Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 6 May 1882, p. 3

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The United States crop report gives l hope'of a bountilnl harvest this year,; notwithstanding the drawbacks of floods, Iroots, etc., in some quarters. On Saturday a crazy railway employ- eefns arrested at Doocaster for threat- , rain: the life of the Queen. It is i thought the threats were made out of‘ there bravado. A huge whale, harponned oii' Prov-g inoetowo on Monday. was towed into i one of the Boston docks on Wednesday. i It weighs 27 tons, is 62 feet long and 3 153 feet In girth, and Its jaws have a? spread of 26 feet. The monster is now i undergoing the embalming process, and will probably swing round the circle in r the wake of some travelling show dur-l tag the summer. I _A silver dollar with a bit of concave tntrror set into one side is by gamblers callel a “ shiaer." By laying it among his pile of coin and dealing over it, the operator can know what every player holds for that deal, the cards being rr- flected in the miniature. A member of; the minina club of Leadvilie has been caught. turn: a shincr. By means of it, be won 82,500 in a night at poker. l DEATI‘IS. In the township of Penelon, on Monday, r Hay in, Kate Elisabeth, eldest child of Mr l James H. Thurston, aged 1 year 8 months and 27 days. BIAIIKICT IIEI’OIETS FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Fenelon Falls, Friday, May 5th, 1882, Wheat, fall, per bushel - - $1 22 l 23 Wheat, spring, “ - - - 1 2t 1 25 Barley, per bushel - - - 60 70 Oats, ‘3 ‘-’ - - - . 40 45 Prue, " “ - - - - 70 “ 75 Rye, “ u - - . - 65 70 Potatoes, “ - - . - 55 60 Ilutter, per II)., - - - - o 15 it} Dressed Hogs, per lot) lbs, 50 00 0 0') Eggs, per dozen, - - - 10 ll liay, per ton, In the Spring of the year almost every one requires a good Blood Purifier, more re- pecinlly in the month of, May. We would earnestly advise our readers to try Dr. Car- son's Stomach and Constipation Bitters. A few doses will soon convince you it is the best remedy known for affections of the Stomach, llotvels, Liver and Kidneys. In large bottles at 50 cents. John Nugent, New Advertisement. l i l l Agent at l-‘enelon Falls. Elegant Goods for - 850t010 00 WATCHES, Jewellery 8r Diamonds. 0 H R LSMTM as WEDDING PRESENTS. Ladlrs‘ (told Watches, 825 to two. Gents' do., do.. 350 to arts. Gold 0cm Rings, 82 to 800, and a huge stock of Ladies’ Gold Jewellery, , Brooches, Ear-rings, Bracelets, Lockets and r (‘hains, all new, of i r Tho Very Best Manufacturo,| and warranted good. * Also,â€"-V‘Veddlng Itings. i G. W. BEALL. (Ioldmt'th's Hull, arr! (fourth [Innier .j' Fla- t‘rlle li‘rollien. Lindsay, Dcc'r 8th,1881. COURT ogpevrsrofi. The Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the TOWNSHIP or FENELON will be held ll lhe Orange Hall, Cameron, â€"nn-â€"- THURSDAY, HAY 25th, 1882. All parties interested will pit-aso takel duo notice. The Assessment Roll is in my oilice for inspection. 2 II. J. LYTIJI, Township Clerk. _ 10-2. Cambray, Slay 8rd, 1882. BBURT OF PIEIIISION‘. The Court of Revision of the Assement: Roll of tho lll'llllSHlP 0F SUMEBVIIIE will ho held in John IIodgin's house. l AT RETTII-I's STA'I‘If).\',r Ionday, lay 28th,1882, nt 10 o'clock a. m. All parties interested 5 are requested to take notice and govern . themselves accordingly. i I _on- w. s. nowsox. . ' Township ('Irrk. i Romcrville, May 4th, l883. EARLY _C_>_LOS We, the undersigned, hereby agree to close our respective places of business )lay. until )Ionday. the 2nd day of October. JOHN NI‘GBNT, EDWARD FITZGERALD, G. II. “BRTRAH. per RS, WILLIAM t‘.\Nl‘llRl.l., JARVIS & McDOI'CALI.. MCDOI’GAIJ. & BRANDON, Al'STIS BROTHERS. e MnPPAT k McFARLAh'D. JOSEPH HEARD. JAHES ll. Cl’l.l.0.\', R S. JOHNSON, JOHN A. ELLIS, ALEXANDER McKiLLEX, GRORBB G. KEITH. Tendon Pails, Nay tth, 188:. W m 0 T I C B. All parties indebted to Dr. Brysno who have not already settled their accounts had better do so at now. as all accounts not satisfactorily settled by the 11th inst. wu'l be placed in Court for collection. without any regard to complexion or politics. ..;u\eonuu can be paid at S. Fitzgerald's “Wilton. , , ' . . Pearle: falls. ! ay sober: 10-3. ; INC: :Juseph Nevisun’s Harness Shuprl Every Evening Saturdays .9 one door south of Newman's Grocery Store. D O L L S' V A S E at 8 o'clock. from Monday, the ISth day of! D let .u the plough: G0 to Manitoba Farmers in want ofa first class GANG PLOUCH,, or a good GENERAL PURPOSE PIUUGHM and good iron or wood I-IARROWS,I will do well to call AT THE FOUNDRY and inspect our stock. We are agents for the Maury Manufactur- ing Company's RBAPERS, .iIllWERS & RAKES, lb c best in the market. a” One cent per pound paid for scrap | What to Purchase 102 ? Where to Buy It? W hat to Pay for It? “When a thing is Iflâ€"llI-I‘lill dune see in it yourself.” The advantage a PERSONAL from the Wholesale Merchant an tom does not net-d much pointing out. Our MR. JOHN FLAVELLE has bought on LINE of STAPLE GOODS which we 5 Britain, and EVERY by him with a strong perception of what the SELECTION gives to the Retail Trader in picking out d Manufacturer's Stocks just what suits his Home Cus- r Stock in the Wholesale Depots of Great hail ofi'er has been secured people need, whether they inmt them or not. FURTHER: By buying OI'R CUSTOMERS will get t in consequence of the pop bought largely from leading Manufacturers, with a Scotch Tweed that will go beyond an Gentlemen who prefer a Fine Finished C DUNDAS dz FLAVELLE BROS. from, and at economical prices. our Goods from FIRST HANDS, we save the Wholesale Dealer’s profit. he benefit oi this saving in trading with‘L’s. ular demand for SCOTCH TWEED SCITINGS. we have and are now prepared to furnish customers ything ofi‘ercd to the public. loth will find Many Choice Lines to select cast iron. & Lindsay,8cptcmber 20th, lEEI. Cameron Lake roan . Feuelon Falls, March 30th,188‘.’. 5-1y. ARD 0F THAAVKS. s. comei], Bur, Agent London .lfulual In- A Servant Girl, for kitchen work, to go to Port Hope. Apply to Fenclon Falls, April IBM), [832. 7-4. HOUSE Gt LOT T0 RENT. On Bond Street, Fenelon Falls. Tire house is rough-cast, a story and a half high, with back kitchen and Cellar. The-lot contains two acres, and has thereon a good orchard, garden, well and stable. For terms and further particulars apply on the premises to THOMAS BELL, Sit. 7-3'. Fenelon Falls, April 13th, 1882. Musicâ€"initirhm ll Bunk Store. The late W. J. Marshall's LARGE - SHEET MUSIC at one half the regular price. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Lindsay-.0 of all kinds always on hand. PICTIIRE FRAI‘IING in all its branches. Also a full stock of Books, Stationery and Fancy Goods. Wall Paper constantly on hand- [8' Inspection solicited. G. A. METIIERELL, 4-iy. KENT Srnssr, Lisossx REMQVAF Fenelon Falls DE BOOTS & SHOES. ROBERT McCALLUM returns thanks for the liberal patronage he has received since he commenced business, and informs his customers and the public generally that he has moved to the shop lately occupied by Mr. Fitzgerald Nexl liner in the Purl llillce, where he has opened out 3 FIRST RATE STilIiK, of Ready-made Boots and Shoes, which will be found equal in quality to any in town and as low in price. Ordered Work a Specialty as usual, and a good fit and the best of mu- tct'lal and workmanship guaranteed. ROBERT McC.-\LLU.\1 Fenclon Falls, Scpt'r ch, 1881. 29-1y. REMQyAL! The subscriber has removed to his old stand, next door to the Mechanics’ Institute, FENELON FALLS and is now prepared to ATTEND TO ALL WORK with which he may be favoured 0n the Shortest Notice, and at aura/ire 00., Lindsay. Dear: Sia.â€"llnve the goodness to convey to the Directors of the “London Mutual" MI“- W“- CAMPBEIIL- our thanks for their promptness in paying our claims in full, arising from losses by the recent hush fires: Alexander Clarke, Ops. $366 James McGuire-y, Emily. 900 Edward Kerr, “ 600 Joseph McConnell, “ 590 Matthew Wilson, Ops, 915 Thomas McCahe, “ 596 Edwin I’rousc, Mariposa, 902 Thomas Kelly, Emily, 450 Martin Harrington, “ 795 Guy llcatty, Vernlam, 55') C. E. Tic-rs. “ 872 laaac Gostlin, Laxton,' 215 IIugh iiuilcy, “ 50 Margaret Kerr, “ 250 John Chcynouth, I-‘cnelon, 530 Edward Malone, Ups, . 630 I’. B. McIlhargcy, Lindsay, 40 John Wilson, Ops, 350 James Howard, Verulam, 400 Rob't McFeelcrs, ” 70 “ 3.39 John Kimbcl, ct. 15th, 1881. IIE NEW DRUG STORE. DRUGS. DYE STUFFS. JOHN EIGENT thanks his numerous customers in and the surrounding country for their very liberal patronage during the past. 4 years, and takes this opportunity of informing them that. he has now on hand A Better Assortment than Ever, Comprising Garden, Field and FLOWER SEEDS, Dye Stuffs, PATENT MEDICINES, Perfumery, FANOY ARTICLES, Brushes, Combs, the, .Szc. NOTEuPhysicians’ prescriptions prepared with care and dcspatch. A‘ full selection of School Books 89 Stationery always on hand. The Undersigned begs to inform his customers and the public generally that he ’ FENELON FALLS HARDWARE STORE. ._.__ The undersigned is now selling Cross Cut Saws, Hanlan 85 Lance Tooth, Axes. Logging Chains Cow Ties. Cutlery. Skates, and all kinds of Hardware, As low as Any Other House -in the County. SEEDS, A Call Solicited. Geo. H. Bertram. Fcnelon Falls, December 8th, 1881. J. NEELANDS, NTIST, L1NDSAY. One of the firm will be at the )IcAnTuUit House, FESELON FALLS, extracted by laughing gas without pain or injury, or no charge will he made. W Office established in Lindsay nearly fifteen years. final Tamoa's Knob. A. LALIBERTE respectfully informs the gentlemen of Fen- clou Falls and its vicinity that ho has com- menced the tailoring business On Colbornc Street, over Mr. William Campbell’s store. and solicits a share of public patronage. Cloth- ing will be made in the latest styles and w A Good Fit Guaranteed. Garments cut for persons who wish to make them up at home, and charges reas- onable in all cases. Fenclon Falls, May 17th, 1887.. E. H ATV, lllllPillllll 8. Billllllll, HAS NOW ON HAND FENELON FALLS. a New Stock of rorruus Prices Which Cannot Be Beat tastefully got up, at I'cry Reasonable in Fenelon Falls. Persons wishing Clothes Either Made 01' Cut, will do well to give him a callbcforc going elsewhere. R. JACKSON. Tailor. Fcnelon Falls, February fltth, 1882. YOU WILL Fâ€"lâ€"ND a complete stock of HA RNE SS, \VIIIPS, i . H ' . 1 li:. rush s. Cllll)COll s, B e, N SEX-1P9, RUNKS. VALISES. Shawl Straps. llarncss (lil .k Axle Grease, Cheap for Cash, call at f‘ COLLARS WARRANTED. IIo begs to return his sincere thanks for thelibvral patronage with which be has l to tilt been favored, and is determined to : meritacontinuance of it by turning out good work at moderate prices. Pension Falls. February 28th, 1332. .â€" lNSU [LANCE GEORGE CUIIIISHAI, General Insurance and Loan Agent. FENELON FALLS, ONT., represents the nice, with which business can be transacted upon the most advantageous terms. The Imperial insurance Company, of Loos don, England. The Cititens’ Insurance Company, ofCana» do. I‘m an! Accident. The Lancashirs Insurance Co . of England. ‘ rs. Confederation 1:3. Aflotulib‘ o.'Cs:- i ads Repairs promptly and neatly ext-cutch following first class compa- ‘ The Canada Permanent Loan k Savings Co. 1 Prices. A large and well assorted stock 0 MANTLES, from 82 50 to 810. LADIES’ COSTUME ChllTllS, Blankets, both white and coloured, and the Prints cannot be beat. “7M. CA )IPBELL.‘ Fcuelon Falls, Nov'r 12th, 1880. aw GOODS. . Mrs. KEELEY IIas just received and opened up n Iarg stack of NEW TOYS In great variety. 3 Toilct Sets and a good aesortmcnt of EIVancy Goods, i Millinery, Mantlrs, Feathers, Flowers and Ribbons. Ci-ROMOS, MOTTOS and Motto Frames, Plain and Perforated Cardboards, Canvas and Berlin Wooll. l l l i A nice lot of Wall Paper and Window ed Blinds just receiv lint KEELEY. fl" )Ililinery Starr and Show Room, . one door noth of II. P. Ileming's hardware I store. Penelou Falls. Inlay 26th, 1881. 5 HOUSE TO LET. I To let, in first class order, the residence 7 of the the DI. Fitzgerald. 3 Apply to ‘ EDWARD FITZGERALD. fuels: Fa'ls. 0-9 L Janna-r 3:? .832. l S. The advertiser is prepared to execute all orders with which he may be favoured, from Hill BUlllllllllS to the smallest jobs oi carpenter work, and will spare no pains to give satisfaction in every case. DOORS & WINDOW SASH made to order at short notice, of good ma- terial, and at reasonable prices. 323' Work-shop on Francis Street East; =, residence on Bond Street East. EDWARD HAW. Fenelon Falls, Cct‘t‘ 14th, 1881. 33-t. f. llll run girl SHIP. JUST A REMINDER that I am still taking iRAGS, SCRAP ilillil, i Hours 3:42., in trade, and paying , CASH FOR WO0L AND SKINS. l Jossrn HEARD. Fcnclnn Falls, April 29th, lBRl. 8-5m. E D W A. R I) S’ ‘ OLDESTABMSHED ffor the liberal patronage bestowed on him during the past nine years. and begs to in- , form the public that they can obtain First Class llorses and Rigs. any hour of the day or night. at his stable t :On Francis Street Ens-std at very moderate charges. W Commercial travellers and their lup- gagc Conveyed safely and expeditiously to any desirvd point. The subscriber nI-rer tad a Itsbleful of better torus than at present. Come and try them. E. R. EDWARDS. Furies falls For y 249.5. 2381. til-ti inavr I 1 ‘ ! LNGI yjta’ble' lass COMPLETE srocx or DYE srurrs ‘ ' t it . . The subscriber returns his sincere han s ‘ or the best qm‘luy "d u ‘0' price”. Also, ‘ “TRUNKSWALISES .SA'I‘ C H E L 5. 202â€"20: People going to speculate in Manitoba lands require good substantial IlilIN Illi ZINC BilliN TRIINKS to safely carry back their money, and are advised to select from the LARGE ASSORTMENT which has arrived, and which contains .A. Lot of the Nicest Bags and Satchels, just the neatest things for Ladies to carry lunch and small parcels in. L. MAGUIRE’S Cheap Cash Boot & Shoe Store, Lindsay. THE mgr Ill ‘0 BARGAINS l O I will sell my stock of BOOTS AND SHOES WINTER 9006th All nuns! at Cost for 30 days, for Cash only. _.___â€" Also for Sale, or to Rent, A GOOD 100 ACRE FARDI, Within three miles of the village of Feuelon Falls. A SINGLE BUGGY AND CUTTER FOR SALE CHEAP. 36" Come and secure Bargains at the Cash Store in Scully's Block. Fenclon Falls, February lst, 1882 GEORGE G. KEITH. BARGAINS I CHEAP GOODS ! BARGAINS ! :0 JARVIS fil In order to keep pace with the times REDUCED THE PRICES of Goods for A good Winccy for 7 cents. CDOUGALL, One Month. A No. 1 Grey Cotton, yard wide, 10 cents. A good large White Blanket, $3. °" the "‘"d “‘m‘hl’ 0f °"°" m°“”‘- Tm“ A first class Full-cloth Pants, all wool, worth $3, for 2 'Dress Goods Away Down, ""~ and a Large Van-i-ty. Don‘t. forget. to sec'the Parties wanting down to rock bottom prices. r) ‘4 5. m. All our floods are marked Dry Goods will be Well paid by giving us a call before making their purchases. CLOTHING READY MADE AND Til ORDER. 'l‘en pet‘ cent. oil‘ for cash on Clothing. “(1311 Gents‘ Ties. Silk Handkerchiefs. Collars. Cufl‘s, so. due. The best variety ever offered lor sale in Fcnelon Falls. 30‘ Don‘t. forget. the place, Fenelon Falls, January 4th, 188?. JARVIS & McDOUGALL, McArthur’s Block. Fenelon Falls. The undersigned respectfully remind the public that they have always on hand A SUPERIOR STOCK of Staple and Fancy GHOOEHIES of First Class Quality and at the Lowest Living l’rices. ' I11 Crockery and Glassware they oficr an extensive and excellent assortment of Goods that CANNOT BE SURPASSED in quality or value. ‘ 20 Farmers Wishin of Teas for the season will do well to was bought in the 'â€"_â€"- to Lay In a Stock give them a call, as their stock is large and best. market ior cash. 3217" THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOB GRAIN, PORK and all other Farm Produce. MCDOUGALL 8L BRANDON- Fcnelon Falls, November 22nd, 188]. DIEDICA L HALL, FENEL OX FALL. "l Where can he found an execllent assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Sponges, l Trusses and Shoulder Braces, i Toilet, Fancy (it Rubber Goods i PER]? U'MERY‘ 86"., 8220., t 3 WELL SELECTED smcx or STATIC lassortment of BLANK BOOKS and general stationery. N ADAM HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES, ' I’hysiciana‘ prescriptions and Domestic Recipes carefully compounded. Ks? Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. l quantum-cu! comprising a fol always on hand. , . A large and A full assortment of l’ninnt and Proprietary Medicines always on hand. A cent for Ii. R. Stevens I’urciy \' Feceico l‘ails, May 271b, 1831, cgt-table mems. 1:. FITZGERALD, Mat.th Jill}? ;%‘ XERY. ‘7 ici‘oiiiXii‘Tiâ€"uir'ifii'v Kn LIQL'oR STORE. ‘ The subscriber begs to inform his custo- ‘ mars and the public genrrsllv that he has I always on hand a complete stock of l“thallium iCori Fish & Mackerel. ‘ A choice assortment of Pole and Dark Brandy. Port and Sherry “'lncs, Holland and Old Tom Gills, i several brands ofWhisky. Bottlcd Ala and l i’ortcr. the. The attention ot‘ itnlrl keepers and others is invited to this stock. PlasterriSecds of all kinds always on hand. The cash system will be strictly adhered to. , Cash for Farm Produce. JUIIN ('lIlSllUi..\l. Next to the Globe llotel, Kent at. Lindsay - CHAS C t. \I r "I 's l‘nt'd Spiral T R U S 5. Reputation establithed all over Canada. 25 years material experientr. Every man ruptured should read my pampth nn Ruptureâ€"'Free on application People no yearn n:.l cured by its one. A new Apparatus Ior tort- of Club Feetâ€"Tun cuttingâ€"no pain. Spinal Insltun-rnts. .\t‘. ‘\ii‘._l)'r\l.LlST Centennial and Pans, Ft rule. Exhibition &c. for SPIRAL TRUSS " Calloruddrt-ss.t‘llAS. (VLU'I‘llii, (lulu of Hamilton) its Adelaide-st, past, “our Grand Opera, 'l'tit'nnlu. llemnval and hangs in Business. Moffat Still/IcFarland I‘tcturu their siiici-rc thanks for the liberal lputrouupp: bestowed on illt'lll since tin-y ‘ commenced business in Fenclon Falls, and beg to inform the public that they ham just moved into the pruniscs lult'ly orcu- pictl by Mr. \\'tn. Marshall, where they will be happy to rcccivc u call from his custo- men; as well as Illl‘ll" own. Having leased the bakery and secured the st-rvict-s of .\l r. David Barrett, they are prepared to furnish FIRST CLASS BREAD, Cakes, lluns, the. &., at reasonable prict'a find no effort will be spared to sustain tlrn high reputation which the Ft-nolun l-‘alls bakery has tlcsorw-dly borne. 'l‘licir stock of FAMILY GROCERIES \villlit‘ found, as usual. fresh, good and wall assorted. Flour, Feed, Eggs, Butler, gill” vill he kept on hand, and farm prurlucu gent-rally dealt in. A nice. lot of Crockery & Glassware is on Ill(' shelves and will be sold as cheap as any in town. A visit of inspection from all "coiling anythng in Illt'll' line of busia ncss is respectfully solicited. MUFFA'I' & MCI’ARLAND. I-‘cnelon Falls, May fltith, lNHl. llnly Weekly lgricullural Paper PRINTED AND runusuno IN THE DOMINION. Ugliikafle/éd Sucggss/ cw and Improved Form. in Pages Only One Dollar Per Year FOR 52 NUMIIERH. 4 Numbers a Month; 832 Pages achr: 3.328 Columns ior One Dollar. Devmcd strictly to Agriculture, Horticulture. Stock, Dairy. Poultry. the lipairy. llunselmld and everything pertaining to a Farm, both out 0! doors and in doors. Its Weekly Commercial Reports and Prices are invaluable. The extraordinary stich this paper has met with at the hands of II". yrnmanry n! (liliada during: tin: not your alandsunrn'alcd In the annals 01 journal. lb!!! of Canada or the United bran-a. A large atoll 0. nine and practical writers arr rm gagrd. and curmpmdcnt‘c of a Valuable "Allin: apirnrawrcltl from its many nub-4 "IN"! in Nun Scot'u in the out and Ilntish Columbia in the Writ. BAMI'IJ‘Z COPIEH FRI-Eli. Printed and I’ubliahrd at the Welland Steam Print- in“ House, established :56}, by . N. n. COLCOCK r-Mmmr. W. I‘. PAGE. Editor. Address, CAN/10M): manna. \I't-llan-i, Unis “4 Laws Regarding Newspapers. lsl.â€".-\ny pl-rsnn tt'lm tulws ll paper rou- Iilarly from the post-oiling whollu-r dirt-ct- ml in his arrow or nnothtrr‘n, or u'lwthvr lu- lms subscribed or not, is. responsible for the puytnI-tlt. Ballâ€"If ll pun-nu orll'rs I117 pnpr-r to he disrtmliri'u-ll. ht- must pay all nrrmruw-x, or the puhlisht-r may continue turn-ml it Inn til pay-turn! is mmlv. null limr roler Ho \vlmln- nmminl. wlivllwr lhc pupvr l'l who from ilil' oilim- or not. flrrl.-â€"lf sulnrrilmrs Ill'Lfll'l‘I or rrfnab in take the [wrimlunlv nr urwlp'tw-n lrntn tl'n ullim- In whirl: till-y nrr Illl'1‘ll'll. tin-y nu- llt'ltl rt-apt-nt‘ilill- ulilll IIH'I lint'l: sv-ltlI-II lint-:f hills. Sch-ling: numlu-r. bath, or lent-mp tlwrn in tin- ollicv, ir. not such notin- n: the law n-qulnw. MILâ€"Tim CHIer lmt'f‘ ‘I"IIVIIII Um! (1-. fusing tn trike tu-wnpnpvrn or prrln'lirain from the pliul-ofer'. or rI-mm'iny and leaving llu-nr tltlt‘uliwl fur. is primofarir Lt'illl-nrl' I), inunlimml fraud. The “ Font-Ion Falls lizm’llc " i. printh r-rery Saturday al (in: "tires, Iflillmrm- strut-t Wtfll, Suhscripllun $1 ayearinarlvance or with one cent per week additional as long as it rctuainn unpaid. ADVERTISING RATES. Professional or lmtinrn cards. .60 crnto per lim per annum Causal advertisements, a unit per line for the first insertion and 1 cents per linI- tor rvcrv subsequent inst-r1 lint]. Contrartu M the year, half year or man or Inn, upon reason! able terms. JOB PRIN’I’ING , or all ordinary kinds executed neatly, cord E rrctly and at moderate prices. ‘ ' l l

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