A - ‘ > â€"AT THEâ€"â€" IOWEST PGSSEBLE PRICES. We extend. a. cordial invitation to all to visit ' - our store and A Our Stock comprises an immense variety of Styles and Materials. We aim this Season more than ever to produce the BOOTS 'w“ SHOES : INSPECT OUR STOCK. M, ATMNSON, THE NEW @HADEfl 2 - . . MEEWE : : SPRENG TWEBS I GENUINE STOCK OF GRGGERIES THE MILLINERY DEPARTNEN T ONTAREG z NEW ANS (IQ: MILLINERY DEPARTMENT cm on hand, such as Sugals, ColTees, Soaps, Oatmeal, '_ Cornmea], Rice,r'l‘apioca,, Homing Rolled Wheat _ -, . Raisins,Currants,Figs,0ranges,Le’mbns,_&c. _‘ ’ OUR 25 CENT TEAS : They have just arrived and are found to‘ be ofa superior quality. 4 Which is under the supervision of a First- ulass Milliner from the city. We specially direct the attention of the Ladies to our I ng to thank my many friends and customers for the Very liberal snpport and patronage during the past. and I still inform them that I have a always on hand, and delivered on the shortest notice. JOSEPH H. HALL. Bargains as never before offered. Men’s, Ladies, Boys and Children’s Button and Laced Boots, Carpet and Leather Slippers, Men’s Stogas, Overshoes and Rubbers; Worsteds, Cottonades, Drills, Shirtings, &C.. &6. Dress Goods in all A Full Stock of Groceries, Hardware and Crockery, always on hand. v SEEDS -! Seed Grain, 8L0. CHOICE SEE GRflIN E Red and Alsike Clover Seeds, Timothy Seed. Grasses for Permanent Pas- tures, Oil Cake, Linseed Meal, Empire Horse 86 Cattle Food. and Other Feeding Stuï¬â€™s, as well as Full Assort~ ment of AERIIIIILTIIERL, FIRM} 81 EflRflEN SEEDS. STEELE BROS. 8: GO. CONCRETE HQUSE, RICHMOND HILL. SEED & PRODUCE MERCHANTS, Call for Illustrated Catalogue. We are prepared to pay HIGHEST PRICES FOR Will be found replete with everything FLOUR AND FEED! A Large and Splendid Assart‘mcnt of Prints, Ginghams, Muslims, &c. Corner Front and Jarvis Streets; Have now on hand full Stock of ISAAC CROSBY. _Mr. Wallace. who was again cheered on rising to address the meeting, said that he had been detained hy the debate at Ottawa on the Home Rule question. He thought that that question had been hrOught up by Mr. Blake. neither for the interest of the Irish nor for the beneï¬t of Ireland, but simply to bid for votes. (Cheer-s.) His introduction ofhis resolution as a want of conï¬dence proved this; Mr. Blake had spent a vacation of six months in 'the Old Country. but although he protested so much love for Ireland they had not heard that..he had even passed a day in Ireland while he was away on his trip. The Dominion Parv liament had discuSsed a number of exciting questions this session. The Grits had at- tempted to grasp power on issues which would have made their suedess a disgrace to the 'country. Before Parliament had as~ semhled the country was agitated by the question whether the execution of Riel was just. or not. Now the. Reform party had Contended for many years that the country v‘ms under the domination of the, French Canadians of Quebec. The. Conservatives denied this, and when the French attempted to dictate to the Government what the deâ€" cision of the courts of justice should be and then wanted to override the decision. Sir John said no, and that the dignity of the law must be maintained. ( Cheers.) The Refurmers made a quick change of front, and were prepared to hand the control of" the country to the French-Canadians if the latter would help them to get into poWer. First, they denounced the Government for being afraid of carrying out the. law. and when the law was carried out they de-- nonnced the Governh‘lént for carrying it out. Their conduct was a remarkable instance of inconsistency which had no parallel in the history of any other party. The Reform party had no true policy, for their leader was as as he had ever been. When the country was in distress and Sir John propounded a policy to relieve it the Refer-mere derided it, and hitteer opposed it. The country how- ever, decided in favor of it, and the Gov-â€" ernment amply redeemed the promise they had made. That policy had given employ-- ment to the people in manufactures and ngriCulture. The prediolion of the Re-- formers as to the increased burdens which would he placed on the workingmen had been entirely falsiï¬ed._ ( Applmre.) The Grits had mnde a grant fuss about the inâ€" crease of indebtedness of the country. But ‘hey mid nothing about the increased rev-t" enue,increased responsibilities nnd territory. The intercolonial and Canada Schemes necessary for the development of the coutu- try had» of course entailed expenditure. Large sums had been also spent on enlnrgu lug the canals. No Government of which thev had any record had accomplished so much so much energy and success. (Cheers) The Canadian Paciï¬c railway had now paid back a. part of its loan, and would speedily wipe out its whole indebted- mess to the countryâ€"~( cheers )â€"_nnd be tree and untrammelled He concluded by off- ering some sound advice in regard to pre-= paring for the next elections and resumed his seat amid loud cheering. Parkdale Meeting. We give the remarks of Mr. N. C. Wallace as made at the meeting of the Parkda‘le Conservatives held lately. We have been assured that the attendance was good, and not, as reported in the Opposition papers, a slim and poor atâ€" tendance. It is a sad commentary on the fairness of politicians that to obtain [1 point they should think it. necessary to_ lie most’unmeroit‘ully to gain Lit. We should think it no hard matter to 'tell the truth†about the number attending a public meeting, whether that number was one hundred or ï¬ve hundred, it should, in our opinion. be not much difâ€" ï¬culty in deciding. The Mail says the meeting : “ Was large and enâ€" thusiastic." The Globe on the contrary states: “ Instead ‘of a large and en- thusiastic gathering’ not more than forty' of the four hundred seats were occupied." Ofcourse,those parties who Were present, will know which side sticks the cloaest to the truth. The following is the speech of the Member for the Riding as reâ€" ported in the Mail:â€".â€"â€" It may be useful for the render to know that the popular preparation knOwn as Hugynrd's Yellow Oil hns.proved a sow-- ereigzn ramsvdy' for deafness, mariy ’csrt‘iï¬gd hares being on record. Hagynra's: Ye'llmv Oil also cures nhhes; pains, and lameness. and may be used internally as well as out; wardly. Worth Rememberimz. There is probably no hatter relaxing rPInvdy for suffjnin‘s. contracted cords.and painful enngeniiun. than Hagyard‘s Yellow Oil. II cured Mrs. John Sidde“, of Orion, Unt.. who wnsnï¬liczed for ypm's wi_lh con- lrnctinn oflhe bronchial pipes and lighw ness nfthe chest. It is the great remedy for imernul or external pain. Trm GREAT Somme of Consumption gmd many waning ï¬rms of disease, is scrohfla lurking in ' the system. The true Speciï¬c for this condition is found in Rurt‘ock Blood Bitters; ihat medicine puriï¬es the blood and buiids up the enfeebled frame. You Gan buy the Dominion Organs or Pianos 6n- THE EASY INSTALMENT .PLAN 1 WM. _FLEM.ING, AGENT; ' .MAIN-STREET.‘ ,- DOMINION ' ORGAN S AND PIANO-S, . FIRST PRIZE GOLD MEDAL Best in the 'VVOI‘ld; Over all International Competitors-,defeating tb‘e hast instruments in the world. AIMLESS IN HIS OBJECT! A Usefui HIM. ATHE DOMINION "2?"; Have just been awarded the Has been proVed to be the THE ROMAN CA'ItuomCâ€"Services ,: Thornhill at9 am and Richmond Hill at 10 80 Mn ;‘ the .followin Sunday M Riclnnogd Hill [it 9 an}, (mud Thomh PnEï¬hYTEMZNâ€"Sefvlcen TM: 11 a; m, mas‘ao p m Prayer meeting'ah Wednesday'evening at 7 30 Rev J W Cameron, pastor ST MARY'S (EPIBCOPAL.)â€"Setvices at 3 p m, ex- cept the third Sunday of every month, when the service and sacrament are held at 11 a m Sunday School at 1 30 p 111. Rev W. Bites, Rector May, 1880. In the market. Our Spring Stock is second to none north of Toronto, and ï¬g invite the public to call and inspect. .No troubl‘e tp show goods. Custom work a. Specialty. Repairing neatly and ' n‘mitl d .- pr 1 V m ‘ .R.SIVER. P. O. Buttonvilleé Richmond mu; April 2lst, 1886, Veterinary Surgeon ! ' Graduate OntariO‘Veterinary College. Toronto: ' ' :' L t S, 4th Oï¬ice 8L Resldence-Tg, “Markh‘iï¬: METï¬ObisTâ€"Services at 10.30 a m, and 6.30 p m Sunday Scho‘ol at 2 3011 m Pmer meeting eVery Thursday evcnmg M- 730 p m. Rev. W,R Barker, Pastor. Rev W F Wilson, Assistant. EHEAPESTWSTEHS dd 10 30 m 111, Rev Father Egan, P'uStor. mcnnoï¬n Lonum A. F a: A M, No 23,1} n Câ€" Meets in the Lodge Boom, Masonic Hall, oh the Monday on or before full moon, at. 8 O’clock, pm \Vm. Leek, W M ; A. Moodie, Sec; SPRING STOCK During the lat year, and also to the, ï¬rm for the past, thirty-ï¬ve years. The great OAKRIDGES! I O G T.â€"Thia Lodge meetslin thelTamperuncl mm 6?er Weonesday (waning at 8 o'clock p m. J H Sanderson; W G. 'e ‘ .: :78. T. 01" TmrPEnANCEtâ€"‘Ri‘chmdnd Hm Coun- cil, No. 43. meets .in the Temperance Hall‘ each alternative Tuesday evelling_at 8 o'clock p. -m. Beneï¬ciary ceitiï¬c'ntes issued‘ to membem for $1,000 or in case of death $2.000, one-hulfpaynble in case of disability. J. H.‘ Sanderaoï¬. Select Councillor. - - WILL STAND FOR MA'RES AT THEIR own STABLES, They are the we“ known to require any pungfl}, and their colts are their best advertisement. To Insurer-$15 ; Season Mares, $10. ' INCREASE IN; OUR SALES A. O. U. \V.. IVY LdDGWL, ND; 114.7Meets in the Committee Room t the Masonic) Hall, évsrv second and fourth Tzeidav bf each' month, at 8 o'clock,p. m. Bone cm’y certiï¬cate given for $2.000 in case of de. t . Isaac. Crosby, Muster Workman, B. Grennnn, corder, - "4 A Fortunate Escape Mrs. Cyrus Kilborne, Beamsville. Ont.4 had what was supposed to be a. cancer on her nose. She was about to submit to a cancer doctor’s treatment. when she con-1 eluded to try Burdock Blood Bitters, intern- ally and externally; a few bottles of ivhicb cured b'er. FIFE BRIGADE.~ReguIar ins/ehng ï¬rst Friday of every month, held in - the Council Chamber, at; 7 p. m. Membership irea. Ceftiï¬cutés issued to members entitling themto certain privilugos and exemptitms. Wm H. Pugsley, Captain. H. A. Nicholla‘, Secretary. ' MILESIAN MECHANICS INSTITUTEx-Library» of over 1300. volumes open every Tuesday e'vening, in the Masonic Hall, from 7 to 8 001901;. Wm. Pugs- ley, President. T.F. McMahon, Sec. B. E Law. Librarian. 7 VILLAGE Cduxcmâ€"Réeve, Wm Pugsl'ey iCouu- cillofa;.B Redditt,‘ P G Snvnge,‘ W D Powell. F McConughy. Clerk, M Teefy Bxcmzoxm HILL CORNET BAND.,â€"Meets for prac- tice in the Lorne Halt every Tuesday even- ing at 7.30 o'clock. Wm. ShepparckLeador. Feb. 2nd,1885 R. SIVER takes this opportunity of thanking his friends and custome'rs for their Has on the public) MV' mlé‘s" have been a. complete success, and @143 'public have shown that thev‘avprecihte myeflorts , implnciMbefox-gthqm up During the past few months, is a. proof cf the eflectw‘hnt good reliable. I awnings gammy aim gathimxmtz. THE simï¬iï¬ï¬‚s 2 LIBERAL PATRM‘AGE OR'IOLE! H. QUETTON'ST. GEORGE Uiâ€"IURC‘HES SOCIETIES IMMEN-SE 'Day' and night; cnlla promptly attended to mro‘z- SPEOPLE’S STORE. FOR - - PURE - -DRUGS I Western Canada Ofï¬cesâ€"No 70, Churchv-straet, Toronto HON GEO W ALLAN, Sen«box-.Pi'eslden1:r Gncnéin Goopnnmm‘...........; ........ Vice-Yrelidonc DIRECTORSâ€"Samuel Flatt, M P,“sz Gooder- 1mm. Geo W Lewis. Tho: H Lu, Hon 1) L Mucphersop, Senator BOILED & RAW OIL: VA RNISHES. TURFENTINE. Paid up Capital $1,200,000 Reserve FunAOGOOMW Total Assets, $5,111,325 Debentures issued in currency and sterling with half‘yearly coupons attached. see our reduced 161m table For lumbar Inlor matiou apply at the omens of the Company LARGE STOCK OF FURNITURE Money received (in deposit. and interest payable hnlfyearly or compounded. Sanderson MCCOLL’S LARDIâ€"NE MACHINE OIL ! For Sale bv B.- GRENNAN, Ridhmond Hill. SAVING’S BANK BRANCH THE PALMER HOUSE .This _House in one of the Best Hotels to b. found north 0'! Toronto. Everything is managed in First Class St‘yle. Sample Room for Common cm] Travellers. Good Stabling and attentive hostlern‘; Terms, $1 per day. Proctor'n Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R'B Trains going North and South. at 8 a. 111., 12 s. m.. 5.10 p m. and 7.30 n m. BIGHMOND HILL,- ~ ONT. J" Palmer, Prop; BEAM] CENTRAL HUTBI. This Hotel has been refurnished. renovated, and ï¬tted up in ï¬rst-class style, and is now the lending Hotel north of Toronto. The bar in supâ€" plied with ï¬rst-class brand of ll flora and cigars. Excellent accommodation or Commercial Travellers, and the General Public Good Stabl- ‘u'az and an attentivg Hontler. John†Mchna.1d,an. C.'J. Campbell. Esq., Hon. SepatorMcMuster A. M. Smith. Esq} James Metcaltn, Esq. Rev. Enoch Wood, D. Loansï¬made on gepurity of Company's Polio-y at I RICHMQND HILL. WILLIAI‘I POWELL. Prop _ . LIFE , Assurance Soc'y Sir Wm McArthur, K C M G, M. P, ex-Lord Mayor of London, President. 'W W Baynes.Esq.F I Aï¬ecretary THE STAR _ _7 5 perlceut interes't. Loaï¬nsmade toChurch Trustees, M: a. low rate 0 interest. Send for prospectus. 3.1mm EVERY THURSDAY, At his printing Oï¬ice, Ynnge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. ' * Terhm of Subscriptxon :â€"â€"31 00 per annum in advance. When not paid in advance $1 50 will be charged. Transitory adwrtrisemonts ï¬rst insertion, per line. 8 cents; *Ea'chiubsequeut , 3 oenua. - 'COntrn‘ctn-for time and space made on applica- Ation. H _. _ ‘ M. 1-1. KEEFLER, T'Klivertis‘ementh without written instructions will be inserted until forbid and changed tram-- em rates. . Unlocks all the clogged avenues of flat Bowelsi Kidnéys‘ and Liver, dug; ing ofl gradually without weakening system, all the impurities and foul humots of the secretions. at the name time Correcting Acidity of an Stomach. curing Biliausneas, Dyna e'psia, - Headaches, Dizzineu. - eurtburn, Constipaflon Dryneu of the Skin, Dropary Dimes. of 23$an Jagndiqet §_a_1t Rigeum‘ And all other material for painters. Paint and Whitewash Brushes allaizea - ‘ and will sell at bottom prices. Call and see. Usual- stock of Picture. __ Frh‘m‘e's and Piotu’rpl. Heavy stock cvf Groceries. Flour & Feed. ‘ P. G. SAVAGE; Erysipelas, Scrotum, fluttering of the Heart, Nervousness. and Gen. eral Debilityz' all these ï¬nd many 9ther similar Complaints ï¬eld to the ha y influence 7 01' SUB-DOCK Bï¬gonm - ambconmrbmm Wall Papers 1 Wall Papers ! A Complete Stock of Wall Papers and Borâ€" derings ; something new in styles and designs, from 5 cents up. The York Herald. Loan and Sailings Company THE KEY TO HEALTH. Reserve Fund. a . . . . . $10,000,000 Annual Income . . . . . . 1.600.000 Invested in v Canada . . . 1.200.000 Demh clmms paid. . a . 10,000,000 TnRo'xTo REFERENCES. in a Variety of designs.~ Mixed Paints geady for use, in all colors and shades. . WALTER S LEE, RICHMOND HILL. “gym mm CHEMISTS 6: DRUGGISTS, MONEY T0 LOAN. Se‘c. & Trans. for Canada. v 32 Wellington St... East. Toronto Of London;Eng1and, PUBLISHED BY A D PERRY, It Has No Equal. «£10 Save your machinery by using Dec 134: 1883 Manager may still be consixitéli 5:11}- $3;th tension, as follows : Richmond Hill... .. 9th & 24th of a Bichmdnd Hill. ......... 9th a 24th of each month (at Palmer House‘) Aurora; lit», 8th, 16th, Ind 121d do Stouï¬ville ..... . ....18ch do Markham ...... .. . ...... 2%): dc Victoria Bquuro ...... .. 0.21:: do Thornhill ...... ".2314 do Woodbridge .. "38“ > do Kleinbnrg ...29th do Nobleton 30th an A catalogue at standard and miscellaneous publications, given as prizes for getting up Clubs for ,Tim MAIL. will be sent to any address upon application. There is no boy or girlI voting man or young woman, among you who cannot Secure a. ' SURGEON DENTISTS. S. E. Comer King & Yonge 5123-, ._TORONTO. Ask your dentist what teeth he prefers, and We will guarantee to supplv them to vou for $8. nnd will forfeit $100 it not us we represent. We give‘ more vitalized air than all other ï¬rms in the city together. Call and see us, and we are lure you will go away pleased. ‘ Aurora; an, 8th, 16th, Ind 121d do Stouï¬vilie ..... . ....186h do Markham ...... .. ...... 2%): dc Victoria Bquuro ...... .. 0.21:: do Thornhill ...... ".2314 do Woodbridge . .. ..... . "38“ > do Kleinbnrg . ...29th do Nobleton ...... > ...... 30th do Vitalized uiralwnyl ‘on hand at ch! place! of nvpointment. It does away with the pa..n in extracting W Rogers, Feb. 10th, 1:36. Db you wa'nt a. splendid, handsomely bound Itory bob): 7 You can have your choice out of the RIGG-S 65 IVORY, THIS lS'YOUR 0PPORTUMTY; G. H. HUSBAND, L. D- S VITALIZED AIR 2 mums wunamn run In 1': CALL AND SEE ME. Toronto Feb. ml: 1883 ' This winter with very little effort. if you will onlv make up your minds to it. The books are splendidly bound and are theprodnctionn of the best known numeral which is a sufï¬cient ~gum-u antes that they will not only aï¬oxd amusement but be a. source of proï¬t. THE WEEKLY MAIL ii the most. popular weokl published. and is only OnoDaHM' I. o . It as now over 100,000 subscribers. » on copy and rims list sent free, Addfeslsp. p The only Dentist in Tormito using Kurds If»; pnmtus for HANDSOME LOT OF BOOKS Vitalized Air ma administered. Broken lihnnfl fanï¬h nr fnnéh "n4 C. P- LEN NOX, DENTIST THE WEEKLY MAIL VITALIZKI] fllfl PABLIIHS Extracting Teeth Without Pair. BEST SETS 0F TEETH $8. m MAIL. TunnNTn. [mm-1m. BEST THAT ARE PUBLISHED Nowtonbrook. June 13th, 1333. Thngyyl {or £119 fa: you of the Best Material in the Market. Filling and all othé'r operations neatly done My Gold Are pieuant to take. Contain thsir on Pnrgzï¬vo. II a. 2M0. Inn, und amen-l dentin)"- cl worn. in Children a: Adah]. mums . WORM. POWDERS. Yonge St. Arcade, Toronto. >11 If you will obtain two subacrintions for RICHMOND HILL. administered. Broken anew teeth or tenth not acting made over on short notice. Wan-canted to be made mam the Dr A: ROBINSON. TORONTO By mean: of Vitulizpd Air. sngflï¬ox mm'msr, AURORA £21m“, l-Xy past you." I of the pro E CoA’rawon'm. an. FRANK E. Homms. Toronto,‘Nov 18th.1884 V ' ' {iv Barristers, Attomejs-It-an, Solicitors-in- Ghuncery; Conveyancers, etc, OIflcasâ€"Jmperiu! Bunk BufldingSSWellingbonl-itreet, East,’1‘oronto Joan Bus. QC. . V WM LAIDLAW, Q C C A MASTEN, , GEORGE KAPPEII COATSWORTH a. HODGINS‘. ï¬arriï¬tm, ï¬nlicmw, NOTARIES, QONVEYAI§_CI§RS, i OFFICES : 15-York Chambers, RAIN. LAIDInA'VV & C‘0., incrause the secretory powers of-the Liver. brace the nervous system, and throw into the circula- tion the purest Elements for sustaining and repairing the frame. 18 King Street East._'1‘orouto. Richmond 3111 Post Oflceï¬vory Ssturday. . This Incomparable‘Medicine has secur- ed for ‘itself an imperishable fame throughout the World for the alleviation and cure of. most diseasas to which hummiity is heir. ' gang, regulate and improye the quality of ma -. They assist the digestive organs, cleans HALL, FULLERTON & COOK Nov 27th, 1884 Thousandï¬ of persons haveV testiï¬ed that by-their ube alone they bane been restored to health and strength, after every other means had proved unsuccessful. w M Hall. J s Fullerton, w Cook. PRIVATE FUNDS To LOAN. . ~ Toronto. May 29th, 1884. '- 1y-p61 JUST REGEWEB Members College Physicians at Surgeons. Residence, Yonge Street, Richmdnd Hill. Richmond Hill. May 23rd. 1882. 1y “ember College of Physician! A: Surgeons. (LATE or STOUFFVILLE.) ' OFFICE HOURS.~From 8 13010 a. m., 5 to 8p. m RESIDENCE Th3 Trade Marks of my- mid Medicine“! nra ï¬gured 111 Ottawa. nngl 8.1qu at Washingtxm. 0n Saturdays. Money to Loan at Lowest Current Rates. “ HERALD STORE,†RICHMOND HILL. Scribbling Books,'200 page's ; " Drawing quks' Ni); 3 8n 4 ; Pencils, > Â¥ ' * COmpasses, Mouth Organs, School Readers, &c., &c., 8m. R. B. Orr. M. B. and First Silver Medglist University of Toronto, M. C. P. S. Ontario. L. 8 AL, England (Late 01‘ London, England: Surgeon, Etc. IS'Ofl‘Ice Hours a to 9.80 a.m.. and 1 to 2.30 p.11]. Assistant Surgeon to Toronto General Hospital, CONVEYANCERS. ETC Toronto ()fï¬ces-Eï¬agbï¬féf,‘ Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce-E DR LEWIS G. LANG-STAFF I Dr. George Langstafl‘, Omco and Residence,â€"0ne door south of P. 0. OFFICE HOURSâ€"8 to 10 a. m, 6: 12 to 2 p m Thornhiu Feb 14th, 1883. Worth their Weigh: in Gold I Pills &' flintment will be found invaluable in‘ every Household in the cure 0t Open Sores. Hard Tumours. Caught}, Sore Thrones, Bronchitis, and all dinord m of the Throaï¬ mid Chest, as size Gout. Rho]: mutism. Scrotum and other kind of skin diseasa lawranm, Milligan &'McAndrew THORNHILL, ONT.’ Graduate of Toronto University. DR. W. J. WILSON; MEDALIST TORONTO UNIVERSITY. BAD LEGS. OLD WOUNDS. CULDS. Manufactured only at Profess or H'ollowav’s Establishment 533. OXFORD STREET LONDON and sold atzla. 1m, 2a. 9a., 45. 6d., 115., 22. and 33s each Box and Potland in Canaan; at. 36 canon, 90 cénts, and $1.50 cents, and the large " aims in probation. ‘ 38 Odom phat. London llR. JAMES LANGSII‘AFF! 'AND- Gm'noxâ€"sl have no Agent in the United Slates, nor are my Medicines sold there. Purchasers should therefore look to the label on blhe Pals and Boxes. lf' vhe address is not 533,0xford Street, Londm. they ar‘! spurious. , v Barristers,Solicito’rs. A G 15‘ Lnnumcn Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Richmond {1111, Oct.12th.’82. STOMACH . AND BOWELS. M. C.‘ P. 6: 8.. Out, Two Years Resident, Barristers, Solicitors, cite. Omcg‘s' | SEESH‘E's;-'P.,I*E|;:$“* I [ITH'EzIorNTMENTTfl DR. ORR, MAPLE, No 9 Toronto Street. P. 0. Box 388- â€"AT THEâ€" gamma. J A McAnmucw: $31M. THOMAS HQLLO WA} ‘No. 14 Building (c Loan chamberin 5 Toronto st. aux. 5th 1 $1 '1‘ C MILmaAi. Bear of 1%. Central Bulk ly-psm