Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 23 Dec 1886, p. 2

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How the Minister of Marine wnc nu ceived nn 'l DPFdity night su)?tlte World; “ Hon. Mr Foster soon caught. the our of his audience. but owing: to the dis-- turbunce ofn number of persons scat . tered amnng the audience. he d d nut {IN the hearing he deserved. ’l‘lte ll'orlrl has heard all the platform Fpeztkb‘l‘fi in the Conservative party, over and over again, and can honestly say that Mr. Foster is by far the best of the lot. fair in his statementsltnm-st in his argument, and entertaining in his manner nt'tulking. Yet he was not given a decent hearing, Ittwithstanding Ihat it Was his first up . prarance, that he represented a Maritime Province. and that lte_ had something to my worth listening to. ‘ " Mowat has no bnndlers to satisfy" says the Toronto Globe There should indeed be none unsatisfied at this mo- ment Mr. Tlmmas Nélmn. chief pm prietor of the Globe, is drawing his sub sidy with pmmptitude and regularity. Mr. Jafl'ray’s flux; is still s-ttpplt ing the Colonization roads with tea and park. at its own prices. Hon. David Mills reâ€" ceives his bonus under the disguise of legal services at stated intervals, Mr. J. D. Edgar has secured a verv large sltare oi‘ the Mercer estate. in fact, every bnodlor, has receivrxd or is t'PCvivâ€" ing his handle and the Globe is correct in directing the attention of the bandlch to the fact that they have no reason to complain.-â€"jllail. At a meeting of rho Cnnscfimtivo An sociarion held in Markham Village on Saturday last, it was i’csoivnd to appoint a committee to wait upon Mr Humber Hone to induce him to reiire from con- testing East York in favor of Mr. Crosby. the Independent Grit candidate. The result has been Hm! Mr Humberâ€" stone was not nouiinalvd on Tuesday last. 'l'he action seems to us be u very singular one on the part of our Conserva- tive friends, and we are afraid it WiH help to cool Mr. "umber-stone’s ardnr in poiilics for the future Toronto in- fluence seems to he used to somn purpose on both Lides of politics in East York. claimed peace between God and mutt-.and it, shall never Cease to be sung until all mankind shall have heard "the old, old story ol'Jesus and His love.” and until every idol in heathnndntn shall be over- thrown, and every idolatrnus place of worship converted into a Christian temple; and until He who. as un this day, “ for man and for our salvation came down from Heaven. and was in- carnate hv the Holy Ghost of' the Virgin Mary” shall see His Kingdom establish ed in every nation, and shall hear the Gloria in Emcdsis. as it goes up before His Throne frnm all kindreds and peoples, their languages. as they sing, blending together in a harmony which is about Divine. " Like circles widening round. RMInnd Landing Newm arket, Aurora, King, Richmond Hill, Thornhill, Toronto, Canada’s Comic Panerâ€"" Grip" Cape Brofon Railwayâ€"A P Bradley Changeâ€"I Crosby If in the whole circle of the Christian Year there be one day above another when young men and maidens, old men and children, should rtjoice. it is the anniversary of the Suviour’s Nativity; for then do they commemorate an event in itselt‘the most marvellous. and in its effects the most glorious, that has ever taken place in the past. or can ever be recorded on the page of history until time shall be no longer. We are all familiar with the beautiful story of the Angel appearing to the shepherds on the plains of Bethlehem, of the fear that came upon the men at the appearance of the Heavenly Visitant, and of their fear being dispelled by the words. " Fear not, for, behold. I bring you good tidings ot' greatjoy, which shall le to all people For unto you is born this day, in the City of David, a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” Then. euddcnly. as it' they had just been wailing until these glad tidings of a Saviour’s Birth, these wondrous tidings of God made man, thtse joyous tidings of salvation from sin through the Incarnate God. a multitude of his fellows, surrounded the Herald Angel. and Bctlilchem’s plains, reposing in the light of the moon's silvt r beams. were made vocal by the song of‘ the angelic choristers, as they Exclaimed “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peacn. good-will towards men." From that day to this the song then sung has been taken up by the ambassa dors of' the Cross, and has been hent‘d in many lands {'ar distant from Judah ; and Is echoed on for ever: ‘Glnry to God on high, an earth be peace. And love towards men ofloveâ€" Salvation GOIKG NORTH Toronto, 8 10 'J'homhiil 9 07 Richmond Hill 9 18 King, < 9 80 Aurora, 9 4D Newmnrket, 10 (0 Holland Landing, 10 00 some SOUTH Rolland Landing, 8 27 wamarket, 8 38 Aurora, ~ 8 59-» King, 9 08 Richmond Hi”, 9 2‘2 Thornhill, 9 Toronto. 10 20 No. 27 : Upon a clear blue river, Orb after orb. the wondrous sound THURSDAY, DECEM B'R 23, 1886. The date printed on each paper denotes the time when the subscription expires. Wevdo not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Corresvondenm. ‘ ) ‘ may be found on file at Geo I I3“ P. Ruwell & Co‘s Newspuper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce st.)wlwrn advertis- ing contracts mny be made for it IN NEW YORK T13. A 3116' 171112 ‘r‘flork 33mm. NO TIOE T 0 S UHSCKIBERS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. and release Richmond Hill. Ont. Not Nominated. CHRISTMAS. Whole No. 1482: Volume 28. ‘ \\ In, 11 57 1'2 In )2 30 12. 4'2 12 53 l 50 I] 45 12 58 1 05 Pun.le PLACES Pgfling Subdivision 1 at Victoria. DFPI‘TY--RLTI'RNIAG ()FFICILRS. Polling Subdivision No 1 '1 has Page " “ z A P Longer “ " 3 E Whicmore " " 4 J Rl‘uper: . “ " 5 J Franks " " 6 J McFuyden " " 7 H Creighton " ’ ' a 8 Arnold . - . - * r. I 7': mg ()fficnrs for the several pullmg subd1v1-- siuns as fulmws: (M. muliun 11w Twnsuler 'was insxuumnd to refund a numva nt'nnu nms IO collecmrr. “3"an N0 510 was lhl'fn gassed Hpâ€" puimiug [mum-.1 places and Depuly- Rpm”. , I‘m, , l‘ ‘I . ... . ., , Moved by Mr Russell. reennded by Mr. Reumun. Ihal (hung? Elliuu Commissioner “Metric! Na. 2. Vnuglmn. be insnufled 10 pmon nudopmx up lbw mud lhl'hugh ID! No. 15. C« n 7. md also Ihe original mud nllnwance humern Imu 15 ..nd H3 11) the gravel road under 133"an No. 500 â€" Cmrivd. Muved by Mr. Malloy, 5901')"de by Mr Elli at, that 1119. timr- for (-ollpcfing laxel be FXI‘HdP‘d III] the 3131 Dre. 1886, for th- e: 5 Fr“ hn-f' (It Ihe tnwn-t-lfip.â€"Curri#d. II was also mom 6. secmudvd m-d cm-riu-dv that the Trmsurer he amhmlzed to pay accnnnls as f‘ulinws:-â€"J()hn Parkins. for w- x-uiriug Mumh's Swamp. 4Ih ("nnu $30; lehem 3L Nurlh Weswm Railways the sum of 3‘31 75‘ being Ihe pani-m arsvsnvd vo Ihe tuwnshin for huiiding a culver! through the mi wav embankment nl Marsh's Swamp. 4Ih (Tun Vamhan; Mo-sSrs Fth-r- Inn. ('mxk & MIHPI‘ ShHCHOFH. in rs-swcl m suits in Cour! re Vaughan 6}: Ml'QlHII‘TiP. High & Mar‘xh bu pald. amnun'lng In $25; 'l'lus‘ees qurhoul Seclion NH 9. $180. for (hygng albums in Ihe- ymd 0" the Town Hall; M, [I Knnfler. udvmiising (‘01!!! hf RPvininn.$3 50; Tmnmo GP: 9111! Hnshilul. $107 60. bring accuum for 1M5 =nd 1886; Juhn Mot imp. Clmk hf \\ m-dhuldue. I'm- n-nl of rum! room fur 1986 N5: Snmuel Hath $20 101' loss 01 house on hill on 7'!) Con Moved hv Mr. Russell. 8900“de M Mr Henmun. thnl the Treasurer he and IS 1191'?» by aulhmizod 10 pay a law‘- mmuher m «0-- counts in Dislricl an l. 2 and 3â€"(‘arrird Mr. Meredith is very likely right in saying that the Conservatives are re- Fponsible for the concession of Separate Schools. Not being connected with either of' the parties, we are not conâ€" cerned to deny that both of them have truckled to the Catholic vote. But we must beg leave to protest against the inference that this stone is tied round the neck of the Province for ever. The United States do not give the Roman Catholics Separate Schools, nor dens any country so fur as we know. in which the Roman Catholic priesthood is not, domiâ€" nant. Why should Canada be comâ€" pelled to do it? To pretend that the religion ot'l‘louian Catholic children is exposed to danger in the Public Schoole is preposterous. Many of' them have at tended and are attending the Public Schools without the slightest detriment to their religion. The object of the rays- tem is to separate the Roman Catholic pnrt ol' the community from the test, and to keep them use State within a State, under the exclusive swayot‘ the with; principles ol modernAciyilisation. Preslam, Mesms. T. Purim. Reeve; Alpx Mulloy. lsunc Reamnn. George l‘Illinlt and Andrew Russell. “)8 Reeve in Ihe ('hair. Minuws of plevious mew-ling read and ems-- Humâ€"d. A lener was read {mm Watson. 'l'lmrne. Smoked: Clark. relu'ing to By- Law1 No 500. aned by Mr, Manny. seconde by Mr. Rmmav. lhul lhe Tlonsuler be and is hen- hy umhmizrd 10 psi} n numbvr nf shiel- c‘aims,being lwo--tbilds their value â€"Cm~ ried Wourmé 3m; ’Tegiivl‘fi: iiédilupnn flié sulject by the British North American Act. we shall hay“ in time to get them set free. For the Amendment. which in etTect compels Rnnmn Jathnlics to use he Separate Schnnls, whether they derire itnr not, and thus isolate their children from the community, no justiâ€" fieation can be found. It was nimpr a party bnhe to the controllers of the Catholic vote. The leader of the Pro- \‘inciul Conservatives is on this. as on a former occasion playing the hand of' the Dominion leader instead of his own.â€" The "’(Ck. Tho n~unicipnl Council of the Township “1' Vnnglum. mm a! thp Town Hall or. Tussday. 145711 Dec. m IO mm. The Council then adjourned 611:6 "" uy‘ Vaughan Councfl. at Victoria. Hall, Thornhill “ Patterson “ Edgely “ Maple “ Wigin’sShop,Pine Grove ' Temper Hall Puryleville " Jeffrey’s School House “ Mcuuum’s, Klein!)ng pl) w. mam ‘C 5} MEETING or Tm: ARBITRATORS â€" Arbitration in regard In .‘chnnl Svurinn lwas held in the Court [luuse on Friday liast. The arbitrators mere all ptrflenl, viz ; Judge Mun-mm. Chairman ; Sclwnl Inspector. Fatheringham ; Secretary and Schnal lnqwctm‘. Davidson. with Messrs. Jacksnn and Richardson. mem- bers of the County Council. Mr. ‘liller fnf'the firm of FullertnnJJ‘onk and Miller repreM-nted the outside part of the Motion whn desired separation pure and lsitnple. and Mr Lawrence of the firm 1Of' Messrs Lawrence and Millluann'epru sented those al'the ontside nhn desired to have the sectinn to remain as at pres ent. cnnslinlled with the exception that the financial part of the matter shuuld be re--npetwd for better terms. A peti- tinnwas pr(‘t~0[ll('d,t~l2lt0d hy a numbvr 0F outeiders as alm by a nutuher of thnse who have an intetest bmh inside and outside of the village. After about six hours sitting. listening to the pleadings of the able legal gentlemen “h” were. present and Hiking the (‘Vlflu nee of Messrs Crmbv.l)ngsley. Palmer, Marsh. Battle. human. and Others. the ntPtttbers 0ftlw Bnald (If At'hitratnrs adjourned to meet at 2 n'clct-k nn tn-mnrrow. Fri- dav, at the Cnurt House in 'l‘montn. to further cnnstdcr the matter. when it is expec'ed a decision will he arrived at. and whichme trust, will finally settle the quartinn, at least. for the next ten years to mine . UALL in and see Savage’s new stock of Christmas Cards All new designs. A SPECIAL meeting of the Fire Briâ€"I gade will be held to marrow. Vinday evening, PREFENTAIONâ€"On Tuesday M'Pning. Dec 13th. anumher of' representatiws of the congregatinn of St. Sthlzen's Church. Vauuhan. called at the residv-nnc nl‘ Jnseph Kt'flt-r, Esq. 3rd Cnn. Vaughan. tn present Miss Martha Kn-fl'vr with a silvvr butter-dish as a mark nf their aprrt‘t'iatinn of her long. constant and nmst lflicient Ft'l‘ViOPS as organist of that Church. After the pwsentatinn. which was made by the RM. C. H. Sh: rtt. the clergyman in charge. on bu - half of the cungregarinn, a wry ph'asant evening was spent and at an advanced lmurlhe company parted to un upon their lmmeward way in the mnnnlight. FREE Xmas Cards, to all buying their Xmas Confectionery ( amounting to 50 cunts) at Kirkby’s. the new store, will receive six nice Xmas Cards True 0! charge, a large assortment. Come and see. WE will club Grip. Canada’s Unmic Journal, and lhe HERALD f'nr (mix 32 50 per annum. Look at the new advertiser went. Cnncm'r nN CHRISTMAS NIGHT. ~ In the Masonic Hall. in Ill 5 village, on Ilw evening of l‘hris'mus Day. llle lwaunful Carnal». " Red Riding-Hand's Reuvue.H will hr rendmed bv the Band of Hope. There will also be Di xlogues. iiocinnimus, and ('hrrum-s by fil‘t} pvrf'm'mels The wlmlc will cnnc udu will: a visit f'rnm Sun“: Claus to Ilu- children of' tlze Hand of ane. A9 this will be the first Cm)â€" cert ever given by this Snciety. it is In he hoped that the Masonic Hall will be ELMâ€"MALQ Jwrrri'. A’C'Uinbnrl nnlfinmnou: at 7 30 p 111. Tickets 25 and 15 cents. WE offer this Week the balance of our Stock of'Mantles, comprising Ularcrs, Newmnrkrts, Palemts. 910.. at 25 per cent. discount. Wm. Atkinson. FALL STOCK â€" R Siver wishes in announce that he has on hand an imâ€" mense Fall Smok of Runs & Shoes, Overshnes, Rubbers. unul Felt “lurk of all kinds, which he guarantees is the best and cheapest in town Call and inspect the stock. MERRY XMAS T0 ALLâ€"The friend..- of' the Bu-mnville Methndist Church wish all a Merry Xmas, and beg to Male that they immd lmluing their annual Teu-Mvcling and Entertainment on the evening of ('hristums Dav. The enterâ€" tainnwm will cullslsl nl' Rundings Reciâ€" mrimm. Diulnszuns and Songs Ppt'eches will be drlivorvd by Reva. Tom-n Wilsnn, Mclnmsh. Leek and mhera. Tea serwd from 4 In 6 pm. Tickets 25 and 15 cents, All are invited. Cnmsnms SERVICE.â€"Service will be held in the English Church on Christmas morning at the hour 018 45 Collection for 1 Christmas box for the Rector. HOLIDAY GnuDs.â€"â€"The Fire Prnnl' is to Ihe front will: a lame and rpandid stock of goods suitnhe l’nr Ulll'islmns and NPW Year's. Crusby will endeuvnr tn please yon,sn call and insiet'l his stock. See change of Adveriisement. RETURNED.â€"â€"Miss Tevfy, who has been spending the last six months visiting friends in England. rmurnod home on Fridnv lust. looking as if lu-r trip had inde done her flood. The Misses Holmes also accompanied Miss Teefy home. JuYuUs SEASnN ~â€"Unca nmre ths- Chridmas chimes ling nut merrily over the snow clad world They prnclnim pone» and amid-Wilt tn all man kind rmnindâ€" ing us of thnt fin-t Christmas nwrninu when in a humble cattleâ€"shed the Holy Bribe was born At, this seaSnn. people should hnld the right. hand of fellowship to friend and Fat- alike. all disputes aml encmities should be f'nreiven and f'nrgnt ten and all should rt-joice together. Do not, forget that Christmas is the children's time. Try to make tlwm as happy as pnssiblc with tho good things that Santa Chins but-129 We wish all n verv merry Christmas and a joynm New Yenr. Burduck Blood Bitters cured him sitar yhjsiuiuas Lad’failed, r The History of Hundreds. Mr, Jnhn Morrison, of St Anus, N S“ “as so RPl‘iI-HS’)‘ nfliic'ed with a disenne of the kidneys Ihat dropsy was devempmg and his life was desnaimd of. Two hmlles of Broken Down- “ Rein! o: nwlrlvl)‘ hmkun dnwn in hm! h. l WM induced In try [but valuable I" mrdy. l'uvdnck l‘lnnd Binms ()ne bani? made mP fer] like a new man. reâ€" Flnriug me mmn'ovelv m hmhh" Gen. V. Dellor. Nayanee, 0m. FOR Pocket and Table Cutlery go to 0. Mason. for $1 .â€"-â€"- 23 lbs Gnnd Yellow Sugar. 45 lb»: Fine Oatmeal. 32 lbs Rolled Oatmeal. 20 Barr: E‘vcnic Soup. 30 lbs Currants 13 lbs Best Valentin Ruinins. A FULL assortment. omeas goods at the Fire Pronf'. ville. 'l‘lw chnir will render choice nunsic AdmisJun_ Dinner and Ari-- drvssrs, minim 30 arms ; civi‘dron undo-r 12 }e Hi. ‘30 culls. Addrmses (":1bi cm”: Ail welcome. A happy and prufiluble time Is expe’cted. .Camsnms Cards a; the HERALD Storeâ€"choice lot. No LUNCHâ€"mng -â€"’l‘he fullnwing resohninn Was pnssvd m a meeting of the \lnrkham High Schnul Board : " 'I'ha'. whereas thew is no lunch mom in enn- nectinn with the school, the pupils b0 aHnwvd m use the [-011.10] mum inr this pmpiuse during the noun hour. on cnndi rim: Ihut Ihuy pn-serveliup decnrum while in the school run-m. and refrain from in iuring 0r dew-wing Ihe schnnl Furniture, and fun]: line-ring the firm with Tllbbifih. and that in the evvnr nf' th failure of any to cnxnply wiIh ilwse cunditinns. they be deharrvd f'rnm romaining in the schnulwnmu during tha purind between 12 0'01 ck nnnn. 12 55 pm. in ac- cnrdnncv with the regulations of the De- partment of Educzniun. 1 To all hur feader’s andfitiends,a,Merry, Merry Christmas and zi Happy New Year. THE corn-ct place to buy your cupfi fur the cold wemher, which has no“ suddme jumped on us with bulh Feet, i“ Ilie Concrete Beautiful glossy. curly, Persian Lamb-Caps made of whnle skins, at $2330, 83 25, 84 00. 84 75 up in all the different shapes. \Vedge. Jockey und with Band. 7We have a grand line of Astruclian Cup: which we are selling at $2 00 but which are well worth $2 50 How 1‘0 FPEND NEW YEAR‘< DAY. -â€"-Thel'rivndn in cmnwcvinn with -I1c Methodist ChU'ch Vicmriu Square. are now husin enungt-d manning: arrange mount: for lmldinu their a nun} Anniverâ€" surv SHVicem on Jan. In. and 2nd. as t'nlh-ws: 0n Fnlurdzn. Jun. 1st. :1 >umplunus Dunner will be given t'rnm 4 m 6 p m , emu-Wins: nf' 11ml roasts’und all the dvllcncies of the SHIFOD. after which Address”! will be delivered hv New. J. A Chapman, M. An and G. L an-tlvdge. On Sunday, Law 2nd. Sermons: will be preached at. 2 15 and 7 p n.. bv the lit-V L \V. Hi1], M'Slnufi‘ JUBILEE.â€"-â€"'l‘he Army had a grand musicaljubilec last night, Wednesday. The crowd was not vory lame, however, owing no doubt to ‘he fact that the ufl'uir had not been prowly advertised. 0 THE Gift Sale at the Cuncrete Is a magnificent success. The store is conâ€" staml5 crowded with customers and (-vergbody well pleased. AGENTS WANTED â€"â€"Clement & 00.. of 48 Well-ingmn Street. East. Tommn, nr 81 St. Francois Xavier Street. Nonâ€" neal. want a‘ Grnernl Agent. They are the admin; owners 0! the Schnficld Patent Cake Griddle, the evlvhrnted Empty Knife Sharpener (known as Ilm FIRE BRIGADE ENTERTAINMENTâ€" The mtmhvrs vi" the Fire Brigade have about cmnpletvd arrangements for lmld ing agxand Torch“ light promsaionflyster Supper. and Cuneert on New Year’s night in lhe Masonic Hall. Full purâ€" ticuhn-s next week. " Carvel's Frimd") tlw ‘Eme-rv chlw Sharpenele Jav Eye -Se~ “'ire Curr; ('omb and nther Specialties. If you want to make money. write to them u! once for an nulfif. and secure what. torri- mry you can handle. PUPILS PAS<ED.-â€"We are pleased to notice that eleven pupils f'mm our High School suocc»ss|’ully passed the York Mx-del ficluml exmnimuinns jus! ende HR’O‘hI’T day. '1 he f'ullnwiug are the names :â€"â€"vaeccu Clary, Minnie Mortâ€" F01]. ldu‘YuHs‘ L. A Clair-y~ \V. J. Grunt. Jnhn S Gray. E. 1‘} Law, Rob- H't Nichols. Lumbrrl Nunmm, J A. DESERVING 0F 11» It is proposed to present Mr Henry Duncan. the re tiring Herve n! the Township of York, with a gold watch and chain :Icsnmpnuied wilh un adducss “H n slight recnuniriou ol the ane manner in which he has dis- chmged Il.e duties 0!" er-ve for lhs- past fum'weu ycuw A lzweling was held in Tumnm, the Oilwr day. at which Ald raundera nf'St. Paul's Ward was chair man. and George .W Badgcrow, M. I’. P , Srcxetnry-Trensurer. School. in this \‘illuue, intend holding their annual I'Cu'erminment and New Yo-HI's Arch in lhe chlure Room 0! the Chmch, on New Year's Eve. comâ€" mencing at730 pm. Entertainment to consist of Addresses. Recitation, DizllnuueS. Duem. Solos. Choruses, &c. Admission only 15 cents. r Fun A lame asanrlment of Pocketâ€" knives go to C. Mason's. NEW YEAR‘s ARCH.â€"The teachers and t'ru-nds of lhe Pn-sbyterian Suhbalh Watsnn. and R. A. Winxer‘ CROsFY will sell any of the following Humor without Vulgmitg ; Patriotism without Purlizanship ; Truth withâ€" out Temper. 33' Do not be without this favorite Canadian Cartoon Paper. Its price places it Wlthin the reach of all. All subscribers to GRIP, new or old, are an" Qitled toacopy of the magnificent lithograph "COBSERVATI‘VE LEADERS," or the companion plate {LIBERAL LEADERS," shortly to be pub- 'u‘shod, on payment- of 5 cents for putts»: Address the “Grip Printing and Publishing 00., " 26 and ‘.'8 Front 5 rest. W\ st, '1 oronto. New subscribers, sending $2, will receive tho paper the balance of 1886, and to 8136 Dec,1887. The late improvements are universally ad- mired. Tne journal is enlarged to Hi pages, and it is printed upon henvy toned aml well-calam- dr‘red paper. ’1 his gives both the engravings and. the letter-press a beautiful appearance. And, notwithstunding this enlargement n.nr1improve-- ment, the price of GRIP is Only $2 a year; Single Copies, 5 Cts. (the pricu- it commanded when but u 4 page sheet.) in add‘binn to being strictlyimpar iulrwhen they refer to politictf, are always on one side of patriot- isgimxfi ;noxgnlnuy. The Only Cartoon Paper In Canada. and it is furnishvd 1th about ONE-HALF THE PRICE of similar journals in the United States GRIP is now so Wvll known as to require very Iittle of either descrintion or praise. It is Barley do Outs, cu. .. Pens do . H Rye do Dressed Hogsmer 100 lbs Chickens,per pair Butter. lb rolls ...... Eunmfreah. doz . Potatoes, per bag . Apples per barrel ,, Omens, green, per doz‘ Cabbage, per do Turnips, per bag Carrots, per bag Beets, per bush . Hay 1:er.t0n.. .. Straw per. mu W00] nor 1h“. AKKCUKCEMERT FOR THE CCMING YEAR. MCNAInâ€"MARSKâ€"On Tuesday, 215' inst... at the r-midence of the brida’s uncle, A. Mnrsh, Esq by the Rev J \V Cameron, B A. J Scott Men- ‘Nnir in Miss Alice J,duughtorof Mrs J Marsh, Boleoxer. BLANCHARDâ€"KIRKLAND-~On VVeansdny. 22nd. i‘st, nl; the Manse, Rxchgnund {3ii1,_by _the_ ruvn,,, .. . n . WRIGHT â€"At Richmond Hill. ‘on Thursday after- nnon,23rd inst,Thomus E Wright. aged 26 31's and 7 mos Thé f'nliowing accounts were read:â€" T F. McMahon, printing: and ad vertihing.............. 3 7 75 Joseph inall. gl‘avuiling street. 9 50 Treasurer’s :xcclmnl for postage. 6 64 vertihing....-.......... 5 7 75 Joseph Powell. gravelling street. 9 50 Treasurer’s :xeclmnl for postage. 6 64 do .. for sundries.;.,........ 4 45 David Hopper, brick bats 17 40 Richard Durham, claim for fence 5 00 Moved by Mr McConaghy, seconded by Mr Savage. that the :Iccnunts of the Treasurer, and Messrs McMahon, and Josvph Powell be pui i â€"-(}arried. do .. for sundriesJ: David Hopper, brick bats ........ Richard Durham, claim for fence A Heavy Load. " When I me. mv tnud Was like a Iump of 19nd in my swmuch. I tx-ok Burduck “fund Hillms. The mnre I Innk. lhv mum- il helped nw. [Hm Film 3 nvw mun now.H says Ezra thcnuk, Cloyne P. 0., Tawnâ€" ship Barrie. Uni. T()l{l “VT”- THURSDAY, Dec. 23. Ifl-‘XG. FINGER AT FAHMNRH' WAGGDNE Wheat full, new. per bush ‘ Spring Barley 1873. GRIP! 1886. CANADA'S COMIC JOURNAL. Th5 nfinun-s of 22nd Neg. Were read and upproved M-r. Savage mnvéd, seconded by Mr Mchuauhy. that the accounts of' David Hopper and R Durham be referred to the Committee on Roads and Bridges. â€"(‘,nrlivd. Mr Jnlnn Palmer appeared before the Council and claimed eighteen dollars for three sheep killed by dngs on nr abnum the. firs! day of August last, which was laid over. Dec. 20th. 1886 Questions for the “Herald” Readers. ' To the Editor of]; Herald: SIH,â€"(,‘an any of your readers give answens In the thlluwimg: Wlm: was the original umne of Nova Semia ? What mum is sometimes given to line city of anmn ? \\ hut m-me is popularly given to the State of Wiscunsin ? Slll,â€"In ropl) to A. B. C. in your last issue. I read the term “ Mason and Dix-m's Line" ib a name given to (he smnhexn boundary line of the free State of Pennsylvania which separated it, from the slave Stan-s of Maryland and Vir- ginia It Was run except. about twenty- lwo milesâ€"bv Charles Mason & Jere nuinh I)‘;xon‘.lwo English mnlhmnnvininns mud surveyors. bvlween Nm‘embvr 15, 1763, and December 26, 1767. Durinu the excited debate in ()unuress, in 182”, \Vlmt name is Massachusetts b)? Which State in the Union is known by the name of " Buckeye State" and why 7 on tho qnvslinn of excluding slavery f'rnm .‘liSSquri, the eccentric John l’mnâ€" dulph, Ilmnmke. made great use of' INS phrme, which Wfl> caught up and re- ochnml by (every IIPWSpan' in the land. and thus mined the celtbrity which it still maintains. The Council met. The Reeve in the chair. Councillors present, Messrs. Mc- anaghy, Powell and Sgyage. The ()nnncil udjnurnpd In meet, on Mor‘dayflw IOIII Jun .1887 at 8 00 p m. M. TEEFY, Clerk. V What name is snmetimes given to the State of Mississippi ? ‘ What name is lhe State 01' Alkunaus Summimcs dvsignumd bx ? Dec 20, 1886. To [he l'fdilnr of the Herald. Dec. let. 1886. When the above is answered. I may give some more qucsiions oflike kind. Funeral on Saturday af'ernoon at 2 p.111. (Itrw gflvrrtimmmtz. Rev'J W (‘nnrxerlr'BlrJTB’L Mrufi "B-lebr-I-éhfii'dut‘; Miss Murgurrt E, eldest daughter 01 0 Kirkâ€" land. Esq, Vaughan. SI’ECIA L PREMIUM OFFER. GRIPS PLATFORM : 'I‘ H E M A R K ETS CRIP'S CARTOONS. Vflla‘ge Council. UUF.‘ Yours, &c., DIARRIED. DEATH $“79 $01K] 0 80 0 83 0 48 57 30 3:5 52 68 on no 1575 one 9- 00 known 0 40 41: bn 250 6 00 45 24 ‘15 l A Seasonabie Hint l During the lnmkiug up lf wintrrr. wln‘n i‘lhe ail is chilly and Ihe wemher dummsuch 'compluinls- as rheumatism, neuralgia, luxnbngo. sore throat, croup and other pain- ful effects of sudden cola. me prevalent II [is then Ihal Hagyurd’s Yellow Oil is found , lrulv valuable as h household remedy. Cheapest Groceries en the Hill. TEAS A SPEEIAHY. TERMS CASH, or Produce taken at Cash Price; B. GRENNAN, - â€" Richmond Hill. Large and Choice Assortment FI'I‘ AND WOIRKJI ANF’HII’GUA “AR-"FEED NEW AND FASl'lIONABLE DRESS GOODS, SUITS AND OVERCOATS TENDER FOR THE WORKS OF GONSTRUCTION Pin 1 s and profilvs will be open for inspection at the 0ch of the C11in Engineer and General Manager at GoVernmelit Railways at 0mm 8,, and also nit the Office 0! the Cape Breton Ruilwny at Port Hawkenbury. C. B, on and after the‘ Mn day 01 December, MSG, when the gem-m] specifi- cations and form of Lender may be obmined upon application. No tender will bu entertained unleas on one of the printed forms and all the conditions are complied with. a signed and endorsed “Tenders for Cape Breton Rnilwuy,"wifi be received at this Cfiice up to norm on Wednesday the 12m day of Jununry, 15:7, for certain works pf punstructinn CLOSEST POSSIBLE PRICES. LADIES’ FINE MANTLES & WALKING JACKETS QEUJED TENDERS, addressed to the underâ€" a?:vv\rnl1nvir' nuir‘nvaoll unusual”: (.m- For“: tummy. Department of Railways and Canals Ofimwa. 15th Dec.. 1196 RAILWAY OR NO RAILWAY The Cheap Cash House W. ATKINSON, Direct Importer. GENUINE STOCK OF GROCERIBS CHRISTMAS GOODS CHEAP FDR CASH. HOLIDAY GIFTS I The Lowest Possible Figure To be obtained any“ here. Our Stock is Very com-â€" ple-te and by tong adds the bwst seleotvd in town. The greater part of the Dry Goods, ('hma 8: Granite ware was bought by W. A. in England from the manuh-wturers. A couple- of profits are thus saw-d by buying direct instead of'lhrough the V‘ hulesale Hnuw. Beautiful (‘olurvd Tea >643 for $2 :25 ; (‘hina Tea SPTS. $4.50 ; ('olure‘d 'l‘va Planes. 50c. Duz. ; (Yulnred Dinner Plates 65v. Duz \\ ISHLVG ALL THE COMPLIMENTS (vF THE SEASON. My Stock of BOOTS 8L SHOES is Ufa superior qual‘ ity. and the prices will surprise you. FLO‘UR IKND FEED Always on hand. Drop in and inspect the Stuck‘ " QNTARIO HOUS PlushestlveteensJ’e'a[her-Trimmings & Buflons to match. SECTIONâ€"GRAND NAnRows 'ro SYDNEY. CAPE BRETON RAILWAY. m}: “Emmy mME I In ()ttnman,Jersey,nnd Boucle Cloths. Immense piles of Flannels, Blankets, Quilts, Yams, Winceys, Mens Shirts and Drawers; 81¢, at bottom prices. A Large Assortment of’CRO('KERY 8LQLASSWARE. wish to state 10 my friends and clxstumers that I have a 0f Worstedsin BL('k and Fancy Patterns; Fine English, Scotch and Canadian 'I‘Weeds ; Over- coatings and 'I'rouserings which we are making up to order'at surprisingly low prices. To select from. Boys Suits from $2.00 up; Mens Suits from $5.00 up ; Boys ()vercoats from $2 50 up ; Mens UVGH'OfilS from $5.00 up. We are showingr a Is the place to get your many wants supplied at Ihe In Sugars, T935, (Toffeee, Raisins. Currnnls, Oranges, ‘igs, lemons. Sun, expressly for 3 AT THE CONCRETE By order, A. P. BRADLEY, \\ hich I intend tn' sell Secretary. AT THE.â€"â€"â€" t-Hll IN 1-3;. MATTER 912‘ng Guardianship nf iniani Children Application will be made so the Surrogate Court, of the County of York, before the J udge in Chum bars at the Own House 11' the City of Tormlto, after the expiration of Twenty Days from the first publication; on behalf of Mesa“; HENRY HOPPER and SAMU'EI. M.‘BROWN, the Administrators of the estate and, efiects of Mac said “’illium Bcvynton, deceased, for an order appointing the said Henry Hopper and Samuel M. Brown Guardians of Beuelluh Beatrice Boyn~ tun, Fannie Esther Robinson Boynton Ind Hannah Lavinia Boynton,-infunt children of the Mid William Boyntou, deceased. Dated at Toronto this am day M Dec" mu. VVILLIAN BOYNTON. HENRY HOPPER AND SAMUEL M. BROWN. By STEPHENSON d: PICKsoN, Their Solicitors, Eta. i-tl-G 01: Farm Mortgages atfiper cent. No legal expenses. Larger sums as less rates. lichmnnd Hill, Dec 1st,.1986‘ $2500 TO LEN D $5000 'I'O IAEND On Notceand Chuttel Mortgages at 6,7 and 8 per cent. JOSEPH H. HALL. W. A'I‘KIN SON. Q%%%' DECEASED I HAVE E. F. LAFGSTAFF.

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