4...... New Advertisements. is. w. 3mm, , H dealer'ja AHEB eigWA'r c H E s, and all kinds at old and silver by and atom winding watches. ‘ New Advertisements. Removal and lhangein Business. I 1y 0m. M NEW TA! LO R‘S SHOP. A. LALIBERTE respectfully informs the gentlemen of Pen- elon Falls and its vicinity that he has com- menced the tailoring business Moï¬'at {farmland Return their sincere thauka'fnr the liberal patronage bestowed on them since they commenced business in I am now prepared to nego- tiate straight loans on good farm property security for any term of years at eight per cent. interest, with the privilege of repaying any portion of the osnr, MONEY. VJOSEPH HEARD. A VERY M r Slllll, lllllllllllllll' llllllSl Hlllllllllllllil. Fun Assmment ‘ ~OFâ€" l Just received, a nice assortment of LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, BURNERS, Fenelon Falls, principal at any time, the in« “rest casing on the sum ’0 510., &c., which I will sell cheap. PracticalWatchmakfer. On Colborne Street, llllillfl JUST RECEIVED, AXD A Large Sleek . . . d beg to inform the ublic that thevhave - ' ° . Jeweller 8: En aver. opposite the residence of Dr. Wilson, and 5" . P . - id. H t D 1 S gr solicits a share of public patronage. Clothe Jo." moved "'3‘" ‘be menuâ€: In“! och“- p. O 1 S a! y. w ,ch n mg in “eh bunch mm ,. ing will be made in the latest styles and 3:23! ’12)“ "IZMarSh‘u' thereby", m“ This gives the borrower ey. ‘ l" ‘ p p PM man" ‘ c“ “m “ cum" Satisfaction guaranteed or no sale. Please call and compare prices of Stores be- mers as well as their own. Having leased the bakery and secured the services of )lr. Dand Barrett, they are prepared to furnish FIRST CLASS BREAD, Cakes, Buns, the" h, at reasonable prices, and no effort will be spared to sustain the high reputation which the Penelon Falls bakery has deservedly borne. Their stock of ery chance. He can pay on his mortgage any sum he may be able to spare at any time and stop the interest on so much, or he can release his farm,at any time without be- ing obliged to pay the com- pany a heavy bonus for taking ly and carefully executed under my own personal snperintandeuce. a.- latiafaction Guaranteed and prices low. Watcher tent in by train as carefully attended was though left by C'I". , . o. w. BEALL, Benson House Block, next to Dundu & Flavella Bron. Q A. Good Fit Guaranteed. Garments cut for persons who wish to make them up at home, and charges reasâ€" onable in all cases. Fenelou Pails. May 7th. 1880. NEW GOODS. fore buying elsewhere. as I sell as chea as or cheaper than shops of larger preâ€" tensions, and for all goods continue to take in exchange WROUGHT AND CAST SCRAP IRON, BAGS, &c. Nortonâ€"Cash paid for Skins and Hides. JOSEPH HEARD. Fcnelon Falls, September 23rd, 1880. l "' , . ‘ “muâ€, “ugh “u†"so. Sly Has just received and opened up a large I L Y G R O C E R I E S their money. Expenses very E 620 ml up LADIES stock or _ ‘ little more than those of pri â€"â€":-°--â€"-â€" 7 Will be found, as usual, fresh, Rood and "‘3 loanl G' G. I1" E I , , N E E i T O 1 S, we“ nasal-ML 8' CORNEIL' has just received a fresh lot of ' , ._'ruzâ€" Lindsay, May 26th, 1880. . r, in great variety. AT Hour, Feed, Eggs, Butler, in. will be kept on hand, and farm produce generally dealt in. A nice lot of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes from Montreal and Toronto. Ilis stock of Wm . CA M PB ELL'S. l-‘enelon Falls, September 23rd, 2880. Harvest Mitts&Machine Oil Examine stock before purchasing D O L L S, VA. SE S, Toilet Sets and a good assortment of lt‘ancy Goods, _.A1'_. Millinery, Mantles. Feathers, Flowers and Ribbons. J. A U S T I N’S. â€"â€"â€"- CHROMOS, MOTTOS and .\lotto Frames, Plain and Perforated Cnrdbourds, Canvas and Berlin Wools. AND SECURE . . , A nice lot of Wall Paper and “' indow B A R A I N S, mint]st received' Mus. KEELEY. 3Q†Millinery Store and Show Room, one door north of H. P. Heming's hardware Clearing Sale Crockery , & Glassware is on the shelves and will be sold as cheap as any in town. A visit of inspection from all needing anything in their line of busi- ness is respectfully solicited. MUFFAT k McFARlaAND. Fenelon Falls, May 261b, lSBO. NOTICE. will he sold at. less than usual prices for cash. The subscriber begs to inform his custoâ€" elsewhere. triers and the public gem-ralli- that he has always on hand a complete stock of m Farm Produce taken in Exchange. .-SllPll lilllllllllll, A LARGE STOCK OF WHITE 8!. GREY COTTONa Fenelon Falls, July 24th, 1880. Cu red Moots, llerrings. Cod Fish & Mackerel. As nothing else will do it. THE ONLY WATCHMAKER IN TOWN. storm. I F n 3, 6 b 1890 The cheapest and best â€"'â€"_ e. 2 t . . A LOT OF x“"'s,"â€â€˜ï¬‚:"â€"Lâ€"‘fl~' All A choice assortment 0! E153, M l. A S l 8 Late of Toronto, has much pleasure in announcing to the inhabitants of Fenclon ‘3" Falls and surrounding country that he has commenced business as a \vntclimaker - t A. 1. S A. L T 9 a r ,n my, ,0, 58,, M _ ' in ME Mm,me banding, Pole and 1952111 kwlii randy. in cost. The subscriber resiwctiully to in- bought before the me, Beulng DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE . pOST OFFICE °’ N“ "m" "‘"' ’ Holland and Old Tom Gina, form the inlmbitunta of He has a large and choice as- FEE’S MILL BARN AM) PLANE!) LUMBER all kinds. SASH, BLINDS AND DOORS always in stock, and we are bound not to be undersold by niiy man in the business who pays 100 cents on the dollar. ’1‘. FEE lO-tf and hopes to be favored with public patronage. scrtnicut of Clocks, Watches, Chains, Rings, Studs Brooches, Lockets and other kinds ofjewellery, all of which will be sold at reus- ' ounble prices. Watches, Clocks and Jewellery Cleaned and Repaired on the shortest notice. on? A CALL SOLICITED. @331 CashforFarm Produce. Please note the address, JOHN CHISHOLMI Next to the Globe llotel, Kent It., Lindsay VICTORIA RAILWAY. 0 several brands of Whisky, Bottled Ala and Porter, the. The attention of hotel keepers and others is invited to this stock. PlasterdSeeds of all kinds .ulwnys on hand. The cash system will be strictly adhered to. w ly whole stock must. be sold off ‘8: F ii L L a ’l‘lIIS DION'PIL At Old Prices AT and surrounding country that he still con- tinues to manufacture his Wooden iiud cel- eliruted 'Io Delliu ueiits in Accounts . .. 1 American Iron Cap Pumps, for wells, cisterns kc. long past due : Cash up and rare cum. J. AUSTIN. Yniielon Falls, September Bill, 1880. Repairing a Specialty, and ALL WORK WARRANTED. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. Lindsay, May 14th,1880. JOIIN SLATER, Opposite the post ofï¬ce. 17-3111’1‘ HE NEW DRUG STORE. [lUllllllS & llllllll 3808., The undersigned Would remind all who are indebted to him that the time of your Fenelon Falls, July lst, 1880 DRUGS. SEEDS, S. BROKENSHIRE, has come when he expects a settlemlclnt of ill out-tending accounts; so that a who F i F H o -, v. , . IRS. , i , L. L n _ are interested in the matter will call at Apriingzifnlsgo." mm“ c m or†atâ€! LINDSAY‘ T131]? TABLEE once and settle, By so doing they will save ' __:0,___ trouble and expense, as money is required “ “_ Sunlmer Arrangenlents. â€":o:â€"- to carry on business. JOHN NUGâ€"EN'I' - GEORGE H. BERTRAM begs to inform the inhebituuls of Taking effect on At llolleugall it Brandon’s. “ LINDSAY TIME. , J .UIRS AGNEW. Penelon Pulls, September (Uh, 1880. 3. or}. ill. Corinne thanks his numerous customers in CASH» rim GRAIN. 4 Tlie undersigned having purchased it _ __ H -' C ,_ Fenelon Falls . y 9,. , WWW, “Tm?"iii’ml'ii'm ï¬andflalgamm aghfl'usmmm rn:3r.r:::::1;freamterrain Fenelon Falls LARGE AND VARIED STOCK 57â€"â€â€˜7‘3â€"17n .' :ni‘il and surrounding country thut he has open- rnnto, to pay the lily/mt m :r/r’lynri'rr for any . ed up n Hurdwure Stock in the village, in quantity of .._-.-_.__...._.__ ., _ ,. , __ Lindsay, \‘lll “arr. r L. Robson it Robson and “‘k05 "1‘3 OPPUl'l'mil')‘ "f lllll’l‘ming in the best markets, at the lowest prices for cash, feel themselves in a position Barley, Vlheqt, Phage, Eye, 653., "Me 0“ hand a large storh‘of them “huh: lms now on hand u†b‘mding “wâ€? bf," M" Gem†Cum to offer such inducements to their numerous customers and the public generally. “mmâ€. "m", “.50 u d ' .. ., , .. . ‘ ‘ "mg "m’ ' . us will make the heart of each rejoice. We have always in stock a choice 35- _â€".â€" -‘â€" â€"â€" ~~c Illvcred at llic \ icmrla Rm nay Station A ~ A sortment of. M_ Riy June. vi“ 5" K m. 12.50 is hneiun rails. fl , l I U I i T n N f P t _-_.--.__n._s--- -._._ THOMAS LOCKHART. . [l Lindsuy . . . . . . lcurc 3.00 pm. Ienrlcu Falls,Se[)t'r l‘rth, 1850. 4w. of their own mnnumrture. consisting in comP’iSing Garden, Field and i E E i R I E Mid. R'y Junction “ 3-†“ ____ wwuum ,,,,,,,,Hm,, and woodenmnn, where he intends keeping constantly on : gmlfm" """" u. u ' . l d fl 1' f it ’5........... ‘ . “ ‘ I 1 F L 0 R S E E D S) um a u me o Crockery and Glassware, Fenclou Falls. . .. “ 4.05 “ . r v u I 5 u ' ' - ‘ NAIL , l I S l Kininmiut .... 6.23 “ gr, Gang Ploughs, Wrought Iron Frame, G F 9 A ’ §:?,:,clilllli£,l,l|‘,\;gf; H ‘ . ' .i I u ..r FENELON FALLS. perrumcrrl Out and Corn Meal, Potatoes, the", 820. #3522190 “ ‘1 _ 'â€"â€"" a: l l ' ' . , , G ld’ “ 6-35 " N Fall T 9965 HOR ‘- HOES, FANCY ARTICLES PAINTS, 0 I L 5' ‘MWSHES All Kinds of Farm Produce always on hand. ,,§;',,,,,3,,,, mm, m .. i . W a u k“ a r H d d b . . . . ~ -~ -- ~-~,â€" ~ â€"â€"--â€"7â€"â€",â€"~-,~ ; r , ! FANNING MILL-3., Brushes, Combs, rm, kc. m a IHFZt‘rhcrsghildidz.require ’ W The highest price paid for W001, Sheep Skins, Cali S'l‘A’l‘thS. cone hOU'lll. Just opened, 7712 1355! 111111? in 1/15 ï¬farl'et, , . , Skins &c. 8:0. . 3"“ NOTEâ€"Physmnns’ prescriptions prepared F ' ’ , ~_7-â€"' W Canadian EngliSh & SCOlCll, havng token six ï¬rst prizes and diplomas Willi 0"†and dcsl’fllcll- A fl!†501605011 of armlng p S, MCDOUG‘U‘L & BRANDON' ’i‘mb‘irwn' "Ami" “310 Airm- . ’ pt the Provincial Exhibitions. Also ugcut SPADES; Fenclon Falls, July 206, 1880. 83:11:,†' ‘u u the Largest and Best Assorted Stock in or the Massey Manufacturing Co.,Toronto. 1 p . SIIOVELS ln-' ' . _ . . -. t . . goldsby “ 7.40 “ “'n' no nortugléu‘rz:::ingf" Road, 1. I'M-me†“flung Boo‘ib & FORKS, 660. T Minded Station “ 7.55 “ REAPERSV always on lmnd‘ He will also kee on hand the very best iii-“(’5‘ It." Junc‘ )ioivima 0,. . make of ruonou ,Combination and Hill'l ,,",'".'f2"“‘ ,, 9-?“ ,, SUI KY anq EMOVAL. Patentl’attern,w|iich will be sold . Fm}? ,, "um ,, r A . a L.) - . l . ‘asr; .‘ will find it to their ndruntuge to call and i ‘ AT hIANUFACTURT‘IRS, PRICES- C U T Fcuclon Falls T337: Ifâ€; u ' _ ' ill .3 ' Il!‘ I is d (l I: ' i' - i: l ‘ - u '0 II in the newest style; “"1 lelrnlï¬neil‘llfnlzu.;Jgt‘el‘iealllwri.) in no 1 rue N -VISON ms flock of will he found full lines of Herdwnre as cheap if not cheaper than at any other 3:13;:me “ 3115,32 “ AT humus .erplgpipyhh 1"“ “moved his MILL SUPPLIES house in this section of the country. 1 n.3, 3,2,5? i. I A. . i. _ ‘ . “ GENUINE‘WHITE LEAD, 1 I lli‘iplsuy’ ll. N°‘ 1 VARN'SHES i.i.'.:i.:.j.::'.t.;;aa i: p. m ' including Belting, Lace Leather, Saws, Riv- ets, Bubbit Metal, Machine Oil, Ronghnin, Files kc , will be such as to meet the re- quiremrnis ofull in need of such goods. will be offered for do mow Harness Shop Woollen Sliirtings, (:()N N r: ,"1‘1 (SETH. Fcnelou Pulls, niilixtiige l‘m'llul-rnygson I Klmnount, with sluge for llimlen. J All ES uan. Manager. call solicited. RICHARD Snirn, Manager. Union Shirtinrvs . _ ~ H . All I f H d . . . . . . . ,. . ‘ Ca ‘0 "l" "0“ “d†“f, O‘D‘hnï¬m 5â€"‘1 "(‘1‘ sure ‘;‘fflb?)tt0:‘nr and mnnv of the and a variety of Machine Oil of reliable quality. Budding Materials and lools L. ll'y li-im: 2 30 “ . . . . . . . . Paulo“). 1‘ lamwls~ V d"°' 'T‘ m" “mmmcs l""“"â€Â°x “"W" "V loading stands as low as what the): can be of every kind to suit. all. Cash customers may depend on getiiiw fâ€â€" " ""."‘T""' ‘ ' ." “ "†‘ Ҡa W'“ kWh on band a good stock of purchased for in Momma, 0,, Tommo. A 0 Toronto vm (I. ’i‘. ll. ur. i..’:’2 " . . . . . . . . ’ ‘ oce- GOOD VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY, “ZXIW ‘ ‘ ' an endless atorlr. ‘Vinr‘lon. the larg- uc variety and at the liwr-t i-ricu. >94- them. lleautifnl 2" rent Winrirs for l5 cents. Plain Grey Flannel. also. A aplen- did stock of ï¬nest Cotton Shiriiunttc kc . which trill be MM at cost, in order to make room for our Fall goods. om us a Can. and Call Early. AT AGNEW’ S in secure Bargains in these goods, as they ‘ ‘ {mist he sold. Clinith and [lost Boot and Shoe store in Gill 1 VCOlnl)S, BrUShCS, h" nu. in emu", "ï¬e". anâ€; the fondly. for some of those cheap boots " ' which he is selling at Iii-pairs promptly and neatly executed. Dn-u Shirts, white and colored. Ties. t‘ol- lboulllne llall His Usual Prices. lie begs to return his sincere thanks for 1-â€, he. *9. lSIJIJ‘xS, ! the liberal putmnuge with which he has l l Single Double Harness for form or road work, Yulises, SHAWL STRAPS, BASE BALLS, Whips, Halters, Snaps. G‘°' 11' B'MM‘“ as goods will be sold at bottom pric.. JUST ARRIVED. P. S. ROSS 8r BROS.’ N. B.-â€"â€"A New Buggy for sale at a. bargain. 1‘ EDICAL HALL, FENELON FALLS, \\'rll,well. woll.l do dcrlare l Where 1 ’ 'i * T V line 5 iu lltt‘n \ hy, J. W. LEONARD, (lent-rail Traffic Agent. Lindsay. May 21rd, UHâ€. a ESUMED BUSINESS. lnmnlu and llioliiing Railway. 1 TIME :FABLE. Taking Mfr-ct on llumlny, l5 llarcli, IMO. Where can be found an excellent assortment ol Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Sponges, Trusses and Shoulder Braces, Kennedy & Newman would inform the citizens of Fenelon Falls and vicinity that they have resumed busi- ness in Mr. Newman's old stand. The stock consists of and all articles in his line of business. COLLARS WARRANTED. ug, u we are " hound not in un-lersnld." Don't furng the place. JARVlS 3 MrDOl'G:\l.L‘S, Cunningham‘s Block. Utllh’thUltTIl. Mull. Local. Mixed. Toilet, Fancy (l9 Rubber Goods i r...:;;.;:.;.,;..1;;'iia‘.';.ii:.;,:.:.fâ€â€â€œ cub customers will ï¬nd the best value and extra indlicemrnu to buy by calling on so r.†ln-vn funded, and is determined to ' merit a continuance of it by turning out all strles and rites. ‘ ' v good work at moderate prices. August l91h. i350. Frnelon Falls. ' _,,-.__-_._...__....._______-_ I I'fl'rmu" " “"3†u “0 d "'00 ‘ ï¬rmâ€"w , K I D GOODS, The H Fenelon Falls Gazette " A FULL ASSORTMENT PERWMERY am. am, » gammy" ;: :1-33, '; 7,117,,‘1, I3"; La“ W Romper; “n “v,†“(1 price. is printed Saturday at the ofï¬ce, 0’ ' always on hand. A large and Midland hi. or. llltï¬ â€˜- 8:00 " 3:25 _ h k ‘ , - to me street west, ‘ lllrf'lfu." Mid “- ‘4" P- "1- 11-“ all: 33133-3554? iie‘uli‘r‘i’iri'r‘» Ladies’ and Gents' Slippers . .- . DRY GOODS , oes- COMPLETE STOCK or DYE STUFFS 6m 2 33,327,, h“... . .. u... hduizu‘iscgrgs z: all styles and prices. Stoga, Rip and Calf or ‘hc be“ quality and M 10" Prices' Also’ ‘ (Inbocuggh.‘.rl_.-iflf IL. - CLOTHING, GROCERIES,‘ WELL SELECTED ST’lCK OF STATIONERYJ Boots and Shoes and llrogans of the best ~ neat. Manufacture. at prices to suit the hard ('0 so a u' . ' , jutâ€"u . “run one“ a“ PAP" m b. l .l I ( Tl! )liul local. flail. or with one cent per weeki additional as _ _ . long as it remains unpaid. . ’ discontinued. be must pay all ant-snag“. times. ~(llornt- ailoug. Indie; and gentlemen, , _ . f n f BL - ""lflm’ml‘. 'ltl'fll 5-“) 5-m- L?" n "I l. a: publisher may coalinue ion-ii mm and I II I tour our you i at my aloe Is Confectionery and com l'lSlD" a u assortment o ANK BOOKS sud eneral stutioner . l Mid. Junction ur. 7.25 h 2,35 u z“ Payment is made. Magellan collect ktin far P a NNM g y 5 Lindsay Mid Kit 9.3“ †12,454“ . who). “gaunt, whethert pat-er is In ct. Professional or business cards, 50 Cents t S h ;‘ . 7 07ml" " 45-3" t-m- 1-00 " ,f, {M the olec or not. I pertine peritonnm. Casual advertisements, S T l g I , , A l ‘ ° Hfd- 3",""l0" 49- 7-45 " 7-30 “ 3-45 " a; My..." "Mylo". neglect or refuse to ‘ 8 cents per line for the ï¬rst insertion and I - , S e a e i e 5’ “Godwin- Ilcrmrt 51:5 “ 7.40 M 2.55 H v “M u“ “thunk 0,, “'annM we “a lower in prices t3: can be found in cents per line to: effbry lflbsfql;;nl inst-p 8",“: purchmd ,he “oak or A. w. bub. i . _ 7 ,{Mnlwum “ring 40 4. 73,3 .4 a.†u i' ‘ a it: are drvcted. they are' (fries or dry 5 i stores. Custom .- tlon. Contracts hyt eyear. ha year or - . . , . . . . l 3"†53* “’5’††3-55 " 4"“ “ can to wine f! I 3"“ "y lb" "n "n a†“a†Physicmns prescriptions and Domestic Reaper carefully compounded. ; Tofmitu arrive “.15 " 6.30 I‘ work unlrr my own soprrriaiona specialty. l quarter, for a column or lrn. upon reason- l use the vary best brands of leather and ‘ able terms. ,npmy mupetent workmen. You use! N~ ly on getting a ï¬rst class boot or shoe. any a mï¬lliblc until they have settled their bills. Sending numbers bars. or leasing hear is the Olen. is not such notice as up l AT AND BELOW COST. lire- Pure Wmes and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes? "p...’..1.",;‘;.'.....Wm}? A full assortment of Patent and Proprietary Medicines always on hand. A- In" "1"“ “mmâ€! M flMâ€"J-Wrfl ' . law “ï¬lm i . - ' ood ll advance on cost - “ ... c . ha «I 'ded that re- “1"? 3"" "°‘»_ “'1 'i’“ " 80f“ 5†R“ l or all nnlmary kinds executed neain cor- -\°" K ‘ “ ‘ "m , - I cut {or u. R, smnos' pure] V “hie v . = mm“ airy, . .. _ I. “q:- ghtak:nl:‘wsp:;er:iir periodicals “inâ€! d0“ "‘5 “N‘Mu- 3"“ l‘“h"l rectly and at moderate prices. ' 39°" "’4 Sim" " ‘P'fl‘lg‘ P‘m Pm‘ i g y age “Inâ€; _ __â€__ i ' " W. GOODERBAH, Jr, ,. "3".“ w‘dmu P.a,,u;.ud Inning (ornate. bums Auwxw g- D‘ “Asâ€, duco taken in ex axe. n. - ".73 u u ' “gaging DINGWI . , m. “an... a... i. m... mom or rm,“ wk. my 26,,“ m9, ' ', Proprietor. @ Trans STRICTLY Cass. , Pension Falls, May 27th, 1880. ‘3 . 7°'°“"'v W" W" "' n h. l a i i" “manual fraud.