Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 21 Nov 2001, " 'Tis the Season", D6

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D6 - The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday N ovem ber 21, 2001 Pick a star off the Sears Tree of Hope and wishes will come true H oliday shoppers can m ake a wish com e true this holiday season by pick ing a gold star off the Sears Tree of Hope. Shoppers can visit their local Sears D epartm ent, O utlet, Furniture and A ppliances stores and select one o f the gold stars to purchase a gift for a less fortunate child in their com m u nity. Each star bears the nam e o f a child with helpful details including the child's age and w ish gift. G ifts will be placed under the tree and Sears associ ates and their charity partner will deliver the gifts to the children for Christm as. Shoppers who use their Sears Card to purchase a gift for the Sears Tree o f Hope will be aw arded 100 valuable Sears Club points -- a little w ay that Sears is thanking their custom ers for their generosity. "Each year, thousands o f children wake up C hristm as m orning and don't have a gift w aiting for them under the tree," says Stacey H elpert, corporate m anager, C ause M arketing and C haritable G ivings. "That's why Sears created the Tree o f H ope. It rem inds people that there are children here in the com m unity that are in need o f a gift and w ould greatly benefit from your gift o f giving." The Sears Tree o f Hope is part of Sears Young Futures Program , w hich is d ed icated to su pporting groups w ithin com m unities across C anada, where Sears associates and custom ers live, that prom ote the healthy develop m ent o f children and youth in Canada. For m ore inform ation about the Sears Tree o f H ope or the local chari ty it w ill support in your com m unity, contact the m anager o f your local Sears D epartm ent, O utlet or Furniture and A p p liances stores, o r contact Eliana C ugini, Public Affairs. Please visit their w ebsite w w w .sears.ca for a listing o f Sears D epartm ent, Outlet, Furniture and A ppliances stores across Canada. Santa Parade C ontest W inners The following are our three winners for the Santa Parade "What Christmas Means To Me" contest. The winners received an early Christmas gift bag filled with goodies. For those who would like their original artwork returned, it can be picked up at the Oakville Beaver reception desk. The amount of talent displayed from those who entered was phe nomenal and the Oakville Beaver would like to say "thank you" for submitting. vr By A bby Preuss Barrie Erskine · Oakville Beaver O U T E R W E A R D R IV E . Hopedale M all's annual Outer Wear C lothing Drive collected w arm clothing item s, w hich will be given to K err Street M inistries to distribute to the needy. Show n with the donated clothing are (from left) M arrion Pengilley, associate director, Volunteers and Outreach, Kerr Street M inistries, Liane M oore, m arketing director, H opedale M all, and John Quesnelles, volunteer at K err Street M inistries. By Amanda Greer C hristm as is my favourite tim e o f year because I was bom 3 days before C hristm as! I w as my parents first child, so we becam e a family. I like that tim e because m y dad is hom e from w ork, my grandm a com es and visits us, my nana and gram ps com e for din ner and som etim es m y uncle, aunt and cousin com e but they live in the U.S.A. so not usu ally. T his is w hat I love doing at C hristm as w ith my family. 1 love getting the tree and decorating it, decorating the house and m ak ing cookies and presents. I love C hristm as because I get to spend tim e w ith my family. T hat's w hat Christm as m eans to me! It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas T h e h o lid a y se aso n is u p o n us. T ake a clo se r lo o k at the list o f ev en ts p la n n ed at O ak v ille P lace fo r th is h o lid ay season! W ake up S a n ta on S atu rd ay , N ov. 24, at 9 a.m . in C e n tre C o u rt. * C h ild re n w ill b e jo in e d by S now W h ite an d frie n d s w h o w ill sing an d en te rta in , to h elp w ak e up S anta. C h ild re n w ill be en tertain ed fo r ap p ro x im ate ly h a lf an h o u r an d w h en th ey are su c ce ssfu l at w ak ing u p S anta, th ey w ill be in v ited to h av e b re a k fa st w ith him . C e re al, m ilk , ju ic e an d m in i m u ffin s w ill b e o ffe re d to th e first 250 kid s. T h ere w ill also b e d raw s fo r fre e p h o to s an d all ch ild ren w ill re c e iv e rein d e er a n tle r h e a d b an d s to take hom e. S now W h ite an d frie n d s w ill stay in the m all fo r an h o u r afte r S an ta w ak es up an d w ill o ffe r the k id s co lo u rin g sh eets an d a u to graphs. L o o k in g fo r S an ta ? S an ta w ill be resid in g in his S an ta sca p e fro m Nov. 24 to D ec. 2 4 at th e fo llo w in g tim e s -- N ovem ber h o u rs: M o n d ay to Friday, 10 a.m . to 8 p.m .; S aturday, 10 a.m . to 6 p.m .; S u n d ay , 12 n o o n to 5 p.m . D e c e m b e r h o u rs: M o n d a y to S a tu rd a y , 10 a.m . to 8 p .m .; S u n d a y 11 a.m . to 6 p .m .; D e c em b e r 24, 10 a.m . to 4 p.m . Be su re to sto p b y the S an ta sca p e an d h a v e y o u r p ic tu re ta k e n w ith Santa. O ak v ille P lace has tw o ex c itin g M id n ig h t M a d n ess ev en ts p la n n ed on Friday, Nov. 30 and Friday, D ec. 2 1 , w h en the sto res w ill be o p en until M id n ig h t. \troducizxcf: Viti/ it/ /Jleasurejt / c a t e r i n g 1 2 yG&r,sr o f se rv ic e ; in th e; Cj;TA · ' Corporate / Social C atering S pecial E ven t an d P a rty Planning · Theme P arties ' In tim ate D inners to L avish (jat& erings · C atering to Cjroups o f 5 to 5 0 0 took -A C edin o w to book yo u r ffoH d& y P£r& e;$ Sinful Pleasures Catering (905 ) 257-0448 m W M fyih- A. Saturday, November 24 at 9am 'S CHEBULE Visit Santa at thefollowing locations wj Join Snow W hite and Friends for entertainment and to help her wake up Santa! Join Santa for a y ;.{:! Breakfast at Centre Court ' Limited to the first 2 5 0 children O akville P lace Santa arrives Saturday, Novem ber 24th at 9 a.m . NOVEMBER M onday to Friday Saturday Sunday - 10 a.m .-8 p.m . - 11 a.m .-6 p.m . DECEMBER M onday to Saturday Sunday C hristm as Eve - 10 a.m .-8 p.m. - 11 a.m .-6 p.m. - 1 0 a.m .-5 pm . - 1 0 a.m .-4 pm. Bronte Village Mall SANTA'S HOURS Saturday, D ecem ber 1, 8 ,1 5 , 22 - 1 1 :3 0 a .m . to 4 :0 0 p .m . Free Photos! Erin M ills Tow n C e n tre SANTA'S H 0U R S /P H 0T0S Monday-Saturday - 10:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Sunday - 1 2 Noon to 5:00 p.m . Located on Erin M ills Pkwy. & Eglinton Ave., just north ot Hwy 403 905-569-1981 * * * (8AKVILLE PLACE www.oakvilleplace.com 1 1 0 Fine stores including The B a y · S e a rs · IG A Q E W & T r a fa lg a r R d. 9 0 5 - 8 4 2 - 2 1 4 0 * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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