Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 14 Oct 1882, p. 3

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day.0ctob¢r {at}; 333., T. Beech, aged 37 years. DICA'I‘II‘ In the wwhship or mew-die, on Thurs- 2'. wife of Sir. John m t» all: 3; [11 1U 1!! t in tent of i Fanning Mfllsg c.’ the mos: approved make, ___â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"--â€"-_ ._..... -. -â€" FHSHLUN FALLS MARKETS. R'p’n’f’. .’ by 3",”. '1! :’3 .f I}. :’ i'emlor. Falls, Friday, ' . . Wheat, (.111. per baht-l - - $2- ‘3 t 3‘: i “'lzent, wring. " - - . =, ‘3: L. 1-: B1fil‘y,{'*rb'.ihei - - . 4r. :2 '- ! Unis ~ ~ - - - 3-; :3 . Peu’o, " H - - - - t," 6!. : â€"ORâ€" i 315,. » v . . - - :3: no i ---- Bllllllll PURPUSE Pluuus. Cnbhagel, per doz. - - - 4o 60 ' l , C : 3 s . - - - 3 3' ‘ Baffin, per in h - - - O 3; 4,} should call a: the butter. per 115.. - - - - - i‘.’ 1.71 ‘ 0mm, "0“ r“ W, my 5, W 55 5,, ‘ CAMERON LAKE FOUNDRY, H ' ' see the stock and learn prices. Eggs,perdu2cn, - - - â€" Apperton, - - - - 3‘ ‘.“:' l-J 5‘1 EGASTINGS i BDLS. blew” Advertisem “'""" 9""? ‘ "W‘ """' ‘1‘“ i ofall ‘Linds made to order, and l G ORGE BEALL, : REPAIRS 'EXECUT l DEALER I); i at reasonable rates. I 523“ $1 per hundredwcight paid for scrap WAT 6 em 5 t _ 3 ; nonsox a ALLAX. Jewellery & Diamonds. Fenclou Falls, Aug't'llst,1882. ~â€"â€"‘â€"‘ 1 ’ El')\VARDS’ OLD-ESTABLISHED Livery jtable. The subscriber returns his sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on him Eicgsnt “Uni-I for CHRISTMAS â€"'.t:1dâ€"-â€" WEDDINERESENTS. Ladlcs‘ (iold Watches, 825 to $100. (icnts‘ (to, (10.. 830 to 8175. (told lit'lll Rings, 82 to $90, and a large stock of farm the public that they can obtain :First Class Horses and Rigs. 1 Which we are doing justifies the state memt that: our preparations for this sea- dreds of persons have to buy their Cold \\' 1 n u . ' . eat mr outfits, and It Is to these we ! llied by Mr. Wm. Marshall, whore the)".will during the past mue years. and begs to Ill-i Fonts trade are ample} complete and in- clude everything. Groceres. When you visit Lindsay don’t fail to call and see our full and ample stock of NEW FRESH GROGERIES. All goods sold at close WHOLESALE RATES. m» You will save money by placing your orders with us. Henry J. Keighley, Kent St, Lindsay, near the Market. bums & FLAVELLE anus, KENT STREET, “LINDSAY. The Merits of the Business. A Time for Wearing Heavier Clothing is now at. hand. Hun- would speak, We wish to em hasize our maxim p l We have been mercachve than ever - a « I-lo ftl d."or ‘lt, tl’sst bl 1, '1 ' ' A - Ladles Gold Jeweuelyy am 1 uro 18 at big) a u a e tat; by dlrLCt tniportauons from thelin getting our TWEED STOCK, in Brooches, Exmrings, llrzicr-lets. Lockets and l lmins, all new, of ; at very moderate charges. The vary 835‘ manu’acture’ : gmve conveyed safely and expeditiously to h and warranted (100:1. any de:ired point, zXlsr)7-\Ve(l(ling Itings. G. 1V. BEALL. Uni-1.1:nt'llt': Ila”, nu! Jon'lu IlliIlJlJS ["ht- , be!!! IIrul/vr'. ‘ l.it1!l~'.iy.l)u.-c'r 91111.14‘61. ’ better horses than at present. Come and try them. 15081.16 "stance. , e: E5 g e se‘, b b l lcz'ehy give publi<~ uutir‘J: to merchants Ilnrl others [but I will not pay any debts ‘ _ Contracted by her utter this thtte. .1011): (‘lllllll.l£.; , . , .. - . Smrlerv‘illc, ('ct‘r 12:1,, 15 c3, 3px, r1 turns thanks for the llbuul patronage he "“""" """"““ . and informs his customers and the public ‘7' *1 7,3 e E‘ ‘ generally that he has moved to the Shop a J AL ivj 15“,“ 1 lately occupied by Mr. Fitzgerald 13 555;, pmgsgygg Next Door in the Post 01108, __._\T_ where he has opened out. a Fenelon Falls. 1 ism-l- RATE STWK. of ltmdyâ€"nmtlc Boots and Shoes, which will ‘"â€"- 1 be found cyuul in qquily to any in town and Good Wages and Study Work. Apply at tlu- .\1c.\rlhur House lo 11:: auiug a .‘tiilt‘lltlllllltl, t‘.»utrm-tor<. l-‘enclou1’a115,tlr‘t'r3:li. l‘r‘l. Sill-bf. ‘, as usual. and a good lit and the best ofmuâ€" l tcriul and workmanship guaranteed. ROBERT llcC:\LI.U.\l l-‘cuclou Falls, Sept’r 14th, 1881. 29-132 ?REMganz llousc and lot for Sale. On l‘z-uncis Street East. English markets we have the precc- . . . , dence of all (1011ch in lu'lle'r low and pm‘ucmar’ JUSt right. The men s Clow- . . a 5533‘“ Commercial travellers and their lugâ€" favourable Priccs_ ing we make stands preeminent for re- _ t _ liability and propriety in cut. and fit; The sterling character for reliability our Boys' Clothing (legal-veg e'qual cred. The subscriber never had It stableful of of the goods we sell is retained again , it; and the addition of. FURNISI‘L this season, and the security and coufi- INGS and again of HATS increases 15. 11- EDWARDS dencc “‘lllCl' every "9911“? 0“ “1"”ch the efficiency of our service as Outfitters. Fcnt‘lon F3119. HWY 2'1"]; 1333- 51-H- custotuer ol our house feels in selecting "“ from the stock we offer, is a fact so well established that. we refer to it with sat- isfaction and appreciate its meaning . .‘ g- ..1 .' ,, ,- , l , My wife“ 11111.11] .th ltll In} bell rtul I throuuh and through. lumrl “about J’im (‘:tll>,‘: or [Iltb‘vllclllllllh‘ D ~ . I .. And the prices are alwaysâ€"never any Our New Cloths and Tweed: are ready All we ask is a visit. If our Goods and prices don't persuade you to buy, you cannot. appreciate value when you see it. otherâ€"undcviatingluâ€"The Lowest. for inspection, and are superb. ‘yp ,,..'..1.§ .. . - ~’ 2 a . . .- "l r “““ 5 “‘L h” comm” b“°”‘°‘5’ All our goods W111 be found to combine 1n an unusual degree Elegance of appearance and the very best of Wearing ualit-ies. eaves &qFLAVELLE enemas. Lindszy, September 20th. 1882. OTOVES £51333 TENWARE. o The subscriber has received full lines of ordered Work a Specialty ?arflflfifis @991; Stoves for the fall trade. The usual supply of Tinware, Stovepipcs, Elbows and Hot Air Drums. A good assortment; of LAMPS AND LAMP TRIMMINGS of various kinds and prices. For rule. :1 :mel l‘mme Hum» nud half The subscriherhus removed lohis old stand, . . nu acre of illl‘l or. 'uwvz, and two next door to the llcchnnics' Institute, I ' 1 ‘ . 3.1 on 1 , quarter uert- lots on lL-zzr: :trvct. ‘FENELON FALLS .\{I}Ii’\‘ ll) X127 SUN \'.~\.‘{ll‘ill.‘: Fem-lull l‘uili lll'l. ilii, 175.3. ill-1W." “I'd is now Prepared to "WM" ' (.3 W h 1:“ : ATTEND TO ALL WORK & with which he may be favoured I 011 the Shortest Notice, ~.\ N nâ€" g Q E3 g fig, ; I‘riccs Which Cannot Be Beat . l: l i . . . . . a a?) an m I t 111 lit-nylon l-ulls. Persons wrshmg I . Clothes Either Made or Out, i will do well to give him :1 cullbefore going ‘ «'ls‘cwherc. R. JACKSON. Tailor. l-‘enclon Fulls, February 24:11, 1882. S. N. JUILYSUN resperlfully ivt‘urm-z the resident- of hone. luu 15.111; :\.ul 1: vii-.uity tlmt h-~ hus lately rututuvucwl l-u- ‘s' in .\li'. S. .\'cwmuu's; 11:11 i\ Slur-30:1 the West Side of Ethane Street, re he has opened out a Very Choice Stock of fresh 1‘ tmii': lil'~‘.‘»'1'iv“.:kllll it lurtro u:- . ~ ~ :tlnt rlnldio Us 4. :\11 of which YOU WILL FIND n complete stock of - H A REE s s, VVVIIII’S, Currycombs, Brushes, SN;\1’S, T lUNKS, YALISES, 1.‘{ ) (‘ Shawl Slrups, Harness Oil & Axle Grease, HORSE BLANKETS, and other articles, Cheap for Cush, call at. qnvtmenl at we". ‘ \\ tu- l't‘d‘ijf-lnalv Ill‘l. ,1; 5; (3 ll 1'} .\ l’ and “ll'u'il :=:rt s‘..im' to: timir lizuu‘y. Ffiufi‘s gmmgs Jaseph Nevisnn’sHamessShup. one door south of Newman's Grocery Store. COLLARS WARRANTED. Ilentirx promptly and neatly exocutedd llt' leg; M return his sincere thanks for‘ '- the ltlmrtl patronage with which he has; so far been favored, and is determined to *, “VIII a continuance of it by turning cuti -,: md Work at moderate prim-s. '; Font-ion Falls. February 24th. 1852. , w r~ ‘v‘l‘. linl to lw‘ gum! in west hutch; m1". ,.‘1 .t‘ v,‘_-_,- v.3“- 1,33, s . ' , {4011011 14) 4.. u .t run-lot: l'.tli; .\=:;‘ .1.“ Vliw titltllls. A J1. --- M l â€". . M ’... - , l airs. KEELEY , \Tl.“ TAILORa .5801. ,1 ‘ u x t .i c! . l( p """“”“ l - ‘i A. LALlBERTE . respectfully informs the gentlemen of Fem" V ’1‘ 0 KY q ri-m Full! and its Vicinity that he has com.i J. . J . . . l- , mmccd the tailoring business v “‘ On Colbornc Street, t n :D O L L S. v A S E 5, over Mr. William Csmplw-ll‘s syn". And: : solicits a shun: of public patronage. Clulh-f ailrt Sch and I oad mmrtntcnt of , I . T g in; Will be made in the latest styles and ’ ‘ ,. 1‘ a n c y I'l'n rv )lsntl‘s. I’m-J _ . _ 31”" e " ‘ hum 3 laments cut tor persons wno rush to make them up at home, and chnrges reas- onable in all uses. Permian Falls, 1131: 27:11.1991. 1'2 "acre 33.! in; 1‘} do run! l’rrliomlccl and “mm Yuran ’ :td lierlzn “ twig. Catdtmrdt. Venn}: .. t" sill \‘I'iL: low _ A nice int (1' W xii. l’:;c Bell‘uls jib! Seamus. ' 1: 9;. l‘-:-~:n..‘. an. n ..‘, 35:5. 22:.r.-..:.Y ‘ rnwsno Fl‘t‘ZGERAlJD. -::‘ Ԥ_tf and all who have tried )chOUG f‘ l . , _ l (1‘ 0 0 (‘ 5‘ w A Good Fit Guaranteed, ,,..-..,-_._,.._.__‘__..__..._ . l Margaret l’U‘l'f. - John Che} womb. ) «. in: clsh uder. the resident”: Paulo: Fills. ‘ equal to the bzst American, all of which 1 am SELLING AT BARE LEVENG PRICES, to enable me to do a square legitimate business. Rags. Bones and Scrap Iron taken in trade as usual. N. B.â€"â€"'l‘o farmers and the public generally in want of Stoves, Sic. Try my and at prices first, and if you cannot: do better I solicit your patronage. JOSEPH HEARD. Fcnelon Falls, September 20th, 1883. ._ THE EG'Y?TEAN WAR. 0 WING TO THE BOUXTIFUI. IIARV EST, and the increased demand for produce in consequence of the Egyptian War, every farmer can now afi‘ord to purcuse n sulfi- cient quantity of TEA TO LAST ONE YEAR, ALL & BRANDON‘S Fine Brands of Ilyson, Coloured and Uncoloured Japans, Block and Green Tens, will testify to their being The Best and the Cheapest -â€"â€"-0 ever offered for sale in this vicinity. New Goods arriving every day. 35' A number of CHOICE LINES OF SUGARS coming in this week.“¥19n Come and inspect themâ€"'- thc best ever opened out. in Feuelou Falls. Our brands of Tobaccos, Coffees, Spices and Canned Fruits are. as usual. unrivalled. No nIu' goo lsâ€"n'erylhfnyfreah and clean. Our stock of (TROCKEILY comprises the very latest sty China. Ironstone China and coloured wares. Iu GLASSWARE we have anything and everything ill“ selling at. n~very small advance on cost. Try our 35 cent TEAâ€"3 lbs. for $1. Every style and design in Lumps, chimneys, Burners, to, at bottom figures. FLOUR AND FEED CONSTANTLY 0" HAND. The highest market price paid for all kinds of grain and farm produce. Farmers will do well to give our " Mica‘ axle grease n trialâ€"the best in 11 â€"two boxes for 2:3 cents. Everything in Wooden-ware and Fancy Goods. Kingston Biscuits and Confectionery. A cur-loud of Salt just. received. MCDOUGALL 6: BRANDON. Fenclon Falls, September Gth, 1882. _____________________._.__._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"--â€"- m or Tg-ngs- l The Undersigned i l S. Comefl Esq. Agent Lnnirm .llulual In-z , . i ' begs to inform his customers and the (wane! Co. Lindsay. i . , ublic "encrall that he Dun Sm,â€"llavc the goodness to convey I p c y ~ to the Directors of the "London .\lutunl " l our thanks for their promplncss in paying our ciuitns in full, 11145ng from losses by the recur: hush fires: 1 Alexander Clarke Ons. an?) 1 I a New Stock of James llctlahey, Emily. mo if ' i l 'P :r] 3' Edward Kerr, " 6‘”) , . = , _, l ' if, , ; .._1 HI ‘1 Joseph McConnell, ‘~ 5:10 Matthew Wilson. Ops. 915 l Thomas llcf‘abc. u 5:»; ltastefully not up. Edwin Pruuse. Maripcss, 902 1 Prices. A large and well assorted stock of 3 Thomas Kelly, Emily. 45"! i Marlin Harrington. Guy Benny. C. E. Tiers. “ at: Luac Gost'tin. Lutoa. 21.3 {mm 82 50 to 510. Hugh 114.1932 “ .’--’J ‘- LADIES‘ 00eran moms. Penelon. 53:) Erin-Art} “41:31.26. Ups. 0'53"; P B llrllhnrgcy. Lmduy, 431 John Wilson, Ops. 35W f)“ [’n‘ca cannot be: beat. Juries linen: 3. ' Rub't Hcl‘eettrs. John K;mh~:l, “'r'luyJDv 1‘4- i=5}. ,u.... 3:; Fenelcn Falls, N0v'r 12th. 1&91. les and patterns in French t can be asked for, and we are re market Crother‘s , a: Vcry Rmmabzcl WELL SELECTED STOCK or S’I‘A'I‘IONERY., Yerulnm. T L E l 1 Blankets, both white and coloured, and 1 Version, "3 . 3 ‘m s_ Wu. CAMPBELL. “TBWEKAVE moms-2.1,? “u t. . 2 And it always will if you buy your Summing up the subject in a very few wows, when needing DRY GOODS, . C L 0 T Iâ€"l‘ I N G runoth: . A n FUR AND I i THE veneer “we Reliabilitv 0! Material, would... at it. or Elegance of Finish we In:~ Never were Dry Goods more rich and elegant than this seas-nu . . ‘ .. d ‘: . ncreasxng popularity and patronage has nut-subtle ' t 0 en, and ‘0 see the hue“ and mo“ “exam “"1” m an we MW?“ largement of the above establishment. The added facilities and novelties call and examine the massive aggregation ll. Tue 0113' new “rmngemems m“ m mum, (Mme our WHO“, ,0 not," Store. Novelties in everything, and the novelty that tickles is - , - ~ e - t u in the u unl ex wdzuous manner. the low price: asked for the goods. me b”! an“ N i in Sootheran. Gaihro 3: Mark, Sootheran, Cathro & Mark; Ol'I'Y DRAI‘ERS AND CLOTIIU‘ERS, No. 2 Dobson’s Block, 2nd Door West of the rostrum; .._- . I For Variety of Style, Workmanship, Perfection of l-‘ pass any thing. cirv nurses AND CLOTHIBRS, No. 2, Dobson’s Block, 2nd Door West of the Post Office. T H E B AR EF 0 QT E D Removal and Change in‘ Busiléés‘: of the Great Human Family are informed that. an immense stock of FRESH â€"- NEW GOODS have just arrived at I MOEat 8“ LICFa'rla'nd-u.,,.i Return their sincere thanks for the liberal GUIRE’S CHEAP CASH BOOT 8t SHOE STOREJ Fenelon Falls,» The place is LI'I‘ERALLY ORA)! .‘IED with and beg to inform the publiatlml they 1mm Just iuoved into the premises lutely occu- he happy to reCeive a call from his cuslo-' mers us well as their own. lluvlng leased .. - L I the bnket‘y and secured the services of. Mn. for taste and comfort that a long experience in the trade could um.“ “um”, Hwy “,0 pwlmred ,0 furnish particular attention has been given to goods that are d at the same time are durable in quality. ‘ D . that few city Stores can show such a flue and varied ' 9’ assortment, and certainly no town of equal or much larger siZe than Lindsay can boast Cums, nuns, m,” x,” M rmsmmme mic” and no ell‘ort will be spared to susmiu tho of such a Stock of Boots nndp‘hoqs, _ . “l “I “'1‘” ‘3 know“ “9 1 high reputation which the Fenulon Falls" This season I have purchased in larger quantities than usu W ROCK-llO'l‘TOll PRICES, and can give my friends the FINEST AND BEST 01“ 0100135 Mk”). husdcsenwdly game. The”. flock of AT S’I‘ARTLING PRICES FOR CASH ON THE SPOT. Trunks, Vralises and Satchels! JUST TAKE .4 LOOK AT THEM. THEY ARE GRAND. that. has ever been offered to the public in this town. â€"-â€"â€"â€":o:â€":o:,â€"-â€" Everythlng requisxte suggest has been provided, and neat and tasty in appearance, an Ihnve no hesitation in stating FAMILY GROCERIE§ willho found, as usual, fresh, good and‘ TERMS _ _ _ _ CASII. well unsorted. 1‘ L. MAGUIRE. F u, lead, Eggs, Butler; lint till he kept on hand, and furm product generally dcult in. A nice lot, of Crockery & Glassware is on the. shelves and will be sold as cheap We beg to ddvisc our friends and the public generally that. we are forced to us any in town. ft visit ofinspection from. all needing nuytluug 11] their line of bust- cularge our premises on account of our . . . ucss is respectfully solicited. . ._ , MOFl-‘A'l‘ s ithRMth I I I I-‘euelon Falls, May 261b, 1882. , ’ 1- i >- éâ€"ansj and before we begin this improvement We will oflcr the balance of our Summer nit-ii E515“ Stock of Prints, , ii I 'Itieigti’nitiifi: _ eluhlilhcd _- 1 , ‘, I” over Canada. 15 years material experieme: I ., ' Evnry man ruptured Ihould read In pnmphlet on‘ : I V. ‘ Runturc-Tlircc on application Penn 2 90 years old ‘1. j Cured by its use. A new Apparatus for cure of Clhh _. ._ . 9 ’ Feetâ€"no cuttingâ€"no pain. Spinal Instruments. drr Gloves, &c., &c.â€"-gnod fresh goodsâ€" at. prices that c ‘MEDAILIST Centennlll Ind l'nril, Prince: sell to lessen our stock, aud would ask all in want, of Dr Lindsay, September éBth, 1882. SPECIAL SALE. OZO-â€"â€"â€"" zinnot be bent. . “’0 have to Exhibition ac. {or 5mm. ruuss as .. y Goods to yiyc us a cull, Call or address, CHAS. CLUTIIE, (lnlq~ 0f llmupton) :lzl Ailclnltlc-al, west, near (lruud i pcra,’1‘utontu. GENTS FURNEfiHENG-fi, I'M}; bring your friends, and see the as usual, a. full stock. Come one, come all, and i I \ a Wonderful Jim-gains we offer. & 9 ' ’ F New Fall Goods are constantly arriving. ENELON FALLS. Special Bargains in Grey Cotton; 7 . . “c 31” keel) “10 “:1meth The udvertiwr in prrpurerl to execute all orders with which he may be favoured, Coaticook 'Weaving Cottons,WWWTS BUHDINGS. lu tlu- z-‘mnllest jolts ol carpenter Work, and will spare no pains to give sttlinfuclion in every ruse. uoous wmnow SASII made to order at short notice, of good mu- letl.1|,nml nt reasonable prices. nag!" \\'(Il'li-.~llnp nu Pruitt-is Street Bust: a residence on lloud Street liusl. _ nowAnu HAW. FellelouFulls,(lct‘rl-tth,1llHl. ’Jil-t. f._ y at rook bottom prices. ' We avail ourselves of this opportunity to thank our friends and. the public generally for the liberal support. accorded to us in the past, and ask for a count)- uancc of the same in the future. JARVIS dz MCDOUGALL. Fcnelon Falls, Sept‘r 4th, 1832. .\t'.-\lt'l‘llUlt's BLOCK. New Goons and Low PneesHFfilfiw‘K-EE â€"â€"AT T HEâ€" Gomor Store, Scully’s Block. s T «Lu .- The undersigned in now selling; Gross Out Saws, BOOTS AND snons mch GOODS &c. -, ’ ’ . Hanlan 8c Lance Tooth; All Very Cheap for Cash. Axes, Logging Chains, Cow Tics. Cutlery. Skates} and all kinds of llrudwnre, W Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods. GEORGE G. KEITH. Fenelon Falls, August. 22nd, 1882. _._,.._,_..____â€"_.. -Wm....._. . MEDICAL HALL,FENELO.\' mums, , i . !its low as Any Other Huusé Where can be found an excellent assortment of i l | l l I in the Counlf.‘ Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Sponges,,,,_ 0,,“ 801mm,]; i - . Trusses and Shoulder Braces, , Geo. H_ Bertram,- l Feudal: lr'nlle,1)em~rnimr Mb, lll‘il. g Toilet, Fancy (I: Rubber Goods PERFUMERY’ $60., 860., always on hand. A large and Fem-Ion. " ‘ (it; printed Iv-‘ry Fidurduy kl. 112E Ollie", , i ‘ (7% g I tfltnltlornt-e'rc‘:t wont, ' ’H ' it? COMPLETE STOCK OF DYE STUFFS ,Subscnpmn ayeann advance l i of the best quality and at low prices. Also, a 'or without cent per wm-lr mldltlnnnl u long as ll reunion unpaid. l l iADVERTlSlNG RATES; l’rnfvnionnl or lnuEnrM mud-i. 50 can" per lim- per nnuum Paw-t1Advert-semen”, a, m-hl! [.“f Hue for the first lmerliun and 2 .HORSB AND CATTLE MEDICINESNNWMWWW”, “WW”, ,nm; Plzysicinns' prescriptions and Domestic Recipes carefully compounded. 2,. r: (faulty-9514 the year, half year of quarter, lu.’ a column or iv”, upon renun- l Pure Wmes and Liquors for Mechcmal Purposes“ .u. y I A~f JOB PRINTING icfnil ordinary kinda executer ttutly, cor: : ":1le and Al moderate purl-s, 1:, o. qun. , , Proprietor comprising a full assortment of BLANK BOOKS and general stationery. l l fi'IwN’A i . A full assortment of Patent and Proprietary Medicine-s always on hand. a gent for 11. R. Stevens l’utely Vtfl'clJble errrnnz. a B. FITZGERALD, FJ. Manager , ..- .. l . .. - ‘ Feueion Flilt, 31.15 2-th, l:

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