Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 12 Nov 1881, p. 3

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-~ BIRTHS. In the township of Penelnn, on Thursday, November 3rd, the wire of Hr. Robert Presâ€" cott ofa dsaghirr. In the township of Penelon. on Saturday, trauma" 5th. the wife or to. Richard is,"â€" nell o! a daughter. MAT? IIII‘ZD. At the Iethodist pavtonage, Fenelon, Pal s, by the Rev 1'. «J. Edmbon. B. 1).. on Tuesday. November 81h, llr. Francis Hay- l turd, of Saowdon. to Kiss Elizabeth Cava- nagb, o! Somerville. New Advertisements. INDSAY FALL SHOW. WATCHES. I invite the attention of all visitors to ~_.__.__,.___..._.-.___.____..__...~â€"~â€" .. __._.__ REIOVAL. .lâ€"J l TOPIC To TA 0 .: BOOTS & SHOES-What to Purchase? Where to Buy It? ROBERT MCCALLUH returns thanks for the liberal patronage be 1 has received since be commenced business, i and informs his customers and the public lately occupied by It Fitzgerald 1 l where he has opened out a 1 FIRST RATE STOOK, of R-advvmade Boots and Shoes, which will be found equal in qualin to any in town and as Iou' in price. Lindsay to my new and magnificent stock Ordered “'0”; a Specialty If GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Myl flock of silver American watches. including a line of watches especially adaplfll for Ichool teachers’ use, selected from rcliiiblc makers only, it the largest and bent over, shown in Lindsay, and has been purchased 1 entirely for cash. I particularly solicit an Inlpcction of my stock by intending pur- rhasen,and I am confident that I can quutr lower prices than they cnn be bought i-r elsewhere or from any expensive city estab- llshmeut, and instead of dealing with an entire stranger, one who never saw you be- fore and whom yoquiay never see again, you will have the advantage of buying from one who 1iveh in your own neighbourhood and will have an interestâ€"such its no stranger would haveâ€"in giving you a good article and seeing that it gives perI'cct sat- Isfaction. G. W. BEALL. Uolrbmitli'l Hull, next door to Dundar 4- Flu- ttrlie Broth", Lindsay, Sept. 30th, 11180. DENISDN. WESlCflll Ii 80.. ISANICERS, FENELON FALLS - - OIITAIllO. General Banking Business Done. Collec- tions Made at Usual Bank Rates. Interest Allowed on Deposits. 11. '1‘. DIMJON, Lair- of Royal Canadian Bank ‘ and Consolidated Bank. 1". Wurcorr, Late of Canadian Bank of Commerce. 15. J. L. Cllllfll, Late of Consolidated Bank. ARD OF THANKS. _â€" 8. Cornell, Esq , Agent London .llulual 1n- iurnnce 00., Lindsay. Dun Simâ€"Have the goodness to convey to the Directors of thc “ London .‘llutunl ” our thanks for their promptncss in paying our claims in full, arising from losses by the recent bush fires: Alexander Clnrlte, Ops, $166 James )icGnhey, Emily, 9410 H Edmud Kerr, 600 Joseph McConnell, “ 590 Matthew Wilson, Ops, 915 Thomas .‘llcCahe, ” 596 Edwin i‘ruusc, Muriiiosa, 9H2 'l‘hninas Kelly, Emily, 450 Martin Harrington, “ 795 Guy lieutty, Vcrulum, 55‘) c. 1-: 'l‘icrs, “ 872 lunuc Gorllin, Linton, 215 liugb Builcy, "' 50 Margaret Kerr, “ 2:11 John Chryuouth, Fenelon, 530 Edward Malone, tips. 630 1’ ll. 'Mclihargey, Lindsay, 40 John Wilson. Opt. 35) Jamesiinwur-l, Ycrulam, 400 Rob't llcl-‘eetert, “ 70 John Kimbcl, “ 339 Lindsay, Oct. 15th, 1831. iiiiiii Lug 11111111! The dndcrsigned, in returning thanks to as usual. and a good fit and the best of ma- terial and workmanship guaranteed. ROBERT SICCALLUBI Permian Ffl'li. Scpl’r 14th, 1881. 29â€"13. llemiialanifihangein Business. Mofi'at & M73Farland Return their sincrrc thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on thcm since they cummruced business in Fenclon Falls, and beg to inform the pub‘ic that tbeylmve just moved into the prrmisca latcly occu- pied by Mr. Wm Marshall, where thPy Will he Imppy to rt-ccive n cull from his custo- mers its well its lllt‘ll’ own. linving lt‘tlSOd the Iiiiki-ry and sectircd the scrvic s of Mr David Barrett, they are pri-pnrcd to furnish FIRST CLASS BREAD, ancs, l'iuns, dzc . dt., at reasonable prices and no effort will be spared to sustain the lllL'll reputation which the Feuclon Falls bakery has deservedly borne. Tliezrstock of FAMILY GROCERIES will be found, as usual, fresh, good and well assorted. Hour, Feed, Eggs, Bullet, 1111.. viii be kept on bind, and farm producc generally dealt in. A nice lot of Crockery & Glassware is on the shelves and will he sold as cheap its any in town. A visit ofinspcction from all needing anything in their line of busi- ness is respectfully solicited. MUFFAT & .llcFARLAND. Fcaelon Frills, liuy 261b, 1381. Drraurussr or Cnowx LANDS, Toronto, 6th October, 1881. ,TOTICE is hereby given that, under an L ()l'dt'l' in Council, TIMBER Bl-JRTIIS in the undormenlioucd ’l‘owushi s in thc lll'SKll- KA tllltl PARRY SOUN'D DISTRICTS will be oii‘nrl-d for Sale by Public Auction ut lllt' Dcpiirtmv-nt of Crown Lands at TWELVE o'clock noon, on TUE‘DAY. the SIXTH duy i-f DECEllllER next, fizzâ€"Townships of blown, liLAir, MCCoxxuv, ilvnv. Pn- TEIISON, Mitts, SINCLAIR, Buruvxn. Pizocnroor, Guno. .‘lACllAl‘l, Sruoxc. JOLY, LAU 11-211, Pius- our, LOUNT, Nirissmo and iliuswouru. The area to bc disposvd t f in the above Townships as Timber Berlhs is upwards of 1,400 squnrc miles,und to suit all classes of pllI'CIHISPri cuch Township will, us nearly as practicable, bc dividv-d into four berths. Shccta containing conditions and terms of Sole, with information us to Area and Lois and Concessions compriscd in cuch iii-rib, will be furnishcd on application, pt-rsunally or by letter, to the Woons Aim Fourzsrs BRANCH of the Dcpnrlnlt‘lil, or to the Crown Timiwr Olliccs oi Ornws. BELLE- genenlly that be but moved to the shop â€" l l . “What to Pay for It? Next 1109i 10 the 1031 [111138, "“When a thing is in he tell done see in it yourself.” The advantage 3 PERSONAL SELECTION gives to the Retail Trader in picking out from the Wholesale 11. rcbzint and Manufacturer's Stocks just what suits his Home Cus- tom do-‘s not need much pointing out. Our Slit JOHN FLAVELLE has bought our Stock in the Wholesale Depots of Great Britain, and EVERY LIKE of STAPLE GOODS which we shall oflcr has been secured by him with a strongperdcption of what the pour is need, whether they want them or not. 1*‘UR 'L‘Iâ€"IER: By buying our Goods from FIRST HANDS, we save the Wholesale Dealer's profit. 013R CUSTOIIERS will get the benefit 01 this saving in trading with Us. In CutiscquenCe of the popular demand for SCOTCH TWEED SCITINGS. we have bought largely horn leading Manufacturers, and are now prepared to furnish customers with a Scotch Tweed that will go beyond anything ofl‘i-rrd lo the public. Gentlemen who proler a Fine Finished Cloth will find Many Choice Lines to select from, and at economiclil prices. Lindsay, Septcmbrr 21’Ith,1881. DUNDAS dz FLAVELLE BROS. Sent us between 151: Oct’r and. alst‘ December, 1881. will entitle Subscriber to The Weekly [ilfllli Prom date of Subscription to end of 1882. WEEKLY 111.011! The acknowledged Superior cl all Weeklies. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY UNREPRESBNTED DISTRICT. â€"..¢_._ W cc Enclose $1.00 now to THE GLOBE PRINTING 00., Toronto. W BACK AGEâ€"111111381. THE 1111 [1118.1881. Having returned to i-‘cnclon Falls and commenced the TAELORNG in the shop opposite )ltiii'ut A: McFarlaud’s Grocery on 3111.6th STREET, 1 shall b0 happy to nitcnd to all who may favour mc with their patronage, niid hope, by strict attention to business and MODERATE CHARGES, to give satisfaction. R. J AGKSON. Fenclon Fulls,Sepl'r14th. 1881. 13; 1-1 A ‘V, 1111311111 8481111113511, 29-1y. T1111 STEAIIEII COBOOOXK, having been thoroughly ovcrhuulcd and re- puired and rep inlcd tliroug mt, is now in first c'nss condition, and Tourists & Pleasure Seekers can have oil the ndvanlugcs ofn trip (with every comfort) ovcr the well know waters between FENELON FALLS, Roscdalc and COB()C()NI{. the picnsure of which will wcll rnpny the smull cost. Until further notion, lhc Cabo- conk will lciivc hcr wharf at the head of Francis street, Fcnclon Falls, every Tuesday, Tliursd‘y & Saturday at 9 o'clrclr n. m, nflcr the arrival of the Vict-i 11!. Railway truin from the nor h and the stage from iioiicaygcon. arriving at Cob- oconk ut 12 o'clock. one hour bcforc the dc- iuriure of the 'l‘orontolr Nip‘ssing Railway train for Toronto. Returning, will leave Cobocoiik at l p. m , arriving at Penelon FENELON FALLS. ‘ 7 n _ â€"._. f'nlls nt 4:3”, to connect with the \ ictoria ""‘L‘ “M anm' ""d ‘he 0mm or T' E‘ The advertiser is prcpurcd to exccutc Railway "‘11" llmng "0"“ and “'I‘h “’0 Jum'son' E’q" PM”, Smmd' all orders with which he may be favoured, 31"80 1-0 Bulicni‘ceun- T- 3- PARDEE. from 52%“ Parties intending to travel by this Commiuioner bunt will plcasc be on boiirdnt thu hours F0 H mentioned, as she “1111cch shnrp on time. Far . betwéén Pension Falls & Coboconk. 5’1 ccnts ; between either of those places and the public for their patronage to him for the last seven years, hogs leave to say that he has now on hand a large stock of BOOTS & SHOES, suitable for Fall and Winter wenr, which be it determined to sell at VERY LOW PillilES for cash. liiii IEI'S LONG BOOTS run from $2 to $1 per pair, and he II 011'". in: vcry gmd 334. d. FENELONN FALLS HARDWARE S'l‘ORE. to the smallest jobs 01 carpenter work, and w'll 5 MI' nu iins to ivc suti‘fuction in v _ l I e p] g a Rosrdalc. 2;. ccuts. every Case. ‘ v _ ' , _ I‘.XCIII'-'1t)n or iiic-nic partics liht-rnlly dcalt & with, and till frcight curried with care and made to order at short notice, of good tmi- d‘sl’mw “L [Owen “"95. _ I. tciiiil. and at reasonable prices. J. )lcFADDEN, Captain- 36“ Work-shop on Francis Street Eust; JOHN AUSTIN, Manager. residence on Bond Sin-ct East. pouch," pans, Mn). 26,},' 1851' The Undersigned Fcnelon Falls, Oct'r 141b,18i11. 33-1. 1'. bugs to inform his customcrs and the 1111 1110111111 81111. JUST A REMINDER that I am still taking BAGS, SORAP 1111111, Buucs kc. in trade, and paying CASH Flill WOOL AND SKINS. JOSE?" "EARD- Prices. A largo and WP“ assorted stock 0 Penelon Falls, April 1811i, 1581. 8-5m. MA N T L E S, from $2 50 to $10. LADIES‘ COSTUME CLOTIIS, Blankcts. both white and colourcd, and The undersigned is now selling Women’s Boots at $1 per pair. Cross Cut saws. “‘ ‘1' “‘“i‘JJliffflf. ‘3." 1.13.1“ °"‘ "” “i” Hanlan 8: Lance Tooth, GOOD WORKMEN: Axes. Logging Chains Cow Ties. to that any of hit customers who prrfcr HAND~MADE BOOTS Cutlery. Skates, and all kinds 01' Hardware, public generally that lie HAS NOW ON HAND it New Stock of can be supplied on the shortest notice. A cordial invitation is ex'cnded to all who may require anything in the Boot and Shoe line to GI'VIE IIIDI 1L C,\LL. at be is convinced t.‘ at he can do b‘tter for his customers than any Olllt‘l’i in the same line of business in l-‘eaelon Falls. JAMES AGNEW. Penelon Falls, October 3101,1381. '__1 in the County. A Call Solicit0d_ r mu .\‘1-;w DRUG sroun. Geo. H. Bertram. DRUGS SEEDS Pencioii Falls. December 8th, 1880. ' I JOHN EIGENT thanks his numerous customers in $1,0()O FO R 13‘1‘31'1‘. Inn-i1: Cancer (‘ure Depot, Coaticont', P. Q . Canada. OAN'OBR REMOVAL. fl without the use of the knife. The Only Permanent (‘are In the World. to: particular: enclose twoft rent siampg h” "wand his to 8. C. Smith. Coaticoolt, I‘. Q .(‘anadn.- and thr surrounding country for their very -â€"-â€"llighcpt Retort-urea. H ., “CERES SWWT Asp CERTAIX-fll l lihcrnl P-trunacc during tin- part 4 years. [Any "Mr c‘n Puma.“ "m fly"! mt $5 i m (1.9 west side of Cnlhorne street, next 1 and takes lliis opportunity of informing . ’“r' flu: m“ no" “Id "P" "cu‘flh'l door to the Mrehnnica' in~titute. where he I “It!!! KIN“ he has "0" 0" Inna '_â€"W""“m"'~' '11 or on him ngood stock of . ‘ ,smgfeinojblegamess A Better Assailmanl lhanEvei.;L1V€1Y Stable- (Iic Price: cannot be limit. “'31. CA M PBELL. Fe S Fenclon Filll‘. Nov'r 1211i. 1530. E l)\le R I)S’ OLD-ESTABLISHED . -.. w___m_- ESTRAY CATTLE. Canto on to the premltn of the subscriber, Lot {(0. 20 la the 3rd concession of S-irner- , ville. in Sip"!!!be last. [In young .ufrg_ . . g T . , ::.:i‘".;';:.::‘:.;?::;..ii‘;ESHAWL 8111118. BASE 11118,;FL0“ ER SEEDS. puma, a take the animals away. nye 5mm, nnxnv l’t'LSY. i 5.... m .x r uh. 1851. am.- ‘ 'l'ENT MEDICINES . " ' ° ' ,Currycombs. BrusltcsflpA ’ :9 and all articles in his line of business. The west half of Lot No. 39 in the 2nd mums-Mon of Vtmlfll 59"“? "N' '43" . ,any drsirv-d point. der fl.lli"li°°- A "’1 h w' b‘m- "u Repair! promptly and neatly dreamt: NOTE-PEPM‘3‘ "ficfii’non’ ‘""‘“""l The sub-crib" nevcr had a ttablrful of “at! young orchard. Will rent {or A km I}. beg! to return bit sincere thanks for 'm, “u “d dcspgtcb. A full selection other": horses than at present. Come and “(rm Apply to i the liberal patronage with which he has "3- them, SLlZA TUGSIAN. . . ‘ ' ‘ . 't-ld and The tuhscriber rrtur 1! his sincere thanks for turn: or road work, 1 alises, L°mpmm3 Gard" h during the past nine ycurs. and begs to in- firm the public that thcy can obtain WM?" “dun, sup" any hour of the day or night. at his stable at very moderate charges. , fl" Comrncrc'al traveler and their lug- ignite roar. ye-i safely and upeditionsly to Perfumery. I FANCY ARTICLES. Brushes. Combs. kc, kc. E. R. EDWA ROS. 51-11. l to hr "been favored, and is de'ermined to, School Books & Stafionery‘ 1 h")- p.113. ‘g merit a continuum of it by turning out , i run,“ rfllqfiby um, m“, 34.2, I v good Work at moderate prim al'nyv oe bud. Oerntwr 3.th asst. First (‘1qu ilorscs and Rigs, - 5.“ -.~.. ir-v....._. . BRING ALON YOUR FEET l and your neighbours, friends and able-bodied relations, and get your supply for Fall ‘ and Winter at liiaguireâ€"‘s Boot Shoe Store. An Immense Stock, Larger than in Natty city Siorefi, to Select from. Among the many good qualities you can get Men's Boots that cannot rip, - Boys’ Boots that grow too small before worn out, Ludies‘ Boots, Chamois lined and with copper fastened soles, that cannot be excelled. Rubbers and all UlllfiiWfllfli Shedders in Abundance. DON’T? FORGET TIIE (I‘LSI-I. L. HAGUIRE. l l i Lindsay, October 3rd, 1881. New Store in Scullyls Block. I -â€"â€"-â€"0 G . Gr‘. Ii 131']? II is filling up his shelves with new arrivals of SPRle GOODS, among which will be found .A. SPLENDID ,LOT OF TWEEDS, of the Latest Patterns and the Very Best Quality, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Crclons, Prints. Cations (cc, &c. HIS STOCK of FAMILY GROCERIES will lic inund fresh and :11 bottom prices. Special inducements 1n sugars. lu BOOTS 8t SHOES ho is offering ii splendid :i-.=ort:i.cnt of Wrighl's maké. and is sole agent for Fogurty‘s celebrated ” (lnrdizin Sunni." which is warranted not to rip. Any puir in which this scam fails to outweui‘ the bout: will be rcpluccd. , , W All the abot'c goods will he sold at the very lowest living prices for cash or farm produce. A call solicited. Feiiclon Frills. March 4th, 1881. INDUCEMENTS= The President 011116- U. 8. said, upon lirs't seeing his wife nl‘tcr he was shot, m ALWAYSB‘UY YOUR câ€"Rocsmrs and Crockery of NEW GOODS. mrs. HEBEEY Has just received and opened up a laryd stock of NEW TOYS, in great variety. DOLLS, VASES, Toilet Sets and a good Assortment of Fancy (:r“ oods, Milliuery, Mantle‘s. Feathers, Flowers and Ribbons, CHROMOS. MOTTOS and Motto Frames, Plain and Perforated Curdbourds, Cauvns and Berlin “'ools. A nice lot of Wall Paper and Window Blinds just rcCcivcd. Sins. occur: '5‘ )lillinery Store and Show Room,- one door north of H. P. Fleming's hardware in)”. Penelon Falls, May 28th, 1830. N 1511' 'l‘Al LUR'S suot’. A.LALBERTE respectfully informs the gentlemen of Fen: eluii Falls and its Vicinity that he has coni- menc'ed tlie tailoring business 011 Colborne Street, ovcr Mr. William Cutoplwll's storc, and solicits a share of public patrnnngc. Clulli-' log will be made in the latest sl_\lt-s and m A Good Fit Gun ‘tllitct‘tl. Garments cut for persons who wish to mnkc them up at home, and charges reiiso‘ oiinble in all cases. Fcnclon Falls. May 1711i. 1830. ‘ ICTORIA GROCERY .txu LIQUOR STORE.- Tlic subscriber begs to inform his custoé mers and the public generally tlmt he has always on hand it complete stock of 811111 1311111111115, Cured Meats, llcrrings, Co‘d Fish & Mackerel. A choice assort ment of 5° MODOUGALL ll; BRANDON, sale i132,,?g};}§,ޤ3nd3’~ and we advise all to be fruich b his words and :itrooisc the house at which Holland and Old T0111 GIHS‘ a y P , they can get THE Egg? BARfi-AINE :it the lowest living rutcs. We liich I71Illl)’l10(?11 runningr off our old stock at greatly reduced figures, nod are now propuer to scll entirely New Goods tit. A Liberal Discount for Cash. Those calling on us cannot lull to leave sali~fivd tliiit Mchugull & Brandon’s is the place to purchase 'l'ens. Sugars, Ciiuiicd Fruits, Vogctiiblvs. Flour & Fccd, 82c. Our stock ol'Tohaccoes has ncvcr been surpassed iu Fenelon Frills. GALE Ad? 03533 AHD BE MAfiE HAFPY. 5&3“ Riitlzburn’s “ Crown Jewel " Flour. the bust in the market, constantly on hand. Cash paid for Eggs, Butter nud nll Furiu Produce. Esia'EBOUGALL 8: BRANDON. Fenclon Falls, July 24th, 1881. 18%. 881. ___.__ nth New Goods? Wow Goods !1 JARVIS It. MCDOUGALL have just opened a. Large Stock 01' Spring Tweeds, New Patterns! New Styles! The Largest and Clioiccst Stock in Town. LAOK & OOLOREO WOBSTED SIllTllIGS. Do not get your Spring Suit until you see our stock. Extra I'ulurs given nnda Good Fit girl/rauch. Ready-Made Clothing, Hats, Caps 8:0. Dress Goods :1 full stock. Black and Colorcd l.ustrcs,1lluck and Colored Cnslimcrcs, Prints, n lurgc stock in [NW patternsâ€"n rplr'iolil usmrtment. Cotton Goods in (nit-oat “Variety. A51: to see the Conticouk Cottons at it. 10 and 11 cents per yard, the very best value in the iriulc. DUNDAS AND CORNWALL SI-IIRTINGS, from 12; cents per yard up. Ducks and Cottonndcs, good vnlue ', nlso,n full stock of Silk Handkerchiefs, Gent-3’ Ties, Collars and Gulls. 1312‘" Do not fail to set: our stuck. "53:1 tastclully got up. at l'rry It’ctisnnriblr Agent for llAltl’EliS' Intuit l‘nrznss. JARVIS & McDOUGALL, McAithur's Block. Feneion Falls. NIEDICAL HALL, FENELON FALLS, l Where can be fouud an excellent assortment of scvcral brands ofl\'1ii~ky, Bottled A10 and Porter, kc. The intention of lioth keepers and othch is iuviu-d to this stock. PlaslcrliSGOdS of all kinds always on hand. The cash system will be strictly iidlicrcd to. Cash for Farm Produce.- JOIIN ClllSllOlihl. Next to the Globe Ilutt‘l, Kent st., Liiidsa'y' â€"â€"â€".â€".â€"â€"_â€"_~_â€"____~_ .- - â€"â€",CHAS C L v t' ML'I l‘Li'd Spiral '1‘ R 1‘ S 5. Reputation catablithcd all over Canada. is years material cxpcricme. Every man‘ruptured should rend m~ pamplil-t on Ruptureâ€"‘1‘“: on application. l’coii e go ytnrs old cured by”!!! use. A new Apparatus for cure -1 Club Feelâ€"no cultm 'â€"no pain. Spinal Inrtrumculs. Ac. NIEIJALLIS Centennial and Paris, France. Exhibition dtc. for SPIRAL TRUSS Cull or uddrcsa. CHAS. ()Iill'l'lll‘l, (lu'e of Hamilton) 38 Adelaide-at, Went, ucur' (irund Opera, Toronto. VICTORIA RAILWAY. :0: TIME '1‘1&_13LE. â€"Zti;â€" Summer Arrangements} .._;|i:... . Taking (-il'i-ct on _ Thursday, August 4th, 1831: LINDSAY TIME. .._._-.... -____.,...,._. .4 GOING NOIKJI‘II. STATIONS. llited .\'o. l. llnil10.3. “71.34. Toronto, G.'l‘ R'y,lcnro, - - - 7.3.7 Lindauy,W.&I..,urrivc, - - - 11.40 Port Hope, M Icuvc, - -A "-U Ill-2‘1 l’clcrhorotigli 1‘1 11., li-nvc,- - - 'iml‘ 11. it. Junction, urrivc, '- - 12 {vi-“pun. 11.34. I' u. Lindsay... . . . . . . . . . Dcpurt 41. 0 Mini 31.11. Junction . . . . . . “ G "R 4.1.11 (Tumcron . . . . . . . . . . . “ 0 2‘1 4.27 lluil'a . . . . . . . . . . . . . U o :m 4 to Fcnclon Falls . . . . . . ” 7.1!: {. on 1-‘cll's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 7 It» .5 I7 lit-Itic'ii ..... . . . . . . . “ 7.50 5.3-: Kinmouut . . . . . . . . . . “ H15 (.15 .llylt-s' ll'y Junction “ l‘» L") Mimic-n . . . . . . . . . . . . " 11:," l'igolilsliy . . . . . . . . . . “ 7 Mi Dyimrt . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘1 7.13 Gould's . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 7. '5 Ilulihurtlm........ . Arrive 7.1.) is o 1 N (; H'bwtfir'r'i" t if“ STATIONS. Ilail 10.2. llit'rd ‘fi, 1. . A u. lialiburlon . . . . . . . . . DI-pnrt OJ”! Gould's . . . . . H u 7 llysurt . . . . . . . . . . . . " 0'1 1'1 [until-lib; . . . . . . . . . ” I} 23 iliudcu . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 6.40 liyles' ll'y JuncJoii “ 700 r H Kiiiniouiit . . . . . . . . . “ 7'10 615 lir-itic‘t . . . . . . . . . . . . H 7.5, 51.th Frll'a . . . . . . . . . . . . . h 8.10 tun Fritz-“on Fall's . . . . . . " no I‘ll, Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Sponges,i:g;;;;-,,-,;-,;-;;; ;: 535;; 3;; i Trusses and Shoulder Braces, l Toilet, Fancy (O Rubber Goods PERFU’MERY am, 8:0,, always on hand. A large and iWELL SELECTED STOCK OF STATIONERY, comprising a full assortment of BLANK BOOKS and general stationery. N ’0»va lHORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES, 'On Francis Street littat.. l’iiysicinim' prescriptions and Domestic Ilccitm cart-fully compounded. Pure'W'mes and Liquors for Medicinal Purpos’es‘. l A full umrtmcot of l’atcnt and Proprietary Medicines always on hand. A- gent for II. R. Stcveiis' l’urrsly Vegetable sznsz. a a. FITZGERALD, l Fenclon Falls. May 27th. 1831. Mun...” $6} COIfl’LETE STOCK 0F DYE STUFFS @911, I l oftlie best quality and at low prices. Also, a Hot the Iibcrul patronan bestowed on him , I l i M. it. Junction . . . . . " 1:in 14 :7 Liiiduay . . . . . . . . . . . Arrive 1i :th is :3: r u Lindsay, Si 11.. North, leave 1'.’ .'t.’: l iiiâ€"[ridfiifii £31.13...” ‘ i2 20' Lindsay, W. k I... leave 2.15 Pcterliorouuh, 3|. 1! , arrive 12.1.5 . ._.._. . . ...--.._....« Port-Hope, )1. Yttarrivew 5,1,5 ' Toronto, G. T. 12., arrirelflâ€"l 7.15 u ‘ l (!()NNI'I(I'I‘IONH. Lithrâ€"With Midland liailwriy for all points on lb:- (iuiirl Tm'lt. T k .‘t'. Rai‘vay and Midland Railway Willi “' l’ l' k '4. ltdilumy {Mr I"!!! l'rr’f, Whitby. Toronto and all points on the Grand Trunk Itai’way. Pun/iv FALL: â€"-“'ith Sir.“ Cnhnc'mk " for (7 Imflmlt, nllflfdllF~fld all points on Bail-win Lake. With mail stage (or [tub- canyon, Runner! ~tl‘ith mail stage {or Minder!“ village. v '1‘. B. TATE. , Genetifl Slants}: Liaduy, July 2511:, 1831.

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