Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 12 Mar 1881, p. 2

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.2 ..,, 1‘ i sub LEGAL. &c. MARTIN .k HOPKINS. BARRISTERS. SOLICIT'JR". 3:. Mo- ney to Lmn at 7 per cent. (Juice, Kent "mt, Lindsay, Unt. P. 8. Mann. C. 11. [lorxin m 1’, D. $10035, ARRISTER, ATTORNEY. k SOLICITI’. and Notary Public. Money to Loan. Office, Kent street, Lindsay. iictsru'ru it Ecasox, ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, kc. 0f. lice, William street, Lindsay. A. Bunyan. A. .lsexsox. ()‘LEAttY .t U'l.l-).\RY, )ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. ) Solicitors in Chancery, he. Office, Iloheny Block. Rent street, Lindsay. Auvucu u'Lz.tnv. llccn ()‘Lmnv. M. SHEPPARD. )ARRISTER. ATTOltXBYk Conveyan- ) err, McArthur's Block, Colborne street, irn-lou r'nll’. Money to lead on real estate. . J. .‘lClN'l'YlllC, )ARRISTBR, ATTORNI-IY-at-LAW, SU- ‘) lit-nor in Chancery, the, Liudotv. lice over Ontario Bank, Kent Sll’:L‘t.'.\Il)nl'\' to Loan ut8 per cent. on real estate A “Cllllllts. â€"â€"_._.__~___ KE l'tfliliM d; MCDONNI'ILL. BAIRRHTERS. SOLICITORS, NOTAR- tes, (re. Office Kent street. southside, and nearly opposite Mr. John Chisholm's, IAIIUlSIly. ‘ Jar Harmon. WM. McDox:;ntt.. Ju. M_ J. B. DICKSUN, B. A , ARIIISTER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. a: Solicitor in Chancery. Conveyancrr, _ Uiiict', Dolieny Block, Kent street, Lindsay. Money to lend MB per cent. ALEX. A. MCDONALD. , TTOIlNEY-A'l'-LA\1', Solicitorin Chun- [ eery,.l'onveyancer, kc..&c. Strictats tentton given to applications for Patents of L-tndt from Crown Land's Department. Money to Lean on Mortgage. Security on terms to suit borrowers. Ullice, Colhorue street, Penelon Pulls. N JOHN A. BARRON, P A RlllS‘l'ER-AT-LA W, Lindsay. Office on Kent Street. next door west of Keith’s Agricultural and Implement Store. A. W. J. DEGRASSI. M. 1)., ORONER, Physician. Surgeon, kc, &c. Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington street, Lindsay. \\'.\t. KEMP'i'. M. D.. C. M., lRAI)l.'.\TE of Mcfiill Universilv, Mon 1 ll’l':1l,tlllll Provincial Licentiuté. thsi- I‘lll'l, Sorg-on and Oli:tt-iricia~i. Medical ltefer'e to the Standard, 1‘: mtiix, Count-eti- rut Mutual, and Equitable Insurance Coni- patties. (lllice and residence, in the house lately occupied by Rev. Father Stafford, til the t‘ornerof Lindsay and Rust streets, Lindsay. NM Du. A. WILSON. DI RUNIVERSITY of Trinity College. . Mil. University of Toronto. Memb. Col. Phys, and Surg., Cut. Physician. Surgeon and .-\ceout'her. 0:1ice, Ciilborne street, tenelou Falls». ~Â¥__... Du J. II. LOWE, IIYSICIAN d: SURGEON. Coroner for th-- Provisional County of llulihurton. 3%“ Office and resulenee in Mr Thomas Mari-s": house, Francis Street East, Fonelun Fnlls HOTELS. 'l‘lll'I GLOBE HOTEL, I7ENT Street, Lindsay, ll. O'Lcnry, Pr" \ prielur. This well known hotel(latcly iti charge of Mr. John Young) has been remodelled and nele furnished,nnd guests can depend upon getting excellent accom- modation and first class board. The sheds and stabling are all that can be desired. Mc.\ll'l'llUR HOUSE. l‘ENl-ILON FALLS. Robert Rutherford, 1 pro rivtor. This well known first t-luss hotel h is every appliance necessary for the :lct“inllll'ltltlllull and comfort of guests, and it larg-ly patronized by the travelling p .1;- lie. twb‘” Cll.\'tGES Rr:.\sov.\ni.t:."’(x§a A free omnibus to and from the railway station. MISCELLANEOUS. 77ELMJ§B~IIIWTI ION "i :orit'r I.\' t Tilt: corxrv or VICTORIA. The next sittingzot’ this Court will be xeld on Friday, April 291b, 19st. (ll-IO. CUNNINGHAM. Clerk .1 .\ M HS .1. 1’0“ I'lll, ICI‘INSHD Auctioneer. Accountant and J tlenernl Commission Agent. Collect- lngaeeounts a specialty. Ulliec, Fcnelun Falls. Out. JOHNSON. I I'CTIUNEI‘IR. Village Property and I r'arm Sales a specialty. Notes, Ac- l‘trttlllJ, [tents tkt‘. collected. Qtlic-t and residence on {Lind street, l‘enelon Falls. wwwwww 31 0 N EY. Mont-y can be had at 7 per cent, on the security of mortgages or promissory notes. Apply to JOHN A. B.\ RRCN. Sol-.Citor, Lindsay , , .i. HEELAHDS, DISNTIS'I‘, LINDSA.‘L'. One of the firm will be at the MC \RTNCR Ilottsn, Fnsutox FALLS. on the third Monday of each month. Teclh filrath‘l’ by laughing gas without pain or inj or. or no chach it ill be made. '8' Odin: established in Lindsay nearly fifteen years. w..-...-._...~ _.__~____.___._..... .__.__._ 350,000 TO LEND AT 8 can cast, with the privilege of paying 0! in full orl by instalment! at any time Mortgages bought. J. B. DIXON, l‘urrivter. kc. ’3’ Ole: Dobrny Diet-lit, Kent street, 'f Lindsay. MONEY TO LOAN (to Real E-tnte at Eight per cent. Private hr-di lnlvrvnt payable a: Li tdny. N.» (' vstmftsioa thug-d nor D vomit rat lined. vow: wry Milli Apply 1 i 8 l) UREDE. ‘e. McDonneil'o Block, Rent >_ I . _ _~-owq’.;:“'rv..... ‘W’ ' ' ‘ a'i-it;';.'-.,_i,m3,1...9,“I_ H ,. Of- ' s BRITTON, WATCHMAKER, Jill till & lilliililill, dealer in Clocks, All Kinds, 3’) day, 8 day and 3") hour, Alarm strike, to AMERICAN WATCHES, the Best and Cheapest, ' IX SILVER All) 601.1) CASES in the newest styles and at lowest pricvs. W Persons s doling watches from a dis- tance for repairs. ctin have the amount ol work and pric: reported on for their cons'd- era. ion. and as 1 do the work mvself, can lepend on having it done satisfactorily. . Britton’s 330:1; foot of Kent St. Lindsay. 3 Id 1' A B I 0 B A H K. Capital: - - - - - $3,000,000. l President ............ so. w. P. Ilowlatid. i Vice-President . . . . . . . . C. S. Gzowski, Esq. l General Manager ... Fisher, Esq. LINDSAY BRANCH. l Drafts bought‘und sold fin all points in lCunuda, United Mates and Great Britain. :and general banking business transacted. Savings Department nr-urzxzn. Interest allowed on deposits of five dol- lars and upwards. ' S. A. MCMURTRY, , Manager. Lindsay, Feb. 16th, 1381. 50-t.f. 5: lgc feuclou falls Q3113tll£ Saturday, March 1 "In, totl. Affairs in Ireland. Although the energetic, iftartly, steps taken by the Government have had :1 effect upon the Leaguers and preclude the possibility of any thing like a general rising, crime is still ramp-int in the rural districts, very disheartening and an uneasy feeling naturally exists among the class frt'un which the victims are selected. Still. the uiithorities are doing their best to stamp out the man- il'estatious ofthe spirit that unfortunate- ly prevails, and on Tuesday last no 108s than twenty persons were arrested under the lately [lilS‘iU'l Coercion Act, the first being JoSeph B. Walsh, of Cnstlebur, a merchant pt‘.‘miittetitly identified with the Lind 11"“1116 movement. The charges on which the arrests were made are " intimidation, boycotting and in- citing to murder and other acts of vio. lcticc, " which crimes have become so common that Mr. Smyth, the Home Rule member of l’arliatnemt for Tip- pn-ary, has rcl'usud to attend a meeting of the Land Leuguers, with whom he has beet-me disgusted, declaring that their policy is ” stupid and irrational ", and that, it has " sneriliccd a just cause and dishonmireil the country. " 'Ihe Trent Valley Canal. Though it is not in our power to make any \‘nlttnbln additions to Trent Valley Canal literature. we keep a sharp look-out. for what may be written by others in reference to the pt-ej ‘02; and. knmvin: the craving of our readers for news on the all important topic, we are always ready to transfer to our columns any information likely to appease it. We note. thereforey with pleasure that Mr. J. 11. Brock. of I’etct‘borough, has written to the Globca letter in which he brings forward a new and strong ar- gument in favour of the speedy prosecu- (ion of the Trent Valley scheme. For -ome tim- past there. has been in pro- :rnss a discussion as to the feasibility .l' lowering the high-water level of Lake Simone. the object being to reclaim a 'ttl‘;_'t' art-:1 of very valuable land at the nuth end of the lab“. which is inundato ed hv the spiin: freshets and remains snlum-rzed durng a portion of every year, and to do away with the sickness arising from the malaria thus caustd 'l‘he desirability of attaining these ends has b»cn so strml‘JlV urged that an up poll to the Provincial treasury has been (.lkutl of; but. Mr. Brock showsâ€"by a chain of reasoning which we need not reproduce here. btit which appears, to be without a {luv-that the construction of the Trent Valley Canal would pre- vent the waters of Lake Simcw from ever t'i~in: to no objectionable height, and thit. therefore. the. reclamation of the. " fetttlo belt " and the restoration to health ol't'o‘ fever-smitten occupants ol the lands adj-lining .the Holland marsh can be effected without the expenditure at a dollar ot Provincial money. If Mr. Br- ck enu estub Hi this point to the >:ll~ islltcliun til. the nullilulltll UI11'CI‘I1111.‘III. and prove that they can thus kiil twi- lirze birds with one caonparativt-lv very smill stone. it will be a fresh and pow- erlnl inc-'ttlivc to them to at once pro- ceed with no undertakiu: which they iii iv h- said to 11 m.- protni~cd to engage inpflttd which they could tint. now re- pudiate. it they contemplated so doing, without giving rise to intense and wide~ lvsprvad clissntisliictiou. When the, Trent Valli-4v Canal shall have become a {lit turmoil“, in good share of the credit -of having brought it to piss will be due 3 to the people of l'eterborough, and not- ’:ihiy to our eonfrere the Review, who from Ihe first has done its very best to | Loop the proj ct below the people. and ,the lGoverniimat. Indeed. we arolar l from sure whether the Simone Lake ar- i :uon-ot so ablv elaborated by Mr. Brock l i b l l l was first a ttaneed by that gentleman or by the Refine; but. never mind-Mr. “tuck. at any rate, boldly bearded the I (italic.- in its den. and our cuttemporary 5 ha. :atlwred so many laurels in connec- tion with the Trent. Valley Canal that ; it em well afford on: to a fellow worker iia the com] cause. The advocates ol the pmjm are. we are gin-l to see, in cteasiu: in numb-r. Amen: them is lltl' London F." l’rru, which in u rev c at art r.~- mil lion! 1 r: canal “ would lv,‘ 1 3H?" u tili't‘l .Lt.t:. my] w..ul.l can. in u.:lu.d advantage: on the trade of ; Canada." u. Resentatiou. One of those interesting events which ‘ Blessed: him that gives and him that taken 1 was celebrated on Wednesday evening of last week by the Methodist boogietzation of Bethel church, Bobcayueou circuit. A social tea-meeting had been unnouucr ed to take place, and, as is usual in that neighbou hood, was enthusiastically susâ€" taiued both as to the number who were present and the quantity and quality of the provisions furnished. When full justice had been done to the wants of the inner man. Alex'r Ellis, E~q., was called to the chair. He at once intro- duced a pleasant surprise to some, at 5 least. who were present by uncovering a magnificent. set of harness, valued at forty dollars. which‘he presented to the Rev. Mr. Smiley. as also a handsome sum of money, the entire proceeds of the social, to Mrs. Smiley. The following is the address that accompanied the presentation : 1 Rev. um Dun BROTHER,â€" As the time is fast approaching when you will be called in the order ofProv- idence to remove from among us, you will allow me, in the name and on behnlt of this congregation to present you With this slight token of our appreciation of your labours in our midst, and to testify, at the same time, to the unswerving fidelity with which you have preached the gospel of Christ. While we know that you have been greatly concerned because you have not. seen more fruit of your ministry, we would encourage yoit to hope that the seed, being good seed, W111 yet bring forth good fruit; and even though the harvest he reaped by another, he that soweth and he that reupetb will yet be enabled to rejoice together. We hope you will not measure our love and esteem for you by the intrinsic value of this article, as it is entirely inadequate for such an cx~ pression. But we venture to hope that. in days to come and on other fields of toil, when your eyes rest upon this object which we. now present, you will remember the days and friends of old and give us a con- tinued interest in your prayers. This purse you will allow me to present to Mrs. Smiley on bt-halfof the ladies of the congregation, who, while regretting that her circumstances have prevented her from being a frequent visitor among them, re- j ice to know that among those who are within reach of her influence she sustains so high a character as a. christian woman and zealous worker for the church. You will accept our best wishes for your future welfare and our earnest prayers that, on ev- ery subsequent field of labour which you may occupy, God will bless your united 1a- hours abundantly. Signed on behalf of committee, ALEX. ELLIS. The Rev. Mr. Smiley made a suita- ble reply, after which very earnest and practical addresses were delivered by the Revs. W. W. Leech and M r. Freed, of Fcnelon Falls, interspersed with choice selections by the choir. The usu- al votes of thanks to the speakers, the chairman, the choir and the lady com- mittee, followed by the benediction, brought one of the most pleasant and profitable evenings ever spent in that neighbourhood to a close. Monthly School Report. The following are the marks obtained by each pupil of the senior department of the h'ettelon Falls Public School, dur- ing the month of February. The left hand column shows the percentage ob- tained ofthe ageregatc number ol'iuarks given for dictation, grammar. geography, arithmetic, history, literature and com- position. Iu order to take first and second class honors, pupils were requir- ed to take at least 60 per cent. and 50 per cent. respectively, of the total. The right. hand column shows the peiceutage obtained in good conduct, 80 per cent. (0-90 per cent. helm.r considered good, and 90 per cent. to 100 excellent. Julianna Sullivan.........77 80 Isttnc W. I’ulft-r..........76 98 Eden 'l‘womey....... ..67 100 Sarah Boadway ....... ...67 84 Fred Cochrnue........... 63 77 Kate Twoxuey.............60 100 Noble “’atsoo.............60 63 Maggie J0rdnn..... "54 91 Bella Cullou ...... .........53 84 Willie Cameron ..... 56 Ada Glover.. ..... 100 Lottie Glover ..... ........50 100 Eliz-i Ellis..................45 70 William Ellis. 70 John Stuith................41 35 Aggie I‘iilis................43 8-! Annie Dcwurt.............~ll 77 Minnie Iloberts..........41 91 Carl Smith ........ ........>IO 91 Edward Powers ........ ..39 (33 Annie Keith ....... ........38 84 Annie Ilobsmi.............38 63 Annie Lochead... .35 100 Bella Cameron... 3-1 70 George Burn...” .. ....33 (53 James Naylor.............33 70 Henry Naylor ..... 84 Thomas Lockhart.......30 84 James Davis ..... 1.........‘29 63 Annie I‘iilis................29 49 Bella Moll'att.............2S 84 Bertha Cochraue 70 Fred Green................23 73 )lary Prescott . . . . . . . . . . . . John Kennedy... 23 56 Jennie Swantott..........22 S-I Josiah Martin 77 Samuel Kennedy.........20 70 John .‘lcliilvury .......... 19 70 Joseph Littleton .......... 14 70 m Village Council Proceedings. Penelon Falls, March 7th, 1881. The council met pursuant to adjournment â€"present, the Reeve and Councillors Dcy- man, Fitzgerald and Robson. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Moved by Mr. Fitzgerald, seconded by Mr. Robson, That the village treasurer pay _ to the county treasurer the sum of six bun- dred and forty dollars and ninety-six cents ; ($8413 96) county rate and interest, for the t year mittâ€"Carried. Mr. Campbell entered and took his seat. Moved by Mr. Robson. seconded by Mr. Fitzgerald, That the Reeve be instructed to write Mr. Bradburn of Peterborough to for ward Mr. Manning's deed of lot bought for taxes in 1879, together with amount paid, and that the conned remit the amount on receipt of letter from himâ€"Carried. The following lecuunll were laid on the -â€"Jo‘:in A. Ellis, goods to Charles Wise, 5;: to; A. Sublrr, 1 load of stray to Mrs. Dexter. 53. Moved by Mr. Dcyrmtn, seconded by Mr. Campbell, That the foregoing accounts be paid, and that the Rave give his order: for i the sameâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Fitzgerald. seconded by :Mr llabeou. That the auditor; report of i the School Run! be Adopted, and that the. { clerk be instructed to send a copy to the y ‘ chairman of the School Hoardâ€"Carried. land the quantity taken 1 Carried. Mr. Deymnn. That the auditors be paid the sum of ten dollars for auditing the School Board ncconnB.â€"Cnrried. Moved by Mr. Robsbn, seconded by Mr. Fitzgerald, That the village auditors be instructed to make u back audit. of the School Board nccounln from [Miâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Robson, seconded by Mr. Deymnn, That the council adjourn, to meet at call of the Reeve.â€"Cnmed. Verulam Chiâ€"moi] Proceedings. Council met according to adjournment. Present, the Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Councillors Bredin, Thurston and Kelly. Minutes of last meeting rend and confirmed. James Bell presented a petition from John Kennedy and thirty-two others, praying for a grant of $80 towards the construction of n wharf on the south side oftbc lake, on the con. line between 2nd and 3rd cons. Moved by Mr. Bredin, seconded by Mr. Thurston, That the sum of $30 be granted towards the construction of the above nam- ed tvharfi'and that James Bell and Jubez Thurston be commissioners for expending the sume.â€"-Carried. Moved by Mr. Junkin, seconded by Mr. Thurston, That. the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign and attach the corporate seal to a Memorial to the Lieutenant Gover- nor in Council, praying a survey to be made of the line between the sixth and sev- enth concessions, and posts erected there- on.â€"Curried. Moved by Mr. Kelly, seconded by Mr. Thurston, That John Brediu and John Jun- kiu be appointed to inspect the road lately opened on the line between the 5th and 6th concessions, and take steps to have the same placed in proper repair.â€"Carricd. Moved by Mr. Brediu, seconded by Mr. Thurston, That a. by-law appointing path- mustcrs, fence-viewers and pound-keepers, be read and passedâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Kelly, seconded by Mr. Thurston, That the following accounts be paid, and orders drawn on the treasurer for the same :â€"Joseph Flett, repairing scraper, $1 70; J. H. Thompson, telegrams, 43c; C. E. Stewart, advertising and printing, $11. â€"Carried. On motion of Mr. Brediu, the Council ad- journed until 11th April. FeneTou Council Proceedings. Cambray, March 7th, 1881. The Council met pursuant to adjournment â€"mcmbers allprescut, and the reeve in the chair. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The Reeve then read the. auditors‘ report. Moved by Mr. Smithson, seconded by Mr. Palmer, That the Auditors‘ Report be re- ceived and adopted, and that. the auditors be paid the sum of eight dollars each for their services.-â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Moll‘at, seconded by Mr. Moyuea, That the following persons receive the following amounts as charity: S. Nich- 011, 35; W. Hutehison, 85; Rachel McInnis, 85.; Thus. Christian, 85 ; John Ever-son, $5 ; Mrs. McNeevin, for an orphan child in her care, $5 ; Mrs. West, $4.â€"Cnrried. Moved by Mr. Motfat, seconded by Mr. Moynes, That the collector be instructed to receive $2 93 instead of $11 70 charged in arrears against Donald Johnston, and that the clerk is hereby instructed to charge . :2 93 of said arrears to west purt ofenst half of lot 21, concession 1, in preparing the roll of 1881.â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Smithson, seconded by Mr. Palmer, That the arrears of taxes appear- ing against the cast part lot 31 in the 2nd concession be erased from the roll, said part oflot having been assessed twice on the rodâ€"Curried. Moved by Mr. Smithson, seconded by Mr. Moynes, That whereas the arrears of taxes charged against lot 25 in the lst concession should be charged to lot 21 in the 11th con- cession, the clerk is hereby instructed to make the required chaugc.«-Cnrried. Moved by Mr. Moynes, seconded by Mr. Palmer, That Mr. 1. W. Reid be paid the sum of $5 for statute labor performed, and charged on the roll of 1880.â€"Carricd. Moved by Mr. Moll‘at, seconded by Mr. Moynes, and resolved, That the time for the collection of taxes be extended until the 20th ittstunt.â€"-Curricd. Moved by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Motfut, That the following bills be paid: II. J. Lytle, postage, $4 72, stationery, Ate, $5 28; also that the reeve‘be paid the sum of St for research of trensurcr‘s securities. â€"Carricd. Moved by Mr. Moynes, seconded by Mr. Smithson, That the treasurer pay Mr. J. Fittul SS5, salary as collector, so soon as the roll is returnedâ€"Curried. Moved by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Smithson, That the treasurer is hereby au- thorized to receive pothmusters’ receipts for the performance of szatute labor as cashâ€"Curried. Moved by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Moyncs, That a. by-luw defining the road divisions and appointing pathmnsters for the year 1881 be received and read a first time.â€"Carried. By-law received and passed in the usual manner. Moved by Mr. Smithson, seconded by Mr. Palmer, That. Mr. J.Littieton be paid $1 20 commissioner's fees for money expended in 1881.â€"â€"L‘arried. The council then adjourned, to meet at Cameron on the 26th of May as Court of Revision. Somerville Council Proceedings. Rettie’s Station, Feb. 28, 1881. The council met this 28th day of Februa- ry, pursuant to adjournment. Memb -rs all present, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last. meeting read and passed. Commun- ications from Martin & llopkins for Thomas Adams, Jr., about land he bought being sold at tax sale in error; from Wm. Argue, asking to be allowed for some non-resident road work; from Thomas Madge, to be al- lowed to do his road work for 1880 in 1881 ; from F. Shire, to be exempt from dog tax; also from llowmanvillc town clerk a peti- tion to Legislative Assembly of Ontario, to have the Assessment Act 01‘1880 amended, were laid before the council. The follow- iog pnthmasters’ lists were examined and passed :â€"l\’os. 31,39 and 43. Mr. Robert Graham applied in person to get the coun- cil to give him a. road into A. C. McDonald's lots, being the west hall :5 and out part 26 in the lat concession. Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by Mr. Smith, That Thomas Madge be allowed to do his road work for the year 1880, and when he performs his work the money to be refundedâ€"Curried. Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by Mr. Smith, That by-lnw No. 207. a by-law pass- ed February 33rd, 1880. to impose a tax on dogs, be now repealed. 0n the yen: and my: being demanded by Mr. Robson, they were taken as follows :â€"Yeas, Henry Gm- ham, B. Smith and Thomas Robson The motion was carried. Moved by Mr. Romney, seconded by Mr. Graham, That Mr. Perkins be heard in res spect to his claim on Lot No. l concession A, through which the proposed road to Lutterworth punsâ€"Carried. 0n Mr. Perkins being):ch it. was Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by Mo Robson, That George Rimney be appointed tto examine that part of the Lnttrrworth and report as to the quality of the land by said read.â€" )lovcd by Mr. Graham. seconded by Mr. , Smith, Tbnt Byâ€"Inw No. 216,- by-lnw est-b- i lisbing certain lines of roads in the town- ; ship ofSomerrille be now read sud finally , pwed.â€"-Cnrried. ' l i lly-law read and passed accordingly. Ap- ; plicntions of D. McIntyre to get the prin- leg. 1' license {or the new house at Coho- ' conkknnd Neil McKinnon, also Scott, (rob C l, Moved by Mr. Campbell, seconded by bu!) ll Kiumouut.nnd John Hodgson to get . tablcnud refrrrrd to the finance committee : ‘ road that pusu through Mr. Perkins' lot, ! his house a. license at Battle's Station, hid before the Council. Moved by Mr. Graham. seconded by Mr. Robson, Tint the application of John Hodg- son for a tavern license be not entertained. â€"Cnrri¢d. r Moved by Mr. Robson. secofled by Mr. Smith, That the byâ€"lnw passed by this council in the year 1879 be in force in the township of Somcrville for the year 1881 and 1882 so far as regards the number of taverns within the said townshipâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Graham. seconded by Mr. Rumney, That the application of John Hutchinson for remuneration for keeping Simon Umpbrey be laid over to next meet- iug.â€"-Cnrried. Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by Mr. Romney, and resolved, Tbnt Jeremiah Scul- ly allowed 54. out of his taxes, the name be 3 overcharged on statute labour.â€" Cnrried. , Moved by Mr. Robson, secotided by Mr. Romney, That the Auditor’s Report as read for theyenr 1880 be adopted, and that 250 copies of the report be printed in detail for distribution among the ratepayers.â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by Mr. Robson, That the following accounts a- gainst the municipality be paid :-â€"-John Nugent, for medicine to Simon Umphrey, charity, $1 25; Alfred Greely, for coffin to Simon Umpbrey, $3 00 ; C. D. Barr, print- ing road by-luw, $9; E. D. Hand, printing rund by-lnw, $12; Samuel Sudduby, nudi~ tor‘s fees, S5; for attending council meet- ing, 51 00; F. Train. auditor‘s fees $5; William S. Dawson, registration fees. births, marriages and deaths, 57 20; charity to William Kirkpatrick, per George Romney, Sixâ€"Carried. Mr. John Cobble was heard asking for compensation for a sheep alleged to have been killed by a dog or dogs. The council having heard the sworn evidence of appli- cant, also George Gale and George Eade, as to its having, been killed, and value of the said sheep, it was Moved by Mr. Robson, seconded by Mr. Smith, That Mr. Cobble be allowed two- thirds of the value ofa sheep worth $5, kill- ed by dogsâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Romney, seconded by Mr. Smith, That. the collector be allowed to take puthmasters’ receipts for road work done in lieu of taxes as charged 011 roll.â€" Curried. Moved by Mr. Robson, seconded by Mr. Graham, That an order be granted on the treasurer to pay Mr. Adams, per Martin & Hopkins, the sum of $95, as redemption of land sold in error at tux sale, being lots the west halves of 25 and 26, Front Range.â€" Curried. Moved by Mr. Robson, seconded by Mr. Smith, That. By-lnw No. 217 be now read and finally passedâ€"Iâ€"Carricd. Moved by Mr. Robson, secondrd by Mr. Smith, That. we adjourn until the first Mou- dny in April, (the 4th.)â€"Carried. Sm Condensed News. We” â€"\Ir. Robert Falls's dwelling house and carriage and blacksmith shop, in the village of Bethany, ‘were destroyed by fire on the morning of the 3rd in- stunt.- -â€"â€"-The member of the Cttnuington brass band are to come out shortly in new uniforms of blue cloth trimmed with gold lace, and with helmetshaped hats. â€"’I‘he Patel-borough Review says that sound active horses appear to be in great demand at present, as almost every day it bears of purchases made by buyers from the other side of the lines. â€"Mr. Wm Sudlcr, of Lindsay. is about to visit England, and while there will purchase a couple of stallionsâ€"u coach horse and in Suffolk Punchâ€"with which, upon his return, he intends to commence horse breeding at Gait. -â€"At an Orange soirec in Port Hope, a few days ago, Rev. Dr. Sinithett, of Lindsay, delivered a speech in which he dilated upon “ the adVautagcs for which the empire was indebted to Protestant- ism and the principles underlying it. " â€"Rev. Father Stafford has been lecturing on temperance to the people of Mara, and one of his hearers says tltathe “ held his audience spellbound for an hour and forty-live minutes, and it he had doubled the length of his speech in the same strain on one would have thought it too long." â€"A few days ago a sleigh attached to a runaway team collided with a cutter in which Mr. Robert Glass and some friends were returning from Eliz- abethville, (not far from Port Hope) knocked off the luck and allotted the occupants to fall out in the snow ; but, fortunately, nobodyâ€"was hurt. â€"â€"One day last» 'eck the wife of Mr. David Browne, collector of customs at. Lindsay, narrowly escaped serious in- jury frotn a revolver bullet, which broke a pane of glass in a window she was opening, glanced past her head, struck the wall of the room and then rebound- ed, striking her on the back. It is not known by whom the revolver was fired. â€"â€".X public meeting to consider the abvisubility of encouraging the estab- lishment of tuanufuctories in Lindsay was held in the town hall last week, and, after a number of speakers had expressed their views, a committee was appointed to not jointly with a. commit- tee of the council to confer with persons likely to establish one or more manu- facturies in the town. â€"-Bill Donnelly, of Biddulph fame, and Johnny O'Connor, the only occu~ pint. of the Donuelly homestead who escaped on the night of the tragedy, have been hired for exhibition by u Streetsville speculator. Their account of the massacre and exhibition of relies from the ruins of the burnt house will no doubt draw large crowds, especially as the entertainment is to be enlivened by music and the tricks ofa number of performing dogs. What next ? â€"Edwurd Hnnlnn, the a uatic cham- pion of the world, reached tie home at Toronto on Friday ofinst. week, and in the evening was entertained by his co- thnsiustie fellow citizens It. the Opera House, where an immense crowd as- sernbled to admire the hero and his trophies and witnms the presentation to him of additional valuables, among which were a magnificent silver tea service and an order for 8500 in cash, the gift; of the people of Toronto. - Souzuvtmat RZPnRT.â€"We have received the inditorr' report of the towmldp of Somcrville for publication; but it came too late for this week's Gu- zel'lc,aud will have to lie over until next issue. Taurus-Our thanks are due to S. S. Peck, Rap, M. P. P. for North Victoria, for the Parliamentary papersl with which be kept us regulnry supplied : from the commencement ofthc swim: to in c.u.-,-. , REMOVALâ€"Mr. George Bertram ‘ has removed bis hardware businm from the old stand to the stow next. door to the Mansion House in Twomey's brick block, when Mr. Smith, his managing man, will beglnd to see all his old customers and n choice collection of new ones. Daxouuous Spoutâ€"While the pn- pils at our public school were in the playground during recess on Tuesday last, one of them. Miss Johanna Sul- livnn, received so violent a blow in the eye from a snowball that. she was forced togobomeaud it was feared at first. that she bud sustained serious injury, though fortunately such was not the case. All sports by which the scholars are likely to be hurt should be strictly prohibited on the playground; and the reckless throwing of snowballs into a crowd, especially when the snow is so dtmp that it. can be made nearly as hard as 9. stone, is it particularly dan- gerous amusement. ‘0 BADLY FROZEN.-â€"\\'hile driving a- cros Cameron Lake one day during the last week of February Mr. Josep Henry I’ogue, of Verulunt. bud tl great toe of his left foot so badly frozen that. he has not yet. been able to work, and, although he obtained medical advice, it is feared that he may lose the first joint of the toe“ ‘ Tun \Vu.vrttt-:tt.-â€".â€"{I‘lie. biggest snow- storm of the Season, in this part of the we see by telegrams to the city papers that many others localities were similar ly visited. In both Canada and the States railway trull'io' was seriously impeded and in some places entirely stopped by the huge banks of snow that drifted across the track ; and driv- ing with anything of a load until the worst spots had been cleared all with shovels was quite impossible. The snow was. however, quite soft. and the weather since has been so warm and spring-like that the sleighiu: is rapid- ly breaking up; indeed, two or thro- wheeled Vehicles have already appeared on our streets, and we expect to see the first robin in a very few days. SOIREE.â€"-'l'lie Soiree in aid of the Fenclon Falls Presbyterian church fund czime otfnm tthertised on Wednesday last in Ingram's hull, and Was very fairly attended. The Rev. Mr. Hustle, of Li idsuy, who was to have addressed the meeting, was absent from some cause; but speeches were delivered by the Rev. Mr. Leech and Rev. Mr. Me- therell, of this village, and the Rev. 1“ r. Lochead, pastor of the Presbyterian church, also made a few remarks. The chair Was nbly lilled by James Dickson, Esq.,ex-reeve of Ilenelon Falls. The ladies of the congregation provided an excellent tea on so prolucc a scale that. although it was doneample justice to by all present, sufficient was left to justify the holding of a second social, the admission to which was only ten cents, on the following evening. The amount taken at the two entertainment was $73. ' llLt 1811 Your Homes. At StaCey & Walpole's store there is a book iii which all women, wives and mothers, are expected to engross their utmost. Tho ladies of Canada intend to present to the Queen on the 24th of May next an address. attached to which will be the names of probably 100,000 Canadian Women. The movers claim that while Her Majesty has had ad- dresses of sympathy and congratulation innumerable from the men, noun ha:- b.-cn received from those 01 her 0th sex. The committee ho; c all ladies will sign, not only to tell the Queen of their loyalty and love, but to show her chil- dren that they admire and appreciate the true thttmll beyond all. Let King- ston, us the oldest and most. loyal city in Ontario, roll up a large listsâ€"King rttm li’ltt'g. Killed in it Mine. DISASTROUS EXPLOSION DC A COAL PIT IN WYOMLNG. Evan's-row, “’yotninir. March 4..-- The. gas in the Rocky Illnuntai’n Coal and Iron Company’s mine exploded last ovei-ing, throwing flames many hundred feet in height out of the mine slope, blowing,- away the buildings as round the month of the shaft, and tub lin‘: the machinery buildings on the. Fifteen minutes before the explosion 10 to 30 white men and 50 Chiunmcn went down to work for the night. At 2. a. m. 1? injured Chiimmcu were brought to the surface with their limbs broken and badly swirled. Thirty dead China- meu were discovered, but. not brought up. No white tuna has yet been found. There are no hopes that any are alive. A Fatal Fancy Ball. MASQUERADINO ARTISTS BURNED; TO DEATH IN A BALL ROOM. 'A terrible tragedy happened‘ in Munich, Bavaria, on the We. of l’eb- rnary. At an annual festival called the :“ Knnstler kneipe,” a number of artists were dressed up as EEqvtimoux in a 0-minute made of flux and fastened to a skin-tight canvas and covered with a sort of pitch. and: one of theta. ncâ€" cidentnlly put his uttpinthc flame of n candle that was Mandingo". a barrel. In an instant he was enveloped in lire, which was mimicued'm-scverai all» or artists similarly wired, and n frizhb l'nl scene named, the wretched victim: running shrieking Blimugh' the crowd, and tearing' frantically itt their ficrv robes in vain attempts Iotgeta them off. On the following Sunday, eight were dead, one was expected to die, nnd‘thorc ! were three whoa: retitwcry wudoubtful. As the hall was crammed almost tmsulâ€" focatiou, many lives would hue been lost had a panic ensued; but just. an the incubus of the band were rushing away their conductor, Herr Neidlurd, Province, occurred on Friday last, and? . ,s-te I The Legislature of Florida to fin- ed on Act topreveut the internal tinge of whites and blacks, and the Gottruot' has signed it. ' i The head cook of the Duke of Nor» folk, 3 Mr. Samuel Taelnr, has gone on a tour in France in 01‘qu to pit himself azaiushtbc cooks of that countr in a cooking match for the champions ip. Over thirty bodies of persons frozen to death during the snow storms were found on the stretch of exposed downs in Wilts and \Vcst Berks, England. The work of clearing the snow from the stmets of Brighton occupied 408 men twelve days at. a cost of £1,250, tho quantity carted to the bunch being 33; 500 loads. Canon Farrar, of Westminster, says: â€"“ I claim the fullest. right to spmk with the authority of knowledge, " tblt “neither hell uor damnation ought to stand any longer in our English Bibles. " The Napanee Betti-pr publishes it list of nineteen heads of fantuilius who in. tend to routOve to Dakota and Minneso- ta in tho spriu-x. This represents an exodus of about sixty permits. A ncero at. Marion, N. C.,stoln n dressed ho: on Sunday. and coming to a fence laid the hog upon the top nil, balancing it until he. got over. Aller- wards, in attempting to shoulder the bag, it fell on the opposite side of the fence. The common stick caught the no. ,zro around the neck and fastened him. Yesterday he was found dead, tho hot: on one side and the negro on the other side of the fence. Dr. 'I‘almngo said. a Sunday or two 3102â€" “ If, when I get to heaven, I find that less than one hundred them» and souls have been saved though my instruinentulity, I'll ask to be excused and to be allowed to come back and atone for the dead failure. " ?â€"_____....__.__.___ ‘c‘tfintasstatiw“ To the Editor of (It: Fertelou Fella Gazelle. Dun. Sin: . A great deal of dissatisfaction having been expressed at the decision of the judges in the last heat between Maggie S. and Maggie May,you will oblige by pttblislh ing the following opinion from the Mail, handed to me by a person who doubts the correcting of the decision of the judges and wrote for an opinion. The decision of the judges was that because Maggot May broke and run under tho wire, the fact of her running under the wire lost her the first place iii the hunt. The illm'l'a decision on that point, taken from the rules govern- ing trotting associations, isâ€"“ That a break at or near the wire is subject to the same penalty as a break on any other part of the track." The judges have [terror to let a horse back doublo the distance it gains in each and every break. In this can it was not. claimed that Magqu May gained anything by breaking, bttt ruled that be~ cause she broke and run under the wire the lost. the heat. As far as honest trotting went Maggie May Was entitled to the heat, and only on the point given against her by tho judges could she haVu lost it. By pub- lishing the abch yott will not only confer a favuuron the public who witnestrd the race, and will now be able to judge whethv- er the general opinion that Maggie May did not get fair play is correct or not, but; will serve as a. guide l'orjudgea who do not: know the rules governing trotting assault- tions in future races. SPECTATOR; Fenclon Falls, March 10th, 1881. .0 . ... -.... - [63‘ Partners in want of a good not on Iron lIurrows will do well to call on Robâ€" son k Robson, at the Cameron Lake Faun.- dry, and inspect the stock. as they. hate In large variety and sell at prices- a): mitt tit.- times. ])I§r\u1‘il$. At Goodorhatn, township- offlinmoh gun, on Sundly, the. lith inst. Elizabeth Jane, wife of Mr. Robert Grow... aged 2‘: yarns and: ‘Jn monthst. At RaantUH'lllc. on Wednesday, the 2nd inst“ in the TIM. yuan-oft her-nun; Mary Ann, wife of Mr. Win. Fielding, S? , and. neither,- oli Mitt. Win. Ifluldiilg; oi' Fem-Ion Fails. ' M A tolum'r It. EPOHTQ renown FALLS MARKETS. _._ Fencloo Fulln,.Friday,.Mnrch 1111:, nor. Wheat, full, per bushel - -$) 00 o 00 Wheat, spring, “- â€" - ~ I 10 I 111 Barloy,,pt-r.~bushcl -~ ‘ - '13- IO Oats, "~ “ ~ - ~ â€" 00 3th pen”, u u. _ . _ _, 90 u. .0. Rye, I: u - - -. - oo oo- l’otatocs, " s - e - 25 3O Butter, per 1b., - - - o - 00 1 Dressed Hog-t, per 100 lbs, 7 00 8- 00' Eggs, per doxcn, - - - - 00 18 Hay, per ton, - - a - - 7.‘ 00’ to B" IO Onions, large, pot- buoheh, - 80. 1 00- Apples, per barrel, - ~ - 1 75 1an Cabbage-s, per dour), - s s 40 to 50 Carrots, per bushel, - - - 20 234 Bcets, ” 'L - ~ - 20 20- ’ Advertisements. “ ‘2:- __._. This it.to.oauti‘on-all'perronrngnitut porn chaliug'or otherwise negoolating a note-oh- lutnd‘ for~$22‘made by me minimum-09.901111 Ingram, nnd‘duo our. to yuan. u I havoK pnidtsaid'notn and nutmot get lt returned. JOSEPH I’OGUI- Vernlnm, March 811:, 1881. l-ilvn ..... W-..» __.-_..-..--.... ._...... L , , 1"“ Sifio 1 only lleeily Agricultural Putt “4323???” Unparal/e/Ed Semen! Newmd Improved Tenn. 16 Page! Only One Dollar to: Your mnummnm 4 Numbers a Month; 8 1 Page: nan: 3.328Columnslor8ncbotlnt. DrvucdnllatytoAmlloamv.M Dairy. Mimi)»: Am. W,au numbing midis; to 11mm moldnoraxadlalous. 1:. West): Conwdnllcpoao and Prints on “In: Wm thin hum with u the “Meat”: Mary at man Jud“! WI % with admirable presence of mind. order- lwhich calmed the learn of the people flmudevfldhwcm II 01W Untde Itch undo. moat woman «- ncut. and mapmdm at a valuable u'm mm” two in nary-ubng: hm mtheinundBnmbfialuahhmw WHI- IA’IPLE COP!“ PIES. . MMMMW ugh.me iwIme-mw On the 7th inst. 30.000 francs were i up, me.ujm.”'ncomK‘l I ' frontle from New York to the Laud- rsxnnmt In" » ‘ League by the editor oftho Irish 1577' . , . ed them to remain and play a selection, and prevented a catastrophe the extent of which is dreadful to contemplate. "I

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