Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 26 Jan 2000, A8

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A8 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER W ednesday January 26, 2000 School's expansion subject of debate W hen St. M ild re d 's Lightbourn School purchased hom es for grow th, som e area residents began to panic St. M ildred's had asked for a minor variance but was turned down by the Town's Committee of Adjustment. The school appealed to Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) which will hear the case in February. W hile the principal o f St. M ildred's-Lightboum School The minor variance involves a municipal bylaw put in place appreciates that neighbours are worried about expansion plans, after St. M ildred's was founded that basically says that Susan Both says she is working toward mutual understanding. Linbrook Road is too narrow to accommodate a private school. `T h ere is a clear issue o f trust here as to why (the residents) After a closed session Monday night, Town Council agreed are upset," said Both. "W e're going to have to find ways to to not oppose St. M ildred's OMB appeal. establish trust." Two properties east of St. Expansion plans have also been aired at the Plans are underw ay to im prove the Mildred' s and two properties Site Plan Committee. Its members have Linbrook Road school with an approximate west have been purchased agreed to unanimously approve the staff rec ly 868 square metre addition. The one storey by the school to help set the ommendation should the OMB accept the south wing which now contains a biology lab and greenhouse will have a second storey stage for the institution' s long school's minor variance. Two properties east o f St. M ildred's and added, allowing for the removal of a pair of range " Building a Vision" two properties west have been purchased by portables ju st west o f the south wing. concept. The first of these the school to help set the stage for the insti Both explained that the second floor will was bought tution's long range "Building a Vision" con leave the existing roof-line virtually in 1996, the fourth just cept. The first of these was bought in 1996, unchanged because o f the existing high ceil the fourth just last November. ings and the descending lay o f the land. last November. Both explained that the school did not `T h e first order o f business is to replace approach the owners to sell but simply saw the golden oppor the portables," said Both. The improved south wing will include an enhanced learn tunity that was presented as the land came up for sale. "We didn't plan the sudden acquisition o f the property," said ing centre that features facilities for everything from robotics Both, w ho explained that these properties would have to be and digital video editing to publishing and graphics. In short, it is not a classroom per se but a place geared to technology, rezoned before any building could ever take place. St. M ildred's first order of business, said Both, is to improve rather than one particular subject. the existing zoned property. There is currendy no concrete Both also explained that the plan includes improvements to master plan for the school's future but rather simply a "vision" the traffic and parking situation which she believes is likely the for what would constitute an ideal learning environment. neighbouring residents' m ajor concern with the expansion. "We have facilities here that we have to improve over time," "N o one in the neighbourhood would fight us to improve said Both. "We are going to start with our internal needs, to do that," said Both. w hat's necessary to better educate the students." A consultant's solution is to widen the entrances and exits Both said she can sympathize with neighbours who believe and reconfigure the parking area to allow for more cars to queue on the property rather than on Linbrook. There will be a a bigger school will attract more students and thereby increase traffic and parking problems. With 5 9 4 students now, Both said drop-off lane, a continuous circuit lane and a separate lane for she is prepared to cap future enrollment at 6 25 students. buses. A ramp around back will allow vehicles to be parked on "I don't want a big school either," said Both. "One of the the tennis courts for special events. great strengths of a private school is its sense o f community." Getting underway has been delayed by red tape, however. OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF Results... We Can Help You Get Them ... All You Have to do is Get Here! Join Now and Pay Only $39 Per Month with Down Payment A beautiful body doesn't take years o f hard work and determination. It takes the right program! A program that incorporates strength, exercise, cardovascular exercise and proper nutrition. And the secret is ... it doesn't have to take forever. Circuit training is quick, easy and effective! Circuit training only takes about 3 0 minutes of your time. The results are fantastic and the workout is great! 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In several instances the sus p ect also w ith draw s U.S. cur rency, as well. It appears this suspect is very activ e as m any o ther ju ris d ic tions in southern O ntario have had identical acts per formed. The suspect is describ ed as female, white, 32 years old, fivefeet seven-inches tall and w eighs 140 pounds. She has long blonde (bleached) hair. If you have any inform ation that leads to an arrest in this or any other matter, you may be eligi ble fo r a cash reward. You need not g iv e your name when you tell us your infor m ation and you w ill rem ain anonymous. C rim e S toppers does not sub scribe to the tele p h o n e call d is p lay feature. C a ll 1 - 8 0 0 -2 2 2 T IP S o r 825TIPS (825-8477). Only Fitness Depot can sell you the best brand name fitness equipment for the guaranteed lowest prices in North America. How? Our C an ada wide buying power and huge warehouse locations mean lower costs that we pass directly to our customers. 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