Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 11 Nov 2001, p. 22

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2 2 - The Oakville Beaver W eekend, Sunday N ovem ber 11, 2001 items under S100. BABY P lay pen $35. exc e rs a u c e r $30 . C a ll (905)827^-5653___________ BIKE roof ra c k - Thule, h olds 2 bikes, $60. (905)333-5399___________ CHAIR, re clin e r, brown Naugahyde leather, excel lent cond ition. $95. 905319-0982____________ ___ COMPUTER,486/66, 32Ram, 1G, CD-Rom , soundcard, keyboard, mouse, no monitor. $100. (905)632-7362 DOUBLE s tro lle r - S ilver Cross, navy, folds, winter boot, rain cover, sun cano py & carry basket. $100. (905)333-4983 __________ LAZY-BO Y chair, rose, exce lle n t con d itio n , $50. Call 905-639-2945.________ SKIS, dow nhill p a cka g e boots & poles, exce lle n t condition, $100. Call 905331-9540________________ TR EA D M ILLElectric 'P u lse strid e r 2 8 0 0 '- very good cond ition. $100. 905-634-9113 3 1 0 ^ 9 ENGAGEMENT ring, wedding bands fo r sale at half of a pp raised value. Call 905-331-4651.________ FANTA STIC Savings! No GST! Love your furniture, hate your colours? Sofa & matching chair from $788. Loveseats from $488. Chairs from $199. Senior discount. Free estim ates. Fields Quality Custom Upholstering, 9-9, (905)632-9090________ FR ID G E / stove, w h ite 5 months old, must sell, Paid $1600., Sell $1200. Two twin beds with rails, Sears Best, 5 months old, $400. Kenmore washer/ dryer, 5 years old. Works excellent, $400. CaH 905-315-0578 G IR L'S bedroom set, c a nopy bed; kitchen table, 4 chairs; fam ilyroom couch and chair. 905-634-6463 GORGEOUS M ahogany "C h ic k e rin g " Baby grand $3800. + other Baby grands $2250. & up. 905227-9458________________ GORGEO US- Sofa ivo ry/ beige, em bossed design, $400.obo.; Burgundy leath er re c lin e r $ 1 8 0 .obo.; 2 seater pinew ood/ white painted kitchen table, never used $230.; old trunk $30. 905-528-1881 (Burlington). HARVEST table , pine, large with 6 chairs. $800. Call 905-632-7774________ HOT T ub / Spa. All selfcontained, all options, w/ cover, 2001 m odel, new, still in wrapper, cost $8,900, sacrifice $4,100.905-304-7775 HOT tub, 4-person, excel lent condition, $2600 obo. Ham m ond e le c tro n ic o r gan, floor model, $600 obo. 905-631-6303.___________ K ING SIZE douvet cover/ skirt, two shams ensemble, blue/ green/ burgundy, $25. 2-person Dingy, $25. Patio umbrella/metal round table, $25. All good c ond ition. 905-632-0068 after 6pm. KITCHEN, cabintry, white, w ith peninsula, phone desk, counter top, & sink, best offer; K itchenaide side-by-side almond fridge $1100 obo. 905-825-2244 MATCHING "H o tp o in f 20 cu.ft. sid eX side fridge, stove.; ` Maytag' dishwash er, $500. for a ll 3, steel. 905-829-0998____________ POOL T able (Snooker), 5'x 1 0 \ A sking $2000. Phone 905-632-0068 ____ POLK Audio home speakers Model 11T's, 250 watts per channel. Retail $1500./pr., sell for $500./pr. Call 905689-5613________________ SECTIONAL, blue, 2-pce, w ith 2 b u ilt-in re c lin e r chairs, $500.; C a lifo rn ia blinds, 5 4 " x100" (adju stable), $200. 905-632-0901 SNOW Tires (4 )- Blizzak, Size 205/65/R15. used one season. $220/obo. (905) 825-8451_______________ SOFA, lo veseat, coffee and two end tables, almost new. Must be seen. $700. obo. 905-639-9695 SOFA- $250. 637-1910 ca ll 905C LAR IN ET - Yamaha. Like new. R etail value $89 5.+ tax, w ill se ll $500. call 905-639-9010 Im CELAD O N DRIVER F/T (Tues-Sat.)With G Lie. Able to drive std. & auto transmission. Able to lift 50 lbs. Must have good driving record. Will consider car & driver for local deliveries for Burlington Call: Sue (905)637-2727 Halton Auto Part Plus DRIVER: Front end and roll off, fo r local disposal company. Central M issis sauga area. Must have ex perience. Salary and benfits. Call Paul 905-845-9240 R E N O V A T IO N c o m p a n y requires person e xp e ri enced in carpentry and drywall. Call (905)825-5740 W ALKER'S C hocolates needs Seasonal (til April) full-time (weekdays, 8:30am 5pm) production help with good m anual dexterity for m aking and packaging chocolates. Send/Fax resume to: 4391 H a rvester Rd. L7L4X1 905-333-2859 FT W arehouse/ S ervice Person required. Oakville location. Initiative, reliabil ity and ability to get along w ith pub lic are im portant assets. Will train. Call Lou. Ron, or Drew: 905-842-1868. Resume will be required. ATTENTIO N Snow Plowers! Experienced plowers w ith own equipm ent re quired for established com pany. Our service areas are from Hamilton to Etobicoke. Call Todd for details: 905335-0752 (Burt.)__________ ASSISTA NT Superintendant couple needed for clean, quiet building in Bur lington. W eekends only. Apt. in exchange for work. Ideal for retired or semi-re tired couple. Training pro vided. Fax resume: 416236-0892.________________ HELP w anted for Hunter/ Jum per show stable to muck out s ta lls 5 days a week from 8am -12noon. Call (905)466-4421________ CHILD Youth W orkers re quired, part-tim e (evening/ weekend shifts available), in-hom e support of a d o r able 7-year old boy with autism. (Dundas/6th Line). Outings, daily living activi ties, behavorial program ming. Own car. Compensa tion com m ensurate with experience. Fax resume: 905-257-6239 in dicatin g expe rience, a v a ila b ility, and driving record. LOCKWOOD CHRYSLER Requires Immediately Lie. Technician gr 4th or 5th Year DENTAL Receptionist, full tim e, required for growing O a kville den tal o ffice. Some evenings and wee kends. Fax resume to: 905842-0128._______________ EXPER IENC ED staff needed fo r new O akville dental office. Receptionist, Dental Assistant, Hygienist po sitio n s availab le. Fax resumes 905-529-2314 RPN casual, nights, f o r Burlington retirement home. Q ualified app lia n ts.... fax resume attn: Mary Turnbull, 905-333-0596____________ RN Openings Available for new fa c ility in Burlington. Com petitve wages, excel lent bensfts.Cal90&631-0700 FULLTIME Dental Assistant and HARP C e rtifie d for Bu rlington perio dontal practice. Fax resum e to 905-633-8330 Apprentice Considered. for busy, expanding dealership. Join a 5-star certified team. Call Al Banks, Service Manager, MANUFACTURER OF FRAMED PRINTS & MIRRORS O P E IM 3 (905)845-6653 CABINETM AKERS and W oodw orkers required by M illwork Shop in Oakville. P revious experience pre ferred. fax resum e to (905)845-8350 or drop off to 487 Speers Road._______ t y i r l office-clerical TO TH E DAYS P U B L IC ONLY COOK & Line S taff re quire d fo r Day S h ifts, 5 days/week, FT/PT Burling to n / A p pleb y Line, Food S ervice Location. Please Fax resume 905-883-3967 W H O L E S A L E PRI CES 1 0 0 0 ' S of Pi ctures & M i r r o r s Come E a r l y f o r Best S e l e c t i o n CUSTOM F R A M I N G A V A I L A B L E F r i. Nov 16 5:00pm -9:00pm Sat. N o v 1 ~7 10:00am -5:00pm Sun. N o v 1 8 11:00am -5:00pm 29" Sony T rin itro n TV, 2 years old, surround sound c/w Sony stand, $500. 905632-1074_______________ APPLIANCES- fridge. sideX side $500.; Stove self-clean $400.; W h irlpool w a sher/ dryer $30 0.ea. All good condition. 905-257-7472 BED, All-New King, Extra thick pillow-top Orthopedic mattress set. Still in plastic. Cost $1700. Sacrifice. $650. (905)304-5573 (Local). BEDROOM from S toney C reek F urniture, 6-pce, Cherrywood, beautiful- like new.Sel $2750.905-824- 2668 BEDROOM pine 4-post King bed, dresser, hutch, night tables, $2850; boys tw in bed w /hutch, side table, $850; couch, chair, $800/both; coffee, end ta bles, $650; oak hall bench $750. 905-257-3544. BEDROOM suite, 8-pce., solid Cherrywood, 4-poster (or sle ig h ). A ll D ovetail, Chest, Tri-dresser w/mirror, 2 -nig htstands. Never opened, still boxed. Cost $8,499, sell $3,750. Can deliver. 905-971-1777. BEDROOM set, birch, bunkbeds, dresser, 4draw er chest, night table, student desk, excellen t cond ition, $25 0 /a ll. 905335-2439 ._______________ B E D - Q ueen, orth opedic p illo w top m attress, boxspring, headboard/ fo o t board, frame. New, in plas tic. Cost $1275, sell $550. W ill delive r. (905)9713315. (Hamilton).__________ BILLIARD Table: slate bed, oak rails, turned legs, English cloth, leather pock ets. Little used. Complete w ith accesso ries. $1500. 905-844-5653____________ IKEA book case; drafting table ; speakers; stereo cabinets; coffee/ end tables; frid g e ; stove; pin b a ll m a chine; shuffle board, 905336-352 4_______________ CARPET. I have several 1,000 yards of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon car pet. W ill do living roo m & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, (905)639-2902 CHERRYW O OD long dresser w /tri-m irror, wingback chair, curio,, occasion al table & hutch. (905)6399623____________________ DESK solid oak; Solid pine entrance doo r & a fren ch door; Large wine press and grape crusher, 905-632-0794 after 7pm DININGROOM, Warm, rich, 14-pce., C herryw ood set, 9 2 ' double ped estal w/2 le aves, 8-C hippen dale chairs, Lighted China Cabi net, all D ovetail. Never opened. Cost $12,900, sacrifice $5,500. (905)3049994. ___ D IN IN G room ta b le , 6 chairs, china cabinet($800.), d ry e r($ 1 5 0 .), a re a rugs ($110/per). Simmons queen bed($1,200), camel leather s o fa /lo v e s e a t($ 2 ,1 0 0 ) (alm ost new), coffee table ($100.) Golden Retriever (1 year, 7 months) vaccinated, neutered looking fo r good home ($350.) (906)338- 3204 DINING Set - Thomasville, table 8 chairs, buffet, hutch and tea wagon in dark wal nut. Best o ffe r (9 0 5 )3 3 8 6118___________________ DRYER, Frigidaire, excel le nt w o rking cond itio n , $400 obo. C all 9 0 5 -8 2 5 5118 & leave message. C E L A D O N 4350 Mainway Dr., Burlington Between Walker's Ln & Appleby Ln» 335-6444 pets, supplies boarding G UARANTEED dry 100% hardw ood PROPERLY seasoned. Ontario's largest Firew ood re ta il. M arc's Quality Firewood, 905-2576366 __________________ FIREW OOD. 100% Dry Seasoned M ixed H ard woods. $79/cord (32cu.ft.), 2 cords $150. Tax/delivery included. "You can check the rest, but if you're smart you'll stick with the best!" S a tis fa c tio n G uaranteed. 905 -46 5-05 76 O akville. Name Change: O ntario Land C learing S ervices (formerly Parkside Farms) FIREW O O D, seasoned: fo r s a le - d elivered or p icked-up. C all M ike (905)335-3005 Shelley's D og Hotel No cages L ook no fu rth e rl Amersham Health requires a full-tim e DRIVER/ COURIER to help package and deliver time-sensitive pharmaceutical pro ducts in a company ve hicle. Applicants must have a valid Class G licence, provide a copy of their clean driving abstract and be able to continually lift heavy packages (5-40lbs). Monday-Friday 4am12:30pm. Fax resume 905-847-3928 Attn: Bonnie Guy, Amersham Health Inc. WANTED: A ssista nt S u perintendent for weekends and holidays. Suitable for sem i-re tire d couple. (905)632-5486___________ LOOKING for change??? Excellent wages, commis sions, advancement oppor tu n itie s . Too good to be true? National collections company, A.R.C., expand ing in Burlington. Must be highly-m o tiva te d , career driven, persistent and pos sess excellent negotiation, telephone skills. Trainees and experienced collectors call Mr.Herriot 905-639-6990. O AKVILLE M oving Com pany requires full/part-time movers. Own transportation. Experience an asset. Start $10-12/hr. Call 905-257-6683. fax resume: 905-847-6690 DYNAMIC new home care com pany com ing to O a k v ille / B u rlington area requires full/ part-time peo ple fo r home cleaning. Please call: (416)737-9542 or fax resume: toll-fre e 1877-270-2340.____________ PLUMBER w anted for Comm ercial & Residential work in Oakville. 1-3 years expe rience. C all Angelo, 905-843-9996____________ Office Assistant req'd for construction company in Oakville. P/T-20hrs/wk, flexible time frames. Be com puter literate in Micro soft Office, accounting software. Bookkeeping skills an asset. Excel lent communication/ organizational s kills/ work independantly. 2yrs related exp. Friendly office environ ment. Fax resume & wage expectations to THE Hanging Tree Res taurant requires clean cut and relia b le experienced part-tim e cook and w ait staff. Apply in person: 484 Plains Rd. East, Burlington. ECE TEACHER required fulltime by Oakville child care centre. Call for interview (905)849-4769 Fax: (905) 849-7456 BRANT Children's Centre, Burlington, requires fulltime or part-tim e Teacher, ECE o r equ ivalent. C all 905634-5518; Fax: 905-634-5510 905-337-0416 R E C E PTIO N IS T/ Inside Sales Assistant, Software Developer with internation al presence( located in Mississauga) is looking for in d ivid u a ls w ith excellen t written and verbal commu nication skills. Must pos sess know ledge of W ord and Excel. Fax resume to 905-823-8284_________ CUSTOMER Service, fu ll tim e. B ilingual in dividual preferred. MS Word, Excel, friendly telephone manner essential. Temporary posi tio n w ith opp o rtu n ity for perm anent. B u rlington major in-home service pro vid e r. R e sponsibities in clu d e 'c u s to m e r in quirie s, concerns, data entry & misc. admin duties. Fax resume to Tammy: 905-639-3860. CUSTO M ER FOLLOW-UP REP: p a rt-tim e 5-9 p.m. M on-Thurs., 4 hours on S aturday. M ust have ex cellent telephone manner, com m u nicatio n and com puter skills. Fax or mail re sum e to: M elissa A itas, Terrace Ford Lincoln, 900 W alkers Line, B u rlington, ON. L7N 2G2, fax 905632-1876 In-store Receptionist/Sales j Looking for a well groomed individual with Good English skills, retail | experience an asset & training available. Worry-free top qua' Plenty of pampering & play for your loved one-nice home, big backyard walks & day sitting 5 years exp.-Ooggy insured Reasonable rates 2236 Parkway Dr., Burlington Pleas* on resume in person at 233S Trafalgar Rd. or Fax:906-257-0334 Attn: B|an (Hakim Optical) SUBCONTRACTORS required for Snow Plowing, Snow B low ing, Shovel Routes, also, experienced Skid Steer Operator. Stand by paid for pro operator. Fax info. 905-632-4887________ TIM Hortons h irin g !!!!! F ull-tim e donut baker. Part-time muffin baker. Full tim e coun ter help. A pply 2355 T ra fa lg a r Rd., O ak ville or ca ll Karen or Ken between 9am -4pm ., 905_ 257-1294. ICESPO RTS. P art-tim e cleaners, (afternoon & n ights) & experienced Zam boni drivers required. C all W ill. 9 05 -84 5-69 89. Ext.244_________________ P/T Driver needed- $9./hr. Min. 4hr (M on-Fri). Must have valid Driver's License and current Abstract. Must be able to cross U.S. bor der. Lifting required. Please ca»ZabriPth90&827-a2y FLOWER cooler in m ajor B u rlington grocery store requires an attendant, Mon., Tue., Thurs, 8:30am-1:30pm, Fri & Sat, 8:30am-5:30pm. Fax resume: 416-249-5182 W ANTED: E xperienced, re lia b le housekeeper to clean large home and do lig h t la undry one day per week. Oakville. 905-338-5995 P A R T T im e h o u s e k e e p er/ch ild care required 15 20 hours per w eek. A fte r school, 2 children ages 13 and 10. Ford Dr./Kingsway Area (905)829-2535 905-331-7249 email: cadam30@home.coni HO' Home Alone Petsitters Dog Daycare N owOpen! Mon-Fri 8am-6pm 4011 Millar Cres Burlington *Pick-up & drop off service 'Country Setting ` Minutes to Hwy 5&New 407 Our dog daycare centre is a home away from home -it's loads of fun and packed of activities! For more info call Sue or Karen at 905-336-1025 or email: homalone@cgocable.net TO have your home cleaned the way you would like by extremely clean, hard work ing ladies, call 905-634-2646 Reasonable rates!_________ FOR home cleaning with a personal touch, call Halton Home Care S p ecialists. (416)-737-9542. Free estimates available.__________ RESPO N SIB LE, exp e ri enced European cleaning lady will clean your house, a pa rtm e nt, o ffice. Low prices. Zofia, 639-3490 EXPER IENC ED cleaning ladies available for clean ing your house, apt., office. Best service. Competitive rates. Call Ewa, 905-849, or Anna 905-334-7475. I pets, supplies boarding C A T S - black, w hite, and orange & white. 1 dog Mini North American Eskimo, all spayed/neutered. (905)282-1541____________ FREE to good hom e, 2 cats, 7 -yr old gray male, 5yr old fem ale tabby. 9053 3 5 -0 3 7 4 or 905-3196706 (days) * "SWING N MEALS" highchair and baby swing, all in one. 1yr old. Retails $160., sell for $80. Call 905-6895613____________________ T IR E S Four M ichelin LTX /A T/M +S LT245/75/ R16, hardly used, half price. (905)845-3364__________ TW IN bed, m atch ing 6 draw er blue dresser, fits underneath or use sepa rately, purchased at Brick, paid $1,000. asking $650. 905-634-0550____________ WASHER and dryer- 6 years new, $37 5./both, 905-842-6553____________ W INGBACK re c lin e rm asculine ta p e s try , m int condition. $999 new, ask ing $500/obo. (9 0 5 )3 3 5 9909, after 6pm.__________ YORK 2001 Hom e Gym, exc e lle n t con d itio n . Cost $1200. sacrifice $200/obo. 905-637-2095____________ K « i T i articles wanted W ANTED A ll-C hina, S il ver, C rystal, sew ing m a chines... Doulton, M oorcroft,Quilts, Glass. Watches, cam era/ audio equipment, dolls, paintings, c o lle c ti bles, estates. John/Tracy905-331-2477____________ ARTICLES W anted: Paint ings, A n tiques, Estates, G lass, China, Jew elry, Clocks, W atches, Old Books, Dolls, Unusual Col lections, Toys, etc. Call Karl W EDDING Photography, 100-115 prints, album , negatives, other packages available. Over 20 yrs ex perie nce. R eliable, rea sonable, w ith references. P ictu re- Perfect W edding Photography. 639-6710 1995 W indstar, dark green, excellent condition, low 136K, E-tested, safety, air, power loaded, remote start & locks, ABS brakes, new tire s , $10,250. 905637-9378 after 6pm. 1999 Toyota C orolla 40,000 km s., $13,500 or 2001 C o rolla take over lease. Both 5-speed. 905331-4624._______________ 1999 Ford Escort 4-dr.~ air, auto, keyless entry, 60K. E -tested, certifie d , $12,999. Michael (905)3195097____________________ 1999 VW Golf GL, 5-spd, 4-dr, 86K hwy, p/s. Excel lent c ond ition. $12000. 905-331-1678, after 4:30pm 1999 P ontiac G rand Am, SE, 4cyl., 4-door, 53K, air, cruise, m int cond ition. $14,900. Call 905-842-2445 1995 Buick Roadm aster, champagne, air, well-maintained, trailer package, up grades. 126K. $9700. 905849-0198_______________ 1998 Olds Aurora, Green, c om pleted loaded, 109K, e xc e lle n t c ond ition. One owner. E-tested, Certified. $17,200. 905-849-3751 1999 C aravan, light c y press, pw, pdl, 7-passenger, cle an, 86K. Asking $14,600. c e rtifie d . 905335-5938 after 5:30pm 1986 Honda Civic recently passed em issions 13inch aluminum mags, good run ning, needs body work. Sell as is or for parts. Call Andy @ (905)333-5328 1987 GMC Suburban 350, Black, looks and runs great. Good winter & year round truck. $3,000/obo . 905639-5253_______________ 1988 Toyota 4x4 pickup, runs like new. Female dri ven. $3000 as is. 905319-6310 KEY people needed to ex pand our financial services business in this area. Ex perience not necessary, we will train. For interview call Colin, 905-681-5515 ext.57. BAKERY/ Deli C ounter help, fulltim e, Noon- 7pm, Mon.- Fri. Call Rocco 905336-2799; fax 905-3363059, Burlington ATTEN TIO N: work from hom e, earn $450-$1500 month (part-time) or $2000$4500 (fu ll-tim e ): C all 1888-923-7608. or visit www.itcanworkforyouto.com POSTAL C lerk required for postal outlet in Burling ton. 35/hrs week including evenings & weekends. Full trainin g provided. Fax resume 905-332-3087._______ DETAILED shop (B urling ton) requires car detailer/ Rust proofer. F ull-tim e. Valid lie. required. Fax resume 905-336-1244 W ALKER'S C h ocolates seeks m ature person fo r permanent Part-time Sales. F lexible hours- m ust be available weekdays, w ee kends, evenings. Retail ex perience an asset, will train. Apply 1011 Upper Middle, Oakville. Mon-Fn., 10-5pm QSI W indows & DoorsSales Jales Career. f Looking for e xpe x p e rienced riL in, .... _____ Home aies. Professionals immed ia te ly. We supply, two preset appts. D aily. Full paid train in g . Earn $60,000.+ Benefits. Home Im provem ents experience an asset. Fax: 905-5754050, Ca 905-575-8078 attention: . c es Manager ENERGETIC am bitio us Inside Sales Rep needed. Sales exp. required. Must enioy talking on the phone. $10./hr, fulR im e days, per m anent. C all M ich e le ® Sandtron Autom ation 905827-8230 8686 | 5 ) f | hayrides UN CLEPO RK Y'SHay / Sleigh Rides, Horsedrawn, Birthdays, Company Child ren C hristm as Parties, G roups, Fam ilies. 1/2-Hr. from Burl. 1-800-203-9093. I cars for sale 2001 Ford Focus, 5-speed Take over lease $362/per month, tax included for 17 months. (905)825-8934 1992 L u m in a AP V A u tomatic. Dark blue. Load ed. Great condition. Seven s eats $ 2 5 0 0 /o .b .o . (905) 847-3399_______________ 1986 M erce des 420 -S E L excellen t cond ition. W ell m a in ta in e d . S ilv e r and Black. M ust sell. Certified $10,500/obo. (905)469-1384 1992 Honda A ccord EXauto, p .w ./p .d ./p .l., tilt, cruise, A/C, am/fm cassette c e rtifie d / E -tested, Good condition. $6000.obo 905827-9436________________ 1996 S a turn- 96,000K m . 5-speed, 4 door, cruise, sil ver, Certified/ E-tested/ ex celle n t cond ition. $5800. 905-333-8729 ________ 1989 Cougar 200,000 kms., engine runs very well, good for parts, body needs work, $500. as is. 905-336-7263. 1992 Lexux ES 300, tin t ed windows, 5-speed, high m ileage, w ell-m aintained. As is. $5500.905-634-6059 k I sa,on& sp ah elp Executive Director required full-time. Be a leader in a established, respected, pro-active, feminist organization. Deadline: Jan. 4,2002, position begins: April 1,2002. Fax resumes to Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention Services of Halton, 905-825-3755. Equal opportunity employer. ARE you upbeat, energetic love w orking w ith people, love chiropractic? If this is you please call us to join our team. This is a perma nent part-time Chiropractic Health A ssista nt position Tues. & T hu rs., 2-9pm , Please call 905-639-6237, 905-639-1763 (Burlington) C .Y .W .'s fu ll/p a rt-tim e , different shifts also seeking F/T Therapist with M.S.W. at new and existing A d ol escent R e siden tial pro grams in H alton/ Peel Re gions. Experience in resi dential setting an asset. Post secondary education in C h ild Care or related field required. Fax 905469-6127 PLANET 2000 HAIR Be your own Boss! Renting chairs to ex perienced stylists. For more information, con tact Robert between Tues. S Sat, OVER 30 years e xpe ri ence! Concrete, driveway, patio, flagstone work, curbs, verandas, waterproofing, brick repair, repair of leak ing basements, concrete or wood. Free estimates. 905690-7881 or 905-689-1765. 905-681-3364 HAIR Body and Soul. Esth e tic ia n n e e ded im m e diately with or without clien tele. W ork with a dynamic team of profession als.F a miliar with Yonka preferred Cathryn (905)844-0112 BURLINGTON Salon. Looking to rent ch a ir to qualified hairstylist w/own clie n te le . F ull/ p art-tim e. Call 905-631-0154.________ DOW NTOW N O akville salon lo oking fo r esta b lished H a irstylist. Top com m issions, call 90584SALON (905-847-2566) E S TH E TIC IA N - Be your own boss! W ork w ith a great team of professionals in an Aveda Concept Salon Spa. (905)631-0801 DENTAL Assistant required full-time for busy Burlington family practice. Level II pre ferred but not e ssen tial. Some evenings and Satur days in volved . Interested app lica n ts please fax resume to: (905)332-5240 DENTAL office in Oakville, A ssista nt duties required. Related education and ex perience beneficial. Please m ail resum e to: P.O. Box 86033, Oakville, Ontario L6H 5V6____________________ DENTAL ASSIST FfT - Ex c e p tio n a l o p p o rtu n ity to reach yo u r pote n tia l w ith our team. If you have great people skills and a gentle to u c h , fa x us 9 0 5 -8 2 9 9177. Also seeking p/t RDH EXPERIENCED H yg ie n ist fo r W est M ississauga practice, Monday, Tuesday evenings and alternate Saturdays. Fax resum e: 905-820-7193 LARRY'S M oving - big or small jobs done to your sat isfa ctio n . Please call (905)528-9453 FLORAL D esigner re quired p art-tim e, some weekends. C all G lenys at S e lect Roses, O akville, 905-842-7673 CAREER with a story to tell. Work alongside your family from home, to help others preserve their family photos and stories in a meaningful way.Holiday season is ap proaching, preserve your m em o ries in o u r upscale pho to-safe scrapboo k a l bums. Gall Lynn (905)8249473 CUSTOM Drapery, A c cessories. Installation. Re uph olstery & Slipcovers. W orkmanship guaranteed. Reasonable rates. Judy 335-2535 References supplied. gardening lan dscaping A 1FALL Sodding. Seed ing and A erations. Now's the best time for these pro cedures!!! Call James for an estimate. 416-826-9934 [ * T | T | ] dating se rv ices 2 0 5 -fia i-fia a a _______ MEET Burlington Singles! Try us absolutely free! Ent er code 4094. Ham ilton (905)-297-6666

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