Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 21 Nov 2001, C3

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The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday N ovem ber 21, 2001 - C3 BEX T WH EE L S II I k I IL L E Retail leasing drops with interest rates (Continued from page C 1) Mazda 6 at the Tokyo Motor Show. Mazda steals spotlight at Tokyo Motor Show M azda, as it was two years ago, was the star o f the Tokyo M otor Show in term s o f im pact on the North A m erican market. The show saw the w orld pre miere o f the M azda 6, a new mid-size car expected next sum mer and the production version of the RX-8 four-door sportscar coming in 2003. H eld every tw o years, the 2001 event in Japan w as much more subdued than in the past like the m ood around the world. The Tokyo show is noted for its squadrons o f barely-clad carstand girls. So popular are they that there is even a magazine featuring each girl and her vital statistics. B ut this year dem ure was in, and at the M itsubishi stand w here clothing used to border on the indecent, not a vixen was to be found. The RX-8 was debuted in prototype form two years ago at the last Tokyo Show, but the version this year left no doubts that it could probably go on sale right now. Powered by a 2.7-litre twin-cham ber rotary engine, the car produces 250 hp and runs on 18-inch wheels. engine will now be the "big four cylinder" p ow erplant used in every F ord w orldw ide. It's already in the M azda B2300 pickup. T he eye-p o p p in g styling D N A seen in the m ost recent Protege5 is very much in evi dence on the M azda 6. A great deal o f thought about details is evidenced in this car. Som ething no one seem s to have thought about before is a button on the inside trunk w all that lets the rear seat backs tum ble forward. N ow long objects can be loaded w ith one m otion is stead o f put ting them on the ground while you go into the back seat for the release. H idden off to the side, but som ething I believe are headed our w ay w ere the Tribute Field Break and the M PV Field Brake. These were the Tribute SUV and M PV m inivan w e get here given the "O utback" treatm ent with dark upper paint and deep rubber cladding on the bottom along w ith slightly raised suspension and big tires and bold alloy wheels. The concept sure w orked for Subaru, so w ho knows... "Vehicle purchase financ ing is grow ing and Ford Credit is the industry leader when it com es to custom er satisfaction with initial con sum er loans and leases," said Peter Sinuita, citing a recent J.D. Pow er and Associates study that found 33% more Canadians chose to purchase their new vehicles in 2001, com pared to last year. Sinuita told the Canadian Auto D ealership Conference Monday that 32% o f Ford custom ers are financing their purchases through Ford Credit, com pared to 26% in 2000. W hile still popular, retail leasing has leveled off to 37% , dow n from 41% in 2000 . "O ur current Ford Drives C anada cam paign offers interest-free purchase financ ing across a range o f new v ehicles, including Ford Focus. Taurus. W indstar, Explorer and m ost F-Series models. This should continue to stimulate growth in retail financing," he added. A s P resident o f Ford Credit Canada Limited, Peter S inuita, 50, oversees the com pany's entire operation with more than 500 em ploy ees serving Canada's auto motive financing needs from 11 locations across the coun try. In 1974, Sinuita began his F o rd C red it career as a C ustom er A ccount Representative, in the Ford C redit H am ilton Branch. Since that time, Sinuita has held several positions, including Branch M anager in Halifax and Toronto, Field S upport M anager for C anadian O perations, R egional O perations M anager N ortheast U nited States, R egional M anager o f the Pittsburgh/C incinnati R egion and returning to C an ad a in 1999 as President, Ford Credit Canada Limited. He currently lives in oakville with his wife and children. Fall Maintenance Package ArgusAutom otiveLtd. Serving Oakville lor over 25 years · AC · Brakes · Suspension · Tires · Transmission · Computerized Diagnostics I" IN C LU DE £ I I l l ' · Up to 5 litres of oil . Inspection of: heating/cooling Oil filter system, oil fluid levels, electrical · Lube (where applicable) system, front and rear brakes, · Rotation of 4 tires exhaust system , suspension system . only $ 2 5 * 9 5 E D E E | I KEE · Windshield Washer Fluid (4 Litres) at time ot Service. _ j (WITH THIS COUPON) Offerex^fesDetemier21^2001 _ I HYUNDAI Of OAKVILLE 7 ·· 7 Time President's Award Winner ·« A ward based on highest lei'el o f customer satisfaction fo r sales and service. GREAT CARS. GREAT DEALS. N o payments For 90 Days On Purchase Financing. · 1.5 litre multi valve engine · Driver's side a ir bag (de-powered) · Tachometer · 6 0 /4 0 split folding rear seat [· Tinted glass with shade band » Dual manual remote control side view mirrors » And much, much more ROAD WORTHY Jim Robinson W hite it looks like a coupe, the 'suicide' doors open a lot w ider than you'd think w ith m ore than adequate room for the tw o backseat passengers. But o f greater im portance to M azda is the "6" that w ill replace the 626 w orldwide. It is pow ered by a new 2.3-litre, twin cam , fou r-cy lin d er engine. M azda president M ark Fields, w ho entertained the Canadian contingent at dinner during the show, was thrilled that the new 2.0 litre 140 HP engine Dual front a ir bag (de-powered) · 15" wheels Am /Fm /CD stereo 6 0 /4 0 split folding rear seat SYR/ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 K M WARRANTY ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE PR O G R A M 24HR H YU nD H I D R IV IN G IS B E L IE V IN G UNDAI Of OAKVILLE Leasing programs available from Hyundai Financial services based on 2002 accent GS 3 door MSRP from $12,395, 2002 Elantra GL MSRP from $15295. 2002 Sonata GL MSRP from $ 21.195 and Santa Fe MSRP from $21,050. $179.'$199/$239/$229 per month for a 48 month walk away lease. Down payment of $0/$995/$1995/$2995 plus first monthly payment required, security deposit $0/$0/$239/$229/ freight and PDE fo r Accent, Elantra included. Extra for Sonata and Santa Fe. Taxes, license and $350 acquisition fee extra. 20.000 km mileage allowance per year applies. Additional km charge of 0.10 |j H a m ilto n _ TORONTO Offer expires November 30. 2001. See Hyundai of Oakville for details Mazda RX-8 at the Tokyo Motor Show. 1071 SPEERS R Just West of 4th Line 9 0 5 "8 4 5 "7791 JUST MOVED? BRIDE-TO-BE? NEW BABY? F or fr e e in fo rm a tio n a n d g ifts.. CA LL 1. SOUTH EAST Anne Phillips 842-2385 2. SOUTH WEST Carol Hagen 338-3456 3. NORTH EAST Pat Fairfield 842-1560 4. G LEN ABBEY Cathy Wolosclnik 847-9157 eal Winter Tires for real Canadian winters. Get Michelin® ArcticTM Alpin® tires and don't pay for 90 days* There really is a difference between all-season tires and Michelin® ArcticTM Alpin® tires. Real winter tires are the best for traction and safety. 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