Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 7 Aug 1880, p. 3

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2 ~<v m...» i .1 .5. Mg. - >‘.Â¥. New Advertisements. New Advertisements. ‘_ ‘g‘EALL’ , NEW TAILOR'S SHOI’. . L _. dealer to AMERICAN WAN: II E s. 3 and all kinds cl gold and silver Alli-'1' 32:1! ' stem win-ding watches. Practical We. to h m a. kle r. Jewel lcr S: Engraver. “'atch repairing in each branch prompt- r : respectfully informs the gentlemen of Fen-z ly and carefully excmtvl under my own = pt: rsonnl snpcrintcndencc. W Satisfaction Guaranteed and prices low. M carefully attended to .-.-: though let". by owner. 0. W. REALL, licnmn [louse Blo-‘k, next to Dundu A: Plarcllt: lir'w's‘. Lindsay, Marci: Etth, H21). 32;.- N 1‘3 \‘V MILLINE’IY. NEW Dress Goods. snmrrmos. ’ 3’ Id, Ijmg' 'J‘C RIB .8 ONE. am on so II! It” cents, and plenty of everything in his line at. \I'm. (3A )II’III‘JlrL’S. Punt-Ion Fall-I, .‘Iay 1’8le. ZHKII. tor bill... . Plil’ll’llll’ It‘ll u Ilb l I ' 6 ~ ’I") l'l'leSthS WIIH \\'l.\'ll 'I'Il Sl'lf‘l'lll‘l for their sum and daughII-In‘ n thorough and prm-Iical '.“lllt';lll-'ll, and to yonn‘: men and mum-n who purpose preparing fiu'Sce- Ull|l lllltl Third-(Thus 'l‘eaI-in‘r.’ I‘:X:ltltllt:t- illilti. or t'ut‘ ,‘luIriI-ulntinu into the. l'niI'crs- ity. or iutn the Law S I-iI-Iy. or into the Ilullcgeol‘ I'll-\NII'IILIIF and Surpmms. this institution hill-r: peculiar llll'n'illllllln't 5. Its Speciul t'eutures n'r :â€"- Isl. Althoughendowed nnII nmiuluined by the Society “I Friend-i. it i1 one” 1’) young peril-l» nl‘ Imlh “‘\'-|‘ III' 41” {cutout/Id; (rum. .\ll studcnh :lt‘c' expected to nttcull Sunn- plucc of Worship. but. it lll.t._\' he that which the-y or their parent“ or guardians l‘Ult'l‘l. L'nIl. It nim: tn L'ivc a first-rate education at the lowed pusslhlu eo-It. The. tees are (InIySlTIH per ququu, or u proportiunute nmnunt t‘..r u shorter tine-2 and they include tuition. qutrll. washing. l‘uel. light, etcâ€"m every necessary expense except text-hooks. 3rd. lt~t curriculum and studies are pre- I'iu-Iy the same In; in our best High Schools and (Inllegiutc Institutes: llut students nts tending Ihis (Zollcge have many advant- "got not to h.- nIIl‘Illlt'tl in Inmt High Schools: such us Ilnzml In t'ullv‘t'c building. It reading mun: \Iell supplied with the Itl‘fil. current he“; :lll‘l litvrature, C‘Illll‘llrlllllll‘ study rooms. deIo'Irs, bedrooms, rte. gym- na~iunu, playgrounds. ctr. 4th. ll. is ltllllv'-l to make the Scientific Department n4 thorough .Is pIuâ€"ilalo, .rcr)‘ complete chi-munil :Ippuraztu lt'l“. been lmrclmwd in l’lIilmlt-lphiu. suitable lmSI-Iu IIIIIlt‘l.I~'<u1I:I litternnulidtc work. I'lI'v-I'y uudrnt in thw- Ilepartni-snt will In,- required to become u practlt‘ ll experimenter. I-tli. .\ I'x'lIltItv‘t‘t‘lJl l'm'm is I-stuldidu-d in which Slllllt'llf~' am tlwt‘oughly ttug'ut (‘mnmereiul Aritiun 1e. (‘umpasitiun and Hook-keeping Any »."I I--nt In the (lam- Inercial tonn nmy take tilt} uthrr h'll‘vjt't‘i in addition. Il'.lt. Stud ‘lllw‘ who do no! u E~h tn llxi‘pdj‘u for .my emmnntiou lhn‘ ?.I.I\L' :iu nptlc‘llul course. and Ilt‘\'ul~' tln-ir {Enn- subjm-u. 7th. 'l‘lh‘ Int-um .11. -: I al for I-:-'I::.Il rn-utiuu are umple. llwsiu‘trs the room, than": is c. LLter try Flu-‘13.": meets once u Week. and a ewtrw I‘t'llertnres by leading l‘llllf.\llllltli!\' .‘ll‘ul others \\ ill be IIeIIH‘twl ll-lrlil: the \I'i:\'I-r. 3th. 'l'lu‘ (.ull- -'v‘ ' K‘ t I arrangod that lln: Mat-w :lt‘I‘ :II-ptrllv ext-th (lur‘ "(nations and in :3.» I‘ mng‘rmun. and yanng l are no I“: Itm ch.- lhe ll-1‘i“‘-lll\~1.‘r. llet- |;JT|‘l’ll~‘-"I :Ilh. Tln' t‘tmuxIItIe-e 'HX'i Iliticrrt into: '.n main‘nin .l g-u-Il In Int lull-‘12! t“ ' ' held rt‘ “ ' $111.35 w"- lu rll'ft'i'tl KT- l'zlnlv Clrkwra "nun tLI S morale. churn! .t.: l mu ml by “1“ l‘rLuersl. Tuc Inmngvment haw, I} lie 422:1; and Intttyzug out: faithfully at; cm: .lrruken. to wean . : \i'dITI‘F‘ t'.-.irl_\' D is um .ut‘l are NAHIC h.'.l those unliiu; 2.: d I work. for its nun sake Arr Zm-izul ta :ticnil. Ti v: ill» rm! wiri-Iua, all"? .\ t‘tir trSIE. will be :4: it! 0!. Thch are no prz: sciz-Iinr¢l;ip;_ o.- t\‘~..\.|::l9‘. no marking 4;.st o,- ,-._,,,.2,4;. itnr rytminatiune. The nut-.cgcment can Entilrutly yet}: In the Work done in In.» t.‘ ding: year t‘lnsw; :.t\\‘ In“, 1;. Vw‘ih.‘ ’2“le for all the l’r.m-_-,Zou:sl and l‘niw},‘..r m. «minim-us. Tue hum of tin» ' _\':.a! l which I I I l -93-. _ v--__ . _.v.. I l I ‘Boots&Sliocs3 ,~ annnufarturr. at price; to unit the lmrd 3:1.7 llzt‘ lil‘!;.‘ (caching in than: clan” *4” N luau“) I in the new -' .‘ll‘lailnl'YInEHL'. M ready on Anzust fix‘th f..'1.u*':-:I»3:.Itn .uv. which will ,. infirm :.. Pb! (ivrwrnkwrt hruzm'r: t?!” El- . ‘1“.nin, Urdu-I n '1 r :I; q._..g ,uth, * , “1.;on Comm-lent I‘m:lil‘.;r‘n bonus: 51,-. i Lei? H (In [‘3\.;,. . 3.3., -‘ ,Il particulars. .m'. is. Arzuozmccmcmn' mini-5) M J. H. llllYAXF. 1!. .\ . b rickermz. 35th July. 1552‘. Iii-Fir. t‘slte cu ’ ' slytr yo; aunt, and Dian a : mixing done with maturing. . . . . . : ll '. alrzxses. Vin-mics sent L'l by trnm ' 0mm: m i ' : Millinery, .‘lantlcs. Feathers, Flowers and : and Motto Frames, Plain and Perforated t A. LALIBERTE f clcn Full; and its thlnil)’ that he has com- menced the tailoring business i l I I Colbornc Street. W: .\l.-, Wm. Marshall‘s old stand, and . a shore of public patronage. Clothâ€" ’ . ill In: made in the Lita-st styles and Kg: .\ Good Fit Guaranteed. Gartm-nts entfor persons who wish tol . . make them up a: home, and charges reas- . . l I'cnelou Falls. Slay 7th, 2830. : , Tl-IW GOODS. , L â€"‘ I Mrs. KEELEY ll;-.s just received and opened up a. large Staci-1 0!. \I l“. W TO Y s 4 , / I I , in great variety. DOLLS, VASE S, Toilet. Sets and a good assortment of 13‘ an (,3 y (5:â€" o 0 ds, Ribbons. CHROMOS, MOTTOS Cm‘dboards, Canvas and Berlin. Wools. A nicc lot of Wall Paper and Window Blinds just received. MRS. IIEELEY. 523‘ .‘lillinery Store and Show Room, one door noth of II. I’. llctning's hardware storc. l’tnelon Falls. lloy 26th,1880. Pumps. . The suhsI-I-ibr-r hogs respectfully to in- form the inhabitants of tumor. 0 N FA LL 3 nnd surrounding country that he still con- tinues to munut'ucturc his Wooden hnd cel- ehrntcd American Iron Cap Pumps,‘ for wells, cisterns .‘tc. {epoiring a. Specialty. and ALI. IVORK IVARRANTED. S. llllOlU'INSIllllI'I, Femlon Falls, opposite Victoria. It. II. S. April SIII. Iii-5'". 5-ly In: on BandBaIgainIlnlash Customers. Robson it Robson llure on hand u largo.- stuek of AGRICULTURAL lI‘III’IEI/IEIII’Sl ul‘ their own manufacture. consisting in part ot‘ Iron and Wooden licnm l rtooonn Hang l'loughs, \I'I'onght lron Frame, LAND ROLLERS, HORSE HOES, FANNING MILLS, 7716/955/ .‘I/a/cc 2'11 //16‘ -l/arl'cl, having: taken six first prim-s and diplomas at the Provincial Exhibitions. Also agent for the .‘lussey .\l;muI':Icturing Co.,'l‘uronto. Farmers wanting lll'l.\l’l'lll.\'. )IOWI'IIIS'. or SI'IIKY BAKER, will find it to their advantage to call and inspect lllt‘Ft‘ impleman und compare pric- I es before purclmslnt: elsewlmrn. IlOllSON .'\: littllSON. I Fenelon Pulls. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_.__._ I ' r CASES or aZII Cameron Lake r oundry. JUST ARRIVED. ' \Vellpu'ell. welLI do III-«flute I Where have you been ? Why, I AT AGNEW’S l‘l;(‘.ll'l‘.<'. and llcst l‘mot nud Shoe. store Inc county. in I for some of those cheap boots I which he is St'lllltg ut lbaulflne Half His Usual PIices. 3’12 II'N ICIJIJE’LS, I all style! .tn-l prlw‘s. GOODS , j all styles uml pr‘ces‘. Ladies‘ and licnts‘ Slimiersi 3H stylci and prices. Stu-gs. Rip and '.'.tlt‘:‘ Boots and Siam-s and llrcguns of the lies: tin-.91. t'ome «long. Indie: and grzitlemczx. : .tnil l will cranium-yon tint my Stuck I5 far Sl' Hill lt IE IX QI'A LIT Y, and I\\K\'r in prices than 1:.er la: fulfil-l in I , day got-«£5. stores. work unit: my own sup-«snide a specialty. I use t:.v- u-ry tI-rst brands I! iratlm: J’vl ' S cents per line {or the first insertion and 2 :rnrrrteé e' t :H' 'u‘. III" on .t‘ttiug a tint r3“. ?. ...5 ,- ' gum! I‘ll. ltv‘ Sole leather _ g for ailt. I‘rnrxpal. l'lr'urmg PO . I 3.012.: AGNEW. harlot: Fails, L’sy Irizh. 23.0. Hemual and Changein Business. FIRST CLASS BREAD, ’ Cakes, Buns, kc. 1L, at reasonable prices. , liberal patronage during,r the past It yours, ‘ or with one cen: per Iva-wk additional as l ADVERTISING RATES. ‘ Modal. &l’vl_cFa.rland Return their since-re tlmnksffor the liberal patronage bestowed on them since they commenced business it: Fenelon Falls,§ just moved into the premises luter occu- l - and beg to inform the public that thcyhnve I ; pied by Mr. Wm. Marshall. where they will Inc-rs as well as their own. Having leased , the bnkcry and secured the services of )lr. hr: happy to receive a call from his custo~, Duvid Barrett, they are prepared to furnish , l I and no effort will be spared to sustain the I I high reputation which the Fenclon Falls bakery has deservedly borne. Thcu stock of l I FAMILY GROCERIESI I will be found, as usual. fresh, good and well assorted. IIUUI’ lied, Eggs, Bullet, to, will be kept on hand, and farm produce generally dealt in. A nice lot of Urbckery Glassware! is on the shelves and will be sold as cheap as any in town. A visit of inspection from all needing anything in their line of busi- I ncsa is respectfully solicited. BIOFFAT k )lcFARLAND. Fenclon Falls, May 26th, 1880. NOTICE. “- Thc cheapest und best PINE INU IEUIB SHIUBIES in Lindsay, for sale at FEE’S MILL.- BtltfilfllllmfillldjllBElt PHOGS LARGE AND VARIED STOCK all kinds. SASII, BLINDS AND DOORS always in stock, and we are bound not to be undersold bynny man in the business who pays 100 cents on the dollar. T. FEE Lindsay, llny 14th, 1880. lO-lf THE NEW DRUG STORE. DRUGS. SEEDS, I DYE STUFFS. I | JOHN NUGENT thanks his numerous customers in Eon elon Fallsi and the surrounding country for their very and takes this opportunity of informing them that he has now on lmnd A Better Assurlmenl than Ever, Comprising Garden, Field and FL 0 IVE II S E E D S, Dye Stnll‘s, PATENT MEDICINES, l Perfumery, FANCY ARTICLES, I Brushes, Combs, kc, kc. NpTEâ€"I’hyslcians' prescriptions prepared With cure and dcspntch. A full selection of School Books & Stationeryi nlwuys on hand. . _ _.'_...._. .__-~_- __ REEOVAL. JOSEPH NEVISON. has removed his Harness Shop: to the writ side of Colhornc street, next door to the .\leelmnics’ Institute: where he will keep on hand a good stock of Single Double Harness for form or road work, \‘nlises, SHIWI STRIPS, BASE BlllS, Whips, Halters, Snaps, Currycomhs, Brushes, and all urticles in his line of busincss. COLLARS WARRANTED. llcpzir: promptly and neatly executed. ; llc b to return Ins sincere thunks t‘or‘, *rul puronzzgc with which he has 5 ‘ M {Jr been forum-d. mm! is «'Ietrrmined to nIerItu continuance of it bv turning out good work at tnndrrate prim-4. I The. “ Fenelon Balls Gazette " £4 printed rrvry Samr'luy at thiborne sin-ct West, the office. Subscription $1 ayeaiinadvance, . . lung 3‘ ll rem.:1:1=.1mprnd. l Prof-s wt line uionn‘: orluhfncss F.1Ttl‘. :3” «lots pcrdinnmu. P , . . on... Jul ert :5cinents. I I can: Irr line for Herr Subsequent inscr- Iinn t‘ontracts by the year. hult' \cur or rpm: at. Fir a column or less. npun'rcasezz- Able Ienos. JOB PRIL‘I 'I‘ING of Ail ordinary kinds 01<‘("ttl‘-l neatly, Cur- ' rrrtly And at mw‘crntc prices. E. D. “AND. , Prcpm-tor. . OEIIY, MONEY, MONEY. _L . . I am now prepared to nego- tiate straight loans on good farm property security for any term ofyears at. eight per cent. interest, with the privilege of repaying any portion of the principal at any time. the in- terest ceasing on the sum so paid. This gives the borrower ev- ery chance. He can pay on his mortgage any sum he may be able to spare at any time and stop the interest on so much, or he can release his farm at: any time without be- ing-obliged to pay the com- pany a heavy bonus for taking their money. Expenses very little more than those of pri rate loans. S. CORNEIL. Lindsay. Slay 26th, 1880. A LARGE STOCK OF WHITE 8t. GREY bought before the rise, selling AT' .1 IIIIIIIIs & IIIIIIIE IRIS, LINDSAY.- . GEORGE 1-1.~ BERTEAE begs to inform the inhabitants of Echelon Falls and surrounding country that he has open- ed up n. Hardware Stock in the village, in the building owned by Mr. George Cun- n'inghum, IIIII UUUIS North [II Post Office, where he intends keeping constantly on lntnd 8. full line of GENERAL HARDWARE. NAILS, LOOKS, HIZN GES, GLASS, PAINTS, (I I L S. I'AIINISIIES and till kinds of Hardware required by Farmers building. Farming Implements, 5114;me SIIOVICLS , 1VOIRIiS, 8:0. He will also keep on Inuul the very best nntkc ofl’LOUGlIS, Combination and Ilill's l’utcnt Pattern, which will be sold AT I‘IANUFACTUR-ERS’ PRICES. Ills stock of \ MILL SUPPLIES ets, ltnbbit .‘lctul. .\I:1chinc()il, Rope, Chain, Files dc, will be such as to meet the re- quirements ofull in need of such goods. All lines of llnrdwurc will he offered for sale at. bottom prices, and mnny of the I and a \‘Itl'ICty of' .‘lachlnc Oil HI. reliable quality. lending goods nu low as wlmt they can he purchased for in fontrcul or Toronto. A cull solicited. llCflARD Smrn, Manager. (I tin. ll. linn‘rttast. RESIIIII‘II) BUSINESS. Kennedy & Newman would inform the citizens of Fenelon Falls and Vicinity that they ‘tnvt‘. resumed busi- I mess in Mr. Newmun‘: ultl stand. The Stork consists of A F U L L ASSORTMENT I .{DRY GOODS,,»®CO CLOTHING, (all? 00 IE 11%.] 1:35, Confectionery and BOOIS 8" Shoes“ Horse and Cattle Medicine‘s,‘ Having punlmsed the stack of .‘x. W. Ladi- er. they will sell the um: AT AXI) Bnmw Cosr. New goods at a small advance on roof. Boots and Shoes I. “Artistry. duct taktn In exchange. no? TERMS Srmcrm‘ CASH“ Yum pro~ ‘ IVew Store in, Scully’s Block. has just. received :1 fresh lot of 'VICTORIA GROCERY m: LIQUOR STORE: h“ The subscriber begs to inform III! N116. men's and the public generally thu he bu alwnys on hand a complete stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Slidés mm “mums, from Montreal and Toronto. l ; G..G.KEITII l Ills stock of ‘Harvest Mittsdzlllachinwfl 0“ will be sold at less than usual prices for cash. Examine stock before purchasing elsewhere. . m Farm Produce taken in Exchange. ANOTHER WATCHMAKER IN TOWN.- EOI-IN SLATER, Late of Toronto, has much pleasure in announcing to the inlmbitrtnts of Fenclon Falls and surrounding country that he has commenced bnsmess as a watchmaker in Mr. DIcArthur’s building, DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, and hopes to be favored with public patronage. sortmcnt of Helms a large and choice as- Clocks, Watches, Chains, Rings, Studs Brooches, Lockets and other kinds ofjewcllcry, all of which will be sold at reas- I Fenclon Falls, July 24th, 1880. l I onnblc prices. Watches, Clocks and Jewellery Cleaned and Repaired on the shortest notice. ii?" A CA 1.41.1 Please note the address, Fcnclou Falls, July Ist, 1880 S()LICITED. {my JOHN SLATER, Opposite the post ofiicc. 17-3m* ‘ O T T O N S? THINOS ARE BOOMING, . â€" ‘ AI Mollougolltl Brandon’s. Only The undersigned having purchased a in the best nmrkcts, at the lowest prices for cash, feel themselves in n' position to offer such inducements to their numerous customers and the public generally as will make the heart. of each rejoice. We have always in stcck a choice as- ' sortmcnt of Crockery and Glassware, IFLOU R“, “HEM” ‘8'“, 13"“AC‘0‘ ‘N‘ ",I‘ | Out and Corn Meal, Potatoes, &c., &c. l l I All Kinds of Farm Produée always on hand. I Skins, &c., &c. Fenclou Falls, July 2nd, 1880. JOSE PH HEARD. 1:13 tron r The highest price paid for IVool, Sheep Skins, Calf McDOUGAIJ'. & BRANDON. 4W llllll, IIIIIIIIII lIIUIISI IUIIIIISHIIIUS. I am making :1 specialty of If) «II this season of the year. Those who have stone Foundations or brick houses Save the Cost of Troughs in one rainy season besides the accommodation of always having soft water at. hand. RAGS, WRoUGI-I'r AND CAST SCRAP IRON,- &c., taken in exchange. Cosh paid for Skins, IVool and Hides. Fenclon Falls, June 9th, 1880. JOSEPH II HARD. T~ THE SIGN OII‘ A. - THE BIG CROSS-CUT SAW will he found full lines of llm‘dwnrc as choap it' not. cheaper than at. any other house in thig section of the country. including lleltitimliaceI.c'ItIIor.Suws,Ri\'- I . ENGLISH LINSEED OIL, No. 1 VARNISHES Building Materials and Totilx I of every kind to :uit all. Cash austomcrs may dcpcnd on getting as goods will be sol-I at. bottom priccs. l t I I l I I I I I i I I I HVELL tl‘cfi’ GOOD VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY, fill P. s. ROSS a. BROS N. Ii.â€"â€"â€"A New Buggy For sale at a bargain. I‘T‘JDICA L HALL, I“I*I.\'ELON FALLS, Where can bc Found an excollcnt assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Sponges, Trusses and Shoulder Braces, Toilet, Fancy (I: Rubber G00ch PERM nuiERY 8220., awn, always on hand. A large and MPLETE STOCK OF DYE STUFF S nI' thc Inn-t quality and at. low prices. Alro, n SELEC' ‘ISD STUCK or S'I‘A'I‘IONERY. 1 crucial-Eng a {uil'a-wurtmenl ol' BLANK BOOKS and general stationery. fi.‘ ’ (’Aâ€"LA l’lny~3c.:iarI.-' pIr-~criptiwn~ :Invl Dunc-tic Ilccipu carefully é'runpoumlctl. #3}- Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposesf .\ :‘ull (I‘M-Hull"! of Patent. and Proprietary Medicine! always on hand. A'- gcnt for ll. ll. Stavros l'urriy Vegetable \‘izun‘rlxx. It. rmzennnnn, .‘lauagcr' Fmch raw, .‘lny 27th, lFT-IL . Cured Meats, Ileffings, Fish & Mackerel. A choice Issortment of Pale and Dark Brandy. Port and Sherry Wines,- Holland and Old Tom Gix‘is', several brands of Whisky, Bottled Ale and Porter, «kc. The attention of hotel keeper! and others is invited to this Mock. PlflsterltSeeds of all kinds nlwaysnn band. Th6 GM system will be strictly adhomt to. Cash for Farm Produce. .Ion.\v cutsnom. Next to the Globe llotel, Kent st, Lindsay: K- O- K. Another Fresh Stock of that nourishing and IIIUUHIII UIIIIIIGI K. O.- K. just received; 10 Cents for d Half Pound Pack’g or 3 for 25 cents. .I'. .tits'r‘lit'; llchI-thur's Block. Flour & Feed find GENERAL GROCERIE§I Cheap for cash. ‘V’ICTORIA RAILWAY. ' ' :02' " TIME TABLE. -â€":'o:â€"â€"- Summer Arrangements. ntfi'é’ifa 0..‘ Monday, 2lst of June, 1880: LINDSAY TIME. I noun: mourn. that. 7.12 n.m‘. STATIONS. Toronto, Via G. '1‘. ll. leave Lindsny, Vin. \\'.l’.l". & L. lluilwuy urrivc 17.50 “ M. lt’y Juno. via .\I. II. M" 12.50 “ _....._.__._E_. 3.00 leh 8J2 “ 3.32 " hindsny. . . leave Mid. Il‘y Junction “ (Yumcron...... .. “ un- llnll’s........... “ 8.45“ Fcnelon Frills“ .. “ 4.05 “ Fc’ll's.......’..... “ 4.25 “ It'euie's . n I up I! Kiurr'iount . . . .- 6.23 “ Myles’ lluilwny Junc'. 5.29 “ Minden Station lenvc 5.59 " lngoldsby “ 6.1.3 ‘ Dysurt ” 6.2l ” Gould's “ 6.35 ” llalihurton urrivc 6.45 ‘ STATIONS: GOING SOUTH. Mull; 7.10 n. In; llnlihurton'. . . . leave (lmild'tt “ 7.20 “ Dysnrt “ 7.32 “ lngoldshy I ” 7.40 " Minden Station " 7.5!- " Myles‘ ll'y Junc. ” 8.30 ” Kinmount “' 14.40 “ ltI-nic‘s “ 9.10 “ Fell'rt “ 9.35 “ ' l ' 4 tr ll Fenclon FIIIIH 1:2: “ ttnII'r: " 1'02" H Cnlnero'n' , “ :l 0.32 ” .‘Ilidlunrl lt'yJunc” [0.50 ” Lindsay nrrive “.00 “ Lindsay, .\l. ll. north, I, 12.45 p. In”... . .‘.' “ “ ’fioutli,l 4."! “ .......‘I IlinrtlsIIyâ€"go'in “I‘ll.- l'. d: L. ll'y lem‘c 2.30 " I Toronto Vin G. T. It. nr;7..’;2 “ W- - _ N.--“ ,, __ .m _.- ._.. . “h-” ("Kassie 'S'ria‘asz‘srm ‘ Fenclon Fullsnvilhntugc for Bohcnygeod Kinnmunt, with stage for Slindcn. .'.'.‘.‘. .. I JAM ES RUSS. J. W. LEONARD, Munugcf: llcnernl Trnlllc Agent. Lindsay, Mny Ztrll, limo. I IUIUIIU} in "*I'IpJIsIIIQIIa'IIuy. I TIME TABLE. Tnking effect on ilnndny, If: “lurch, U680; HHINGXUIITII. Mail. Locnl. Mire-t. 4.00 pm. I 3 Toronto. tin-part. 7 4?: run. I't’hridye I: Inc": a (1.40 M 12.60 ; (.‘nnnington " H.137 '4 7.37 “ LIT; [i I “'nodvlllr H II.-In '- mo H :,III' 3 Midland tht nr, ll «L'- " 8.00 “ 235' ’v Lindmy Mid u. 4 II» p. m. 12.0. lm’llin u , Mr. I : Midland Jc. up. um n. m. 24"! chipmunk. Ar. 1.05 p. In. «mm; sm'rn. mm. Local. stun. ' Culmt‘lln". depart 5,00 run. I‘ :npm' .‘rlid. Junction M. 7.25 " , - ,3: “ Lindsay Mid llll 10.30 " ‘ H.45le (lrillln “ £5.31! 1.11:. MM “ l Mid. Junction tip. 7.4.3 "' 7.30 “ 2'16 “ I “'omltille deftde 8.495 “ 7.40 “ 2.55 “I ' Cnnningtot' nrriv'c‘lA’I " 7.53 “ 3.04 “ M “1,3, :4 ’{o'u‘ I030 II.I’5 4 (.20 v .' I'xbridgv: Turomn arrive l'wurngen Irate L‘lmlpay a! If. .‘i p. m. t and run-h Toronto at 4.3" p, via. an To , mum at 7.45 mm. and reset: Liam II I 4.10 p. In. ,, V W. GOODEBHAM. Jr., Stun-gin! Watch Tomato, Hatch 131b, 1830. .... _. . -Am... WE ‘ EW- ‘ 1M. tint» .

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