Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 14 Nov 2001, B08

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B8 - The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e sd a y N o v e m b e r 14, 2001 B E S T WH G E L S OAKVILLE Ease up on the winter wear (NC)-M odem car heaters and defrosters are so powerful that the interior of any vehicle gets very comfortable after only a few minutes. So it is useless to wear bulky parkas and heavy boots to drive. Heavy garments can restrict movement in an emergency manoeuvre and pre vent you from regaining control of the car in a skid. Also, wearing warm clothes in a warm car can cause sleepiness. It is much better to wear layers of clothes and adjust to the ambient temper ature in the car. *Winter is Near! * # Get Your Cooling System Checked Today! Environmentally friendly " Glyclean" cooling system service. Recycle antifreeze 'i to manufacturers specs by measuring both coolant strength & PH level. Helps keep internal engines components from deteriorating. 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser PT Cruiser proves retro-look is popular The PT enters its second model year as a certified smash hit. DaimlerChrysler has had trouble keeping up with the demand for the car that the company describes as 'too cool to categorize'. Recognizing the PT's retro street-rod appeal, Chrysler offers a 'flame' decor package as an option this year. These vinyl appliques are positioned along the hood and front fenders and are available in a variety of colours. Additional standard features now come with each PT Cruiser, including a passenger-side armrest, a storage bin under the passenger seat and a CD player accompanying the AM/FM radio. TTie PT (for Personal Transportation) Cruiser is driven by a 2.4-litre DOHC four-cylinder powerplant that's also in use in the Chrysler Sebring and Dodge Stratus sedans. Developing 150 horsepower, the engine is connected to either a five-speed manual or four-speed automatic trans mission. Along with one of the most unique, yet practical body shapes since the intro duction of the original Chrysler minivan, the PT boasts a significant amount of standard content. The base model comes with air conditioning, power windows, tilt steering and a split rear seat that can be folded flat for extra storage. The Touring Edition adds power door locks, remote keyless entry, 16-inch chrome alloys plus numerous other fea tures. At the top of the heap is the Limited, with leather seats, chrome wheels, moonroof and side airbags. Performance alert! Chrysler is cur rently testing a turbocharged PT Cruiser, slated for introduction either later this year or next year as a 2003 model. $ 589 5 Check Out Our Winter Tire Prices! Drive Clean Repair Centre ci Q .E .W . S . S E R V IC E R D . uJ oc A U TO SERVICE 1 s 5 8 < SPE ER S R D .p C O R N W A LL RD . ° || si 573 Chartwell Rd. OAKVILLE (905) 844-9641 ' ljExplorer Bauer txpiorer EddiG tame baue c Aut0- 4 ^ wedqew ood blue w/med. parchment, air, cruise, roof rack, split rear seats, tilt, alloy wheels, fog lamps, running boards, tinted windows, ABS, remote entry, security alarm, heated seats, CD, pi, pm, pw, p seats, stereo, trailer to w pkg, reverse sensing system, ford executive vehicle. S tk # 1 5 9 6 !25" SAMSUNG STEREO TV \ll I With Remote To The First 50 Purchasers of a Pre-Owned or New Vehicle from . . . Terrace Ford Lincoln *43,900' FOCUS r u i. u a S e i A A A A * fke ± _ 3^1 T _ * N I i l f C h e c k O u t O u r F a ir M a r k e t V a lu e P ric in g *18,900* 'I CrOWn Victoria 5 Pl i | Q f l f l Auto, 5 door, 4 cy). burgandy w/grey doth, aiq cruise, roof rack, split rear seats, tilt, alloy wheels, fog lamps, tinted windows, ABS, remote entry, security alarms, CD, pf, pm, pw, stereo, w agon group. S tk # 1 5 5 3 Aut0-V8-silver )Nl9W doth, air, cruise, t ilt tinted windows, A B S ,C D ,pi,pm ,pw ,p.seats,stereo,stereo. s t k # 1 5 5 2 Only 20 k's 2000 Taurus SE 1/,4Uv s , k # P 1 5 0 9 TaUrUS SE Aut0,3 A f l f l 3 0 L v 6 - si,ver w /9rey doth, air, cruise, tilt, alloy _ j. wheels, tinte d w indow s, rem ote entry, security alarm, cassette, pi, pm, p w r seats, pw, stereo system. Agt0, w t a M E x p lo r e r a f l M | t i m I f ^ 1999 Auto; 4 .0 SOHC V6, tan w /tan doth, ait; cruise, roof rack/tilt, split rear seats, alloy wheels, fog lamps, running boards, tinted windows, ABS,, remote entry, security alaim, cassette, pi, pm, pseats, pw stereo, sport pkg. S tk#P 1545 Auto, 3.0 L 24 valve V6, tan w/tan doth/leather, air, cruise, tilt alk)y w*iee*s' tin® d windows, ABS, remote entry, alarm, cass., 1998 G r d M a r a U I S L S A ut0 , ® ^ 4 d k - 9 re e n w / t a n le a th e r, i . - * - a ir, c ru is e , t ilt , a llo y w h e e ls , t in te d w in d o w s , A B S , re m o te e n try , a la r m , ca ss., p i, p m , ps, p w , s te r e o s y s te m . S tk # 1 4 3 9 Explorer XLT S a b le L S A A A *20,600* Sable LS Explorer Sport * Lincoln Town Car S.S Auto,V 8, K parchment gold w /lt parchment leather, air, + mm ( i 7 A O I I I I / W A A * f l f l I I I I W W auise' alloywheels* rearspoilef's u n / m o o n ^ t i n t e d windows, ABS, dual air bags, remote entry, alarm, CD, heated seats, pi, pw, pm, p seats, stereo. S tk # 1583 V 8 .lt. gold doth, air, cruise, tilt, tinte d windows, remote entry, security alarms, CD, pi, pm ,pw,stereo, 1 2 pass.w /dualair, ^ xjr9un^yW/Charcoal d o th , air, cruise, tilt, II | l / y y Focus SE A A A * f l A A M l H I all° y wheels, tinte d window s, ABS, rem ote entry, security alarm , cassette pi, pm, p w r seats, pw, stereo system, traction control, cap unit. S tk # P 1 5 2 7 1% Q f l i l te a s e *1 '^ ^ S te fe °S ^e fn ' ^ fX e m iU rn 1°W n e f IV/7VU S tk#P1548 3 door, SUV 4 x 4 ,4 .0 L SOHC V6, auto, black w/tan leather, air, cruise, roof rack, split rear seats, t ilt alloy wheels, fog lamps, runn. brds., tinted windows, ABS, remote entry, alarm, single air bag, cass., pi, pm, p. seats, pw, stereo system, sport pkg. 5tk # P 1555 E x o l o r e r apon S n o rt explorer a " ^ E350 Club Wagon « j j O A A A * I I f l f l ^ partTM. wtan stk#i59oon,y23ks f m *16,400 Taurus SE * Auto, 4 cyl, w h ite w /grey d o th , air, cruise, t ilt alloy wheels, rear spoiler, tinted w indow s, ABS, rem ote entry, security alarm , CD, pi, pm, pw, stereo system, sport pkg. Stk#P1534 *19,900' f l f l | | | | V V W in d s t a r S E L *13,900* *20,900* W ind star LX A u to , 2 4 v a lv e V 6 , 1 0 0 k , s ilv e r w / b lu e d o t h /le a th e r , a ir, c ru is e , r o o f ra c k , s p lit r e a r s e a ts , t ilt , a llo y w h e e ls , t in t e d w in d o w s , A B S , r e m o t e e n try , a la r m , c a s s ., p i, p m , ps, p w , s te r e o s y s te m . S t k # 1 4 9 5 A u to , 4 .0 L SOHC V 6 ,5 3 k , red w /g re y leather, air, cruise, ro o f rack, split rear seats, t ilt alloy wheels, fo g lamps, running boards, sun/m oon ro o t tinte d w in do w s, ABS, rem ote entry, security alarm , cassette, pi, pm , pseats, pw, stereo system. S tk # P 1 5 1 7 Auto, 3.8L V 6 , carribean green w /g re y quads, dua l air, cruise, ro o f rack, tilt, a llo y w h ee ls ,tin te d vyindow s, ABS, re m ote entry, alarm ,cass., pi, pm , pseats, p w , stereo system. S tk # 1 5 4 2 E e o JC u &. OB 09 GO B e ** CQ Sonata a n A A t f l l l tinte^ windows, remote entry, security alarms, CD, pi, pm, pw. stereo. S tk # 2 7 0 5 4 A Only 10k's A uto- w/greydoth-air- tilt- a |1 °yw^eis, I j i j UU *18,400 Windstar SEL Auto, 3.0L, V6, tan w /ta n doth, air, cruise, t i l t alloy wheels, tinte d w indow s, ABS, rem ote entry, security alarm , cassette, CD, pi, pm , pw, stereo system, 6 pack CD player. S tk # P 1 571 S p o r t 3 door' SUV 4x 4 ,4 spd. auto, 4.0 LS 0 H C V 6, tropic green j l w/grey doth, air, cruise, roof rack, split rear seats, tilt alloy wheels, fog lamps, tinted windows, ABS, dual air bags, remote entry, alarm, cass., pi, pm, p. seats, pw, stereo system, sport pkg. S tk#P1556 Aut0,3 8 L drk 9reen w/tan leather, air, cruise roof rack, tilt alloy wheels, fog lamps, tinted windows, ABS, remote entry, alarm, cassette, CD, pi, pm, p. seats, pw, stereo system, 2 tone paint dual power doors, rear air & heat. Stk#P1567 SUV 4x4, auto, 4 L V 6 , tan w/tan doth, air, cruise, roof rack, tilt split rear seats, alloy wheels, tinted windows, CD, pi, pm, pw, stereo system. Stk#P1577 W ind star SEL Taurus SE Waaon u t0 - 6 & 3 0L* g raphite Wue w /g re y d o th , air, cruise Wagoi A ·l ro o f rack, sp lit rear seats, t ilt alloy wheels, tin te d w in do w s, rem ote entry, alarm , cass., pi, pm , p. seats, pw, stereo system, 3 rd seat. S tk # P 1 4 5 6 *23,900* *18,500* TaUrUS SE _ a A A u to , 6 cyl. 3.8L, navy blu e w /g re y quads, air, cruise, ro o f rack, t i l t alloy w heels, tin te d w in d o w s , ABS, rem ote entry, ala rm , cass., CD, pi, pm , pw, stereo system , rear air. S tk # P 1 4 4 6 *23,900' FOCUS a A uto, 3.81, V6, tan w /ta n quads, air, cruise, roof rack, tilt, sun/m oon roof, tinte d window s, ABS, rem ote entry, security alarm , cassette, pi, pm , pw, stereo system 1 owner. S tk # P 1 5 7 8 SE _ t S # a a A * f l f l f l Auto, 2 .0 L, Zetec, tropic green w /grey d o th , air, cruise, t ilt rear spoiler, alloy wheels, tinte d w indow s, ABS, remote entry, security alarm , CD, pi, pm , pw, stereo system. lO / O U U stk" '1 5 9 1 f, _ 16,900 TaUrUS SE « A C A * ^ e e ls , tinte d w indow s, cassette, pi, pm , pow er se a t Aut0,3 ®*- V®' w *1'te w / 9rey d o th , air, cruise, t i l t alloy a _ TaUrUS SE _ 14,4UU s 'k * P 1 4 5 2 A u t0 , 3 -0 L V 6, w h ite w /grey d o th , air, cruise, t i l t alloy ^ e e ls , tinte d w indow s, ABS, rem ote entry, security alarm, cassette, pi, pm, p w r seats, pw, stereo system. A jk A f l f l * Aut0,3LV6, to re a d o r red w /9 rey d o th , air, cruise, t ilt 3 lloy wheels, rear spoiler, tin te d w in d o w s ,, cassette, pi, pm , pseats, pw, stereo system. 1D f4U Us * # '> 1 5 0 8 \¥ \v y v j A A A * f l W ind star SE jk -- M A a * F f l f l | ^ | | | | I f J V V _ 'I* A u t(* 6 3 8L- spruce green w /g re y quads, air, cruise rack, t ilt alloy wheels, fo g lamps, tin te d w indow s, ABS, rem ote entiy, alarm , cass., pi, pm , ps, pw, stereo system, RH pwr. dr., du a l air & h e a t fir. console. S tk # P 1 4 6 2 Taurus SE 1998 CONTOUR GL 5 spd. manual, 4 cyl.,dk. green w/grey cloth, air, cruise, tilt, alloy wheels, tinted windows, cassette, pi, pm, pw, stereo system, only 41,000 k's. Stk#1436 * 10, 500* $225/per month ` Plus taxes, admin, fee & license, 0AC. +Lease based on 36 months, 25,000 kms per year. $1500 cash or trade down payment plus taxes, admin, fee & license. 0AC.____________ BUHL1N0T0N S #1 1PRE-OWNED FORD DEALER 1 'D U A L IT Y I | I C E R T IF IE D I *14,900 *15,300' *16,300' *21,900' *15,800' *18,900' Taurus SE Sable LS F150 LARIAT Taurus SE F150-XLS A u to , 3 .0 L V 6 , ta n w /ta n d o th , air, cruise, t i l t alloy w heels, rear spoiler, tin te d w in d o w s ,, security alarm , cass., pi, p m , pw , stero. S tk # P 1 4 7 0 *20,900' *22,800* *12,900* *18,800* *17,400* *21,900* Explorer XLS Sable LS Cougar W ind star LX W ind star LX Explorer S port (jA I Auto, 3 L V 6, tan w/tan doth/leather, air, cruise, roof rack, tilt split rear seats, tinted windows, ABS, security alarms, cassette, pi, pm, p. seats, pw, stereo system. S tk#P 1579 *15,800* *14,800 *12,800 M ystiq ue LS E S C O rt SE SE Escort Auto, 2 .5L V 6 , silver w /g re y c lo th , air, cruise, s p lit rear seats, t i l t a llo y wheels, fo g lam ps, rear spoiler, tin te d w in d ow s, d u a l a ir bags, rem o te entry, alarm ,cass, hea ted seats, p i, pm , pw , X t e r e o system , 1 ow n e r lease re tu rn . S tk # 1 5 4 6 Aq u am arine fro st w /g re y c lo th , air, cruise, tilt, tin te d w ind ow s, ABS, rem o te entry, a la rm , cass., pm , stereo system. S tk # 1 5 5 8 Auto, 2.5 L 24 valve, red w/grey doth, air, cruise, tilt split rear seats, alloy wheels, fog lamps, rear spoiler, sun/moon root tinted windows, ABS, security alarm * CD, pi, pm, p. seats, pw, stereo system, balance of factory warranty. Stk#P1580 Auto, 3.8L, V 6 spurce green w/tan quads, air, cruise, roof rack, tilt alloy wheels, tinted windows, ABS, dual air bags, remote entry, pi, pm, pw, stereo system, 1 owner, S tk#P1588 E150 Cargo Van *15,900* F-150 Laridt Flareside f j Q f l f l Auto, 6 cyl, b lu e w /g re y , air, tin te d w in d o w s , d u a l a ir bags, casse tte , p o w e r m irro rs, ste re o system . S tk # 1 4 9 3 Aut0- 4-6 *-V 8, d a rk c a b e rn e t red w /ta n lea the r, ABS, cassette, pi, pm , ps, p w , s te re o system . £ m jk a A A * air` cruise' tilt' alloy wheels-tinted windows, l?iOUU s t k # 1 4 9 8 Sable GS f M ^ a ^ a a * f l f l Auto, 3.8 L V 6, tan w/tan quads, air, cruise, roof rack, tilt, alloy wheels, tinted windows, ABS, remote entry, security alarm, cassette, pi, pm, pw, stereo system, rear air & heat, overhead console, 1 owner bought here, traded here. Stk#P 15077A w/grey doth, air, Auto, 4 .0 LSOHCV 6,59k, m edv\ cruise, roof rack, t ilt split rear seats, al . running boards, tinted windows, ABS, remote entry, alarm, cassette, pi, pm, ps, pw, stereo system. Auto, V 6, m a ro o n w /g re y c lo th , air, cru ise , tilt, tin te d w in d o w s , cassette, pi, p m , p w , s te re o syste m . S t k # 1 6 0 0 7 A 5<| f l n n n t AAA* Auto, 3.0 L 24 Valve V 6, graphite blue w/grey doth, air, cruise, roof rack, split rear seats, tilt alloy wheels, tinted windows, ABS, remote entry, alarm, cass., pi, pm, ps, pw, stereo system S tk#P 1483 f l | | | | I # fV V V S t k # P 17220A Auto, 4 cyl, silver w/grey leather, air, cruise: t ilt alloy wheels, rear spoiler, sun/moon root tinted windows, ABS, remote entry, security alarm, cassette, pi, pm, p. seats, pw, stereo system, balance of factory warranty. Stk#P27029A Only 13 k's J Grand Marquis a l J A A A * I f f i l l A ltim a SE Auto, 3.0 L V 6, graphite blue w/grey doth/leather, air, cruise, tilt alloy wheels, tinted windows, ABS,, remote entry, security alarm, cassette, pi, pm, p. seats, pw, stereo system. Stk#P 1499 *19,900 *19,500* *14,900* *18,900' F-150 F-150 R/CAB R/CAB . x 1 . ^ G M C 1500SL IJfOUv stk# i5 5iA *9,900* Stereo system . Auto, 4.6L, V 8 , silver w /g re y , air, cru ise , tin te d w in d o w s , cassette, p i, p m , p. seats, p w , 'I* Auto, Day Cab, auto, 6 cyl, red w/charcoal doth, tinted windows, stereo, cap, im maculate condition. S tk # 1 7 3 0 1 A Auto, 4 .6 L V 8, w hite w/tan leather, air, cruise, t ilt alloy wheels, fog lamps, tinted windows, ABS,, remote entry, security alarm, CD player, pi, pm, pseats, pw, stereo system. S tk#P 1526 Lincoln Continental ^ 8 cvl- 9reen w/tan leather, air, o u is ^ t ilt alloy wheels, sun/moon roof, tinted windows, ABS,, remote entry, alarm, cass.,CD, heated seats, p. locks, p. mirrors, p. seats, p. windows, stereo system, chrome wheels, telephone. S tk#P 1392 -* ^ n ^ n u a l, 6 cyl. It. d e n im b lu e w /g re y c lo th , a it a llo y w h e e ls , tin te d w in d o w s , casse tte , p m , s te re o system , XLS pack a g e . S tk # P 1 4 3 2 Auto, 3.0 LV 6, graphite blue w/grey doth, air, cruise, t ilt alloy wheels, rear spoiler, tinted windows, ABS,, remote entry, security alarm, cass., pi. pm, pseats, pw, stereo system. S tk#P 1540 £ J w f l 1 1 Explorer XLT a IV fV V V Auto, 6 cyl, m a ro o n w /m a ro o n c lo th , 4 x 4 , air, A A * c ru 'se. r o o f ra ck, s p lit re a r seats, a llo y s w heels, Q f l f l tin te d w in d o w s , re m o te e ntry, cassette, pi, pm , J % | | | | p w , stereo , 1 ow n e r. S tk # 2 5 0 0 6 A Auto, 4.2LV6, navy blue w/grey doth, air, alloy wheels,, cassette, pm, stereo, boxliner. S tk#P 1 541 F150 XLT S/CAB Auto, V8, 4.6L,red w/grey cloth, air, cruise, tilt, . ^ alloy wheels, tinte d window s, cassette, pi, pm, pw, stereo system. S tk # 1 4 3 3 ·A ll vehicles com e w ith a m inim um 12 m onth Pow ertrain W arranty. Vehicle equ ipm ent m ay vary. All vehicles certified and emission ready. See dealer fo r details. PST, lie & adm in, extra, OAC. This ad expires N ovem ber 20/01 1 Kel Green Sales 4 Leasing Tim Foster John Rothwell . Dave Mulhern S 4 te 4 le e m q Peter Morris S *«s I le a s in g Jennifer Drennan Sales ft Leasing Erik Hess Sales 4 Leasing Dennis Farkas Sales 4 Leasing Herb Robinson Sales 4 Leasing Kim Koscielny Sales & Leasing Dave Watson 5^ ^ Leasing Rob Booker Finance M a nager Mike Glover Sales & Leasing Cliff Fraser Sales M anager YOUR GOLDEN HORSESHOE SUPERSTORE A. ^ | LIN C O LN Come /* A n d A A/o-Pr-Mgus-e Bucfinp 'c r / e / f c e / __ tp r ra V ro W 1 I M V - J l on n \A/AI KFRQ I IMF f n w l 900 WALKERS LINE V I W ALKERS LIN E S O U TH @ QEW , C west QEW east- m ® I M L I N C O L N m ^ O Wea,r e * 'H l H ,, ^ a here! § Harvester Road " Fairview St J lincoln s a l e s BURLINGTON 1 e r r a c e f o r d l i n c o l n . c o

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