Many of his friends and former parishioners from Maple and the surrounding district attended the funeral of the late Rev. C. H. Bowman in Niagara Fails last. Wednesday. Numerous expres~ sions of sympathy were sent to Mrs. Bowman. the former Olivia McQuarrie. Rev. Bowman was minister at St. Andrew's. Maple, and St. Paul’s. Vaughan. Presby- terian churches for the past 33 years un_til his sec‘entfetiref‘nent. Rev. Frank Gillespie is flying lrom his pastoral charge in Cor- nerbrook, Newfoundland. to preach for a call to St. Andrew's. Maple and St. Paul's, Vaughan, Presbyterian churches on Sunday. United W.A. On Tuesday evening. February 24th. the Women’s Association of Maple United Church held a meeting in the church parlour. Mrs. D. Jarrett, the president. welcomed the ladies. Mrs. R. Ciegg was pianist for the singing of hymns. Mrs. E. Hemphill and Mrs. Jarrett gave reports on the Mr. Charles Jones has inform- ‘ed us that one of the men in. volved in an accident at the cor- ner of No. 7 highway and Keele St. on November 20, in which Mr. and Mrs. Reesor of Markham were kiHed. died during the Weekend without regaining con- bm-odm - .fl.o.o.v.0-0.n .0-â€- HOW'RE » THEY MILKIN ' ? 8 , THELIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Opurio, Thursday, March 5, 1959 Funeral service was held Friday, February 27. in Woodbridge United Church for John Richard Devins of RR. 2, Weston. Death came suddenly following a stroke while he was enjoying a holl- day at his villa in St. Peters- burg, Florida. He was in his 66th year. at home; sisters Josephine (Mrs. William Han-1.50m and Jennie' (Mrs. Levi Elliott), Woodbridge. and brother Garnet Devlns, Thistletown. He is survived b his wid- ow, Cora Mae Loc e; daugh- ter. Margaret (Mrs. T. Beas- ley). Toronto. and son Jphn, Interment was Ridge Cemetery. MAPLE FEED MILL MAPLE- ONT. John R. Devins Laid To Rest In Pine Ridge Ilene milk from every lactation should be your target! To produce that milk at lowest possible cost â€" SHUR-‘GAIN Milk Producerll . . . . . . . . . . Check these points of management: V â€"â€" keep accurate records -â€" properly balance the ration â€"- milk to a schedule -â€" feed according to production MAINTAIN MILK PRODUCTION SHUR-GAIN MILK PRODUCER Edgeley Sociqlg " Ask The Man Who Feeds Shur-Gain Maple “The Liberal†is always willing to publish interesting items regarding people and events contributed by its renders in Maple, Concord & Edgeley districts. Our representative in Maple is Mn. R. Manning. Maple 621124; in Concord, Mrs. Ruth Kefler. AV. 5-2375: and in Edzeley. Mrs. Raymond Stuart. AV. 5-1934. in Pine annual Presbytery meeting held in Richmond Hill. Convenors were appointed for a bazaar to be held in the fall. A rummage sale and bake sale will be held on May 9th. Clarence Palmer played two solos on his accordian. Mrs. Darker was in charge of worship. uslna as her theme "Faith." as- siste by Mrs. N. Robson and Mrs. L. Palmer. Mrs. R. Clegg read the Scripture, followed by prayâ€" er. The guest sp'eaker was Mrs. Margaret Martin. Well known in the surrounding area, she spent some time as a public health nurse. She is now chairman of the newly formed York County branch of The Canadian Mental Health Association. One out of ovary 10 pe’ople and countless children are afflicted with this disease, costing millions of dol- lars. Classed as No. 1 health problem, Mrs. Martin stated. we could help these people by visit- ing them in homes and hospitals. Donations could also be used for research work and to establish a clinic in this area. St. Stephen's W.A. This month's meeting was held at the hume of Mrs. C. R. Reeds. Miss Pat McLachlan. the presi- dent, conducted the business ses- sion. Mrs. Barry Hayes, had charge of the devotional period. Uéiicious refreshments were served at the close of the meet- ing by Mrs. J. H. Hayes and Miss Neale of Thornhill. Thankoflering The ladies of St. Andrew's Presbyterian W.M.S. are holding thelr spring Thankofferlng in the church on Wednesday afternoon, March 18th. Rev. Calvin Cham- bers, Thornh‘ill. will be the spea- ker of the afternoon. St. Stephen's Anglican Womâ€" an's Auxiliary are holding a rum- mage sale, starting at 1.80 p.m.. 0: Saturday. March 14th. Anyone wishing to donate any clothes are asked to leave them at the Ilavish house on Friday evening, arch 13th. _ Traffic conditions at the corn- er of No. 7 Highway and Keele Street were greatly improved during the weekend by the in- stallation of traffic lights. sciousness. The accident occur- red in front of Mr. Jones' garage. [natal Lights Notes YOU GET Datum AND CENTS PROOF Six Guides and two of their lea- ders took advantage of the spec- ial showing of “Cinerama South Seas Adventure" at the Univers- ity Theatre last Saturday morn- ing. The movie took the form of a travelogue and took the view- ers on a very impressive and realistic tour of Hawaii. Tahiti. Tonga, New Zeal'and and Austra- lia. The girls voted unanimously to take the company funds and leave immediately for the South Seas. but unfortunately the pres- ent bank balance wouldn‘t take them out of Southern Ontario. Those who enjoyed the movie last week were: Lynette Wilson, Diane Broome. Penny Connolly, Vicki Watt, Linda Watt, Wendy Simmons. Nancy Bowes and Mrs. biiiviiéf’fé'r. The Saturday pre- vious, Guides Donna Thomson and Carole Keffer saw the mo- vie. Shower On Saturday. February 28, Concord Teen Town met at the public school for its monthly dance. Twenty-four teenagers were present and eighteen regis- tered for 1959 membership. Elec- ted to the present Junior Commit- tee were Karen Wood and David Day as representatives for Con- cord Public School. The boys and girls enjoyed an evening of dan- Over thirty friends. relatives and neighbours attended a show- er last Thursday evning in hon- our of Miss Patricia Knowles. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Knowles, Hillside Ave. Hostess for the shower was Mrs. Joe Gott- fried. a neighbour of the Kno‘vles‘. Pat. whose marriage to Mr. John Ash, Concord. will take place on May 2nd, at Zion Luth- ersn Church, received many beautiful gifts. These included cups and saucers, a tea pot. var- ious serving dishes, place mats, pillow cases. and many articles of kitchen ware. The couple have purchased a home in Clarkson, and all of the gifts will certainly be put to good use there. Teen Town Congratulations to Anne Bar- rett, Judith Ciapp and Donna Voigt who have recently passed their Golden Hand tests; Valerie McClymont who has passed her Golden Bar test, and Zillah Wit- ney who was enrolled last week. Mrs. Barrett and Mrs. Wise are now being assisted by Wendy Simmons who is serving as their pack leader. Guides And Brownies PHONE 167 Concord H No Down Payment First Payment April lst Basement Apt., Recreation room, Kitchen Remodelling. Painting and Decorating. Free estimates. Mr. Uccl. AV. 5-3541 1A toast t6 the Eathers was given by Charles Saunders and respond- ed to by Mr. Ered_0rr. Chairman for the evening was Mr. Harry Kentner. chairman of the Group Committee. The sup- per was provided and served by the Mothers‘ Auxiliary, under the leadership of Mrs. Helen Kent- ner. Bowling "ï¬.§i’°were Marlon McKay 305, Jim Atkins 296 flat. Over forty fathers and boys gathered at Ma le Community Hall for Concor ‘s annual Fath- er and Son banquet which was held on Friday, February 27. Mr. Jack Rice from headquarters gave a very interesting talk on Scout- The Cubs went through their regular opening ceremonies. Two Scouts. Goffrey Orr and Charles Saunders received badges. Geoff gettlng nine and Charles. one. Mr. Gordon Wood played the piano for the sing-song. r Everyone enjoyed two movies which were shownl The World Jamboree at Niagara-on-the-Lake and the.Indianapolis Speedway. H.W.H.: Bill Hawkesworth 295, Norma Mitchell 270. Kay Fitz-- gerald 2'72, Lll Bryce 289, Ella Whitmore 256. Edna Aston 256. Jean Waller 255, Chrls Ruther- ford 254. Team standing: Hornets 93, Bruins 82. Wildcats 80, Indians 77, Tigers 76. Baarcats '73, Cubs 68, Lions 67. cing and some won prizes in nov- elty dances. Next dance will be Saturday, March 28, at the school. Scout and Cub News We are very glad to see the stoplights at Keel St. and Num- ber 7 Highway. Let’s hope they will stop, or at least cut down the number of accidents which have occurred at this spot. v Mr. and Mrs. W. Harper and son Timothy. Mrs. W. Harper Sr. and Mrs. Wilson Kowland all of Palgrave, had Sunday dinner at the home of Mr. John Witney. Socials To Customer Speciï¬cations PlNDER BROS. LTD. 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 STEEL LINTELS | BEAMS Mr. Hemphlll ls the envy of many belonging to the younger generation a he en- joys bowling and golï¬ng as well as other active sports. The dinner party took place at the home of his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hemphill. Pres- ent in addition to Mr. Hemp- hill and the hosts were Mrs. A. Lawrie. his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Starkey of Kes- wick, and Mrs. E. Brock. Mr. Hemphill is now 87 years old but Saturday wasn't his birthday because it falls on February 29. 'He is one of the special select group known as “Leap year babies" and next year, Leap Year, he is looking forward to a bang- up celebration. Mr. George Hemphlll was honored on Saturday even- ing with a party. 7 87 Years Old “His Day†Comes Once Every 4 Yrs. Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service STEEL FABRICATING SAME DAY SERVICE Oak Ridges RELIANCE SERVICE STATION Open 7 a.m. - Victor Draper Agencies TELEVISION Radio â€" Washe' Repair Service 12 Midnight DAILY Conversion To 60 Cycle PR. 3-5471 EM. 8-9559 Ontario We are sorry to report that Mr. John Fenwick suffered a stroke Thursday of last week. Mr. Fen- wick who has been an invalid for many years resides with a sister zinc~ brothebin-law. Mr. and Mrs. William Snider of Teston. We hope he will soon be feeling much better. The Carrville choir sang. Dr. Eddy presented Gail' and Julie Melnic with their bronze buttons for attending Sunday School for 13 consecutive Sun- days. Neighbourhood Fellowship The Teston Hi-C Fellowship group met in the Sunday School room Tuesday evening, February 24. with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robson in charge. A program en- titled “It was there all the time" emphasized the fact that the nec- essary materials for scientific dis- coveries have always been avail- able. but that God left it to man to discover and make use of them. The members were given current magazines and were instructed to find accounts of new scientific developments for the good of mankind. This was followed by a true or false quiz which helped the group to discover how much they knew about doctors and their profession from the beginâ€" ning of time. After a short rec- reation period. the meeting clos- ed with a service of worship. Dr. E. B. Eddy was in charge of the service at Carrville United Church. His sermon topic was second in a series and was “En- vy.†a real thought provoking The neighbourhood fellowship meeting will be held Friday ev- ening, March_6, at 8 pm. in the church hall. Ken. Wood, Dougâ€" lag Bone and Mary George are in charge of the entertainment for the/evening. and Mrs. J. Ba- ker and Mrs. J. Barton for the so- cial part. Everyone in the neigh- bourhood will be welcome, both young and old. Sleigh-ride Correspondent: Miss Joan Pelletie. Phone Maple 4R12 Hl-C Fellowship Correspondent: Mrs. Bert Middleton Telephone Maple 130113 Church News Maple and District Cancer Society The teachers and children of the Carrville United Sunday School. took advantage of the weather and snow and enjoyed a real honest-to-goodness sleigh ride party On Saturday afternoon through the kindness of Ken Baker. who provided the outing with their lovely white team of horses to pull the sleigh. About 45 teachers and child- ren enjoyed this event. Some of the mothers remained at the church hall to prepare hot dogs and hot chocolate for the riders on their return. The Woman's Association has had a nice new ceiling put in the church proper. It was feared the old ceiling plaster might begin to fall in the near future. A splendid job has been done and the ladies are very grateful to the men who did the work. The ceiling in the church hall was painted and it all looks very nice again. Birthdays Belated birthday greetings to Mary Nielsen who celébrat/ed her 11th birthday Wednesday, Feb- ruary 25. Best wishes for happy birthdays go to Margaret Willâ€" liams on March 12 and Andrew Wood. March 13. Both will be 12 years old. Mary Nielsen, Jane Manning, Briane Walker and Archie Nes- bitt went down to Massey Hall Monday evening to take part in singing along with the winners of the Kiwanis Festival award for one room rural schools. Congratulations to M1: and Mrs. Douglas Bone on the arriv- al of their new son, a brother for Donnie and Bobby. All are ï¬ne. Ricky Greenï¬eld underwent a tonsilectomy on Tuesday morning. School News Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dawson of Beaverton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Walker of Dufferin St. Johnny Walker went home with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Dawson for a week's holiday. Mary Nielsen, J: Briane Walker and bitt went down to Monday evening to singing along with The monthly meeting of the Maple and District Can< oer Society was held Febru- ary 26 at the home of Mrs. R. E. Smart. Reports from the Various committees occupied much of the business period. The transportation committee re- ported ï¬ve trips to Toronto for patients during the past month. Mrs. H. Kentner and Mrs. Smart gave a resume of the Education and Public- ity- Committees' Conference held recently in the Lord Simcoe Hotel. Plans are now being laid for the annual fund raising campaign to take place in April. A large percentage. of the money raised is used in research work. the remaind- er goes for hospital and clinics which give aid and comfort to those requiring it Mrs. Eldon Fierheller was elected vice-chairman of the Cancer Campaign Commit. tee and Mrs. J. James. vice- chairman of the publicity committee to work under the direction of Mr. Wills Mc- Lachlan. president and Mr. James McDonald, campaign chairman. Teston News CARRVILLE g: “mummmuuuulIi\n\1\\mlIumunumlmmnmmtmmmmummmumanuumnmmmmmmmmmnumuuumun“I\umulmuuluummmmmm1mlm“mul\\\\\u\1\\\m1m\\mmmuml\ummm‘ fAe a// new I AUSTIN A55 CAMBRIAN Shelton Manse" Motors a-xummmmumInnummmnmmmmmmmunM\mmmmmmmummmmmmmmammmmmmummm FRIDAY - MARCH 6 ‘THE MOON IS DOWN' TUESDAY - MAR. 10 “HOUSE OF ROTHSâ€" CHILD†AFTERNOON MOVIES Sir Cedric Hardwicke MONDAY, MARCH 9 “LAURA†Gene Tierney 8: Dana Andiews 12 :45 p.m. Mom-Fri. George Arliss Robert Young & Loretta Young 6418 Yonge Street / WILLOWDALE IA: Set/ed €77 .Szruice ' IA The Woes of Wormley WIFE TO HUSBAND: WORMLEY.‘r OUR PICTURE JUST BLACKED 0N FOGGY OUT. FRIDAY NITE HUSBAND TO WIFE: I'LL BET IT'S THE PICTURE TUBE. IF IT IS I CAN’T AFFORD TO REPLACE IT NOW. YOU WILL HAVE TO TAKE THE KIDS OVER TO YOUR MOTHER’S TO WATCH T.V. FOR A FEW DAYS. As it turned out, our hero, Wormley. was right. and after four months and many threats of divorce, he had his 21-inch Picture Tube replaced at a cost of $53.90. This was before Wormley had heard about Richmond Hill TV’s new picture tube insurance plan. ‘ For Just Lee J. Cobb, If your television set is two years old or more, the odds are very great that your picture tube will fail within the next 12 months. If it does, you can be sure it will cost you between $40.00 and $77.00 depending on size and type of picture tube needed , We will give you an unconditional guarantee on your picture tube for one year and will replace it free if it fails. RICHMOND HILL TELEVISION SERVICE AV. 5 - 3 7 5 6 THE NEW AUSTIN AGE Call in and see, drive and admire I For Information Phone gmmmmtmmmuummnmummmmmuuuuuuumummmmummmnmmulmmu vuuul If no anqwer at TU. 4-3614 during daytime, call TU. 4-1105 a .nummmnlu“munnl)nunlmg“m}mulI\numuunmmummmmmmummuumum“Innmlmumumnu!unmmmlummmlmlmmï¬ 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill GEO. McMURRICH SONS LIMITED THE STROBOSCOPE IS AN ELECTRONIC MACHINE FOR COUNTING THE BEATS OF A NOTE. GUESSWORK IS ELIMINATED. Richmond Hill TUmer 4~1312 Repairs â€" A 5 BEAVERTON RD. New scientiï¬c method “checked†electronically with the Stroboscope. PIANO TUNING HERBERT R. BUTT Dependable Associated With AL PYLE Service 17 inch set 21 inch set Telephone 4 Wellington St. E. Toronto Toronto EMpire 2-3456 hecked†boscope. 'RONIC ATS OF A } ATED. = Repahs i TU. 4-3314 :-ij ll TU. 4-1105 ‘ ||lll|l|ll“llllll‘llllmmmlmllllnfl