-. (mum Nmnhletl k "slim-mm“ 'DEATIIS. > In tbgy waibip of Fenclon. on Monday. August 29th, Rebeca, vhf: of Hr. Jonathan Capplutone, Sr- aged 75 years. MARKET TIEPORTS rzsztos FALLS “arm. Penelon Falls, Phil] Sept'r 2nd, 2321. V. Wheat, full. per bushel - - SI l8 '. 21 WhoatJnriog. -‘ - - - '.- l3 1 2r» Barley. per bushel - - - 65 70 Dan, ‘- -- - - - - 35 4"; 3 Peat, -' -‘ - - - - 53 ‘~ 8); Rye, “ ‘i â€" - - - Go 615 ; Potatoes, -- - - - - I" If. Butter, per lh., - - - - - :6 l8 Dre-pd Hog; per Ieo Iii; . (it) E A r dozen. - - - - In Hg.’p::ton, i - - - g 5 no in 9 no Onions, large, per bushel, - 80 l or) Apples, per barrel. - - - O I») 2 23 Cabbages, per dozen. - o - 50 to 60 Carrots, per bushel, - - - 3!! 35 ' Beau, ~- - . . 30 35 New Advertisements. w __.__._ ' INIISAY FALL snow. W A T C HE S. l Invite attention of all visitors to lillidsay to rr'an-w and magniï¬cv-nt stock of GUI.“ AND. SILVER \VATCIIES. )ly flock of silvei .‘lihvrirnn watches, including 3 lii‘i‘e ut' wnt‘ilies especially adapted for I'éhodl led'chers‘ use, Selected from reliable hikers 5hly,ié the largest and best ever shown iii liln'dégiy. and has been purchased pnrtieulurly solicit an entirely fo'r 'casu lnlpcction it? my stock by intepding pur- chasers, and I arr. '.')lllltlltnl that I l:ttlt quote lower prices tlIIII'. they can be lioixght Ior ellewhure or from 93"} expensive city estab- lialinieut, and. lilnlt’lill of dealing with Ian 'you I“:- ‘ctitire stranger. one who new" 91‘ Pure and whom you may never see again, you will have the advantage of Lufxiug from one who lives in yonrowu neighbourhood and will have an interestâ€"such as no alrangcr would haveâ€"in giving you a good article and seeing that it. give! perfect sut- lifiiction. G. W. BEALL. (I'olwhmi'tli’a Ila/I. nu! rlm'rl'! DWI“ FI"' 1 "If: [hot/«era. . Lindsay, Sept. fl'Illi. l-‘t‘il‘n "Es-min ma, ' Game on to lltl' llrl‘lllll‘~('-' of the sub-Irri- her, Lot No.2: in the Ist eoucv-sx‘iou ut' l'er- tIInin, about a t3 rtniglit ago. a Spring I’itr. The owner i~l none-ted to prove properly, ' pay charges and take the nuimul away. JI'LII'S FIFK. 27-15. Vcruliim, Hept'r Ist, lilfll. MORTGAGE SALE OF \'Al.l.'z\lll.li VILLAGE PROPERTY IS THE VILLAGE 0" FENELON FALLS, IN ’Illi-I (‘l‘ll‘VYY 0F \‘ll'TlIltl,\. Limit? and by \':rilll‘ l f :I l’oivbr I-l Sui.- t‘oiitniuril in .I _\liii"t_'.I|_'- “lili'h will h" “1’ -- ilIII-rd at the lllll" . t ~iiiv. Ill'l‘t‘ will II" will , BY PUBLIS AHGTIDEJ, by .l. J l’iiit‘t: :, lllil'llltllt’l‘l‘. At the “ ll! Arthur rlcusé. the following: valuable property in the vil- Iago of Fenclon Falls. in the County oi" Victoria: The west halfof Lot number Five mist of Cullioriic Slrcu-l and north of Francis Street in Illoek " A " in '.IH' snid villugc ol' Fem-Ion Falls, as laid out on :I plan of the mid vil- lage IIde- by Edward E ('.':Idilv. I’. II. 5. IUHI tiled in the Registry ollim- of lIll' county (If Victoria: which said hind iiud prI-Iiiisrs contain by IIIIIIII-umrctnciit one quarter all an acre, III' the ~':llllt‘ more or less. S For ltlll‘lll‘lllitrrl and conditions of mini l I apply to JOHN .\. BARRON, Solicitor for Mortgagec, or to .l .l. POWER, Auctioneer. Dated Ilth cl August, 13ml. ‘.'ll-l. INSUILANCE. THE nIn Innnnn MUTUAL IS STRONGER THAN EVER, AND , i STILL INEREASING‘ hint: of lwls our l.i:iliilitiu - - - - $2\5.272. , -â€"â€"- l Rates on Form Property only sorts per Slot) for a three years risk. For nearly a quarll'r of a century it has been managed by farmers for the Insurance ' of tarni property. giiiug the greatest pro- tection at the smallest cost. [[5 politic-I lll’l' more favourable for the insurance of “ contents " of hill†buildings than those Irl‘iiriy other cruipnny. gar Send llll‘ a post-card. and are how quickly you will lw called upon. S. CORNEIL. .\g-‘nt, LINDSAY. W__..--.-W.___._..W._____._ I I ’ ocouk at l‘..’ o'clock. lllll' hour iii-fore the de- l i i i i . l i W i i try them. I llllilil l xgxr' sneer, ELINDSAY. w. J. MARSHAEI: ha! set-tired the agency for the omission l Instrument of Boston. which Is a WONDERFUL TRIUMPH i of mechanical skill. and the most perfect mechanical instrument in design. operation l and efl'tâ€"ct that has yet been produtgd. A 3 mere child, without any musical f-JllthlIOI’l. can producr an endless variety of iEXGELLENT MUSIG. - It has sixteen reeds. Price $14 to $16. The public are Invited to inspect thesc won- derful instruments. I l ~ I have in stock the largest assortment of. l I l Musical Instruments that ho. e?cr been in- ! trodIIcI-d into Lindsay, comprising , Pianos, Organs. Violins Killings, i Concertinns, Banjos, Harps, Month Organs, l Richter Organs, &0- As Mr. Rookie has broken his agreement with me, I am prepared to sell any make of, Piano or Organ at the lowest living proï¬ts. W. J. MARSHALL. Lindsay, May 20th, 189l. inn. 'Ini’nInI‘ IIIIsinni, I . _ I THE STEAllEll CllIiIlCllXK. l having been thoionfihly (ii‘erhauled and re- pnirI-d and rI-p Iiiteil throng Innis Itow in Tourists &. Pleasure Seekers can have all the zidvnntngcs of a trip (with . every cdmi‘ort) over the well know waters hetwecn FENELON FALLS, linsednle and O (f) I; ( ) C () N II. the plenSurc of which will well repay the small co<t. l'util further notice, the (70120- runl: will leave her whan at the bend of i Francis street, I’ruelr‘ti Ii‘nlls, every“ Tuesday, ’l‘lIIII'sd‘y & Saturday ‘ iirst class condition, and at '.l o'clirk II. III, :Ifter the nrrivttl of the \‘irto-ia llailwuy train from the north and the slum- l'roni Ilohcnygeou, urriviugnt Col)- llll'llll‘l' of the Toronto (v “pissing Railway train for Toronto. ‘.eturuiug, will Icnve Coliocouk :it 1 p. In . arriving at FI-Iielou ":tlls at 1:3“, to connect with the Victoria ii'nilway train going north and with the stagi- to lloht-nygI-ou. $47)“ Pnrli~s intending to trnvi-l by this limit will [III-Its“: he on board at the hours IIII-utioued, :Is‘ she iiill leave sharp (In time. Furc heir. ecu I‘eiielon Falls & Colic-co ik. .'.fi ('I"l?:l ; In_'l\\'l't‘ll i-i'lIeI‘ ot'1ho<oplzicesnnd Iio.U duh). 133 ('.'tih. lixv- union or iiir-uii: pnrlit‘s lihi-rnlly dealt '.II'IIl all l’rriuht carried with cure and dist nlvil :It Ill‘\(‘>l. rules. -I. )llil".'\l.)l)[‘:.\', ('nphu'n. .IllIIN .\l'."'i‘I‘-.'. .‘lv' truer. I“L‘l|l‘lull I“:ll‘~. ‘.luy ‘.‘oith. IRRI. \FHW 'I'.III.oI:'s Sllul‘. l A. LALIBERTE respectfully informs the gentlemen of I-‘eu- \‘Ittu falls and its vicinity that he ba< coin- meurI-d the tailoring business On ('.‘olhorne Street, 'oppv.<itc the residence of Dr. \l‘iISon. and solicit: a shun- of public patronage. Cloth- ing will be made in the Jules! styles and A. Good Fit Gun ‘Iinteod. Garment: cut for persons who wish to make them up at home, and charges reas- onable in .1†cases. Pent-Ion Falls, May l'I'tli,1880. 1:] l ) \V’ LIX I: I) S’ OLD-ESTABLISHED Liveryï¬tnble. The SIIchrilit'r returns his sincere tlinnks ' for lIll' liberal patronage Iii-stowed on him duriupr the past nine years. and begs to iti- hiriii the public that they can obtain First Class llorses and Rigs, any hour of the day or night. at his stable ()n I“ nun-is Ht l‘l‘Pt Plant. at very moderate charm-s, W“ lbuuup-I’rfal travellers ‘lllll their Ing- gagc cnnvin-II safely and expeditiously to any tlt'ill‘t‘d point. better horsrs than at present. (‘otue and . l). R. EDWARDS. Fenvliiu Falls, Feli'y 24th, lilSl. III-ti. I'lllll‘} NEW DRUG STORE. EDRUGS. SEEDS, A never toiling permanent coh‘ t'ur Lame , I DYE STUFFS. JOHN NUGEN'I‘ thanks his nnmvrons Customers in ' Fen 01011 Falls and the ~';rround3o: country for their very liberal p-tri-Iziizi‘ during the pitsl Iyrnrs. ,nud Likes iII‘J opportunity of informing llli‘lll tit-.t he has now on hand I Hello Assortment lhan Even [’.‘-k, Piles. DICK‘ASI‘S of the Kidney t. Ill d~ 4 der and Urinary Organs, of attendant coin- plainâ€. INDUBITXBIJ“. l-ll’lItIIXl‘I-l. Flo! Doerou. Hummers. unionists. Fun, i \Mi‘“ GIVING liNl'lltH SATISFAPTIIIX, L I'LL-tun. .‘Ptil .' ‘liz. Ham; (“underarmâ€"l ï¬nd that your I'mle u.- g,“ ingrnlmf ultafu' ton and “uh mu wereâ€. ed sale-s for w u noble a rrtnrdy for vltaeatw the kidneys ~ v“ "f Signed. llit. J 8 Mason, 'vliNDâ€"(nllid‘i Pad. El Tu szqy‘f pad. :3. Spun-Al Pad for Chronic l),§4‘:|~('$. $1, ' rust: Sold 5)" JUUX NYC-EXT. Fro-Inn i‘alfs, Dru=gguu and dealers L3 Mom. l'Ll f.- Comprising Garden. Field and F L (l W Ii It S E Ii D S, by.- Stuffs, : PATENT MEDICINES, Perfumery. FANCY ARTICLES. flushes. Comm, kc, .tc. NOTEâ€"Play (it-Zuni prescriptions prepared with can: aul licipazcli. .\ {nil selection of School Books & Stationery always on hlï¬d Ininniunk The snlhcrilwr never had a stahlI-l'ul of, I “The Undersignecl l public generally that he ll-IAS NOW ON HAND I a New Stock of @171..aner ltastefully got up, at l’icry Reasonable l Prices. large and well assorted stock 0 M A N T L‘ E S, from $2 50 to $10. I "Liniizs' COSTEME c'LIrIIis, ii In as lllhél Blankets, both white and coloured, and i (he Prices cannot be bent. wit. CAMPBELL. l l Fenclon Falls, Nov'r 12th,1880. é NIONEY, I am now prepared to negoâ€" MONEY, MONEY. tiate straight. loans on good form property Monty for any l term ofytnn-s at eight peritent. inlerest, {villi the privilege of repaying any portion of the princide at any time, the in- terest ceasing on the sum so paid“ _ , This gives the bort‘owcl‘ or: cry chance. He can pay on his mortgage any sum he tiir'iy be able tti sprirc at any time and stop the interest on so' much, or he can release his form at any time witiioiit his- in}: obliged to pay the coin- pnny ll. heavy bonus for taking their money. I‘lxpcnsch‘iciy little. more than those of pri vine Indus. . , s. couNEIL. Lindsay, May 26th, iss‘td. ‘TICTORIA GROCERY A‘ND LIQUOR STORE. The subscriber begs to inform his custo- mers and the public generally“ that he has always on hand ll. complete stock of Sillll lilillliilllll, Cured Meats, Hex-rings, Cod Fish & Mackerel. A choice assortment of 3133.13 and Dark Brandy. Port and Sherry Wines, Sct'et‘ltl hrunds of \\'lIi-ky, Bottled Ale and Porter. .ke. The attention of hotel keepers . and others is invited to this stock. Plasiei'liSoods of all kinds always on hand. The cash system will be strictly adhered to. Cash for Farm Produce. JOHN CIIISIIOLSI. Next to the Globe IIoteI, Kent st., Lindsay I) ESUMED BUSINESS. 1; Kennedy 8: Newman would inform the citizens of Feiielon Falls and vicinity that they have resumed busi- ness in Mr. Newman‘s old stand. The stock consists of A F U L L ASSORTMENT begs to inform his customers and the Holland and ()Id‘ Tom Giiis,, ..-.. i i i i FENELON FALLS HARDWARE 'rdRE. .â€" The~ I'Induruigued is now selling - Qrdss Cut Saws, . ‘ I Huï¬l'an 8i Lunce‘ T601111, Aiééi Chains Cow Tlés; and all kiiids; bl“ Hardware, House I i-ntbe ddiiiiiy. ‘ I A can Solieiiéa. G60. “H. Béi‘ifiin'. Feuelon Falls, December gilt, Iaéo. REMOVAL. M _ JOSEPH NEVISON I, _ has removed his Harness Shop to the west side of Colbornc street, next door to the lleehanics' Institute, where he will keep on hand It good stock of Single & Double Harness for farm or road work, Valises, sHIWI suns, nIsI Inns Whips, Halters, Snaps, Currycombs, Brushes, and all articles it! his line of business. COLLARS WARRANTED. Repairs promptly i‘lnd neiilly executed. He begs to return pi§fléln5ei1q thanks for the libefdl petroli'hige with which he has so far beenIInfrol‘ed, II I]. is‘Ldeteimin’ed to merit alcout‘inpdn'ce 0 ii ,by turning out good wo'rli ill model-lite prices. 4,. I .. Removal and Chaï¬gem Business. Modat & Mâ€"cFai‘laï¬d Return their sincere thanks for the liberal patronage‘bestowed on them since they commenced business in FenelOH Falls, and beg to inform the public that they have JllSl moved into the premises lately occu- pied by .lll‘.,Wm. Marshall, where they will be happy torreccivcjn'ciz‘iH from his custo- mers as well its their oivti.. linying longed the hnkery and secured the seETIEQS pf, Mr. David Barrett, they hi'c prepared to futilish FIRST CLASS BREAD, Cakes, Buns, kc. k., at rensounble prices and no effort will be spared to sustain the high reputation which the Fcnelon Falls bakery Iins deservedly borne. Their stock of FAMILY GROCERIES will be found, as usual, fresh, good and well assorted. ilnur’ Feed, Eggs, Bullet, its. rill be kept on hand, and farm produce generally dealt in. A nice lot of Crockery & Glassware is: on the shelves and will be sold as cheap as any Ill town. A visit of inspection from Itll needing anything In their line of busi- ness is respectfully solicited. MOFFAT a: McFARLAND. Fcnelon Falls, May 26th, 1880. llil Illll flIlli SHllP. JUST A REMINDER that i am still taking DRY dQQDS, BAGS, scIIAP Inon, GROCERIES, ; CLOTHING, l Confectionery and Boots & Shoes. Having purchased the stock of A. W. Lash- or, they will sell the same lAr AND BELOW COST. New goods at a small advance on cost. boots and Shoes a. specialty. Farm pru- ducc mkeu in exchange. EQ§ TERMS STRICTLY CASH. i l i PUMPS. i i The subscriber bags respectfully to in- form tlic inhabitants of FEN EL o N rs L L S JAMES 5 and surrounding country that Ilt‘ still cnn-. ; tiunes to manufacture his Wooden and ccl- . . ebralcd 3 American Iron Cap Pumps, i for wells. cisterns its. Repairing a Specialty, and ALL \VORK WARRANTED. s. BROKB.‘SH[RE, Penelon Falls, opposite Victoria R R. S. April 8th, 1880. 543' Education :Rup‘lllll‘ all mt Canada. I; yun mum experience. . Every man ruptured would rut! try pamphlet on Pu'd Spiral T ll U S S. l l i i i l I i l t i i l l l i â€"â€"CHAS - CLUYHI'Ii RuHurtâ€"FI’M an application. Peer-t: go ynn old ‘ (‘.frd by in nu; Ana-Appoint!“ («and C325 Fretâ€"ï¬n :=ltlï¬(-BO ruin. Spinal lmtmmmn. kc. MFDALLIST Centennial an: Pane. Frame. limitation hr. In! SPIRAL TRUSS Call or addresu. Cll AS. CLUTHE. (lat. of Hamilton) 38 Adelaide-4t. west. our (3 m '.d Open. Toronto , ing those who may 5 bit- of running allover the village for the Bones £50., in trade, and paying CASII FOR WOOL AND SKINS. ’ . I Josrrn' ntnm). Fenelon Falls, A‘p'ril i'eih, 1881. a'-5m. OLD BONY (31108815 0‘ Over the Alps, a Surprising Feat! but most of HIS MEN PEBISI'IED on their return by not being properly shod. Are you afraid of the same sad fate 7‘ _'c-iit l'or ll. 1 you are, you had better call at where you will get BOOTS 8: SHOES surprisingly Cheap for Cash, as he is DETERMINED to SELL oï¬' his stock in order to make room for his i Spring goods, which he expect. In a short time. Having TIIE LARGEST ASSIIRTIIEXT . In the Village, hr is able to supply every customer with what he may want. thus sav- patrnnizc him the trou- needed article. He is now offering Women’s Split Boots for 90 c'ts 4 W Don't fail to call and exam- 3 per pair. inc his Stuck before purchasing elsewhere. Ordered Hark a Specialty. Rnpsiring done with acumen and derpatrn. AGXJWE‘ 3 i , l l l First rl-si workmen employed and a reliaâ€" ble tit guaranteed. Fcnelon Falls. February l6tli. It'll. JAMES AGXEW. ' intake. and is sole agent for Yogi-info celebralcd " linrllirin S'fllll. l The President of the U. S. said,i upon that seeing his wife aftei lie was shot, ALWAYS‘TBW roots. nominal lIoDOUGAlilimilldhlli-XNDON,, and we advise all to guided by his words and patronize the house at which - they can get ‘ H ~ -â€" ~ '- ~ -~ - - > ~ ‘ THE BEST , BARGAINS I at the lowest living rates. We have Iritely been running off nnr old stock all greatly reduced ï¬gures, and are now prepared to sell entirely New Goods at a _ -. s ‘ ‘ " é . . . « .s . A Liberal Discount for Cash; i Tboéc calling on us canndt lail to leave sati~ï¬ 'd that MeDAugnll & Brandon's is the place to purchase Toni-Spears. (‘anned Fruits. Vegetables. Flonr‘d‘ Feed, &C. Our stock of Tobaccope's has never been surpassed In l~ctielon l‘aIls. cinnam- oxen AND BE MADE HAPPY. I? Ratliburii's “ CroWu Jewel " Flpur; the best in the market, caustiintly on hand. Cash paid for Eggs, Butter a'nd till Fiirm Produce. . _ .. . , ulcï¬ouca‘u. & Bannock. ,Eciiclig'n Frills, July 24th, 1881. I " "'8' 6E FI‘IVGIIG BIOS . » ( I .. l _ â€"â€"â€"-W . g. :o: _ . . . . VIE, BELIEVE , . _ We are showiné the largest and fullâ€. range of TWEEDS and CLOTIIS to be tound'anywbcre in this locality. tits BELIEVE .. hie arc ddl eicclled by‘diiyoiie for FIT, STYLE or FINISH. WE BELIEVE We candot be uddetsold, sis many of our goods are bought from ï¬rst hands in the old country. I'VE BELIEVE In giving good article, making it. well, trimming it well, and then stumping it with our recotiiiiieiitlation. WE BELIEVE . , . . , . . Thdt this policy will always succeed, and our increased, and wane glad to say increasing, trade in this branch is the strongest evidence of it. DUNDAS 8. ran-AVELLE BROS. Kent Street, Lindsay, May 12th, l§81£ . ‘na. l‘88l'. SPRING. Isai. ‘â€" flew Guilds"! New Goods l! JARVIS e MoDOUGALL Largo Stock or Spring TW'oods, Iii-o Patterns! stein Styles! The Lnrgcst .qu Choicest smell in 'Ilmiii. Bijou u ontotEjn wonsrtn SUI-urns. Do not get your Spildé‘ Shit lllllll you see oui stock. 151m: l'uluns given undo [loin] Fit gn'urunlccd.‘ Ready-Madé Clothing, Hats, Caps &c.v Dress Goods :1 full stock. ’ Block~ and Colored. Lustres, Black und Colored Casliuiercs, l’rints, It large stock in new patternsâ€"n splendid ugxorlnu’nl. Cotton G()O(1S in (Irre'a’t \rarietyn pcr ynrd, the very best value in the trade. DUNDAS AND CORNWALL SIIIIrrINIIs, also, Ii full stock of Ask to ace the Coaticonk Cottons at 9,10 and II cents from 12.} cents per yard tip. Ducks and Cottmindes. good value; Silk Handkerchiefs, Gents’ Tie's,‘ Collars and Cults. 32:3†Do not fail to see our stock. I REMEMBER, we WILL" NOT BE' UNDERSOLD. Agent for Ilaurrns’ BAZAAR PATTERNS. JARVIS & McDUUGALL, McAithuI-‘s Block. Fenelon Falls. MEDICAL HALL, MLLS, Where can be fodnd an excellent assortment of Drugs, Medicines, ChemiCols‘, Sponges, I _- Trusses and Shoulder Brocee,’ u Toilet, Fancy (l3 Rubber Goods i PERFUMERY" &0;, 820., l A large and I always on hand. o® COMPLETE STOCK or DYE STUFFS ï¬at! oftlie best quality and at low prices. Aim, :1 WELL SELECTED STUCK or S’l‘ll'll'l()l\'ltli'{\7, ig a full assortment of BLANK BOOKS and general stationery. NAON~A Hons}: AND CAT-rm: MEDICINES, prescriptions and Domestic Recipes carefully INILIaniIiuied. C(impl‘lall l’iiysieians‘ Fore Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes; ;\- l A full assortment of Patent and Proprietary )Ieilieincs always on Mud. ‘ ‘1. Stevens l’urely Vegetable VlltllZTlNE. E. FITZGERALD, Fienelnn Falls. .‘lny 27th, 1830. Man-Igor ; Nib? Store In Strain/'3 Block. I . i G. G. K 1‘: I '1‘ It P- ï¬lling up his shelves with new nr'tivnhs of Si’lthll' I'HN'lIll", among which ' will be found of the Latest Patterns and the Very Best Quality, 1 LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Cretons, Prints, Cations he, kc. , HIS STOCK of FAMILY GROCERIES' will l4 {mind ï¬re-uh and at bottom prices. Spieinl Ill'Illt'MtIi'tll- in stigma, In 8061'" ‘ SHOES he is offering a splundid :I~‘~ortn.vnt oi wright’s which is warranted his? to rip. Any pair in which this ream fails to outwear the bivqu will be replaced. “ ' ‘ . gab All the above gmds will be sold at the very locust “7ng prices for c;t~h or farm produce. A call “diam-d. I’cnelon Falls. March 4th. 1881. 'h ; Iiilillsziy, W. t\' IL, II'Ith' l _ . root!) at I -l I it. In . an GOODS. Mrs. Emmi: Has just received and opened up a largd start: of NEW TOYS, in grunt vuriety. DOLLS, W’JXSE S, Toilet Sets and .a' good assortment of i . 4L 1“ it. n o y (it o (3 (I s; Millinery, Minutes. Mathew, Flt-“rt: and Ribbon: .CHROMOS, MdTTOS and Motto Frames. Plain, and Pr Roan-II Cardhoards. CrlllTit: and “with \\‘ \I-ls A nice lot of \\':Iii I‘.-pi r .md Window Blindsjust received. . .‘Ius. HEELEY‘ 31%“ llilliuery Store and Shin ilumii,‘ our door north of H. l‘ lleiniug‘s liardwiin‘ Slut‘t‘. I-‘eiielou Falls. \Iay ’.‘t‘ith, 15> \. THOMAS l.()(‘l\'ll \lt'l‘. [SSI'ER 0P MARRIAGE LICENSES tor the County of Victoria. Residence on Murray St.. l’enelon Falls. Venom Rum r. "202â€"â€" TI)IIC T.>\1} 1.1;}: â€"3(lf-‘â€"- Summer Arrangements; H:l\:_ Taking effect on _ Thursday, August ~Ith, lSSl‘ LINDSAY TIME. ($6 I .‘N G x‘z;1féi~“ii';" STITIONS. \liwl .\'o.l. llailhiii. Toronto, G. 'I‘ Il'y, leave, ~ - - 1.553;},‘67TGE; idol-7‘57“! ‘i l .l" I‘hort Hopeâ€",1“ IL, leavef -V -w â€" Infill EQLQI-‘iIJiiLIâ€"grii'. It] Im‘Ce. " I 9 [am- .\I. It. Junction. Iii-rive. - «- l'_‘.£m p.In. - AJl. r \l. Lindsay . . . . . . . . . . . . Depart mu) UNI .\I. ll. .lnuction...... “ I‘mm‘ *ltys (.‘ameron . . . . . . . . . . . -‘ I; '.'I: - .‘J? IIIill's . . . . . . . . . . . . . " “Jill 'l l†l-‘cnclou li‘nlls . . . . . . " T.l.’i !. oo I’ell's.............. H You fill IIultin's . . . . . . . . . . . . “ hill Kinmount . . . 4 . . . . . “ 8.1.3 0.15 llyles‘ It'y Junction “ li.'_‘l| Minden ..... . . . . . . . “ (Lilli lngoldshy.... 5‘ iv.â€- Ilysart . . . . . . . “ i'.l2l Gould's . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘- _ 7.2!. IIIiIIhIIrIon.... . Arrive ’.‘.lfr GOING HOII‘i‘Ii. STITIUNS. .llnillo.:’. lliicil .\II. I.’ A..\l. Haliluirton. . . . . . Dt‘tlttrl (Loo Gould‘s ...... . . . . . †(I. I llysart . . . . . . . . . . . . " 0 li‘ Ingoldsby “ ti'lï¬l Minden . . . . . . . . . . . . “ linlll llyles’ Il'y Junction “ ’.‘.oo |' .\l' Kiuuiouut . . . . . . . . . . “ 7.23 6.15 “title's . . . . . . . . . . . . 1- 7.50 min Foll's . . . . . . . . . . . . . h Ho Too I“l'll(‘ltlll I’alla . . . . . . “ Kilo ’.'.ilfi IIiIll's....... ....' ‘.‘ 85" 7|? Unmeron . . . . . . . . . “ Hill 7 31' M. It. .lnnctiun..... “ ‘.I'Jo h I? Lindsay . . . . . . . . . . . Al‘l‘lvt" ‘I.ZlIi h ‘."i l \t. Lindsay, ll. IL, North, h-IIvI- l'_'.:I.'. Lindsay, .\l. I: , South, hurt- 'l‘.’ in 2.l;' l‘elet‘horougli. .\l l‘. , III'I'ii'r' ’.'.II" l’ort Hope, .\I. It, arrive ’.'I' Toronto, (I. 'I‘. IL, llrl‘lVl.‘ '.'.15 (K )I‘i .‘N' ‘I‘I( "I‘I( ) .VK. IIINIHA\'.-â€"~\\'illl Midland liniluny l points ()II Illt‘ (irand Think. 'I' A 't linilwny and Midland Ilziilwuy \V I’. l‘, k I.. Iluilnay for Port I’l rrt', Whitby. 'l'orouto nud all points (ill the Grand Trunk Ilailiiuy. [Texans I‘IAIJH‘Lâ€"v‘lIlll Sir." l‘tllml'iillh’ " ini- (‘.oliiiroiili', :tlrl‘llllll' and all point»: on Ilalsutu linlil'. “'ith IllltII ~l:i;_fc for “Ult- I'nygvou. Itixu'oi's'I'.â€"â€"With mail Hlflpl‘ village. for .‘llllii'll T. II. 'I‘ \'I'I'I. ' (it'lll'Htl )lriiiiigi-I. LiIII‘ :Iy. July '.’ch, lit-ll. g Ininnln and Nipissin‘g Railway. rims EELS.- Taking: viii-rt on Monday, I? Mart-Ii. I'M. lilllxli Nllll'l'll. .‘Illll. LINKII. .\lI\«-II. Toronto, drpurl. '.' :3 ll lll. -l no pun. l'xllridgl- “ l'nfl'l “ I: to " lL‘ MI (IIiIiIiiIitglon l .27 “ ’.‘ fl? “ l.-l’- p “'imilrillr “ ll 3†v 'i' 7.0 " ,'.l.‘i .‘IidliI'Id did or. II l'- “Aâ€! " '.f _' l Iiiiiul~uy ,\Iid It. -l I“ p. III. 11' l': (iriilin “ Iulfi .‘llidland .lr- tlp, ll :3"! II. III, '.' ‘.’vl (,‘uiluizonk. or. I“; p “I. '« ho" (itilei FIII'TII. Miti- l. Lm'ul. li.i:l Widow-unit. 'II'I'IIII .‘I ml: n In \ l3.†,i III “M .Illll"lII~lI ill‘. TZ.’ ' ‘ Lind-113‘ .llill I: I: :l 2:. n llrilliu “ I'. '1‘! ll In. .‘ilid. .qurtinri «Ip 7.",3 ‘* '.‘ 'l‘l ‘ ‘2 l'. \vill-‘Il'llll' III-purl " lv‘i * ‘.' l'l ' 4 j,'. w ('Iiuiiintttoii :iirivlm :o 1.22: - Jaw ' lTJIluL-iev M Lo ‘ r ’.'. -- :2» I 'I‘oivnio arrive I: 'i'. -- I. m l‘:I~~I-Ii;1vr~ bur-r Lind-4y .it I' l', p z.. lIll'I ll'ltr‘li TUYUI'U. :II n ’1 i p m I.’ .I\ Ii null l“~t"ll I.I‘Il .j. .' 4.10 p. “I. \t', I.«IIIlII:i:ll,'-.‘~z' li. .‘Illlil'n'llll.’ Il..’“’ll1." Toronto. .tliirrii 13th, MW. ’Laws Regarding Nc'nsl)npcrs. III â€"-.-\n_v I'l‘r-‘tll ttlin IMIJ“ .i ;'7l:-tl 3. Lu ' IIlurlv from the punt-nth: a-. t\ Iii-lid»: uni . -. ’A SPLENDID LOT 03‘ TWEEDS; ml to iii- Iiziim n! :quIhrI'e, or wit: lint 2' La- null-Hillel Ii' “'1'. 1. Mayo rill-v [my '},. pay me M, Li» '.uzi'.’ III i. End -â€"-If :- pot-ma “I lt-t~ , diwnnlitinrli. liv- Illll‘l pix :ill .IIrlnin-i . or III“ puhliriu-r Iii-i;- I‘I'I'III'J' :1... -,.l ,: on lzl i-zt}’lII4-II-' rd. Iiitilldn and 31.. :I v .,,« whole limo :VII, “lil'llif r ll.“ pupil from 1h" ulet'i- or no! 'lrv‘l wll ruininlwn III-ginrt ..,v r. f i., min: the pI-twlxl'nlv or ’I"'h';-5t:r‘l from ti r (ix-3 arr in i 1th no 2 mini ltwy liit'vlj :t'llh'vtri . ,, Hf I'II ‘.«lll: ’Ytllll'r .1- vi. oilin- '.’r 1-. I. : ‘- liri'l ft"i=’1' rennin; ll'univrn Mill, .n ti.» i-tlm- .i In. :1." lIlIIA liitrn lav; !P’.".i!l'1. viiâ€"ll.» Writs!“ haw vlr'i’lrli Itri' l'> final" '.n with til-WMMIH‘ hr lfl'l’ilvlli"‘li‘ from the put other. or :- mo: .1 I: .l‘l’l l- a up; t‘+r:. E‘E‘nt’onzl "m Ii, .".i 'tIll::i fl]. I- [in/nu I-Irp I;y,'::. pâ€. w ’ ,‘4.A . _ . . .. ..-..4. I