Ontario Community Newspapers

Richmond Hill Liberal, 19 Sep 1979, B5

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I Contractms Electricians ' Bookkeeping it Accounting Services 491-2111 DAYS guaranteed Free estimates. Call Dag Schindler. All types of alterations, rough framing, drywall Er masonry. No Job Too Small Free Estimates In natural stone and brick Additions, Renovations, etc No Job (00 small. 130 Centre St. W. Richard E. Wilson WWVES‘FROUGHING 'SOFFIT 'DOORS, WINDOWS OFASCIA ‘ AWNiNGS CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 883 1664 50 Yonge Street 5., Aurora‘ Ontario All types of electri Residential~Commer trial. Free Estimates Repan Libéral am D.J. DILWORTH E: ASSOC ELECTRICIAN KNOW YOUR COSTS FIRM QUOTATIONS ALL REPAIRS GUARANTEED For small businesses FIREFLAfig CHARTERED ACCOUNIANT Accounting Services KEN R. McKEOWN Accountants ' (Chartered) ('harlcrr‘d 1m Registered Industrial Accou 10520 mum: AT oxronn 8844030 Trlrphune mm Ml BRADLEY a HILL 883-1258 884-0554 stand for QUALITY ROSENBERG 8 COMPANY STENMAR CARPENTRY Appliance Repairs 889-5683 10256 Yonge St Richmond Hill Carpentry App|iance Service 75 10 all olecmc 51 325 R‘ 881-7149 808 R088 CARPENTRY CONTRACTOR BRANCO ELECTRIC UL‘. N0. E596 Thnrnhlll. Hnum‘ UKT .‘lRfi 883-5054 Chartered Accountants 635-7918 Kenneth M. P; [g REYNOLDS ALUMINUM PRODUCTS , dryers. fridges, air was, dishwashews, small 8849697 ‘kk 8842092 KARL'S 8841788 889-1377 Aluminizing Products hmond St nond Hill All work :trical WOIK erical‘tndus unlanl Jnta ayati‘ al SIOVES FAWN TFC‘ ALUMINUM f ; SERVICE DIRECTORY All ‘kinds of repairs‘ done side and outside the house Custom Rototilling. Gar- dens, lawns sodded. Gen eral cleanup of backyards, basements, garages, eavestroughs cleaned. WII 'PLASTERING 'CERAMIC "LE 'DRYWALL TAPING 'TEXTURED OCEILINGS 8 WALLS CARL/515 LANDSCAPING 31v NORTHERN WOOD WORKS PICKUP TRUCK RENOVATIONS ADDITIONS CUSTOM CABINETS MASONARY WORK 775-6390 889-3820 Professional Removal of All Paints 8 Lacquers 'Siding 'Soffit OShunets 'Mnduws Home Improvements oinels. ' wall, a All horr HANDYMAN Richmond Hill Contracting Co Ltd. All work uaranteed 'WOJ08 DSMAll GENERAL CONTRACTING 'FREE ESTIMATES Gardening- Landscaping TESTON MILL FURNITURE STRIPPING CO. Free Pick Up 8 Delivery No Caustic or Lye Used MAPLE 832-2330 HAND STRIPPING. A SPECIALTY MacPHEE ALUMINUM DON'T CUT lNTO YOUR LEISURE TIME“. WALKER CONSTRUCTION 884-2882 221-1466 CHIMNEYS 8 FIREPLACES BUILT AND REPAIRED Flee Estimates Expert Workmanship 20 years' experience PLASTERER TILE SETTER Handxmgfi PRODUCTS Fire Place Service FREE ESTIWMI‘Ev JOHN MacPHEE 8848506 85 CENTRE ST. E., RICHMOND HILL 881'5556 Euls Furniture Stripping 884-5182 Man with 881-5137 883â€"5432 FOR HOME OR BUSINESS USEOUR 8321595 eves ee estimates 883-3033 3d 10933 Jane an ODnors "0“ -T HOMES DNS ‘ OEaves 'Fascia OAwnings ORailings vem rooms YFCE in Specializing in Steam Cleaning and Home Maintenance. Rec Rooms â€" Bathrooms Fireplaces 8 General Repairs lntenor - Extenor Pmmptness & wowkmansmp guatameed Flee 85H- mates "PASSIVE SOLAR HOME RENOVATIONS" CARPENTRY, HOUSE FRAMING, GARAGES, SUN ROOMS, GREENHOUSES, NEW ENERGY SAVING WINDOWS, DOORS & INSULATION INSTALLED. PLANS 8 PERMIT ARRANGED IF NECESSARY. FREE ESTIMATES BY CON- TRACT OR HOURLY. UXBRIDGE 1852-3594 FOR FREE EST/MA TES CHIMNEY REPAIRS CONCRETE PATIO OB PRECAST SLABS PORCHES - STEPS Ed at 366-7816 0: 5356001 Evgs‘ Renovations â€" Painting - Carpentry Drywall Fire Hazards are Real The Kings Chimney Sweep My [00 (on small Satisfaction a must Bartman Plumbing BATHTUB REGLAZING 3815235 Anytime ORepairs OAIIerations 8 R. DURAN SIDEWALKS PLANTER BOXES Remodelling Renovating UNIVERSITY STUDENTS PAINTERS 883-3170 DI VINE INTERIORS STONE WORK 884-6995 881-2780 c. noggm 8894729 C & L GENERAL CONTRACTOR Est. 1974 Call: New Tub guarantee Toronto Porcelain Refinishing P379 Home Improvements Tubs i Sinks - Tiles - Repairs Any condition # Any colour New Work LUCIANO JOE Phone for free Brochure 884-4208 Hire a Hobbit HOME HANDYMA'N SERVICE INSIDE OR OUTSIDE \ Reasonable Rates Free Estimates 884-4661 884-9026 0 884-4028 TFC‘IO Alterations Small Moves VWndOW'CIeaning *- Painting, Papering Rubbish Removed «Minor Repairs and KOATINGS I Pianb Tuning I LUMBARDI CONTRACTING F O R WA TERPRUUF/Nb‘ CONCRETE A180 PA T/US. CHIMNEYS, PURE/{ES £51373 Typewriters Adding Machines Sales it Service Alf’s 0ffice Machines Richmond Hill 881 1997 Double or triple glass Storm windows Storm Doors Siding Overhang AWnings Eavestroughing HANS BUTT 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill 884 1745 ALUMINUM REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Alcan Building Products Kepairs - alterations Bathrooms 8. kitchens remodelled. Carpenter 884-0438 TYPEWRITER RENTALS LH. SIMS 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE WDRK GUAM/(7350 ROBERT McGOWAN J. HOFFMAN Office Machines Reasonable rates 535â€"5 I I7 889-4106 Piano Tuning & Repairs 8845227 889-4697 THURNH|LL "[236 TFCS ”@9me New work & reroofing Expert Workmanship All work guaranteed New work, reroofs, chimney repairs. Workmanship guar- anteed Free esnmates, Insmanu work accepted, ODRIVEWAYS OPARKING LOTS SPRAY COATED TIDY DRIVE Libéral Member of the Toronto Home Buulders Assoc. CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY Karl Bundschuh 884-4832 Nelson Contracting New ‘ Reroofing ~ Repairs Free Estimates PAINTING 8 PAPER HANGING DECORATING Excellent Rates HUGH BARR 889-2773 OVER ' 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE and Paperhanging ROOFING ROOFING BLOWN IN FREE ESTIMATES 883-3500 884-9000 PAPERHANGING INSULATION Professuonal Fxmsh Guaranteed CALL 884-5672 FOR FREE ESTIMATE PAINTING 123 YONGE ST W'ILLOWDALE CHARGEX ACCEPTED PAINTING FREE ESIIMATES GUARANTEED WORK DECORATING Insulation 883-5057 North Ridge PREC|S|0N ROOFING Steve By McKinley THORNHILL ROOFING INC. R.E. Dunn 727-3303 Menu No. B 5346 Flee Estimates 884â€"5965 Painters 881-1803 bus. 381-5575 res. Roofing Roofing Paving Roofing 889-3228 All WORK GUARANYEED Flee Estimam 294â€"9851 GVN H|LL SHINGLES 883-4084 CAWM 02W" 1F" ’ ' , tune vSeptembern 28th., 19294 fer the rental of equipment and operators to con- tinuously snow plow. salt and sand public roads in the Town of Richmond HIII, north of Elgin Mills Road. Bee Senicsi. Experienced CleW available for end of season installations. Quality inground vinyl liner pools‘ TENDER FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF INDUSTRIAL ROAD AND ENFORD ROAD E-79-07 CD Weldon, AM CT Clerk Excmng new pvogram tor beginners and advanced riders. Starting in September Sealed tenders. clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the Town Clerk. Municipal Offices, Town of Richmond Hill, 10266 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Ontario LAC 4Y5 until 12:00 noon on Friday. September 28. 1979 for the construction of the above prolect. Tender documents may be obtained after Wednesday. September 19, 1979 from the Town of Richmond Hill Municipal Offices, Engineering Department. upon a non-rEtundable payment of $20.00 per set by cash or cheque made payable to the Town of Richmond Hill. The lowest or Trees, bushes & stumps Cut or Removed Dental gold, jewelery or any other precious metals. No phone calls please. Lowest or any tender or any part of any tender not necessarily accepted. MR G.F ROSEBLADE TOWN CLERK. IOWN 0F MARKHAM SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as to contents will be recerved by the Town Clerk at 8911 Woodbine Avenue. Markham. Ontario. no later than 4:30 PM. Tender forms and specifications may be obtained» from the Clerk's Dept at 8911 Woodbine Avenue. Markham. Ontano, TRIMOUNT REFINING & SMELTING INC.. 359 ENFORD RD.. RICHMOLND HILL, ONT. Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the C|erk in the Iown of Righmond 7}le Information and tender forms are available at the office of the Purchasing Agent, Municipal Offices, 10266 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted TOP PRICES PAID FOR OLD GOLD 8: SILVER INSTALLATIONS (“Au-cone 2455544, Page! No. 0883 Leslie 833-5995 3e -t’l¢uvi§ ALL WORK GUARANTEED I” collect lor [we estimate Pool Installations s. envelopes, stencils‘ Iettevs. ‘ and they: m IBM Selectra. mm (110th & reasonable. Swimming 883-3016 after 6 p.nL TYPING 884â€"9846 THE TOWN OF MARKHAM Typing SNOW PLOWING SALTING AND SANDING 1979-80 SEASON ENGLISH RIDING LESSONS ‘t'Ofie Horse Lovers Day Camp 888-1175 MONDAY, NOV. 26, 1979 TENDER FOR NO. 2 DOMESTIC TYPE FUEL OIL AND HEATING EQUIPMENT PROTECTIVE SERVICE CONTRACT any tender not necessarily accepted 5‘5 Coming Events 3H TENDERS FOR INFORMATION CAlL 6"E‘Tcenders Articles wanted TFC7 hldges. stoves. lreezers. lurnltuu‘ Must be clean and walking, Need Is desperate. highest prices paid. Woodbine Market Place 3241 woooBINE AVE.. DON VALLEY PKWY‘ 4 MIN. N. OF 401 "1 MI. 5. OF HWY, 7 OPEN 99 dany except Mon. Excellent vanety of antiques 8. collectibIes 8. 1.0001 other items. Snack bar It's cool Indocts & worth the tnp. Dealer enqumes for weekend space $5 per day. BIII Ayres. 495- 1942 or 294-0859, WANTED BROWNIE UNIFORM Town of Richmond Hill WANTED GARDEN SHED 884-1690 Town of Richmond Hill Brices 363-1954 1478-4175 ANTIQUE '& FLEA MARKET 884-9633 Cash for B. Topovowskl, P, Eng.. Commissioner of Works Size 7 EVGS CD. Weldon Clerk 37 2c "Cl? CZWIZ tfn THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. September 19, 1979 â€" B-S Available to help mth youv child's academic problems (K-8). BABYSIHING and light housekeeping. 5 hours daily. Septembev - June, 2 chIIdIen. 881‘ 4014, c2wll 24" GAS stove. In condition, 633-9016 TRAINING. Keep your lab & learn I“ spare time - you cauld be on the an In 5 months! News Sports. 0.] Talk Shows. Program HosI. TV Commercrals With placement servuce. FOR RECORDED MESSAGE ON HOW YOU QUALIFY ANYTIME - 921.2420 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF BROADCASTING Wishes to do typmg In her own home. ‘ REASONABLE RATES 0 REFERENCES Experienced Teacher, B.M All ages. Hillcrest Mall area Bull Nahr - Unwersfly - Conservatory qualified. Forma 0101mm! (Bum way. NBOTV. plus NYC Opera) Modern or classncai revertoue Free mtemewv 294-5101 For Thornhlll John St area. two days per week. Please call Mrs J‘ Brennan Operate! seeks full 0: part tnme 10b m office or stote 883-3978 INSTANT cash f0: good condition household furniture, appliances. contents. Immediate puck-up. 294- 1055 I138 Marla Wilson. A.R.C.T. R,M.T. Teacher's and solo pertmmer's degree Baywewâ€" Steeles area. Call: PBX SWITCHBOARD RADIO-TV ANNOUNCER All persons having clarms agarnst Ihe' Estate of John Esmond Hamson. late 0! the Town of chhmond Hill. In the Regronal Munlcrpalrty of York. who dred on or about the 17m day of August. 1979. are hereby notrhed to send nartrculars of samel to the undersrgned on or before the‘ 29th day of September. 1979. after .wnwh 1.415 ..th6....§§lafi.a, w.“ J? dustrrbuted. wrth regard onry to the clarms of Wthh the undersrgned shall then have notrce and the undersrgned erI not be IIable for any person of whose clarm she shall not then have notice. DATED AT RICHMOND HILL THIS 29th DAY OF AUGUST. 1979‘ RHODA JANE HARRISON. EXECUTRIX OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN ESMOND HARRISON BY ‘HER SOLICITOR. ROBERT H. BLACKBURN. C/O MESSRS STONG. BLACKBURN & MACHON. SUITE 206. 10350 YONGE STREET. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO LAC 388. 311 PIANO LESSONS PIANO - THEORY Cash price for your household contents or individual items ORGAN LESSONS 5““ Domestic Help Wanted VIOLIN LESSONS 881-0110 ELEMENTARY TEACHERS 55° Career Training 884-2608 Given by qualified teacher CLEANING LADY 610 889-2653 5"5 Employment Wanted NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN ESMOND HARRISON NEW VOCAL STUDIO IN MARKHAM Articles wanted BY Suzuky Violin Teacher Ages 4 years and up 884-6649 SINGING LESSONS 708 FOR FAST SERVlCE EXPERIENCED TYPIST 881-5235 Legal Notices 495-1942 746-2100 221-3801 "’9 Musical Instruction For appomtment EXPERIENCED Tutoring good working mammgs 00W [2 cZwll IFC 0|th CJWH CJWIO Black and white WIth white face and neck. Palmer - Essex alea. Richmond Hm. Iuesday evening In Richmond Hull Days 923-5019. Evgs. 883-4324 MRS, Balbara, Card and Palm Readet. Adwce on all pioblemsv Appoint- ments. 678-2275, Melton, DAYCARE available m my home. Chlldcen any age. Near Bluegtass â€" Zeldal 8844234 ' ARE you Ptegnant and Distressed? Let‘s talk It over confidentially. Blrfhngh! 469-] 1 11 884-8055. 884- 9431. nm Do something new Ca“ Rendezvous Datlng Ltd Local 657-1661 mm Have yuur.make-up apphed by a pro lessnonal m the convenience of your own home Bndes and wedding parties at any specnal occasnon. For apponntmem. phone Gabrielle 884-4274, Mornings only. Monday to Fnday Thommll Excellentsalary. 12 years or oldev as companion for 12 year old gul. Sunday EVEHIHES. 00 you have a dunkmg moblem7 II so AA can help, Wnle Bax 84 Richmond HI” on call 4875591 Gwen rn my home excellent lunches Ross Doan Publlc School alea Susan 265-2533 ,n my home planned actmtles. large garden, hot lunches. receipt glven. 883-3543 WILL babysit in my home, any age children. Bluegrass-Elam Mills. BM 3514‘ c2 wlZ .To babysnt small Infant In my home I)! Own ‘ 222-2717 Ptegnancy Testing. counselling Free and confidential Wednesday 78 pm. and inmsday 46 p m 10350 Yonge Street at Crosby Avenue Richmond Hull (lower level) To babysit m my home. 8 to 4:30 pm. 2 children, 3‘7 yeats. and 4 mths. Stad Januaty 2nd‘ Yonge- John area Soffit Fascia, windows, doors ‘We supply seamless 5" eaves troughing. BABYSITTER Required immediately “‘ Daycare Wanted FALL CLEAN UP North Richmond Hill ASTROLOGY CLASS FOR BEGINNERS RELIABLE DAYCARE Extra room 15‘ sq. ll. Also upholstery expertly cleaned lemgroom- Dimngroom - Hall Carpets. Steam Cleaned by Experts MATURE RELIKBLE WOMEN MATURE RELIABLE WOMAN We Care Iutonal Semces All subject. I" grades 727 2544 2212001 7" Miscellaneous 630 Floorline Carpet Cleaning Co. Contvact work undenaken Chargex Smormngs. 8 am. 12:30 pm Pleasanmlle avea 889-2076 BABYSITTER 883-4495 ALUMINUM SIDING No appomtment necessaly DON'T WAIT UNTIL IT'S TOO LATE CALL LOST - CAT PAMPER YOURSELF 52" Personals 883-1331 881-0355 BIRTH CONTROL 884-6649 In my home "2 Daycare 889-6380 Lost 8 Found 884-5821 $49.95 Mm 5 am 8844133 After 1 pm Evgs c2w 12 Ch I? CZWll CJWII

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