Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 7 May 1885, p. 3

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A tremendous Stock all sizes and at prices that cannot be beaten anywhere. (Toronto not excepted.) GROCERIES _ OF ALL KINDS. Try our beautiful Teas from 25 cts, lo 80 cts per lb. Sugars, Soaps, Canned Goods, Prunes, Raisins, Currants, Etc. First class Butter and fresh Eggs always on hand. Goods Delivered. A call solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. NEW SPRING GOODS FIRE PROF THE ' ONTARIO HOUSE BOOTS AND " SHOES Pianos! Hams! EVERY LINE A SPECIALITY 1885 SPRING 1885 UPRIGHT AND SQUARE ‘5 Magma. R. S. WILLIAMS & Sofi’s. GENTLEMENâ€"I have much pleasure in testifying to {the great exc'elgence of put them severely to the test, and find them pogsessed of those quahtlss of to ceptnble to the true musicianan lpver of clnsswul musicâ€"n. charm ated from the most delicate pmmsmmp to every answers readily~ to ayery shade of feelmg. TORONTO, ing singing tone, easily degree of loudness and fulness, and a. touch April 12th, 1881. your Pianos. I 119 and touch ac R V W I bohsider Ehesg insfirumenta a greutvacquisition in musiclnl society, and finding m1 piano wlnch I can recommend with perfect. confidence. MESSBS R. S.WILLIAMS & soxsâ€" _ TORONTO. Nov 412;: 7 v GENTSâ€".aning tllolpughly exammed the Workmunship of your Pianos, I have. no 'hlesfizthtion in statmg mm), 111 mysopmxou, they are equal to those of any 0th I the best Makers that Ihmve seen T An“ nn1‘7 anon]: ‘n +1111 emnn hv'rrh +nV'IYifl vnnnvr‘:nnl-D«AK_ N. “J,” ., , u A , , , ,iV‘_ -_ ..__, w V“. v- vuuy'unv nâ€"ftwnvlllayunh Alfiuve seen " "W" ' ' r 1" ‘tho grime high terms regarding their musical qualities ; ort eir fine ull singâ€" inézla$g§ilfitsyvgg £0130, pleasant touch, &c, are such, that there seems to be no necess ity to purchase foreign instruments, when our home enterprise can produce such Pianos. and at one-third less cost I am glad to hear that the extensive sale of your instruments shows that you are meeting with the ' k '011 'ustly deserve. success that 1 mm I‘nmflGentlemen. Your Obodient Servant, We make a. special style of Organs in large quantiiigg, and are therefore able to offer them at ex- ceptionally 10w rutos. Puynurnts tu'mn «ad to suit the oomeuienca ef purchasers and spread over a. term of years. For full particulars Wri to Are constructed from the very best Ma‘tefrials by e_xpenenced Workmen, and are fully ARRIVING ALMOST DAILY WELL ASSORTED I nm,Gcnt1emen. yours very truly, Field and Garden Seeds in great quantities. Choice Family? Flour and Feeds of all kinds. Spades, Shovels, Forks, and other Hardware at very ‘ low prices. '. S 6% J D 5% ’ L- Q?) Z3 $5.; & SQWS STOCK LARGE AND TESTIMONIALS. To the high priced American Inslruments. Yonae St. Torontx. fâ€"New H Goods atâ€"â€" AT THE PIANOS ! equal in point of ISAAC CROSBY. CHAS W.EVVING, (Of London, England,) Organist of St Peter‘s Church. Coburg, On TORONTQ.‘NOV. 4th,» 1882. n ‘x’nv‘yhmnmn‘n:« A: .,..Â¥._ 1):_, ,, JOSEPH HALL. . S. WILLIAMS. OR 226 Dundas St. London. 22-6 'Dfiafiâ€"Einondom GEO. W. STRATHY. Mus Doc. am much pleased at |, 98.5in Email- a. touch which 2a» Delia Palmer Louie Lynett Gertie Barker Lizzie Palmer Carrie Powell Mary Mapes Flori} Hopper Roscoe Law Edgar Ansley Esther Keeller Frank Harris Minnie Soules SENIOR n Phoebe Snules Joseph Keefler Emma Siver Bella McConnghy Minnie Redditt Joseph Blanshard John Falconbridgé Maggie Glover Alex Reid Dollie Douthwaile Merritt Wilson Florence Tyrrell Florence Sheardown Willie Douthwnite Frank Sheppard Thomas Miles Louie Hopper Percy Powell M. WILEY, Teacher. 1mm Iv. The following is the standing of the Richmond Hill Public for the mouth bf April :-â€" . ‘ 2ND SR. Willie Savage Joe 'Mundey Vesta Mulhollaud Willie Rumble Albert. Albin Nellie Kirkland 1mm iv. lsr DIV. 2M) DIV. 31m Div. Hattie Manes J. Lynett Effie Benson Jennie Wiley M. Ansley Ella McConnell Willie Glass H. Glover M. Doulbwaite Fred McConnell G. Duncan Fred Hooper F Empringhnm .‘ . . . Florence Bailey :6. behell Dick McNair Charlie Hall D Tricker Jennie McNair J. Cnucxsnn‘x, Teacher. The following is the standing of Patter- son School for the month of April :~ 4TH Cuss James Hafl‘ey Charles Seymour Harry Hardy Albert Bassingthwnighte Willie Mulholland Charles Gillis a John Seymour Mary Rumble Harvey Omsk Gerlin Smilh James Munde'y Willie Flack 4TH SENIOR ~ Robt G-ihson Annie Gibson Walter Gale Georgina Graham 3nn Sum: 3RD Juno: Annie Newberry Carrie Plnyler . Geo Newberrx Woodie Mortaon Martin Gluncy Jessie Mormon Grucie- Newberry Percy Plaster 2st) Samoa 230 JUNIOR Ellié' Gamble Hem-y Hornet Harry Gamble Edward Conwatll Win-Gibson Florie Mortson Albert Hamilton Edwin Baker J . C. Rvmsnron. Teacher. The following is the. Honnr Roll of the pupils of Can-ville School for April :- 3RD Sum: Annie Newberry Geo Newberry Martin Glancy Grucie- Newherry 2st) Samoa Eifié‘ Gamble H n rry Gamble IVm. -Gihaon Albert Hamilton 4TH Cmss . C. H. Hollingahead 361 Ida R. Mellish 337 J. E. Jove: 284 3m; JR. Chas Cnnmbs 427 Bertie Coomhs 390 Robbie Marsh 393 J. W. Bone 349 GATARRHnA NEW TREATMENT. Perhnns the most extraordinary success that has been "chieved in modern medicine has been attained by the Dixon treatment for Caturrh. Out of 2,000 patients treated during the past six months, fully ninety per cent. have been cured of this stubborn malady. This is none the less startling when it is remembered that not five per cent. of patiéllts presenting themselves to the regular practitioner are benefltted, while the pat- ent medicines and other advertised cures never record a. cure at all. Starting with the claim now generally believed by the most scientific men that the disease is due to the presence of living parasites in the tissue. Mr Dixon at once adapted his cure to their exterminationâ€"this ac- complished, he claims the Ustan‘h is practically cured, and the permanency is unquestioned. as cures effected by him four years ago are cures still. No one else has ever attempted to cure Catarrh in this manner, and no other treatment has ever cured Catarrh. The application of the remedy is simple. and can be done at home, and ' the present season of the year is the most fav- ourable for a speedy and permanent cure, the maéority of cases being cured at one treatment. Sn erera should correspond with Messrs A H DIXON & SON. 305 King street, west, Toronto, Canada. my; enclospgtqmp tor their treatise on SENIOR m A . 1 CM” EREEfiB.~Mohtrea1 sun. Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia. Indi eslion, Biliousness, Jaundice. Headache, Dizziness, ain in the Back, Co tiveness or any disease arising from a deranged liver, DR. CHASE'S LIVER CURE will be fonnd a sure and I‘HIVI'IE a n_-.._ The unqualified success of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure in Liver Complaint rests solely with the fact that it is compounded from nature's well known liver re latqrs MANDRAKn AND DANDELION. combined wit .many other invaluable roots, barks and herbs, having a Werful efi’ect on the Kidneys, Stomach, Bowels and load. 600,000 SOLD Over out-half milliau of Dr. Chase’s Recipe Bock: wtre said in Canada alone. We want every man. woman and child who 1': troubled with Lisz Com- flaz'nt to by this txcellmt remedy. LADIES ’ It is a well known fact that an inactive liver causes a dull, sallow complexion, liver spots, pimples, etc. ; Chase’s Liver Cure is the only remedy that will most positively cure these compla' A u.... n 3RD SR. Wmmu, .. ...... “Tm, Sommuun NEW. GIVEN AWAY FREE Wrapped around everK bottle of Dr. Chase’s Liver Cure is a valuable House old Medical Guide and Recipe Book (84 gages). containing over 200 useful recipesI p'fonounce by medical men and druggists as inuluc able. and worth ten times the price of the medicine. T. Eumsou & co.. Sole Agents, Bradtnrd. SENIOR SCHOOL REPORTS. JAMES BABSIKGTHWAIGHTE, Teacher. K'ATURE'$_REAM :py T. M. RUTHERFORD, Teacher. FOR! 111. ,Millie Trench Aggie Reid‘ . Maggie Moodie Tillie Trench ‘ Wellington Hall Flora Powell. E. A. Erma“, Principal. pom: It. FORM I HAVE {op 21m SR. Selena Coombs Wm Coombs O. B. Appleton Lnuisn Tester Bertie Whiny 412 411 394 333 293 Orvil Drury Bertie Gillin Lewis McWiHiams Mary Mulhollnud 'Maggie Lewis Carrie Wilson Wilbur Skeele Elisa Mahoney Walker Hall George Sims Jmuon 11 L. Harrison N. Datson E. Lynett A. 2 mm Bella Gibson Annie Carson Chas Noble Wm Cnpell 3n SR. F. J. Sanger 379 C. H. Rupert 340 JUNIOR‘ m. M ; Nellie Kelley Alec Findlay Mary Rumble Louie Hafi'ey Minnie Albin 3RD. JR. JUNIOR am eron 2x1) JR. The disease commences with a slight dej- rangement of the stomach. but, if neglected, it is time invol‘ves the whole frame, em-- bracing the kidneys, liver; pancreas, and, ,in fact, the entire.grandnlar system, and the afflicted drags cute-miserable existence. until death gives relief'fr'om suffering. The disease is oftcti mistaken for other com-7 plaints; but if the reader will ask himself the following questions, he‘will be able to determine whether he himself: is one of the afflicted :â€"Have 1 distress. pain or difficulty in breathing after eating 7,“, lsdhere a. dull. heavy feeling attended by? drowsiness ‘l Have the eyes a'yellow tinge? Does a thick, sticky, mucous gather about‘tbe gums and ‘ teeth in the mornings, accompanied by a disagreeable taste? is the tongue coated? Is there pains in the side and back ? Isl there a fulness about the right side as if the liver were enlarging 7 Is there costiveness ‘P ls there vertigo or dizziness when rising suddenly from a horizontal position? Are the secretions from the kidneys scanty and highly colored, with a deposit after stand~ ing ? Does food ferment soon 'sfter eating, accompanied by flatulence or a belching of gas from the stomach? Is there frequent ‘palpitation of the heart? These various symptoms may not be present at one time. but they torment the sufferer'in turn as the dreadful disease progresses. If the case be one of long standing, there will be a dry. hacking cough. attended after a time by ex» pectoration. In very advanced stages the skin asumes a dirty brownish , appearance. and the hands and feet aré covered by n cold. sticky perspiration." .As the liver and kidneys become more and "more" diseased, rheumatic pains appear. and the usual treat- ment proves entirely unavailing against this latter agonisintz disorder, ' The origin of this malady is indigestion or dyspepsia. and a small quantity of the proper medicine will remove the disease if taken in in inâ€" cipiency. It is most important that the disease should be promptly and properly treated in its first stages, when a little medicine will effect a cure, and even when it has obtained a strong hold the correct remedy should be persevered in until every vestige of the disease is eradicated. until the appetite has returned, and the digestive organs restored to a healthy condition. The surest and most effectual remedy for this distressingr complaint is “ Seigel’s Curative Syrup,” a vegetable preparation sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout the world, and bv the pro-- priétors, A J-White. Ltmtted,; l7. Earring-- don Road. London, E. Ca, This Syrup strikes at the very foundation of the disease, and drives it, root. and branch, but of the system. “ ‘ ' “' " - An Alarming Disease Aflilcting a. Numerous Class. VMarkegaPl-ace, :Poc‘lgiljngton, York Octobqr 2nd, 1882. Sinâ€"Being- n guffei‘er for years with dyspepsia in all itszworst. forms, and after spending pounds in medicines. I was at. last. persuaded to try Mother, Seigel’s Curative Syrup. and am thankful to say have derived more benefit from it than ’any oxher medi-- cine I ever took. and would advise any one suffering from the same complaint to give it a trial. the results they would soon find out for themselves. lfyon like to make use of this testimonial you me quite at liberty to do so. i Yours respectfully, (Signed ) » R. Turner, Saigel’l Operating Pills are the belt family physio that has ever been discovered They clean-e Illa bowels from all lrriming aubflancel, and lean thorn‘in I halt!!! condition. They cure costiveneu. 3!. Mary street, Pelerborong, qugmbqr 29%, 1881. Sinâ€"It gives me great "pleasure to in» form you of lhohenefit I hire received fmm Seigel’s Syrup. lhuve been troubled fnr years with dyspepsia ; but miter a few doses of the Syrup. I found relief, and taller talk-- ing two bottlis of it I feel quite cured. ‘ “'clléxISirlgha‘m; 'V’hitehaven, V' " " .fQéf.‘]6lh,1882. Mr. A J. WhiKe.â€"Dea‘r“Si1-.â€"Iy was for some lime afflicted wilh piles, find was 116-- vised m zivé‘Mother Seigel’s Syrup a trial. which I did. v I am nowhappy to suite that it has restored me to complete healthâ€"I remain, yours reqpectful'ly, ' ( Signed ) John [I Liablfoot 151i; Aligust, 1883. Dear Sir.:â€" I write to gel! gun that Mr. Henry Hillier. onatésbiiry. “Dim. informs me that he sufl‘ereé- from msiéyere form of indigestion for upwards of four years. and took no end of doctor’s ‘iri'edicine without the slightpst be‘nefil. m1d'»"declai‘ea Mother Seigel’s Syrup which he ’got 'from me has saved his life. v I-am, Sir, yours truly, Mr‘A J While. WiHim ( Signed ) N. Webb, Mr While. Chemist, Cnlne- September 81h, 1883. Dear S]I‘.-â€"~I find Ihe sale of Seigel’s Syrup steadily increasing. All who hive tried it speak vvrv highly of Ms medicinal virtues;~0ne customer describes it as a “Godsend to dvspaplic peoplee.” I al-- ways recommend it with confidence. Faithfully yours. (Signed) ’ Vincent A Wills. ChemiétnDeniist, To Mr. A, J White. Merlhyr Tydvil. Preston; Spp'l. ,let, 1883. My Dear Sinâ€"Your Syrup and Pills are still very popular with 'l'ny customers, many saying they are the best. familyv medicines possible. The olher day a customer ‘ came for two bottles of Syrup and salt‘ -'.‘. Mother Seigel" had saved [be life of his wife, and he added, “ one of these bottles I am sending fifteen miles :1an to a. friend who 18 very ill. I have much fni'h in it." The sale keeps up wonderfully, in fact, one would fancy almost that the people were beginning to breakfast, dine, and sup on Mother Seinel’s Syrup, the demand is so consrant and the sansfacticm- a0 great.â€"-l um, den’r Sir, yours faithfully, [ Signed ] W Bowker. To A J White, Esq. Drive It Away. Drive away all poisonous humor from the blood before it develops in scrofuln or some chronic form of disease.» Burdock Blood Bitters will do it. Ladies Only. . 'The complexion is often «endered unâ€" sightly by Pimples,yLiver Spots, and Yelâ€" lownéss. These itis well. known are caused from an inactive Liver anfl had blood. Dr Chase’s Liver Cure purifies the ' blood and whole system. See Recipe Book for toilet. recipes, hints and suggestions on how to preserve the complexion. Sold by Sand- erson Bros. “ BROWN'S HOUEIIOLD PANACEA "has no equal for relieving pain. both internal and external It cures Paium the Side, Buck or Bowels, Sore Throat, Rheumatism, toothache, Lumbego and any kind of a Pain or Ache. “ It will most surely quicken the Blood and Heal, as its acting power is wonderful." “ Brown’s Household Panacea," be-- ing acknowledged a.- the great Pain Reliever, and of double the strength of an other Elixir or Liniment in the world, should in our tumin handy for use when wanted. " as ll; no in the qest rainedy in the world for 9:33.13po in the _~,. ___.-.n,., . .u stomach. and Pains and Ann» of an fluid-T" u to for Dale by all Dnuzeiuba at 26 can" I. botfile the pun remeuy m we world for Olaf:de in pay; and Ltomach. and Pains and Aches of an . a..- ...I.. L... .1. n.__‘_: 4. AA A, ‘ Rout And Comfort To The Sufi‘ering‘ Yours truly. William Brent. USUAL swoon cur :GROCEHxEs MIXED PAINTS 1N fA'LLQOLORs READY FOR USE SPRING HAS“ COME" AGAIN Sanderson Bros.9 APPlES. APPLES. APPLES. CHARLES DONALD 8t 00., RICHMOND HILL,- ONT. 79. Queen Street, London, E. C., _ Will be glad to correspond with Apple Growers, Merchants and Shippers, w1th a view to Autumn and Spring Business. They will also give the usual facili-- ties to customers requiring advances. ‘ London, July Blst. 1884.â€"9- m MUSIC STORE. And music of every description Will be kept always on hand at; rock bottom prices. Instrua ments tuned. The public nro invited to give us a call and inspect our stock. Orders promptly attended to. CLARKE & SEAGER- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS RICHNIOND EIIILL ! OFFICES : 15 York Chambers, MONEY '1‘0 LOAN. E Couawoavm. Jn. FRANK E. Bonanza. Toronto, Nov 181.11, 1884 glv Bu‘rrister's, Solicitors, Ami. Oflicesi 18 King Street East, Toronto. Richmond 3111‘ Post Ofioe Every Saturday. 7 Bfifiistets, Attorneys-atâ€"Law, Solicitbrs-in- Chancery. Convevancers, etc, Officesâ€"Imperial Bank BuilQings. Wellingtonâ€"street, TON)th EOMAS FEndIisox, Q.C. ‘ JOHN ' BAIN WM SETON GORDON, GEO F SHIPLEY v HALL, FULLERTON & COOK W M Hall. J S Fullerton, W Cook. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN. Toronto. May 29th, 1884. ly-pex Fgrguson, Balm Gor‘dvon &. S_hlpley, Wu»..- .u. LAWRENCE & MILLIGAN, Barristers, Solicitors, On Saturdays. Money to Loan at Lowest Current Rates. A G F LAWRENCE. T C MILLIGAN. Nov 27011, 1884 1y CONVEYANCEBS. ETC. _No. 14 Building & Loan Toronto Offices chambersmmm. ‘ ' R 1’ th Rlchmond H111 Office-ngmfimufi GENERAL AND FINANCIAL AGENCY Farm 65 Other Property. Hotels. Taverns and Business. A LARGE- STQCKIQGP FURNITURE-j DRAIN TlLE, OF THE BEST on A nr'rv A'I‘ Goodwills Bought and Sold! For Manufacturing and other purposes. S ock and Share Brokers, etc, etc. Toronto Jun 9th 1883 That has eve? heen in this tom}, at ~frqm (SC. to 75c. per roll. A large stock of Opposite Browns Bros. Bakery, whom a full supply of Richmond Hill, April 14th, 1885. We will in a. few days open a. new Music Store in the Village of VITALIZEB AIR PAHLIIRS C. P- LENNOX, DENTIST Yonge St. Arcade, Toronto. The only Dentist in Toronto using Hutda gpv- pnmtua for COATSWORTH l. HODGINS, fiarrifiters, finlicitnrfi, NOTABIE S, CONVEYANCEBS, Extraciing Teeth Without Paivi BEST SETS 01“ TEETH $8; TILLINGS WARRANTEII PflR In Y’s CALL AND SEE ME. ~ Toronto Feb. 13th 1888 SYNDICATES FORMED Best Material in the Market. WALL PAPER AND BORDERINGS I Fllllng and all other operations neatly done My Gold Le;d,fliorllisjfilild Tupb'éniing. Paint and Whitewash Brushes all size‘b.‘ Full Smckof Painters’ Mate'giga'l ati‘lesslhan Iiorongo Prices. . I MORTGAGES OBTAINED QUALITY AT Try our 25c. T‘eas. Aak‘for ‘namp'le. ' Fleur‘ audFeed. All will bind}! [in]. Bdt’fiptn Pribel. ‘ ' ., u v ‘ a: " ' P. G. SAVAGE. Warrant-ed to be made from the CHEMISTS 85 DRUGGISTS, Patent Rights disposed of ; And the People’s Store is on hand with the largest new stock of TORONTO No 9 Toronto Street. P. O. Box 2527. J. I. EVANS & CO, THOS NIGHTINGALE'S, Louder Lane Toronto. Elk/lid, #53339; {Créél'iery ‘and Ithie' 1y-p6m t-i3 Artificul Teeth, upper or under. $5.00. Pain- less extraotiu b use of» Etherized Air. The only firm in t. e ominion executing firstâ€"class work at the aboye price. Thankful for the favors of the past years may still be consulted in any branch of the pro fermion, as follows : ' Blchulogld Hill... 9th & 24th crouch month SURGEON DENTISTS, 208 Queen St. West, Toronto (at Palmer H'bué'é)" 'â€" Aurora, 131:, 8th, 16th, and 22nd do Stonfiville . . . . . . . . . . . . ....18th do Markham ..... . ......2')th de Victoria Bduare ..... 215?. do Thornhill ..... . ...231d do Woodbridge . ..28th do Kleinburg .. 2%]: do Nobloton . . 0th do _Vitalized air always on hand at the places at anpointxpgnt. .It does away with the pan in ‘._A_â€". -u RIGGS & IVORY, G. H. HUSBAND, L- D- S exfiractini VITALIZED AIR 2 cial‘ Travellers. Goo'd Stabling mild attentive hustlers. Terms, $1 per day. Proctor-'5 Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R B Trains going North and South. at 8 a 111.; 12. a. m., 5.10 p m. and 7.30 n m. THE YUBK HEHMD ONLY $l. a“ Palmer. Prop." This House is one of the Best Hotels to V by found north of Toronto. Everything is managed it} Eimmt 01935 Style. I _Sag;p_lg_Room_fgr Cgmmpr- THE PALMER.‘ HOUSE GRAN]! CENTRAL HflTRL This Hotel has been refumished, renovated. and fitted up in first-class style, and is now the lending Hotel north of Toronto. The bar i9 aup~ lied with first-class brand of li nets and cigars. xcellent accommodation or Commercial Travellers, and the General Public Good Stabl- inq and an attentive Hostler. RICHMOND HILL. JOHN POWELL. Prop Western Canada Ofiiceaâ€"No 70, Churchâ€"street, Toronéo HON GEO W ALLAN, Senutm‘,President GEoRGE GOODEBHAM ................ \...,Vice-President. DIRECTORSâ€"Samuel Flatt, M P, Alfred Gooder- ham, Geo W Lewis, Thos H Lee, Hon D L Macpherson, Senator Tom-l Assbté, $3,600,600 Money received on deposit, and interest payable half yearly or compounded. See our reduced 1mm table For further infor- mation apply at tho offices of the Company SAVING’S BANK BRANCH EVERY THURSDAY, At his printing Office, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Terms of Subscriptxon :â€"$1 00 per unnum in advance. When not paid in advance $1 50 will be charged. Tyansihory grlvertisoments, first insertion, Contracts for time and space made on applica- tion. M. H. KEEFLER, 8 cents. 3 cents. péi‘ line ...... . ............ I .............. Each subsequent Insertion, per line. Advertisements without; written instructions will be; inserted until forbid and charged tram-- out to. es. ‘ ' , Newbonbrook, June 13th, 1333. My Reserve Fund, $450,000 FREEMAN’S WORM POWDERS; Are pleasant to take. Contain their own Pugntlva. II I. Info. Inn, and 0mm! “War 0: mm in Children or Adult. rll The York Herald“ Egan Eng! nglngs Company WALTER S LEE, RICHMQND HILL. flaw @mfllfi. Dr A ROBINSON. MONEY T0 LOAN. SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA gonna, PUBLISHED BY th}? 1 places 91 Manaéer‘ ,of ’ A LIFE , filafissurance I ~ 800] 0f London‘,Englahr1, . - Sir Wm McArthumK C M G, J!- P, ex-Lord ‘ Mayor of London, President. , ‘ W W. BaynesgiEqu I A,Secretary Reserve Fund. . . . . . . $10,000,000 'Annual Income . . . . . . ' 1.000.000 Invested in Canada... 1.200.000 Death clmms paid. . . . 10,000,000 Tonox'ro Banana“. John McDonald, Esq. C. J. Camglbell. Esq.. Hon. SeuntorMcMasber A. M.Bm1t . Elm: James Metcalfe, Esq. Rev. Enoch Wood, D. Loans made on security of Company's P0110730 5 per cent interest. Loansmade monarch Trustees, at a low mu 0 interest. Sand for prospectus. THE STAR R. B. Orr, M. B. and First Silver Medalist University of Toronto. M. C. P. 3. Ontario. L. S A L, England (Luce or London, England’ Surgeon. Etc. IS'Oflioe Hours 8 to 9.30 o..m., and 1 to 2.80 p.m. Members College Physicians 6; Surgeons. Residence, Yonge Sheet, Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill, May 23rd. 1882. 1y Assistant sum to Wham Hanan. DR LEWIS G. LANG-STAFF I Office and Besidenoe,â€"0ne door south 0! P. 0. OFFICE HOURS-8 to 10 a m, «t 12 “2’ II Thornhill Feb 14th, 1883. ' ‘ Member College of Pity-tonn- & 8m. (LATE or smmmz.) OFFICE HOURS.â€"Fram 8 to 10 a. m., 5 to 8 p. Ill masmmxcm Yonge Street, Rlchmond Hlll. Richmond H11]. Oct. 12th. ’82. Dr. George: Langstaff, THORN HEB”, QNT. Graduate of TorontgE University. M. C. P. & 8.. Out, Two Years Resident. DR. W. J. WILSON, mmr mommmsm Worth their Wéight in Gold! Pills & Ointment This Incomparable Medicine has seem:- ed for itself an imperishable fame throughout the World for the alleviation and cure of most. diseases to which humanity is heir. increase the secretory powers of the Liver. brace the nervous system, and throw into the circula- tion, the purest Elements for sustaining and repairing the frame. ’ ' urify, regulate and improye the quality of thood. They assist the digestive organs, clean! Thousands of persons have testified that by their use alone they haue been restored to health and strength, after every other means had proved unsuccessful. Coughs, Sore Thromts, Bronchitis, and all disorr! are of the Throat and Chest, as also Gout, Rheu matism. Scrotum and other kind of skin disease. {U- WILL CURE OR RELIEVE will bu found invaluable in every Household in the cure of Open Sores. Hard Tumours. Manufactured only at Profess or Hollowav's Establishment 533. OXFORD STREET LONDON BILIOUSNE88, DIZZINE88, ' x 3 DYSPEPSM, DHOPSY, ‘ INDIGESTION, rLurrEnM/a .M UNDIC’E. OF THE HEIRI’. ERYSIPELAS, ACID/TY 0F 1 SALT Ii‘HEUH, THE aroma”; HEARTBURN, onmsse w" .. HEADACHE, 0F m5 811”, And every tpeclcs of ("toan nflsln fl-6m disordered LIV"R KIDNEYSL TM BOWEL'S OR yucca: fl' BAD LEGS. OLD WOUNDS. CULDS, and sold at ‘13. 15:1,, 23. 9a., 45. 6d., 115., 22,911?! 335 each Box and Pot. and in Canada at 86 cents. 90 centh and $1.50 cents, and the large aims in pronorhon. ‘ T. MILBURN & $0.. CAUTIONâ€"1 have no Agent in [ha United Slates. nor are my Medicines sold there. Purchasers shuuld therefore lonl: to the Inbelyon the Pots and Boxes. If lha address is not 533. Oxford Street, Londm. they are spurious. The Trade Marks of my said Medicines m gistered 111 Ottawa, and also at Wuhgngbu. Signed THOMAS HOLLOWA! 23 Oxford street. London. _.. .1.-- STOMACH AND BOWELS. JAMES LANGSTAFF ! on. can. MAPLE, Sec. & Trbns. for Canada. gamma. A D PERRY, AND 'ie'kizig's'tâ€"ffiafét, Toronto 3m. an 1331 Dec 131: 1388

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