Lionsâ€... Dunc†_. ,-; King, cgtyiï¬Lion!’ “Club mam-A bers haï¬e‘vdecided to have Sat; urday‘snllght dances in Nobleton Community Hall .starting Feb- ruary 7, the proceeds to ï¬nance minor hockey. Advertising Methods .333â€???de \. TRIM 11‘ng arch-shiped window, frich" 'cblogsibf blue, purple, lgold, greén',-ye116w and bronze, has bean installed on the north sjide'of the building. Honoring women who were members in the pasticentury, the window has the W.A.> crgst at its top. and bears the inscription, “To the Glory of God, 15.11 Saints’ Church. 1857- 31957,,gtven by the Woman‘s Aux- may (,W.A.) Attheiz meeting Inst week, mgmbets .of All Saints’ Church, Aï¬cmmn Branch WA, announ- ced they'wouldhave their annual ,,~ U "-», Two community suppers, now a traditional part of village life, at: ,1 tin} being planned for the next cw weekl, King City Lions Club members have set the date, February _17, 1 Tuesday, for their annual oylttr supper in King City United Church. 7 named Sunda School Superine tehdent’with ‘ 1". Jack Parsons as "lilting when, King City United Church Citea‘chgrS and ‘ assistants mt It the. Keel: St. parsonage. Mrs.gVe,rdun Gordon is Sunday Schqq‘l secretary. Té’t'ï¬â€˜l enrolment» in the Sunday School was rep0'1ed'a‘s 175 with ZG-tnchers and assistants. An Ip- pggjï¬; gaping mtde (or mere teav chers.â€Much' interest was shown in forming .a Junior Bible Class, whichf-would ,need a leader, for high gchool boys .and girls. vé‘str'y’ Méoflhl ' panehké su per in the Room on S ‘rove Tuesday. Sum!†80th Meet: :Z'Iihé,‘ Veptry~meetlng ~ 0! All saintsf Anglican Church isvto be held Friday'night, January 30. Church Meeting Department reports will be re- ceived at the annual meeting of King City United Church, to be helfl‘Trlday, January 23, at eight Mrs. Ross Waiker was hostess for last week's meeting of King City Women’s Institute, when Mr. A. J. Hodges. advertising man- ner of Sterling Druzs. lave a talk on, “Ways and Means of Ad- verttisinx'f. A A. gm; the wigdow. in to be ded- fcitgd.“ ‘ " Continuity Suppng punyï¬Ã©being “the largest in the worldâ€, members were pleased to receive umple of'Instantine pills. Mrs.-Vlctnr Doner spoke on the mottq,; “Gardeners are not made 1w. W19! hash: shyly" Mrs. Harold Ratcliï¬, secretary of King Memorial Library Board, urged members to vote February 7 in, favor of converting the lib- rary‘ into a public one. About 18 members: attended. Conneil Meeting- King Township Council meet- ings have been set for the ï¬rst Monday‘ each month, beginning at one 9.111., and the third Tues~ day evening at eight o’clock. When a holiday occurs on the ï¬rst Monday, the ’meeting is us- uallymevea on tmthe following day; "‘ J v ' . Saint VGI‘OIlDi . ' The new president, Mr. Archie Macnaughton, presided at the op- ening meeting for the year of the First King Scout ,Troop Group Committee in All Saints’ Church. At the meeting Were secretary William He’aslip.“ recording sec- retary Henry Funk, Joe Cressâ€" well, Mrs. Rene: Bamford, Lloyd Brown, James Flucker, John Gil- ham, Ian Baxter, Alex Knight and Douglqg Robinson. Mr. Baxter was appointed pub- licity chnirman. A welcome was extended to newcomers to join in thc actiymes 0L Scout and Cub Grbuï¬s, A Pack aCubs meet every Monday-zenan in All Saints’ Church! under t e leadership of gals: Ethel Thomas and'Ralph ea . - Seeonee Pack, combining King and, Temperanceyille Cubs meets Thursday nights at All Saints. Fix-st King Scouts meet Wednes- day evenings at King City United Church, in charge'bf David Lyon and Tom Cannon of' Newmarket. Community: * ï¬ery!“ Rey; Mgiï¬ï¬‚nï¬donkinson will con- duct? thef'ï¬iï¬'sjt? ‘service . of _.Holy Camn'mnioh tot;_the new year this coming, ‘sg‘x‘nga‘yï¬momivng. J anu- -' “ King {City United Install ‘Oflicerj M.S. are in's'iaï¬ed thi’sjevening, it is expectédwa past president of .Eversley» W.M.S.. Mrs. T. L. Wil- liams of Tommi), will be Bresent as lust,allm,',ufl1cgr.,,,.Mts. Wil- liams is 0:71 Wgst,‘ grorontO' Presâ€" bytery’s 'eXecutlvg.~ ~ Reeqvgï¬nx When ngw ' (per: -of St. Ani‘ drew’s Pre " Church W. 6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, January 22, 1959 A beautiful stained glass win- low in tribute to past members it the Woman'a Auxiliary, has peen'presented to All Saints’ An- glican Church by present W.A. Keith Glgss, six-year-old son of and My}: Dgwid Glass of Melrds‘éflAvgq has had to miss schoï¬l.’ butui'si'recbwl‘ing from a brokenjcollar; bane. the result of a fohogganin‘: accident. Sile‘s Venture) M‘r.1Laurenc¢ $cott was reâ€" :kti 111': o ‘Atnrï¬hearing about thq com- Pesent Window = Spite? «brim? '5 bitterly cold ,King City ’ake Wilcox Oak Ridges The Ltbenl ll elven pleased to publish items of Interest r'enrdhu' people and events lo the Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our new: correspondent III King City is Mrs. William J. Houston. telephone Kin: 2-0531; rand in Oil: Ridges-Like Wilcox. Mrs. Ruth Me- lldden. Elmn‘ovo Avenue. phone PE. 8-5567. King City Notes in the Parish Mrs. A. J. Gordon was hostess to about 30 United Church choir members 1nd friends. who gathv ered at her King St. home at a shower in honor of Mrs. Robert Hickson of Aurora, the former Ellen Richardson. The bride was a member of the choir and C.G.I. T. of King City United Church. After numerous gifts were open- ed, refreshments were served. Fire Alarms On Saturday, January 17, the official opening of‘ the Oak- th~ gea Canadian Leglcm Hall'wa's held. This occasion marked the end of a year of hard .work by the Legion members. Aided by Zone Commander J. Flood this Legion branch was formed and received the charter lent January. The members decided to build a hall large enough to ï¬ll the needs of the community, and began build- ing in September. A large pro- portion of the work. wasvdone by volunteer labor. Though it time: it seemed impossible to have the hall ï¬nished this year, it has been completed due to the efforts of the members and in particu- lar of Past President Ivor Willâ€" iams, and also the generous as~ sistance of Capt. S. Snivelyn _ ' Next Wednesday‘s meeting of Kingcrafts will be addressed by Mrs. Anne Hook, supervisor the past two years for demonstration: at the C.N.E. of the Canadian Handicraft Guild. Mrs. Hook it a {e110w of the Canadian ociety of Creative Leatharcraft ml is managing the displny for the Can- adian Crafts “Seminar in Deâ€" signâ€, to be held at the Art Gal~ lery in February and March. Shower Twice in the last few days the village automatic siren has been tested by the brigade, to make sure it is in, good working order in .the gold weather. Legion Opening Mrs. Irving Scott. executive member of ’King City District CancerAUnit, was hostess at her South Keele St. home last week to the monthly wor meeting of members, who se d’toys for child patients. A request was made for pieces of bright color» ed cotton, felt or knitting wool remnants for the toy-making pro- ject. Klngcrnfts The ceremony was Attended by a large number of guests from Legion branches in District Zone E2 and district residents. Guest speakers were George Windsor, president of the Oak Ridges branch;'Mrs._ W. Orton, president of the auxiliary; Zone Co'mman- der, Mrs. Mabel Clark; Zone Commander, Mr. J. Flood; Capt. S. C. Snively; Rev. G. Winch, branch padre; Reeve of Whit- church George Richardson; Reeve of King 'i‘wp., William Hodgson; Provincial Command lst vice- president, H. Eaton; District Commander Al Harris; Past Pres- ident Ivor Williams. The cutting of the ribbon was performed by Capt; S.. C. Snively assisted. by Past President Ivor Williams. President George Wind- sor welcomed those present and thanked everyone for their aid in the building of the hall. Rev. Winch dedicated the hall and spoke of the purpose of tho-hall as a memorial to those who gave their lives in the wars. Capt. Sniv- ely praised the work of the Le- gion members to make the hall possible. He said that he and his wife have watched Oak Ridges grow from a small farming dis- trict to animportant suburban community and that the ball will ï¬ll a great need of the district. President George Windsor pres- ented Capt. Snively with a silver tray to mark the occasion. weather, King City district Scouts, aided by the fathers’ com- mittee. mama ed to raise $100 from their'yu e-ti'ee selling van- ture ,next to All Saints Church. Cancer Meet Reeve Iiodgson said that the hall was a dream of at least ten years for many ,resldents and is the largest completed by any one group in Kihg. Township: ‘District Commander Al Harris presented the branch with a cer- tiï¬cate of achievement which is a very exclusive award and held by few branches in Canada. This award was given to the Oak Rid- ges branch for doing so much work since it was formed last year.- Zone Commander Flood praised the work of the members and said he hoped the men would continue to work closely togeth~ stated that now the hall is comâ€" pleted the Legion hopes to take a more notive part in community affairs. ' The Oak Ridges Boy Scouts acted as ushers for the ceremony. Color bearers were W. Orton. F. Killick, Mrs. G.'Marr and Mrs. R. Leathers. Scout and Guide Auxiliary The Oak Ridges Scout and Guide Auxiliary held their mon- thly meeting last Thursday at the home of Mrs. G. Rowe. Elm Grove Ave, with President Mrs. M. Cook presiding. During the meeting the members made sig- nal flags for Scouts and Cubs. Plans were made for a tea to be held on March 19. Discussion was also held on the Father and Son banquet to be held in February. Refreshments were served by Mrs? Rowe and committee. The Brethren in Christ boys and girls club will meet at the church on Salurday afternoon at l p.111. They will be taken to the Summit for an afterneon of to- boggï¬'ninz ‘ and 'sleizhin‘x. Accom- OakfRidges, Lake Wilcox Soc-i014 A number of parents‘ were pres- ent at the Oak Ridges schOol on Friday evening»to_watch grades 7 and 8 pupils in a weight lifting program. The evening was held to explain the beneï¬ts of weight lifting as part of the school's physical training. Under the dir- ection of Instructors Mr. Bell and Mr. Achtemicruk the children performed a number of exercis- es. Some of the fathers ‘went through the exercises and found tlglem not as difficult as they look- e I . l St. Paul’s W. A. Rev. Jenkinson and the con- gregation would like to take this opportunity of expressing their thanks to the family for this benutiful remembrance that is not only 1 gracious reminder, but a1~ so a further aid to worship in the Hulda church by the side of the roa . The annual meeting of Teston Unitad Church'was held in the Sunday school room Friday even- ing. January 16. Preceded by a delicious supper’ enjoyed by 35 members. the meeting commenc~ ed' at 8:15 with the singing of a hymn and prayer led by Rev. M. R. Jenkinson. Miss Joan Pelle- tier was appointed secretary of the muting. The auditors' report was read by Mr. Roy Robson, The window is the creation of the Mccausland Studios, Toron- to, and represents the open Bible with the-text "Thy Word is Truth.†It is a beautiful window which one must see to apprec- iate. The inscription reads, “To the Glory of God and in loving memory of Bruce Hadwen 1930- 1952. Erected by the family 1953. A ï¬tting tribute to one who was a valued member of the church and who gave himself unsparingly to its Welfare. pm in: the children Will be Mr. J. higham and other club lend- At a meeting of St. Paul’s W. A. held recently the mambers made plans for events for the coming your. Mrs. V, Plant will be the convenor for a box social to be held on February 16. The ladies are sewing for a bale to be sent to missions in Toronto. CI’S. St. Mark’s Anglican Church and Sthohn’s Church will’ begin conï¬rmation classes on Wednes- day, January 21, at 7.30 pm. The Legion Ladies Auxiliary held a special meeting last Mon- day as installation was held on the regular meeting night. Mem< bers discussed plans for a birth- day party to be held on March 7, to mark the ï¬rst year since the auxiliary started. The following committees were formed: social Mrs. R. Weaving, convenor. Mrs. V. Andrus. Mrs. G. Chapman. Mrs. N. Crawley and Mrs. L. Marr; food, Mrs. H. Williams co'nâ€" venor, Mrs. R. McFadden. Mrs. E. Creor, Mrs. Flo Gibbons; en? tertainment. Mrs. Lil Windsor convenor, Mrs. F. McCombe, Mrs. B. Flint, Mrs. L. Cook, Mrs. N. Tilley. Mrs. A. Collins and Mrs. J Atkinson. The food committee will begin shopping next week for kitchen equipment. On Sunday, January 4, at the Teflon 'United Church, I mem- drial window was dedicated in loving memory of Bruce Hadwen, who paSSed away November 17, 1952, in his 23rd yearr The mem- orial was given by the family, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hadwen and son Donald. They were present it the service. The Legion entertainment com- mittee has gnnounced that teen age dances will begin on Satur- day afternoon from 2 to 5 pm. A band of teenagers will provide music. All teenagers in the disâ€" trict are welcome to attend. If successful the dances will be held every week. 110m: and School Church New: The Oak Ridges Home and School Association will meet on Tuesday, January 27, at the school. Radio and Visual will be the topic for discussion. Mr. Char- lie swan, program convenor has arranged for Mr. John Cantelon to be guest speaker. He is the program organizer for CBC child- ren’s programs, tlevision division! Ratepayers Meeting A large number of residents of Oak Ridges are expected to atâ€" tend a special ratepayers meeting on Monday, January 26. at 8 pm. in the Legion Hall. The water situation in Oak Ridges will be discussed. Many residents are still buying water due to the low wat- er level in the district. Norm Tay- lor from King Township will be present to answer questions. Also present will be an engineer from Proctor and .Redfern, the comâ€" pany that is surveying the situa- tion. Installation of officers of St. Mark's WA; was held Tuesday evening. The officers installed by Rev. D. C. H. Michell are: Presi- dent, Mrs.,L. Porter; Vice-Presi- dent, Mrs. S. Cole: Treasurer, Mrs. D. Nash: Secretary. Mrs. A. McRither; Little Helpers. Mrs. Franklin; Dorcas Secretary, Mrs. F. Parking Chancel=Guild Sec- retary, Mrs. B. Lawrence: and social convenor, Mrs. R.'Rick- ward.‘ ' - Audrey Barraclough. daughter 0g Mr. and Mrs. Art Barra‘clough, King Side Road, celebrated her seventh birthday on Saturday af- ternoon. Seven guests were pres- ent and enjoyed games and reâ€" freshments. ’ ' CORRESPONDENT -â€" MISS JOAN PPELLETIER PHONE MAPLE ’41“! TESTON NEWS The ï¬nancial statement of the church was read by Miss Mary Carson, treasurer, showing the year’s receipts to be $2,662.39 with a balance on hand of $407.- 25., Mr. Charles Robson stated that $400 had been sent to the Toronto Home Mission: for use in the Church Extcnsion plan. Rev. M. R. Jenkinson read the pastoral report showing that there are 89 members at Teston, and that he had conducted six wed- dings, ï¬ve baptism: and ï¬ve fun» erals in 1958. The election of of- ï¬cers followed with Mr. Jenkin- son in charge. Assistant secretary of the Sun- day School, Miss Evelyn Hare re- ported a total enrollment of .71 pupils and teachers with an av- erage attendance of 57. Sunday school treasurer; Miss Joan Pelletier reported a balance of $806.15. Mrs. Charles Robson,, superintendent of the Baby Band reported a membership of ï¬ve and a contribution of $9.07 to the W0- men's MiSsionary Society. Re- cording secretary of the Woman’s Asaoc’iation. Mrs. Charles Robson, told of the 11 meetings held with an average attendance of 21. The group catered-to seven banquets and wedding receptions, assisted. .at a daffodil ten, and the straw- berry festivaL They packed clo- thing for Overseas Relief and sent gifts to the School for Re- tarded Children, Fresh Air Fund, Senior Citizens Fund, the Vic- tor Home and the Toronto Home Missions. This hard-working or- gsnization also paid for the in- stallation of it well and water sys- tem and improvements to the church kitchen. Mrs. Louise Coo- per. Woman's Association treas- urer, reported a balance of $366.- 42. The flower committee report read by Mrs. W. Williamson told of many gifts of flowers and fruit sent to church members and friends and showed a balance of $11.19. Mr. Roy Robson report- ed a balance of $107.53 iii-the choir treasury. Miss Catherine Wilson. secretary of the Hi-C Fellowship group told of 13 reg- ular meetings. with an average attendance of 15, and special group activities, of a clean-up night when the church grounds; were given a spring'cleaning, a corn roast held in September,'snd * a candlelight carol service con-. ducted in December. The offer- ing from this service was given to the work 01 the Fred Victor Missmn. The Hiâ€"C treasurer, Miss Evelyn Hare, reported a balance of $43.38. Mr. Gordon» Murray re- ported that $493.62 had been re- ceived for the Missionary and Maintenance Fund of which he is treasurer. The following officers were ap- pointed for 1959: Auditors, Mrs. June Wells and Mr. Roy Robson; church treasurer, Miss Mary Carson; missionary and mainten- ance fund treaSurer, Mr. Keith Cambden; members of session, Mr. N. Kingdon, Mr. E. Kyle, Mr. E. Bowen, Mr. R. Bowen, Mr. "y", an“. ll- uuwcu, nu. G. Murray, Mr. A. Richards, Mr. E. Robson, Mr. E. Cooper: the committee of stewards, Mr J. Pelletier. Mr. J. Downing, Mr. K. Cambden, Mr. 0. Diceman. Mr. C. Robson, Mr. F. Piercy and Mr.‘R. Robson; parsonage com- mittee, Mr. E. Bowen. Mr. C. Robson, Mr. E. Kyle, Mr. R. Bow- en; ushers, Mr. R. Bowen, Mr. G. Murray, Mr. W. Hndwen, Mr. E. Cooper. Mr. D. Bartlett, Mr. R. Cooper, Mr. G. Cooper, Mr. D. Marwood, Mr. D. Cooper and Mr. R. Marwood. Officers of the Sunday 'school are: Superintendent. Mr. C. Rob- son; assistant superintendent, Mr. K, Cambden; treasurer, Miss J. 'Pelletier; secretary, Miss Re- ta Marwood; assistant secretary, Miss Sharon Robson; baby band superintendent. ‘Mrs. C. Robson; assistant, Mrs. K. Cambden; or- ganist, Mrs. W. Williamson; as- sistant organist, Mr. R. Robson; choir treasurer. Miss Donna Bow- en, Mr. Roy Robson and Mr. Keith Cambden were elected to represent Tcston in the organiz- ation of the United Church Men. On behalf of the congregation, Mr. Roy Robson thanked Rev. and Mrs. Jenkinson for their guidance and help through the year. The meeting closed with a prayer that all would go forth in the serviceoffGod. Ill-C Fellowship Forty members and friends of the Hi-C Fellowship group met at the church Tuesday evening, January 13, in anticipation of an old fashioned sleigh ride. But be- cause of lack of snow on the roads, wagons had to be used which did not dampen the high spirits of the young. people in the least. Pulled by. tractors driven by ‘Mr. Charles Robson and Mr: Roy Bowen. two wagon loads 'of happy humanity set out to drive over seven miles of quiet country roads and ï¬ll the peaceful coun~ lryside with laughter and song. A few scrapes and bruises-were acquired when daring riders dis- covered that a gravel road is not. as soft a landing place as a snow drift. Upon returning to the church hot soup and cookies were served by the H-i-C counsellors. which showed all books to be neat and correct. The next meeting of the Hi-C group will be held Tuesday, Jan- uary 27, at 8 p.m., under the leadership of Mr. and Mrs. Keith’ Cambden. The subject will be, "This Business of Growing Up.†Achievement Day Leaders and members of 4-H clubs in this district travelled by bus to Newmarket on Saturday. January 11. to-attend the 4-H Achievement Day. Among those attending were Miss Sharon Robson and Miss Donna Bowen 'who have been taking the project “Working'With Wool‘ and ate proudly wearing §kirts ‘which they made themselves. FoxHunt' " A fox "hunt organized by the Vaughan Federation of Agricul- ture. Satin‘day, January 17, saw about 100 men tramping through the snow-covered ï¬elds. The hun- ters covered 5,000 acres of farm- land and shot (out foxes. In the, absence of. treasurer Mrs. Earl Scott. the W.M.S. re' port, combining W.A. activities, was ,read by Mrs. Will Bryson. The 29 W.M.S. members had honâ€" oured with life memberships two leaving the community,_Mrs. Rob- ert Murdock and Miss Winnih'ed BoyS. The group sent $252 to York Presbyï¬grial. A church membership of 67 In 35 families was reported at the annual meeting .in Laskay United Church, which followed the con- gregational pot luck luncheon. Rev.»Martin Jenkinson acted as chairman for the devotional opening and presentation of an- nual reports showing a successful year in the many departments. Reporting ‘ for the Sunday School, Miss Helen Hunter said enrolment reached 63 and classes were held 48 Sundays. The child- ren raised $196.81 and gave $33 to missiony a ‘ A I, From the W.A. 'went' $50 to the School for Retarded Children; $25 to Scott Institute and $54 for senior citizens’ building; cam- paign. The Mission Band had 15 mem- bers and raised $21.33 for Mis- sions, reported Mrs. Glen Dooks. Mrs.‘Aubrey Glass, speaking for the Baby Band. said its member- ship was 13 children, who sent $9.45 from their miter boxes to Missions, Missionary and Maintenance treasurer Glen Dooks reported $465 sent to the head office in Toronto. Church treasurer Jesse Bryson noted total receipts of $1,â€" 888.30. During elections, Jesse Bryson was re-elected church treasurer with Fergus Lawson as his assist.~ ant. Glen Dooks was re-elected Missionary & Maintenance‘ treas- urer, assisted by Don Barker, and auditors were Aubrey Marwood and Don Barker. ‘The Parsonage committee conâ€" sists of Herbert Ross, George Forester, Pearson Smeltzer. Mar- vin Hunter and Will Bryson. Church Trustees are Norman Bry- son. Will Bryson, James Hunter. Aubrey Glass, Aubrey Marwood and Earl Lowe; Will Bryson was reâ€"elected to the session, joining Herbert Ross, Earl Scott, Norman Bryson. Ross Folliott, Marshall McMurchy and the honorary member, P. Forester. The next W.M.S. meeting, plan- ned for February 4, will be In charge of Mrs. Marvin Hunter; assihted by Mrs. Effie Bath, Mrs. James Hunter and Mrs. Jesse Bryson. Retiring Stewards Don‘Barker, Lawrie Boys and Ross Folliott were reâ€"elected to the Board of Stewards for 1959,,continnljng in office with Clyde Cairns, Fergus LaWSon, Glen Docks and Jesse Brys'on. E'a'rl ‘L0wevwas named as the new Sunday School Superintend: ent. succeeding RossFolliott. Don Barker. Jesse Bryson. William Kerr and James Scott were chos- en assistant superintendents. Miss Helen Hunter was named Sunday School secretary and treasurer,: assisted by John Scott, and pin- ist is Miss Hunter. ‘ ' ' Mrs. Charles Clubine and Mrs. Earl Scott were named delegates to the second annual meeting of York Presbyterial, January 22, in Richmond Hill. Reports cover- ln‘g the past year were presented by officers and convenors. .4. J ..... Ushers are William Kerr and John Scott with Earl Lowe and Duncan Marwood as assisyants.†For this year Mrs. Jesse Bryâ€" son heads the W.M.S. Mrs. Glen Docks and Mrs. William Kerr are Mission Band leaders; Mrs. Aub». rey Glass. Baby Band leader} w" Herbert Ross, representative to Presbytery. ... 1, At the January meeting of the W.M.S.'at Laskay Church, Mrs. W. Bryson wins in charge as mission- ary convenor and Mrs. Charles Hater presented ths Study Book. Mrsv Bryson gave a reading on using the Jewish Will or Testa- ment as a guide for the» New Year. On' the parsonage committee are Mrs. JessegBryson, Mrs. Wm. Bryson and Mrs. No‘rman Ether- idge; nominating committee, Mrs. Louis Marwdod. Mrs. Martin Jenkinson and Mrs. Mari/in Hun- ter. - ' Don Barker and Aubrey Marâ€" wood were elected to the United Church men’s organization of York Presbytery. 0n the program committee are Mrs. George Forester, Mrs. Pear- son Smeltzer and Mrs. Effie Bath; quilt committee, Mrs. Scott Smelt- zer, Mrs. Archie McDonald, Mrs. Charles Clubine and Mrs. Clyde Cairns: 1unch_ committee, Mrs. Fred O'BrienLMrs. Pearson smel- tzer, Mrs: Louis Mar-wood and Mrs. Charles Hately., In charge of the Baby Band are Mrs. Aubrey Glass and Mrs. Earl Lowe; Mission‘Band, Mrs. Glen 'Dooks. Mrs. William Kerr and Mrs. Don Barker. Supply secretary 1: Mrs. Glgn Docks; card convenors, Mrs. Earl Lowe and Mrs. Marvin Hunter; Chris- tian Citizenship, Miss Marjory McMurchye. ’ Officers elected for 1959 by Laskay United Church W.M.S. are: past president, Mrs. Marvin Hunter; president, Mrs. Jesse Bryson; ï¬rst vice~president, Mrs. Clyde Cairns: second vice-pres- ident Mrs. Effie Bath: secretary, Mrs. Norman Etheridge; ASSistant secretury, Miss Helen Hunter; W.M.S. secretary, Mrs. Earl Sc‘ott; assistant W.M.S. secretary, Mrs. James Hunter; local treasurer, Mrs. William Bryson; assistant Ional treasuret, Mrs. Aubrey Glass; Community Friendship and Associate Members’ Secretary, Mrs. N. Bryson. Communion service will be held Sunday, January 25. in Las- kty United Church. in charge of Rev. Mar-tin Jenkinson. Laskny W.M.S. Laskay Socials Cuts curves and shapes (makes its own starting hole for inside cuts) â€"-â€" cuts 2x4’s in seconds. Does the work of crosscut, scroll, keyhole hack, rip, band and coping saw: Smooth; steady cutting -â€" no load speed 2,650 strokes per minute. With auxiliary handle. rip guide, circle guide, air jet and work light ............ Portable JIG SAW By putting heat Into the cool- ant around the motor block, yourlcar will start with sum- mer-quick ease. With cord and plug._ Spray ENAMEL So handy for thase odd jobs â€"- and it’s easi- er and more fun than using a paint brush. Wide range of beautiful de- corator colors. 16-02. ................ 7’ELECTRI’C SAWS IN 'I Universal Houlino Type E! ENGINE HEATER GARBURETOR TUNE-ll? Lets You DRIVE when the" temperature takes'a NOSE-DIVE Rog. List ' $27.50 Save $12.55 6-VOLT DRY CHARGE -â€" Flt: Chevrolet 1940-54. Dodgn (molt) 1933-55, Oldsmobfle o-cyl. 1949-50, Ply- mouth 1939.55, Pontiac (most) 1949-54, Volkswagenâ€"â€" Ind many others48-Month Insurance Guarantee. F CTORY-FI n w p _ . . wan old bake _ ET TY a ovo..1.t."3-95 Canadian Tire i; by fa'r Cénuda': lurgu’ :upplier 0! Power Tools and :omo Shop Equipment â€" Suva Safely] l'he freshest power money can buy; 45-power packed plates, huge lzo-amp. capacityâ€"for action starts in any weather. We vacuum-filled Power-Sealed {or your protection. ' 12~Volt DRY CHARGEâ€"Fits most popu- lar late model cars. 54 powerized plates. Reg. 27.95. With old battery .................. Mm FACTORY FILLED WET TYPEâ€"IZ-volt. With old battery ............................................ 6â€"Volt DRY CHARGE -â€"- Fits Chevrolet 1940-54, Dodge (most) 1933-55, Oldsmobile ‘(6-cyl.) 1949-50, Plymouth 1939-55, Pontiac (most) 1949-54, Volkswagen and many others. Reg. 21.25. 1 With old battery ............................................ FACTORY FILLED WET TYPEâ€"G-volt. With Old battery .............................................. "POWER-SEALED" DRY CHARGE Ether: 9o 1.39 30 Months Guaranteoplus Insurance HEADQUARTERS FOR HOMECRAFTERS N 0 T I: Add 50: to , bal- hry prices for Installa- tion. ’ Activates lazy v carburetors Banishes water from .015 tank. Prevnnts fuel-line freeze up. .98 1.39 .79 SUPER SERVICE 1 4-2,? many more; “Wet type" -â€" Guaranteed and Road Hazard Insured for- 12 months. Tits Chew, 1940-54, Dodge (most) 1933-55, Oldvs (6-cy1.) 1949â€"50, Plym, 1939-55, Pontiac (most) 1949-54, Volkswagen, and Dress up your llCENSE PLATES lâ€"DIAMOND CREST DESIGN LICENSE PLATE FRAME II I Triple chrome. Each ................ 2â€"LICENSE PLATE FRAME â€" Luxury chrome with plastic 2 I window. Each 3-FRON1' LICENSE PLATE BRACKET msturdy steel, black enamelled. Fits gravel skirt or bumper brace. Each 7 .72 4â€"BUMPER LICENSE PLATE BRAC- KET -â€" Fits snugly. Cadmium platEd. Each o sâ€"REAR LICENSE PLATE AND LAMP BRACKET â€"-Black enamelled, heavy Mei}. For two-bolt mount stop and ta lamp. Each L ‘ . ..... bâ€"LICENSE PLATE FASTENER‘ - Cadmlum plated bolt, spring and '1 t. . 2‘ 2i 7“. ..... .Al 9 1â€"JEWELLED FASTENERSâ€"With Red, Green, or Amber reflectors. ‘ Each . U Gâ€"LARGE REFLECTOR TYPE. FAS- TENER â€"â€" With Red or Green Jewel. Pall- .... ,0 33-PLATES 6-VOLTS and your old harm-y KEYSTONE 3mm 14.45 1 3.45 ‘vâ€" Fits' Chevrolet 1955-5 . Chrysler “358-58, Dodge l956~58, Plymouth 1956-58. Pontiac 1955-58 and Studebaker 1956-58. 54 .'9 Plates. Reg. list 29.42. 36.Month In- lurance Guarantee. With trade‘in FACTORY FILLED WET TYPEâ€"lz-Volt; with old battery . 15.95 u-vgyr. Mon-wpwn HI-CAgACIjrv pgyfuglgl ‘St'. N. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1196 ' ' -' Thoru’s . Mor-Powor fully gun-Mud Binary -for ovary car and truck at DIG SAVINGS] BUDGET PLAN CREDIT for being a. smart Shopper We give -; (“You Use Our and your old lumpy .95