Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 1 Jan 1881, p. 3

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. .s‘ - J...” ‘3” ’"““'"’oâ€"!E"”““' "'8' CHOICE GROCERIES, WINES, LID 0R3 &C. WATCH“ JARVIS &â€"hIoDOUGALL, â€"oâ€"o=c~â€"o ‘ I unite the attention 0! all visitors to Lindsay to my new and magnificent atock I 0! GOLD ASD SlLVBR WATCHES. My | GENERAL 3 l Takes much pleasure in announcing that his Stock has never been more complctc than at. present. He has just received several very largo shipments, inel‘ldilt a line 0! watches especially adapted forI Iehool teaehcn' use, selected from reliable i IcARTI-IUB’S BLOCK, FEHELOH FALLS. makers only, it the largest and best ever , shown in Lindsay, and has been purchased â€"â€"oâ€"â€"â€"- I catinly for cash. I particularly solith an Thanking their customers for their liberal patronage in the past. beg to inti- lulpoction of my neck by intending" pur- mate that they have 'removed to larger premises, Austin's old stand, which have chm", and I am confident that x can quote been thoroughly repaired and fitted up, and in future will carry a larger and - lower price: than they can be bought tor 5 elsewhere or from any expensive city estab- J “about. not! inuud of dealinz with A" . ALSO SOME CHOICE GROCEHIES, SUITABLE FOR THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. Full lines of entire Imus". 00° “‘50 “9'” "‘w 3°“ bc' His Stock is replenished every week with new Goods. (on and whom you may never see again, of goods than heretofere, which will enable them to supply their numerous cutto- , you will have the Advantage of buying from mers and increased demand 8 u I one who lives in your own neighbourhood , , a i and will have an interestâ€"such as no A I C E R P R ’ Always Fresh and at the Lowest Prices. -â€"â€"0 stranger would haveâ€"in giving you a good ulicle Ind "tin: ll!“ i‘ 3"” P‘m'“ m“ and would ask all in need of anything in their line to give them a call and y ' T . ..,. SPECIAL I) DIJ CEDIEN'F. isfaction. I .BEALL. y ‘ Mimi,” m. n, WWW"""I"""’?°'ZV”"""“’“‘“‘ China and Crockery Direct From plth Leading Potteries in England; relh'llmllterl. I - ' I . . . . a- . . Lindflh SCP‘-.3°”'s.”3°‘ and be com-inch that ther arc Eelllng cliearcr (him any other house in town. I am enabled to oflcr the Best Goods in the market at much Lower I‘igures that were ever offered before in Lindsay. 1 â€"-â€"â€"â€"oâ€"â€"â€"- J OH;\T DOBSON, Cor. Kent & William St’s, Lindsay; To SI’ORTDML'N- 1V Exv GC) ()1)S CPI-115 ‘VlEEIi’. The undersigned beg to inform the sport- Canadian Treads, a Large Assortment 8. Cholcast Patterns. ‘ “'3 0mm“); “1“. 5"" "‘gfnrfzf‘m ‘ Over-Coatings, in Black Worsted, Tweed and lap Cloths. ' ' ’ ~' 71"?“ “" "me “50' c , ‘ Grey Gallons, at Bottom Prices. Splendid Heavy Coltons, for 8 cents per yard. :_l ' Blankets, White and Grey. to which they invite the attention oflintepd- n: "chums who will find mm "‘1" 0° Woollen Shirtin s a Iar a ran a. . . . . . . ‘ . . . ‘ pl ~- , . l u' D G d 3| 3 I: t 9 Bl 9k 8‘ c I d c h Begs to tender his hearty thanks to his numerous friends and customch for their liberal patronage Since be commenced buaincns. and he would respectfully intimaw III‘CCCII and Mill! l0 Iilltldelh r933 00 5! ac “5 res! 3° 0 on": as m‘r35- that now the festive season is at hand he has made ample provision for the wants of the trade. llis stock of the Shawls, Clouds and a Large Lot of Woollen Goods. Amen: their mum of mi: thvr have White, Scarlet and Colored Flannels, from 25 cents per yard_ Ladies’ Mantle Cloths, lack and Grey. .A. ISOIIINC} )IAC‘Iâ€"IIN 1‘) W A full stock to choose from. Give us a call. No trouble to show goods, of the latest improved principle. and are prepnrgd to bare guns from ilI fret down whether you buy or not, to short lengths and insure good shouting. REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS lIXl'lCllTlII) lo a vorknanlike manner and on reasona- ble terms. to choose from, many of the best quality hcccsc Family Groceries is exceedingly large and complete in cucry department; and having exercised the greatest care in the selection of his goods, which were bought on the moat favour.r a) able tcrnis, he feels confident that he can offer liberal inducements to intendng buyers. A Good Fit Guaranteed, and in the Latest Styles. A 1:8" Ammunitioucf llill’rrent grades for Agents for Harper-s Baum. Patterns. I . H t 3'- llle WW“ Pm". JARVIS & MQDOUGALL' During the past two weeks we have received upwards of one hundred and fifty packages of new season Teas, comprising Japan, Young l‘lvson. Congou, the. The] are giving universal satisfaction, and our determination is to make the quality and price do the advertising. We keep only ‘ l ,_ _ . 1 hchrthur's Block, Fenclon Fun. William St... Lindsay, Late of Birmingham, England, _~" V _ Lindvr. September 23rd. iii-an. 29-3m. ' ' 1 Our stock ol Fruits will be found well assorted. comprising all kinds. Raisins, Currants, Figs, Prunes, Dried A pples, &c. Sweat Older for mince-melt. FANCY GBOCERlES.---In this Department are have made a very careful selection, and our stock will he lound I... IMPORTANT and Vfll‘lttl. Mariniiladcs, Janis, Jellies, Pickles. Sauces. Canned Mcuts, Canned Vegetables, Canned Fish, Soups, Farina. French Capers, Strasbourg Potted Meats, Dessert Fruits, Boston Corned Beef: in fact, space would not allow us to enumerate all. Announcement! . . . . i Crockery and Glassware.â€"In this Department we have the largest stock and make the best display of any house in the County of Victoria. An exam- The undersigned would inform the inlmhi- ’ . , , ’ . inutiou will convince buyers that the price is right. We have always: ltll abundance of “m” °f Trusses and Shoulder Braces, FLOUR, FEED, HAMS, BACON AND LABD IN STOCK. ALSO SALT, COAL OIL, SALT & FRESH FISH ‘0. Ain't-i: Tina Annnrzssâ€"Hamilton’s Block, next door to G. 11. Bertrain‘s llardwarc Store. I ' ’ ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL. Toilet,Fancych/ubber Goods . FERFUMERY ‘3‘“, 8“": TEES $EAS01‘I BETTER THAN EVER. BEFORE. Q] 1 always on hand. A large and I ‘ P :0 n COMPLETE STOCK OF DYE STUFFS @127 A a EN of the best quality and at low pricci-u Also, a I â€" BEG T0 ANNOUNCE TIIE RECEIPT OF ,. .__.. Where can be found an excellent assortment of ‘ iii-75:15: -' , 5 Largo Stock of Men's, Women's .k Mi ‘cs' h .1; R U BB E R 5. WELL SELECTED STOCK 0r STATIONERY, ‘ -*'“~W"K°S‘°°k°“'""" conipl'isingafull assortment a; ngpwons and general stationery. t. . . . Horse and Cattle Medicines, f “*A-VDâ€" l’liysicians' prescriptions and .DOlllCo'llC Recipes carefully compounded. 1‘1 0 0 CA S I N 1 We?“ Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. . EVER BROUGHT INTO LINDSAY- They arc- nll of the new crop, and are FRESH and of the BEST QUALITY. All the VARIOUS VAlilETlES ARE REPRESENTED, and “N? sold at Rock Bottom Prim. which he I! delel’mlut‘d t0 "11 l A l_"” «ls-m" "1‘ “‘ “rd tum “"9 ! lopnu“ry Ned'cmcs al‘mls 0“ I‘J'ld‘ A l l’urchusera should see our stock before tlit-v buy. We gunrnntec satisfaction. We purchase in such quantities as enable us to sell ’l‘l-ZAS ot \lO\"I‘ltl“Al WHOLESALE PRIC” . ' . , ' , _ i gent lur ll. 1t. btcvcus l urcly \ cgctublc Vncnrixiz. - ' Our stock of ' ~ ‘ ‘ I A! \cry Lou lriccs For ash. ! , mm: 5 I" FITZGERALD’ ' GEN E EAL GROC ERIES I a I A 'a l . F I. . ‘ z 2â€" . ‘ 0‘ “mm” “"8. 5.0” mm, mm. l‘uiilon lalls, .liy itli 188 131,330,. ' fl ' r ‘ “V” ,_,_____7M___.____; ‘ v _' has bee“ ipecmlly purchased for the Christmas Trade, and will be found to contain everything required by purchasers. including FINE FRESH FRUITS, dried and in u... "an . v V ‘ i r 111131113 ,5 â€"LABllADOR l‘lERRING, MACKEREL, SALMON, SALMON TROUT, “'lll'l‘l‘} FISH, $20., besides Tm; Ml“ mm mm" ) A LARGE STOCK OF STAPLE GROCERIES PORK FL - i 7 , , OUR & FEED, I . , U. . ° ‘D t 7 DRUGS. SEEDS. , 118 01 6 ,1V ()1 0 1 USS. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. y , (gelggphypglzlysi‘iiied ipéxazifiEcppgpilsiiémmy Choice .‘lrti‘clcrfor C'llrt'nlmas I’rrsrnta. This is the Finest Stock 0! these Goods ever than in this â€"â€" . Bigelow’s Block. Kent Street, Opposite the Ontario Bank. JOHN NUGENT a Harder“) mend“: cum: 0f ' Lindmy' Dccmher 6”"1880' .. V- ., ‘I‘w _ ..., ., _, ., . . . , ,. . . (“Mavalue at L°w figures CHRESTMAS ANB yaw YEAR’S GROCERIES. thanks his numerous eultomcrs in purchasers will find it to their advantage to call upon renown BRANDON. CHAS L_ BAKER- nnd takes this opportunity of informing whose Stock of I Ilas completely rc-sortcd his Stock, and is now offering to the public of the County of Victoria i iéiié'i"i;§iiiiiiiiiiu. i GROCERIEiflflgfiwmiwfiI THE cams E Comprising Gardenl Field and 1n 1“ It In E & c" ' The Highest Price paid for Farm Produce, Pork, Butter Eggs, ‘ p,” Slum’ ' Sheepskins and llides. , C R 0 C K E R Y A N 1 -.' «2 . . ~~ .2. '9 . :gt' - .. is now full in every department. Give them a trial and judge for yourselves. )‘J‘d :8- : ~-'d l 2- 3:: tlSlt'dC lO'l. , .. ‘ . H . . ES, , Ju“ mm." " at” cow‘an 0 a. J" . M I Com n'isinnr the Favourite Brands of Teas and Coffees, “10 Chen lost and Chmccst Grades of Sum licmeinber the Standâ€"one door north ofJ. i‘iugcnt 5 Drug Store. I D ‘ , . l n on”, Perfumery. \‘ILDOVC {I I 3. BR “,DO“, The Most thenswe Assortment of Christmas Frillts, I I. ' l V s ' - ‘ .' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' I ' r ' .‘ Fish and Canned Meats 1’ l 11' lls, October 20th, 1880. The Largest Stock of Canned Fruits, Ctllln'e‘d ' . ‘ , FANCY ARTlCLES, “‘0 0“ ‘ lhe Latest Styles iii Crockery aiiil Glassware, EXLL OF ‘VIIICI-I ‘VILL 1315 SOLD CI-Ilcltl’lflrt 'L‘IlziN Afr ANI’ O'J‘IIIgl‘: 11()I;HE IN LINDQAY Bruthes.(3onibs,&c.,kc. ‘ cc / 7. ‘ K ’ 3., __ manning.zzf'iz‘in":,tccml A A5 Flour, Peed Ham, Bacon, Pork Coal Oil, Salt, & AND “HAPPY NEW YEAR” To All!“ , in stock, and for sale an usqu at the lone: mm. &, FOUR CAR-LOADS OF CHOICE WINTER APPLES TO BE SOLD VERY CHEAP. JOHN SLATER A liberal Discount to the Trade. Country merchants will do well to uii-e me n can. - l t v ‘ l - . . . Nl'“ Gounb' i , 1," Just Rewind at his shop, In wishing my numerous friends and customers the compliments of the season, I respectfully when it continuance of the liberal patronage accorded .0 dlrls( T"- ' the last nineteen years, and will spare no cation to render it advantageous to them to do no. N l ' CHA S. L. BAKER. ‘DIREOTLY OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, School Books 8. Stationery! “ways on hand. _.._’.’_.. a. _._-.___..__ . -w-n. -.. -.‘. .._ n“ [up i a large acd.ll'cll selecmd stock of § .â€" . no. of ‘ OSEPH I IEARD. New Store in South/‘3 Bloc/c. T * iTOYS FOR CHRISTMASJ --- ~' ' N E O X s, in“, X“, Year-s mm, which he till be able to sell at the Lowest Possible Prices.l G- (j . I: I": I ’1‘ as they were tough: cheap for cash. in great variety. , has ju~t rumich a fresh hit of Just received. a nice assortment of DOLLS, VASES,§ ' ' , , l;«g;;;;«gu;«:;;;,gSpectacleanficicll Sights-gums, cums, mum uniccons & GROCERIES i V V . I l g u uillineryJ )lnnllct.l’eathen, Flower! and i Jex‘vellepv. Clocks. atchess eddlng linlgs ; &c., &c., which I Wlll sell cheap. Ribbons. 3 u ’ a e O 3 Brooches, Lockets, Studs. Sleeve Buttons, Gold Keys, Scarf Pins, Pipes, Purses, ’: AAII’ a, I I and other articles too uumcmus to mention. -~, a“, pi,“ “d permuted 3" Plano fianl Callbot’orn purchasing elsewhere. I Satisfaction gunman-ed or no sale. Please call and compare prices of Storm bc- B o o i S A N D S H . notto Fri , ‘ "d 4 fule buying elsewhere. as I sell as cheap as or cheaper than shops of larger pro from Montreal and Toronto. “is clock of mu! ,, C via 4 B! l' Wool . ! and I n s u I m s r l tensions, and for all f'oods I continue to take in exchauflc - , , ,,, . "a ~ , “v C a S I ° & will he itoid at lea-i than usual prices for cash. Examine iitock before p'urfiula‘ Blind’ 5"“ W ' 3 BOUGHT AND AST i CRAP RON AGS 'C. elsewhere. ' In. Haunt, 1 t 7 i l l . . '1 he FGDGIOII Falls Gazette, : Novena-Cash paid for Skins and Hides. JO H u "b I D w Farm 1)....awu taken In Exchange; 5 . ’ 'A l . lltlinery Store and Show Room, , I ' no clear with o! H. P, "enilg‘c hardware 1 Im- ‘ t ’ moi. run. ii-g no, or: i A aloe lot of Wall Paper and Window Nov. anti, 1980. ONLY on: DOLLAR A YEAR. 3 Feuclonhalls,5iptembcr23rd,1850.

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