Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 21 Oct 1886, p. 3

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‘GENUINE STOCK OF GROCERIES . 0:? FLOUR AND FEED! New Fall Goods DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, ' WINCEYS, 860,860. TEAS, SUGARS, (kc. BOOTS (:23 SHOES! THE FIRE PROOF Qanadian and Imported Tweeds, DOMINION URGANS AND PIANOS, H) We invite the special attention of' the ladies to our very large Stock of Dress Goods, Flushes. Velvets, Flowers, Feathers, Jerseys, Jersey Jackets, Paletots, Ulsters, Mantles, Mantle Cloths, Ulsterings. &c. which we are selling 20 per cent lower than the same goods can be bought in any other house. We show a large Stock of Plisil'l and Fancy Knitted Wool Goods in Shawls )louds. Hoods. Gloves, Hosiery, &.c. To the Gentlemen we say COME ALONG l we can fit you out no matter what may be your wants. If it is an ordered Suit or Overcoat, a Ready-- made Suit or Overcoat, a Shirt, Hat, Tie, Silk Handkerchief or Underclothing, ' 2TH'E EASY INSTALMENT PLAN 1 W31. FLEMING, AGENT, MAIN-STREE-n - MARKEIAM. FIRST PRIZE GOLD MEDAL Best in the World. Desires to thank his numerous customers for their very liberal patronage in the past, and has great pleasure in stating that his Stock of DRY GOODS FOR FALL 1886, ONTARIO HGUSE ! *M. ATKINSON CONCRETE HOUSE ! Is the largest and best selected he has ever offered to the public, a very large part of it being direct importations bought for spot cash from the best houses and manufacturers in Eng- land. Goods are now being offered at V26 offal; a1} ogr Irrilrnensc Stock at prices that must sell the goo s. e mv1te a to- attend this "reat offe i f D Goods, Millinery, &c. g r ng o Ty PRICES THAT ASTONISH PEOPLE To hit you best infit, quality and price. We have a large Stock of Canadian Cotton and Woolen Goods bought when prices were at the lowest. We offer Grey Flume}: at 15, 20 and 25 cents per yard ; Grey Cottons 1 yd wide, at 5, 7 & 8 ate. THE CONCRETE IS THE PLACE on hand, such as Sugaxs, Coffees, Soaps, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Rice, Tapioca, Homing Rolled Wheat Raisins,Currants,Figs,Oranges, Lemons,&c. TRY OUR 23 ' CENT TEAS 2 They have just arrived and are found to be ofa ‘ superior quality. (her all International Competitorsfiefeating the best instrumentsin the world. I beg'to thank my many friends and customers for the very liberal snpport and patronage during the past. and I still inform them that I have a always on hand, and delivered on the shortest notice. Bargains as never before offered. Men’s, Ladies, Boys and Children’s Button and Laced Boots, Carpet and Leather Slippers, Men’s Stogas, Overshoes and Rubbers. Coatings, Shirtings in Wool and Cotton, Under- shirts and Drawers, all prices and good quality. Best quality at lowest prices. Highest price paid for butter and eggs. ISAAC CROSBY. I. RICHMOND HILL, ATHE DOMINIONk You can buy the Dominion Organs or Pianos on A Large and Splendid Assortment of TO THE FRONT WITH Have just been awarded the Has been proved to be the A Splendid Stock of THE JOSEPH H. HALL. W. ATKIN SON. Suffolk-"Boar over 1 year- -R S Frisby. R Dorsey & Son. Sow over 1 yearn-R Dorsey & Son. Wm McClure. Boar under 1 year ---Wm McClure. R. S Frisby. Sow underl year» It Dorsey 52, Son, W m McClure. Shropshire. Hampshire, and Oxford Downs -â€"Ram 2 sheals and over‘S Lumen. Shear- Jiag ramâ€"S Lemon. Rnbt Raine. Ram lamb-S Lemon, Robert Raine. Two brood éwes. 2 shears---S. Lemon, Tlloa Moody, Humber. Two ewe lambs-«S Lemon. Pen ofl male and 3 f'emales- S Lemon. Fat. Sheep----'J‘wo {at sheep-~Jas Gardhouse, 8 Lemon. {Pen of] male and 3 femalPsâ€"R Mal-ah. PIGS. Berkshire-80” over 1 year- -P W Boyn- ten. Sow over 1 year-«Wm Snyder. M Harrison 33 Son. Boar under.l year -.Wn Snyder. Sow under 1 year-Jan Gardhouse, Wm Snyder. Light hrnhmasâ€"nl Foster.W & A Wright. Light hrahnms, chickens-«108 Foster. Robt Douglas. Dark bmlmms---W & A Wright, J Foster. Dark hrahams. chickens-4V & A Wright. Cochinsqu: A Wright. Jns Foster. Cochins, chickensm W & A Wright. Dorkings--J Holmes, Malvern; W & A Wright. Dnrkings. chickensm Wm Bell. W & A Wright. lllnck Spank;th W Holmes, W &A Wright. Blule Spanish. chickensv-Ruhert Hollingshead. Kleinberg. Is! and 2nd. Leghorns---F W Sutclifl‘e. Brampton. lsl and 2nd. Leghorns, chick- ensâ€"F WSutclitl'e lst and 2nd. Humburn W (ll A “right. J Foster. Hamburgs, chickens-J Foster, w & A wright. Ply- month Rocks-4v & A W7'l1lll, J R Lawrence. Plymoth Rocks, chickens «F w Sutclifl‘e, Joseph FUSM‘. Polands-«Jos Foster. w & A wright. Polands, chickens-«J Foster. J w Holmes. Houdans--J Foster. w (E A wright. ’Houdans.chiokens~w (b A wright. G Gobeil. Game-ml Foster. J w Holmes. (lame, chickens-«J Foster. J w Holmes. Bantanm---J Fostor. A Mallnhy, Weston. Buntums. chickens-A Malla'hy. J Foster. Fancy pigeons-«w Reid, lst and 2nd. Pair Guinea Fowlsn-M Reaman. Common Geese-«w & A wright. wm McClure. Chlllt‘oe Goeseu-J Posh-r. lat and 2nd. 'l‘oulonse Grese-J Foster. w k A wright. .‘y‘vsbury Ducks-Jug Foster. Edmonton: w A: A wright. Rouen Ducksp -J Fostet, J Moore. Pekin Ducks---w & A wright, J Fnstvr Brm‘zn '1‘urk9vsâ€"-M Harrison and Son. Jun Moore. Muhon‘ Common 'l‘nrlwys-ulvlrs Mendfi-rlh. Andalusian Fowl â€"J Middlehrook, 2nd wyan and other Foufl-«wm Bell, John E Elliott. " ROOTS. Twelve swede turnips. special, (‘bns Scott;C E Brown. Six white turnips, C Scott : C E Brown Six field carrots, Jus Dundridee ; C Scott Twelve tohle carrots, M Hunison 55 Son ; F Daniels. Colâ€" lcction of l2 roots each. carrots. mangels and to rnips, special, J Dundridge Six mannelsJonx. J Dandridge; C E Brown » Six mungels. globe. J Dnndridge ; C E Brown. Early rose potatoes, half bush, G Bogus ; A T Orth. \Vhlte elephant potatoes, It Sutton ;F Griflith. Beauty 01 hebrou potatoes,J McKay, F Griflith. Late rose pot-a.“ toes, R Sutton ; F Griffith. Early sunrise pots.â€" toes, J Dandridge ', A '1‘ Ortb. Early Ohio pota- toes, J Kaiser ; E Whitmoro. Half bush ot|~ toes any other variety. G Baggs, F G filth. Twelve field rodishes, A Maynard ; C Scott. Twelve garden rndishes, C Scott. 1 and 2. Two field squashes. J Dundridge. J McKay. Two field pumpkins, R Meyers ; F Daniels. Two mammoth vumpkins, J Dandridge ; J McKav. Yorkshire or Large Breed-~Sow over I year-"Wm McClure. Boar under 1 year-- 'Wm McClure, lst and 2nd. Sow under 1 yeahâ€"R Dorsey 8: Son F Daniela ; (1 E Brown. 81x heads cabbagefimall, J McKay ; C anrie. Six cin‘ons, long, A May- nard ; M Harrison & Son. Six citrons. round, J Daudridgn ; R Meyers. Six roots celerv. C E Brown ; F Daniels. 1'2 tomatoes. C E Brown ; F Daniels. 3 cnuliflowers,J Dundrldge ; C Brown. lflpursnips, C Scott; C E Brown 12 blood beets, R Loughousa ; C Scott. 12 sugar beets, J Dnndridge : C Scott. reek red onions, 0 E. Brown ; E W Gallop. Peck yellow onions. C E Brovy ; E W Gal 1). §§x page cappage. large, n n..._. . n u 1\,,, Vurietv of appies. 6 of each. A Gage ; Harrison & Son. 1?. cooking apples, E Lnngstafl ; Wm Mc- Clure. 12 table npples. E Lnugstuff ; A Gage. l2 winter apples. J Keffer ; '1‘ Kersey. 12 rusiots, A Gage : T Keraey. 12 winter pears, D Elder ; C E Brown. 12 nutumupem-s, Mrs Wm Bell; W A \Vullis, jr. Six clusters open air grapes, C Brown : S Hurtmnn. 120mb apples, Mouuaey Bron: T Teusd ale, Barrel greening up 193, slgecial. E ergsmfl'. Assorted barrel 84?: en. E angstnfi. Barrel winter npules, special, Kefier : J Chen Barrel northern spy apples, special, Harrison Sons. . GRAIN AND SEEDS. Two bush full whom, grown in “’est York, specialJi Wilson ; J Kefier ; A Gage Two bush full wheat, C Grunt ; G Gromnis ; R Wilson Two bush spring wheat. red. special, C Grant; A Laundry 2nd and 3rd Two bush 3 ring when, white, A Laundry : C Grant ; R ilson Two bush barley. 6 rowed, C Grant ; G Gromaia ; R Wilson Two bush marrowmt peas, 0 Grant ; A Laundry ; 1! Wilson Two bush common pens, C Grmxt;Hurrison & Son; B Wilson Two bush bluck nuts, R Wilson ;G Gremaia ; C Grant Two bush white nuts. 0 Grant ; G Gremnis ; R Wilson Bushel timothy seed, G Gremaia ; R W'ilson 12 care field corn.J McKay 12 earn table com. I“ Daniels ; C E Brown Bushol flax seed, C Grant: G Gremuis Busbel (Gates, 0 Grant ; A Laundry Two bush black barley, c Grant Half bush beans B. Wilson ; Harrison 5; Son AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Mowing machine. Patterson & Bro Land roller, G strong ; A Mov..a.rd Self-binding reaper, Watâ€" son Mfg Co ;ur Orth ; Patterson 65 Bro Grain Drill. J O Wismer, Son &1C0;L Douglas ;Ma.sson Mfg (to ; L Brown ' Two horse farmer’s wugnon, tbimble skein, J (‘ruicknhunk & Son; Norvnl & Jones Mnrliet wnggon, G B Island ; Norvol dc Jones Phonon, J P Bun-bridge; A Maynard Oman buggy, Norvnl 6." Jones; G_ I: lslnnd pover- ed buggy, J l.‘ Burhridge; G B Island Double seated carriage, Burbridge ; G B Island Largest, and best displnv of curriuges, etc. J P Burbridge; G B Island Cultivator, J 0 Wisner, Son & Co; Patterson & Bro Wrought Imam plow, Keys & Hulletm lat and ‘1nd Iron burrows. A Mallnbv ; L Elliott; Strle cantanhundpower. W Dick Sul~ key rake, Mnsson Mfg (‘0 ; L Brown Driving cutter, single horse, A Maynard Sleigh. A May- mud ; L Elliott Fanning mill, Winner, son 6; co Churn. Keys & Hallett Wind mill in operation, R & W Lungsmfi. Eight lbs fresh butter, special, M Reamnn : I Devins ; Mrs B. Longhouse ; Mrs W Foster Fir- kin oi’ butter 40 lbs, special, R. McClure ; J A Cherry ; S Dnlson 10 lb crock butter, s eciul, R Mcclum 20 lb crock butter, 5 ecisl, Dolson ‘ 10 lb trash butter, special, a Do son 10 lb crock butter,special, R McClure 10 lb roll battensgiecinl Mrs A ’ ‘ Crib 10 lbs fresh butter bv voting) adios under 17, Harriet Ann Dolson 12 lb crock utter. special, R Mcclura 5 lb roll butter, special. Jno Middlebrnnk 10 lb roll butter, special, Mrs R Clark )0 lbs honey, rendered. special. 8 Hart - man Glbs honey in comb, MBrown; A Gage cheese. factorvmmde, 60 lbs, Davidson 6; Scott Two loaves homemmde bread, up No 25, Mrs D Elder, Mrs T smith ; John Middlrbrook 12 home- made buns, Mrs W Bourke, Miss Jennie Mason. Assortment. canned fruit, Mrs A A Gage, Mrs B '1‘ Wallace Assortment jellies, Mrs R '1‘ Wallace sponge cake, Miss Jos Buckland, Mrs R Wilson Fruit cake, Mrs Mediorth, Mrs Thos Wright HOME MANUFACTURES. Barrell flour, Wallace Bros, 1st and 2nd l0 yds home-made flannel, John Bullcmtyne & son, lat and 2nd 10 yards factory flannel, J Buusntyne & son, lst and 2nd l0 yds fulled cloth. J Bellan- tyne & son, 13!; and 2nd 10 yds tweed, Canadian, Wallace Bros, 131: and 2nd Pair home-made blankets,J Ballautynedzson, lst and 2nd Pair horse blankets, J Ballsntyne, lat and 2nd set double team harness, D A McNichol set single l harness, E W Gallop, Norval; D A McNiuhol saddle. bridle, and martingale, D A McNicbol. E W Gallon suit men's clothing, Canadian tweed, Wallace Bros Pair men‘s flne boots. D Stewart. l 1st and 2nd Pair men’s coarse boots, I) stewart, l 135 and 2nd Pair men's kip boots, D Stewart, lsb and 2nd Two Flour barrels. Geo Wallace. lat and 2nd Bottle home-made wine.grapo.Mrs ’1‘ smith, Wm cs ner Bottle home-made wine, not. grape, J Mid lebrook, Mrs R T Wallace Two burs home-made soup, Mrs G Witherspoon, Mrs J Mc- Kenna sawing machine, singer Manufacturing 60., L Brown LADIE 8’ WORK. Patchwork quilt, cot-ton, sp. Miss Jennie Mason Patchwork quilt. silk, sp.Mrs'I‘ smith, Mrs P McMulleu Patchwork quilt, cruy pattern. A McIntosh. Mrs sRowden Patchwork uilt any other material, Miss Annie Will“, Mrs McMill- len Knitted quilt, Miss Jennie Mason. Mrs Rowden Rag mat, Mrs W c Huntormiss J Meson Rag carpet. Miss B Gallop, m1! R Wilson Berlin wool work, raised. Mrs T Ker-say, Miss McVeeu Berlin wool work flat. Mrs R Wilson, Mrs H Bol- ton Embroidery in muslin. are '1‘ smxth, Miss McVenn Embroidery in silk, Ila! ucVeam, Miss Burnsides Embroidery in silk on flannel. vies Snider, Miss ucVenn Embrolde on satin, kensingtou, Miss snider. Miss Me ean Em- broidery on plush. Georgie Homer, alas Ramsey Embroiderv in cottonmu T smith. Lillie Hornet Embroiderv in worsted, m1 Borden, miss me- Venn Guipure work. In Rowden, are '1‘ Kersev Lace, Homton. Miss ucVenn. Kiss J Meson Lace. point. miss I unsonmrs Rowdon Lace. mecrame ‘ or twine. Mrs "P E . arll. rue W a Hunter collec- w tion of needlewerk 10 articles. In '1: smith. m ltowden. _Fu.mlly muchme twinsqu B Gallop;- (Continued from Second Page) DAIRY PRODUCE VEGE TABLES. POULTRY. FRUITS. Mrs Rowden Family machine sewing, Miss B Gallop; Mrs T Smith Bouquet of flowers, hand, Mrs ’1' Porter, Mrs c Scott Bouquet of flowers, table, mm C Scott; clms Luwrie collection of flowers and giants in pots, Chas Lawrie Gent’i shirt, white, and-mode. 5)). Miss B. Gallop; Mrl T Smitn Gent's shirt, white, machine-made, sr Maggie O’Dea; Miss B Gallop Flannel Shirl hand-made,Mrs TKersey; Mrs T Smith Flax nel shirt. machinomndo, Miss l3 Gallop croche work in cotton, Mrs R Wilson; Miss McVean crochet work, woollen, Georgie Homer; Miss Mc- Intosh Arresene on plush, Miss Ramsey; G Homer Table scarf, anv material. Miss Snider; xiss Burnsides sofa cushion in srrasene.sp, Miss J mason; Miss Burnsides Toilet cushion; kenaâ€" ington embroidery, Miss MoVean ; niss Burusides Bola. cushion painted. Mrs W E Hunter, 1st and 2nd Toilet cushion, painted, miss J, Mason; Mrs W E Hunter Pair darned not pillow sha‘ms, Miss Libbie Bennetts; Mia: B Gallop Darned socks or stockings. Ill-s J Nannies; Mrs .men, Domed socks or stockings, girls under 14, Maggie Psyne; Katie McClure Halfâ€"dozen button ‘holes in worsted. Georgie Homer: Hrs T Smith Ribboseno work. any article, Mrs '1‘ Smith ; Mrs Robt Wilson Wu flowers, Miss Agnes McIntosh; Mrs W E Hunter Bead work. Mrs Rowden ~ ursB Wilson Fancy knitting, Miss'ninnie Bell; Mrs W Bell‘ Fancy tatting, Miss McVean ; mm B. Wilson Fancy netting. Mrs Bowden ; nrs '1‘ Kersey Fancy braiding, ulss J Mason ,~ Mrs W E Hunters Pair woollen socks, hand knit,Miss Boll ; Miss J Mason Pair woollen stockin s. hand knit. Miss Burn- sides; Mrs Rowden nit woollen mitts, hand knit, Miss B Gallop : Mrs '1‘ Kersey Gent's wool- len glows, sp. Mrs William ; Minnie Bell Crewel work, silk, Miss McVean : Mrs 'r Kersey Crowel work, woolen, Mrs T Kemev; McVean chenille work. Snider: Rowdcn Plain sowing, girls und. 1‘ 14. Katie McClure, 2nd Table mat, Jennie Maison; Bpwden ll‘locr mot, Annie Willis; W E Hunter Tinsel work. McVoan; Wm McClure Painting on silk or satin, W E Hunter; Jennie Mason Painting on china,MoVean Painting on wood, W E Hunter. 1st and 2nd Greatest and best col- lection oi’ indios' work, useful, T Kersey nest collection of Canadian woods, A Maynard nest collection of Canadian woods cut trans" versely A Maynard. ' FINE ARTS. Oil painting on canvas, H E crowfm‘th ; Lillie Homer crayon or encil drawing. W E Hunter ; Clark copy-books, oys under 16, Wm Medforth; D McGuire copy-book, girls under 16, Minnie Peacock ; Katie McClure copy-book, boys under 12. W T Allison; Willie Ball copy-book, girls under 12, Mary Middlebrook ; Kitty Bonnet Busi- ness penmanshi , no flcurishes, T A Agar; Jas Armstrong Co] ecfion of insectd, Tommy G Wallace collection of geological .fspecimena, W A Wallis, 1r; Rowden collection of curiosities. Maggie Payne ; John Ballantyne & Son Priming press in operation. 0 '1‘ Chauncey Specimens of of printing. c T Chauncey. FRANK TURNER'S PRIZES. A Woman’s Sufi‘erings ' Gratltude. Near the village of Zillingdorf, in Lower Austria, lives Maria Haas, an intelligent and industrious woman, whose story of physical suffering and final relief, as related by herself, is ofinterest to English women. “ I was employed," she says, “ in the work ofalarge farmhouse. Overwm-k brought on sick headache, follOWed by a deathly farming and sickness of the stomach. until I was unable to retain either food or drink. I was compelled to take to my bed for sev-- eral weeks. Uettin-z a little better from rest and quiet. I sought to do soinezwork, but was soon taken with a pain inyinyside, which in a little while seemed to spread over my whole body, and throhhed in my every limb. This was followed by a cough and shortness of breath, until finally I could not sew.and I look to my bed for the second. and, asI thought. for the last time. My friends told me that my time had nearly come, and that I could not live longer than when the trees put on their green once more. Then I happened to get one of the Seigel pamphlets. I read it. and my dear mother bought me a bottle ofSeiL'el’s Syrup, which I look eXactlv according to directionsI and I had not taken the whole ofit before I felt a great change for the better. My last. ill- ness began June 3rd, 1882. and continued to August 9th. whenI began to take the Syrup. Very soon I could do n. little light work. The cough left me. andI was no more trouhled in breathing. Now ‘I am perfectly cured. And oh. how happy I am! I cannot express gratitude enough for Sei~4 gel's Syrup. Now I must tell you that the doctors in our district distributed handbiils‘ continuing people against the medicine. telling them it would do them no good. and many were thereby influenced to destroy the Seigel pamphlets; but now, wherever one is to be found. it is kept like a relic. The few preserved are borrowed to read. and I have lent mine for six miles around our district. People have come eighteen miles to get me to buy the medicine for them. knowlng that it cured me, and to be sore to get the tight kind. I know a woman who was looking like death. and who told them there was no help for her. that she had consulted several doctors, but, none could help her. I told her of Seigel’s Syrup, and wrote the name down for her that she- might mtth no mistake ' She molt~ my advice and the Syrup, and now ehe is in perfect. lteulth,and the, people around us are umnzed. The medicine has made such progress in our neighbourhood that people say theyd'm’twunt doctor any more,butlthey take the Srtup. "Sufferers from gout who were confined to their bed and could hardly move a finger. huve been bured’ by 'It. There is a girl in our dlSllfl'Qt who caught a cold by going through some yvater, and was in bed five years with cqstiveuessgud rhetr matic pains, and had to hat‘ve an attendant [-0 watch by her. There wits hot. a doctor in the surrounding districts to whom her mother had not applied to relieve her child, but everv one crossed themselves and said they could not help her. Whenever the little bell rang which is rung in our place when smnebodv is (lead, We thought surely it was for her, but Seigel’s Syrup and Pills saved her life. and now she is as healthy as anybody. goes to church, and can work even in the fields. Everybody was eaten-- ished when they saw her out. knowing how many years she bud been in bed. To-day she adds her gratitude to mine for God's mercies and Siegel’s Syrup.” The people of England speak confirming the above. AFTER MANY YEARS. “ Whittle--le--Woods, rfear Chorley, “ December 26th, 1883. “ Dear Sir,â€"â€"Mother SeiEél’a medicine sells exceeding well with us. 'all that try it speak highly in its favour. We had a case of a young lady that had been troubled many years with pains after eating; She tells us that the pains were entirely taken away after a few doses of your medicine.â€" Yours truly, "E. Peel." A FTER SIXTEEN YEARS. " 95, Newgate Street. Worksop,Notts, “December 26th. 1883. “ Gentlemanâ€"It is with the greatest of pleasure I accord my testimony as to the efficacy of Mother Seigel's Syrup. My wife, who has suffered from acute Dyspepsia for over sixteen years. is now perfectly bet- ter through the sole help ofyonr Syrup. l have spent pounds in medicines from doc-- torsâ€"in fact. I began to think she was in-- curable. until your marvellous medicine was tried.â€"-I remain, yours, thankfully. THE EFFECTS HAVE-BEEN; WQNER- FUL. ’ “ Ilford Bond Dispena'ai-y; Dukinfield, May 3rd, 1884. “ Dear Sinâ€"l am happy to inform you that the sale of your Syrup‘and Pills in-- creases hare continually. Several of my customers speak of having derived more banefit. from the use of these than from any othar medicine. In some instances the effects have been woudert‘ul.-Youra very respectfully. A VOICE FROM AUSTRIA. " Pro. Edwin Eastwood, “‘lAifred Ford." MARIA Hus. BOILED & RAW OIL. VA RNISHE'Sy TURPENTINE, PEOPLE’S STORE. FOR - - PURE - - DRUGS I MCCOLL’S LARDINE MACHINE OIL ! RICHMOND HILL, . ONT. LARGE STOCK OF Sanderson . Bros.9 QC? It Has No Equal. 430 For Sale bv B. GRENNAN. Richmond Hill. some MANUFACTURERS, McCULL BROS. & 00., TORONTO. 0 BE COMMENCED whenever a anflicient number 01 subscribers is nbtained to cover cost of publication. Subscription to the Nine Volumes $75, to the Province of Ontario ur to Quebec 5512,50, to New Brunswick or to Nova Scotia $11 50. m Manitoba. or to British Colum- bia. 39.50. to Prince Edward Island or to North West Territories $9.60. Each Province to have I Map. Please send for Prospectus, This Houseis one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Totonm. Everything is managed in First Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- cial Travellers. Good Stabling and atsentive hustlers. Terms, $1 per day. Proctor'b Bun leaves this Hotel to connect with ell the N R R Montreal, 4th August, 1886. RICHMOND HILL. 3' Palmer. Prop. Tfaihh VgFihgifidi-th and South. at 8 a. m.. 12 a. 1.11., 5.10 v m. and 7.30 n m. THE PALMER HOUSE BEAN]! CENTRAL HflTHI. This Hotel has been refurniahed, renovated, and fitted up in first-class style, and is now the leading Hotel north of Toronto. The bar is sup- »lied with first-class brand of liquors and cigars. xcellent ~ accommodation for Commercial Travellers. and the General Public Good Subl- imz and an attentive Hostler. RICHMOND HILL. WILLIAM POWELL. Prop EVERY THURSDAY, At his printing Oflice, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Terms of Subscripbmn2~31 OOper annum in advance. When not paid in advance $1 60 will be charged. Transitory advertisements, first insertion, A pe’rline‘..."............,............ Soon“. Each subsequent insertion, per line. .. 8 cents. Contracts for time and space made on applian- bion. LOVELL’S Gazetteer and History â€"OF THEâ€" 7 Advertisements without written instructions will be inserted antil forbid and charged hand-- But rates. DOMINION OF CANADA, IN 9 VOLWES, ROYAL 8 VOL. M. H. KEEFLER, BIL] 0 U SNE 6‘8, 0 YSPEPS/A, [rm/953nm JA UNDICE. ER Y-S‘IPELAS, sm' 31450.51, HEARTBURA'J, HEADACHE, e_very_§pecles offlligggi arlslng_from T. MILBURN & $0.. And every species of disease arlsln from ulsordered LIVER, KIDNEVS, BTOIMACH. BOWELS OR BLOOD, And. all other mterial for painters. Paint and Whitewash Brushes all sizes and will sell at bottom prices. Call and see. Ususl‘smok of Picture Frames and Pictures. Heavy stock of Groceries; Flour ‘& Feed. > P. G. SAVAGE. “WUIB UL IAllU awrfluuuua'iuu Nu“ “In time Correcting Aci of th- Btotqach, _c_uriqg 1311iousn_e_sa._DyI- Himfiurn, Consfipdflon, Dunn-i of the Skin, Dropsy Dunne-I of Vision, Jaundice. halt Rheum;a Eryml'ipelas, Scrofizh, Fluttean a cart, Nervounneas. and - era]. Debility; all these and many 9th” aingilgr Complaint: 'eld_b the ha y influence“ of OD BITTEBS. [may ¢ 170., Winn. rm The York Herald. Wall Papers! Wall Papers I A Complete Stock of WQNV'VPnper's‘nnd Bar? derings ; something new in styles and designs, frqm__ 5 c3:th up in a variety of designs. Mixed Paints ready for use', in all 'dol'ors and shades. ' THE KEY TO HEALTH. ‘ibfiinfiel (1mm. CHEMISTS 85 DRUGGISTS, FARMERS PUBLISHED BY JOHN LOVELL. DIZZINE88, [mops Y, rwrrmma THE sromcw, omvsss or» me smv, M manger and Publisher OF THE HEART, ACID/TY 0F Proprlgt‘n Save your machinery by using I tors. *onom SURGEON DENTISTS, S. E. Corner King & Yonge Sts., TORONTO. Ask your dentist what teeth he prefers, and we wil lauuantee to aupplv them to you {or $8. and wll forfeit 810(- if not as we re resent. We give more vitalized air than all' 0!: er firms in the city together. Cell and see us, rand we are sure you will go away pleased. ‘ RIGGS 8: IVORY, Thankful for the favors of the past years may still be consulted in any branch or the pro [es-ion, as follow- : Richmond Hil__l 9th & 24811 of each month "in: Palmer House} Aurora, lab. 86]], 16th, and 22nd Stouflviue ...... ...... . . . .IBth Markham ...... .. . ...... 2%}: Victoria Square . . . . . . . . . . . 21“ Thorghim Walker's Hotel) 23rd Aurora, 131:. 8th, 16th. and 22nd do Stouflvflle ...... .IBth do Markham ...... ...... 2%}: dc Victoria Square . . . . . . . . . . . 21“ do Thornhill ( Walker's Hotel) 23rd do Woodbrldga ..... . ...28th do Kleinburg ...29th do 1 Rowan ......30th do Vitaliled air always on hand at the places of appointment. It does away with the pan in extracting Feb. 10th, 1866. Of London, England. Sir Wm McArthur, K C M G, M.‘ P, ex-Lord Mayor of London, President. ’ W W Baynes.Esq.F I A,Secretary Reserve Fund . . . . . . . $10,000,000 Annual Income . . . . . . 1,600,000 Invested in Canada. . . 1,200,000 Death claims paid. . . . 10,000,000I To}:on REFERENCES. John McDonnldJflsq. C. J‘ Cam bell, Esq., Hon. SenatorMcMasmr A. M. Smit . E3114 ‘ James Metealio, Esq. Rev. Enoch Wood. D. Loans made on t-Iecux‘ité7 of Company’s Policy,“ x _.... _-_‘ L. LLLLL W Bogus, LIFE _, Assurance Socy The only Dentistin Toronto using Hurgia up" pamms for Toronto Feb. lath 1883 C VITALIZED AIR . PEI-IRES WARRANT}!!! PUB Ill Y’s CALL AND SEE ME. 6 perineth ifiéégfi." VVâ€"rmfl ' ‘ WW, ’- Lonnsmude toChuroh Trustees. at a low rate 0 interest. Sand for prospectus; C. P. LEN N OX, DENTIST Yonge St. Arcade, To‘romo. Extradng Teelh Without. Pair: "RICHMOND HILL. Vitalized Air “8 administered. Broken Minn,“ fanth nr [math nut VITALIZHII All! PAHLIIRS BEST sms 0F TEETH $8; Wax-tinted to be made .fl‘O'D-JI ._ . THE STAR E.A.W. THIS Is You OPPORTUNITY. Do all want a splendid, handsomely bound story 001; ? You can have your choice out of the A catalogue of standard and miscellaneous publications, given as prizes for getting up Clubs for THE MAIL, will be sent to any address upon application. There is no buy or girl, you“: man or young woman, among you who cannot secure a This winter with very little die“. if you will onlv make up your minds to it. The books are splendidly bound and are the productionsof «.1115 best known authors. which is a. sufficient gum;- antee that they will not only afford amusement: but be a source of profit. THE WEEKLY MAIL is the most popular Weele published. and is only One Dollar :1 year. It as now over 100,000 subscribers. Specxmen copy and prize list sent free, Address 1m MAIL TnRflN'l‘fl. swam: HANDSOME LOT OF BOOKS THE WEEKLY MAIL Best Material in the Market. BEST THAT ARE PUBLISHED Filling and all other operations n'butly done My Gold, ' If you will obtain two subscriutions fbr administered. Broken cheap teeth or teeth not fitting made over on short notice. Dr A ROBINSON. By means of Vitulized Air. TORONTO SUBG E ON DENTIST, A URORA a. & Twas. for Canada. 32 Wellington St., East, Toronto Dec Int 1883 92ml, A D PERRY. £35311. " j ’ COATSWORTH £1. HODGINS, gamma, fiullméuw, NOTARIES, CONVEYANCEHS, QFFICES : 15 York. Chambers No 9 Toronto Street; BIONEY TO .LOAN. ‘ E COATSWOBTB. JR. FRANK E. Hooams. Toronto, Nov law, 1884 $ly .V, Beinisters, Abtomeys-nt-Luw,' - Soliéitorsdn- Chancery. .Couveyaucers, etg, VQtflcosâ€"Impcrinl Bank Buildiugs.Wellington-street, East,Toromo Joan Bun, QC. WM LA'IDLAVV, Q C C A MASTER, GEORGE KAPPELE Nov 27th, 1884 CENTRAL BANK 0F CANADA. BAIN, LAIDLA'VV & C()., On Saturdays. Money to Loan at Lowest Current Rates. A G F LAWRENEIE. _ 'I‘ C MILLIGAN. DAVID BLAIN, ESQ., President.- SAMUEL TREES, ESQ., Vice-President. K. CHISHOLM, M. RR H. P. DWIGHT, E50,, D. M. MUDONALD, Esq C. B. ROBINSONESQ. A MCLEAN HOWARD, ESQ J. GINTY, Esq. increase the secretory powers of the Liver. brace the nervous system, and throw into the circula- tion the purest; Elements for sustaining and. repairing the frumo. Barristers, Bolicitors,&c. Oflices 18 King Street East, Toronto. Richmond 3111 Post Office Every Saturday. .‘1 s Fullerton w Cook, J R PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN Toronbo. Mm; 29m, 1884. RICHMOND HILL SAVINGâ€"’S DE PARTDIENT Fullerton, cooks: Miller Toronto owes-$31,131.]; Richmond Hill Officeâ€" Deposits received and interest allowed thereon at current rates. No notice of witharuwl Ire-- guired Drafts 011 2111 parts of Cumulu, United listen and Great Britain bought and sold. ' ' J. M. LAWRENCE, MANAGER Toronto, J une 4th. 1885. GEO. F. KELLY, Veterinary Surgeon ! Member College of Physicians at Surgeons; \ (LATE 01v STOUFFVILLE.) , OFFICE HOURS,â€"’me S to 10 a. 111., 5 to 8 p. m ' RESIDENCE ~ Thousands of persons have testified that by their use alone they haue been restored to health and strength, after every other means had proved unsuccessful. “ ‘ will be found invaluable in every Household in the cure of Open Sores. Hard Tumours. Coughs, Sore Thy-oats, Bronchitis. and all disord era of the Throat and Chest, as also Gout, RheL‘ matism. Scrotum and other kind of skin disease and sold {11715. Hd., 23‘ 9d,, ls. 6d.,.lls.. '22 and . each Box and Pat, and in Canada. at 3’6 cash? 90 conts: and $1.50 cents, and the large sizes in prouortmn. ., . lawrence, Milligan & McAndrew Office 8:. Residence? P. O. Buttonville-mfi R. B. Orr, M. B. and First Silver Medalist University of Téronto, M. C. P. S. Ontario. L S A L, England (Late or I. ondon, England} Surgeon, Etc. ISI'Oflice Hours 8 to 9.30 a..m., and 1 to 2.30 p.m. Members College Physicians &' Surgeons. Residence. Yénge Street, Richmond Hill Richmond Hill, May 23rd, 1882:. 1y Pills & fiintment This Incomparable Medicine has secur- ed for itself an imperishable fauna throughout the World for the alléviatiou and cure of most. diseases to which humanity is heir. urify, regulate and improye the qurflity 101' th00d. They assist the digestive organs, cleans Manufactured only at Proféss "' qr Hollowav’s Establishmqn-‘t‘ "* 533. OXFORD 'STREET' LdNbbN f The Trade qu-kh'of my said Medicines m'é gistered m Ottawa, and alsn at Washington DR LEWIS G, LANG-STAFF ! Worth their "Weigh : in Gold I BAD LEGS. OLD WOUNDS. CULDb, n33? CAUTIONâ€"I have no A‘gent in“"the Unned Slates, nm‘ are mv Medicines sold there. Purchasers shuuld W’herefore look to the label on the Pots and Boxes. Ifthe addressjs, not. 533, Oqurd Street, Lpndou. {hey are snurim‘u}.r 1 33 Oxford street, London DR. JAMES oIc MEDALIST TORONTO UNIVERSITY. Graduate Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto. Barristers,SolieitOrs, Richmde H111, 0an 12m, ’81. Feb. 2nd.1885 angei Street, » Richmond Hill. STOMACH AND BOWELS, lf DR. ORR, MAPLE, CONVEYANCERS, ETC DIRECTORS. P'. 0; 361188. ‘gflvzliwl. J A MCANDREW‘ AND THOMAS HOLLOWAY ‘No‘ 14 Building & Loan chambersfié Toronto st, «an. 5th 1 31 A. A. ALLEN, Cashier . L M ce‘Lot 8, 4151] con. Tp, of Markham. Day and night calla promptly uttendedto GSTAFF 2 Rear of the Central Bank J R Miller. l y-pfim

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