Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 21 May 1881, p. 3

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HI'. woos. sax. New Advertisements. LLVDSAY [A LL S HOW. WATCHES. ' I . I Invite the attention of all visitors to Lindsay to my new and magnificent stock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Hy stock of silver American watches, including a line of watches especially adapted for school tenchers’ use, selected from rclinble maker: only, is the largest and best ever shown iii, Lindsay, and has been purchased entirely for cash. I particularly solith an Inspection of my stock by intending pur- chasers, and I an: confident that I can quote lower prices than they can be bought for elsewhere or from any expensive city estnbv lishment, and instead of dealing with an entire stranger, one who never 53w you be- fore and whom you may never see again, yon will have the advantage of buying from one who lives in your own neighbourhood and will have an interest~such as no stranger would haveâ€"in giving you a good article end seeing that it gives perfect sai- isfaetion. G. W. BEALL. Goldnlu'llt'r Hall, next door to Dunn!“ Fla- ullc Brothers. Lindsay, Sept. 30th, 1880. _ JAMES DIUKSON, P L. Surveyor, Corn niseioner in the Q. IL, . Conveyanoer, &c. Residence, and ad- dress. Penelon Falls. COURT OF REVISION. The Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of will be held in the Council chamber III SOOLLY’ S HALL, _on_ ‘ Monday, the 6th day of June, 1881, at to o‘clock a. in, of which all parties in- terested are requested to take notic: and ' govern themselves accordingly. JAMES CAMERON, Clerk. Fenolon Falls, May 10th, 1881. MORTGAGE SALE _oy_. lllUABlE llllAGE PROPERTY IN TIIP.‘ VILLAGE OF FENELON FALLS, IN THE COUNTY OF \'I|"T01:IA. Under and by virtue {if a power of rule contained in a mortgage, which will be pro- duced at the time of sale, there will he. sold BY PunLic manual, by James J. Power, auctioneer, At the "McArthur House,” In the village of h‘cnclon Falls, at noon On Saturday. May 21st. A. D. 1881, ' the following valuable property in tho vil- lage of Fenclon Falls in the county of Victoria: I l. The wcst half of Lot 5 south of llond l and east of Colbornc streets in said village. 2. The cast half of Lot 4 on the south aide of Bond street and cast of Colburnc street in the Town Plot. 0n the above lots are a residence and outbuildings formerly occupied by and in the possession of Hugh Iligham. I For particulars and Conditions of sale np- , ply to JOHN A. BARRON, Vendor's Solicitor, or to JAMFB .I. Powsn. Auctiont‘cr. Dated at Lindsay, April 22nd, 1881. COURT OF REVISION. The Court of Revision of the Asscssnicut Roll of tlic TOWNSHIP OF FENELON ivill be held Al the [lranga Hall, Eamarnn, _on._. THURSDAY, IIIAY 26m, 1881. All parties interested will take noticc and govern tlicmsclvci accordingly. II. J. LYTLE. Towns/lip (‘lrr/l'. Cambray, May 9th_ 1831. in lllll _s_i_nn SHllP. JUST A REMINDER ' that I am still taking BAGS, SOBAP IRON, I Bones kc, in trade, and paying ' CASH FOR WOOL AND SKINS. JOSEPH HEARD. Feaelon Falls, April 23th, 1891. S-nm. lgricullural Paper . x 32:" lio'li’i‘ifl N . \- l/nifiam/le/éa’ .9..th Newand Improved Form. 16 Pages Only One Dollar for Your; ’0. 5: WEED. 4 Numbers a Month: 8): anes a‘i'ear; 3.328 Column: to: One Dollar. Deva-d My to Agriculture. Horticulture, Stock. M. Funky. the AM. "W,SM mil; pertaining to a fun. both ' admuhm and Prices are baa-rt with ‘ at a mu. utue from MI .\' "Magwm 'fiiusumuumwmsgarnm. Rimmmitbr NLCOLCOCK.Proprmor. A“ CANADIAN PARS”. . I'rlLsatflu ' 1 FIRST CLASS BREAD, ‘ .iiid no cii'nrt will be spared to sustain the all needing anything in their line of busi- 4 during the past nine yours, and begs to in- Henâ€"vy and Shelf LEATHER BELTINE, PORTLAND GEHENT, PLASTER PARIS, l PINE PiTcH, NAVY DAKUNI, IRON AND GOAL. PRICES CUT CLEAN tszizn To Mill llll lflllPlllllllll. E. E. HENDERSON 6: Co.. llannwann MERCHANTS, Iient Street. Lindsay. I EW TAILOR‘S 5110?. The Village of lenalnn Falls L A. LAETBERTE respectfully informs the gentlemen of Feli- eluu Falls and its vicinity that he has com- mence-d the tailoring business On Colbornc Street, opposite the residence of Dr. Wilson. and solicits a share of public patronage. Cloth- iug will be made in the latest styles and IE?” A Good Fit Guaranteed. Gurmcnts cut for persons who wish to make them up at home, and charges reas- onithlc in IIII (53303. I-‘cnelun Falls, May 17th, 1880. Removal andlnanga in Business. Mofiat &l‘/lâ€"<:Far1and Return their sincere thanks for the liberal piitroiiugc bcstowcd on them Since they commenced business in Feliielon Falls, and beg to inform the public that they have just moved into the premises lately occu- pied by Mr. Wm. Marshall, where they will he liiippy to receive a call from his custo- mcrs its well as their own. Having leased the bakery and secured the services of Mr. David Barrett, they are prepared to furnish (bikini, Runs, .t'c.. In, at reasonable prices high reputation which the Fenclun Falls bakery has lIl'fll‘I‘VL‘lIIy borne. Their stock of FAMILY GROCERIES willlie found, as usual, fresh, good and Ham, lead, Eggs, llllllfil’ lie. (ill be kcpt on hand, and farm produce generally dealt in. A nice lot of Crockery & Glassware is on the shelves and will be sold ([3 cheap {13‘ any in town. A visit of inspection from ness is respectfully solicited. MUFFAT k )lcFARLAND. Fcnelon Falls, May 26th, 1880. It] i) xv X R. D OLD-ESTABLISHED Livery Stable. The suh:crihcr rcturus his sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on him form the public that they can obtain First Class Horses and Rigs. any hour of the din or night, at his stable ()n li‘runcis Street. lCust. at very moderate charges. W Conimch‘nl travellers :iiid their lug- gngc roiir-ycd snl'cly and expeditiously to any dcsirml point. The suincriln‘r never had a stiihlcful of bctiur boiscs than at present. Come and try them. E. R. EDWARDS. Fenclon Falls, Fch'y filth, 1551. 51~t.f. 111;; 3‘ in “$111.91; srou E. SEEDS, DYE STUFFS. ' JOHN NUGENT thanks his numerous customers in Fcnelon Falls r and the surrounding country for their wry l liberal pitrnunge during the put «1 years. and bikes lhii opportunity of informing ' tlii-ni that he has now on hand A Ballet Assnrlmenl lhan her. Comprising Gerden, Field and FLOWER SEEDS, Dye Studs, PATENT MEDICINES, Perfumery, FANCY ARTICLES. Brushes, Combs, to, he. NOTEâ€"Physiciani.‘ prescriptions prepared with can and despatcb. A full selection of lSrhcol Books & Stationery! alwsys on hand. in ware. d. i The Undersigne l I ’ public generally that he 1 i New Stock of li‘uiianusnn tastefully got up, at Very Reasonable Prices. A large and well assorted stock 0 MANTLES, from S2 50 to 810. LADIES’ COSTUME CLOTHS, Blankets, both white and coloured, and the I’ri'ces cannot be beat. “’11. CAMPBELL. Fcuclon Falls, Nov'r 12th, 1880. BlONEY, .u I am now prepared to nego- tiate straight loans on good farm property security for any term ofyeurs at eight percent. interest, with the privilege of repaying any portion of the principal at any time, the in- terest ceasing on the sum so paid. This gives the borroWer ev- ery chance. He can pay on his mortgage any sum he may be able to spare at any time and stop the interest on so much, or he can release his falrm a‘t tiny time withoitt be- ing obliged to pay the 'cniii- pony a heavy bonus for tltklllg their money. Expenses very little more than those of pri vate loans. ONEY, MONEY. S. CORNEIL. Lindsay, May 26th, 1880. VICTORIA CEOCERY m) LIQUOR STORE. The subscriber begs to inform his custo- mers and the public generallv that he has always on linnd a complete stock of SllPll lilllllllllli, Cured Meats, He rrings, Cod Fish & lilackcrel. A choice assortment of Pale and Dark Brandy. Port and Sherry Wines, Holland and Old Tom Gins, several brands of Whisky, Bottled Ale and Porter, kc. The attention of liotcl keepers and others is invited to this stock. PlaStarllScads of all kinds always on hand. The cash system will be strictly adhered to. Cash for Farm Produce. JOHN CIIISIIOLM. Next to the Globe Hotel, Kent st., Lindsay RESUMED BUSINESS. Kennedy & N cwman would inform the citizens of Fenclon Falls and vicinity that they have resumed busi- ness in Mr. Newman‘s old stand. The stock consists of A F U L L ASSORTMENT - of . DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. GR 0 CERIES, Confectionery and Boots 85811088. | Having purchased the stock of A. W. Lash- cr, they will Sell the same AT AND BELOW COST, Now goods at a small advance on cost. Boots iiud Shoes a specialty. Farm pro- l duce taken in exchange. I312? TERMS STRICTLY Casn.. PUMPS. ‘ The subscriber bogs respectfully to in- form the inhabitants of FENELON FALLSl I and surrounding country that he still con- ’ tinues to manufacture bis Wooden and cel- ebratud l American Iron Cap Pumps, l for wells, cisterns kc. chpairiiig a Specialty, and ALL “’ORK IVARRANTED. S. BROKENSRIRE. Penelon Falls, opposite Victoria R R. .'-ly . April 51!), 1880. I -â€"â€"-CHA3 i i C I. u r ns‘s Psi'd Spiral » THU 5 5. Reputation established all over Canada. is run masen'al experience. Em nun ruptured should m4 a painth on ‘ ‘ thornâ€"Free on application. P 2 9o years old _ ; cored byitx use. AmApporun tortured Club 5 i Fenâ€"mo carting-ijn. Spinal Intranet“. kc. NEDALLIST Centennial and Paris. Plane. 1 sum... a; b: SPIRAL moss I Call or address, CIIAS. GLUTHE, (late '6! Hamilton) 35 Adeleide-st, mt. near' Grand Opera. Toronto. to inform his customers and the HAS NOW ON HAND ' BOOK AND SHEET MUSIC 3 ing those who may patronize him the trou- i ble of running all Our the village for the . ine his Stock before purchasing elsewhere. 2 Repairing done with neatness and derpatrn. , - a if“ - El Diiiidas in Flaielle Bros. We are showing the largest and fullest range of TWEEDS and CLOTRS to be l s T 0 R E .- _ ‘ _ ‘ found anywhere in this locality. l WE BELIEVE . ., , . ‘ ~ ~ , The underSIgned is new se ling We "e not excelled by “you: for pl‘r' 51‘ng or FXMER. ; Cross Cut Saws, NE BELIEVE , I ' 'i - ~ v a on - s a u 1i rom ‘rs hands in & We cannot be unlenold, as m:m_ f r good re b0 g t f n t the old country. Axes; Logging Chains WE BELIEVE Cow Ties. In giving it good article, making it well, trimming it well. and then Stamping it Cutlery. Skates, with our recommendation. and all kinds offlazdwnre, WE BELIEVE in law as Any Other Hanna That this policy will always succeed, and our increased, and we are glad to say in the County. increiising, trade in this branch is the strongest evidence of it. A Call Solicitédi DUNDAS & PLAVBLLE Enos. Geo. H. Bertram. ken: Street, Lindsay, May 12th, 1391. IBBI. SPRING. I83I. Fenclon Falls, December am, 1880. .3 REMOVAL. â€" â€"â€"â€":o:â€"â€"-â€" JOSEPH NEVISON New Goods! New Goods !! has removed his Harness Shop JARVIS & McDOUGALL to the west side of Colborne street, next door to the Mechanics’ Institute, where he will keep on hand a good stock of Single & Double Harness for farm or road work, Valises, SHAWL STRAPS. BASE BALLS, Whips, Halters, Snaps, Currycombs, Brushes, and all articles in his line of business. COLLARS WARRANTED. Repairs promptly and neatly echutcd. He begs to return his sincere thanks for the liberal patronage with which he has so far been favored, and is determined to meritu. continuance of it by tumiiig out good \vork at moderate prices. THE MUSIC lilPflllllllI, KENT STREET, LINDSAY. W. J. MARSHALL has just receivyd some of the Best Organs ever manufactured in Canada. The EXOELSIOII ORGAN, took the lead at the Toronto Industrial Fair in September, 1880, in competition with the Ci-lcbrnicd makers of Canada, and was ii- wurdi-d a Diploma for special lcaturcs not contained in any others, while cmlimlyiug, at the some limc, Itll the points (in which othcr exhibitors received on Ward. 110 is selling the best Organs thth invc ever been introduced into Lindsay at the LOWEST PRICES. He has also the New York WEBER PIANO, which is the best in the world, \‘IOLINS from til to $50 ruch,nnd a good assorniieut of the smaller Musical Instruments. PENELON FALLS have just opened ii Large Stock of Spring TWaeds, BLACK &. OOLOIIED WORSTED SUITINGS. Do not get your Spring Suit until you see our stock. Extra l'ulncs git-en mulu Good Fir gu'uranfeed. Ready-Made Clothing, Hats, Caps 8:0. Dress Goods 0. full stock. Black and Colored Lustres, Black and Colored Cnsliiucrcs, Prints, a large stock in new patternsâ€"a splendid uswrtmcnt. Cotton Goods in Great ‘V’ariety. Ask to see the Coaticonk Cottons at 9,10 and 11 cents per yard, the very best value in the trade. DUNDAS AND CORNWALL SHIRTINGS, from 12% cents per yard up. Ducks and Cottonndcs, good value ; nlso,u full stock of Silk Handkerchiefs, Gents’ Ties, Collars and Cuffs. ‘ 13$” Do not fail to see our stock. “E11 REMEMBER, WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. Agent for Humans? Baum PATTERNS. JARVIS & McDOUGALL, McArthur's Block. Fenelon Falls. MEDICAL HALL, FENELON FALLS, Where can be found an excellent assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Sponges, Trusscd and Shoulder Braces, Toilet, Fancy (O Rubber @00ch PERFUMERY 850-, 8270-, always on hand. A large and COMPLETE STOCK OF DYE STUFFS @131 bi'tlic best quality and at low prices. Also, a WELL SELECTED snocx 0r STATIONERY, comprising a full assortment. of BLANK BOOKS and general stationery. h’AON‘A attic Medicines, l’liysicixns' prescriptions and Domestic Recipes carefully compounded. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Ali'ull assortment of Patent and Proprietary Medicines always on linii'll. A- gent for 11. R. Stcvcns' Purely Vegetable Vizriia'rmn. II. FITZGERALD,- Manager Constantly on handâ€"the very lotcst pieces at tho lowrst prices. He will also keep CHOICE STATIONERY Horse and C in grout variety, and sell it as cheap as the cheapest in town. Don't forget to give him a call, at Reckic’s old stand. W. J. MARSHALL. Lindsay, March 17th, 1880. CAUTION. This is to caution all persons against pur- chasing or otherwise ncgocintiug a note-of- hnnd for 8‘12 made by me in favour ofJohu Ingram. and due over It ye If, as I have paid snid note and cannot got it returned. JOSEPH POGITE. l'crulam, March 8th, 1881. l-3w. Fenelon Falls, May 27th, 1880. New Store in Scully’s Bloc/a. 0 G. If 1? I rI.j II is fillin" up his shelves with new arrivals of SPRING GOODS, among which a will be found A SPLENDID LOT OF TWEEDS, cf the Latest Patterns and the Very Best Quality, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, ‘rclons, Prints, Cottous &c., &c. HIS STOCK of FAMILY GROCERIES,L will he .In'nnd fresh and at. bottom priccs. Special induccuicnui in cugnrn. In BOOTS & SHOES In». is «III-ring :t spicuth assortment of Wright's make iIIIII is solo agent for Fognrty's cclcbrntcd “ Gordian Scum. ' Which is l u-nrrnniod not to rip. ‘Any pair in which this scam fails to outwcar lhi': Imulr will be replaced. . . ' W All the above goods will be sold at the vcry lowest liVIng prices for cash I or farm producc. A call solicited. Fcuclon Falls, March 4th, 1381. I i HERE'S “One More River in Grass.” In order to reach the cliuinit of BOOTS 8: SHOES - I Surprisingly Chcnp for Cash, as Ilf’l/S DETERMINED to SELL . off his Stock in order to make room for his~ Spring goods, which he expects in It short 3 time. Having ‘ ‘1 T. 'I‘. W. READE, B. A.. M. D., RINITY COLLEGE, TORONTO, .‘I. C. l’. is S, Ont., Physician, Surgeon and Ac- couclicur, formerly I’liysicinn at the Insane Asylum, London, Ont. N. B. Spi-cinl nt- tontion paid to diseases of Women and Children. 82?!” Office for the present on Francis street west. Fenclon Falls. o L BEEN? Over the Alps, n Surprising Feat! but most of HIS MEN PERISHED l on their return by not being properly shod. ' Are you afraid of the mme 9nd fate? If you are, you had better call at le. MES A 61V]? lVS, where you will get purchasers will find it to their advantage, to call upon *‘IGDOUGALL BRANDON, l I. THE LARGEST ASSORTIIEXT in the villngc, II" is able to supply everyi customer with what he may want. thus saw-c whose stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS: Crockery and Glassware, F L 0 U R A N ii) F 13: E 1), & is am: full in awry department. Give thcm a trial and judge for yourselvcv. needed article. lie is now off-:ring “’omcn's Split Boots for 90 etc . , . l a. om ( {Ml m a“ um um .. The Highest Price paid for Farm Produce, Pork, Butter, Eggs, - Sheepskins and Ilidca. .65" Just received, a large consignment of Fall. and Coal Oil. . Remember the Standâ€"one door north ofJ. Xiigcrit's Drug Ftom, McDOIIGA LL .‘e BRANDON. per pair. Ordered Work a Specialty. First class wokaen empluyed and a relia-, ble fit guaranteed. JAXES AGNEW. Fenelon Falls. February lfilh. 1881. Feneirm Fells. Octobcr 25th. 1:30. ; law requires. NEW (icons. ‘_ y, KEELEY ,, Has just received and opened up a latte stock of N E IV T OY S g in great variety. . ‘ p DOLLS, VASE S; Toilet Sets and a good assortment of B‘anoy Gâ€"oodS{ Millincry, .‘Iantlcs. Frnthers, Flowers and Ribbons. r CHROMOS, MOT'I‘OS and Motto Frames. Plain and Perforated Cardboards, Canvas and Berlin Wools. A nice lot of Wall Paper and Window Blinds just received. ‘ . V Mas. iisttsr: 35" Milliucry Store and Show Room, our door north of H. P. Ilcniing's hardware store. . Fenclon Falls. \lny 2611i, 1850. ‘TICTORTA RAILWAY. :0: '1‘ IDII‘I 71718.13L1‘3. ~30iâ€"T‘ Summer Arrangements. ““:02- Taking ctl‘cct on Monday, 21:1. 01' June. ISSO.’ LINDSAY TIME. STATIONS. iiolxu xoui‘u. .\1nil. Toronto, viii (‘1. 'I‘ ll. leave 7.1'.‘ ii Inf Lindsay, via “‘.l’.l". .t' L. Iliiilivny arrii o 11.5(1 “ .ll. R'y Junc. via .\1. R. or 12.30 " Lindsay . . . . . . Iciivo 21.110 piii .‘lid. Il‘y Junction “ 3.1'.’ “ Cameron . . . . . . . . “ 3.11:! ‘ llull's . . . . . . . H 3.15 ‘ Fcnclon l-‘iills.... “ 4.05 “ I’i-ll's............ f' 4.2!. u Ilcttic's “ 4.42 H Kinmount 5.2:: H Mylcs' Railway .lutic. 5.2:! “ Mindl-u Station leave 5 :‘i‘J “ Ingoldsby “ 6.13 fl Dysurt “ (LL'I " Gould's ‘-' 63:5 “ lluliburton nrrivo 6.45 ‘ STATIONS. GOING SOUTH. Muil.‘ NH. Iliiliburton. . . . Icnvo 7.10 ll. m. Gould‘s “ 7.20 “ Dysan “ 7.32 “ lugoldsby “ 7.4” “ Mindcu Station “ 7.5!. H Mylcs‘ ll‘y Junc. “ {lilo 1" liinuiount “ 62.40 “ Rcltic's ” 9.1" “ Fcll’s “ 14.3.". H Fcnelon Falls arrive 9’55 u leave 10 l" " Hull's “ loan H Cnincron “ 10.32 “ Midland R'y Juiic” 10.50 H Lindsay arrive 1 1.00 " Lindsay, .\1. R. north, I 12.45 p. iii.. . .. . . . . “ “ Houth,l 4.10 “ Lindsay, Vin. W. P. I”. k L. Il'y lcnvc 2.30 “ . . . . . . . . Toronto Via G. T. R. or. 7.52 ” (YONN IGC‘TL‘I ()N H. Fenclon Falls. with stage for Ihilii-Iiy'gL-oii| Kiiiiuount, with stage for .\1iudcn. JAMES ROSS, J. iv.1.r.0.v.iiiri, , iii.."..gur‘. Gt'llcl'lll 'I‘rnilic Agent: Lindsay, May 21rd, 1mm. Tannin and Nip-lasing Hallway“. TIME EBLE. Taking rill-ct on Monday, 15 March, Win-0|. GOING NUII'I‘II. Mail. Iminl. Mixed. Toronto, dcpnrl, 7 45 ii.in. 4.00 p.Iii. Uxbridgc “ limit H 6.10 “ I'Mm lanuingtnn “ 11.27 “ 7.1L? " 1.45 p “'umlvillc. ” ll 40 “ 7.5“ “ 1.1.3 Midland .ch iir. 11 4.’- H 11.00 H 2.135 Lindsay Mid It. 4 10 p. In. 12.1.5 (Irilliu “ lath Midland .Ic, dp. 11.5!) n. In. 21’“? Culiomuik, an 1.0.? p. in. 5.114!” GOING HIII'TII. .‘II'XIHI. Imcnl. Sliiil. Cohoconk, dopan 5,0” u.ni. 1.20 p.ni' .‘Illl. Junction or. 7.2.": -' 2.3.5 “ Lindsay .\Iid R II 9.3“ ” l'Jxlfwl" Orillizi ” II’-..'ll)n.in. 1.110 “ .‘lid. Junction Ilp. 7.115 " 7.310 M 2.1!. " Wimilvilli- depart H.115 ‘- 7,-10 “ 157.7. ” l'auuingionarrived-ill “ 7.53 -‘ 3.1:)! H I! 10.34) “ H37. ‘- ll.” “ 4.1” “.1” l'xhi‘idgi: Toroqu arrive ll l’nuscugcra Icavc Lindsay at 1'.‘ ~15 p, m. and rl-nch Toronto at ti.illl p. m. ln-uvc 'l‘o. routo at 7.4.3 It. iii., and Il‘IICIl Linda”! M. 4.10 p. In. . W. (:IlOl’Jl‘illllAli. .Ir., Managing I’lrt‘fluf. Toronto. March lfnlb, lit-1'1. 'l‘lic “ Fcucloii Falls iluzrttc ” is printed ori-ry S'iturdny ul Colburnc rlrcct weal, Subscription $1 a yaaiinadvanca or with um- cr-ul pv-r writ-k nddilinunl as lung in it ri-iuuins unpaid. ADVERTISING RATES".- l'rnf-wcimiril hr businmr-i midi, T.“ I'vnlu pcr linc pcr sinuuui. (Tusunl ll'Il'l‘I’lirl'Illl‘ll'i, P ("'ltls per line for tlu- Ill’nl ill-i-tlimi :iu-l '.’ rr-Iitrs per liriv- lur ch-rv h‘IIIHI‘l‘lll‘IlI in... 1. lion. (.‘nnlrnrls by tho yc-iir, half year or Quarter, for a column or II'Itlt, upon pumm- "bli- Irrma. JOB PRINTING of all ordinary kinda v-x-wult-d "rally, rur. rizctly and at III'I'I"I’IIII? prim-w. E. I). “AND. I’rnpriclur. IIlf' lillil't', 1st â€".\ny person who Iflk'l a paper "g. ulnrly {ruin the post-billet. whether dim t« ml to his name or another}. or win-lbw he has slilmzrib-rd or nut, is impumiblr tor the payment. 2nd.â€"lf a potion aners thI paper It: be discontinued, he must pay all nrruragri, or the publirlier may cuminue to so-nd it un til payment is mmlc, and then collect tho whole amount, whether the paper II taken from the office or not. ' Indâ€"If subscribers neglect or refuse to take the periodicals or newapapers from tho office to which they arr directrd, they aru bald responm’ole until they have settled their bills. Sending numbers back. or lrsving them in the office, is not aurh notice as the ‘IIl.â€"TI)' Courts have decided the? M: (using to ialie newspapers or periodic-alt from the posimtfiremr removingand lento? than: uncalled fut. is prime/v» evidenu o intenvonal frond.

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