Sunday. October N Ann and Mario Battaglini. Richmond Hill, a son at 1:10 am. Sigrid and Richard Smith. Richmond Hill. a son at 1:58 am. Saturday. October 13 Darlene and Robert Morris. Richmond Hill, a son at 4:53 am. Monday. October 8 Maria and Aurelio Spinazza. Oak Ridges, a daughter at 9:40 am ' Kathy and Michael Bernardi, Richmond Hill. a daughter at 10:17 am. Thursday. October H Anne and Larry Miller. Oak Ridges, a Son at 12:46 pm. France and Carlo Chiapponi, Richmond Hill, a daughter at 9:46 pm. A Tuesday. October 9 KiYong and Jae-pi] Hwang. Toronto, a son at 4:35 pm. June and John Doner. Gormley. a son at 6:40 FR78114 DR78/14. FR78/15‘ GR78H4 'GR78/1! HR78/15- JR78/15 past week Eat York Central Hospital. Ricthond Hill. Michelle Kathryn Bernardi seems to like having her picture taken. She is the first child for Kathryn (a happy Mom) and Michael. The Bernardis live on Law Crescent, Richvale. Michelle was born October 8 at York Central Hospital, Rich- mond Hill. (Liberal Photo by Bruce Hogg). ‘DLC RAD Following isfla yist of babies born during the Look Who ’3 HURRY! THEY WON'T LAST LONG HEAVY-DUTY Arrived Heavy duty shocks calibrated and vamed to deliver stability and corn» fort. Svalve stages provide auto- maï¬c adjusxmems for all roads and loads. s1553:.5 ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT STEEL BELTED BADlAlS ELGIN MILLS RD TRAYBORN AVE. MA TIC INSTALLED AT NO EXTRA CHARGE! 47.76 44.40 53.20 53.20 45.30 59.60 56.80 SPECIAL PURCHASE A SET OF FOUR r'UHLHAht A 3!:l Uv- ruun 721 RADIALS. A WHEEL AUGN MENT AND BALANCE AND YOU LL GET NO CHARGE SE9 VlCES ASK FOR DETNLS [VD-CHARGE SERVICES CR78-14 Reg. 68.70 Includes: NEW pIugs, NEW points, NEW condenser, NEW rotor. We also adjust timing and Carburetor, lubricate heat riser vaIve. Check 10 other majOr points. Labour included‘ 6 CYL. He also maintained a private practice in in~ dividuaL marriage and family therapy at Mountainside Medical Centre in Burlington. Mri Murcar is a graduate of the University of Toronto and did his post graduate studies at the Union BCYL. ........ ......'|'Il" MOST ans 5 LIGHT muons Mr. Murcar assumed his new duties yesterday. 4 CYL. Prior to his ap- pointment, Mrt Murcar worked part time {or Famin Services for five years as a counsellor and supervisor of intern counsellors. "Family Services is alive and well and happy to serve the citizens of the Richmond Hill-1110mm“ area," says Bob Murcar, the newly appointed Executive Director of the agency. “That's one of \he messages 1 want to get across to the com- munity while I‘m Executive Director." ws USE caution! ‘céiun New exec says ELECTRONIC Family Services is alive and well Power flush cooling system. install up to 8 litres of Prestone ll anti- freeze, pressure check entire cooling system for leaks, check radiator heat- er hoses, check drive belts, check radiaror cap for proper sealing and pressure release, check coolant re- covery system, check coolant/ami- freeze protection level‘ .‘27†.‘32†.‘37†COOLING SYSTEM TUNE-UP Theological Seminary and the American Foundation of Religion and Psychiatry majoring in marriage and in- dividual counselling. He BOB MURC AR has prabtised We will install new disc padé. Repack front bearings. Re-surtace from rotors. We will also inspect front calipers. front grease seals. master’ cylinder. brake hardware and brake hoses. And we’ll back up the work with our 48,000 km prorated warranty. MOST CARS FRONT DISC WE USE BRAKES $5495 He also wants to use a recently completed slide tape presentation about Family Services to iri- {orm the general public. Mr. Murcar succeeds Taylor Alexander who is now working as Head of Social Work at Sun- nybrook Medical Centre. Family Services is a member of the United Way of York Region. He plans to meet soon with local professionals in the area to acquaint them with new developments in the agency. He hopes to make the agency's services better known to the community by renewing and establishing new contacts with local groups. As Executive Director his duties will be divided among administration. counselling and super- vision. counselling for the past 16 years in New York and Ontario. 15x7WHlTESSPOKE 15x7 CHROME WHEEL WHEEL Supplied by Speed "N" Sports of Canada CUSTOM WHEELS $29%% 344%} Biggest Selection of ' ONLY WHILE QUANTITIES LAST Tickets at $6 per person are available by calling 669-1840 or 669-2856. Women in the com- munity are preparing dinner which will be served at 7 pm. and people are invited to join an evening of dinner, dancing and cards. The Concord Com- munity Centre Annual Harvest Supper will take place November 3. The Vbar will open at 6:30 pm Annual Harvest No v. 3 SPEDIAI. r A SMALL PRICE Liberal advertised brands from Liberal advertised stores FOR COMFORT“ fï¬e SIGNATURE HUMIDIFIER. wnh me commg o! Wln‘el, the Indoor an 13 dned oul‘by the home hea‘ing syslem and oilen me mmslure \hat \5 requred For heanhy and retreshlng enwronment IS lacking. To otlset these problems, you can balance the amoun! 01 au mOIsIure m your home With the Slgnamre automatic humldmer by Homestead. Aâ€"_-_ Priced at a very reasonable BUY ONLY No extra charge tor cars with air-conditionmg or torsion bar adjustment. Correct casterâ€" camber. set toe-m. toe-out. adjust steering box. centre steering wheel. $795 CARS WE USE This offer includes oil and finer, Iube and labour. We use oniy name brand parts and lubricants. Names tha‘ you can husk MOST CARS 8 LIGHT TRUCKS WE use [Tsxnco‘ $795 OIL. FILTEII & lIIBIIIGATIOII “SPECIAL†“SPEBIAI.†JIM NESBITT'S TIRE CENTRE OR OTHER QUALITY PRODUCTS RICHMOND HILL 884â€"4401 Richmond Heights Centre . . insurance with a help you meet all difference. your insurance needs. the - 00-01I2s213y tors A‘Il‘" Aâ€"â€"_ __A Look into advantages of insuring with The CO-OperatOYS. Life, Home, Auto, Travel $55.95 HOURS: MON,, SAT. 9 A.M. T0 6 P M 70 NEWKIRK RD. N. ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT DELUXE CHAMPION WHITEWALL, THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. October 17. 1919 - C-3 LICENSED PLUMBERS 0" STAFF SIZE E78114 SUPER BELT - INSURANCE SERVICES 18330 YONGE ST. RICHMOND HILL 8841825 FIB-14's . 678'14’9 GTEâ€"15's H78-15‘s J78-15’s . SINGLE LEVER KITCHEN FAUCET av HOMESTEAD A faucel you can trust from people you can trust" ' Syear nudnp gudranrec ' Altrachve easy-(are uhrume fmlsh ' Patented “(HwKamr C aerator saves water & Trade In On Your 0“ "WW “it! hcnfaucct “our name is on it bgcause we know It's goud. LIMITED QUANTITIES E78/14 $ ER BELT u. MON. TO WED. 7:30 AM. TO 6 P.M. THUR. TO FRI. 7:30 AM. TO 9 P.M. SAT. 7:30 AM. TO 5:00 P.M. NEW STORE HOURS TO SERVE YOU . . . . . . . . . . . . . SUPER SPECIAL . . . . . . . . . . . . SUPER SPECIAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . SUPER SPECIAL . . . . . . . . . . . . SUPER SPECIAL ............. SUPER SPECIAL "WHILE STOCK LASTS" 881M111 Protection for yourself . . . your family . . . the things you own. The Co-operators can help you meet all your insurance needs. (041‘ 838.70 51H .20 “11.56 s114.07 s50.85