed to'day “t mimfully cursed that huge feminine hat that u" L' 3“”‘3‘ . . liad intercepted his view at the theatre, 2‘, H"."“"* 5m“ up 33”?“ “‘9 PHWP' he now blessed it altogether. Fortunate. "- “Nd “ g°ml°mm .thh “ fl‘t’ flond ly, ho had a large green silk umbrella, new ‘9“ “‘1 long may “make”: “be! "on a purchased. amp]... 30,300“, to behold. light over coat and shepherd s-plsid trous- "Allow me to ivo you my umbrella," lie “'3' "11“ defen°°,}"” 9' 90mph“ fmlul'e- mid, “i: is ttcr than nothing; you “ndduerw‘l my“ . can send it to my address, the Universe “It “‘5 3'3"”le mum" audac'uusu 1" cm“. 0,, Km, “Wen-r turned a clean-shivcn young man with a The yOung lady thanked him; with the double “$1195 .Who at. oppPsit” me‘ uiiliesitoting confidence of pure womsii- “Bundmnlk‘l “relumh‘l 3"‘d°n°°-" hood slio accepted the offered shelter, but u 4" “amen” is more °r 1°.” bimum' only on condition that the owner of the “mm”: m’were‘l 5° of “1° florid “mph” uiiibrclla would risks of its shelter, "1 i0“; “‘“d lhi’ ma“ is” Cindy guilty to “a in din. um?“ ago.“ my yum-- me my mmdasif there had been s_dosen wit~ said. with heightened color. “I fear my “"33” m “fad by ,5“ mm do the home i, on, of you, way: “.6 u“ qui‘o “ deed. Thsts ‘ my opinion, _Heyw°od_-i distance to the north. on Winchester st," and “a "mile dumppc‘“°d l’eblu‘h“ new" .lsmu Field rdpliud, with scant re ard to P‘ '- um. that lie was at tho poiuto walk- ‘eclires glad to discover my mic that mg n,“ way u. vi,“ 3 client. uyou mm would divert my thoughts from theirgloom tipn. n barrister?" she asked. “I om glad {ONbOdmfl‘y 1M1le myselfto Heywoor , in see one of your profession M chm..qu the young barrister. with whom I had is "l alwn 's go to church a: has; mm, 0...,” slight-acquaintance: _ I . Sunday. ‘ ho said, "and I like Dr. Mild " ‘0“ {Wm "‘99" {melflml "1 tllll'tl'ill manually: in fact l ukn considerable m“ ‘3 80mg 0”: _I "513i! "k “3'00 share in is Tom icrimcc Society connected “WWW”! “P‘m‘” . t I with his church. ' "Tue cunning fellow. be "N‘- be w”‘““"‘- "130th 1” Curious wok um gin: chance to let 1,". m a,“ case. Anion. a clerk dismissed from his he possessed what ourht to be the very c“‘l"l“)““"1“- ‘3 mm“ 0‘ murdel’infi,‘ll¢ first claim on the regard of a Toronto girl "PM." 0‘ lh" 5",“ Th" Widen“ Wm" adhesion to the Temperance cause in the bu“ " “mle “ileum‘mu‘h if“ m°_d°- city. The wind end the ruin blew in their fen“ bm‘“ am" ‘“ ' "1°" cum?“ Pol“- hm‘: “in “my "W .0 wk quiw and tho case‘fvrtninly look: very black for merrily; the gusts were so vehement that ‘he‘Pn'099r- ‘ it was im ihle to avoid clinging to the “a "u" m“ “0" P‘kamg "Red. Mill strong arm that offered her support. At last “1?.” w“ ‘ 8°93“! ""08- 1 "no. to?- they came to No [SS Winchester st.. and A" W“ KO'PS ‘0 8“ 0‘“ ht"? find Mr. James was invited to color. but this be new")?!- °P¢m°8 mellMFI-‘We glided mm mango“). angina]. {Nuns m“ “um ‘ the station. _"‘llave you conicdownsocnrly young lady has to change dripping skim 0' buflwfl' . . _ and muddy boot: it not the best season for " \"’°'- 1‘3"} “NEWS '0 8003053 1 “mum’s I.“ gflmnmfl.‘ nu, mm knew what the immediate business was. all next evening. he sail, "to inqn‘u‘, "hothingveryurgenttliough."lsddedhalf whether Miss Alice "â€"auch she had “when.” l NOEL confidedto hirswu her nameâ€"“ludmfi'cred “if you b!" mth w s . ran bud in wily (mm um .mwzug_ud if h... better luminand hear than of the trial." beautiful hat bad «coped inj ," 1k and Heywood. “The court willbecmwdml Sign] it.“ go in, 1,“ [,3 u v.” with lsdiu no doubt, but I can smuggle you y lith plie . said "a "I no Jim... Field." “we - comer? ' he , ' r will: fine or be” hot knowing what to do with myself for and my little else.“ With a bright look ' he“ 3'0 bout!» 1 accepted the offer gunk“; o“ inn-M mm him 4,”; I1"! gratitude. I yes soon seated in an oh. a moment more and she bud tn into the “m 00m“ 09 t d . lll'uShM ill-"m- house. leaving June: to walk home like one mm". :i‘l would have been in a drum. But to his respectable. but “Hf-“No ‘00. M It not been for the scent “are: hung-m. Wing {mum m Wk walled from the numerous lsdles who were an Mm". "it“th but up... present. Oncoltheee. abuxnm femsleob- ibutovewiui his vitamins” Ill-apt a. sanction 'booaght lob-re knonbetter. curlinsmh into possible wedding rings. Will“ in In“ Ohm. “blocked myviu (mumm‘m’ withan leould noteee the prisoner or his council. oreren theeloek â€"~j-â€"---v-4.>'Wâ€"â€"â€"” one his head. at which the kept For: chnm Sun were es lit the lookingugertynthehoer foethe re. otherdnyhy threspntlcsnuei p Window m. At M then was stir . ennui! -.__._... .__._ . . ._.- i personal interest in the trial. but my started to see a man standing close opposite , by persons invisible to me. then a call for silence, and. after: few preliminaries. A the summing up commenced. I listened the more intently because 1 COBld ECG DCtllng. The clear, to“, ‘6“ng . ca mg ‘g comm , through me gen. sentencescut deepiumy consciousness. flow} "(any of me King of m. Belgian, wm, (Unmet Ind confirming it all “‘3! 3 HOW an ‘ moreover, has been the main supporter of 5 pimples on the fare. those minute' facts. the mute testim ny of su-exai of the so-cnlled International Afri-l foatmarks and the like. arranged and m a; distributed by that powerful intellect. 1.35 beeniu. position to pay for every cubic grasped themselves into the dunning prOOf inch of air he and his men breathed, and niniulcsrs and the worst scrofula. 0i guilt ! _ every _rqunre foot of ground they trod upon. I I cared nothing for the prisiner, find no 3'11“, object of the King wind pears to have been entirely disinterestedâ€" was wonderfully fascinahd by horror. At length the weighty tones ceased. 3 cessible to commerce and civilization, and and a murmur 0! Wild and e! htion Tall ' thereby develop the mnrces of the great round the assembly. At this moment the g ulterior of Africa, For this pm the woman with the huge bonnet shiftel her 1 Cong . fox-med a splendid chm of com. seat, and [obtained a full View of the pris- mummtion' only unfortumte'y its lower OBEY. I started involuntarily. “’liere hall I 1 course for my miles is obgtyucted by in). seen that face before? i 'ble cataracts. To surmount this ob- Tbe jury rctumed altil’ a Bbort absence ; { struction is the object of Mr. Stanley’s work. the verdict was guilty, accompanied by a = He states thgt already be has carried a well recommendation to mercy. Again the judge's made road, 15 feet wide on an average, from solemn tones sounded through the court, below the cataracts, 230 miles along the again they ceased. north bank of the river, far beyond Stanley There “'35 dead silence. I sprung to my 1 Pool, and therefore well into the navigable feet as if impelled to do so by some unseen 4 upper waters. To assist him in this under- iower, and looked steadily at the prisoner. l inking he has not only had native workers is face was averted from me for the mo- l but relays of young Europeans as superin- rnent, but the looks of the people showed me 5 tendents ; and for this work he finds Eng. that he was nbo it to speak. Slowly he i lishmeii better than any others, and would turned mum}. and. in 3 mice Whose deep. i be glad to have a fresh supply to send out. earnest tones could be heard all over the as- 3 So substantially has this road been construct scmbly, he said : ed, that it has stood the deluges of rain the “ There lives but one man who can prove break down upon it from the mountain sides, me innocent -and there he stands." and has home the heavy traffic which the \Vith white face and outstretched arm he Lraiisport of engineering plant to the upper pointedâ€"at me.. I gazed at him with a 1 reaches has rendered necessary. Causewnys sudden flash of recognition. It was the l have been laid where necessary and bridges man I had seen under the lamp. And. by a l built, and the road has, by means of excava- strange coincidence, at this moment the tions, embankments of stone, and layers of court clock struck twelve. » earth, been carried right round the face of a The plea that had berm got up by the dc- mountain which comes slicer down to the fence was an alibi. But there was a. space of river at one place. On rounding the moun- some two hours that could not be accounted min, Mr. Stanley states that the road enters for, and the theory of the prosciutiou waslmi avenue of exquisite beauty and coolness that the crime had been committed during which has been cleared through the forest. that time. My evidence supplied the miss- So thickly tiuibered is the country in some ing link, for the lace in which I had seen ts that thousands of trees have had to be the mnii was so or distant from the scene felled, and their roots either grubbed up or of the murder that it was impossible for him leveled. At intervals along the road, sta- tobo anywhere near at the-time of its com: tions have been planted, and already there mittal. is a regular service of couriers between the And the dream? Only a coincidence, you stations, and by them a growmg trade is be willsny, perhaps, or a fit: of indigestion, or ing established. As to whit are the possi- my timber contract. Nevertheless. as I have bilities of commerce along the route, he told it to you, so it happened. Fxplnin if: states that during the progress of his works any who can. million yards of Manchester goods have been distributed through the country in pay- â€"-â€"-â€"-‘fi-â€"â€"..Pâ€"fi - merit for labor and other services performed UNSEEN WORKERS. by the natives. One of the articles of trans- r __ sport along the new road was a fine steam The Runny of Journalism Compared launch, with which Mr. Stanley had done wm, the Popular Conception of the some good exploring work some 400 miles Camng and Its Discipmm above Stanley Pool, quite 700 miles above , , , the mouth of the river. When he feels at P"3“'3.I’i1!’e" afihtors “Kc Dersqnnses ““tl’ liberty to publish an account of his work “'l‘m“! "1 the m‘nd 0‘ t "-’ “E‘bhc at “"853: (at present his first duty is to his employer, the“? 1‘33 always been ,“51 “Llama ‘1 cel‘t‘lm the King of the Belgians), it will be shown. degree 0f "Will-9"!“ “19W 33 “001355 0f the correspondent believes, that some first men whose work passes 59 directly and so ,ate exploring work has been done: The “mammal! berm" me [While a)“; yet lib?” launch, for example, was taken up a. new are few Wlfh “‘J'n'd ‘0 “hose “:31 Posmon river. opening from the south bank of the and functions more vague, confused or cr- Congo, some distance above Stanley you]. mum“ notions are enter,tal“9di 9"?" 0“ the and which, it was found, led into a fine lake. PM" _°f P930“ Othef‘VISe “"‘H mel‘med- The lake was covered with fishermeu’s 1|}l313“_‘d?“l’t largely due to the anon)" canoes, whose occupants looked aghast at mltl' 1‘11"“? Preserve‘l m the newspaper the snorting monster puffing out smoke, and 131'355: bl fins 0?“.llt1‘Y- _ Readefi's come to fled in dismay. One, however, was caught, 'dentlf)’ “1° 011mm"8 01 ”' Partlcuml‘ Olga" and after been soothed down and kindly “19'9in “)9 all“: Of Printed Paper: and treated, was sent ofl‘loudcd with presents to With its distinctive namc and features, than his wondering follows, peer“, from among )Vifh tile indiVidMl 01' indivlfluals by Whom the bushes on the shore. In lr. Stanley's “3 13 dlreCtgd) Will Of Whom: 1" may b": they opinion, the soil is capable of unlimited do knO‘W uothmg- . . . velopment for crops of all kinds, and, by 'lhc power and .lriflueiicc, _w1tli their at- judicious use, the supply of mourchouc in twth respcuswlmyi “erased by the Cdl' the forests is inexhaustible. The greatest 'tOI‘S Of 0111' greafinewspnpqm. 8}? Gnorlnous- difficulty to the utilization of the river Ibomascéfly 1‘5 030° dePcrll’e‘l l°umflh5t_3 33' throughout ilsnavigziblo length is the almost ll“? “"3 lungs “ml Imefits 0‘ the nation- iintamnblc cannibal tribes who inhabit the 'llie ofiice so described. is umosf. attractive upper reaches between Stanley’s furthest one for young men .ln SGMCll Of a Cfll‘ecry point and the neighborhood of Nyuiigiuc. especrally if they be fairly educated, niid.be- _.__=...4...Huâ€"__â€"â€"- lieve they are imbued with the fire of gciii- Mun-3 unmistakably us. The commonest mistake of such uspi- . I _ _ rants to the editorial chair istlint they grcut- lVlllle 1“ Sim lfrilnclfico Sam Jewell?) the 1y under.estixnate the attailunentg requisite l actress, told some friends that when she was for suclin position. They speakof “raking in England a young man once asked her to journalism" as if it were a. very simple Whether it W113 true: "-3 ’clmrteds that Young matter, to be accomplisle without much girls were allowed in America to no our personal trouble or inconvenience, and never walking. riding. etc.. Willi you‘ll-l "10“- “11' thinking of the long years of patient work 1 Attended by cliziperones. and varied experience which will have to bei “Ye-“y” replied Miss Jeweit. “it is the undergone before the can reach the point I 0350 in many Parts Of the Umth Statesâ€"- they have in view. . ouriialism is now, and ' Perhaps in most." ‘ is becoming more so every your, a. profession “ll'liut an cggstroriiary country,‘ replied for which ii special training is required. the ingenuoua BrltOD- “Ami 1111“: you CVCY There have been instances in which men of been 011i? that WHY?" brilliant parts and profound cruditiou lining ” Fm(luentlÂ¥-" 1 proved signal ffllures in the editorial chair ; “ And did the men lle‘v'cl‘ tryâ€"f0 â€"t0 kiss while men of inferior education and mcnner )‘011- you know '3" intellectual powers, but with those indis- “ N ever." pousnblo qualificationsâ€"tact, judgment, and “ What u lot Of mulls l" experienceâ€"have succeeded admirably 4-...â€" unde the some conditions. It is, therefore, oyster Stew. quite erroneous for a young man to suppose . . that because he has had the advantage of a. 1 {hum “11 ti“? ll‘l‘lm‘ 0“ "‘Y 0523‘“? find good education, writes with facility, undlins Pup.“ 0“ to 1’3“ m 0' slumemn’ “1th “' l‘ttle liodiug waiter. any halt a. cupful, if you have u uorion of such work, be can “take to jour. . . . . “winnlnandsmmount a“ (mncumcs' as it quite a little oyster liquor. :ldd.t,o this suit and pepper to taste, and let it come- were with a inir of seven-lemme licots. . . ' l "" to a bOll. Then add your milk, the ( uunti- Sumo earn a ro n 'ouu man wrote to an . 3 E y g ty being regulated by your own near 3 and American paper that he wanted to be an edi- . . torwnd the reply which he veceived is we" the number of your oysters, let this borl. worth reproducing liei‘c. “Canst. tliou."itllcu PM" in your 0W“ l the” Pug!“ not nked tho editor, “draw up leviathan with an \“ 3° m more um“ “W 0" t9“ ""“utes be' I I hook thou yettest down 1. can“ thou hook fore the stew is served, as long cooking will up greater idea, from the depths of thine in. toughen them. 'After they are in, the stew tenect’ and clean, scale, and f“. them at should gently simmer, not really boil. A five minutes‘ notice? Csnst tliou'writc cd- “mm” or two before dighing' mm 9' lug" itorials to measure? Cunst then write on spoqmlll 0f bunch let. this in“ melt’ 3i"? it agitorinl to tithinln ghrlilic-quurtcr column of :ostfpigl'l‘ft’mlnsc‘éfivenglxgaléogoiflyshfinuli tepn r, wicisia be in leu th 'ust . i . I l'. sweiitygiwo inches, having three {fiche-ii of “5?” WE“ CL”? 0.33:1”: cralcfkefsy Mill. filly. ropgroyhebgsrums- r452 curs: is: .3: . n we ‘ I ‘ :3 ngsmst legit) mgggr lgnfllegliézgp‘é: 0;: oven for u minute or two, let them cool, and inches long, at the close 3n they Will be almost like new. This will, of course. be regarded as a. bit --â€"â€"-¢~â€"‘.*â€"-->â€"â€"-â€"-- of facetious exaggeration on the part of the cannula-“5m- editor, and no doubt it was ; but it really A schooner arrived in San Francisco from reflects certain necessary phases in the work the South Seas reports that when recruiting of a journalist. Important intelligence fre- for islanders the boats were frequently fired quently arrives at the newspaper office upon. A number of returned iintivcs were within a short time of the paper going to seized, murdered and eaten by the iii- press, and. if the editor wishes to be upside liabitnnts of l’nsmn and Apy Tonoi. Island- or ahead of his contemporaries, as most edi- are also boarded the schooner “II lciia," tors do, he must have a leading article on . rind incited the recruits to seize the vessel. thesubject in the sameissncns that in whichl The mutiny was qucllcd. Three of the the news appears. There is riots moment “islanders were killed. to be lost; indeed, there may be scarcely time to perform the mere mechanical opera- tion of writing what has to be said. not to: speak of hunting about for an idea, an ap- propriate quotation, or a choice form of ex- pression. These must all, in the language of the American editor, be hooked up, clean- ed. scaled, and fried without delay. Of some of the difficulties figsiiist which the editor has to contend. uono but practi- cal newspaper men have any conception. Take. for example, the question of space. It ls‘a common fallacy among the general~ Egrblfggstg:“:tg$el m;il:h;:é:;nas:lsummanlyf dealt. with only die-cause be m "am {his being the cm. me in “may of lI could not help himself, as the finger on the editors and sub-editors is continually on the ‘mu “"0” “rough” stretch to find space for even asclection of A spring in St. larnmanyaparisli, La., the ninst important news at their disposal. pours forth clear, cold water I day long, In the office of‘ a leading daily newspaper but at sunset arr-s suddenly dry, dis- thrreis often more mutter thrown into'the charging no water until the sim again waste-basket. or alrnck out of nunnscri ts. rises. “nu would “mm ‘0 fin me palm-l“, “0 A nearly perfect mammoth skeleton has interesting telegrams, for which not only - . . ' the Dost office. but the correspondents wliol been "new figtgcdlkm have sent them. will have to ‘E '"m‘img ' consigned to the same recepffcliiuillmx grade" fu‘ef plwmg" l" m. “k” 0' "fly “is”‘ “mph” k i, imwliblel the remains M Ma the bones vnll fro care- to rind acorner for them. The calculatin «any "mm-m m we Belgrade balmnfl of the editor, moreover. are liable to be up-I ' {mumfl . . , , set in a hundred different ways. Somei The ‘lmcu’lgv Mt'l’mnrmz ‘lu-‘lme’r ‘1 8",“ “my “on”, ‘fimmr dinner new”. gin-ill as the far-reaching and powerful cur‘ oran important political question suddenlyl‘99" 55“?“ 0‘ Aft“ U“??? menl‘ arias. or some great man dies. or there is 5 "33'3" l‘ a” “‘3' bal- mmedl’ know“ {0" an extraordinary and unexpected influx oil "11;! dlkw‘v advertisementsâ€"perhaps a combination of; it has often been noticed by hospital my- theseâ€"and all the arrangements of the office g s. any: the 1m, that severe, curious, are correspondingly disturbedâ€"Cilmuben‘ V or out-of-themmy accidents seem to occur in JWramf. j groups. but of this no adequate explanation ,' has ever been given. ’ A Bloc-tn: In W H‘I'wâ€" “Age of Suspicion. Truly, this is an age of suspicion. Never \Villiam Crane, Merchniits' .l'. )Iiners’ Trans- portation Line between Boston rind Baltimore, who suffered severely from rheumatism, 'ciused by the exposure inc‘dent to his pro. tension. was cured by St. Jacobs Oil. This is no suspicion.â€"Boslon Globe. â€"â€"â€"â€"“”4‘.‘>«â€"-â€"â€"’â€" Is President Arthur really going to have a spnsm of virtue? or are those Stnrvlboufers mow-v- .- -â€"'.._*.oâ€"'o .. l ' ' - 'u'.\' . ld thntlheltmdtl .{l‘m'rgr‘h“scams; gamma . Warm“... rm... your. kiss: 0 ' L. w r." Pmng‘ l Corn Extrudor wonldbetherneuuof rectori' ton. \t. has not been celebrltcd in theme-cams prosperity. Corn: are plant-:5 house where they housekeeping. ’the constant consciousnesso! this upon even 13y“ 9| and 86 years of age respect-lfi‘g‘ “mm” NW” an???” in; i y. It is counted um the A can scum +0 pounds of solar , spend - A - funll . m" l alveyelteepa bottled Putnam's Can ayar._£nuetoronhud. peditions: as Mr. S anley put it, he boils. carbuncles, and sores. - . ll- of the Belgians up. i lots at great discount. mi“ “dc 0‘ “mp” ‘0 ‘10 “h” be “mm m ma" “' Cechrsno recently shipped ll cars of cattle tlicless, Capt. I". M. llowcs, of the steamer Ir- Sflnkrl Dlloonfleh Dr. R. V. Pieree's " Golden Medical Dis- An Ammunition. ' . Old I d7 V M ‘ ~sliouldw L; ‘N i " dent of the London Globe who cover " cures every kind of humor, from ‘ .To negle:t a cough or cold, is but to. m- mayogrofih mg £3155.“ka ' is: interviewed Mr. H. M. Stanley, eye the common pimple or eroptionto the worst “‘9 mm “0‘1- ”‘f‘ dam?” 0‘ ll“ tBreathahall ' L ‘ that gentleman has had ractically unlimit- scmiuls. hhnln nee. lagyard a Federal Balsam “'t“ cure the cough and alloy all irritation of the bronchial tubes and lungs, .and ofl‘ectunlly 1 remedy all pulmor. complaints. such as Two to four bottles clear the system of l Ajihm-‘BMCHfi'n Vhwping C‘“Sh. &¢‘ Four to sixbottles curesnlt-rheuin or teller One to five bottles cure the worst kind of Five to eight bottl is core corrupt or run-l Hmvv nosâ€"At llurnstou. .\lr. .l‘etcr ' (l mley killed a seven months pig a few days By drugzista. and inhilf~dozen end dozen ago which weighed (dressed) 335 lbs., and Mr. $ilas Hill killed a 6} months one which Cs'rrus SHIPMSX'IS.â€"-Tile Hon. .\l. H. turneillmsnlesldl‘we-llnt 3461b»: “'0 CO tontoch‘ . {~_ 0 r. ‘ ” --~ -~. M “3‘33 m shiiig’ w’e‘i'smuumniii‘uy V egetlne 3,000 pounds. \Veuk lungs, s ittiu of blood, consum - - t ‘ tion,and kind afiecgti‘ons, cured uiihorit Flve Doctors Dld Not Glue. physician. Address for treatise. with two Cum“ Sm“. f stamps. Wounn's DISPESSARY Munro.“ To :iro. Ont. Sepi is. ism. i' Assocm'riox. Buffalo. N Y. Mr. 11. it. Sfcvcns: " ‘ A LARA“; SAW-MILL has been built by .ll.‘.lll‘ Sinw-lhomliy certify that! have been t Sick for three ‘cars. unable to H‘ any relief )1 sets. Rick 8:. bfevens at Bolton Centre. \ih‘iwgg, 11:13:12 been mph-r iliiilrmre of flil'lo “ ery ~ 0 o t p )ucnns.eucroue giving niyi - D in‘gOPPOf J‘oy m Ev Kw;m_r ness is different name. The first said General r~ - 15ml“: Buffalo, - :i hm Debili'f .' tho secondJ'hnalc liability amino. 7 months ago I was broken out wrth large poverls edblood- the third. l.i'rrr Complain! , ‘ , ulcers and sores on my body, limbs and {um and Dyspepsia: flie fonrth said 1 win; in 0011- Ilium; l'l‘â€"-\ our system for work. Aura“. I Procured Your “Golden Medical Discovfl'y" summit)": um mm mld' Minx-Mm“ on me am “°wl‘1‘"5l’“l“l“ 3““ 14"" Rel“'~“l.\'- 31' . lu .nnd as certain I would nev‘r VIlO‘ ~ . - . - , . , and “ Purgative Pellets " and have taken healthlvsolooncluded to give uiiddciiirl. tends sfri tl) to busuuss Ill {torturing flu.~ 8'1 bottles and 1041in I am in good health, ciomugonced mkinmilen‘t i.llrxdi'cintgi. At fimuigb. lgl'eli'. and [Killpoygz 33:13pm. bot~ ’ s t we was very w . iui iniu iii my as con ‘ ; iii' 0 ml “8 a can a. all those “ “Ice” hamg healed and left side. back and chest. slept very lift 0. and the â€"--~----â€"~~'~â€"-‘-‘g a“: ** fl ““ my skin in a natural, health ' condition. I food I am caused mo x was 5 burden to H A rl‘l‘ J. . - A . - . tliou lit at. one time that cruld not be myself and friends. I was persuaded to try “‘6 are now mnuufxlci irlm: four kinds of . ‘ pm . regain. A friend gave mos oiilc to fry. not cum “though I can but {fly e‘pm“ t‘hliikingit would do mo any good. as I had no these 'l‘ios. the Duck ltlll. ilm Cross III-lambs ‘ vsl in" .gml‘imdc ‘0 you' 5'5” the” ‘i a drop 0f hope of ever getting any better. After usln Joy m every word I writ“ um am home m“ hoad was bench “ml Adjustable and the Double i. 'r.froiu tho sfcelwlro specially imported for tho purpose. Yours truly, JAMES 0. BELLIS, Flem- could slegnxbetter-b‘Tltlo next Norm niiplcllto ’ V ' . . . H l . . came. on was a o o c or m ' oor . invo Egg)!” 1" J‘ “ DISLO‘ or) 50“! h) drug now taken five bottles. I ave rigood appetite and sleep well. have nopein. und mu able to do Major-General Luard has received a telc p most of my own work. renounce your Mcdi‘. , . tire far ahead of any other. ndd cnii cheerfully ‘am from Cairo, u iiouuciiig the death of rr~.-ommcnd if to any poo in need of such a .Iajor Herbert, on the lst of Neveniber. "- ?dlClm‘. \ oufis‘ Nine'gtfii}ly.v\. Major Herbert it will be remembered. was JR“ “ A ‘ ' a Canadian ullicer, who had tlw privilege of active service in Egypt. A Big Investment. We can also supply lhu w rc in coils. or out to length if dcrlrcd. tar Send for circulars. COOPER, FAIRMAN . &..CO., H l-‘oumlllmr street. Montreal. 2 Rheumatism (lured. Toronto. March '29, [579. Mr. H. ll. Stevens: G. M_ Everest of Forest, “at” that Dear Sinâ€"I was troubled with Rheiminlimii ' . . In my knee and hi olnis for nearly n your. Hngyflr‘lxs 1,030?“ Balm!“ 5‘71“ how“ “‘5 I tried a numborpojf medicines in effect u cure, own amongst the many' cough medicines in but none gave run any relief. A friend I'L‘cum- ' mended me to try your chcli‘nr. “'llll‘ll I did, the market He says that he has so” It for and offer inking two bottles of it I found relief. nearly Sixtfm“ l'em'si and tll‘e “lea “‘3 Stemn‘ It 001:» four more bottles. and the pains vom- ly increasing. One family lins purchased pletcly loft me. I feclsurfsflcdlt isu euro for over 50 bottles for various members and Rhemnatimn. Yours rcgnccffiullyk friends. 13 AL A all u . 6 llossin llousc Block. 'l‘oroufo, Out. A FAST RIYN.â€"-A fast run was made over _ the Great \Vcsferii Railway division from \’cvcfins.â€"For eradicating nll impurities of ' - ' - . V o the blood from the system,“ hiisiio cuuul. 1f Hamilton to suspenswn Bndge b3 ho‘ 50‘ has never failed to effectn cure. vlvlnu tone sPaella-the Second seetim‘ 0f,N°- 3 “Press and strength to the system debilifiitcdby dis- --lass Tuesday week. Tho distance of 43$ misc. miles was accomplished in 55 minutes, iii- cluding one stop. Vegetine Uiidouhtcdlytlie best medicine to krcp ' on bond for Colds, Coughs, Asthma Bron- ‘REPM‘RD “Y chitis and Pulmonary troubles generally, is H, R, STEVENS, Toronto, Ont. Hagyurd’s Pectorul Balsam. It will not cure Consumption, but it will cure - ' v ' those troublesome conditions leading tliere- ls tO- 16- _ onosro. - sir. J. II. Mayne ciliiiTii'iF'ii", ' . .. . i i . ‘ ' '-. Twenty miles of \\ innipeg and Hudson " "Huer' ’5 {Lon I 'c ’ " ‘rl-qlgtfifl- Bay railroad from Norway House have been SE m" {FQPWllâ€"llléll'ulc‘l“?(3‘;j located by next August, which will enable yAlggEfifilgflfi? 1“ “lumen ’ the company to commence the work of con. â€" "' Rifles “Ed Amfimnm‘gn. if“ pm, Structlell by June, 1334. listrcadv: sclll. free on application. “I , . . , , . MODOW ALL. cor. King and George sis. “but is beautiful? ll hy, Liirbolinc, :1 â€"---â€"~.â€"â€".â€"â€" ",â€"--‘.3.' “w.- . . . . AND STA!“ S. bl4AlAS. LlC er; demhnzr‘d CXtht 0f fetmleumy ‘15 "0W dcscrlptlon and for ull uses. KENYO), improved and pcrfc.tc . Clear as spring T NGLEY &_§Vl:l:lll::\hl§‘l‘_llrflrC01,.3‘fl‘9lll0. water, delightfully perfumed and will not RICE 'l‘lCKE'l‘S, S'llOW CARDS, \l‘IN- soil toe finest lilicn fabricâ€"ii perfect toilet DOW SlIADhS- hcwesl designs. Send preparation and absolutely much the hair {gig‘gg‘i‘lfitiirmr’l' I ..S‘_. H . ..._‘,.. grow on ham hwds' , , _ S the Owen Sound dry dock. Sicndi’ cm- Corpornl Bluchcr, on American Citizen ploymentuntllspriiig._g\l'iigcs two dollars. and liiicnl descendant of the \Vntcrlro Gen- N’l‘AI‘tIO VlC’l‘lCRINAlth'VC’O'CEE'uE. 'l‘(.) urul. has been offered a. staff appointment RQ-‘i'l‘o- Student-‘1 01m it'll-Tr l’I‘OHI 06!" - . , - ~ b til January. PROF. SMl’l‘lI, V. S- by Baker Pasha in tlie ie-orgiuization of the Ffiifimu'imncmm you‘an “nun”. n” army m 133 'pt' . -_m“~‘ w [Wircni c "El-ct.- smooth sui‘luifib; Davy & Cln. k, Di'iiggist-i, Reufi'cw, (info I licuvyuii Idiom; (toughi H :x. In . . .i. ' I new lrlcc is. .. l. ' i . of .I no N d, \nitc, .iudoc. Blood Bitters & CO" l,rlnm1‘)‘,ll ‘ tliougli compurntivply :1 new preparation, flflgwfirmnmufi; has token the lead In this locality :15 ii blood and Omar’émds' M‘q'L ‘1' M”. ii I FREEMAN’S worms POWDER_8., Arc pleasant to take. (‘urifslii their own Purgutlvo. Ia ii sufo. suro. find effectual deuroyer or worm in Children orAdultt X35135 cu New Year CARDS. Largest and Choicest Selection In the Dominion. Assorted lots sent true by mail on rm-cipf of $1 or upwards. Lyon & Alexander, 1:0, 112, um] I“ ltny Slrcrf, TORONTO. purifier, our sales of if; being equal to that _ ___'riiicws&1luos.urt dPIlOtt'l'ln‘Ofllu of all other medicines used for the purpose ' 735113141“ \Vlfipcufi‘lunqu' Ix“ during the lost your.” 18. Jeweler. 262 You 0 Sn. 'l‘ol‘onlo, lnis eu- liirged lils premises. uni Jgrcutly increased his Children are like boils. Everybody knows stuck of void and silver ewelry. filmed Wore. l . cutlery. c ocks. watches. clc. Fine Blut'k of jcl 323;]? take Of those “at bdong to other and {rut-not. jewelr'. Goods llllptn'li'il dirccl. Every kind oi'jcwc ry repaired promptly, nonl- A Secret. ly. and cheaply. ~____ The secret of beauty lies lll pure blood and I 0{"“‘_‘3“!“€~“l"‘3‘? good health, Without the one the other is kegslgfigggfléfig iiiflli-‘sluifidnllitir imposmblc. Burdock Blood Bitters is the comersmude by Crompton Corset Co. grniid key that unlocks all the secretions, Toronto. opens the avenue to health by purifying ' â€"â€"-â€". and regulating all the organs to ii proper E_ El igl‘x'ggmfig"sngafiht netlmb It cul‘csan scrollflous Diseases) nets on Toronto. All klndsof rculestufc sold orcxclmng: the Blood, Liver. Kidneys, Skin and Bowcls, edon commlsslon. Money formed on oil kinds of v' y ‘ ' real estate at lowest rules of interest. AD illcii- :Egelfilmfiithc bloom or health to the pnmd tions for money from farmers ii specialty. lcnls , collected and estates managed lll town or couri A MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT .‘sccii-z'rr has try. N.B.â€"Bcst of references on appllclllloll. been formed iii: Coaticook. Rightly con- luctcu it ma ‘ become n owcr for 00 l. ( . . . p g I In assorted lots. spcclnlly selected. for 25c. .600, 'lue DetrOit authorities have refused .0 75c'31undupwnms. Fmebynmn 0,, rccc‘m allow the sale of tickets for n Canadian of price. lottery n that. city, The Newest Style» In lllrtlidiiy Cords. SELBY 8:: GO... Booksellers it Stationers 3H Yoiige-sf.’l‘ororito. UHEAPEST MUSIU I THE WORLD. Full size sheet. best print and good paper. Send Scents for sample copy and catalogue of 000 pieces oflalest instrumental and vocal music. it. (‘. IIIGI’OIIID. O 2:! King direct West, Toronto Dciilcr lri picture frames and fancy goods. _ §P~ECIAL HOLIDAY NOTICE 1 NOW READY. Our flireo Mammoth Catn- logues and Price Lists. with full description of the largest. Stock of Xmas Goods, Cards. A!- bums. .\nms Tree Ornaments. Sump l'lcturos. . ' Are” 810. Sent free to an address by applying Y to BENNE r a: 00.. \Vbo csulc Hull. oners. an THE_ f direct iiiiporlers of Sovelfics. All goods sent some (lflydyyfl‘lllflll, lflsflfdiuulisirqgi, flionlrcfib FOR PAIN. , c u R E s , _ I Rheumatism, Neural ia, Soiatica, Our New (fiilziloguc for 1&3 lsnnw rciidy ll ('(iiifuius over mu illustrations of Ludlim' llllll (it‘llllclllt‘ll's Gold llllll Sllr'cr- “mimics. (.‘uld Guards, mid Vest (‘liuiii-i. l'lniii. lliinil. l‘ill- Kl‘lll‘Cll, (loin. ullll llliimoiid Hold lungs. Au i-li-giiiif, svluctlon of l‘ill'lll-lll llllIl Aini-rlciiii solid Gold Sets. New lllll beautiful designs of lriplc-plulcd Silver-wore, (-10. In our new Catalogue will be found somcllifnu to suit every intending purcliuscr, suit".qu for .\mns presents. \l'c guuruntco odour oods to be of the quality rcprcscnfcd. licml‘ slx cunts for our catalogue, fl is worth lcn llnum if.» coal, null if. will help‘you to iiiiiko iijiidlcluus i-iclccllon iiiid KlVD you is actual value llllll save our money. Aiiiicxcd are u (cw sclccfcd iirllc cs :â€" (iciilu' solid (fold \\'iil¢:lics. with genuine Aiiicrit'un iiiovclncnls. $30. iiml upwurils. liclllo' solid (join Sllvcr Wiifcli, will: genuiiiu Aiiicrlcun movements, $11!.iiiul upiviirdu'. lindloii' solid Hold ll’iilttlii-s, 317:, und up- words. linillca‘ solid English Uulll (iimf'nls, .712. and upwards. (iclllu' uulld English Hr)“ \ Uni”, S“: m, llllll up- words. Solid English 1.1 ltlll‘li'. (h m m-in $l2i1l,llllll upwnrds. Solid l.'i klll‘.‘|l..1-3lf;lll'.;;itllfllfll' Diamond 3 $7 50 mi upwnrds. CHAS. HTAIKK. 5: i‘liiirch-nlra-i-f. Turmilu “ A. I’."10'2 - :r- . ‘ .9. o 9.4.1427»? CARD OF THANKS. if . 9 L. Clllâ€"Il'KB, Agr-nf Mutual Aid Assodullon, Brampton: I acknowledge receipt of clnlm against company. caused by the death on “’ll- Lumhago. Backache. Head-c 9. Toolhache. llnmUlnrk, who held ccrflllcnto No. “78, and - Sore'l‘hront,Swelllnn‘srmlnI-Brflhfl. I must thank flit association find if» officers! for f‘ - nun-us. Sci-Ids. I I‘m! Bitch. the prom t and llbcrnl settlement find the cour- p. .. an m. oriisn .300th I‘ll-‘3 “9 “"31 icons in is they havcln dealing with liciicflcl. . . ... , l’ . .3. Sotilhynrulesu-ndbealersev: where. ElnyCeuluhotile. “Hes having tamed n0 numb“... the ccnmcnw ' ~ Larâ€" ' - r ‘ . mmu"“:,‘“ ‘f‘ga‘éikn co only bclnglssued on July fl, 1882. and death oc WILL CURL: Oli' :i.:. Lilâ€"Vi: T‘l’ieafiggigue' Mum,“ “A”... curred on July 20. 18252. or Odnys afterwards, B I , D .7,” l ____, ___________,,_ __‘_,_,,M must certainly be u guarantee that its benefits ”- 0035/1350; ’( . HIS-l. GENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE F0]: are certain and should be taken ,nglv‘nnnuzq of DYSl-‘E PSI/1, DROPS Y, our Family Bibles and popular subscrlp- b)’ all classes. ' I n , A58 (.liAlllx. [Mom‘s-57,0” [:LUnT/"llfl gocobor’iks. Send for circulars. C. ILI‘AlllS I Brampton. .\0v. :3. 183;. ‘M‘IND'OE ' or T/IE [IE-Ah". ' ‘ .. ‘oronio. ~â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" - - ' a '"ii‘ms.sTi‘i«:mu\im. iianurronimnicnn EleslPELAH. (CID/TY W5 glligr Society Jewels, m Klni; E..Toron_f;o_ T H E R N 8ALT HHEUM, THE STU/.7 CM, â€" PER DAY can be made by cnfs, mule . , """" [15537303,] nail-limo“ $5 or female. C. \l’: DENNIS. omnto. LAD ' ' “ ', , -_.____â€"_.__â€"â€"â€"â€"___...._.â€"- . . - Ir .. Walt TIII the Clouds Roll By. 1,. 5536,, , r 0f ’ "- i = "’1'» arm or mm l Klugdkldssf._’l‘oronfo. Agents wanted _____ .l'l'Cllfii repaired. Trade work a special fy. A. ll u.l.iucv. 8 Klnxrll. 15.. 'l‘oronlo __7_ _ Pretty Little Darling,1 Love You. L'PlLS IN‘ PHONOGllAl’llY-ISS‘I‘IHX'. - 'i'm.\‘ given by mail: good slfuliilons pro- The latest pulnr Bonn in full also about cured nll uplls when competent. Address W. music form. ’rice only llvc cents pcr copy, or G. l'llAF 'lal'l. Oswego, N. Y. the three for ten cents. ” ’nu's‘rucsscuucns. S. FRANK WILSON HOSE “1511156 To DISI‘OSE 0P 0!: l-L-nugn," purchase a business of any description in ' ' ie c fy or elsewhere should call or send pnrfl~ 33 & 35 Adelaide utrcet “but. cplars to Q. J. l’ALIX. 53 {grid 55 Klngafreef "W'nnlcufi. “pH-"u EiiiTRu.7,"; Eifii‘fi'flf‘fid“29‘32‘1__'flfl'3:..-.-_ Elrrfricflu [rule flit brain and muscles: in a word. fl is Nature's/00d. $5 000 000 will" 0“ if??? I ' a? 9 er “my” “ I." TlicKlecfrlcfl'lpos-icssrsalllho uallil 'u arlo for sale b tho (humans it as LAM! ltis pmibicmc‘...m,.n., ,n “Mugmwgmw AGENCY C0. IP.‘\‘\'\'. H Adelaide-st East, “ivln , . _ . u it wide range of sppllcaiion u an lr wninl Forum“ 5"“! m" “5' and exlernul remedy for man and beast: The _ dimdueauvcu, Klonivr. mob/ion. BOY/ELL: -I. ULOO'). "garrison: & co. c. Ayérlsl'isarsapariIla. For Purifying the Blood. This corii'mnud n! l 7 ‘iltig: w-ufl’uh enllrro v, x, I was, 'irsa' rllln‘ 4;. Duck. flflllliigfii, Mid ' ,n/ Mnndrukv. \vltli llm ._ 5/, fvulirlcn of Pains): and 53' Iron. makes 1i most ‘1'”! Alufâ€"FOlt_S:Aâ€"I.â€"l-Jâ€"BEIXG LOT inc hepplestmuliu follnwlts uu.a:.diiiszui‘oi's “x "3"“"““" “PM "' n F Gwllllmburr. adjoining town of llollsnd Inuktitut, Such as rheumatism. {cur-slain ""~ " “I “'lm‘l‘dm" .mdlnx 212 acres. horthern it. It. Station slt- and kindred diseases. ltluis no mus). Volt ’ " “w “’r ' \‘ltll’nl and hill of n ruled on corner of this but. the land In high THROAT AND L! M1 DMIMSI‘J. ROWE]. Ii purmm. if", mom I rolllng clay loam Brick house frame Hank t‘ollPlAls'rS. 1.1T. ills truly-tunnel. ’l'lie ~ Barn. J. W.“ “'IIITSE‘i. Estate Agent. on. besides exciuné awningpmmoung dl- liummln llie rm... .,,’,’.'{’§‘,f;’fi,‘i.',‘,‘,,‘,’,'“"§’l‘,f,” 25Torontosf. Toronto. M A “motion and checking fermentation on the ' and scltle lnio ' w ‘1’ l. GOOD leEs'l-M EST y}; 11",: Cry-\- ug, nlelC , antidotes 0f coupler-eta “)0 effect of tluns 01"": IR!" are “If! It 0913 I 1‘ umudon_ncw “on “d dwell,” gum.“ "in acid. lphlch1 produced rheumatism by do. face of humors that should ifpllfufii'olimrfgfi. {or “m: “can”, bum”! "And: cum,“ be. spa in“! enoth :iearid phosphate of lime In the blood. Infernal dcmugcmciiu am mode! tween freight and new pueen erdepot, iwo " 'f ’3" .3 ° “"3" “m” “Club”! "I0 Wflnlmllon of these same bumorsio mumm- bloelu from either: also four lots n block‘ most H" n" I ‘1“. 4m“ .W'.wu°' 8°“ b, ‘” l"'1’m‘lmlflw- 0’ “KIM. who“: M'U‘WI "my dc- (10911212186130! in elf for raldenrcs. A ruse fang-ft “$a,":"a‘i§“& :°:3igll::}- wemndAwbose gumuuco Kim! discais - on . 1 _ t . . - my. vzu's .Afl’Ml'AltlLLA ex 1 [18.6 1““ ‘u‘d . . raloJJJ'monelon. ilficlcuulelsuotlfilurirlci humor: from the blood. Wl. I” . . , - _ . _ t - . - an um I. I " Clinical».qu mucous m LhAlll-Ji a... “wwmnwy mum“ d 7 "mm ' 20 more could be ready for spring ero l glam,“ lMPVN. IE}wa andlsuumpedgelsy' loamzno nonunurly love; I ELMO" as; we! “lei-embargo frame ham wfibxrannry , “.1,” 3,. [hum]. . F." .. for: stable: low houseull ln firsth condition: ! pr", 4 g I. u m“ 'f’ h "m' Isa” we nudgrnln mm In the «lookout-hoof _ l, Tdfe'r (a'rul hail (fl/inmdfi’uiiiaiffiwiii ' re. post-om nbput one Enlle. immediate l hailian ll more nfimprlste for nChrlnrnn worm. Ulric" and flora [flu-4mqu v ‘0‘ “MW. Illowim :1“; £5”??- l-i Cgecwcdggg 3 resent than a are Luler Pure l'ea from l '1‘ng (Mallow-1.. HM: and Milli}: W, W . , 1 mm . imifiz hprn vitalgttaapgogted. all: S 55:01:: rawhumou‘hlffzzwéifiag wood bun. The um I will be com none ftemember. we uoden to your own home tlf‘il'elrlmr‘fliiznbgnlul'h t (Mums farm or [be formerou 1. Box 3. Port runner. . without exin charge. Send for Price Mat and n" ' O!“- _____”__”W fig___.__~___, ‘ than and” TB ID b. [him to ’91:] fixm yurAulb B7 ,2“ « afi'sn'f's ms owsixo A roar. 0mm ’ ' llll J ll AYER l " an a... u: no me: to: uw ' » LAWSON’S ' ' ' ' 35 00:. LOW”: W‘s ‘ " fraction! and ammo! Chemists. , the mhuolflnmdbnshmrorper- . cum all AUTKORS ucox. mus-co VICTORIA TEA WAREHOUDE. so”, BY “I Dnummm Am) DZAL 88.3 IN MEDICINE. arm of Art"! Math. 81 Church street. . ohm 1"” so In: “reel. lint. Tennis. oulilcuiinc dimirdcrs. limp»

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