Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 14 Nov 2001, Business, A11

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The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e s d a y N o v e m b e r 14, 2001 - A 1 1 BUSINESS Phone: 905-845-3824 Fax: 905-337-5567 e-mail: nalex@haltonsearch.com \vt-;i >m .si >.\v \ ( a i :\i 4. l>(X)l 1. Date: Time: Location: Oakville Chamber of Commerce 170 Country Squire Lane, Oakville, ON L6J 4Z3 · Tel: (905) 845-6613 Fax; (905) 845-6475 Website: www.oakvillechamber.com E-mail: info@oakvillechamber.com N o v e m b e r 2001 OAKVILLE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AFTER HOURS November 14, 2001 5:00pm to 7:00pm Otello's of Oakville Hall 2273 Royal Windsor Drive (at Ford Drive) 2. OAKVILLE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 47th ANNUAL PRESIDENT'S DINNER AND DANCE "Putting Laughter Back Into Business" featuring Mark Breslin, Yuk Yuk's Founder Date: November 22, 2001 Time: 5:00pm reception, 7:00pm dinner Location: Le Dome Banquet Hall 1173 North Service Road East (E of Trafalgar) Cost: Tickets $80 member, $90 non-member and Corporate table $750 *** Contact the Oakville Chamber of Commerce at 905-845-6613 to register before November 20th. 3. JOINT OAKVILLE / BURLINGTON CHAMBER FORECAST BREAKFAST with guest speakers: Joyce Savoline, Chairman, Regional Municipality of Halton, Dr. Tim O'Neill, Executive Vice-President & Chief Economist, Bank of Montreal Group of Companies, David Willis, Director for Small Business and Channel, Microsoft Canada, Bill Line, Owner, Canadian Tire - Fairview Burlington Date: November 28, 2001 Time: 7:30am to 9:30am Location: Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites 2525 Wyecroft Road (at Bronte Rd S) Cost: $26.75 member, $32.10 non-member *** Contact the Oakville Chamber of Commerce at 905-845-6613 to register before November 26th. Sam Esposito, Produce Manager and his staff at the Loblaws North Oakville store are the proud winners of a Gold Medal Award from Foodland Ontario. The Trafalgar Road store was among the 24 of 550 Ontario retailers recognized for their outstanding efforts in pro moting and selling Ontario produce. North Loblaws store wins award for prom oting Ontario produce Wayne Mori, store manager of Loblaws on Trafalgar Road is among 24 Ontario food retailers recognized for their support of Foodland Ontario recently, by Ontario Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Brian Cobum at an awards cer emony at the Toronto Congress Centre. "We are paying tribute to the excellence and creativity of our food retailers who play an essen tial role in promoting Ontario-grown fruits and vegetables," Cobum said. "Store owners, man agers and staff consistently find innovative ways to carry the Foodland Ontario message to con sumers and influence their food buying choices." The Foodland Ontario Retailer Awards pro gram recognizes outstanding efforts in promoting and selling Ontario produce. The awards were revamped to give retailers more opportunities to win. Several hundred entries vie for the Platinum Year Round Support, Gold Category Awards and the Silver Award of Merit. New this year, is the Foodland Ontario Award of Excellence, to be awarded to three of the top Ontario retailers to rec ognize consistent merchandising achievement two years in a row. This year's winners were selected from 550 stores that submitted more than 987 entries. Judging criteria is based on a number of factors including impact of display; creative and effective use of Foodland Point of Sale material; cross-mer chandising; location in store; balance and design. The Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers' Association, the Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers' Association, the Ontario Tender Fruit Producers' Marketing Board, as well as the Bradford and District Vegetable Growers' Association co-sponsor the awards program, along with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. The Foodland Ontario Retailer Awards pro gram recognizes grocery retailers for their innova tive promotion of Ontario-grown fruits and veg etables. Each year, approximately 1,250 stores across the province are involved in the promotion of Ontario produce. Stores submit photographs of their promotions and displays to qualify for the awards. D e c e m b e r 2001 4. BUSINESS WOMEN'S NETWORK DINNER " You Glow In the Dark" featuring Helen Lomax, motivational / leadership speaker and trainer Date: December 3, 2001 Time: 5:15pm to 8:30pm Location: Otello's of Oakville Hall 2273 Royal Windsor Drive (at Ford Drive) Cost: Tickets $27 member, $32 non-member *** Contact the Oakville Chamber of Commerce at 905-845-6613 to register before November 29th. 5. OAKVILLE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AFTER HOURS Date: Time: Location: December 12, 2001 5:00pm to 7:00pm The Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts 130 Navy Street * indicates that Hie event is open to Oakville Chamber Members (Future Members are welcomed and encouraged to attend Chamber Member events, as a guest!) NOTfc PREPAYMENT IS REQUIRED FOR ALL PAID FOR E V E N T S , REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED FOR A ll EVENTS - EXCEPT BUSINESS AFTER HOURS To register, or for more details on any of these events, please call the Chamber at (905) 845-6613. T h e B u s in e s s A d v is o r y PROVIDING SO LUTIO NS TO B U SIN E SS P RO BLEM S AMD ID E A S FOR S A L E S G RO W TH TO SM A LL AMD HOME B A S E D B U SIN E SS SINCE 1 9 8 3 Visitor Centre moving to Town Hall The Visitor Information Centre will move fro.pi its Country Squire Lane location within the Chamber offices, to a new location at the Oakville Municipal Building on Trafalgar Road effective Jan. 7,2002. The announcement was made on Monday by the Oakville Chamber o f Commerce and the Oakville Economic Development Alliance (OEDA). The Oakville Chamber of Commerce will cease to supervise the operation of the Visitor Information Centre. The Oakville Chamber of Commerce offices will remain at the Country Squire Lane location, while a search is conducted for a suitable new loca tion for the Chamber. "The decision to cease operating the Visitor Information Centre was prompted in part by the anticipated development of the new Kerr Street OffRamp and the need for the Chamber to relocate," said Laurie Morrison, President of the Oakville Chamber of Commerce. "Despite the change, the Oakville Chamber of Commerce will continue a dynamic and productive partnership with the OEDA, and continue to promote Tourism in Oakville on behalf of our Members and the business communityat-large." In addition to the anticipated development of the new Kerr Street Off-Ramp, the Oakville Chamber of Commerce's decision to cease operating the VIC was also based on the Chamber's new strategic vision to promote the growth and prosperity of the Oakville business community through advocacy, increased opportunities for its member firms, and new strategic initiatives with the OEDA and other community partners. The OEDA was established by the Town of Oakville in 1999, to deliver economic development services, including tourism and business promotion. The OEDA' s offices are located within the Oakville Municipal Building. Looking For Solutions To Your Business Problems? Call Us. You Can Ask Your Questions, Obtain An Answer And Not Get A Bill. WE WILL ADVISE YOU ON ALL A S P E C T S O F RUNNING YOUR BUSINESS a n d · beco m e a m em ber o f y o u r A d v is o ry T e a m · p r e p a re y o u r b u s in e s s a n d m a r k e t in g p la n s » p ro v id e y o u w ith e f f e c tiv e p e rs o n a l a n d c o r p o r a te in c o m e t a x p la n n in g · d e s ig n a n d im p le m e n t c o m p u te r iz e d r e p o r tin g s y s t e m s t o e f f e c tiv e ly m o n ito r y o u r C o m p a n y 's o p e r a t i n g r e s u l t s · o b t a i n f in a n c in g f o r y o u r o p e r a tio n s · in c o r p o r a te n e w c o m p a n i e s ·p r o v i d e p r o f e s s i o n a l , p e r s o n a l fin a n c ia l p la n n in g a t n o c o s t to you ED FO STER OAKVILLE CHAMBER < COMMERCI · in s ta ll an d / or b a c k -u p y o u r c o m p u te rs CALL n o w F O R AN APPOINTMENT (9 0 5 ) 4 6 9 -8 7 7 7 PERSO N A LLY 2 3 2 0 Guildstone Crescent, Oakville, O ntario L6M 3Y8 WE TA KE YOUR B U S IN E S S 9 I TROPHIES LIMITED "Serving Halton for over 20 years" THE MEW AGE IN DIGITAL PRIM ING >rint _ ireeJ Electronic Printing High Resolution Typesetting Reports M anuals S tationery Flyers Booklets Newsletters Carbonless Forms F u ll Colour Posters Desktop Publishing Colour Copies Lam inations D rillin g Folding Cutting Stapling Collating C e rlo x Binding S h rin k Wrapping 775 Pacific Rd., Unit 26 A room with a view By Kym Funnell O CORPORATE AWARDS · · · · · «=£> ACADEMIC AWARDS ... And a view of Queens Avenue Retirement Residence ADVERTISING FEATURE he new millennium proved to be a fabulous new beginning for Sheila O 'Brian, one of the first residents at Queen's Avenue Retirement Residence. The previous year, 1999, had been draining; caring for her beloved husband at home who was diagnosed with Alzheimer and was beginning to require more care. She had many difficult decisions to make, including which long term care facility her husband would move to and where she would go herself. Being in good health and fairly mobile (she still drives her own car), she wanted to remain independent but knew it was time to sell the family home. So with her husband placed in a beautiful facility nearby, she went about the daunting task of finding herself a new place to call home. And then she heard about Queens Avenue Retirement Residence. "I absolutely love it here!" Exclaims Sheila, "and it was a tremendous lift at a difficult time in my life." She admits downsizing was difficult, and it was hard to sell the house and most of her furniture, but she feels she couldn't have made a better choice. "This is simply a wonderful place," says this energetic senior, "from the activities, exercises, crafts, entertainment, and the beauty salon located on the main floor, Queen's Avenue has everything." Besides being within minutes from the GO Station, her doctor's office, a shopping centre, and many other amenities, her son lives in Toronto and her daughter lives in Hamilton, so she's direcdy between both. "The location is very convenient for me. I've lived in Oakville for over 50 years, so I know the area really well, and it's convenient for my family," she continued. It's convenient for Sheila too as she only has to prepare her breakfast and lunch, because dinner is always served in the elegant dining room --which boasts a beautiful outdoor terrace. The Queen' s Avenue offers gracious retirement living, with beautiful suites (studio, one and two bedrooms) ranging from 370 to 775 sq. ft. "Because I was one of the first residents here, I got my choice and I have a beautiful, bright corner unit with lots of big windows!" Commented Sheila adding "I can see all the snow on people's roofs in the winter and watch all the birds in the summer." The Queen' s Avenue offers a safe, secure and elegant environment with a warm and inviting lobby entrance with reception services, automatic keyless. building door entries, beautifully landscaped grounds, an elegant main lounge with a double sided fireplace, activity and recreation facilities and a guest suite for visitors and short-term stays. "The fellowship among residents is probably my favourite part of The Queen's Avenue," says Sheila. "I can spend as much time alone in my apartment but I know there's always someone downstairs in the lounge. I never get lonely! And the staff is wonderful. They're all warm, friendly people and very interactive." There are many services included when taking up residency at The Queen's Avenue Retirement Residence. For more information regarding occupancy, visit them at 1056 Queen's Avenue, or call 905-815-0862 O SPORTS AWARDS =£> PLAQUES & MEDALLIONS O O SUBLIMATED PRINTING ON PLAQUES & NAME BADGES ENGRAVING ON GLASS STEINS & MUGS FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY 2 2 0 W y e c r o f t U n it 1O O O a k v ille , O n t a r io L 6 K 3 V 1 T 905 - 847-1956 T e l: 8 4 2 - 4 6 6 4 F a x : 8 4 2 -1 181 E m a il: f e r g u s o n @ v is io n o l. n e t QUALITY HOTEL & SUITES Built in a park-like setting, overlooking beautiful Bronte Creek, our hotel will provide you with comfortable accommodations and banquet facilities to suit you. J i I I We'll make you feel right at home 754 Bronte Rd. Oakville, Ont. AM 740 (905) 847-6667 V OAKVILLE DODGE CHRYSLER LTD. J 9 0 5 . 844.1018 646-4TH LINE AT SPEERS ROAD OAKVILLE High Quality Large Format Digital Printing* for All Your Needs: · · · · Posters & Banners Trade Show Graphics Floor Graphics Vehicle Graphics TEL. (905) 845-4211 FAX (905) 845-5772 www.oakvilledodge.com *1 4 4 0 DPI for photographic clarity C orporate & Com m ercial

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