Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 20 Nov 1880, p. 2

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~.~ , o..- . . .. fwap-gxw-» EGAL. am. MARTiY .tr flOPKINS. pan‘ttsrzzs. Sitht't‘uttfi u. .p‘ V1- 24) unto Loan at .4 per cent. 05m. Kent strdet, Linda}, Out. P. 8. Minor. 6. l'l._ttmts:. I’. D. M 00 Ilrl. - ARBISTER, ATTORNEY, t SOLICIT}? Add Scary Public. Money to Loan Office, Kent Itrnt, Lindon}, ItUBSPEt‘tl, muth .2 JACK soy. ARRFTERS, SOLICITORS, kc. 0! rice, William street, Lindsay. 3. A. union. A. Jacms. A. Ucwzm. 0:13;? ui' ‘& o'mza RY, Allfll'i'l‘fiRS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. ) Solicitors in Chuncery. Jtc. Oflicc. - Duhcny Block. bent street, Lindsay. Aurora 0' LEAIW. Ileuu 0' Lum- .\t. sunrtutuofm BARRISTER, ATTORNEY .ic Conroyan crr. llcdrthur'u Illork, (Jolhorno: street . J Blunt WATCHMAKER, ...,..,-,’.r.. 1A~ - A). >.- v. an“... .llillllll ‘& llilillllill, denier in Clocks, All Kinds, ‘3) day, 8 day and 3') hour, Alarm s:rikc,&c AMERICAN WATCHES, the Best and Cheapest, IN SILVER AND Gilli!) ClSES *n the newest styles and at 10W?itpriC“S. fir Persons s-ndiug watches from a dis- 'nut:c fur repuirs, cm have the amount of .vorl: and prie: rrpurted on for their cons d- rain, and as I do the work myself, can lepcud on having it done satisfactorily, Fem-ion Valli. Money to lend on real _Iritton'sBZoeli.footometSt.,L?ndm- rotate. l), J. MCIS'I‘YIIB. ARIHSTl-Iil. ATTORNEYâ€"nt-LAW, Sit ) ltcituriu Chancery. to, Lindsay. 0! fire urcr Ontario Bank, Kent. street, Money to Luau on! per cent. on real estate se curilirs. KETCiiUM d: )lcf)0.\'.\'l€l.l.. ).\lLl{l*l'i'Ef(3. SOLICITORS, NHTAR- I it'd, kc. Office Kentdtrectsau'hside and nearly opposite Mr. John Chisholm's Lemon, . Jar chuuu. Wu. iIcDossuLL, J1: .I R. Dillix'fi'llb'. ll. A . ‘ ARRISTER. ATTORXI'IY.AT- LAW ) Solicitor in Clmncrry. Conveyance: di". Ollice, Duhcny Block, Kent. street, Lindsay. Money to loud at 8 pr-r cent. a LHX. A. .ucuofifii. TTOllNEY-AT-I.AW, Solicitor in Chan A cery, l'onveyuncer, .kc..tkc. Strictat- temiun given to applications for Patent.- of Lands from Crown Land's Department Money to Loan on Mortgago Security ot: terms to wit borrowers. Office, Culburut street, Fem-ion Falls. MEDICAL. A. \V. J. DEGRASSI. M. D., f 'ORONER, Physician.Surgeon,&c, in. Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington btreet, Lindsay. Ila. A. WILSON. A, B. UNIVERSITY of Trinity . . .\I. ll. University of Toronto. Memh Col. l’hys. nnd Sigrg., Ont. Physician. Surgeon and Account-her. 0!licc,Colboruo street, l-‘enclon Falls. College. Du. W. G IlllYSON. C. 3]., IRAIHIATE ofthc Cullch of' Physic-lam I and SI-rgroni. .\IcGill University, and of tho New York Eye and Ear Inlirmory. Physician. Surgeon and Obstetrician. Cor- oner for the County of Victoria. Diseases of the Eve and Ear special _v treated. W Ollice and residence West May street, Feat-ion l-‘ulls. Wu. KEMP'I'. M. I1, (I. .‘I., lllADIIATE of McGill University, Man I treat, and Provincial Liretttinte, I’hysi- cinu, Surgmn and Obstetrician. Medical Referee to the Stnudard, I’lucuix, Connecti- cut Mutual, and Equitable Insurance Com- pauics. Ollicr and residence, in the house lately occupied by llrv. Father Stafford, at the corner of Lindsay and Itus streets. Lindsay. HOTELS. 'I‘ ll l'i G LO I! 1'} ll O'i‘l'l L. IVI-INT street. Lindsay. ll. O'lwnry, I’rr- prietor. This well known hotel (lately in charge of Mr. John Young) has been remodelled and ttrwty l‘dt‘niillt‘thfllltl guests ran depend upon g-dting excellent accom- modation and first chm: hoard. The sheds and stnhling are all that can be desired. .‘lt‘.\l{'l’llUR HOUSE. EVELON FALLS. Roler Rutherford. 1 pro rEelor. This well known first ohms I hotel his every appliance necessary for the new-nunmlution and comfort ul‘gucsts. and i. largdy patronize-l by the travv-lling pub- lic. w‘ Cll.\'t(‘-t‘.3 Itcasoxanvrffia A free omnibus to and from the railway stallion. “MISCELLANEOUS. ' ucoxu mvtstox Cull 11‘ I.\' THE COUXTY OI" VICTORIA. The next sitting: of this Court will he held on Monday. D-r'r tlth. IN". GEO. CUNNINGHAM, Clerk. ' J.\.\l us .1. row Ell. ICEXSEI) Auctioneer, Accountant and I] (lrncrul Commission .\g--nt. (,‘nllcct- ing nt‘t‘nllnIS u lpceialty. Utilize, Fenclon Falls. Out. S. JOHNSON. IYCTIHNI‘IER. Village Prop-rty and ; r‘arnt Sales A sprrixtlty. Notes, Ac- counts. "cuts ‘tC- Cullcclt‘cl. Ollic‘ and residence on Bond street. Pent-Inn Falls. JAMES ntcusox, L. Surveyor. (‘om nistionrr in the Q. IL, . Convcynnvvr. kc. Residence, nod ad- drvs', l‘enrlon l-‘alli. Sill-ILANDS & EMMONS, both Experienti‘d Dentists. Ofllce Eshtblished in Lindsay 14 Years- Oue of the above Dentists will be at the MoAR'rturR n o t' s E.l Peneluu run, on the third Maudnyofruch l month. Oifico in Lindsay, next door to Bowcs' utorr. ' I $50,000 TO LEND at 8 mm cant, i with the privilege of paying 08 in full or? tip instalments at any tum. “engages.i m. m“ J. u. ntxov. Kunister. 3c. 8‘ Oflcc Dobcny Block, Kent Itreet, v Lindny. MONEY T0 LOAN (to Real Bum It Eight per «nth Pfirnsc Fuudt. homo! _tuyatblc at Liadsay. .‘mt Cammiuioa charged nor bowl! required. verv suall. A 1 tr swam ' PM 3 D canon 3's" 0am. urbane". Block, Kent! "mt, Lindsay. i » TOTICE. l- Xotlcc it let'ch siren that the rattan. ! up“! will not be responsible to: any data: g contracted in his as: . unless the party. na'rucfi-tg tit-.3 baa his written author-a; i or am of Mr. J. D. Smith. a R. 0. slum. , [nation Folk, by :60, use H41. l flu: fc ltlJlt falls flinch: Saturday, Nov’r. 20th, 1880.‘ Industrial Education- From an excellent article under the above hé‘ddiug in The November tttilltbct' -t'the {innit/1"!" [Jon/{seller 11ml SM H'mmr we take the following extract. vhich we commend to the thoughtful _u:l'u.~:tl of all who'fhvour the pernicious ystcm of' " ct‘atnmilt: " at present per- eIu-d in our public schools: " The years dovoml to thc'ncquisitiuu .l‘ “ buokleuruiug. " beyond the clemen- tary branches which are useful to all. ire tho so years III which children and outh are Ira-t disguised to idleness. in chic?» they have most. patience to learn amlicral't. in which their fingers and dots are in the best condition to ac- [Hire the pliability and dexterity essen- tial to most industrial occupations. A ,iublic school system which exponds he taxes of' the people in keeping bays :nd girls confined to a de-‘k and stool luring thcse precious years. handling nothing but. books and papers, and enrol": little or nothing of anything vhich pertains to a future occiipatiiin. toes violence to the simplest dictates of -mmuon SI'IISC, violence to the boys and zirls, to their parents and to all society. It is notorious that in our large cities it. least, the courses of'instruction in the public sI-hools are arranged with a view if' carrying every pupil through every trade from primary school to the acid- eutic finis. us though every pupil were -xprcted to earn ndivolihond in some professional Career. Titus, with the multiplicity of' studies imposed upon npils. the thousands whose attendant): 4 nec:.-.~.<:1rily limited to Ithc1 prllll:ll'nurses l'ail to become pt'ulici-‘ut in th' ‘l'lll‘dllillfy’ branches of reading, wri:. ag and arithmetic, while those who pus. hrough the higher grades are in~tillo vith a (liaiucliuatinu to engage l'l an: ecupttiou which involves physical la- tour." ' ‘ ====s .. .Bqttelifl‘imes- The .I/onrtlrg/ Times says:â€" Thc period of depression, if not over. is lint Pit-«ing away.’nnd sign of' awak- ruing prosperity uroou cvvry hausl l‘ltc great increase in the revenue, flu- '|u.- last three months, i»: tho best. pro f l‘thi- rmiutl If cmu-u'rco. Tho in- crease in bunk circu atiou and discounts luring the last. lll'tillll, is not less strik- ing. The raiiways are doing a greatly in wooed business, and the rev-auto t. of drum- nl‘ litt'm t-fllltl‘l I'lt‘ (it"t‘I' Trunk. shows a very large augmentation. Sharing in the prosperity of' the rail. ways, the express companion are bu~iv~r titan at any previous limo. The luml- ‘ trade is active and lwalthy, and prob- ably more lumber will b.- got out th's wiut- 1' than ever b-i'orc. vacstic tumulhcturcs are thriving, and as a consequence new ventures are being everv d‘ty engaged in. There is one do- phuable exception to this renewed ac tivity. Uur hhip-buildiug inn-nut Cun- tiuucs depressed; and for it there is, in .my case. only a molt-rate revival p '3 siblc. Bankruptcies have f'alh-u to Clw- third what they were a yyat' ago. and suits for the recovery of' debts are lc~.~ .rcqucut. Anothtr Victory for Haslan. The longrxpcctcd rncc furth aquat- ic chmnpinmhip took place on Monday last. at London, Engu over the [bun course from l’utncy to )bu'tlnke on the Thames. and resulted in a hollow victo- rv for the. " Torontobuy," who won ht tivo lengths, alter stopping ocea>ioualiv as he has a lh~hiau ol'duiug. to b or to the spectators. admit}: the rcum'ry and cool his I‘urt‘ltvrld. Itch“ \‘Itlll that ltl‘ opponent 'l'riokctt, the gigantic Altitral ion, “in not. in \‘t-rygpnml form; bat the spurliug papers; while admitting this, say that under no circumstance.~ would he stood any chance. again}: lh.‘ Cmadiau. Ilanlatt. though he has lost three or four ructs through accident or sickness, has never yet been fairly beat- Y co: and his friends and admirers a~scrt that. no known oarsmau is his equal. He now holds the proud (and profitable) title of “ Aquatic Champion of the World.” which there i\ every presnn pmbal-ility of his retaining until years shall abate his \igr.ur sufficiently to enable some as yet unknown man to d -- feat him. which defeat. we hope any be tin-z point by the ease with which “he fellow countryunn and old opponent. Layon‘b. defeated liaspwr. thz' noted American oarsuwt. u- hot days an" has, ion-l one dg no; pm: u” hm Tye "nub ,.f Tom-gm an of comm.- iu I auav with a heavy load ofgooaht iu ill: mqacia‘nm the success of their f. llaw ,‘ wag-ma just bxotsc a little pi: came ‘ will from under the railway station and . citizen, and gimme Is some talk "i. girl".- him a 2mm] publiu “replica when he said " Chant." at his". l l l l I | l l l l l l i so long deferred that when it cornea it i i will bring with If no bitterncfi. Au l root-til objgcfiou to some harmless mi”; 3 immense amount of” moneyâ€"sumo my ' or another, and try l 1 million dollarsâ€"urns staked on .‘L-u- 3 It with all Invssiblc : dun. nee, the confidence of Trickctt‘s hone-s employed in (ruling in this ril~ fi-i:1|ds having been kept up to tho b-H- i logeâ€"well fed animals that are a cred- l 9 ’iu aid of' St. Jamcs's church Sunday . --. lawful, y... ~2v-un «ivâ€"o. u. "if “in... -- R .- vv‘b ~-- - . i ' ,.‘ r - r - . . . _ r; ,4, -- , _, - ° . r ’, -~.3_ I y. . .r - 7; s . _._guréiqmmgyees :ppcq‘tqthiuk. .bonte at his , the goat pack- An appeal for aid throtgbout Canada 111 tit iâ€"‘4 much 'betmatmfixnnc‘mé‘ thaLbad juggbcou put into the and the United States In: been divided a row fifty yard»- wiile the ouéxf'bcst wa’Egon bounding dp‘nud down with 3 upon. and will no doubt be liberally n:- 11.811 can row only forty-nine. . ~ violence that-fthi'cateo‘od destruction to , spondcd to. _ the bottom-hunk. Though a splendid t - Tux Slzruomsr (‘itcccrLâ€"Wc ‘arc arm?“ ME? he 91mg: must?" 1?"? requested to announce that the Rev. n"? term hula an ." “full. r .‘lr. Pattyson. of Lindsay. will preucb finert all. a my?!" m _ "3b"! 5 in a... .‘Igthudie church, Fenefou Fun. " TUEfil‘l‘hrmf-H” “5 ‘3‘" “"1 on Sunday evening next at the usual Stnpm‘. 9'0"“) “Fm "‘3 Onc' noun would" tdo'for the ltttle were that is » ' ‘ _n q _ - , In partnershtp with MolLttoSvMeFar .Tm U5“: ~°C’-"-~--‘“-- 1M“ W" land in the grocery and provision bud give a Social at the Rectory on the even- ' . . w I , h 0, l , . Hess to scare at. bags or pigs, and she I, 1 l « ' . . - to: of e Itcroay out, t c _dn tnst.. doe n , care a “humor “the” but she is as much afraid of “a newspaper as a councillor or stiltoolzgrustcc who is con- scious of having done wrong, and prob- ubly if she got agpeep intn‘the Guzetlr. "flint: on publicu'ipuday. she would not stand as quietly next door to it. as she now' does. Of" entitsc It shows a lament- ,chnol and Sunday school library. All :tre invited. ' ‘ ' ’ ' THE PRESBYrBRI.\N.â€"Attantion ‘is directed to the advertisement of the Cu- nwla I’rcqu/Irri'un, a periodical so well known as to require no words of com- :nvndutiou at our hands. “Iii-rs gh-at imluceut=-nts to subscribers For 1881. and wants an active agent in each congregation. The pill-dblle able want of sense in horses to give way to such-fours; but some of the be lief‘s and superstitions of the human . race are not a «up more rcEtSnnahle. WINTER â€"â€"-Snddcnly, with but. vet-v litrlo warning, winter has, set. in. Oh ‘ .' "L , Sunday the weather was cautil'ul. but Smash. a little pnow fell on each. of the. three sgvgnxi, roux-tray;l parts 05' THE '1‘. «S: N; rllcvt‘etllllg day s, and during Wednesday 11y, jay] :rgf’gn-rn'Acx. night 50 much was ttddrd to it that on - 'I'ursd’tv .u great many sleighs were Last, Saturdniiafwfi-nbn as N”. 9 “"l- [_‘ll'fi (ljrl‘lfli') ""er"! '5 qune Freight train on the Toronto uud'NipL ci’lJa-“m' “‘dlcam’l's 0r “1"” “0“- isning Railway was going north-reveral BIG 'l‘URmPs.â€"â€".\Ir. John. Byers. of' “the cal?" dumped 'tl‘e track and “:0” lot No. 17 in the Il'th cnncchion'nf Fen- FCOWde‘l.m “ cf"'luscd lie“? 0“ 0"“ 5"“ chm, has raised some big turnips ol' the “'0 “cFl‘l°"“’¢¢“"C'l l": “"01”- 50.01:" whim “Hi.” [his 563,3 Hu 1,sz one great difficulty was experienced in clear- wuighing lle at this office; rluothcr, a ""1 {he mmk- T316 mild “'33 bincmd wand heavier. "Hy bg‘ 5:8,, in Mr_ for‘stx' hours which 'was ptrticularly xu._.,.,,c', drug 5mm. am] a twenty fin”. unfortunate from thc‘lact thatthc mail poumh-r has been sent to Lindsay. Some. """llfb'l‘l' “P'a'l'l' down “'ch fieluyc‘l‘ my um, “my “we sem'mnfips much llad It been possible the wreck‘would larger, but M r. Byers’s were grown in a S'mPlem 7° ch" Pllsl‘ed out f‘fl_ll0 WW- field without any spa'cial cultivation, bl” this “'33 lutlm-‘i-‘lble "Fl"? [0 ll“? a'ud are pretty good for Feucluu. ‘3""53'0'1 SP"ce_"‘ “mull ‘L In} KT.“ ' , _ ‘ ' ' nally it. Was deculed to burn the debris. A Swan? luxplflmfuhxr‘” AS ‘ ha“ and . though this entail ~d some daurtge bevnfunell mull“: ("'ferie‘ sliver“ per" upon the track author. point, the plan sons In lhls'vulale raised a low stunt was c-arried "I", and the gun! at. sec- cattps lll lllcnl' gatplous ‘fl-fllll seed given an" hump, “.1,” I,“ been and m (he to t torn by tte luau, :ll'.’l1tt-;Illl, and 5pm “paired the damage to. “,8 hack one of them, Mr}, “tn. liarrcln, Il-lted Mum,“ difficulty» _Tne "a result 0, sweet sticky substance somewhat. rcScut- tin-n 0-: ‘lmc "cum mu" three ‘0‘“ch blin'r sol'tdaffec, an I as Mr. Warren bimg‘lllyirc li‘b'" "0"". .5” badly um " , . . they could not be put upon the track left us 03"“! flzih‘i'lm‘ .sulfcntfrs":ll" again. None of the men on the train have paid at a vancc can nave .t .ttsle were i,,jumd._m",m. as long as It huts, and a slice of Mr. r_ r Byers's big turnip to cut with it. if they choose. Goon NEWS FOR THE L .tDIES.â€"Sumc genius has invented and patented a “nose machine,"â€"â€"ou the principle of' the spring clothespiu, 'tve supporterâ€"by means of' which a bully shaped probos- cis can be coaxed into symmetrical pro- ortiuns. There is also a “ skin-tight- er," to take out wrinkles and crows'fect; A Terrible Colliery Exp osiou. OVER. 40 LIVES SUPPOSED TO BE LOST l About half past 6 o‘clock on the morning of the Ith lust. a l'rightl'ul explosion. caused. it is bolvacd, by a defective lamp. took place in the Fu-mi pitof'the Albion mines at Stellar-ton, Nova Scotizt. The Hulllt end of the pit was choked with debt-[Li‘and of the 164! men and boys at work at the, time 46 are missing and have'prnbalnly all per- ished. This is the. first iscrimw explo- sion that has taken place in the Fonrd pit since it has‘ been ltiillttlgttd by the llaiil'ax .‘liniug Company. who obmin- icd' it in 1872. About two months ago r. but what this machine in like we have not. the slightest. idea. The best skin tightener we know of' is a Christmas dinner; and the new one cannot possibly be more pleasant to the patient,.-though it may be less local in its effects. With these two inventions and tho “blush bonnet," which is warranted to impart tilt: -‘ roseatc hues of' early dawn " to the most sallow checks. ladies may be made “ bc-nutil’ul forever." even though Madame Rachel is no lougcrdiving to polish, paint, plaster and preserve their failing charms. ‘- NONE so Bthn. &c."â€"-A Fcnelnn l":tll.~ correspomleut of tho I’osl'aezks us, ul'tor two or three quibbliug Comments with reference to our remarks last week respecting the “ butcher bydaw," to rise and explain how we reconcile those remarks with our objection to the Post's agent soliciting orders for print- ing from the business men of this vil- lage. Bless his innocent heart ! Doe< he .~upposc that. we shall fill ltp half' a column or more of' our scant space in giving an explanation that. is only ash- c-l by about half a dozen persons in the viilagr, and by them only because they are blinded by "sil'll' interc t. We don't Il'nom who the c’orr‘esruuulcotof the Post is; but if he isn't. a butcher" or' the rel- ative of' :t. butcher \\'c are very lilUC't mistaken. \\"-- opp-use the byélaw as a piece of'class legislation (ll-tritnemal to the interests of the public, especially the poor. and it odd be time enough to accuse u" ul'iueousisteucy when we at- tempt to procure similar legislation in our own belt tll'. flopped and the Water b’urst through, destroying a large a‘limuut. off’propci'tyf though no lives were lost but on the- thh oi'Octobcr the wit _ b‘rtike through in a different. quarter-tn »:t [torl'vc‘b for- reut. sweeping our!» bots-on and men in- f'ure it. and on this occasion 'six of the miners were drowned. Thc' history of the mining on the seat" in which the Foot-d pit is situated has been one story ol‘, disasters. It is a thirty l‘eet. s-am. and so lull of gases as to bu. nxcnediau- ly dangerous; but about 330.000 hav- ing been expended in new machinery. the nit was considered safe. as the men could walk out. of' it:-‘ - In coutwctiou with the recent explosion the following t-t-u-y is told and said to be literally true: " ' Close by Stellnrto:t_. is the town of' New Glasgow,- and among its resident Is an old woman named .‘lrs. Chose, who claims the power‘ of f'urefc , events. A couple of' months ago. after the accident. whereby the mine wa- purtly ll )OthJ and a lorof' hol'scu killed. .t number of' the tniucrs. Ii-nriug that the pit. was not safe, consulted this old woman. Site told them. that there would Soon be number accident. of tin- -atne nature, and her prediction proved Correct. for on the 12a.‘..r October there was a tothc-r rush of'watvr. which caused the death of‘ six men. But her" soâ€"c‘all- ed srcoul sight treat. beyond this; . At the same ti on site told them that. on the 12th ol'Nuvcxnbchhcr-J would be an cxplmion. which would bcdisustrous. In Iorctclliug the first accident shu did not lit: the date, but. naptcd the 12th of November as the date on which the predicted explosion wqud take place. After the fir~t prediction had proved correct, there: was great 'cxcitument among the miners, who began to place more litith in the old crutu's powers. The fear became so gem-ml that clergy ‘ncu felt it n cal-"My t-Igpeak from their pulpit» of' th : superstition. This quiet- .--I a great tntuy. but a number. chit-fly Frenchmen who came to thi‘ country a few years tun. onuhl'not be persuaded th-tt all was ri-:ht,~ and_thry left. the. mines. Some of the men again wont to the old woman and she rcpt-rund- hcr prophecy, but the ridicule of the better part ol'thr- motttitmity led many on sup puss their-fetus and go toworlt. One young men mtth lit-buts visited the woman a few days bsfiwc the explosion. :l'l'l was warned that. if he wanted to live he must not enter the pit on the 12th. 0:: that morning, when thebom' l'or cnumcuciug was npfinachiug. hc npokc to his mother, who rebuked himl’or pav- ing any attention to such Malone. lie went iotothc pit and lost bionic. This story coon-.4 l'rolu persona, who are not inclined to believe in such things but who are firmly s.tio&:d of 'thc truth of it. No one need be carpi-Lied that in view of the terrible realisuion of' her prophecy nhc is not wanted as a pcrmn gifted with more than ordinary mortal lumen. , _ ' Later. ucn has come of at second ex- plmion in the pit. and the tntul number Nor Connecr â€"~Thc Past. in notic ingour remarks resp'ctiug its travel- ling agent, says that all he brought from. the Falls was " a lbw lines of'fiuc prim. ing that Would otherwise go to the city." l‘ois is not cirrcct. Tue orders taken were for ordinary hill-heuls Ht ‘h as Wt' have hithvrto dune in a style with which our custmncrs appetrt-d uni-lied, and at priess which either the proprietor of the l'uxl or its lltl‘L'ill'ltl told u< were charg. ed at that ufliuc. lfany b-tsittexs man in Fcoeluu Falls thinks lit to send lsi‘ printing to Limhuy l-c ha~~ a pcrlcc .-i_.|.[ to do so. and we have nothing’ to. uv :lguilh't it; but we ul-jcc: to a tout ur'coaxiog :tml parwcatnm those who would naturally deal with us until It; gets an order from them. and offering to do work at SNI'VMIOH rates if‘a l'air offer be not effective. It is Some cow solution to know that many to whom in- applied told him plainly that. they would get their printing done at the Falls as long as there this an office in it; and that one or two of them. who remrt to strong laugutge on an cuter- geocy. showered rough eloquence upou' .\lr. 'l‘nuter without the least rtgnrd for his feelings. llortsrs.‘ Warnsâ€"littoral: _lriu.K are re trcsly more “ notioualy " snituals than horses. most of which have deeply to get. away from rapidity. The two It to their ownersâ€"dram bat-'0 pct nrcr- ui:.')s, which they exhibit. on all avail- able. "cel‘iolla. .‘Ir. Gatchcll's ltatxs .‘lr. Q-tible'g- h'tnnls, emu-u»! with bomb and on» horse isn't a bit afraid of' anrthiug lir-i of men and buys kiiled amouuuto fil'ty. bdriahrd with belts, to liw bay upon chick he acquired the skill and much- which lave tun-h: lies a r-‘I’l u! hatch, nul the on..- great t--rror ul’his existence god in the ryet of at: admiring but uu- ' is a: unfl)‘ bag. tbinbin; world. 5 ho! dry-4m ls paws» v icizzus pmpemiticfi I: is a good thing to 7 on Tukday morning lrt. on: Its Rub be 1 great artist. summit, enter urine 2 ICI’ feet {mm mm. be set cfi't‘or F . in: ; but he b.:ll='\':s that varioue kinds C s-tsaqnvzatly «how, and people, are thrown out of" employ- meat in the fun of o Camilla: winter. . . o . , - , l l The Lubes Horror. PIKE IN THE HINN’ESOTA STATE ASYLUM Onthe night of the 15th inst. a wing of the State Insane Asylum near St. ~Peter, in the State of Minnesota, was destroyed by fire. The nSyIutn is a mile from 'the'tnw'n. The night Was bitterly cold. The roads leading to the in- stitution were in a terrible condition. Hence but little was done to check the shoes. The number of lives lost. by burning and freezing is variously esti~ mated at from 20 to 50. Thc‘loss on the building is 6300.000. Tlte scenes at the burning hospital were hcartren~ ding in thc‘extreme. So appalling a sight has rarely been witnessed. The parties in the annex wing were males. _Many refused to leave the building, and run tap-and down the halls scream- ing and crying and acting like the bed- lamities they were; Thosc‘who couhl not he ‘coaxed nor fumed out of‘ the building suffocated or suffered a horrib'o death in the pit. of fl-tmes. Others were saved, Shine by ladders and some by leiipiitg from the windows. Some were n-mrly nude, t'oznc nhocless, some hatlcss. and all'truri: exposed to the exciecding cold of the night. Molly of the poor .dmncutetl and crazed llllltillQ$IlUtl as if for their lives. and could not be over- taken or, confined. The whole. catas- trophe is it"ltenrtrcu'riug one. The poor dazed inmates who had esc:tped the. flames were atlarge half' clotlwd. and were to be seen in all directions flying in wild afft'iuitt. from those who attempted to stare them. The air was bitterlv cold. and llte‘ 'p'no'r wretches with ball naked bodies anl‘blecdingr feet were flying about, hiding in alleys and dark corners. For sortie-time the capacity oi'thebuildiug had been tried to its- utmostf There were about. 600 patients and every inch of space was untitizcd. What will be done ,with these poor crea- titresâ€"their iflalady increased by the cxcimuietlt ol' the occasionâ€"is a serious question. ' A Green Doctor. Sarah Bernhardt has been succeeded in the gossip of Paris by Dr. (lhirou. culled‘ the “ blue doctor." This nann- hc obtained through being called in to see a lady who was on the point ol’dcath, as was supposed, from some my~tt~riou- Wt'tllitlt‘bfi. He sent at once, not for mo- dicamcnts. but for an upholstercr. and ordered this tt'iitleétmtu at once to rcl'u '- uish,thc_wholc of the lady's robots with stuffs and carpets dyed with indigo. lle clothed her with stuff; sititilurly dyed and ordered that none should approach lu-r unless clad in indigo-dyed garments The reéult. was, so the. story goes, that the lady recovered, and that Mr. (.‘bit‘nu received the name of “lo: r/uclmu- Iu’mu, ,, . He is not. liked by the regular practition- whe'wnrking‘oi' mic bf th'c'old pits Wel't' ' ’curos by Wonderful method-z. ers. ttho do riot, scrtt’plc to call him a quack. but he has made s-uue wonderful One of there cures it:t<_nccurrevl with the with l l l of an eminent English statesman. This lady had long sulfa-red from an appar- C'ntly' inCurable Cough of' a very dis- tresslugsttuturc. She went to the blue doctor. who for three mouth made hu-r inhale daily :1 mizturc of" chloroform and the fumes of' some strong acid. Every day She Was chlorolbrmrdv to ins-nuibility, and at the same time was acidulntcl, with the result. that she is now quite well. *o.____. _._ The Wonders of Nevada. Nevada is a land of' curious physical phenomena. llcr rivers have no visible outlet to the ocean. She has no lakes of any magnitude. She has hstflfrctch- es of it'lkuli deserts, however, that give ct‘ery intimation of' having heal: the bedsnr bottoms of either Seas or lakes. Down in Lincoln County is a spring of icc‘cold water that bubbles up over a rock and disappears on the other side, and no one‘ has ever been able to find where the water goes. At‘auother point in the same county is a large spring about twenty feet square. that is apparently eighteen or twenty inche- in depth, with sandy bottom. The sand can be' plainly Scull, but on linking closer itis perceived that this road is in n perpetual state of unrest. No bot- tom has ivcr been found to this spring. It. is said that. u teatudcr. on reaching this spring one «lay, deceived by ll> apparent shallownefi. concluded to soak one of' his wagon wheels to curt.- tho loosoucw ol' the tire. IE: therefore took it oil'aml rolled it into thoâ€"as lu- thoughtâ€"«dutllow water. lie new; laid his eyes on that. mug-in wheel again. DISTRIJT NEWS. Blinder)". The blackhmith shop owned :md‘occu- pied by Mr. Jallllcr‘r Welsh \'u'~t.~l destroyed by fire, which origin-It'd from some no known cause, aboutS-I. o'clock on the morning of Thur-day, the 17th iurt All the tools and some new sl 'ighs were burned. The loss is abut! $250, and there was an insurance of 3.30 m: the building. The dwelling-house caught live to: was saved, :ltottgh not without great dificulty. Q Cobain-g. 0cm )Itsruut. \\'r..\t;rtl.-â€"0:t Mun. dav al'terumm Mr. it than H. i it, who I)“; been working in .‘Iad-vc all smother. left at this, office spieinn-m oh the lit silizwd wood now being mined at that plum. I The sir-clowns he pmcurml for Dr. ilzaoel, Sch-no.- Mtstcr ot' Viuori: Ucdlcgo, but the curious can see them at this ofiicc for a di)’ or two. Mr. Edict ‘utttcs that the material in tho who» has" the uppearautn as il’a Ion: I once Mood there. and that. the trt‘ci had be 'u prostrated by a hurrimue, which In very probably the any in wide] the dc- pusit occurred. This wood. which has Thirty‘threc widows cud-one hundred been "turned to slope," is mined i.- and ten orphuitu have been left by the! large quantitim, and tss-nt to the other vhf" dinners. and seven hundred wen, i side, when: it is ground and nude iuto "pres-outing : population-of two thou-g a fire pro-of pilot. a peculiarizy at it b:ing that 5.1.: has no cfi'oct upon it.â€" Smrt'nd Slur. 'f t l l t l l l l l l l 2' l l .4,“ . ~31 ’ conteiusfiii hikmfl§éd£o5fid$uraidé : Lisdw; and-Lands.- .Cousiderittg tbtil he had hold of the barrel with one hand. and the natured in the other. he , had a narrow aud_yct ,a fortunate es- quwood. Romanoâ€"ME “user's huntng party rvlttracd home nu Thursday cvnn. ing last. after a that days' hunt. They were in the Til~il_tlly.ill'lflrgc herds of; canc‘-smmh;ny ;_ “' ‘, deer, but the "Susan the hunters PI‘Oth _fi _. recreatnt to their trust, and would not .- . kill worth a cent. The only incident of Petgx borvug‘h‘ the chase worth' mentioning was the Tn: BUTTER MARK“ _.Poter. sharp contest .\Ir. B.Rorabcckâ€"itt whose woods the party plied llt'il‘ l.uiuâ€"l.d with a fine young doc, which, on being i attacked by the dogs, quickly sprang forward. and. beibg about to close knife i borough claims to be the butter tna‘tket ofthc Province, and the facts fully bear out the boast. ' V or six weeks we have frequently referred to the large quantities of butter a,“ have been disposed ut‘ here. but we had no idea that the trade was by ttnv means as extensive as we find by enquiry ’11)“ it is, and as the season has virtually co. ded. a few lhcts only not bcout cfphtoe. The principal buyers are Messrs. W. Clnxton. J. \V. Flarclle; \V. II. “'righ~ Lon. McBaiu Bros.. and Cribbcn. .Tho total number of packages marketed with. in a mouth is about 2.300, averaging: 100 lbs. each, or a iota] of --230.000 pounds. Of this large quantity Messrs. l Clarion and b‘invellc handled about i l in hand with the animal. it struck him with great. force against. the breast, nearly breaking some of his ribs. [in was ecriqusly but; and had to be tttkcu bottleâ€"Register. ‘ Bobcnygcon. F03 rut: Su.t.\t'rtus.â€"-.-\ large drove of' very hue cittle, numbering seventy head, paced through this- village, on Wednesday, on their way to the shan- ncs m the north. Lamaâ€"Mr. Leuunx. the legal lumin- ary who has done the law of this village for the past two years, has remdved else- where. 'We atcwithnutu lawyer. Who ever comcs'is ' requested to bring testi- monials. '- - N2\\-'Srcauno.a-r.â€" U:tptititt Bottum is pushing-on tho-building of‘ his new strtunboat wtth vigour. But the event of'tnost interest is the decision of Dr. .‘IcCamus to build ,hls steam yacht here, instead of purchasing one ready 900 packages each, and -‘t|te‘ reinitiudcr wn< divided up utnon‘g the other three firms. Mr. Flnvelle has already ship: pcd direct to Liverpool live c'nr loads, , and has another one about ready. " M r; Cluxtou has shipped obtiut'thc stone in quantity to the same piticel’and alsulhn‘s some in hand. The other dealers bought. principally for Montreal h-ouscs. “The prices paid were, from 170. to’250., or an nverazu of' with, involving u total oxpcnditut‘c of something like $50,000. built in the States; He has obtained The quality ."f bun" {hm-'1'“ been. drawiugs‘ Mill's, .Md dc‘signg' pm", marketed dprtng the season about closed the most skilf'ul men in the profession. l I" h". “Penm- 1" ll'm “l. any for a long and ,3 mm, mangilgm, in éulmmc. l term of years, and has had only ouo‘ tion. Mr. McFadden will superinteud “m”- Tl'? rammrs in mi" "ell-lllb"l" the work. The yacht will be 40 feet himd pm I" ‘0" much ml" “ml-"y m lung. 7 pact beam. and have an 34m,“ dtspOsc ullthut Seasoning commodity at power engine. which will. when desired, m." mm “(mic For ly'u‘ld’ “Huh-is K “.nrk m, m ‘2‘],"3" "MW... The- yncm trifle too htgh,as any person will ackuou‘-‘ will be a duiS)'â€"-Imll'1)€ndcnt. ledge WIN" um first 6"“ of "'c "Hide is _:.. taken into‘ conSidct'tlthnl-é-Iiccl'o'to. _._.. _ _“M Port Y-Io e. - p 5%“ All pnrttcs_ indebted to Dr. Brysuul are. ri-questcd to Call and settle thrir'ne.‘ counts at once, it‘ they wish to rare as no further notit'e will he git-on. . "_â€"-â€"-â€"----" m1» GAS Exchnstoxnâ€"Shortlyf offer w.» had gone topuss oh Saturday ullcrum'n the fire balls were rung. when it was found that the cause of the alarm, was an explosion of‘ gas in the 'ella'iyol' S. \Villiatnsd’. Cm, deten's llotul Block The Gas eo:np:iny_is replacing its me- ters with those having the (.iovcrntm-ut ramp on. and Mr. \l'illi:tttts.sziys the pipv-smust have-bow (livarranged in smue way tucausc the leak. As the place was filled with? escaping go's Mr. Williams went. _down. cellar toiuvesti- late the nutter. carrying in his hand a lighted coal oil lamp; He had not proceeded many feet into the cellar before an explosion 'took plat»; renter- iug the lamp in all directions, and at the same time setting lire to u can of" oil. The lighted gas melted the. lead 5.5%; 1311213119. . In the township of Penelou, on Friday, the 12th lush, the with ur to. “'m. b‘inou ol’a son. m-_ .W 7'! [\II 1“ 11313). BYltNEI.I.-COOPBlt.f-'O‘tt the 17th inst,- by tho lit-v. \V. W, Leech, at the residence t'l‘ Mr; John Quinn, Font-_l‘nu l’nlI-. brother-induw of die bride, Mr. William Byruell to Culb- crin’c, daughter of Mr. Joseph Co‘opcr, all of' the township of Fourier: 31A RKET ITTCI’ORTS. Mariano}: FALLS .\t.tttltl:'l‘8.. '_ ...._.... rem-tou- runs, Friday, xmr. mamas-1. conductor pipe und'thc'f'ull thrift: of Illt' \Yltca'f, full,- per bushel - - SI 05 l 15 gas was thus set on fire. Mr; il’illidttt‘S, “WW”: SPm'Bv " ' ‘ ' 1 “a l '0 with gri'ot presence of mind; threw g"‘.1"y'l'_‘:rb"f,l“'l , ‘ ' ' 7? 80 some lincu Wrapping-cloth b‘l‘er the ,. ,, : : ' ' i; ,,=- flames and shovelh-dvcoal out_ (up of' it, Rye. ', o It - . : 59 w r 25 extinguishing the the." In carrying off l’otittocs, “ - â€" - --- '-25 it!) the burning oil can he "got his lttt'tds mm“: ilt‘f ""1 ' ' ' ‘ ' H la 29 burned and' hair ridged, But wt! are Q‘Wml ““git l'” 100 "’5'! G 75 7'50 :lad to say that uoi'tnateriul damage ' h2g5, per dozen, - - . . . llav .er Ion - - - - . ,r - was douc.,â€"Glu.dc. “ 7 ' l ' 7 ’0 m “(I _.4 *‘..____ b...- )1icilangl: _._.â€" Applcs, per barrel, - - - Cahlmgcs, per dozen, - - - 50 to GO Carrots, per bushel, - - - 35" ‘40 IXIHAN IsotJNUt'rv..â€"-'l’llis week Wl‘ mm" d " ‘ ' ' 25 .~ 3° have noticed Some Indiana offering for sale Ia’uoy lulskets. ni'nde nth-r the rtyl- and nmttuo'r' of _I'iuzlip'h willow baskets with thin dilfcrcttco‘tltat the willow, wcrccolnurcd red. The baskets wch .‘Rlus'rEmATJ‘Aw"_Liu,l,,n):' omco ta~tclully made and ‘ found ready sale uu KcutStreet, ucxtduur westot‘lv’yitlt‘c NE“; srrrj1¢gs‘__;31i'llu||,l i', shorty“, Agriculturaluud Implement Store. to have tu'n new stores. The numb'r I J of'storcs Will then be as follows. Gen- erul stores, three; General Hardware, shops, One; Tailoring establishment. one. All the above are carrying hcuvv stocks and well worth the patronage «if farmers of'l'iuy and Toy. Llivo ‘Mid- land a cull. . Nmnow ESCAPEâ€"“A Sail calamity almost too horrible tucoutmupluto, came m-ar beingr consummated in conm-cti'm with tho mammoth burner. at Victoria II trbor one day last week. Mr. 'l‘h-tmzh Payne, while attending to his. duties at the big fire place, we : accidentally ctught by the carriers and hurried swiftly and surely towards the flaming vortex ; and as he had It decided objection to suddc,‘ inchn-ration in n. Wlltllchlt! cremation uttd is n welcome Yinildl‘ to thousandtof (“mama and finding “hugely-numb. he)" {imUtchLâ€"Stmglbnl limcon. " less. he gave arteries of unearthly yclm which brought about. a dozen people on the scene, amongr othersut. young man run. the platform of the railw iy nation. who succeeded: to. re~cuiog himju~t u- m: wm alth to make the fatal ptunsr. I second longer and it. would have hem to.) late»; It was certainly mlmir brcadtt. ,‘scape l'rum :t.!'c-irl'ul"dpont. .‘It'. l’ayu- ‘hH decided to abnulou, the involuntary vtrcmttlb-tl bu~iuossfnr some more coa- gcuicl pursuitâ€".lrgw'y. o: I; C Néiv Amorous; oi security of mortgages or Apply to JOHN 2*... 1M IlllON, “Ably Conducted."â€"-.\'cwmurkcl Era. . Edited by rctcv. wu. txotits. Published on Friday, at $2 per unnum. _._ .ln Amt \fanttd in. livery l‘ongrezztlion. 18 Lou: livttllibrml Premium. Only :t for llonn‘. horlt llaqnirul, lam uf for free lo 3m Subscribe". T0 EVERY 37113331;th 2 Our Premium Engraving to every Jul» scrihL-r fu- INHI is a chute pipe».- ot'urt, cu- titlvd " God's Word," bin! '13 :r. 110, from I. engraved by Arthur \Villtnore. I-t'lltht pir- turc 1-; illustrated thi- l’utnhl‘e oi' the Sewer, and the distinguished nrtisl'it conception in no ndmirah'y mrtird out by the cngrtfi'cr â€"â€"â€".â€"~.-..~ l’ort Poi-1'35. l little pridv, in prewating it to our pro-pity- ing sub-.u'ibvrtt. cwry one of whom it Cnflv tied to thin Valuable engraving. ANOTHER 0."?le SURGIC.\I..-â€"I4;t.~l. Ft'l‘lny Dr. Batc- illllll rcumvcd l'rnm a horse, belongibg (-I Mr Duh, ol' the Tong tip of B‘gn'lfi a ml'lmmh'raumnr. about 15,iuclo:t'lbuzr. 530,,” "m. .,,,,,,.,,b,., -,,,.,.f" m" “m, and wens-urn: about five tmun'l~. it "our." mvi.v22..u,w-u-.mb or mum"- waa‘ located in thc iq/‘m. ymfcrior purl It‘ll tlu: “ Meeting of Wrtliugmn nod Bio. of the abalomcu,_n ltl Lil,- mun-r ennui lcr- el Lizu " a deal horse." before, t...- operatinn Was performed. The unit“:- .m-cvgr, i.- ngu-ivcriogfnitd the Dr. cx- pact“ to return him (It his'outt-r :- Ntuutl 'mrsc. in the course of in few it't-eks. A (human or Acct‘ottx'rs â€"\\'c n: :ret that a very painful amid-mt oc. curt-oi to our bigny cat:::u:l town 'llfl'l ll. Girl-m. l‘lflp, on .‘luadny latt It appxus that he on in the och o: jumpi-ag over a pickrtli-uce. at his farm adjriniug the Village. when the Min! of his biot naught on the top ot'a pick~ ct. cn'hiug him to fall heavily. and. in doing so. broke the large bout) of hi lcl't h‘gtwic: and the small one ouci. h 3- historical pictures will be hrwurdrd to all who ttg'flWJ a preference for this tung- nificvut Premium [bar in mind thrzc pic- tun-l are H x 4’) inch” mob. and cannot bl- git t'lht'wllt‘lo at lru Ihnn 810 mu pair. 'l'uc (dinning uumiic'l'xd opinion of thin Pr-mlum apt-akin (or itself:â€" 4113 ring. rrmiw-«l the. Ittrmium Khan". ingv. and o'Ltlnitti‘d them, permit me to no Iron my opinion. tlwrcon. Tth on all How were promised tubeâ€"and mun. than they .u-o Iii! ubno Premium t’icturu in 39.0-- ctal. Md worth more than the lublcripliob which C4". theta forth ’-â€"l£cu. Ito/at Burton, rental», it is confidently expected that tho eugnvo even more fulchimmen'l ital! to our put- rum, and that thuuund‘ ul copiu will be . . ,_ ‘ attic! for. Sun- we an that wherever it i. haunt." the tin-It: and tho Luce. 0.. {mud "mu," h, we armynrmm of we the name day Mr. I). Sunder», while wraith; or the modutp-rlourotuu farmer idjthting a timber. line. in the yard oi 04’ "ill-D - it M" M will"! “POD “‘1tbluz the Walk 'r Ill-Um. Iii-ll from a ladder. or bc‘u":'"“ u n‘” “‘ j"! “nu”. ‘ .ud an» look; in: lth lc: near- tlte un- . fl . y . V ' com ltxttcu for 1,381; sle.‘ A day or («u Sl.l0:.':\lf Liming. l p,“ cm," and “Men” eubfflmcu ‘ oI begging. rat out abutting, mu] luv, “"3, 6; and” gum", our, 3' 50 "ch. . i;._. “main” :4. Jr.“ the charge, lm laid . Old Mll'l new names count oliltodo torn» . me P; c: “firm, 1,3, km, “,1 I,“ a, ‘82 (John. .\u out: in nrrnu allowed to . temp in; to do 90, when the barrel burst. 331;}:"1‘3‘ "f o" “1“” ml“ “LWWI‘LU - driving a large pivot: of it. into A log ” ' c BUCK " , , . . . 811‘ 80318801. our by, ladc'to; the greater part of the , 5'3. 5 Jordan Emit, Tomato. ,, - - . t " ' . 1' 8 Unions, large, per bushel, - 90 I no - 2 25. (1) N 13 Money can be had at 7 per cent. on the... promissory note». A Large I 6115/) 7:}:sz Your/ml; During~ the last month ' ’- 15 "'20. Solicitor, Lindany.. Qimmhn llt'csbutcriutt,, l “ The Pilnfitti’t‘nltltfl is without doubt the , best religious publication in the Dominion,- puintiug by ll Larpcot Ilubrttflf I’v, A, and . Ilml uc Iccl moi-h plmutlrt'. «I well u no r chrr afrr th.‘ “Info of \I'itti'ritio." both of' iugâ€"-' G Id 1 “'utd”â€"ufl';'rutl for will, will. ‘-

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