Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 23 Sep 1882, p. 3

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DIARKET REPORTS PENELON FALLS MARKETS. Penelon Falls, Friday, Sept' 22nd, 1832. Wheat, (oil, per bushel - - $0 90 0 05' ) Wheat, spring, “ o - - 0 9!. Harley, per bushel - - - 40 ’5 (tau, ‘- n - - o - 30 Peace, “ h e â€" - o 63 " Rye, u u _ _ - _ 6|) Potatoes, new “ - - â€" - 31) Butter, per 1b., â€" - - - - 15 Dressed Hogs. per 100 lbs, 50 00 0 Eggs, per dozen, - - - - H flay, per ton, - - - - $8 00 to $9 New Advertisements. GEORGE BEAM; WATCHES, Jewellery & Diamonds. Elegant Goods for . CHRISTMA WEDDING PRESENTS. ladies‘ Gold WatcheS, 8‘25 to 8100. Genis’ do, (10., $50 to 8175. Gold Gem Rings, 82 to $00, and a large stock of Ladies’ Gold Jewellery, Brooches, Ear-rings, Bracelets, Chains, all new, of The Very Best Manufacture, and warranted yea/J. xxlso,â€"\Vcdding Rings. G. W. BEALL. h'oldxmilli’l flail, nert door to Dundtu J” Flirâ€" 10f oweâ€"loath“ Otnowuum m------_.e.~.-..__.__ in want of of the most approved make, GANG PLOUGH ...O Râ€" ahonld all at the see the stock and learn prices. of all kinds made to order, and REPAIRS EXECUTED at reasonable rates. 38‘ $1 per hnndredn'eight paid for scrap cast iron. ROBSON t9; ALLAN. Penelon Falls, Augt Zist, 1882. EDWARDS’ OLDESTABLISIIED Livery Stable. The subscriber returns his sincere thanks Lockets and for the liberal patronage bestowed on him the past nine years, and begs to in- during form the public that they can obtain First Class Horses and Rigs. any hour of the duyor night, at his stable 011 Francis Street. East. at very moderate charges. . Fanning Mills GENERAL PURPOSE PLUUSHS, CARBON LAKE FOUNDRY, CASTINGS p KENT STREET, LINDSAY. i The lierits of the Business. Which we are doing justifies the state- Heavier Clothing is now at hand. Hun- ; men" “13‘ 0‘” Prepan‘ions for this 593' i dreds of persons have to buy their Cold 2 ‘ son's trade are ample, complete and in. clude everything. We wish to emphasize our maxim that. by direct importations from the English markets we have the prece» dence of all dealers in making low and flvonrable prices. The sterling character for reliability of the goods we sell is retained again this edema, and the security and confi- dence which every regular or transient customer of our house feels in selecting from the stock we odor, is a fact so well established that we refer to it with salt- isfaction and appreciate its meaning through and through. And the price: are alwaysâ€"never any otherâ€"undeviatinglyâ€"The Lowest. All our goods will be found to Lindsay, September 20th, 1882. The subscriber has Parlour and write [trot/ten. Lindsay, 'Dcc‘r 81h,1881. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. All persons indebted to the undersigned .‘nre hereby notified that. their accounts must ‘be paid, without'fuil, by the lat of October rprox. GEO. 11. BERTRAM. Fcnelon l-‘itils, Sept. 19th, 1882. 2 in. “ivofe SALE, Tl”: FOLLO‘VING 'VALUABLE LANDS IN THE COUNTY OF-VICTOIUA. 36” Commencinl travellers and their lug- gage conveyed safely and expeditiously to any desired point. The subscriber never had a stubleful of better horses than at present. Come and ‘try them. Air Drums. ’1‘). R. EDWARDS. Tenelon Falls,‘Fcb’y 24th, 1882. 51-t.f. REMQVAL. The.“ Silver S BOOTS & SHOES. ROBERT McGALLUM returns thanks for the liberal patronage he has received since be commenced business, and informs his customers and the public In the Township of Somerville. A Time for Wearing- 1 Weather Outfits, and it is to these we % would speak. , 1 pin getting our TWEED STOCK, in f particular, just right. The Men's Cloth- ? ing we make stands preeminent for re- liability and propriety in cut and fit; our Boys’ Clothing deserves equal cred. it; and the addition of FURNISH- INGS and again of HATS increases this ethcieacy of our service as. Outfitters. All we ask is a visit. If our Goods and prices don‘t persuade you to buy, you cannot appreciate value when you see it. Our [Veto Cloths and Twech are ready for inspection, and are superb. combine in an unusual degree Elegance of appearance and the very best of Wearing qualities. DUNDAS & FLAVELLE BBTHERS.’ srovEs AND TINWARE. 0 received full lines of A good assortment of LAMPS AND LAMP TRIMMINGS of various kinds and prices. tar” Coal Oil, equal to the be st American, all of which 1 am . SELLING AT BARE LIVING PRICES, CO to enable me to do a square legitimate business. Rags, Bones and Scrap Iron taken in trade as usual. N. B.â€"To farmers and the public generally in wantof Stoves, ,tko. Try my JOSEPH HEARD. ELot if in the 9th Concession - - 300 acres. genernuy um, he has moved to the Shop . . h u . -- i N 12th “ - - -00 may occupiedby Mr, Fitzgerald prices .first, and if you cannot. do better I solicit your patronage. “ 9 “ 10th “ - - got) it “Part. of Lot. 3 in‘tlie 4th Con. -- to H 6 Li Fenclou Falls, September 20th, 1882. u 3-? 11 Next flour in the Post Office, In the Township Of Be-XIey' where he has opened out-n W. 1, Lot 8 in'tiie 2nd Con. - ~- - 35 acres. "E. t} “ l2 " 611i “ - - - 100 “ 31.01.le til: 11 “ 9th ‘-' - - - 210 “ -‘ 5 “ 4th ‘-’ - â€" - 150 “ of Ready-mode Boots and Shoes, which will be found equal in quality to any in town and as low in price. Ordered Work a Specialty as usual, and a good fit and the-best ofmu- lel‘lul and workmanship guaranteed. . ROBERT MCCALLUM and all who have tried llchOUGALL ll: BR and .Uncoiourcd Japuns, Black and C- 29-13;. The Best and In the Township of Eldon. I. .3 Lot 22 in the lat Con. - - 17 acres. 3Lot 31in the lat Concession - - 200 -“ In the Township of Laxton. ‘i’nrt of'I.ot 4 in the 5th Con. - 30 acres. u u 3 u 7”, u ,_ , ‘9 it In the Township of Garden. 1-1. -} Lot U in 8th Concession - - '45 acres 'REMQVALV 'Lot 31 in Gull River Rouge. I C For particulars apply to JOHN ‘LPZYSi, next door to the Mechanics’ ‘Iustitute, boltritor, Tomas, F EN EL o-N 'F A LL 3 Tobaccos, Coffees, ,Spic B S nnd'is now prepurcd‘ to are, unusual, unrivalled. No old OOiJS & iiOGS, Our stock of CROCKERY comprises the â€"1\ N I)â€" p ‘ 0n the Shortest Notice, l l and at - ’ Prices \l'liicli Cannot Be Beat Persons wishing cient .qu Fenclon l-‘ulls, Septlr 14th, 1881. :30-iw. selling at a very small advance on cost. Try our 35 cent TEAâ€"(l lbs. for Si. 'Evcry style and design in Lamps, Uh‘imney with which he may be favoured The highest market price paid for all 'in Fenclon Falls. â€"two boxes :for 25 cents. s. s. JOâ€"HNSON .rrspcctruily informs ilk residents of Fenc- will do well to give‘him ivcallbefore going Fenclou Falls, September 6th, 1882. elsewhere. 0â€"0 Wle TO THE BOUNTlli‘lfiL HARVEST, and the increased demand for produce inconsequcnec of the Egyptian War, every farmer can now ali'ord to purcase a stilli- T ‘ Ch' . t Cl ' d l d . D ll:flté.rXSsSll\?XREuii: isn't-c:nzalfingddfléevcrything tliat.can be asked for, and we are FLOUR AN FEED CONSTAHTLY 0N HAND. Farmers will do well to give our “ Mica’ axle grease n trialâ€"the best in the market Everything in Wooden-ware and Fancy Goods. Crolhcr’s . . K'tv't 13mm~ ‘. ,‘ -. --l f l' ' . Clothes Elther blade or Cut? “1.: on .scui s and Confectionery A tar and 0 Sn tJust received “331 mg mm, m untity of TEA T0 LAST ONE YEAR, ANDON'S Fine Brands of llyson, Coloured rcen Teas, will testify to their being the Cheapest ever oil‘crch‘or sale in this vicinity. New Goods arriving every day. W A number of The subscriber has removed to his old stand, CHOICE LINEtShoofesstSa‘:Egegggjgfi lfllzifcigiegynfiaa Come and inspect themâ€"- Our brands of es and Canned Fruits goodsâ€"everything fresh and clean. very latest styles and patterns in French 5, Burners, kc, at'bottom figures. kinds of grain and farm produce. McDOUGALL é; BRANDON. luu Falls and its vicinity that he has luter R JACKSON .ronimcuccd business in Mr. S. Newman’s ' t . 1 - llrick Store on tho Tailor. AR‘D T'HAR Ks' Fenelon '1-‘ull5, February 24th, 1882. YOU WILL FIND a complete stock of ’Very Choice Stool: H A RNE S 5, S. Cornei], E3q., Agent London Mutual 1o- rnrance 00., Lindsay. i Dean. Siu,â€"ane the goodness to convey to the Directors of tho “ London Mutual " our thanks for their promptness in paying our claims in full, arising from losses by the recent bush fires: West Side of Suhumc Sheet, where he has opened out a HARDWARE S'ITORE. . . . VVHIPS Alexander Clarke Ops, $566 The undersigned is now selling ms.opponent-3circus: C b 1’, 1 ’ ' i a | V ' l5 ready-made Boots 5: Shoes, all of which 1111) S7 lus IOS’ fgstlmdyhggéncn U Will be 80” SNAPS, Matthew ‘Wilson, ’ 'Ops, .515 , 1 , W ) 1 , - . Thomas hichbe ” 596 (Allin-i1 FOR CASH, p 'l RUNKS, VALISES, gilt-s. The, ’ p...’,,..., 393 Hanlan&Lance Tooth, ionms e y, .miy :. Martin Harrington, “ ’ 795 and which purchasers will find to be good ' Shawl Stml‘si “Mlle” 0“ 5‘ AXIQ'GWMCT value for their money. .,. I. [Flux SI'IEE'I‘S, ‘Guy Boatty, ‘l'crulnm, 550 C. E. Tiers, “ 87:! and other articles, Cheap for Cash, call art In“ G°_sm°’ Lnxiont 2:5 mum at GANDIES h Margaret Kerr, “ 250 John Chcynouth, l-‘enelon, 530 Joseph Neviscn’s Harness Shop. in great \ariely and all of the very best quality, Edward Malone, Ups, 630 ' one door south of Newman's Grocery Store. g-gl- {{fillmrgeii lands”: n22 wl‘n it “d l . on ison p5, ..t “I g Io "mun am ‘0 ’C under James ilowaid, Yeruiam, 400 said. he confidently invites an inspection of his goods, and will do hishcst to give sully , .t‘actiou to all who favor him with a call. Repairs promptlv and neatly eXecuted. S. S, JOHNSON. , Ilc begs to return. his sincere thanks for Penelon Falls, Aug/no.1, 1882. 27-ly. ' the liberal patronage with which he has -.._, ._._,- .,.,-...____.. , so far been favored, and is determined to ' TE“! 60008. meritarontinuonce of it by turning out A good work at moderate prices. Mrs. KEELEY Feaelon Falls, February 24th, i882. lies just received and opened up a iarg EW TAILOR‘S SHOP. stock of N N E W T OY-S A. LAElâ€"BERTE respectfully informs the gentlemen of Fea- ia great variety. elou Falls and its vicinity that he has con:- DOLLS. VASE s, meneed the tailoring business .. ,. r r E.â€" 0u Colbornc Street, l pl i] ’Tollet Sets and a good assortment of i li‘uncy Goods, COLLARS WARRANTED. ltob’t Ilche tors, “ 70 Lindsay, Oct. 15th, 1881. , rbcgs to inform his customers and the public generally that he HAS NOW ON HAND a New Stock of over Mr. William Campbell’s store. andg in: will be nude in the latest styles and Prince. A largeand well assorted stock of Nilliuery, )lontlepfiiiatgiirs, Flowers and; 3@ A Good Fit Guaranteed. .2 s, : Garmrnts cut for person who wish to i TT imake the is oil. in: and barges reu- onahle innitllliuel.’3 ‘ c Fooeloa Falls. May “01,1851. from $2 50 to $10. f LADlBS‘ cusruus CLOTHS. and Motto Francs, Plain and Perforated:g Cardboarda, Canvas and Berlin “7001;. p A nice lot of Wall Paper and Window 5 LET, Blinds just received. 1 To let, in first class order, the residence l Slat KEELEY. l of the late Oi. Flap-nail. - l a? illlnery Sun and Show 110011,! Apply-lo .. one 600330113 0111.1’. amen hardware? snwmn rirzosasm. i i ‘ Feaelon Falls. ; 541 g the Price: cannot be beat. i i Jarrod“ Falls, lily 26th, it‘d?- l January 5th, 155:. Fencloa Falls, Sov‘r 12th, 1.831. I “‘“ell‘ ‘ ‘5'” 0‘ imhfic Pilmn‘fl- Club‘l “Skinny got up' at ray ‘mue all orders with which he ml! be favoured, to the smallest jobs at carpenter work, and peril! spare no pain: to give satisfaction in Axes. Logging Chains A. Lot of the Nicest Bags and. Satchels, Cow Ties. Cutlery. Skates, and all kinds ol‘llardware, ,As low as Any Other house; in the County. Geo. H. Bertram. I-‘cnelon Falls, December 8th, 1881. . HAW, uufiuiicmwu, FENELON FALLS. The advertiser is prepared to execute lrorn every case. 51300113 in WINDOW SASH ‘ i l Blankets, both white and coloured, sodium: ,0 on," u “on mm“, of good I“. p terixl. and at reasonable prion. fi' Workshop on Francis Street East; EDWARD HAW. . l‘enelon Feils.0ct'r1lth,ieԤl. 33-Lf. ‘vx. ; residence on Bond Street East. 3 “'e have been more active than ever The Mammoth Cash Dry Goods Emporium. promoter and leader of the exclusively Cash System and instimtor . . . . of Lowest Prices, has Just received an immense stock of New and Seasonable â€"-.{XDâ€"- HOUSE FURNISHINGS. With our enlarged premises and increased facilities we are determined to make a noise by selling people cheap goods. We have fairly won the reputation of selling the for the least money, and with renewed vigour and augment- ed enterprise, we intend to surpass all former give you goods cheaper than ever. our trade. We invite all to come and see us. Sootheran, Gathro ,8: Mark, CITY DRAPERS AND CLOTRIERS, Dry Goods, Carpet-s, With undsunted zeal, perseverance, increased facilities. courtesy and politeness to all, accompanied with Lowest Prices, we hope to increase The Mammoth TARMERSWUNIMS & FLAVELLE 3303,, THE CITY STORE. THE cm Tmilllm HOUSE OF IJINDSeiX'. -â€"_â€"()â€"â€" Cash Clothing Emporium, leaders and promoters of Scientific and Artistically Cut and Elegantly Blade Clothing at Lowest Prices, style, lit and finish. our special hobbv. Our stock of Imported and Domestic SUIT- INGS, Best Goods efforts and ING, the largest shown. spectioa solicited. lection of goods they have seen anywhere. \I larged our premises and increased our facilities ulacturo of Ordered Clothing, so that we are it a position to execute all ordeis promptly. OVE {COATINGS TIlOUSElllNGS R VEST- INGS are now to hand, and for variety, style- and design are admitted by all who have examined to be the finest so. 'e have on- ‘or the tuna- ‘tEADYâ€"VAI) ‘ CLOTH- and best assorted stock \r. have over HATS, CAPS and GENTS' FURNI .lllNGS as usual. a full supply of the nicest goods in the trade. In- $ootheran, Cathro & Mark, (‘lTY DRAPERS AND CLOTUIBRS, No. 2. Dobson’s Block. 2nd Door West of the Post Office. No. 2 Dobsou’s Block. 2nd Door West of the Post Office. SPECIAL SALE. 0: We beg to advise our friends and the public generally that we are forced to enlarge our premises on account of our Increasing Largely, and before we begin this improvement we will ollcr the balance of our Summer Trade Stock of Prints BESS GOODS HOSESS, Gloves, &c., &c.â€"good fresh goodsâ€" at prices {hat cannot be bent. “'c have to for the {an trade. The usual filmy of Tinware’ Stovepipcs’ Elbows and Hot sell to lessen our stock, and would ask all in want of Dry Goods to give us u coll. GEN TS’ ‘ FURNISHINGS, as usual, :1 full stock. Come one, come all, and bring your friends, and see the l hcmcvalandflhangcin Business. Mofi‘at &lth:Far1a.nd i Return their sincere thanks for the liberal yr pulrouuge bestowed on them since they commenced business ‘ : in l i ‘ ll , Fenclon 1* a s , i and beg to inform the public tip“ they have just moved into the premises utcly occu- pied by Mr. Wm. Marshall, where they will 5 be Iiuppy to receive a call [run his custo- l iners us well as their own. llmving leased I the bakery and secured the services of Mr. 1 David Burn-u, they are prepared to {which 1 [FIRST CLASS BREAD, I ll’ouderful Bargains we oflcr, New Full Goods are constantly urrivi Special Bargains in Grey Cotton. rig, We also keep the celebrated atioook Weaving Cottons, ‘ at rock bottom prices. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to thunk our friends and the public generally for the liberal support accorded to .us in the past, and ask for :i contin- uancc of-tlio same in the future. JARVIS dz MCDOUGALL, M'Ail'ruuu’s BLOCK. ohlhfihiiiS a, dLow Prices Th5 EASE Ell New Goods -â€"A'1‘ T H Eâ€" ’Coruer Store, Scullys Block. nsv ooonsj-caoceass, BOOTS AND SHOES, FANCY GOODS &c., Ali. Very flheap for Cash. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods. Fcuelou Falls, August 22nd, 1882. "SEEMS, WESES, â€"x‘. N Dâ€" 101â€"202 People going to speculate in Manitoba lands require good substantial lllllN OB ZINE BOUND TllllliilS to safely carry back their money, and are advised to sch-ct from the GEORGE G. KEITH. dSSS SATCHELS- will be found, as usual. fresh well assorted. Hour, iced, Eggs, Butler, Sic, viii be kept on hand, and farm produce generally dealt in. .\ uiu: lot of Crockery & Glassware as any in town. A visit ofinsm-ctiou from ness is respectfully solicited. MOFFAT .lr McFAltllAND. Fcuclou Falls, May 26th, 1883. â€" CHAS C i. u 'r ult'l i’at'd Spiral '1‘ RU S 5. Reputation :ltahlllhnd all over Canada. 15 yearn materlaL experience. Every man ruptured Ihnuld read in Ruptureâ€"Free on application Penn 0 90 yearn old cured by In use. A new Apparatus for cure-of Club Feetâ€"no cuttln‘pâ€"nn pain. Spinallnlt mentl, 61¢ KMIEDIALLIS Centennial and Pa in, France, Exhibition tic. for SPIRAL TRUS “ Call or address, CHAS. CLU"iilil, (late of Hamilton) 38 Adelaide-st, pvrst, near Grand Opera, ’l‘oroulo. amphiet on Only llcclly Agricultural Paper no $.21?” 3‘ 33%. 1.. New and Improved Form. to Pages Only One Dollar Poi- Year no". 5: mourn-2nd. 4 Numbers :1 Month; 832 l’ugi-s it Your; 3,323 Columns for One Dollar. Devoted strictly to Agriculture. Horticulture, Stack, Dairy. Poultry. the Apairy, llousclioidflud everything pertaining to a Form, both out of doors and in doors. _ its Weekly Commercial Reports anti Prices are invaluable. l The extraordinary auccen this paper inn met with at the hands of the ycomanry of Camulsh during Elm past yeur atantisunnvaicd in the nunulri ol journal. ism oi (.anuda or the United State». A large staff 0. nine and practical wri era are en. gagcd. and correspondence of a win ble nature appeargswcckly from its many aubscn ra in Non Scotia in the Last and British Columbia in the Wm. SAMPLE comm; Futili- l’rintcd and Published at the Welland S can: Print. lng llousc, Cflflbllthd :86), by N. n. coccocx. ' , w. r. man. Editor. ,PM'MM LARGE ASSORTMENT which... which has arrived, and whic 11 contains just the ueutcst things for Ladies to carry lunch and small parcels in. L. MAGUIRE’S _,._._w.. ._ __......A.._._.__s -V... .-.~ Laws Regarding Newspapers. lst.â€"-.’luy person who takes :1 ppm” reu- ulurly from the pout-onion. whetlupr din-et- ed to his mum: or uuuthurr'a, or u hrtlwr in: has subscribed or not, is responsible tor the puyuumt. Endâ€"if u person “rich; but put wr in in: direontinm-d, he must pay all urpritrngc-u, Cheap 30017 85 Shoe Store, Lindsay] or the publii-lirr may continui- loin ml it on BIBDICAL HALL, FENELON FALLS, Where can be found an excellent assortment of The Undersigned A can Solicitea.}Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Sponges, Trusses and Shoulder Braces, Toilet, Fancy (l0 Rubber Goods PERFUMER‘S’ 860., 850., always on hand. A large and jtli payment is Mimic. and then m lei-t tin. \vlmltr amount, whether the paper ‘ll taken from the Hillel: or not. (mlâ€"If subscribe” neglect or rrimw to take tin: periodicals or lIt-wuptilirrolfntll the l“flirt: to which thvy are directed, tlwy are held rcspomihlc Iiulil they him: m-ttiril llwir ibillq. Hemline number» back, or leasing lilo-m in the utiicc, is not such nutite an the i law require». 1 tilh.â€"'l‘hc Courts have decided that re- pfusiug to take newspapers or [w lmlit'nll i from the poll-oilire. or removingamide-Min“ : llmn uncalled for, is puma/uric ovileuce o. 5 intentional fraud. i H.--.~..__.__.W~__ mm.-- __ -.__ 'g'l'lle “ Fcuciou Falls Gazette ” ill printed «wry Saturday at the oilicc, Colliorntâ€" street well, of the best quality and at low prices. WELL SELECTED STOCK OF'S’I‘ATIONERY. comprising a full assortment of BLANK BOOKS and general stationery. Also, a :HORSE AND car-ran MEDICINES I’hysiciana' prescriptions and Domestic Recipes carefully compounded. l i . or with om.- rent prr week additional or long as it remaina unpaid. jADVERTISlNG RATES. l . . f Prof-:monal or bunneu eardl, of cents ' iprr line perannum. Casual adverti menu, ,jl‘i cents per line for the first insertion and 2 poems per line ior every tulneannt inner. ;' lion. Contracts by the year, half year or toes:- Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes.s“““"°" “"wliii'é’féklii" ""°“' A full assortment of Patent and Proprietary Medicines always on hand. gent for H. B. Sicicns‘ Purely Vegetable \‘mzri B. FITZGERALD, Manger: Fenclon Falls, May 27th, 1883. NE. JOB PRINTING ofail ordinary itinle executed neat y, curâ€" = iectly and at moderate prices. 15.”. "AND. Proprietor: Cultt's, lluus, the. 81, at reasonable prices and no cllurt will be spared to sustain the high reputation which the l’oliolon l’nlls bakery has deservedly borne. Their stock of FAMILY GROCERIES good and is on the shelves and will be so d as cheap all needing anything in their lithe ol‘ buil- Uflpurafle/ca’ Succgss/ ,

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