Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 11 Dec 1880, p. 2

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I LEGAL. 8:2. 3 J BRITTON. g ___. _..--H.. A.“ __-.-... _._.L...; . , MARTIN .k HOPKINS. ‘ .uuns'rsns. sometrona er, no.5 WATCHMAKER. ) my to Lona at I per cent. L'L‘ice,§ ' , Ken: street. Lindsay, Urn, 5 i 3 " P. 3. Marcus. G. H. license. - ’ l *m .‘lOUlirl. dealer in l “ARRESTED, ATTORNEY, & SOLICIT”. . l and Notary Public. Money to Lana. kt! A is i one», Kent street. Lindsay. l D, m ’ ..__..__._.-____-...._ __.__._.. , “U DSl'ETH, BAH KO?" 5: JACK- 30 day, 8 day and 30 hour, Alarm strike, kc- FUN. ‘ SOLILITORS, kc. street, Lindsay . A. tum-Lox. A. Jacusnx. U‘Ll’lAliY k O'LEAHY, I)AllRl-<THRS, , ) Solicitors in Chancery, kc. AilRI‘TEl’lS. fice. thlin: A. flcasrcrit. A a race U" Le AKY. IIL‘UH O‘Lmev. .u. Sherman, )Anmsrsn, arronxnv .t Convr-yan-l ) ct-r, lIeArthur'e Block. Colborne street: Fem-Ion Falls. Money to lend on real D. J. )IClN’I‘Yl’tE. A BRISTER. A’fTOItSl-IY-at-LAW, SU- ) lieitor in Chancery. dun, Lindsay. 0F, flee tivt-Lfllllatriu flank, Kent street. Money to Lona at 8 per cent. on real estate sc- ouritivs. KE'I'CIlI'M & MCDONNELL, )AIlItl'é'l‘EllS, SOLICITORS, NOTAR- ) in), die. t'll'fice. Kentstreet,sot:thsidc, and nearly opposite Mr. John Chisholm's, Lind-my. ' Jar Ka'rcrtcu. Wu. MCDONNELL, Jn. J. B. DICKSUN. B. .X . RARRISTER. ATTORNEY-ATâ€"LAW, solicitor in Chancery, Conveynuccr, kc. Office. Doheny illock, Kent street, Lindsay. Money to lead at 8 per cent. ALEX. A. MCDONALD, T‘l‘OILVEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chan- , every. t'onvt-yancw, ikc.,&c. Strictat- ti-ntion given to applications for Patents of Lands from Crown Land's Department. Money to Loan on Mortgage Security on ternn to suit borrowers. Ufiice, Colboruc street, Fem-Ion Falls. ” MEDICAL. A. W. .l. DILGRASSI, M. D., ()Ilt’M’Ell, Physician, Surgeon, km, 5: :- 1 Residence, llrick Cottage, Wellingt street, Lindsay. Dlt. A. WILSON, W It. UNIVERSITY of Trinity College. 1‘ . .\I. ll. University of Toronto. Memb. Col. l’hys. and Surg., (Int. Physician, Surgeon and Acconcher. 0flice,Colborne street, I’enclon Falls. Dos. BItYSON’ c LOWE, IIR.G.â€"EONS, Rift" Ollie-e, tip-stairs in McArthur's block, Font-loll Falls. WM. KEMPT. M. D., C. M.. lRADUA'l‘E of lIcflill Ullit’t‘rsllt‘, Mon 1 treal, and Provincial Licentiate, thsi- ciao, Surgeon and 0h<telriciau. Medical Referee to the Standard, l’lmtnix, Connecti- cut Mutual. and Equitable Insurance Corn- panies. “thee and residence, in the house lately occupied by Rev. Father Stafford, at the corner of Lindsay and llus streets, Lindsay. HOTELS. *_. ... . .'.. T,‘ A. .‘J'L..J THE GLOBE HOTEL, I’llh’l‘ street. Liullmy. II. O'Imary, Pru- \ prietor. This well known hotel(lutely in charge of .\Ir. John Young) has been remodelled and nmvly furnished,nml guests can depend upon getting excellent nccnm~ modation and first clan board. The sheds and stabling are all that can be desired. ~.__._.- L... ...- ,.\n~.\n'ruuu [tors l Ell-7V1“.le FA LLS. Robert Rutherford, prorrietor. This well known first class hotel has every appliance necessary for the l I l flCt‘tIltlltlullalioll and comfort of guests, and la largely patronized hy the travelling pub- lic. trrfj‘ Cantor.» Itcisoxintacft'fia A free omnibus to and from the railway station. P-h‘uâ€"nâ€" MISCELLANEOUS.“ ' Quotlxn mvrsmx Cottnrtk k“ 'rur. t'ovx'rv 0v VICTORXA. The next sittings of this (‘ourt will be held on Monday, Dee'r 0th, 1880. (lEU. CUNNINGHAM, Clerk. - [PENN-Ill Auctioneer. Accountant and (,‘(illt‘ct- Utlice, Fcaclon J General Commission Agent. ing accounts a speciality. Falls. Out. JOHNSON. , L'CTIUNF It. Village Property and! j Farm Sales a specialty. Notes, At“- cmrnts. Il-‘uls .kt‘. collected. Ollie» and residence on llond street, Fenolon Falls. J .\.\l ES DICKSON, ) L. Surveyor, (“am nixsiouer in the Q. it, _ . Ifonvevaneer. kc. Residence-,auditd-1 drew, Fenel in Falls. .l.\.\l us .1. rowan, l t i l l l ! NEELANDI“ & EMMO. S, both experienced Dentists. Office Established in Lindsay 14 Your» One of the above Dentists will be at the )10.&R'l‘1 I l '1‘! II C) If 2-) 1'2, Peru-Ion Falls. on the third Monday ot‘caeh month. (mice in Lindsay, next door to lion-es" store. "$50,000 To LEXD AT ‘ vita can. b with the privilege or paying otl' in full or by instalmcnu at any time Mortgages bought. l J. 2.. mxox. { Barrister. the. 3 3‘ Office Doheny Block. Kent “maul Lindsay. y nokdv T0 1.0.x): tin Real Estate at Eight per cent. Private i Pun-it Interest parable at Lindsay. No Communion charged our Deposit required. 1 Ext-ems very small. Apply to 1 K. D. 0RDK. ? my“ (Mice. )chonnell‘a Block, Rent ' “mt, Lindsay. moan..." â€"-~ TOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the under» ; signed will not be rwmasibtr for my debts 3_ mounted in his name. union the party ‘; contracting than bu his written authority 9: that of Hr. J. l). Smizb. R. 0. SMITH. tendon Falls May :tth. 1550. 144.1. | ATTORNEY‘ZAT-LA W. ‘ Office, I Dulteny Block. Kent street, Lindsay. , FSIAIL‘. ‘ i of an easy giving of credit to farmers, or- AMERICAN WATCHES, the Best and Cheapest, I.\' SILVER AND GOLD CASES 1525‘ l’cr-‘on. ntiing watches from a dis- tance for repa. ,, can have the amount of work and pricr‘ reported on for their consfd- oration, and as l do the work myself, can depend on having it done satisfactorily. Britton’s Block. foot ofKent St., Lindsay. Elle fcurlou falls (5:13:02 Saturday, Dec’r 11th, 1880. The Trent Valley Canal.‘. astounding figures, but they are never- theless true, and the whole carrying trade of the “'est would seem to be ours as soon as. the Trent Valley Canal is built, and Montreal is made a. free port. With such a prize in view, ev- ery impediment. standing in the way of its realization must be persistently atr ticked, and the citizens of Montreal ex- pect to see their representatives do ycoâ€" manry work this session on behalf of their suffering maritime interests. The proprietors of the finest Montreal ocean steamship, down to the owners of the clumsicst old timber ship of the Mari- tiue Provinces, or ofthc tiniest canal or lake boat in the West, are all deeply in- terested, and their interests are certainly worth careful attention. If the pledges of the Government; in regard to our shipping and the opening up of the Trent Canal be redeemed, the East and West. may be expected to unite in rapid progress; but. if the desired action is not taken, every year must witness a depletion of our commerce.” The ball rolls, and we doubt not will be carried successfully to the goal before long. We understand that the meeting of the Central Committee held at Pet- erborough on the lst inst. was ofa very enthusiastic character, and the strong resolution that. we give below was unau- imously passed. The people of Mon- trcnl are opening their eyes to the value of the scheme, not only to themselves, but also to the whole Dominion. The Montreal Star, a couple of weeks ago had the best. and most forcible article on thesubject that we have seen, which was read at the meeting at Peter-bor- Ollle, and the concluding paragraph of which was as follows:â€"“ These are Much dissatisfaction was expressed at the meeting of the Central Commit:- tce at the apparent, if. not real, want. of sympathy for the scheme, on the part of the member for North Victoria. It was thought that if he was in earnest in the matter his natural position, from his eloquence and ability, would be to lead rather than reluctantly to follow in devising measures for the furtherance ofthe scheme. The resolution passed by the Central Committee was as folâ€" lows and speaks for itself:â€" Movcd by Mr G. H. GORDON, Reeve ot‘Ti-cnzou, seconded by )1, SANDERSON, Warden of the county,â€"That whereas prominent. members of the Dominion l ,, Cidfilrnmcut have frequently expressed the opinion that the early completion of the Trent Valley navigation route was of such importance to the Dominion as to justify its being undertaken at the earliest possible moment. consistent with the finances of the county; And whereas the revenue returns for the Dominion since the first July last, are such as to leave no reasonable doubt that the current year's revenue will show a handsome surplus at the close of the financial year. Do it therefore resolved that the time has now arrived when the Trent navigation route should be pressed forward to early completion, and it is the opinion of the members ,of this committee that to this end the members of the [louse of Commons from the Trent Valley district should at. once take steps to secure the placing of a sum in the estimates for the purpose of tanking a thorough survey of the route from the Bay of Quinta to the Georgian Bay, with the view of ascertaining the best. location and capacity to be adapted for the same. and secondly, on the as- sembling of Parliament ask for the. ap- pointment of a cpmmittce with power to send for persons and pupch to thor- oughly inve~tigatc the merits of the T. l V. route as an outlet. for the trade ofl . I l the great Wert.â€"â€"Carrted. l l Shortening Creklit. We clip the following front the last? number of the ('mmdi'ou Bookseller run! i Shift-utter .‘â€"â€"~ "The present tendency of businessl on both sides of the Atlantic is towards shorter terms of credit, and we wouldl rvrpcctfully urge upon our friends iul the country the great importance of their e making a move in the same direction. Nonumber ofgond harvests will ever permanently relieve the business of the country so long as the system prevails who exrwnd the proceeds of their crops on improvements to their farms or im- plements, and allow their bills to remain unpaid. The day has gone past when a farmer required a year's credit for his necessaries; and to grant that time now in but in many cams to divert the fund that should be used for the payment 0 such articles into other expenditures for which the means have not yet been i earned. l Tux Czar Sort“. -â€"~.«\ min whl be given by Mrs. John Amtia on the cv~ outing of Thaw-day. the 16th in?!" in aid of St. J3!!!ch Suadav School and Lihrnrv, instead of on Wedneslay, as; advertised. i flit- A first class Coarse Root can be’ taught at James Agnew} for from :2 to? $3 5'.) ff? pair. l t l in the newest styles and at lowest prices. l , strong testimony in favourof Miss Cosh. Meo‘nanics’ Institute Entertainment The entertainment last. Wednesday. evening was the first given this season in aid of the Mechanics‘ Institute, and ‘ :ugurs well for the future, as Ingrum's flail, for the use of which the proprietor with commendable generosity, declined to make any chat-,vcétvn reasonably well filled, and the sum of over $21 was taken. With a single exception. all whose names were upon the programme are residents of the village, and the fear hitherto entertained. that local talent alone would not draw a full house, is therefore dispelled. The exception al- luded to was Mr. James Gillogy, of Ops. who is an admirable singer, especially of comic Bones, and who was listened to with delight. and rapturously eneored. The musical abilities of Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Underwood, Miss Kate Logan and Miss Powers are well known to all our readers, and they were ably assisted Antony's “Address, ” and afterwards a shorter selection, the title of which we do not remember. There were read- ings by Messrs. McDougall, Sheppard Dickson and Dr. Wilson, and it is dif- ficulty to decide which of them did the best. The' programme was divided, as usu- al, into two parts, and at the conclusion of each tlicre was a very well executed tableau ; the first representing a gipsy fortune teller and her dupes, and the second Faith, Hope and Charity. The young ladies who took part in this uo'v- cl and attractive feature of the enter- tainment were Miss Caddy, Miss Buru~ ham, Miss Iza Logan and Miss Hinda Cunningham, and at the foot. of the lat- ter, in her representation of Charity, knelt little Vernon Smith. in the act of receiving alms; but. whether it. was in the form of min of the realm or candy we could not distinctly perceive. Village Council Proceedings. I‘venelon Falls, December 6th, 1880. Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment. Members all present, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Letter from E. 0. Bickf'ord, General Manager of the Grand Junction Railway, read by the Reeve, asking for a bonus to extend their line to this village. Rev. Wm. Logan was heard in respect to his trip to Peter-borough to meet the Central Committee T6 the Trent Valley Canal. Mr. Cunningham gave notice that: at. this meeting he would introduce a by- law to regulate the Municipal Election for the year 1881. Moved by Mr. Cunningham, second- ed by Mr. Austin, "hat By-law No. â€", entitled a By-law to regulate the Municipal Election for the year 1831, be now introduced and read a firsttimc. alrrietl. By-law read asecond time in com- mittee of the whole without.. amend- moot. passed. The ibllowiug accounts were laid on the table and referred to the finance committee: E. R. Edwards, drawing Mrs. Drake to Rosedale, $1 ; Rev. W. Logan, expenses to Pcterborough re Trent Valley Canal. 8.") 7;"); J. Austin, account charity to W. Frisby in Janu- ary 1880, $2 ; - coal oil for fire engines, 2+ cents. Maved by Mr. Austin, seconded by] I'. Campbell, That the foregoing ac- cmxnts be paid and the Recvo give his order for the sutne.-‘â€"-Ctn'rictl. Moved by Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Dcyman, That this Council al- low on abatement often dollars to E. R. Edwards off his taxes for loss sus- tained by fire in May lashâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Austin, seconded by Mr. Cunningham, That the ordcrgiven by Mr. Deynmn to 'l‘. Levis on the treasurer for forty dollars in July last. By‘law read a third time and by Mr. Smith and Mr. ankhnrt. Master Tommy Lockhart, a rising local star, sang the “Skidmore Guards " with surprising effect, considering his youth and the fact that. it was his first appear- ance in public. Mr. Calhoun, who is famous for his rccitations, gave “Mark . for work on Lindsay street drain be con- firmedâ€"(Im-rt'ccl. Moved by Mr. Austin, seconded by Mr. Campbell, That this Council in- struct our village Solicitor to file a bill in Chancery to compel them to put. the streets and crossings occupied by said Company in n proper state of repair.â€" Curried. Council adjourned to meet; on Mon- day next, the 13th inst. Au Address. A number of the school children at- tending the school of section No. 7 in the township of Vcrulam presented their teacher. Miss: Cosh, who is about to leave. them. with the following ltd-I dress. and a beautifully bound copy of what is known as the Sunday Schooll 'l‘eachers' Bible. The presentation was made at. a largely attended tea meeting held in honor of the retiring teacher, who made a suitable reply. Such an evidence of appreciation on the part both of parents and children is a very , The address is as follows: Dean Tamara:â€" It is with much regret that we. your affectionate pupils. whose » names are here-unto attached. have lear- ned that you are about to leave us. You i have always been kind and anxious for ourimprovcment, and we cannot. allow. you to depart from us without testifying to you that we appreciate the services i that you have rendered in our behalfn We therefore beg your acceptance of; this Bible as a fit and proper token of our affectionate regard for our; and in parting from you we pray that every blessing, spiritual and tetnponl, may be yours. Signed by Cannons llorxtxs Ind 28. others. l-Ivtzunrtc â€"â€"Thc chimeric is very prevalent in Echelon Falls as well as all around it; but the disease appears to be of anything but a malignant type, as it easily yields to proper treatmentl and runs its course in a few days. W All parties indebted to Dr. Bryaon v are requested to call and sew: their nc-l u no further notice will be givon, A TuAtv.â€"Ou_Sunday last there was that. she is not, like Newfoundland, a 3 than accompanied by rain, which al- ~ little Province all by herself. The truth is that the Dominion Government has i l count: it once. it they wish to are costs 3 no : l bin is grumbling most. spoilt. the sleighing; but it is pow better than ever, as there have Since been two or three snapping cold days and several light falls of snow. 3’ James Agnew is selling i very good Woman’s Boot. for Si per pair. A NEW SCALEâ€"In Lindsay. on Tues- day last : we noticed on tlie sidewalk. opposite E. E. Henderson .k. Co's hard- ware store, a handsome weigh-scale, of the capacity of 2.000 addressed to Mr. Wm Jordan, Fettelou Falls, who no doubt had it in his grain storehouse next d-iv. The scale.wbich is of the kind known as the “ droplever," was made by Gurney A: Ware, of Hamilton, and was purchasâ€" ed by Mr. Jordan from Messrs. ileu- dersou &Co. 1%“ Boys' Moccasins in‘grent. abund- ance, atâ€"â€"Jame3 Agnew's. Minnaâ€"Austin Brothers must have been pretty badly miffed by our remarks about the butcher by-law, for they sent a joint stock order for a lot of printing to the Post a few days ago. That's the way to show a lib-3n] spirit. and to encourage the lunal paper to be independent. Never mind; it’ll all come right: in the spring, or sooner. They will regret their little cbullition of feeling, bring us a double column advertisement, and they and we shall love each other better than ever. 18‘ James Agnew is offering great Bar- gains in Boots and Shoes for this mouth, as his stock must be cleared out. PERSONALâ€"TWO of our villagers, Messrs. H. P. Hemith and Johnston Brandon, left on Tucsday’morning for l’ittsburg. Penu., where the former has been ofiered lucrative employment in a wholesale hardware establishment, and his family willjoin him as soon as he has a home ready for them. Mr. Brandon. who has given up school-teaching as too unremunerativc a profession, has for some time contemplated a trip to the States. and thought he would accompany Mr. Homing to Pittsburg and see who- ther he can there find better employ- ment for his capital and ability than he can at home. 13%” A large stock ofwomen's and men's Overshoes, on the way from Montreal, ex- pected this week, citâ€"James Agncw’s. CAMERON LAKE Fouxmtv.â€"We are glad to hear that: the above foundry, which has done so little of late that the proprietors talked of closing it for the winter,will soon beiu full blastacain, the Messrs. Robson having received the con- tract for all the castings required in the projected refitting of Mr. R. C. Smith’s saw mill, the old machinery of which is now being taken out. Foundry hands have been advertised for in the city pap era, and on Tuesday Mr. Wm. Robson left. for Hamilton, thereto purchase a planer and other tools required to ex- ecute the heavy contract above men- tioned. Once more we wish the Caur croo Lake Foundry every success, as it is in good hands and deserves a much more liberal patronage than it has hith- erto received. Shocking BRUTAL ILL USAGE OI" A LITTLE Olt~ I’IIAN BOY. GLENALLAN, Dec. Ii.~'l'l.-omns Mark- ham and Jeanette Auden-«on. of .". y- boro’, were up to-rlay lmforc Jttstlcvas Allan, Maley. Cross, and Gibson charg- cd with ill-treating a little orphan boy of nine years, recently taken from Mists Mcl’hcrsou's Boys’ Home, Gult. The evidence elicited showed that the bi“; had for weeks past been systematically flogged, starved. and exposed to be froz- eu by the defendants, and 'rescued by some neighbours. Hc'wns found to be in a perishing condition, his hands and feet badly frozen, and his body almost lit- erally covered with marks of violence. The boy testified that he had been every day for some time past by one or other of the defendants compelled to lie at: night on straw, with only a sheep- skin for a covering, and that in a room where there was no fire. A more bru- tal case has never come before a bench of Magistrates in this country. The defendants were both ofthem committed 'for trial. ._.___. Lnycock’s Style of Rowing. Ed. l’lnmmer, ofthc New York Sports- man, thus tlerOUI'SCS concerning Lay- cock: He is tall to lowering, but not nearly the cornstalk the English papers make him. llis underpinning is light, but his chest is very deep, his arms long and muscular. and his shoulders savour more of the prizeâ€"fgliter. His staying power is marvellous. and althouin row- ing in bad form he never >ccuis to tire. l'lc slides up to his work in nu npriuh} position, and then just bends over his sculls, gripping the water wlwn tho blades have but a small angle to his shell; in fact, it is no more than thr-e- quarters ofa stroke, but the whole of it is pulled Welland evenly through. which makes amends for any shortness in the reach forward. The. Australi- uu pins his faith to the loo: iii-board and narrow-bladml Ff'lllln, Ilc tltlt‘E not. slide more than six inches, but he makes his boat. travel fast nodateadily, and that is all that is required. It isa regular“ get-there " stroke. and expe- rience has told us that style is only a secondary consideration. The Spoiled Child. The Toronto Telegram says: " The best thing to do with British Columbia, if she begins making herself disagree- able again, is to take her kindly by the hand and bid her goodby. There in no danger afthc Confederation going In pieces even if British Columbia (loci; withdraw: she has been at grumbler and a nuisance ever since she came in. Ilad itnot been for British Columbia Iheomntry tvould never have been pled- ged to build the Canadian Pacific Rail- way, nor would it have seriously retain- ed its finances and crippled its prosper- ity in trying to carry out the barmin. If there ever was any likelihood of the railway being built, there isa likeli- hood of it now, seeing that n syndi- cate has been formed to build it. Yet l ranks v.1?" rwllcn- _ _ . twltbatandlng this fact British Columâ€" not that --x..- of our promtueu‘t citizens ‘ . again, and lamenting bit! to succumb iur using "1 instead lice, Fcnelun falls. . “L .L ._........... L..-“ , WM-_....â€",. made too many ooucasions to British federation crying for a piece of the audience congregated. n [1100!]. DISTRICT NEWS- ‘Voodvillc. Several loads of grain were sold here last. week from Feuelon. All the horses in this neighborhood are suffering from the epizootic; not bad cases reported as yet. George Philips, the principal in the Woodville Junction shooting case. has been sentenced by Judge Dean to three months in the Central Prisou.â€"~.-lrlro- Cafe. a. Port. Perry. â€"_..â€" HARD ON THE Coonsâ€"Since the time of Dave Croeker’s famous coon much has been said and not a little written about coaxing the coouships to come down, butayonng.r man in our town makes short. work with them. The young man whose name is Chas. llouck. went out for a stroll on Monday last be- fore breakfast and had not gone far when he came upon a special meeting of Rucoons, four of them all in one tree. The young man was not long in dismis- sing the meeting. for his accurate rifle very soon had the four laid dead at his feet. Coons llllll better keep away from that neiinborhood.â€"-Observer. W-â€" Pcterboi'ough. A REGULAR Tunaâ€"The first reguâ€" lar train on the Grand Junction arrived on Monday niglttabnut 7. 30 o'clock. It was drawn by the “ Madoo " No. 3 engine, and consisted of a first-class passenger couch, baggage car and scter- al freights. There were fifteen through passengers from Bellcvillc and a cow siderable quantity of'lrcight consign ed to town merchants. The train left 'Belleville about 3.30 o’clock, and thus made the passage up in four hours in- cluding stoppages. The distance is said to be 67 milesgso that the run is made at the rate of over 15 miles an hour. A train left this morning at. 7 o’clock, and we understand that only one train in and one out are to run this week, and that in the Course of the next two weeks a regular time-table will be per day, two out and two in.â€"-.[t’cvt'ew. ‘ Ioiudsay. Ops hauvtmutnâ€"‘It is now’ reported that Mr.John Connolly will not. be a candidate for the liccveship of ()pa. and that. the contest for the oilice will be ‘between Mr. Keys and Mr. David Wal- ker. Both gentleman are popular in the township. Arracnno or .t Ii.\)l.â€"OD the 27th ult., while Mrs. Mullerumtt, of the Bobcaygcnu road, was milking site was attacked by a vicious ram. Mrs. Elle-l Dcrmott. who ix (i5 ytars of nee had 1 her elbow joint broken and receivcdl Set‘ct‘;:l severe bruises. l Pamper. .-\('.‘(.'1t)t:.V'i‘.â€"Mr. J. (3 l lloddeu, architect, of this town, met3 with a painful accident last week while I l inspecting the work in lll‘tlgl‘crn‘ at. Mr. , In step ping aeross one ofthc joi>t< hc tripped l “Vcr a cross-cut saw and fell into the cel- l lar beneath, a di.~taucx' 0" Fomc twelve i Onlc’s new hotel, Cohocmik. feet, su-taiuing a fracture of the collar bone, and some injury to the shoulder through the saw failingr on him. \Vo trust .‘lr. lloddi-u will soon be able to be about nuniu, although his injuries will confine him to the house for some time.»â€" ll’urrh-r. _. a... l’ovt. I-Iope. ACCIDEN'I‘ALLY SII(lT.-â€"Ou Sunday afternoon some ofthc local sportsman in Hope not on the track of a fox, and in the excitement. of the moment forgot that it was the Sabbath day. After a long chase the fox ran close by one of the shottists, who was so unduly excit- ed that his gun was accidentally dis- charged, nnd by a singular “ iococcd- 1 son of Mr. N. llouck. took his rifle and issued,:providing for running four trains [ .__”_M:____.L.. of "s." "Convulsions" proved too much for one pf the gentlemen whom we would suppose least likely to suffer D! Ul‘lLE. The undersigned would respectfully from any such attack. Readings and thank the public for the liberal suppers Columbia already-Jud the result is that an e§ay were well given and equally no she is now the spoiled child of the Cow well received by the large and select _ The next meet‘ ing will be held on Wednesday evening next, when the following question will be debated : " Resolved, that the dis- covery of America by Columbus was a benefit to mankind." .......â€"m A Cincinnatijustice claims to have married 1.900 couples. and that not one of them had been divorced. 36" A large stock of men's,_vouths’ and boys" Long Boots expected every day. to be sold at cost for cash, at-filames Agnew’s. Vennor's snow storm, December 2‘2nd, to continue seventeen hours. is the next event to be looked for. He puts the depth at exactly 111} feet. fi" lf you want a cheap Boot or Shoe don't fail to call on James Agnew, as he is running off his stock for one month at cost. A Philadelphia man has perfected a plan for bringing coal out of the cellar without exerting any of his muscle. lle makes his wife cart it up. , Mr. Peter Burns, of Tamworth, had his hands poisoned by the contact with a festering sore on a horse's leg. He will be fortunate if he does not lose the hand. There is a young lady in Newcastle so innocent that- clic reumrked to her intended the day previous to their warâ€" ringe:â€"“ Now mind! Iwon't have a baby brought. into the house. " The locomotive that went through the Toy bridge in Scotland, after lying three months in the river, was raised so little injured that it is now running on one ofthe Scotch railroads. A Nevada widower took his four sis- tersâ€"iu-law to Salt Lake and married them all. The oldest is 30 and the y« n- ngest 10, and they profess, the tuo>t ardent love for their husband, as well as for one another. London Truth deserihes the English laud system in a couple of phrases. llc says that "a vast amount of the land in England belongs to no one in existence. By the will of'some one who is dead, it is the property of some one who is not born. " The Port Dover fishermen were caught by the cold snap, and army of their nets are out yet. and frozen to that they cannot be taken up. lllllt‘es ll.c weather model'atcs they will all be lost. The fishermen have had a good season, but ifthey lose all their nets their loss will be greater than their gains. Wm“... 1)I]Cll). In the township of Verulutn, on Wednes- day, the 8th inst., Miss Sarah McFarland, aged 3-} years. . (3“.W‘E'F . WV”. . . ‘1' BIAJRItIIC’I.‘ lklfll’Oli’l‘f-‘fi. FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Fenelon Falls, Friday, Dec. Will, 18%. Wheat, fall, per bushel - - $0 00 0 00 Wheat, spring, ” - - - 1 If) l 15 Barley, per bushel - - - 75 8:: Cats, o ‘- “ - - - - 28 3d l'eusc, U u - - - - so u on llye, “ " - - a - 00 ()0 Potatoes, ‘- - - - - 25 3') latter, pet; lb., - - - - - IR '10 Dressed llngs, per 100 lbs, 5 50 I'- “if; Eggs, per dozen, - - - â€" H l5 lluy, pertou, - - - - - 7 no to 8 00 Unions, large, per bushel, ‘- 40 Go Apples, per barrel, - - - 2 on fl 3‘: Citbbugcs, per dozen, - - - -10 to 50 Carrots, per bushel, - - - :i'r 40 Beets, “ “ - - - 4o 50 New Advertisements. OVALf llillll . if.” have removed diver the Way; l to the store lalelv occupied by .\!r. .I .!.u i McARTHCEf’C BLOCK. Look out for encc " the charge killed the fox. This is better than hunting deer a couple of Weeks and killing time. llux.\\v.t\‘.,-â€"0n Saturday evening, as .‘lrs. lobcrt Bieklo was driving home. from town, accompaiocd bv two neigh- bors, when passing up llidout street, opposite (illddou's grocery store. a large l dog was driving a steer at u furl-ms! rate. The animal not. looking where it l was going in its irfllu'ts to get rid of thi~ dog, ran into Mrs. liicklo':I cutter, up- . setting it and throwing the occupants' =, nut ; the horse also took fright and ran l awnv. but was ciugltt after doing con- l~ideyrablc damage to the harness and i tfllllt‘l‘. Mrs. llicklc su~tained melt in- Juries that blue had to be cell'l‘lt'tl into Mr. .‘lenhenitt‘s store and a doctor call- ed in. Sin: had sufficiently 3" covered so as to drive home later on the even- lugâ€"Guide. -â€"â€"ro-o~>â€"-â€"-â€"â€"~ .‘diudon. (From our Corru/wmltnt.) The .‘Iinden Literary Society flou- rishing. On last Thursday eventh the society held a very succl-ssf'ttl meeting. One ofthe features ofthe evening Wat“ a spelling tournament, in which nearly all pre~cnt participated. Mr.' Dela- more pronounced the words, and really it was utonidring with what cage and accuracy he performed the task. It was still more a matter of surprise to see how the word " epizootic," true to name, mowc-l down the unfortunatca. One your”: man. whose “ library," we [in-mote, Villrt be large. apparently fan- cied (lint. each speller had to put to a number oflctters cones finding to the sire of his collection of mks. An PC» clesiastic, falsely "empnaclcd." had to retire from the contest. word. wen excommunicated from the " Advertise " it l l Another ' .i gentleman of the cloth. for no -" mam-3. Esance "’ except the misspelling of the i DCVCI’ FENELON FALLS HARDWARE T 0 R. 1‘3 . The undersigned in now selling Cross Cut Saws, Axes. Logging Chains Cow Ties. Cutlery. Skates, and all kinds of Hardware, is low as Any filler House in the County. .A. Call Solicitor}. Geo. H. Bertram. a Pent-ion Falls, December 8th, "580. ........_.. ,... .._..-..._..-........._._... m~_.~..- (‘tAllD OF THANKS. / The Committee of Management of the re- cent entertainment in Connection with the .1 Mechanin‘ Institute beg leave to thank the] l ladies and gentlemen who so kindly con-- l tributed to make it n succes‘d. ; JAMS “my”, (“mull B.tRIllSTEtt-A1'-LAW, Linda]. .mnx NU(}ENT,&ere1m3/. l’cnclon Falls, December tub, 1830. (UTTEIK FUlt SALE. .) altrâ€" l l l given him during the past three you-e, having now SOLD On, and boan about to leave Fem-ion Falls. he would request all ‘ parties indebted to him to :SETTLE AT ONCE. s all accounts not paid b Juan 1 1881, will be placed in a So’llcltor‘fiatdl‘; for collection. J AS. J. P0 W311. Penelon Falls, Dec. 8th, 1880. (0‘3. ESTRAY IIEIFER. Came on to the premises of the Inherit): or, east halfof Lot No. 29 in tbs 4th Com ccssion of Vet-ulnar, a small Heifer. The owner is requested to prove pro rt charges and take the animal In: a I“, JAN 8 AKISTER. Vernlarn, Dec‘r 6th, 1880. 8 40-33 Central Prison Industries. The undersigned will receive tenders up td noon of FRIDAY. 17th DECEMBER INST. for the delivery, in the yard of the Central Prison at Tomato, the following Quantities of LUMBER, on, 150 to 200 thousand feet of Basswood Lum- her, in boards l2 feet long and I} inch~ os thick, to be free from knots, rhnkor' or imperfections. Km to 200 thousand feet of Maple, Beech,- \\’hite Birch and White Ash Lumber,- the same dimensions and description. 15,000 feet 1 inch clear Pine, “5,000 I inch 2mls Pine. 15,000 feet 1 inch White Wood. 3,000.3: inch Maple. l,000 feet 2 inch “"htthnk, 1,000 2incl1 Maple, ’ 5,000 feet lé inch Maple, 8 inches wide, 20,-" 000 l inch Basswood. The l'}, inch basswood and hardwood lum‘J her to be delivered at the rate ol'50,000 feet per month, commencing lst January next. The other lumber to Ire delivered on or be: foro lst lt‘cbruarv next. The whole to be examined and culled at the Central Print? at the time of delivery. , Oll‘rrs may be made {or the whole or a portion of the lumber, and the lowest. or’ any lender not necessarily accepted. Sureties will he required for the due full Iilment of the contract. J. \V. LANGMUIR, Inrprctor of Prison: Jr: 1880. } A‘ucTrON SALE FARM PROPERTY. Under and by virtue of powers of salt“ contained in certain mortgages, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction, by Janna J. I’owcu, Aucrmxxun, At the “McArthur House,” in the village of FENELON FALLS, On Wednesday, The 15th of December, A. D. 1880' at the hour of It o'clock in the furonoon, the following freehold property, viz: 'l‘he north-west quarter of Lot No. seven-r teen (1 7), in the First Concession of the Township of Verulam, in the County of Victoria, containing by admunsnremcnt fifty nl‘l‘t‘H, more or less. Also the north half of Lot No. eighteen (lit), in the Eleventh Con- cession of the Township of Fem-Ion, in the County of Victoria, containing by admeul- uremeut forty acres, more or less. The said Lots are situated quite near to one another, and are about ‘25 miles distant from the village ot’Fcnelon Falls. 'J‘Pl'lllhi Ql'Hulo :â€"'l‘en per cent. of the purchase money at the time of sale ;' twentydivc per cent. additional in one month; and the rt’llllltltlcl.’ to be secured by a first mortgngc. ‘ For further particulars apply to the nut (lcrsignL-d at Toronto. WILLIAM .‘IULOCK, Vendor-3’ Solicitor 17 Toronto St., Toronto. llntcd ‘Jlth November, A. D. “380. 30-2. __.â€"â€"1 Pamuunxr Brahmas, Toronto, -Ith Dcc'r, ‘1tllll’tlll.\'l‘l()N OF THE COUN- ,/ 'l'l' Cl" VICTORIA. Notice is hereby given that the Munich- pnl (‘ouuril of the Corporation of the Coun- ty of Victoria will meet at the Council Chamber, in the COURT HOUSE, LINDSAY. -â€"ortâ€" Tuesday, the 14th day of De‘ camber, 1880, o'clock p. m,, for the trarunctlon. 9‘ general business. Uy order, 0 '1‘. )I ATCBETT. County Cleric, } Conan Ghana's Oman, Lilltlt‘lly,291ll November, 1880. 394,,- ; NEW BUTCHER’S snor. - 85 l The undeuimu-d, may; commenced bull-i l l nus as a Butcher, I: prepared to Iupply tho inhabitants of this village wlth Fresh Meat and Salt Bork}. If. the Lovvv-ux Ponulble Priccflo Cash paid for "idea and Sheep-akin. fl?“ Shop on (.‘olhorne street, oppoll‘O Motl'att'l I: llcl’nrlnnd'l grocery. E. I}. WHYTALL Fonelon Falls, Dcc'r lot, 1880. 3941. THE AST_BARGAIN. 30 I)OIJIJA.RSO or its equlvnlcnt in hard cordvrood, will but A USEFUL MARE, free from vice and good at any kind of work. Apply to JOSEPH HEARD. Penelon Pulls, Dec'r 30d, "$80. JOHN A. BARRON, OI!” . on Kent Street, next door west of Kalil“. ‘ l Agricultural and implement Stare. l I'or vale, "recitineg cheap for rub, a; securit landmine, well finished Curt" that but been and. Apply nt‘tlw Gazelle of- DIONEY. O Money can be but at 7 per cent. on th of mortgages or promissory note». to JOHN A. BARBO”, Solicitor, Apply! 5'. E :3

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