Piespne CH mercenaries, was no Hill-i033 ,n , K _____0_ SUITABLE FOR THE CHRIST As AND new YEAR’S TRADE.- n , m we. GEES, . _ A _ , - . Jemelleryfliamondt The undersigned respectfully remind the public th-t they have always on hand D B N 2A SUPERIOR STOCK ‘- ; I . _ r ) ‘ . I ( ‘ a _ . ‘ C H R I M A s l of Staple and Fancy Gnocamgs or First mus (2mm). and u “w LWMg begs to announce that his stock has ne\ ell; been morle‘completefthm; at‘prcsent. all? has Just. to hand a largt . tuck 0t all tilt Living prices, 0 nicest goot 5 suitable or t us season, lllL llt mg 111 Crockery and Glassware New Teas: New they ofler an extensive and excellent assortment of Goods that â€"-andâ€" WEDDI'NG PRESENTS. Ladlea’ Gold Watches, 8'25 to 8100. Genu’ (10., do, 850 to 8175- Gold Gem Blngs, 8'! to 890, And Genera-l Groceries. and a. large stock 0! - RP ssco ~ _ { ,Ladies’ G'Old Jewellery, C A N N B E A In TEAS his stock is the largest and the best value in town, including Japan Tea, Young llyscn, Gunpowder. and a l‘uli‘ . in unlit ' or value. . _ Chums, all new, of q .30. stock of Black of the best brands. Old Government Java Coilee, fresh and ground when requn‘ed. In FRUITS he has Imperial Dehesa Raisins, Black and Blue Basket, Finest Vegas, Sultanas, Valencias. Elmo Figs in 1 lb: Thu Very Best Manufacture,é . . ' i l Farmers WIShlng to Lay In a StOCk boxes, Fresh Leghorn Candied Peel, Citron, Orange and Lemon. M1 Itdfldltlt-beod. , of Teas for the season will do Well to give them a call, as their stock is large and ' . , mg“ ‘° "‘° "mm ’°’ IN WINES AND I. IQ UORS . I . stluo,â€"\Vcddlu;; 12ing2-4. ' 5 "ï¬rm" "a", "1‘ W“ 1’“"1â€"f"’a-l tar THE HIGHEST cnsn PmcE PAID FOR GRAIN, PORK Brooches, Eur-rings, Bracelets, Lockets and G. W. BEALL. nil: lumen. W} a“ 0,1,“. pun, produce. he has on hand the largest and best selected stock in the county, the quality of which he can recommeml, having bought direct. from the manufacturers. Messrs. Gooderham 8: Worts‘s Old Rye and Malt. constantly on hand, 7 years old, a spcrIalty. liranâ€" Lindsay, Dec'r 8th, 1931. MCDOUGALI: 8r. BRANDON- . . . . ._ . . ., . Ft-uelon Falls, November 22nd, 18:51. (hes in wood and bottle, Vintage 0t lbI‘J, Very Fine Old Sherry, Choicest. Old Port, Holland (iin, Deliuyper's best, bparhhug Wines, Champagne, &c , Bass’s Ale, Gunmess’s Porter, Domestic Ale in wood and bottles. lllllHlllï¬ IIIII IIAIHIHI;L_ MAGUIRE_ The undersigned, in returning thanks to o ' ‘ v. . 7‘ . the public fur their Patromse to him fur Grocer & \Vine Merchant, Corner lxent N W llhatu btrcets. lnndsay. ‘“°l:‘.§.‘::::"::'§:.l%“: TITUTIOï¬Iâ€"PROTECTEON â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"-~ & coh‘Norfer Majesty's loyal subjects can be secured 0n application ‘ ’ -â€"--~o suitable for Full and Winter wear, which l & :O:â€"â€" i i ' i I ._ he is deterrnmed to sell at ! ___. : requires more protection than the Feet, and to meet that A S I L - B A K E Nopmomenody uuccs:ity I hare laid in a large assortment of for cash. His Rubbers, Felt Overshoes, Snow Excluders, "EH’S LONG BOOTS Berlin Felt Frost-proof Boots, Felt Slippers run from $2 to 3'5 pvr pair, and he is utl'er- Cork Soles, Universal Slippers, & &c. ing very good _________________._.___.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-- I am making a specialty of I I womens Bums at pm pall'l Cable Screw Wire and Universal Screw Bottomed Goods, . . ,. . . . ' T? . «~71 ~. for Men, \V omen and ChIldrcu. Hus class of work cannot n1). nmaeumn. cnocasnv LASSWARE. Comprising the Favourite Brands of Teas and Coffees, The Cheapest and Choicest Grades of Sugars, The most Extcnswe Assortment of Christmas Fruits, The Largest Stock of Canned Fruits, Canned Fish and Canned Meats, The Latest Styles in Crockery and Glassivarc, ALL OF WIIICII WILL BE SOLD CHEAPER THAN AT ANY OTHER? iiorisxo IN LINDSAY. .«'.~ I‘ 1. ‘. v~ I'd-Egg“ r. in the llIIIIlIï¬II-turing annrtment he still continues to kilt'!) GOOD WORKMEN, so that any of his customers who prefer HANDâ€"MADE BOOTS N510 Store in Scully’s Block. 0 Lindsay, November 23rd, 1881. can be supplied on the shortest notice. A cordml invitation is cx'cnIlI-Il to all who (at. G. I [E may require anything in the lioot and Shoe _ _ lim- m is ï¬lling up his shelves with new amvals of SPRING GOODS, among which A A SPLENDID “335%? TWEEDS, Flour, Feed, Ham, Bacon, Pork, Goal on, Emit, are, as he is convinced “.111. he can do better for his customers than any IJllIi'l a in the sunn- iu stock, and for sale at the usual low rates. line oflmsincsa iII l-‘I'III‘loII Falls. 7 JAifIES hGNEW. of the Latest Patterns and the Very Best Quality, __F_°_".Til‘l"_"f‘.‘._"ifl’ff?‘\'f TL-“ L E S; R E S g G 0 0 3 RE A Crctons, Prints, Cottons &c., &c. ’ Booms & SHOE HS STOCK of FAMBLY GROCERIES will he lound fresh and at bottom prices. Special inducements in sugars. FOUR CAR-LOADS OF CHOICE WINTElSt APPLES TO BE: SOLD VERY CHEAP, A Liberal Discount to the Trade. Country Merchants will do well to give me a call. 36“ In wishing my numerous friends and customers the compliments of the season, I respectfully solicit a continuance of the liberal patronage HOCUl‘llrll to me during the lust twenty years, and will 1-] are no cfl'cI-t. to render it advantageous to them to do so. C. In. IBAIC ICTE, Doheny Block, Kent-‘1‘" T Wham, Lindsay, December 13th, 1881. ROBERT mccALLUM III BOOTS & SHOES he is alloying II splendid assortment ot‘ wright"; I ' ¢ _> ‘ I . , make. and is sole agent lorIFogm'tyh celebrated “ '(x'ordIan Scam, Much Is .~ LEâ€Cm:in},litii,',r(,’."‘,’:ï¬fuEl: warranted not to rip. Any puIr In which due scam lads to outweur the boots I f I‘ '3", . nod informs his customers and the public “‘11 be rcpl‘wc‘l' 3 . _ _ . ' ' ,1, -’~-. " generally that he Ins mow-II to un- sliup 322:“ All the above goods will be sold at the very lowest lIVIng prIces for cash :3 ‘ lately occupied by Mr Fitzgerald or turn) produce. A call solicited. . -v I â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"->-*o li‘cnelou Falls, March 4th, 1381. GREAT BARGANgi 010 Nexl lllllll in he Post Ofï¬ce. where he has npunt‘ll out It To Arrive this week, FIRST RATE S'WGK, oflti-ndyâ€"qudo linuliIlllllï¬llllt‘S.\\’llll'll\‘v’lll g ! ! 1-,,W _ Pï¬ï¬‚llhliï¬l Elms new bill inï¬ll“ .,‘::':1ti';t::‘. 3133:3131 23:23:32; JARVIS & McDOUGALL J g P g N' T E g 8,, terhtl and WUl’lilllulhllll) guaranteed. lilildill'l‘ .\lt'(‘.\l.l.ll.\l have M, opened a .- ‘zsa‘. . .. Finllunl‘tlls, Iplrltlh,l'ldl 'ly SEASON 1881 AND 1853, ALSO A SELECT STOCK 013‘ _..- Large StOGKOfSpI‘IngTWBGd87 venue Tween, ennrownnn a: enema TEAS, Removal and Change In Busmess. -.â€".. New Patterns! New Styles! The Largest and ChoiCest Stock in Town. which “’0 (Ire Prcpru‘ed to Offer qt 10w ï¬mu‘og ( K ‘ D 5 t MOE“! & MCFa‘rland' & The quality of our Teas is unsurpassed, and when quality is considered We can meet all legitimate competition. ssurc the public of our determination to maintain a reputation fin" ltcturn their sincI-re thanks for the liberal M v _ _ I . V ‘ “qu bemmd 0,, mm, gum. ,1â€, DO no, go, yomspï¬ng lye endcaVour to keep only the VLly best goods, and can a so t 011W ,3. commenced business in \Ve shall be glad to give samples and quote prices on application, feeling sure that we can command a share of" public putI'oII-' ReadY'Made CIOthing3 Hats, caps 8‘0' age when we have an opportunity of doing so. 0““ G00“ “ m†mm" mm‘ “"1 C°I°ml Lusms’ mm“ “"d C°l°r°d Cmm‘ms’ Our tea sales last year were over ï¬fty per cent. in advance of any former year, and we are in u better position to servo our , l‘rints, n large stock in new patterns-â€"u splendid assortment. just moved into the prchscs lately occu- Iiicd by Nr-\Vm-Mnrshnllnvb0mthey will Cotton Goods in Great ‘Qu'iety. be to receive u call from He custo- . moirfliywcll Al their own. llnvirig lcuscd I Ask to see the CoatIcoalt Cottons nt_‘.'), 10 and ll cents per yard, the very best value the bakery and secured the services of Mr. "I lllc mule. David Barrett, they are prepared to furnish . I from 111 cents per yard up. Ducks and Cottonndcs, good value ; also,n full stock of , Llndsay’ Decenlher lgtll’ _____________________________ f3:’a§;.".izt§nt::3..:ï¬ti:“:3;1?ot"f::lSilk Handkerctgfv (ffffS’Tiefrfgarsand 0""5- SA TOPICS TO TALK 0F 9, ono :u osce ours or: I .r, hlxh reputation which the Fenclou Fulls REMEMBER, WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. â€" 1â€"“ lWhot to Purchase? bakery bu deservedly borne. Their stack of I L Y G R O R I E l Agent {or llAIrI-Ins' [Linn PArTsmts. Where to Buy It ? What to Pay for It 7 Suit until you see our stock. Extra l'uluc: given undo Good 1'}! gu'urrmlw'l. friends this fall and winter than we have eyer been. OUR STOCK OF GENERAL GROCEREES IS COMPLETE. SPRATT 8: KlLLEN» and beg to inform the public that they have willbe found, M usual. fresh, good undl well assorted. has just received a very large consignment- of i eye ' “When a thing is, in be well done see to il yaunell.†i T],:- ndvnntnp- .1 PERSONAL SELECTIHN pin-'4 in HM “l'ilttl Trml- l’ in 3': LI,†-I|t' irrou‘. llu- \‘s'holr-nlr- .\l: rrhunl nrul “Jumbo-turn - Stork. yo ;\,I,,,; ,_,,,,_ 1],, “MW/r. llom do u not Iwril much woutiup out. I (Mr hill. .lilll.‘ l'l.:\ \'l'll.l.l: l,.I-» booth! mir Stool. in thi- \\'1.I,I.~.;,|.- [,...,,,_ H, H“, ,, illri‘ain. nud EVERY l.l.\'l‘l of STAPLE lillllltr n1. r3. \u- ~;,. 1.51 ,- 1 .a.. ., .,,, ,l by him with It stronxlarrcrptIou of “but Ilo. pi opll HI! I, y humor “WI-,- ,, W, H†“I “I IN, I" If}: 'I‘ I] It} It : 12:; buying ml.’ Howl: from llth’l‘ llAhlb‘, 1H: and" Ilu- “bolt.th lI'-:Il-r‘» I-rutiv (ll'lil'l‘ï¬'l'ltlfli'ir’ \t‘lllg'lllmlum‘t fry, .Ik. y...‘ v.1, upâ€; - “ p, ,.,,“.,.,o.-giri- hf tlu- pipiflnr dilunh/l for 59“!“ ll 1“ Llill ‘l l'lh‘iï¬. ‘va l.,I.:~ bought lwrgx-ly from lt‘A'llu'.’ .‘ln': :{zrt-rrr 2i. .Ind uh' {ml p: wag-.1 1.. 1d,...“ .-,,,..,,,,, ,, imtl n Stuff!) Tamil that will go 1-,! mil unwriiing J“! L! In rim pokiw “chill'lnt'u “th pri-lvr {I l'ihu lUanLLd Cloth Hill lnl‘l .‘ilIh‘I l'iI-ol' Lulu-u 1., “Jug ~_.__ . a. .-. ., __. .. ._. .._...-.._..... . I con-uncured the i of the best. quality and at low prices. Also, {I T A IL 0 R I N C. WELL SELECTED mm; or S'l‘A’l‘IOXERY, l" ‘5‘ '1‘“? “"le ""5“ ‘k “(Ful‘n‘h 5 comprising a full assortment of BLANK BOOKS and general stationery. GOLBOREEH’SOTREETAHORSB AND 02?;13: mnnzcrnns,fTHE FARM TO RENT. lm 31:332-533. l , g -â€" ‘1. " ‘IH'I‘, LLLVIJHAS’.’ 1 “all be hal‘ln lo Attend to All “LU mar . ’bS‘lOlim' pméflil’l‘ious and Ibmc’l‘ic Recipe; cardâ€""Hy coml‘oundul- - ‘ ' ’ Tl‘," Wtâ€: lmif of lml 5'“. 2'" l!) lli'! foul ..._ (UHF! i u o _‘ > ‘ I. , ,. me mm mm postman": on: it» , - - - - ,_ intenduvr mrchnscrs and the goods will dense them. I ‘ _ M“ “Y r 3“ V m? I PUIPOSLS‘I D I t l l . of ‘urznnm. ::--.--z.ty m-u-q '.'I- (In:- “(the {.an ml] M- at tir- . __ __-. .,..L__ ,, ,.,. l by strict ntteutiou to than“: and _ \ Q ’ H Mum, . In: III-as. urn. u . .. . 4‘ 2' ' ' - r‘ s - , “Wm, pm, m1, ,‘5 H m l \ .1.“ l'. lloI ~I.. Intro» l‘Allr, nu '.II.~ thin} ‘14,â€)... “f. _._, I, “ma.†1 dh 2 .\ full assortm‘ut of l'at'nt and Pro rirtary .‘lcdicincs llWlYS on hand. .-\-I' . . . ,.. .ODER‘TE CHARGES! ‘ i p ' I He thanks hIs numerous frIends and patrons for Illt-ll‘ support Us,†AW, m "-Iâ€" V- "u-.t pun; 11y JARVIS & McDOUGALL, McArthur‘s Block. Penelon Falls. J 0 H N S L A T E R Hmâ€. lead, Eggs, Bumâ€, 8‘3" MEDICAL HALL, FENELON FALLS, (lube kopilonxhalnd. and farm profilnee l 'c e u \‘ mm in. .\ ice lo o b n t ' I» , n V i , Where can be found an excellent assortment of Crockery k Glassware ' . . . lg on the shelves Apt! will be sold In cpeap ‘ no any in town. . \'l§ll of inspection rom ~ all needing anythng In their llllt‘ ot’ bust-l Trusses and Shoulder Braces, ntu as respectfully sullftlt‘d. ' . m3;,‘:_,.*.;t_f;,:':ffe T022025, Fancy (9 Rubber Goods; WW _ PERFUMERY 880., 850., a Ii always on hand. A large and ' ‘ mm: mm, ,0 hm,“ hm ind-5W3? COMPLETE STOCK OF DYE STUFFS @{1 Don't forget to give him a call before buying elsewhere, for 3min; DUNDAS é FLAVELLE BROS. “.- . mm for H. R. Stereo ' l'urv‘l Vegetab‘e YEAIETISB. w 3i" “mum†l i a 5 V i B FITZGERALD ldurin: the past your. and wishes them all a Merry Ljht'irtn'm.‘ i ELIZA Tl'4}\l.\\', _ y ._ R. JACKSONJ N o , l v . v d H v V ' Y ' , “MM hm ,.,, .r‘. M, “.1, ,, V Pentium ml: Squ': ms {:51 amid Fv-‘lltiun F 215, May 2711;, 1:51. Mung": an a opp} , on car. i (M, V_ p n ‘ Minx-t .f... .1 n, ;,,,,,,,, M,†.. ' ' ‘ â€" l _..,..- H.“ , .gm.s~. .. .- L 7-1;. - A; In. 3.0