Residents welcomed back Mzn and Mrs. Roy Mote, their daugh- ter. Willyanne and son, Brian, to the village early in Decem- ber. The Mote family recently moved to 49 Blue Spruce Lanel The staff of Thomhil] Golf and Country Club was enter- tained at a Christmas Party last month at the club. umuuummmmuuuuuuumuuuuumuuuunuuumumuumm \l\\ll\l“l\l\ll\“\l\l\lMWll\lll“Il\\\l“\lmllll\\ll\\\ll\llllll|l“llflllllllll 14' mluuuuumu“munmmumummuluuumnuuuun\uuuummu 1 If you are NEW-TO-TOWN or have just moved into a new home would like to call on you with ‘houseu‘arming gifts' and information about your new location. The Hostess will be glad to arrange your subscription to the RICHMOND HILL LIBERAL \l\\\\l\llll\\l\\MINI“l\\\lll\\lll\\llll\\l|\lll\l|\ll\\\lllll FRASER DUNN Miss McLarcn was hon- ored at a luncheon Dec- ember 17. held at the Col- borne Street home of Gai- ther Zinkan. a long time member of Thornhill Pub- llc Library Board and now a member of the recently formed township board. Mrs. Sumner has been on the staff of North York Public Library for eight years. After 17 years of service to the community, Thorn- hill Librarian Miss Jane McLaren has retired as of January 1. it has been an- nounc'ed by Markham Township Public Library Board. Taking over as head llb- rarian at Thornhlll will be Mrs. Alan Sumner. wife of Markham Township Ward 1 Councillor Alan Sumner. Call Mrs. Ralph Harley 889-3313 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Canadian Head Office - Toronto “Find out how much you may save on car insurance!†145 ARNOLD AVENUE THORNHILL. ONTARIO TELEPHONE Bus. 889-3288 47 MAPLE A VENUE WE RENT BOBEN EQUIPMENT LIMITED WELCOME I V. O. N. VICTORIA‘S ORDER OF S E R V I CE NFRSES Id like to «(II on you RICHMOND IIILL COMPRESSORS GENERATORS TAMPERS PUMPS VIBRATORS AIR TOOLS HEATERS WELDERS BREAKERS Thornhill’s ()u'n . . . Thornhill Librarian Retires THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. Jan. 4, 1968 “All ulu INSUIAN61, Socially Speaking Thornhill and District News 889-1111 PHONE 889-3190 llll\\l\\ll“llll\ I“\V\1\W Get well greetings are ex- tended to David Large, Arnold Avenue, who was involved in a car accident prior to Christmas. David is a patient in York Cent- ral Hospital. The public library held its annual Christmas Open House Decemlfer 23 from 10 am to 12 noon. This is a Christmas cus- tom carried out for the past six years. People gather at the library and enjoy a cup of cof- fee along with friendly conver- sation. V Librarian NUSS Jane NIcLal‘enJcompany since 1955 and was the workers and volunteers were on‘most outstanding. hand to greet the many people - * * * * Who dropped in to collect holiâ€" Your correspondent and her day reading material. Aspecial daughter, Cindy. were among Word Of Praise goes Out to the several residents who attended many teenage volunteers whoy'q‘he Nutcracker" at O'Keefe work cheerfully and emCientllleentre during the holidays. The as assistants ‘0 the library Stafflcolol‘ful petrfannance “'35 8 de_ "m thelr spare time. I Friends were sorry to see Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Lock, move to a smaller community last week but wish them well in their new surroundings. Mr. and Mrs. Lock were aclive parish work- Thornhill residents were sad-‘ dened to learn of the sudden death of Owen William Peak on} December 22 at his home 16 Morgan Avenue. I Owen Peak was born in Nor- wich, England? in 1894 and came to Woodstock. Ontario, with his family when he was 16 years old. A year later he mov- ed west and spent 12 years as a cowboy in Albcrla and Sas- katchewan. lle worked in Mon- treal as a commercial artist [or one year before settling in To- z'onto. l unuv. Mr. Peak was a resident of} The many friends and cust- Thornhili {or 18 years. At 111910111915 Of 3113- EYVQtte Adkinsv time of his death he was with Yonge StrEEt. are happy to the Globe and Mail as an artist 1931‘" that she “’85 able to in the engraving department return home from York Cent- where he had been on the staff ral Hospital in time for Christ~ mas They hope she will soon for 10 years. . He is survived by his wife, be_up and about agam' an€na Phanmnn a cnn nod- NelghborhOOd Nows He is survived by his wife, Robina Chapman, a son, Rod- erick of Stouffville and two daughters. Barbara (Mrs. Charles Yeatesi of Stroud and Virginia of Thornhill. X prviate funeral service took place at Pipher Funeral Home. Richmond Hill. MORGAN DAVIS 8 8 9 - 4 8 4 6 uumnumilIamm:mumum“nmum-mmu“quumuuuuuu\uu «mmmummmuuuuumumuumumummumumuumulme uuumuunmmannmm.1mnxmimnï¬umuuumimm Third Thornhill Rovers. Scouts and Cubs will hold their annual bottle pick-up January 6 between the hours of 8 am and 12 noon. Kindly remember to save and place returnable bot- tles in a conspicuous place by 8 am. Proceeds from the drive will go toward Third Thorn- hill Scouting activities. Rovers. Scouts and Cubs will appreciate your dona- tions and co-operation. Areas expected to be cover- ed include Arnold Avenue to Longbridge Drive; Elgin and John Streets; Thornhill Green east of Yonge. Richmond Hill Municipal Hall THINK awâ€"enâ€"iPeak I muumuuluuummmunmmummmlmumnmmuuun BRANCH NL‘RSE-IN-CHARGE MISS JEAN LOGGIE PRINTING! THORNHILL. ONT. SERVING YORK COUNTY 884-4101 i, Friends and neighbors of J. JAngel, formerly of Clark Av- enue, are sorry to learn that he spent Christmas in Toronto General Hospital. He will be hospitalized for another two weeks following a heart attack. We wish him a speedy recovery. , Mrs. Doreen MacDonald, Mor- '“ 1“ N01“!gan Avenue, returned home 1894 af‘d'from York Central Hospital in Ont‘mov time for Christmas. following he was leisurgery We are glad to hear 1‘ he m0\'-‘:that she is showing improve- ! Neal‘s aS‘ment. and Sasa Neighbors and friends of Mr. din Mon- and Mrs, J. KirkmaiL Clark artist [01‘.A\‘(‘l‘lu(‘, are sorry to hear that rig in 'l‘o-‘their infant son is still in York Central Hospital. gsidem of} The many friends and custâ€" 1-5, At mem‘ners of Mrs. Eyvette Adkins, was with Yonge Street, are happy to _ h- _...:.o learn that she was able to 38K were sad- ie sudden 11 Peak on home 16 “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area. Our representative in Tliornhill is Mrs. Jo Cruise who may be reached by phoning 889-3190 ers of Holy Trinity Anglican Church. A presentation was made last month to Mr, and Mrs. Lock by the Bible Study Fellowship and Mrs. Look by the Winchester Group, ACW, of which she was president. Laureleaf Road. is musical dir- ector for the ballet company and conducted the orchestra for the television presentation. Mr. Crum is to be commended for his superb direction-in the mag- lnficent production. Many old friends of Mr. and performers Mrs. Reg Byford, Kensington; An :1ch Tower Apartments. former Ar- National E nold Avenue residents, enjoyed‘the many : visiting the .Byfords at their let student Christmas Party last week. tperform th "Festival", seen over Chan- nel 6 December 27 presented Danish choreographer and danc- er Erik Bruhn's new version of the Tchaikovsky classic “Swan Lake", performed by the Na- tional Ballet of Canada. The production ran one hour and thirty minutes. without distracting commercial adver- tising and was enhanced by the expert camera technique used. It was the 11th ballet Norman Campbell has produced with the company since 1955 and was the most outstanding. With The Sick Congratulations to Neville Le~ Page who won a first prize for attendance at the Doncaster Bible School. His name was in~ advertently omitted from the list of winners last week. Trudy Johnson, Woodward Avenue. nurse-in-trainiug at Wellesley Hospital‘ was home [or the holidays. She reports she is enjoying her course very much. December 29 Trudy attend- ed a reunion of all counsellors and campers of Camp Illahee, Cobourg, sponsored by the Wellesley Family Association, which operates the camp. Bob Jackson, Grandview Av- 16 Erica . enue, arrived home December Pantalone 21 to spend the holidays with died Janu; his parents. Bob is in his sec- ed many 0nd year at Royal Roads, Vic-Eat the toria. 13.0., and will be return-nhmughou ing there January 7. ‘ialso pres. Valerie Jackson also spentiteams’ 110 Christmas at home. She isirinks Dec. now making her home in Bosâ€"‘ His so.- ton. the Thorr Paul Condon, Grandview Av- enue. is home from Waterloo for the holidays. Keith Jordan and Carol also returned from Waterloo to spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. C. Jordan, Morgan Av- enue. Congratulations to Eileen Churchill. Briggs Avenue, and Ken Ross, 40 Woodward Aven- ue. on their engagement; and to JoAnne Bragan. Glen Cam- eron Road and Douglas James of Bowmanville on their en- gagement. Lee Webster, Balsam Lake, was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Ross. Woodâ€" ward Avenue, for the New Year holiday. December 28, Mrs. Joanne Fleming. Finch Avenue, was hostess at a bridal ShOWer in honor of her sister-in-law. Penny Fleming, Highland Park Boulevard. Penny will be mar- ried January 13 to W. Beau- champ. Birthday congratulations to Wendy Browning. Clark Aver» ue who was seven January 4: and to Andrew Dean, who was eight on the same date. Mel- ody Phinnemore celebrated her fifth birthday January 6. Congratulations also to Pat- ricia Smith, December 28. with parties at who her 17th birthday 26. and to little Laurie Smith, who sister celebrated December ‘ Jane “'35 seven Both celebrated their home. “um-u». Put 3 Lu“ Ad to War and mane: and placin. Action Ad George Crumfla resident of The news of Dom-aster. Highland Park. Grandview CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MAY BARBOUR 136A HENDERSON AVE. â€"â€" PHONE 88945205 ith partie SOUTH THORNHILI. I have never been a part of an audience so dominated by children between the ages of three and 12 and experienced the complete rapture that these very young people gave to the light and had special appeal for a young audience. An added feature of the National Ballet of Canada is the many young delightful bal- let students of the school who perform the children‘s roles in this ballet, usually danced by adults. Following the performance. Cindy was treated to lunch at the Royal York Hotel and a trip to Toronto Dominion Centre to view the city from the observa- tory on the 54th floor. For those who haven't yet seen this magnificent sight, it is well worth the trip downtown. The next meeting of the WI will take place at the home of Mrs. E. Burt. 8159 Yonge Street, January 18. Motto for the meeting will be. “Wholesome Homes Are Stepping Stones To A Great Community". Presbyterian Church The annual congregational meeting will be held January 29. Secretaries and treasurers are reminded to have reports in this week. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be observed at both morning and evening services January 7. Eldef' P. Williamson assisted this week at the Presbytery communion services. A large number of local res- idents, parents and fans en- joyed an exciting if somewhat exhausting Christmas Week of hockey, travelling to and from Hespeler in support of the two Thornhill teams. Both the pee- wees and tl e bantams were en- tered in t1 Hespeler Minor Olympics \ hich started ‘Deâ€" cember 22 and continued to the last day of the year. As each team played seven games, sometimes two in one day, the boys and their supporters enâ€" joyed dining out and relaxing between games at the charm- ing Knotty Pines Restaurant in nearby Preston. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Baker spent a week in North Bay visiting their daughter, Ruth, and family. Hockey 72 Glencameron Road Officials attending the games were Mr. and Mrs. R. Howson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hartwick, A. Takeuchi, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Windsor and Mr. and Mrs. S. Woolnough. Stanley Stankie- wicz, sponsor of Richvale Reaâ€" dy Mix Atoms. and Mrs. Stank- iewicz also attended. Pantalone, who was just 39, died January 1. He had attendâ€" ed many of the hockey games at the Hespler Tournament throughout the week and was also present at the Thornhill teams’ home games at Double- rinks December 30. Other residents. attending were Mr. and Mrs. L. Barton. Meadowview Avenue: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hodge, Dolmeny Av- enue: Mr. and Mrs. R. Carr. Henderson Avenue: Mr. and Mrs. B. Sanders. Highland Park; Mr. and Mrs. J. LePage. Glencameron Road and E, Sut- ton, Henderson Avenue. Sympathy 'The community was saddenâ€" ed by the news of the sudden passing of Albert Pantalone of 16 Erica Road, Thomhill. Mr. His son Rocco plays with the Thornhill Peewees and son Dino with Thornhill Minor Atâ€" oms‘ Mr. Pantalone. a strong supporter of the teams, will in- deed be sadly missed, and heartfelt sympathy is extend- ed to his wife and family. Woodland School December 21 pupils of Wood- land Junior School staged their first Christmas Program and such a large number of parents and friends turned out for the event the auditorium was packâ€" ed to overflowing. After a short introd Principal D. J. Young ing duties were taken performed well by N( Page, a grade 6 pupil During the scene shifting be- tween plays the audience part- icipated in carol singing with piano accompaniment by Vice- Principal W. S. Caldwell. Every class was represented on stage by plays. choral items. dancing and a play performed in French by pupils of Miss M Jackson’s class. All pupils taking part are to be congratulated for fine per- formances. making this a Won- derful entertainment. The tea- chers also deserve much praise for their hard work and lead- ership. Put a Liberal Classified Aetion'lBethlehem and a myraid of les- Ad to work for you. Save time set stars shining forth in the and money by calling 884-1105 black night. Hosts of angels and placing a Liberal Classified were suspended in the heavens introduction by Young, emceeâ€" taken over and by Neville Le- Flocks of happy-faced young-i ble_]sters greeted arriving guests at {12:30 pm with gifts of holly vim'which they distributed to one son and all. Others gave out name At_'cards a'nd a chorus of “Merry (mg Christmas" greetings flooded in_ the room. It was a very merry and December 22. md_ Guests included Mr. and Mrs. AD. R. MacDonald: Mr. and Mrs. C. Grant; Dr. and Mrs. Minton md_ Johnston; Mr. and Mrs. E. M. heir‘Wells; Mrs. Brenda Gordon; aner. and Mrs. C. Mandelbaum; aner. and Mrs. Robert Richard- mason; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mar- ack_;tin; Mrs. Claire Hodgins; :Mr. and Mrs. J. Wester- lby‘hoek; Mrs. G. Kelson and A. maul-lid Ontario Hydro’s Central Re- gion home economists have a new, intriguing “bag of tricks" for their presentations on using small electrical appliances. They have expended on the original “Quick Tricks" pro- gram and now offer such in- teresting innovations as the “Hawaiian Luau"; “After 10 Re- freshmentsâ€; “Epicurean Arts for Men“; “Seafood Demonstraâ€" ‘ It was the annual yuletide dinner of the junior and senior special classes under the guid- ance of their respective teach- iers. Mrs. Hazel Hill and Carl lBailey. BANTAMS December 20 W. A. Stephenson 3. Barrie 5 A two-goal effort by Bill Law with Randy Bagg coming through with a goal and an as- sist; Bob 'McIntosh, three asâ€" sists; Maui; Woolnough, one as- sist. December 23 W. A. Stephenson 8, Unlom'illc Michael Coyne came through with two goals and an assist; Rick Hartwick, two goals Hugh Matheson, one goal one assist; Rick Hodge. one goal, Bill Law, four assists, Randy Bagg, two assists, Mark Woolnough, two assists. JUVENILES December 19 Dems Diesel Electric 2, Wood- bridge 2 A new sponsor and a tie‘ Special Classes Christmas Meal Is A Very Specia| Ce|ebration Christmas came once again Lo the junior special classroom of Thornhill Public School just before the holidays. The children of the special classes had used their artistic talents turning out beauti- ful decorations for the tree along with gay lanterns strung over the buffet table. The cen- tre pieces and napkin holders which adorned the tables were also made by the children. “'35 8C8 Some of the children this galaeguiisy Christmas. unknown to Mrs. Wish You Hill, transformed the blackâ€" and 3 Hal: board into a beautiful mural of Vaughar the Bethlehem story. qnhnm g. It was complete with the Nat- ivity scene depicting the arrival of the shepherds and wise men. Over all was the huge Star of Bethlehem and a myraid of les- ser stars shining forth in the black night. Hosts of angels The junior special classroom as a veritable Christmas palâ€" The T hornhill Sports Scene These six attractive young ladies, dressed as Hawaiian dancers, gave a demonstration of colorful Hawaiian dance numbers recently at Charles Howitt Public School in Richvale. They took part in a Hawaiian Luau program presented by OntariorHydro. vvvv "‘é‘eElYinWia‘e“5,3617;pBBEJ FéCvW(‘iéEE {8 riéllt) Dancers Joanne Laidman, Wendy Straumann, Kelly Patten, and Donna Newbold. In the front row are Debbie Thomas and Suzan Mallory. v. y‘axuv AA“. “-V. Hawaii Comes T o Ric/1 vale thel Dem‘s 3, Beeton 3 the‘v Scoring were Angelo Di Vin~ rna-‘cenzo from Mike Stratton; Chris hrisiSills from Di Vincenzo; and and‘Stratton from Di Vincenzo. Gary Petronick was in goal for . . “DEMS. The various programs Show the “magic†of using electrical. appliances effectively, said Gwyneth Reed. She presented the colorful Hawaiian Luau. at Charles Howitt Public School, ‘Richvale, recently to a capacity 'audience. The program was \sponsored by the auxiliary of lRichvale Brownies. 1 tion"; as well as a general small. One of the highlights of the appliance demonstration. ievening was a colorful Hawai- The various programs show ian dance by students of a the “magic†of using electrical local dance class garbed in Ha- a-ppliances effectively, said waiian costumes. This set the Gwyneth Reed. She presented mood for the program which the colorful Hawaiian Luau. at also included a spectacular Charles Howitt Public School, color and sound movie on Richvale, recently to a capacity Hawaii. DEMS Juveniles are sorely missing Dave Large who is in York Central Hospital suffering from injuries received in a car accident. A speedy recovery. Thornhill Presbyterian 3 Thornhill United 2; Holy Trin- ity 6, St. Edward‘s Eagles 1; St Luke’s 9, St. Edward's Cubs 0 ATOMS Holy Trinity Terrors 8, Unit- ed Warriors 0; St. Luke‘s 9, United Invaders 0; Presbyterian Cougars '7, St. Edward’s Tigers 0; St. Edward's Lions 6, Holy Trinity Rockets 0. BANTAMS TIKES ~ . This was held December 20 Thornhill PI‘ESbylEI‘lan 3- for 65 children of the area. in- Thol‘nhill UnitEd 2; Holy Tl‘in‘ eluding Lions' children and ity 6, St. Edward’s Eagles 1; St-‘those from needy families. Luke’s 9, St. Edward's Cubs OHSama Claus 1Lion Sid Cann) and ATOMS a Aclown (Lion Cleve Burton) Holy Trinity 1' Thomhiu‘pald a visit and distributed gifts. United 1; St. Edward-s 2‘ SKA puppet shoiv and refresh- Luke,s 2 :ments made ï¬ns 3 party to be prumw'q l‘long remembered: PEEWEES Haly Trinity Rifles 4, United Bears 1', United Wolves 1, St. Edward‘s 6; St. Luke’s 3. Thorn- hill Presbyterian 1 and a Happy New Year." Vaughan Township Public School Superintendent D. R. MacDonald expressed his sinâ€" cere appreciation to Mrs. Hazel Hill and Carl Bailey and the 'special classes and to Mrs. St. John and her helpers for mak- ling such a memorable Christmas happening. His appreciation was echoed by Dr. Johnston in ,his closing remarks. If someone had softly played "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear†the mural would have been unforgettable. The serving table was a con- versation piece. A nut tree dominated the centre and the table was loaded with relishes, nuts, candies and other Christ- mas goodies. nuts, candies and other Christ-L mas geodies. ' The space age also zoomed‘ onto the scene and planetary effects were achieved at the‘ guest tables Via gold styrofoam; balls and gold toothpicks.; The serviette holders were in; red or blue and sprinkled withg sparkle dust. g cooked and served by Olive St.'( John and her helpers Bea Good, g Doreen Marks, Beth Yule andg Mabel Crawford, was superb. ( The dinner was traditional} fare with roast turkey, cran- g _All agreed that the dinner berry sauce, and all the fixings! topped of with a delicious Christmas pudding with cream,L sauce. Presiding over the event was Dr. Minton Johnston. The chil- dren distributed gifts to the guests. the teachers. and one another following the dinner. And, of course, there was the inevitable arrival of Santa Claus full of bounce and big bags of favors. Santa was Olive St. John. Hugh Martin, music super- visor for Vaughan. led the sing- L ing of the carol “O Come All Ye Faithful." Robert Richardâ€"g son. assistant music supervisor( added his appreciation with “1:; THORNHILL CHURCH LEAGUE A Merry Christmas Richvale Lions crowned their activities in Centennial Year by holding a New Year's Eve Dance in the Lions Hall un- der ther chairmanship of Lion John Bailey. About 100 people were present to welcome 1968 and to help the Lions defray the cost of the Christmas party. Lion Al. O‘Brien convened the icommittee which prepared 11 heaping baskets of food which were distributed December 23. These contained a turkey with all the other goodies for Christ- mas dinner. Following this Gwyn Reed prepared delectable polynesian type food and explained the The hall, ofï¬cially opened Oc« tober 6 after four years of ef- fort, has been continually im- proved under the committee chaired by Lion John Kup- chanko. To support all these (-onnnunâ€" it)‘ services. Richvale Lions of which Clil‘l‘ Nunn is president F b . & D M 0 have held a successful light bulb a I u wie under the chairmanship of . .- - Lion .\l lx'ehrli. a 20-week mini« H\\')’. 4 & Don Mills (“ OOdbme) pot am“ which is still continu- _ WW . __ , , ,7 ing under the chairmanship oi r W 7 77» SE HOURS: Lion Clair Greenfield and a I NE“ “AREHOU‘ q t 9 m hockey draw chaired by Lion Dally. 10 am. to 9 p.m. - bat. . am. 0 p. - John Farrow, “hich is going well. TIME A GAIN VRKRRWWW Get your Party Dresses and Suits in shape for the Holiday Season ‘ John Van Weelden. Hydro’s Richmond Hill area sales repre- sentative, gave a brief talk on Hydro‘s services and also drew l {r‘nuu“““““‘il j! Snowmobiles - Snowblowers: : Chain Saws u g KETOLA POWER EQUIPMENT 7571 vnNaw. STREET. THORNHILL I preparation giving valuable cooking hints. for the door prizes. Mrs. Joyce Walters acted as mistress of ceremonies. 54" WOOLLEN SPECTACULAR Visit your local “Winter Activity†Centre for Quality Products * Polaris * Ski-Daddler * * Ariens * Bolens * Graveley * Hahn-Eclipse * * Jacobsen Reo * * Canadien Homelite * Remington * Wright (Ontario Hydro Photo) 7571 YONGE STREET, THORNHILL 889-1538 9724 YONGE STREET Phone 884-2162 AURORA: Ontario Housing Cor- poration has purchased land between Regency Acres and Golf Glen and will sell 136 lots under the province's HOME plan by next fall. Another 18 acres will be held for a later phase of development here. DELIVERY SERVICE FREE PICK-UP AND