Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 26 Feb 1881, p. 3

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ti 'LLXDSAY FALL snow. «9’ {AT cuss. i invite the attention of all visitors to Lindsay to my new and magnificent stock of GOLD AID SILVER WATCHES. Hy stock of silver American watches, including a line of watches especially adapted for school teachers’ use, selected from reliable makers only, is the largest and best ever shows in Lindsay, and has been purchased entirely for cash. 1 particularly solicit an inspection of my stock by intending pur- chasers, and 1 am confident that I can quote lower prices than they can be bought for elsewhere or from any expensive city estab- lishment, and instead of dealing with an entire stranger, one who never saw you be- fore and whom you may never see again, you willhave the advantage of buying from one who lives in your own neighbourhood and will have an interestâ€"such as no stranger would haveâ€"in giving you a good article and seeing that it gives perfect HIV isfaetion. G. W. REALL- b'oidmu'lli‘s [11111, next doorto Dunddl 4.1m. "Ill Brothers. Lindsay, Sept. 3011:, 1980. JAMES DICKSON, L. Surveyor, Commissioner in the Q. 8., . Conveyancer, kc. Residence, and ad- dress, Penelon Falls. SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD I’ 11 O I) E I}. Cl‘ 17. Under power of sale contained in a cer- tain mortgage made by Samuel llarr, of the village of Ft‘flfllnl Falls, hearing date the _28th day of August, 1878, there will be sold at Public Auction, At the ” McArthur House]: in the village of FENELON FALLS, on Saturday, The Twelfth day of March next, by Ssuvm. Jotlxsox, Auctioneer, the follow- ing properly. namely: The frame house on Francis street cast, in the village of Feneiou Falls, at present ocrnpicd by the mortgagor, Samuel Barr, with the barn, stable and buildings apper- taining thereto, together with the lot on which they stand. described as fotlows: That certain parcelofland, situate in the village of Font-Inn Falls, in the county of Victoria, part of Lot No. 3 south of Francis street and east of Clifton street, described as follows: Commencing at the north-west angle oftiw said lot ; tin-ace easterly along the. southern boundary of Francis street 130 feet ; tho-net- westerly parallel with Francis street 13'! fm-t; tin-urt- northerly along the rsctt-rn boundary of Clifton street 511 foot, to tilt: place of beginning. Particulars and conditions of sale may he had at the tinn- nf sale or on application to .\I. SIII‘II‘I’ARI), Vendor‘s solicitor. Pent-ion Falls. Fem-Ion Fails, l‘t-b'y loth, 1881. 50-4. '1‘ 1!] IV E ) 1"] IR -I" t) It... Iiililiiill Milli Billllii. Tenders will he i'l‘L't‘th'll fora wrought iron Ilridge, to he built ' AT FENELON FALLS, in the COUNTY OF VICTOREA. I‘Ians, specification and strain-sheet. to accompany (‘RL‘II tender. The contract is to consist of :\ superstructure of six clear spans. namely. three spans forty-four and It half feet each, one span fifty feet, one span fifty-seven fort. and one twenty-five feet and a half, and live intermediate piers three and a hull fN-t each. Total length of ilridgc superstructure, about two hun- tired and ninety feet; width of roadway. slut-en feet in the clear. and a sidewalk four and a half let-t wide the whole length ofthc Bridge. The contract to be com- pletcd on or before the first day of Octo- ber lH-‘ll. Temporary accommodation to be provided by the (“anti-actor, when-by the local traiilc will not be impeded during the construction of the work. Tenders to be addressed to the under- signed at l‘euulon Falls, and will be upon- cd at noon (lathe [511: day of March, 1881. Also. Tenders will be received at the same time and place for a timber super- structure for lllt.‘ same work. Plans and speeiticatiotu for the Timber Structure can lu- well at the County Treasurer's otiirc. Lindsay, on and after the 15th day of Feb- rnary. Satisfactory security required for both Tenders. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. l1. \\'. GREENE, Chairman of Committee. Pcnelou i-‘alls, Feb. 5, 111511. 49-11. OLD BON C ilUSSl-Il) Over the Alps, a Surprising Feat! but most of HIS MEN PEIIISIIED on their return by not being properly shod. Are you afraid of the same sad fate? if you are, you had better call at JA MES .l CAVE 1V8. where you will get BOOTS 8t SHOES surprisingly Cheap for Cash, as he is DETERMINED to SELL of his stock In order to make room for his Spring goods, which he expects in a short time. Having T113 Lilli EST 11880111318.“ 1n the village, he is able to supply every customer with what he may want, thus can lag those who may patronize him the tram Isle of running all over the village for the needed article. Be is now odering Women's Split Boots for 90 c'ts 93 "it. ”‘ Don‘t fall to rail and exam» use his Stock before purchasing elsewhere. Ordered lock a Specialty. Repairing done with neetneu end drrpstrn. db dt guaranteed. ‘Fenelon Falls, February 1611!, 1831. ~â€"â€"~...-: . JAMES somer PEREM PTORY NOTICE. Parties indebted to the undersigned, citbo er by note or book account, are hereby noâ€" tified that the same must be paid without fail by the 15th of PebroaryinsL, or they will be placed in court for collection, with- out respect to persons, as he is leaving the Poll: for a time. JAB. 1. POWER. Penelon Pails. Feb. 3rd, 1881. 47-2 T. W. RfiADE, B. A., M. D., BlNiTY COLLEGE, TORONTO, if. C. P. k 8., Ont., Physician, Surgeon and Ac- coucheur, formerly Physician at the insane Asylum, London, Ont. .‘v’. 8. Special 11.. tuition paid to diseases of Women and Children. fl. Ofiice for the present on Francis street west, Peuelnn Falls. MPROVED FARM FOR SALE. The east half ofLot No. 19 in the 2nd Concession of Vcrulsm, about three miles from Pcnelon Falls, The soil is a clay loam, and about sixty acres are cleared, well fenced and in a good state 01 cultiva- tion; the balance hardwood and cedar swamp. There is a frame dwelling house, 32 x 2‘) feet, with kitchen, a good log barn, stables, to, and In excellent well. For terms and conditions apply to JAMES DICKSON, P. L. S. Pension Fails, Dec. 3011:, 1880. 42-tf. EW TAILOR’S SHOP. A. LALIBERTE respectfully informs the gentlemen of Pen- eiou Falls and its vicinity that be has com- mencad the tailoring business On Colborne Street, opposite the residence of Dr. Wilson, and solicits a share of public patronage. Cloth- ing will be made in the latest styles and $5? A Good Fit Guaranteed. Garments cut for persons wuo wish to make them up at home, and charges rcns- unable in all cases. Fenelon Falls. May 17th. 1880. REMOVAL. JOSEPH NEVISON has removed his Harness Shop to the. west side of Cniborne street, next door to the Alecimnics' institute, where he will keep on hand a good stock of Single & Double Harness for farm or road work, Vaiiscs, SHAWL STRAPS, BASE BILLS, Whips, limiters, Snaps, Currycomhs, Brushes, and all articles in his line of business. DOLLARS WARRANTED. licpairs promptly and neatly executed. lie begs to return his sincere thanks for the liberal patronage with which he has so far been fnv‘orotl, and is determined to merit a coutinuahcc of it by turning out gout] work at moderate prices. AX LARGE STOCK OF L . WHITE 81.. GREY C O T T N S ‘ D bought'hcforc the rise, selling At Old Prices A T DUNUIS &'FIIVEIIE BBUS, LINDSAY. P U llv‘l PS . The subscriber bogs respectfully to in- form the inhabitants of FENEL O N FALL S and surrounding country that he still con- tinues to manufacture his Wooden and cel- t'IM'ltlt‘tl American Iron Cap Pumps, for walls, cisterns .kc. Repairing a Specialty, and ALL WORK WARRANTED. s. anoxnxsumn, ‘ Penelou Falls, opposite Victoria R. R. S. April Bill, teen. 5.], R ISUMED BUSINESS. Kennedy S: Newman would inform the citizens of Fenelon Falls and vicinity that they have resumed busi- ness in Mr. Newman‘s old stand. The stock consists of A FULL ASSORTMENT at . DRY GOODS, CLOTHI’SG, GROCERIES, Confectionery and Boots & Shoes. Having perebaeed the stock of A. W. Lusty er, they will cell the same I first class wevimea employed and a relies ' New 2 Boom and Shoes a specialty. Pam ducc taken in exchange. i AT AND BELOW Coma, goods at a email advance on cost. proâ€" E Bilders’ Hardware. DDWN, DDWN, IN PRICE AT a We are selling every description of building Hardware, including NAILS, LOCKS. HINGES, GLASS, PAINTS, e OILS, 81.0., &C., This section, at the lowest priceJhey have ever been offered for by the‘trade. EVERY LINE COMPLETE. A call from intending purchasers is respectfully solicited. E. E. nunnnnsou a. 00., Kent St.. Lindsay. Hardware Merchants. MEDIOADHALL, FENELON FALLS, Where can be found an excellent assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Sponges, A Trusses and Shoulder Braces, I Toilet, Fancy (lb Rubber Goods .PERIEVUMERY 8:10., 8-50., always on hand. A large and DE?» COMPLETE STOCK 0F DYE STUFFS @311 of the best quality and at low prices. Also, :1 WELL SELECTED STOCK OF STATIONERY, comprising a full assortment of BLANK BOOKS and general stationery. NAOM Horse and Cattle Medicines, Spectacles to Suit all Sights. A good and choice stock of I’hysiclans' prescriptions and Domestic Recipes carefully compounded. me» Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Jewellery, CIOCkS, WiltChGS, Wedding Rings, Brooches, Lockets, Studs, Sleevo Buttons, Gold Keys, Scarf Pius, Pipes, Purses, A full assnrlumat of Patent and Proprietary Medicines always on hand. A gent I'ot‘ ll. R. St-ot‘ens’ Puron Vegetable VEGETINE. Fcuclnn Falls, May 2711), 1880. E. FITZGERALD, Manager Nil-ONEY, MONEY, MONEY. I am now prepared to nego- tiate straight. loans on good farm property security for any term ofyvurs at. eight per cent. interest, with the privilege of repaying,y any portion of the principal at any time, the in: turest ceasing on the shot so paid. This gives the borrovt'cr av: cry chance. He can pay on his mortgage any sum he may be able to spare at any time and stop the interest on so touch, or he can release his farm at any time without be- in: obliged to pay the com- pany a heavy bonus for taking their money. Expenses very little more than those of pri vatc loans. S. CORNEIL. Lindsay, May 26th, 1830. THE NEW DRUG STORE. DRUGS. DYE STUFFS. JOIâ€"IN NUGâ€"EN‘I‘ Fenelon Falls liberal patronage during the put 4 years, and takes this opportunity of informing them that he has now on hand Comprising Garden, Field and FLOWER SEEDS, Dye Stuffs, PATENT MEDICINES, Pc rfumery, FANCY ARTICLES, Brushes, Combs, kc, kc. always on hand. â€"-â€"- CHAS menial-e: all over Canada. 13 years nutevial nyeriea.e. Everym- repeured abate read an raw:pr an Raptureâ€"Free oer-Winn. P e p gran oid cured by he an. A new Agustin: £7 (cred Ctze Peu-vroeatri no ‘ fiiasilmtrzmentnsc HEDALLI Centennial as: Pins, Frame. ' ' he. luv SPIRAL TRUSS Call or address. CHAS. CLUTHB, (late? ( V .l 38 ‘ i g Q Tim‘s SflucrLY CA: a, of Rum toe) ndelude-et, west, near} Grand Opera, Toronto. thanks his numerous customers in C L u v Ilv's 1 mm Spiral 5 Tau s .s | Reputation VICTORIA GROCERY m LIQUOR STORE. The subscriber begs to inform his custo- mers and the public generally that he has K always on hand a complete stock of SIIPII liIIIIEIIIIIS, Cured Meats, Ilcrrings, I 1880. XMAS Aflofiw YEAII. 1881. JARVIS & MODOUGALL, GEI ERA]. DRY GOODS, IcARTHUB’S BLOCK, FENELOI FALLS. ~ ___oâ€"__ Thanking their customers for their liberal patronage in'*’tbs past, beg to intl. mate that they have removed to larger premises, Austin's old stand, which have been titer-ougny repaired and fitted up, and in future will carry a larger and now"! BETTER ASSDRTIID STUCK of goods than heretofore, which will enable them to supply their numerous custo- mers and increased demand AT CLOSER PRICES, and would ask all in need of anything in their line to give them a cs‘ll and n: >4“ e» E :2: m vâ€"a m L11 IR STOCK and be convinced that titer are selling cheaper than any other house in town. 0â€".â€" NE‘V GOODS TIIIS ‘VEEK. Canadian Treads, a Large Assortment it Gholceat Patterns. Over-Coatings, in Black Worsted, Tweed and lap Cloths. Grey Gallons, at Bottom Prices. Splendid Heavy Cottons, for 8 cents per yard. Blankets, White and Grey. Woollen Shiv-tings, a large range. Dress Goods, Black Lustros, Blaclt & Coloured Cashmeres. Shawls, Cloud; and a Large Lot of Woollen Goods. White, Scarlet and Colored Flannels, from 25 cents per yard. Ladios’ Mantle Cloths, Black and 16‘ A full stock to choose from. Give us a call. Grey. No trouble to show goods, whether you buy or not. Ordered WOâ€"I'Ea. Specialty. A Good Fit Guaranteed, and in the Latest Styles. Agents for Harper's Bazaar Patterns. JARVIS & McDOUGALL, DicArthur's Block, Fenclon Falls. ‘6 MERRY CHRISTMAS 7’ m AND “HAPPY. NEW YEAR” TO ALL. JOHN SLATER â€"‘ has Just Recoivcd at his shop, DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, a large and well selected stock of TDYS FDR CH RISTMIIS and New Year’s Gifts, which he will be able to sell at the Lowest Possible Prices, as they were bought cheap for cash. and other articles too numerous to mention. 1165“ Please give him a Call before purchasing elsewhere. New Store in Scully’s Block. G. G. Ii E I T II has just received a fresh lot of DRY GOODS & GROCERIES from Montreal and Toronto. Ilis stock of God Fish & Mackerel. will be sold at. less than usual prices for cash. Examine stock before purchasing A choice nelsortment of elsewhere. Pal-1931M Dark Brand)“ m Farm Produce taken in Exchange. Port and Sherry Wines, Holland and Old Tom Gins, several brands of Whisky, llottled Ale and Porter, kc. The attention of hotel keepers and others is invited to this stock. PlastertlLSeeds of all kinds altvnya on hand. The cash system will be strictly adhered to. SEEDS! ' Cash for Farm Produce. JOHN CHISHOLM, Next to the Globe Hotel, Kent st., Lindsay Mofi‘at &-Mf:Far1and and the surrounding count" for “mi, “'3' Return their sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on them since they commenced business in A Better Assortment than Ever, FenelOfl Falls: and beg to inform the public that they have just moved into the premises Iatcly occu~ pied by Mr. Wm. Marshall, where they will i be happy to receive a call from his custo- irncrs as well as their own. Having leased ; the bakery and secured the services of Mr. E David Barrett, they are prepared to furnish iFIRST CLASS BREAD, ' Cakes, Buns, he. 4%., at reasonable prices and no effort will be spared to sustain the I high reputation which the Fenclon Falls bakery has deservedly borne. Their stock of nmâ€"uynmv pmcn-puon- pmrnnd 1 Fun I L Y G R O c E at E s with care and dcspatch. A full selection of} School Books & Stationery ;wilibe found, as usual. fresh, good and 1 well assorted. Flour, Feed, Eggs, Butler, It. viii be kept on hand, and farm produce generally dealt in. A nice lot of ECrockery 8: Glassware 'is on the shelves and will be sold as cheap [as any in town. A visit of inspection from all needing anything in their line of bosi- : ineu is respectfully solicited. EOFPAT & HcPARLAND. Penelop Fella, May 24th, 1350, E I Fcnelon Falls, Nov. 24th, 1880. JOSEPH HEARD. SifllES, IIIIIIIHI INDâ€"HINDI IIIIIIIISIIIIIES. A nice assortment of LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, BURNERS, &c., &c., which I will sail cheap. SHEET-IRON SUGAR KETTLES FDR $1. Never yet sold for loss than $1 25. â€"-Onc Dollar per half dozen. 3, GREAT REDUCTION IN MILK-FANS If you have u‘t the money, BRING ALONG RAGS, OLD METAL 81.0., but 363* Don’t ask for Credit ‘81 as I am not able to give it. Cash for Skins, llides &c. Fenolon Falls, February 15th, l88l. JOSEPH H EAR D. THERE’S “ One More River to Cross.” Good Value at Low Figures purchasers will find it to their advantage to call upon MoDOUGALL I BRANDON, whose stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware, FLOUR AR’I) I*‘EICI), «8:0... is now full in every department. Give them a trial and judge for younclves. The Highest. Price paid for Farm Produce, Pork, Butter, Eggs, Sheepskins and llidev. 18" Just received, a large consignment at Salt and Coal Oil. Remember the Standâ€"one door north of J. Xuzcnt‘s Drug Store, Penelon Falls, October 20th, 1880. .‘chOifGALL tit BRANDON. begs to inform his customer! and the public generally that he HAS NOW ON HAND a New Stock of iliiiILMWE’RV tastefully got up, at Very .Reoeoauble Prim. A large and well assorted etc-h e MANTL’EE» from 83 50 to “a: LADIDS’ «stuns owns, Blankets. both white and coloured, and the Price: manor be beat. WI. CAMPBELL. Fcnelon Falls, Nov'r 12th, 1880. uw GOODS. Mrs. HUBER ‘i‘ Has treeelvcd and 0 net! fly 0 large 1“ stock of". NEW TOYS, in great fillet]. DOLLS, VASE s, Toilet Sets end a good assortment of Ij‘aney Go 0 d3, Milllnery, linntles, Feathers, Flowers and Ribbons. CHROMOS, MOTTOS and Motto Frames, Plain and Perforated Cardboards, Canvas and Berlin Woole. A nice lot of Wall Paper and Window Blinds just received. lies. KEELEY. :63" Millincry Store and Show Room, one door north of H. P. Heming’s hardware store. Feneiou Falls, May 26th, 1880. NOTICE, > Notice is hereby given that the under- igncd will not be responsible hr any debt. ontractcd in his name, union the party ontracting them has his written authority or that of Mr. J. D. Smith. R. 0. SMITH. Fenelou Fells May 28th, 1880. ld-tf. "VICTORIA RAILWAY. 101*â€" TIME TABLE. â€"-:o:-â€"- Summer Arrangemente. -â€"!02-' Taking effect on Monday, 2131; of June,'1880.1 LINDSAY m STATIONS. GOING NORTH. lail'. Toronto, via G. T. R. leave 1.12 a... Lindsay, via W.l’.P. 8 L. Railway arrive 11.50 " M. R’y Juno. via M. R. ar 12.50 " W Lindsay. . . . . . leave 3.00 p.“ Mid. R’y Junction “ 1.12 “ Cameron...... .. “ 3.31 ' linil's . . . . . . . . . .. “ 8.4! t Fenolon Falls. . .. “ 4.05 " Feli's............ " 6.25 ” Rettie’s " s.“ “ Kinmount . [.13 " Mylcs’ Railway Juno. 9.29 “ Minden Station leave , 5.59 ‘* Ingoldsby “ 0.13 " Dysurt “ 8.21 ”' Gould's " 6.35 "' liniiburton arrive $.46 '- STATIONS. GOING SOUTH. ' Hall. linliburton. . . . leave 7.10 a. I. Gould's ” 7.10 “ Dysnrt ’ t' 1.32 “ lugoldsby " 1.40 "‘ Mindcn Station ‘ 1.55 ”' Mylcn’ R’y Juno. " 6.30 " Kinmount “ l.t0 " ltettic's " 9.10 " Fell’s ” 9.35 I- arrive 9.55 I “new” FM“ leave 10.10 " Hall's ‘ “ 10.10 " Cameron “ 10.31 " Midland ll'yJunc“ 10.50 “ Lindsay arrive 11.00 " _,._._____..__.__._.____' Lindsay, Li. 11. north, 1 12.45 p. m..... .u. “ " south. 1 (.10 “ Lindsay, via P. k L. Il'y leave 2.30 " Toronto via G. T. R. er. 1.53 “ . ... ...- W, CONNECTIONS. Fonelon Pallywith stage for Bobceygeew Kinmount, with stage for Hinden. JAMES 11088, Inna... neon-oeu- soeeeo s. ._...-â€" J. W. LEONARD, General Trafilo Age-L Lindsay, May 3rd,1880. lumniu and llipisxing Hallway. TIME TABLE. Taking effect on Monday, 15 March, is“. oomo soarn. not. Local. w" Iisel. Toronto, depart, 1.45 am. 4.00 p.vn. L'xbrldge " 10.30 “ GAO “ 12.00 Cannington “ 11.21 " 1.37 “ 1',“ p Woodvllic “ 11.40 u no u lidland Jet ar. 11.45 “ I.“ “ ,. Lindsay 1m 11. 4.10 p. a. 1M Orillla “ 1.45 . Midland Jc. dp. 11M ‘4... 9.454 Coboconlt, er. 1.05 p: m. 5.00“ â€"-r GOING SOUTH. lined. Local. all. Coboconk, depart 5.00 am. . 1.20 p in Mid. Junction sr. 1.25 “ 1.35 “ Lindsey Mid ilk. 9.30 “ 1n; DAM“ Oriiils “ auguialo “ Hid. Junction dp. 7.45 “ 1.30, £118.45 4, Woodviile depart me u 7.40. we” as u (fannington arrivaflAD “ 7.“ L'zbritlge tom “ us it; ‘ Tomato arrive it." “ l'sssengers leave Lindsey st 1‘! 45 p. and reach Toronto at 6.30 p. to. Leave f main st? 45 a. m. and mob Linduy I (.10 p. m. u. . w. 000an 11., 1. lusting Diveeeee Toronto, March me, new. '1 k . ,Y

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