Maximum: Hm. POST nrrmn Galas south, West and East, includ- ing xapla, Thornhill. Toronto. ,, Harkham,&o., 6981:: North Christmas Goodsâ€"I. Crosby. Noticevâ€"W Northgmve. Montreal Witnesst Dongs.“ & Eon icing South,East and West (as above) It 7:00 N. .â€"Registered Letters must be handed in M; hast Fifteen Minute: earlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. Richmond Hill Post omen, M. TEEF'! May 19th 1830. Postmaster POST OFFICE NOTICE lo. 29: Whole No. 1225; THURSDAY. DEC. 22, 1881. The result of the election in West Northumberland shows that the Con- servntives have no reason whatever to doubt a grand and sweeping victory at the general elections. West Northum- berland gave the Reformers a splendid chance to prove that the people had lost conï¬dence in the Government, but they failed to do it, and after a hard ï¬ght {or several days, the election on Monday last, showedamajority for the Conâ€"‘ servative candidate of 68 votes. In 1874 the Reformers carried the riding by 231 votes. and in 1878 the Conservative majority was 88. Every possible effort was made by the Opposition to carry the election on Monday. They well know what a good influence it would have for the party if a Reformer was elected, and Blake stumped the riding, and delivered a number of eloquent ad- dresses. His speeches were good ones, and one is almost inclined to believe that the people must be convinced by his remarks. There seems to be a manly, spirited and patriotic ring about the language he uses, but his past experience and the prosperous state of the country is against him. It‘s Reform Governâ€" ment was returned in ’83 they could not repidiate the contract with the Syndi- cate, without checking the progress of the North-West, and losing millions of dollars t tho-'(EOuntry-; they. could not abolis he National Policy, or make any natio» sages in the tarifl‘, so what is the use condemning these acts. The electors scythat the return of a Reformer would not tend to beneï¬t the country any, that ‘there is no change which could be made that would im- prove the state of trade. or the settle- ment of the great Northâ€"West, and therefore Blake’s earnest appeals ap- parently are without any effect. The Beformers may just as 'well make up their minds that they are not going to succeed in ’83, on either the N. P. or the Syndicate cry, they Will not even hold their own. The indications are that the Conservative party will be even stronger than in ’83. It’s hard for them to realize, but its true all the same. MIME“ notice, Mail: will be closed at the A banquet was given in honor of Mr N. C. Wallace, M. P. for West York, on the evening of the 15th inst, at, Fairbank, in the townnhip of York. Mr R. Wilson, pro prietor of the York House. had made ample preparations for a hundred guests, and fully that number am, down and did. ample justice to the sumptuous repast pro- vided. The chair and vice-chair were rospectiveiv occupied by Mr J. 1’, Bull and Mr Jacob P. Ross, of Ymk township. Among the gentlemen pxesent wero : Mr Wallace, M. P.. the guest of the evening, Messrs A. P. McDonald, ex-M. P., A. M. McDona‘d, John A. McDonald, W Smith- son, J P Bull, Thos Vaughan, Jmnés Arm- strong, Arthur Duncan. Wm Clmke, jr., John Todd. Edward Linder. J Dollcry. Thos Best. in. Alex McKenxio, A Robert- Ion. Cap E P Denisen, etc. THE Dacron m wanmmr.â€"â€"']‘he Be former in referring to a lecture to he de- livered by Dr Wild in that. town on the twenty-Imzond says :â€"At the last visit of this celebrated lecturer to this town, the lddress he than delivered only served to in- creale the interest felt in him, and made those who had the pleasure of listening to him on that occasion wish to hear him a- gain. The public. once having' had a taste of his power to interest an audience, will be anxious to hear him again. The lecture itself is something entirely unique, and is Ilid by those who have heard it to be in- tensely interestingI as well as instructive. Dr. Wild has certainly proved himself a thinker far in advance of the ago, and his theories are at once startling and new. and at the same time carry conviction with them. He is undoubtedly the sensation of the age, and we hope our Newmarket friends will not miss the present opportun. ity of hearing him, as he may not rte-appear in Newmarket again It was with cohéiderrl able difï¬culty that the committee secured‘ his services, and we hope he will he re~ i ceivei hr 2 f‘u‘l house. 3 Mr Wallace’n speech was an exhaustive review of the beneï¬cial legistation of the present Government as experienced by the agriculturist. manufacturer, merchant and mechanic. The manner in which it was received can leave no doubt upon that gentlemnn’s mind of the complete indm'sav tion given to the Government policy by his constituents in the neighborhood of Fair- bank. After practical speeches by the Messrs McDonald: and Ni Armstrong, Messrs Smithson. Duncan and Heaslip re- plied to the toast of the agricultural in- terests in neat and appropriate speeches. The chairman. Mr J. P. Bull's speech. full of thought and fact, closed one of the most enjoyable meetings ever held at the sub- urbnn village of Faitbank. After'the cloth was I removed {he usual loyal toasts were given and responded to most beamly. The enthusiasm and satisfaction manifesl- ed here and all through the riding at the result of good Government and the National Policy in un1\'er§al.â€"â€" NEWS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Elm ajm ï¬emlfl. Richmond Hlll. Ont. BANQUET TO WALLAGR What It Shows. MORNING EVENING LB FOLLOWS West York. Volume as at 7 :30 CONCERTS, SOCIAL ASSEMBLIES, ma, IN RICHMOND HILL AND NEIGH- BORHOOD. LECTURE. The Holiday Season of Concerts, and Social Assemblies opens this weeek with, the lecture, by Dr Wild, in the Masonicl Hall, Richmond Hill, on Friday the Twenty-i third. The lecture has been extensively t advertised, the tickets are selling well, and everything indicates a large audience to I hear this celebrated lecturer. j HAsottIc BALL. 9 The arrangements are now completed t for "the event of the season,"â€"-â€"a grand t Masonic ball and supperâ€"in the Ilasottic- Hall, Richmond Hill, on Friday. Twenty, third. The music is ofa superior order, the best to be secured in Toronto, and the Commtttee have spared neither time, ex- pense, or trouble to ensure a pleasant and ‘ most enjoyable evoning. As'r EXHIBITION. The Richmond Hill Mechanics’ Institute will hold an Art Exhtbition in the Com- mittee Room of the Masonic Hall, on Saturday and Monday, Dec. Twenty-four I ‘and Twenty-six, at which a large and varied ‘ ‘collection of beautiful Paintings, Chromos, Ancient and Modern Curiosities of all kinds, ‘ and other interesting articles will be on Ex- htbition It is really astonishing what a large number of strange, and curious nrt» icles can be secured in a small village and neighhmhqod. One would scarcely believe that Richmond Hill and Patterson contain- od so many works of art, and valuable relics of all kinds, as will be shovt'n on the‘ above dates. Any persou having articles for comribution will please write the name. and thvsye. and a short History, (if the article is of such a nature as to make the histOry interesting.) and attach the des- cription to the collection. A committee will call at the different: houses in the vill- age on Saturday morning. for curiosities, but those who can send their articles to the hall, will confer a great. favor on the Com- mittee, as there is a great amount ot work to do. The Directors of the Instttute guarantee that every article will be handled carefully, and returned safely. There are many persons who have volunteered to send in articles without beingr canvassed, and as it will be almost impossible to canvass all, the commtttee hope that any who may not be visited wrll send word to the ofï¬cers, or leave their articles at the hall. In either case they will be entitiled to the hearty thanks and lasting gratitude of the Direct- ors. The Exhibition will be opened from 5 o’clock to 10 p. m., on Saturday, and from 10 a m., to 7 p. m., on Monday, (Christmas Day) Tickets 10 cents, mem- bers free. )L I. concur. On Monday evening, Twentyaixth innt., a Grand Concert win be given in connection with the Mechanica’ lnltitute, in the Malon- ic Hull. A wood programme ha! been procured, consisting of songs. choruses, duetts, solos, mailings and recitationl. The committee expect to have a gentleman from Toronto to give a number of humorous readingl. Concert to commence at 7:30. Tickets 15 cents. snoorrxa MATCH. A-shooting much will be held al. the Grand Central Hoiel, {ichmoud hill, on Christmas Day, Monday, Dec. Twenty-six. when over 300 Glass Bulls will be provided also a large number of pigeons, geese ané lurkies. Shooting commences at 10 o’clnck sharp. Dominion rules to govern. Dum- er will be provided at 1 o’clock. at. the GrandCehtral Hotel. Mr Edward Tricket, the celebrated Australian oursmen, will be present. I ZION 1c. 3. s. ANNIVERSARY. , The Zion E. Lutheran Sabbath School. 4th Con. Vaughan, hold an entertainment on Dec. Twenty-sixth, consisting of address- , es, singing and dialogues. They will also have a Christmas Tree. MAPLE C. M. CHURCH. A Concert and Christmas Tree will be held in connection with the Sabbath School on Thursday. Dec. Twentyâ€"second. » BUTTONVILLE S. SCHOOL. This Sabbath School will hold an Xmas Tree and Entertainment. on Monday, Dec. Twenty-six. Ten from 4 to 6, p. 111.. after which, recitetions, dialogues and Imging will be given by the school. BALL AND SUPPER. A Grand Ball and Supper will be held at the Thoruhill Hotel on Friday evening, Dec. 30th. First-class music has been engaged for this occnaion. Splendid hall and good supper. TORCH~LIGHT PRocesanN CONCERT. The Richmond Hill Fire Company will give a grand Torch-light procession and Concert on Monday evening, Jan. Second. The procession will leave the ï¬re hall at 6 o’clock, headed by the band. with the engine and hose reels nicely decorated with flags, etc.. and parade through the village, after which a concert will be given in the Masonic Hall. The programme is a good one. Selections by the band, come: and piano solos. songs, glees, duetts, readings. recitations. and sleight-ofhantl performan- ances, and comic songs in character will be given. This is to be the concert of the year. As this is the ï¬rst Concert held by the Fire Company we would like to see the hall crowded For particulars see bills. MOUNT ZION S. 8. Mount Zion Sabbath School, at Dollar P. 0,, will give awTea meeting and Enter- tainment on New Year’s Eve, Saturday, Dec.315t. Recitations, dialogues and sing- in;:. Rev I. lompbell, Richmond Hill, Rev Mr Shuttelcworth, Toronto, and others will deliver addresses. For other particu- lars see hilla. and don’t you forget it. AND menn’s At the West York Reform Association meeting rocentiy, the present worthy repre- sentative of that Riding announced his de- termination not to seek re-election next generalelectiou. It is a pity to see worthy and honem men retire without witnessing a corresponding grace of resignation on the part of mere politicians who "run‘ the show†for a iiving.-~X€zmrwr,{'et Em, There is a little fellow here that goes by the name of the ‘terrier’ as heis snapp- ing at everything. He is the same fellow that was so over come by the gentle influ- ence of Morphene last spring. that he went to sleep and missed several lnnda by for- getting to put grain in the drill, (or he was thinking too much ofhis girl.) He is a rather consequential man in temperance matters, but only in his own opinion. He is going to be married shortly, if all goes well. He was pretty near being married twice before but. got left. The Ontario Legislature Assembly meets for business on the 12th of January. Christmas and New Year’s The band boys have made their teacher a present ofa beautiful (hair, costing about $13. It was at. the Xmas tree on Monday night, Hope he will have a great, deal of comfort, as he must. be wearied looking for a house. This would seem to show that the country is being benefitted by the N. P., as there is not a house to be found vacant. WILL-'O-THEvWISP. Cranberry Marshville, Dec. 19111, 188‘. Cranberry Marshville Wm'rcm'ncnâ€"-The programme has some- what changed lately, and strong pressure is being brought to bear on Mr J. C. Lundy, the present Reeve, to reconsider his previ- ously announced intention of retirement. It is more than likely he will reconsider and run. Knmâ€"â€"We have not heard of any partic- ular change in thin Townlhip since we made aiiusion to municipal matters on a previoul occasion. Em GermenYâ€"A correspondent who ought to be pretty well posted in thin Township writes us that Mr Wm. Reid will be brought out in opposition to the present Reeve ; and aim that, Mr Reid': name, and that of Mr P. DeGeer. are both mentioned for 1st Deputy, in opposition to Mr Traviu. For second Deputy, Mesm B. Long and J. Tner ; and for Connelllors, Messrs John Holbon, Beuj Terry, Muhlon Donn, Asa Phillips, Robert Moore, and Geo Holborn. This looks like music ; but perhaps it wxll and with ï¬ddling a litle on nomination day. Since the foregoing was put In type we learn that a public meeting took place at Queennville on Monday evening. to consid- er municipal matters. Mr Turner occupied the chair, and speeches were made by Mesail J. Moore. A. J. Milne. Mnhlon Donn, JIS Silver, P. DeGeer, and others. The mael- ing finally decided to nominate Mr DeGeer fur lst Deputy, and Mr Mahlon Donn for Councillor. We have not heard any further intelli- gence from other Municipalities in North Yurk.â€"~ERA We learn that Mr. Fealby retires from the Township Council after 9 years service, B. Parker takes position of Reeve. C. Gould lat deputy. E. S. Shaw, 2nd deputy. and J. Weir and S. Flummerfelt as coun- cillors, and at present it. is believed they will be returned by acclamution, as no ntber aspirants have come {Orward.â€"Siotl_fville Advance. (From our own Correspondent) We have a young gent living in this village, a little lightâ€"or redâ€"in the head. and he strolls up to Teston, S. of T. Diviâ€" sion every Saturday night, as a general thing. Last Saturday night he showed up as usual, and getting into an argument, at- tempted to enforce his ideas by physicnl force. This is where he failed. badly. His opponent won the day, and our friendâ€"J. Me B.â€"retired somewhat crest~fullen. and reported that. he had violated his pledge. He was ie»obligated, :‘nd went'outv, not. to weep. but to brave the bitter wind. until his girl came out, when he went home with her. He makes a point of asking a girl, the ï¬rst time he 13 With her, Whether she will marry him or not. The girls nnturllly refuse, us they want to get. more acquainted with him. and he gets angry and transforl his attentions elsewhere. He in a dandy. TWIN-BROTHERS. Our bad roads and gloomy weather don’t look like the advent of Christnmy, but we hope before the end of the week to see some new and good sleishing for the Holidays, as all young people like u sleigh drive M: Christmas and New Years. PUBLIC MEETING. A public Meeting was held last night in the Orange Hull,for the purpose of discussing matters in regard to our newly incorporated village, and naming men to form our Council,which will be nominated next Monday. Mr. John Abell was called to the chair by a. unanimous vote, and Mr. C. J. Agar appointed Secretary. The hall was packed to the doors. The chairman opened the meeting by saying great care should be taken in forming the new Council, and men should be put in who will be economical in all business en- trusted to them by the electors. Mr. N. C.Wallace M. P , spoke at considerable length about the future welfare of our villmze, and wound up by inviting those who had alreadv formed a. Council at a."cuuous†meeting. lately held in our village, to come forward und explain their views on the matter, before a. public meeting, but not one of these had the pluck to come forward, and kept their seats, much to the surprise of the many assembled. Mr. John Abell was then proposed as our ï¬rst Reeve, and the proposition wascurried by nearly nll present. A Committee was formed to appoint Councilmen. It adjourned to the gallery, and returned in about half-nu 11(ur with the numeo of four gentlemen who Will muke ‘ good representatives of our villageerr. Thomas F. \Vulluco, Mr. JohnF. McIntosh, Mr. Edward Vivian and Mr James Mounsie. These numes no doubt will be at the head of the polls on elec'ion ‘ day. The meeting broke up after each candidate made a short but pointed speech. A vote of 1 thanks was given to the worthy chairman, and 1 cheers for the Queen. Tuscarora, Dec. 2131:, 1881. a The classic momlists bids "Festina. Lento," but i w’hen you want a good pou you cannot get one of Esterbrook’s too quickly. The Stationers have \ them. Wholesale by Toronto Stationers. HOLLOWAY’S P1LLs.â€"â€"’l‘he Hour of Danger.â€" ‘ Disease commonly comes on with slight symp- <‘ toms, which, when neglected. increases in extent, and gmduellv grows dangerousâ€"e condition which betrays the grossest remissnessâ€"when these Pills, taken in accordance with their ac. ‘ cunipanying directions, would not only have whacked, but conquered the incipient disorder. lPatients daily forward details of the most re- ] murkehle and instructive cases in which timelv { attention to Hollowny's advice has undoubtedly { saved them from severe illness. These Pills act . primarily on the digestive organs, which they I stimulate when slow and imperfect ; nnd,second- ' 1y, upon the blood, which is thoroughly puriï¬ed by them, whence ii derived the general tone they [ impart, and their power of subjugating hypo- : chondrimcism,dyspepsie,end dervous complaints. ()ur village butcher, Mr. John Rowntree, has come to the fore agaiii,as he has always (lone in former years, with a, line display of Christma- becf, mutton, lamb, veal, fowls, etc. It has alwayyl been Mr. Rountrce's aim to have a good supply of meets for our Xmas Dinner, and during his long stay amongst us, for nearly 20 years, he has not failed to supply the wants of all who like a nice roast for Xmas. This yearhepurchas- ed, from Mr. Win. Shuuk, a thoroughbred steer. 3 years old, which weighs nearly a ton, and is 9. ï¬ne animal, ï¬nely fatted, and will make good Xmas beef. As Mix It. says, it is the ï¬nest anim- al he has bought since he came to our village, and cosr, 8140.00. Another ï¬ne cow, which was futtcd by Mr. Peter Franks, is also worthy of notice, weighing 1600 lbs. It is a beautiful animal as is also another one from Mr. Thos. Riddell, weighing 1700 lbs., and several others which space will not allow me to describe. We hope Mr.R.willlong be amongst us to supply our Xmas dinner with good meats. L, 0.L. No. 28, The annual meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday night, ldth, inst, when the following ofï¬cers were elected for the ensuing year :â€"Thos. E. Earls, W. M., E. Wallace, D. M..John McClure Chaplain, Robt. Earls, Sec., W'm Burkholder, Trans, Wm Scott, D of C., Chas Medforth. G Gilâ€" inour, A Gerrard, Geo Cook, Reuben Phillips. After the election of omcers a Royal Arch Meet- ing was held, and ‘2 candidates were put through their facings in proper style. Your Correspondent will wind up this letter by wishing: all 1}. Merry Christmas, and try and keep everything humming. \Voodbridge, Dec. 20th, 1881 equal for relieving pain, both internal and ex- ternal. It cures Pain in the Side, Back or Bowels Sore Throat, Rheum ntiam, Toothache, Lumbagn, and any kind of a. Pain or ache. “It wlll most surely quicken the Blood and hen}, as its acting power is wonderful.†“Brown’s Hon behold Penu- cea," being acknowledged as the great Pain Re- liever, and of double the strength of nnv other Elixir or Liniment in the World, should be in every family handy for use when wanted, “as it really is the best remedy in tho worldfor Cramps in the Stomach, and Pains mndAches of all kinds' Ind is for sale by allDruggiets at 25061113! abottle. And he will convince you that St. Jacobs Oil is the most Wonderful remedy that has ever been brought before the public. Rheumatism of many years standing has yielded immediately to its alrith magical influence. As many have ex- pressed it, its action in electrical. seeming to drive the pain before it until all discomfort leaves the body and the Warm glow of health and comfort remains. It is 11. certain cure for neu- ralgia, giving immediate relief upon the ï¬rst application, and curing, in a short time, the most inveterate cases. Rest and Oornfort to the Suffering “BROWN’S HOUSEHOLD I’ENACEA†has no If Yon Don't Believe It. Ask Any Ger- man, Municipal Matters. (From our own Correspondent.) WOODBRIDGE. OUR VILLAGE BUTCHEns. Tuscarora. HUMMER Ch’riï¬mas Cards for sale at the H ALD Store. 1% I Invisible h‘étmang ,‘invisible bairvp‘i'ï¬vé“ for sale at the H1: ‘ALD STORE. *‘ The Markham Farthers’ Club meets on Tuesday, Jan. 3rd. DECORATmb.â€"Tbe English Church is being beautifully decorated for Christ- mas Service, on Sunday next at 10 a. m. In buyin'g Christmas goods,vlook over the HERALD, and see who advertises. That’s the place to invest. Union Services will be held in the Methodist Church, in this village, dur- ing the Week of prayer,â€"â€"-the ï¬rst week of the new year. Annual School Meeting in the Counâ€" cil Chamber, on Wednesday next, 28th inst... for nommatlon of Trustees. John Sanderson, Returning Oflicer. ' ANOTHER Rowâ€"A disgraceful baht. tobk place in this village, on Satur- dav evening, between two young men. A lock up in the village wouId exert a good influence over nurties' inclined to break the peace. Goon SHOOTING.â€"0ur sportsmen 'nre practising for the shooting match on the 26th. On Tuesday last, Messrs. E. Dunlap, C. Duncumb, and R. Glen had a match and broke thirty-ï¬ve out of forty’lhree bulls. The Boreah's thinks they have. some good marksman in Aurora, but we think we than down them. L091}; ITEMS. The usual Stoekgqf [christmas gooais in the shape of Cï¬l‘lxï¬ha‘s Boxes for the youngsters, will be found at the HIRâ€" ALn Store. Do notneglect to give us a call. According to an adiertisement in an- other column two men in Thornhill are likely to get Into trouble if they do not make redress to the advertiser, by Jan. lst. Nominations for Municipal Elections will be held on Monday, 26th inst, and the elections on Monday,2tld of January: which will be pijogluimed public holidays by the Liéut. Governor,†as' Christmas and New Years Day fall on the preced- ing Sundays. REMEMBER.â€"It is hardly necessary to call attention {'0 the fact. that Dr. Wild lectures in the Masonic Hall, to- morrow, (Friday) eVening, 23rd inst, on “The Stone Miracle and 1882.†No one can fail to remember it, and if they want. to hear a good lecture they will not fail to attend. It. is not. every day lhat an opportunity is afforded of hearing this celebrated man. The Newmarket quormer, as will be seen in another column, speaks very highly of' his recent lecture in that town. }~0MXKA1‘ION.â€"Tlle Bills are posted no- tifying the electors that a meeting will be held in the Council Chamber. Palmer’- Block, on Monday; Dec, Twenty-six. 1881. for the nomination of candidates for the uflices of, .RQBMKSA Councillors for the ensuing year. there are no particular questions before the electors this year, un- less they may request to hear the views of candidate on a lock-up, street-opening, and street lamps. We are pretty well ï¬xed for Fire protection, and that question must take a rest now. We believe all the old Council will stand, and there will likely be one or two new names, but we have not. heard any- thing deï¬nite. It is said Dr J. Langstatf intends to run for Reeve, and there is some talk of bringing out Mr Brown and Mr Crosby for the same ofï¬ce. We have not heard whether any of the aboveqiamed gentlemen would contest the uflice if our present worthv representative at the County Council. decides to run. There are some new names mentioned for the Council, a- inongst others that of Mr H Dewsbury. If there is any change made in the present Council, it will not be through their un- popularity. or because the electors are con- vtnced that other men would manage our village interests more carefully and advan- tugeouuly. but chiefly throu 3h a desire that sometimes influgnces public opinion, at elections, for a little change,â€"-to give new men a chance of having Municrpal Honors. Knox COLLEGE GLEE CLUB.â€"Tbe Concert in the Masonic Hall, on Thurs- day last, by the College Glee Club, was a most enjoyable one. The duetts by Messrs. C. & G. Gordon were parlicular- ly pleasing, and warmly applauded, and the readings and reeitations given by Messrs Robt Huddow and A. B. Melâ€" drum were interesting and most hum- erously rendered. The glecs, chorus, etc., were well appreciated. In some of the Ielections, thnty voices took part. Prof Collins accompanied on the piano, and gave a piano solo. Mr Robt. Me- Nair occupied the chair. A vote of Lllankfl was tendered to the club. After the concert, the members of the Club, and a number of friends were invited to an oyster supper at. Dr Langstaï¬'s, where a pleasant. evening was spent. A SERIOUS Loss.â€"--While dressing on Saturday morning last,Mr A. J. Rupert, of this village. found that his wallet, containing 3100 in Bank Bills, about the same in promissory notes, and some private letlers, was missing from the hip pocket, in his pants, where he had been accustomed to carry it. On searching through the house, he found the doors unlocked, and some standing ajnr. As they were not left in this poeitiou when he retired for the night, it is evident that some one must have entered the house. Mr Rupert was immediately convinced that a robbery had been comâ€" mitted, but to make certain that the wallet was not, mislaid or dropped. searched around the house, stable and yard, where he had been the previous evening attending tovhis horses, after he had placed the wallet in his pocket. The search resultedas he expected,â€" unsuccesst‘ully. He then advertised by bills, that. the wallet was either lost or stolen, offering a reward for its return, and threatening prosecution if' it was found in the possession of any one. No tracerhas yet been/obtained of either the wallet, notes or letters. The loss is a serious one, and the robber must be an uncommonly bold scoundrel, to go through a house, enter a bed room,where a lamp was burni , «and quietly reâ€" move a pocket boo from the owner’s pants. Woolen Java Canvass in black and red, and rubber crochet needles, for sale at 331m HERALD Store. ligï¬fl‘be report of the standing of pupils ï¬Ã©the Senior Department of Richmond Hill Public School will appear next week. MAsoxxc Burmaâ€"At angular com- municntibn of Wenlake Lodgc. No. 10. G. R. 0.. A. F. é: A. 11., held n Thornbill, Tue-day 132!) int, the following oï¬iceu Were elected for the ensuing year :â€"â€"W. Bro. J. M. Reid;v»W. M ; Bro. F. J. D. Smith. S. W ; M. W. Bro. J. Reilb, J. W; Bro. C. Ludford, Tron ; Bro. W. J. Bull. Sect; Bro. T. Clay, 8. D ; Bro. J. John- son, J. D -, Bro. J. Lockhln, I. G. The many friends in Yorkville Ind Toronto, of W. B. Canaan, Esq., will regret to learn that he leaves the city this week, for Manitoba. where, we understand, he contemplates engaging in business. We sincerely wish him every success in his new home. HIGH SCHOOL REVIEW.-â€"â€"A revmw of the work in the High School, took place on Tuesday last. A number of visitors were present. The pupils apâ€" penred to be well up in their studies, and the schooi'progressing ï¬nely under the present efï¬cient management of Mr. Mc- Bride nnd Miss Palmer. CHRISTMAS Memeâ€"Our village butchers have a good supply of meats for Christmas and New Years, and will have their shops decorated in the usual style. Mr. Pugsley has purchased sever- al animals, averaging from 1200 to 1400 lbs , and about a hundred head of poult- ry, (Geese, turkios, etc.) Mr Hopper has 8510 made arrangements for a mug- niï¬cient display of meats and poultry. Mr John Brown, merchant, has a good display of poultry and rabbits hung up in front of his store, and decorated with evergreens. The other merchants will have their usual supply. CHRISTMAS SERVICEs.-â€"The follow ing is a Programme of the Services to be held in (112.0. M. Church, in this village, on Sunday next, Dec. 25th :â€" MORNING. Hymnâ€"442. Prawnâ€"â€" Anthem,â€"“Ha.rk what means those holy voicel" (R. Lowry.) Lesson,~ Anthem ,â€"â€"“Exuleing Angels in aeravhic strains" (Whitm) Hymn,â€"140. Sermon,â€"By Rev. J. Pickering. Authem.-“Shout the glad tidingn†(Event L. Baker.) Hyn‘m,â€"â€"148 Prayer;â€" Anthemp-“Hark the Herald. Angela Sing" (Geo Kingley.) lst Lesson.â€" Hymnâ€"‘45 Pm. er.â€" Ant em,â€"“The Stu of Bethlehem" (R. Lowry.) 2nd Lesson,~â€"â€" Hymn,â€"108. Sermonâ€"By Rev. J. Pickering. Prayer:- Organ,~ Amhen1,-“Lord dismiss us with thy blaming" (R Lowry.) The programme in the Newmarke: Parliament this weal: is a debatn on tho subject :“‘ ’Twere better to have loved And last, than never to have loved at all,†An interesting subject. certainly. Dr. Widdiï¬eld has received the nomin- ation to contest North York, in [ha in- terest of the Reformera, at the next general elections. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suflering and crying with the excruciating pain 6f cutting teeth '2 If so, go at once and get a. battle of mns. wwsnow's sum-n- ING SYRUP, It will relieve the poor little sufl'el- er immediatelyâ€"depend upon it ; there is no mistake ab out it. There is not a. mother on earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you At once that it Will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child. Operating like magic. Itis perfectly safe to use in all cases. and pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold evervwhere at 25 cents a bottle. MOTHERS! MOTHERS H MOTEEBS BLUKDELL-DAWHDNâ€"On the 10th inst. at the residence of the bride’s fathnr, Dawson Lodge, Newmarket, by the Rev. H. B. Owen, In- cumbent of St. Paul’s Church, Wm. C. Blund- ell, of Toronto, to Mary Walton. second daugh- ter of Geo. F. Dawson, Esq. THOMASâ€"SmowGâ€"At the M E Church, Willowdsle on the 30111, Nov., by the Rev Mr Lynch, Mr Mr Richard Thomas, eldest son of R Thomas Esq, Temperancex'ille, to Miss Sarah Stong’ fourth daughter of Mr Jacob Stong, Tp York’ WILLIAMSâ€"Sroxr-zsâ€"â€"On the 15th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, Kettleby, Mr. C. C. Williams, to Miss Lens. Stokes. daughter of Joseph Stokes, Esq., Reeve of King Town- ship. MITCHELL»WOODEâ€"~At thercsidence of the brides father North Gwillimbury, on the 14L}: inst, by the Rev. James Carmichael, M. A., of Markham, J. Mitchell, Esq, of Ringwood, to Miss Susie, daughter of Wm. Woods, Esq. CUTTIN Gâ€"CouYâ€"At the parsonage, Newmarlï¬et. on the 15th inst ,by the Rev. A. Browning. Air. Mtgtthew Cutting, to .Miss Martha. Ann CLAnKsoxâ€"At the parsonage, 165 Carlton-sf, on Monday, the 19611 inst, Annie, wife of Rev J B Clarkson, and daughter of the lateBenjamin “Valley, of Montreal. LOCAL ITEMS. RH EEMATISM; WW“ ‘ V mm m mm; Nauru/gin, Sciaiica, Lumbago, ' Fukuoka, Sal-ones: of the Obesf, Gout, Quincy, Sore Throat, Swall- ings and Sprain, Burn: and Sea/d3, General Bodily Pains, Tool/I, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pam: and Aches. Ra hour-tin: on earth equal 51'. kg? all u a cafe, Jun, aim to ad cheap tern-l Remedy. A Cris! cuts†but (he comptntlvoly trifling out!» o! 50 Can", 3nd "cry on. “maxing 31:}: pin on hive chap and paid" proof of in Hill- Direction in flow: hula-goo. BOLD BY ALL DEUGGISTS AND DEALER! IX MEDICINE. Cory, both of King‘ A. voangn @991 DEATH. MARRIED EVEN 1N6. FOR am, am. mi. 4. (From our own Correspondent.) The Vaughan Plowmnn’s Association met on Saturday evening last, at the Palmer House. and settled up the business for the year, which appeared to be very favorable. After the business was trans- acted, Mr Palmer invited the member: and ofï¬cers to an Oyster Supper, which was served in elegant style. Speeches were made by the President. Mr John Lahmer, Mr John Campbell. Vice. Hr Wm Robin-- son, See, and Mr Jamel McNeil, Trees. Mr Leeds Richardson. Auditor. It was a grand aï¬â€˜eir, if the reports of all who were there, are correct, and we believe they are. Mr Palmer is making many warm friends. He is getting to be favorably known. and Ippeara to be cut out for a genial lenulord. A little boy, son of Mr Wilson, on the 3rd Con. of Vaughan, was leading a horse to water on 'iuesday, another boy struck the animal, and it kicked the lad in the face. hurting his cheek badly. We regret to learn that Mrs A Rupert is seriously ill. The Toronto Evening News claims to have the input city circulation, and oï¬â€˜erl to uhow il’l books. When illho Telegram? THURSDAY, Dec 22, Ian, rmczl A’l‘ nmnml' WAGGOII Wheat fall, now,per bush H Spring do Barley do .. Barley do . Outs, do Peas do .. Bye do Dressed Hovsmer 100 155.... Beef, hind qunrters,per 100 m Mutton, by the enema, per 100 Chickens, per pair .. Ducks, per bmco Geese,each ........ Turkeys. each Euthanlbrollu .. large rolls.. tub dairy... Eggs, fresh, doz .. Potatoes, per bag Apples per barrel Onions‘ per bag . Cabbage, per (102,. Celery, per doz ., . Turnips, per bag .. Carrots, per doz Beet/3,1)“ doz ..... I’m-snipe, per bag . Hay pentou... Straw per, ton. Wool Der lb. 0 75 43 75 85 7 76 5 50 b 50 40 65 22 19 25 85 130 "can 40 0 35 35 35 00 9 00 B 00 23 ~ï¬nal: Hun 14 12 Maple, Dec. 20th, 1881 Richmond Hill, Doc. 15th, 1881. James Pam: and Matthew Dean, of Thomhill, having atmted and reported th at I owe unto Jan. Page, the mum of Three Hundred Dollars, ($300.) If the said parties. by the hat of Janumy, do not make redress unto me for these reports, I 5111111 take further proceedings in the matter. Bramley, Doc. 20th, 1881‘ Biohmond Em, DeoJuh. tux. Joseph Walden Gormley’a Corners, Dec. 8th, 1881. , a: , - Isaac Walder z TUHUNTU GREY AND BRUCE CHRISTMAS GOODS ‘! Wall Brackets & Pockets, Pictures 85 Frames. NOTICE is hereby given that the Toronto Grey and Bruce Railway Company will apply to the Legislature of the I’rowince of Ontario, at the next Session thereof, foran Act to repeal the lust proviso of the fourteenth section of Act forty four, Victoria Chapteraeventy four, and to author: ize the Toronto Grey and Bruce Railway )om- puny to umalgnmnte with or loose their line to the Ontario and Quebec Railway Company, Ind for other purposes. Secretary T. G. a: B. Railway Toronto Nov. 8th 1831. oi Secretary '1‘. G. an B. Railwai Toronto, Nov. 23rd, 1881. tiï¬ As I will not be responsible for any debts con- tracted by him in my name NOTICE is hereby given that the Toronto Grey dz Bruce Railway Company, will apply to the Legislature of the Province of Ontario, at the next Session thereof, for an Act to amend the several Acts relating to the said Company, and for further power for the issue 0! bonds and debenture stock, and to re-srrsnge their bonded debt, and for the repeal of section 12 of the Act 43. Vic. Chapter 66, providing for the sppoint» ment of a Commissioner for the purposes thereâ€" in mentioned. and also to repeal the 17th Sec- tion of the said Act, providing for the election of a. Director by certain municipalities therein mentioned, and for other purposes. Also power to arrange with other Railway Companies for station accommodation, and to join with other companies in the erection of a joint station. Also the right to make running arrangements with other railways. Also for power to pur~ chose, and charter. and work steam boots and other vessels and for other purposes. TflRflNTfl GREY 81 HRIIEE APPLICATION FOR An Act to Amend Several Acts. All parties are hereby cautioned crediting Floral Mottoes and Frames. Mirrors 01 all sizes and style, and a. ï¬ne selection 0! Chairs, all ï¬t for Presents for the Holiday Semen. A Fine Selection of Furniture, and a. Full Stock of Grocariea. Paints and Oils. Wall Paper 3. specialty, Will be sold for Cash. Call and See CAUTION. Sman NOTICE! Peter " Gr. Savage. THE MARKETS. TORON’Ff)! RAILWAY .'. NOT RESPONSIBLE! w. SU'I'NHERLA‘LNP TAYLOR, W. SUTHERLAND TAYLOR, W. NORTHGR,AVES. RAILVVAY ! MAPLE. At the People’s Store. BnMgILEY, I" 0 SKATES,â€"â€"The Spring and the Wmdless. Cheap. and no better MADE. SEE THEM. Christmas is Coming I $123 $121: . l 30 l 3‘ . 0 75 0 87 .. 43 44 75 80 85 86 7 75 B 00 5 50 6 00 The Largest and Best Stock of 80008 SUITABLE FUR THE SEASUN ! Bo Pan. 19 25 85 I 50 1 30 ° 60 40 35 35 00 9 00 B 00 Right along. and Moodie is prepared for it with a. large Stock of against 100 1 v 45 45 45 14 50 12 00 24 .000 780 00 57.- 21 '28 BEE-KEEPERS DEPARTMENT. VETEBI NA BY DEPARTMENT. THE MONTREAL WITNESS Poultry and Pet Department. What it Believes to be Right. Conducted by an eminent Montreal Queen'l Counsel. TAKE IT AND YOUR LOCAL mm. Take whatever paper you please, but b0 sure and take THE MONTREAL “WITNESS.†Each Subscriber to the Daily Witneu Reâ€" news the Worldanmed chturen Magniï¬cent Premiums The Roll Call After the Battle of Inkerman, ~ANDâ€" Receives either one of those picture: he may choose. REPRESENTING The First Stroke of Waterloo. WE EIiLY VVITNESS for Youn; People and the Sabbath 801100}. TAKE THE Speciï¬cations. couditiona of contract and form! of tender mzLy be obtained on application at thi‘ Canadian Paciï¬c Railway Ofï¬ce, in New Westâ€" mimatermnd at the Chm! Engineer‘s om“ at Ottawa“ after the lat January next. at which time; lam andprqflluwinbe open to: inspec- SUME SPEBIAL DEPARTMENTS- Prlces gâ€"Duily Witness, $3.00, including postage Weekly " $1.10, " “‘ Northern Messenger, 30 cents, includv iug postage. Sample Copies and descriptions of the premium free. Address, ' JOHN DOUGALL J‘s SON. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Emory’s Bar to Port Moody. SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to NOON on WEDNESDAY, the lat day of FEBRUARY next, in n. lump sum. for the construction of that portion of the road between Port Moody zmdthe \Vestâ€"end of Con- tract 60, near Emroy's Bar, a. distance of about 85 miles. Conducted by Dr McEachran,F. R. C. V. 8.. Princign'l‘ of t'hg Mgntrea} VebggiparEICoyege, Yourselves by mu. money when a. gal . chance is offered, thereby always keeping poverty from your door Thoso who alwnvs take advnn age of the good chances of making money thlt are offered, generally become wealthy, while those who do not improve such chances remain n poverty We want many men, women, b0 5 11:1 girls to work for us right in their own 100 i- tes The business will pay more than ten times oidixmry wages We furnish an expensive outï¬t urd all that you need free No one who engages fan]: to make money very rapidly You can do- votio your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments Full information and all that is needed. sent free Address, STINSON & Co. Pox-ta land. Maine giving Coht’mfldi-i‘ xii: Sï¬ï¬Ã©â€˜rtufli't} 31 'i and 'sxnmining the ground during the ï¬ne before the winter sets in. ‘ Mr. Marcus smithfï¬b is in charge 1W {mt ofï¬ce at New Westminster, is instructed to gnu ngtr‘uctnlrs n11 the infprmqtioxg in_his power. __. ___v r .. No tender will be entertamed unless on one of the printed forms. addressed to F. Bmunp Esq, Sec. Dep. of Railways and Canals, and marked "Tender for C. P. R.†F. BRAUN, _ NOTICE is hereby given that an application will be made at the next Session of the Legisâ€" lature of Ontnrio. for an Act to incorporate a. Company to construct 3 Railway from some point in the Citv of Toronto, or vicinity, to some point in the City of Hamilton, or vicinity, and thence to one or more points on the Niagara. River, such Act to contain all the powers necess- ary for such purpose, and such as are usually embodied in similinr Acts. The Company to be called the ’ Toronto, Hamilton & Bulalo» RAILWAY COMPANY. Dept. of Railway: and Camus, Ottawa, Oct. 24th 1881. LIBERAL 'IN TONE, RaiEway Construction. SOLICITOR FOR APPLICANTH Toronto,Nov. 12th, 1881. 6 LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Tend» for Work in British Columbia! Norther-n Me NOTICE! NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. 8.1121 Dominionlnspector of LivVéVStthéE YOU MAY TAKE, BE BUR] AND TAKE WHATEVER NEWSPAPER Conducted by D. A. Jones, Beaten N0 PARTY CONNECTIONS. "QUATRE BRAS.†BUT SUPPORTS 0N EVERY QUESTION Agricultural Department. Conducted by "RUsTIcUsJ†EACH SUBSCRIBER TO THE Conducted by Dr. Andres. W. H. BEATTY, A. MOODIE. “HABâ€" IT IS Montreal. Becr'etlry.